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My name is Deka. My full name is Deka Erfiana. I dont have a sure name. I am 20 years old.

My home address is Jalan Raya Losari No 4 . I am moslem. I am still single of course. My zodiac is
Libra. My phone number is 082133797261. My Favorite food is friedrice. My hobies are singing and
watching movies. I also love listen to music or visiting to my sibling's house in my spare time. Other
than that, I love to travel as well.
I am tall but not too tall. I am rather fat too. I Tend to be exceedingly curious about everything.
Usually I have a strong drive to be the best at whatever I set my mind to doing. however, I also tend to
I Tend to be loners, and keep my self isolated from others;
My house is not big but beautiful. There are 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 dining room ,1 kitchen and
1 toilet. There are 3 animals in my house, they are all cats. There is one tree in front of my house, its
mango tree. Beside the house there is a garage, to save the motorcycle. I have a small family. My
father is Mr.Kholid, he is 45 years old, he is a businessman. My mother is Mrs. Patimah, she is 40
years old, she is a house wife. Oh yes, I have one sister and one brother. My sister is Aisyah, she is 12
years old, she is an elementary school student. My brother is Muzaffar, he is not a student yet.
I am a college student at Semarang State University. and I'm trying to get ahead
in preparing for college by getting good grades and participating in
extracurricular activities. My GPA is 3.43. I am a member of the student council.
the student councils name is Hima Jurusan Manajemen. I am a member of the
choir group at my faculty (an extracurricular). I have many friends there. They
come from any country in indonesia.
I believe I should win a scholorship because I am a very passionate person. My
goal is to make a change in the world, to do what ever I can to bring Nations
together. I have never let something that I love and that I am passionate about
get away from me. I have a 3.43 grade point average, it might be the best but i
worked so hard to get it there. Even though i feel that my passion is in
management and in finance, I take upper level math and economics coarses to
push myself and be the best person I can. i have two siblings, my young sister is
an elementary school and young brother will become a student next year. And
well this will be extremly hard on my parents money wise. so i am trying to do
anything to get scholarships to help me for college. My parents really dont have
the money to pay for me to go to school.If i was able to get the money to go to
school I would be able to fulfill my dream of graduating with a economic degree.
Thats why I believe i deserve a scholorship. well i would love to win this
My college address is Jalan Banaran Gunung Pati Semarang.

Hello my name is .... my nickname is .... I was born on March 25

1993 i living in Chiangmai (Northern of Thailand) with my big
family.I live with my mother and relative (grandmom , uncle


my father not living with us but he's not divorce with my mother
or has a new family he just separate because he has a lot of
works to do.he is a politician.Me and my mother understand him.I

meet my father every weekend or 2 -3 times for week. we will







I don't have any brother or sister so that's make me boring

sometimes but i do not sad about it because i'm not kind of
person.I'm an active, easy-going and talkative person i mean i







Self-Confident is my charactor hahaha that why i think i different

from other student but sometimes i have too much confident it's
not good to me (i know that) I love sport! hahaha Basketball
Batminton Volleyball etc. i like to try new things (*Except if it too






In thailand i can't play ski because We don't have snow in here

that's make me sad a little i wish it's will be snow one day in the
future (*crying on her face with a wistful eyes) Oh and not just
only sport i also love music too. i can say music is my life ( * Big



i can play piano, guitar (just a little) and some thai musical
well..actually i can play more than i have write but i can't play it





I mostly love listen to the music I like RnB and some of hiphop
i don't like sadness songs because it's make me feel blue...wow i
think i have write too much about music haha (back to myself) i
interested in other languages spanish polish german something
about social cultures & lifes. In my free time i like to play
computer,sleep,listen to music, read about philophy When i was
young my mom always bought me philophy books so i familiar
with philophy and i admit i don't like to read a comic book like



as i told before i'm an easy-going person but i'm not going to tell
that i'm a good child or excellent. nobody born with perfect things
i honestly to tell that sometime i'm a lazy person like other









