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Richella Ellain Fey M.


V. Assignment
1. An activity done outside the classroom/at home to:
- reinforce or enrich the days lesson
- set the materials that students have to bring to school to
Implement the next lesson.

1. The activity should help attain the days lesson objective. It should be interesting and
differentiated (with provision for remedial, reinforcement and enrichment activities.)

My Description
Approach/ Method

Upon reading the given notes,


1. Deductive Method

1. The teacher tells or shows directly

what he/she wants to teach. This is also
referred to as direct instruction.

2. Inductive Method

2. Instruction makes use of student

noticing. Instead of explaining a given
concept and following this explanation
with examples, the teacher presents
students with many examples showing
how the concept is used. The intent is for
students to notice, by way of the
examples, how the concept works

3. demonstration Method

3. The demonstration method of teaching

shows learners how to do a task using
sequential instructions with the end goal
of having learners perform the tasks
independently. Demonstrations can be
used to provide examples that enhance
lectures and to offer effective hands-on,
inquiry-based learning opportunities in
classes or labs. Used in classes of all
sizes in multiple grade and subject areas,
demonstrations are most commonly
found in science and technology courses.

4. Problem Solving

4. Problem solving is a teaching strategy

that employs the scientific method in
instructors wish to enhance the problem
solving skills of their students. There is
no agreed upon protocol to solve all
problems but there are some general
steps that are applicable in many

5. Discovery Method

5. This method is similar to the structured

problem solving method except that
student teams are asked to find the
information they need to solve the
problem on their own without the benefit
of a mini-lecture. The instructor can
structure a multi-layer discovery task.
This way groups to ensure that groups
that work faster than other groups can
delve more deeply into the problem

6. Project Method

6. Teaching method the requires the

students to present in concrete form the
results of information gathered about a
concept, principle or innovation.

7. Constructivist Approach

7. The students are expected to construct

knowledge and meaning out for what
they are taught by connecting them to
prior experience.

8. Metacognitive Approach

teaching process brings the learner to the
process of thinking about thinking. The
learner reflects on what he learned and
on his/her ways of learning.

9. Integrative Approach

9. An integrative approach is the

idea of integrating or combining aspects
of several different schools of thought to
promote wellness.

My Analysis
Answer the following questions:
1. Which approaches/methods will be grouped together? Why? E.g. direct method and
deductive method?
Those approaches which are more Teacher-Centered like the
Deductive approach, Demonstration method, problem solving method and the
metacognitive approach. All of which the main idea comes from the teacher and mostly
this approaches / methods invite more participation among learners.
2. Which approaches/methods are more interactive? Less interactive?
The integrative
approach is by far the most interactive in teaching as students participation does not
require definite answers since most of it will be from direct experiences of the learners.
The less interactive however, is the metacognitive approach. This is because most
learners have not developed the metacognitive strategies; they are still experiencing the
"shock and awe" state of the new information learned and process it. Also Metacognitive
strategy instruction is not well practiced in today's classrooms due to inadequate
resources and lack of professional development.
3. When should be the direct method be used?
When we used the indirect method, the
development of the ideal is set up as the objective and is made the center of discussion
and the object of thought. We say, Let us develop the trait of neatness". And we discuss
ways and means by which this can be done.
4. When should be the indirect method be used?
When we use the indirect method, the
procedure is reversed. The ideal is subordinated to the activity. For instance, in working
problems in arithmetic, the objective is to reach a solution, but in doing this we make a
decision with regard to the ideals which shall control the situation.

5. When approaches/methods promote learning to live together?

In everyday school
life, the involvement of teachers and pupils in common projects can help to teach a
method for resolving conflicts and provide a valuable source of reference for pupils in
later life. Learning to Live Together

My Reflections
What is the best method of teaching? Is there such thing?

The best method of teaching is considering how to teach students is to

acknowledge that each student does not learn in the same way. This means that if
the teacher chooses just one style of teaching (direct instruction, collaborative
learning, inquiry learning, etc.), the students will not be maximizing their learning
potential. Obviously, a teacher cannot reach every student on the same level during
one lesson, but implementing a variety of learning styles throughout the course
allows all the students will have the chance to learn in at least one way that
matches their learning style. No, because there is not one method of learning. There
are different learning styles which are described in different models. One simple one
would be that some people learn new things visually, some auditory, and some
kinesthetically, which means that they have to be hands-on. That's why teachers
have to be so versatile and use a variety of methods to teach and review material
so that they can reach all learners.

My Portfolio
1. By means of a graphic organizer show the characteristics of a constructivist and a
metacognitive approach.

W e
L e
a Mr na i
i n gn
C o n t
r ib u
to rs

K n o w
le d g
e o f
L e a r
n e r
h i

L e a
rn i
n g
G o
a ls

C o n s t
r u c t iv
is t
A p p r o
a c h


s t r a t e g ie s
p e rfo rm a n c e

M e ta c o
g n it iv e
A p p ro a

th e
ta s k

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