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Seven Steps to Creating a Life of

Miracles and Joy

by Joseph Gallenberger, Ph.D.

Many of us face challenging times in finances, career, relationships, or

health at some point in our lives. We may feel powerless against the
economic, social, and family forces around us and live our lives feeling
bogged down or hampered by our circumstances, not knowing how to
change our lives for the better.

I have found that we can indeed have tremendous influence over what
quality of life we experience. In my book, Inner Vegas: Creating
Miracles Abundance, and Health, I explore in detail the idea that are
things we can do to create an enhanced, abundant reality for
ourselves. I back my discoveries with current science and the
experience of hosting over sixty-five Inner Vegas Adventure
workshops over the past 15 years. In these workshops we use the
casino as a classroom to learn how to create desired outcomes
consistently. When we are in the right pattern of energy we achieve
results that would only occur once in a thousand times by chance.
In my home study course, SyncCreation, these thoughts are
translated into the tools and exercises for its students to achieve this
power in their broader lives, producing miracles of healing and joyful
manifestations in finances, careers, and relationships. From my
experience with this work I have found the following seven principles
that I consider essential to creating a life of happiness, good health,
and abundance:


Step One - Positive manifestation is empowered by positive energy.

The highest quality and most powerful energy flows from a loving
heart. So regardless of what is happening in your life now, live as
much as possible in open-hearted gratitude and compassion. Find
things, regardless of how small, to celebrate about yourself, all others,
and the universe. Appreciating beauty and grace in all their forms can
help take you there. Even simply putting your hand over your heart
and bringing your awareness there, will help quiet the overactive mind
and serve to increase your heart power.

Step Two - Being well-grounded (which means being strongly

connected to the present moment here/now, and not worrying about
the past or future) is a key secret to potent creation. Bring your
awareness and spirit fully into your body; suffuse your body with
energy and light; listen to what your body and emotions are saying to
you, as they are brimming with wise guidance. Then feel a strong
connection with the earth, so that you are fully spirit and flesh at the
same time.
Principle Three - View the spiritual world as solid, strong, and real
and the physical world as highly changeable by your energy and
thought. Spirit is the foundation from which to change the physical. Use
the affirmation: I now claim my dominion and create my reality to
reinforce your position of responsibility and effectiveness.

Step Four - To form your goals, discover what would make your heart
sing if unfettered by limits. Worthy goals are to be treasured as they
excite your heart and create passion. See your dream as if it were real
right now, fully enjoying how good this manifestation will feel and how it

will benefit others. When starting to focus on something that you desire
to create, invite your intentions to have surprisingly positive results. Be
open to the delightfully unexpected. Remember patience sweetens
passion! It can take time for strongly negative patterns to change to
positive ones, so note and appreciate even small signs of progress.
Step Five - Detach from results and from the way it has to happen
with full trust that goodness will come to you in the manner and timing
that is best for your highest purpose. Refresh your energy and
visualizations of what you desire organically, when it feels right to do
so. Obsessively pushing for what you want implies lack of trust and is

Step Six - Remember - Fear is expensive and love is priceless

choose wisely. Fear is truly a prayer for what you do not want. To
manifest smoothly and quickly, your desire must be substantially
greater than your fear. For example, if your fear of being jobless is
greater than your desire to find the best job for you, then it is likely that
your fear will be manifested rather than your ideal job. It is like a
balance scale, where if on one side fear is at 60% and desire on the
other side is at 40%, it is likely that you will get more of what you fear.
If fear is occupying 40% of your energy and thought, and desire 60%,
then manifestation of what you want is more likely but often
accompanied by glitches and slowness. As you approach 20% fear
and 80% desire it is likely that what you desire will manifest strongly
and quickly.

You do not have to be perfect in this. Some fear is a natural part of

anything new. Fear in all its forms, from procrastination, doubt,

cynicism, impatience, self-criticism, etc., can be very challenging to

release, especially if it is held in life-long patterns. Use meditation,
prayer, friendships, coaches, and courses to help you release these
limits. Yet sometimes all that is needed is to simply and nonjudgmentally notice a fear, see that it no longer serves you, and then
just imagine gently bubbling it away.

Step Seven - Send positive energy and non-judgment to everyone.

See what will help them express themselves most joyfully in this
moment (rather than just what they can do for you), for this attracts
others to help and guide you. Be joyfully generous with yourself and
others, in terms of money, smiles, time, attention, and thought, and the
universe will be generous with you.

Happy Manifesting!
Dr. Joe Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist wit 30 years
experience. A dynamic, heart-driven speaker, Dr. Gallenberger is in
demand internationally on topics such as psychokinesis, energy
healing, and manifestation. He is a senior facilitator at the Monroe
Institute and created its highly successful MC program. He developed
SyncCreation a Home Study in Manifestation and teaches his Inner
Vegas Adventure workshops in Las Vegas. He is the author of Inner
Vegas: Creating Miracles, Abundance and Health.


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