My ambition is be a rich business woman and the lawyer in the



so i must to study hard and be more mature. I hope that my life

will be better and better and I hope that my stay in America will a
rewarding experience with no troubles. Finally, I hope all my
dreams will come true. I will be very happy if I succeed in my





please help me make it correct i have to write it to my host family

i will go to study in usa or if u have any idea please comment me
Nama saya Anggi Permata Dewi, saya lahir di Jakarta 19 Desember 1993. Saya memiliki
ibu dan bapak yang amat menyayangi saya, terlebih lagi di tambah dengan dua saudara
kandung saya yang begitu lucu dan menggemaskan. Saya dibesarkan di daerah Ibukota,
tepatnya di Jakarta. Tempat dan kota yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Ya,
Jakarta memanglah menjadi salah satu kota yang padat penduduknya.
Saya memulai pendidikan saya sejak berusia 5 tahun, waktu itu saya langsung di
daftarkan ke TK B oleh orang tua saya. Karena kemampuan membaca saya yang sudah
lumayan mahir saya pun tidak perlu lagi masuk TK A terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu saya
memasuki Sekolah Dasar (SD) umur 6 tahun. Ya, waktu itu belum ada ketentuan seperti
sekarang yang boleh masuk SD apabila sudah berusia 7 tahun, peraturan memang
berubah seiring berjalannya waktu.
Kemudian memasuki Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) saya sangat senang karena saya
memasuki SMP unggulan pada masa itu. Memasuki SMP saya mulai aktif di dalam

