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Volunteer Helpers Pamphlet

Welcome to Glyncoed Primary School.

Thank you for volunteering to help our pupils. We hope that you find this
pamphlet useful. For more detailed information about the individual
classes, please speak to the relevant teachers.
We wish to make you aware that, with the exception of school trips and
Forest School sessions, it is our policy that parents do not help within
their childs class as this can be distracting for the child, hinder our aim
to foster and encourage independence.
The reason you are in school is to help children learn.
It is important, therefore, to understand the main
objective of the lesson for the child or group you are
working with. Knowing the intended outcome of an activity
will affect the way you help the child. The teacher will
always try to make this clear to you. If for some reason it
is not, dont be afraid to ask.
Should a problem arise during an activity, please bring it to
the attention of the teacher.
IF A CHILD IS STRUGGLING: It is when children
are grappling with tasks, that learning takes place.
Try not to step in too quickly if a child appears
to be experiencing problems. For instance,
children often appear to be struggling over
words when reading. There is a good chance that
they are using all the techniques they have been
taught to decode the words and meaning in the
text. If you jump straight in, it deprives the
child of the chance to use phonic skills or clues
from the previous sentence and pictures to work out the problem
word. Instead, wait a while to see if he/she self-corrects and if
not, ask questions to guide him/her to the word.
Similarly with practical work, discuss the task with the child, rather than
take over, even if it seems too difficult. Quite often,
support, gentle questions and praise are enough to ensure
success and a happy child.
We expect the children to be responsible for their own
tidying up. It is appropriate to supervise and help out if a
child is struggling, but dont do too much. We want our
children to be independent.

Volunteer Helpers Pamphlet

BEHAVIOUR: The behaviour of the children is very important to us and

is based strongly on mutual respect. If you see a child behaving
inappropriately, please tell him/her calmly that you think what they are
doing is incorrect and explain why. If you are not sure about this or the
child does not respond positively, then tell the class teacher or teaching
assistant. The best approach, though, is to be positive: CATCH THEM
CONFIDENTIALITY: Being a helper in school will mean that you will see
first hand the learning of all the children in our school community. As
such, you will over time build up a good knowledge of the abilities and
attitudes of a wide range of children. You will see children praised and
children reprimanded. You will see them succeed and you will see them
struggle with their learning. School is the safest environment for all this
to happen and it is vitally important that all this information stays within
school. Please repeat nothing you see or hear about individual children
to anyone outside of the school.. I am sure,
thinking of your own children, you can see the
importance of this.
Any conversation with parents outside school is a
breach of the schools confidence. Even quite
innocent comments could be misunderstood by
other parents. It is therefore important to treat
anything you hear or see in school with regard to
particular children as being in absolute confidence
and entirely a matter within the school.
Similarly you may find that parents who are friends will ask about the
progress or behaviour of their children in school. Again, this is a matter
requiring a great deal of tact on your part and it is very important that
you suggest that if they are worried in any way about their child then
they must discuss the matter themselves with the head or the class

Child Protection: Children sometimes confide in the adults who work

with them information of a sensitive nature. In the event of this
happening please refer this matter immediately to the Head teacher,
or in her absence, the class teacher. This matter will be noted and
dealt with, in line with school policy.

Volunteer Helpers Pamphlet

SECURITY: We ask all visitors to the school to come

to the office sign in and collect a visitors badge. This
might seem unnecessary in a small school where we try
to create a family atmosphere, but it is important if
we are to help the children identify and make
decisions about strangers.
CRB DISCLOSURE: It is school policy to ask all
helpers to undergo CRB checks before they assist in school.
PERSONAL SAFETY: For your own safety and
that of children in your care we ask that you
acquaint yourself with the School Fire Evacuation
Procedures, nearest fire exits
and fire break points. All this
information can be found near
the main entrance. Any accidents
or near misses for both children
and adults must be recorded in the Accident Book to
comply with school policy. If needed, there are four
members of staff that are trained in First Aid; they are
Mrs Hooper Y1 Mrs Smith Y2 Juniors: Mrs Johnson
First Aid boxes are to be found on all levels of the
school. Please ensure you know the location of the box nearest to your
area of work.


us know if you are unable to come in as arranged.
Work is planned around the people available, so
please get in touch as soon as you know you will not
be available.

Once again the staff of the school value your involvement enormously. By
giving your time regularly we are able to plan more group activities, which
require supervision and enhance childrens learning.
Thank you.
Mrs Elizabeth Beevers

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