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Yati Pacakam

dehaid-av< pirmajRyNt AaTmanmaTmNyvlaekyNt>,

vedaNtvaKye;u sda rmNtae i]amae[ c tuimNt>,

naNt< n mXy< n bih> SmrNt> kaEpInvNt> olu -aGyvNt>. 4.

ivzaekvNt> k[EkvNt> kaEpInvNt> olu aGyvNt>. 1.

dehdibhva parimrjayanta tmnamtmanyavalokayanta.

nnta na madhya na bahi smaranta kaupnavanta khalu bhgyavanta ..

vednta vakyeu sad ramanto bhiknna mtrea ca tuimanta .

viokavanta karuaikavanta kaupnavanta khalu bhgyavanta ..1..
The ones who revel all the time in the sentences of Vednta and the ones who are
content with the food that comes through alms (unasked), the ones who are free
from sorrow and are a personification of compassion, even though they have
nothing save the loin-cloth (their only possessions), are indeed the blessed of the

mUl< trae> kevlmayNt> pai[y< aemmyNt>,

kNwaimv Imip kTsyNt> kaEpInvNt> olu aGyvNt>. 2.
mlataro kevalamrayanta pidvaya bhoktumamatrayanta .
kanthmiva rmapi kutsayanta kaupnavanta khalubhgyavanta .. 2..
The ones who have taken refuge under the trees, have only their two palms to
serve as vessels for food, the ones who shun wealth as even a quilt made of rags
of cloth, even though they are dressed just in a loin cloth are indeed the blessed
of the lot.

SvanNdave pirtuimNt> s<zaNt sveRiNy imNt>,

AhinRz< i[ yee rmNt> kaEpInvNt> olu aGyvNt>. 3.
svnandabhve parituimanta santa sarvendriya dimanta
aharnia brahmai ye ramanta kaupnavanta khalubhgyavanta ..3..
The ones who are totally content with the happiness that is oneself, whose senseorgans & organs of action have become quiet or free from transactions, the ones
who revel in Brahman every moment, even though they have just the loin-cloth
(their only possessions), indeed are the blessed of the lot.

The ones who are cleansed of all identifications with the body, etc, and who see
the self within themselves, neither thinking about beginning, middle or end, even
though they have just the loincloth (their only possessions) are indeed blessed
of the lot.

pa]r< pavnmurNt> pit< pzUna< id avyNt>,

i]azna id]u pirmNt> kaEpInvNt> olu aGyvNt>. 5.
packara pvanamuccaranta pati panam hdi bhvayanta .
bhikan diku paribhramanta kaupnavanta khalu bhgyavanta ..5..
The ones who utter or repeat the holy Pacakar mantra, the ones who
constantly meditate on the Lord of Paus-Paupati- Lord iva in their hearts and
move about in all directions just for seeking alms (food to appease hunger), even
though they have the loin cloth (their only possessions) are indeed the blessed of
the lot.

#it ImTprmh<s pirajkacayRSy I gaeivNd -gvt! pUJy pad iz:ySy Imt! zr

-gvt> ktaE yit pk< s<pUR[m!

Thus ends the text called yati pacakam composed by rimat ankara
bhagavatpda, disciple of the holy r govinda bhagavatpda,
renunciate belonging to the paramahasa order.

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