organisasi. Waktu itu organisasi pertama yang saya ikuti adalah Paskibra, PMR, dan
Futsal. Menginjak Sekolah Menegah Atas (SMA) saya cukup sedih karena saya tidak bisa
mendapatkan sekolah SMA Negeri unggulan di karenakan tempatnya yang lumayan jauh.
Akhirnya sayapun memilih untuk bersekolah di salah satu SMA swasta terbaik di Jakarta
Masa-masa SMA memanglah menjadi masa-masa yang paling indah. Begitulah
kebanyakan orang berkata apabila ia sedang mengenang masa sekolahnya, terlebih lagi
di masa SMA. Sewaktu SMA entah mengapa ke tertarikan saya dengan Paskibra semakin
melonjak, setelah melihat atraksi MOS oleh kakak-kakak senior. Akan tetapi saya harus
menjadi anggota OSIS apabila saya ingin mengikuti salah satu exkul tersebut. Dari situ
saya mulai tidak percaya diri karena jujur saya amat sangat tidak menyukai OSIS di
sekolah SMA saya waktu itu, dikarenakan seniornya yang terkenal galak apabila
sudahmemakai jaket dan baret. Kenapa saya tidak suka OSIS di SMA saya dan kenapa
OSIS di SMA saya memakai jaket dan baret, karena OSIS di SMA saya memiliki pendidikan
dasar sebagai SEMI MILITER.
Enam bulan masa-masa SMA terlewati, saatnya pemilihan OSIS di era tahun pelajaran
baru pun di adakan. Saya merasa tenang karena saya yakin saya tidak mungkin terpilih,
tidak perlu repot ini itu. Akan tetapi betapa terkejutnya saya ketika nama saya di panggil
oleh Kepala Sekolah saat itu. Dengan hati yang amat sangat berat pun akhirnya saya
maju kedepan bersama teman-teman yang lain, yang juga telah disebutkan namanya.
Pelantikan pun dimulai. Seleksi demi seleksi kami lewati. Sekolah 7 hari full, tanpa ada
istirahat.hari minggu kami gunakan untuk latihan, latihan dan latihan. 3 hari 2 malam
kami melaksanakan tempat diklat sekaligus pelantikan di dearah purwakarta, desa
Bojong, jawa barat. Di sana mental dan fisik kami benar-benar di latih. Hari ke 3 kami di
turunkan di GOR Bekasi. Ya, kami harus melewati satu rintangan lagi, yaitu (long march)
kata-kata yang selalu digunakan para senior untuk kata lain dari perjalanan jauh, dari
GOR bekasi sampai Sekolah kami tercinta SMA Ksatrya Jakarta Pusat.
Malam itu pukul 21.00 WIB setelah melakukan Apel dan mendengarkan sedikit sambutan
dari kepala sekolah kami melakukan long march dari GOR Bekasi ke Jakarta. Mungkin
agak sedikit konyol jalan jauh dari Bekasi ke Jakarta hanya demi sebuah jaket dan baret
tapi dari situlah saya paham mengapa kakak senior kami selalu bersikap tegas ketika
menggunakan seragam yang amat sakral tersebut.
Sekitar puluk 03.00 WIB dini hari kami tiba di sekolah kami. Rasa lelah tak lagi kami
rasakan setelah kami sampai di sekolah. Menjelang upacara pukul 07.00 WIB kami para
calon anggota OSIS tahun ajaran baru mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya. Hingga
tibalah waktu yang sangat kami nantikan, karena saya ingin tahu siapa diantara 20 calon
anggota OSIS ini yang akan terpilih menjadi ketua OSIS.
Sambutan demi sambutan telah selesai. Tibalah saat dimana Pak kepala Sekolah
menyebutkan 2 nama yang akan menjadi peran penting pada sekolah tersebut. Nama
pertama waktu itu untuk jabatan Sekretaris 1 dengan nama Yuni Yanti. Hati saya semakin
berdebar, saya mulai putus asa untuk mendengar nama saya di sebut oleh pak kepala
sekolah. Saya berfikir tidak mungkin OSIS dengan dasar semi militer di pimpin oleh ketua
seorang wanita. Tapi betapa terkejut saya ketika pak kepala sekolah menyebut nama
saya sebagai Ketua OSIS periode 2010/2011 saya hampir tak percaya, bagaimana tidak
saya terpilih dan dipercaya sebagai ketua pada periode itu.
Sebelum kedepan untuk di pasangkan jaket dan baret terlebih dahulu saya melihat wajah
kedua orang tua saya yang tersenyum bahagia melihat saya terpilih. Saya bisa terpilih
dan mengalahkan semua kandidat atas berkat doa dan dukungan dari kedua orang tua
saya. Kebahagiaan saya tak hanya berhenti disitu. Saat menginjak kelas XI dan kecintaan
saya dengan Paskibra saya Mampu membawa nama baik sekolah saya di bidang
Pendidikan Baris-Berbaris (PBB) saya mewakilkan sekolah menjadi anggota PASKIBRAKA

