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Marvin Zeson A


In network security the objectives are to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, availability,
authenticity, and accountability of a information system resources. Such as hardware, software,
firmware, data, and telecommunication.
Confidentiality refers to limiting information access and disclosure to authorized users -- "the
right people" -- and preventing access by or disclosure to unauthorized ones -- "the wrong people." .
Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of information resources. Availability refers, unsurprisingly, to the
availability of information resources. An information system that is not available when you need it is
almost as bad as none at all. It may be much worse, depending on how reliant the organization has
become on a functioning computer and communications infrastructure.
In security attack, its divided into passive and active attack. In passive attack, the attacker just
read and analyze the data/traffic in the network. Example is read message and analyze traffic. But in
active attack, the attacker actively disrupt the data communication between system, such as
masquarade, replay, modify message, denial of service.
Some security services that essential to achieve the objective is authentication, access control,
data confidentiality, data integrity, and non repudiation.
Some mechanism to achieve network security is encipherment to encipher sent data, digital
signature, access control, data integrity, authentication exchange, traffic padding, routing control,

1. Ebook Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice, 5th Edition
2. http://it.med.miami.edu/x904.xml

Classic encryption method also known as symmetry encryption model. The process start with
receiving the plaintext input then start the enciphering process with a specific key. The result of
enciphering process is cipher text. When the message reach destination the cipher text is deciphered
with the same key that being used in the enciphering process. The product of deciphering process is an
output plaintext.
Theres some specific term in encryption, plain text is the original text that not enciphered yet.
Cipher text is a text that already enciphered with a specific key. Key is a rule to do enciphering and
deciphering process. Enciphering is a process to convert from plain text into cipher text. Deciphering is a
process to convert cipher text into plain text.
Example of substitution method is a caesar cipher, caesar cipher shift all the character in
message according to the given key buat caesar cipher have a weakness cause theres only 25 possible
result. Monoalphabetic cipher method is calculate the relative frequency of character that appear in the
ciphered message then compare it with standard relative frequency of english letter. Polyalphabetic
character method is shifting every character differently according to the given key. The key is repeated
until it has the same length with the message, so the message and key have a different length. One time
pad is same with polyalphabetic cipher but the key and the message must have the same length.
Transposition method is method that hide the message by rearrange the letter order without
altering the actual letter used. Rail fence method arrange the letter zig zag then it arrange the text into
a ciphered text. Another method that use transposition method is row transposition method. The key in
row transposition method show how the letter arranged into ciphered text

Sumber: 1. Ebook Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice, 5th Edition

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