Walikota Jak-Pus periode 2009. Selain itu sayapernah menjuarai Lomba Latihan
Gabungan Antar DKI Jakarta menjadi juara pertama sebagai Danton, Komandan dan
Peserta baris-berbaris.
Menginjak bangku kuliah, saya memilih untuk beristirahat dan tidak mengikuti segala
bentuk organisasi yang ada. Bukan karena saya tidak ingin menjadi mahasiswa aktif,
hanya saja saya ingin beristirahat pada segala jenis kegiatan dan fokus dengan kuliah.
Menurut teman teman saya, saya adalah pribadi yang keibuan namun menyenangkan
karena banyak yang mengatakan bahwa mereka nyaman berteman dengan saya dan
saya pun menyadari hal tersebut. Saya adalah pendengar yang baik, saya sering
dijadikan tempat curhat oleh teman-teman saya. Saya terkesan pemalu dan lebih cuek
bila baru mengenal seseorang, namun itu hanyalah gambaran sementara, setelah jauh
mengenal saya, pasti semua hal yang dikatakan tersebut akan berbanding terbalik. Saya
cukup mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru, sehingga saya cepat dengan
mudah mendapatkan pertemanan. sering juga saya merasa bosan apabila mendapatkan
hal-hal yang tidak berubah dalam suatu lingkungan, ataupun situasi yang membuat saya
bosan ( hal menunggu itulah yang membuat saya bosan ).
Saya termasuk orang yang tertutup, hanya sedikit bersikap terbuka kepada temanteman terdekat saja itupun hanya teman-teman yang bisa saya percaya saja. Saya suka
mendengarkan musik sambil bersenandung kecil. Saya suka pada hal-hal yang
menantang. Saya adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab dan baik, sehingga selama ini
belum ada hal-hal yang bermasalah dengan teman,keluarga,dan orang sekitar saya.
Saya lebih suka pada orang yang bersikap apa adanya karena mereka lebih asik untuk
diajak berteman. Saya juga tipe orang yang pemaaf, setiap kesalahan seseorang selalu
saya maafkan dan lupakan dan saya juga tidak suka orang yang pendendam.
Saya adalah seseorang yang sangat mencintai keluarga,saya lebih suka menikmati
liburan bersama keluarga dirumah dibanding bermain dengan teman, karena akhir pekan
menurut saya adalah waktu untuk keluarga,dan hari yang lain waktu untuk bekerja dan
belajar. Terkadang pula saya bermain bersama teman-teman diakhir pekan, sekedar
untuk menghilangkan penat setelah berakktifitas dalam seminggu.
Saya mempunyai hobi yang berubah-ubah. Dulu saya sangat suka dengan
bersepeda,namun seiring berjalannya waktu hobi itu tiba-tiba berubah. Saya suka sekali
dengan membaca,namun sekarang hobi itu juga sudah hilang dimakan zaman. Entah apa
yang membuat saya sendiri melupakan hobi membaca ini, terkadang sudah sibuk
dengan segala tugas, sehingga hobi yang satu ini saya tinggalkan. Dan yang baru-baru
ini hobi saya sedikit agak aneh, yaitu tidur. Apabila sudah melihat kasur,bantal,dan
guling langsung saya tertidur pulas. Bisa saya simpulkan saya seorang yang mudah
Begitulah diskripsi singkat mengenai diri saya, saya selalu berusaha untuk memperbaiki
kekurangan yang ada dalam diri saya, dan tidak menjadikan kekurangan yang ada dalam
diri saya sebagai suatu halangan untuk bisa lebih baik. Tujuan saya ingin menjadi yang
terbaik di antara yang baik. Selalu menjadi sosok yang sesederhana mungkin. Tetap
terus berdoa dan berusaha agar segala sesuatunya dapat berjalan dengan seimbang.
Karena hanya doa yang dapat merubah takdir. Sebaik-baiknya Rencana yang telah kita
buat, Rencana Tuhan Yang Maha Esa tetaplah yang paling terbaik.

As for my family, I have just one brother two year older than me. My father used to work in the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and Trade, but now he works in the Korea importers Association. My mother has
been taking care of household. My elder brother has graduated Yonsei university with bachelors
degree of the Administration, but he is still studying now as he has chosen the politics and foreign

relations to be his second major.

I have graduated Seo-i elementary school, Seo-Woon middle school both of them located in Seoul.
After that, My father was assigned to Korean Embassy in Tehran, so my family has moved to Iran and
I spent my high school life in Tehran International School. I was a little frustrated in the beginning but
gradually I got myse
15th October 2008

Have you ever been influenced by some important person that

helped you be the person that you are today? I have been. The
people that have had influence on me are the most important
humans beings, my family. But before I begin talking about my
family, I want to describe to you the place that we spend most of
the time together which also means something important to me
and my family. This place is called the family room. This room is
small but cozy. It is painted in white and has three windows
decorated with beautiful curtains. By the windows you can
appreciate a nice view of some beautiful trees and a nice pool. On
the walls there are some family photos like the ones that show
where my brothers and I were born, my graduation photo,
some family members photos like my grandparents, and some
paintings made by one of my brothers. Also inside this room there
is a nice home theater that includes a nice stereo and TV, and a
new compact computer. But this is not all, this room has some
very comfortable furniture and I can say that they are comfortable
because I use them to watch TV, a movie, or just sit and rest. Also
the furniture is used by my brothers to sit and play nitendo, to
study, or play with the computer. But from all this furniture there
is one chair that is the most cozy chair that I have ever sat upon
and that is my father's chair. So this is our room, which is very
important to us and has a lot of special things, but the most
special part of this room is when it brings my family together.

I could begin the book of my life with a picture of my parents.

They are important because they helped in my development.
Also, they gave me the things that I needed to grow up in the
moment that I needed and they still gave me everything that I
needed to become somebody in the future. Among these things is
the education that I have received all in my life, my basic needs
like food, clothes, medicine, a place to live, and the most
important thing, the love. Like for example, by being there when I
needed somebody to talk to and giving me speeches when I do
something wrong. Also, they care for me when I am sick and they
give me the necessary things to get better. They teach me good
values like how to behave, to respect other people, and to share
with other people. Sometimes they push me in certain directions
and have high expectations for me, but now I really appreciate
everything they have taught me. I understand why they do
certain things and it is because my parents want the best for me.
On certain occasions I get mad, but later appreciate their words of







Now, about the rest of my family, my two brothers all I can say is
that they are wonderful, too. With them I have learned to share,
to have fun, and to understand different points of view in different
situations. They are younger than me, but that doesn't matter
because sometimes people think that because they are older they
know everything and that is not true, we can learn from those

younger than us too. Also I have shared moments in which we

laughed, or we get sad, but there are always moments that I will

In conclusion families made the difference in many of the

situations that life gives you and without them you would be
unable to give the love and support to your children need which
they need to become mature and responsible adults. Thanks to
my family today I can said all of these things to other people.
I'm trying to describe myself in an essay (this is my 2nd trial in writing). But apparently I've lacked with
ideas. Could someone check this for me, please? Would you mind giving me more ideas in order to







My name is Maisara but I'd like to be called as Sara. I'm 29 years old and a married woman. I'm the
second child and the only girl among my 3 brothers in my nuclear family. I'm very closed with my
parents and all of my siblings especially with my youngest brother since he lived with me and my
I think my family tree is unique because I have a cross-cultural extended family. I have uncles and
aunts (from my father side) with a different religious beliefs and cultures which are Christian, Buddhist,
Hindu and Pagan. Therefore, we always had a great time gathering together especially when it comes
to a festival and celebration days like on Eid Al-Fitr, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Diwali and
wedding ceremonies as well. In fact, this is a common situation in my country especially in my home
Malaysia actually has two regions which are Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo (also known
as East Malaysia) and they're separated by South China Sea. I live in Sabah which is situated in
Borneo. In my country, Sabah is also known as A Land below the Wind'. We have several of
mountains along with a green mountain ranges and natural lifes. We also have lots of beautiful island
and white sandy beaches along our coast. It's a right destination for people who love snorkeling or


I also love to watch film, listen to music or visiting to my sibling's house in my spare time. Other than

that, I love to travel as well. My husband and I always spend our holidays to go to new places whether








I took Psychology Counselling while I was in University. After I graduated, I work as a Counsellor in
Juvenile Centre which is been under Social Welfare Department for about 5 years. I love my job
because it gives me a lot of experiences and shows me a different range of life backgrounds and
human behaviours specifically for the youth. All these experiences are useful to myself and make me











However, sometimes I've had a hard time since there are a lot of challenges as well. But even so, I've
tried to look in a positive side, because I know dealing with human isn't an easy thing. In order to
improve my work performance and myself, I believe there are still many things I have to learn, and




Thank you in advance for any help.







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