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California is a state of wild possibilities.

Great inventions and

products are created every day, but many failures and close call
crashes occur just as frequently. California is often mocked and teased
by other states and countries about current mishaps and bad luck. The
state is close to impossible to govern and highly dysfunctional due to
conflicting leaders and citizens. Unemployment rates soared high in
the past years and as those rates jumped, so did the number of house
foreclosures. Unpaid homes put the state in debt causing companies to
send IOU’s to employees. Over extended droughts raise the likelihood
of wildfires and illegal immigration results in overcrowded cities and
California has many problems that certainly need to be
addressed, but what people do not realize is how quickly those
disappear and new ones reappear. Big city gangs and drug lords are
threats to the public safety as well as the fault line that runs through
the state. Abuse of resources such as water and electricity are major
issues as well.
The real issue of California is the budget. California has been in a
recession for the past couple of years. It is not the fault of any one
individual or company, but the fault of the citizens and buyers. People
of California tend to look for opportunities that fall in their favor, which
is often seen as “freeloading”, most usually among money and taxes.
New homeowners are constantly struggling with monthly bills and the
leech of loans on their backs. Buyers eventually move out of a bought
home or are foreclosed, and the house price goes down. The state
looses money and the best decision is to make cutbacks. California has
closed state parks and released prisoners in order to try and save up
the lost money. But it wasn’t good enough. California cut back on
education as well, and this has caused underpaid teachers to be paid
even less. The cutbacks don’t only affect the employees; they affect
the students as well. They pay thousands of dollars each year to earn
an education they can’t have anymore.
California is a leader in almost every aspect. It has the largest
population, largest number of homes, and largest businesses.
California is a large scale state, so when something bad happens, the
problem is also increased to a large scale. An issue may seem
immense, but in reality, it can be fixed just as easily as it was caused.
Whenever there is a financial problem, everyone panics. People think
that the end is near.
But how is such a diverse and separated state so successful and
connected? Considering the different environments of California, one
would think that the state would split apart. But California has learned
to supply for all these special areas that work together to create a
profitable income and export of resources and goods. Inland California
produces food to supply to the world. Northern California produces
wine and technology. Coastal California is environmentally friendly and
they are the pioneers for energy efficient products and lifestyles.
Southern industrial California creates movie stars, politicians, and ties
to countries around the world. Considering all the possible money
income of California, it seems almost impossible that the state will
crash anytime soon.
California is one of the nations pioneers in environmental and
technological research and development. The first solar panel fields
were set in the sunny central valley and deserts in order to supply
greener energy to big cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and
Sacramento. Independent houses and buildings are constantly being
constructed in order to promote environmentally safe living and
operation for every structure from factories to apartments. Safety
agencies require companies to decrease their emission levels by 12%
each year in order to continue operation. New laws are falling into
place to help support these cleaner behaviors.
Car companies such as Honda and Toyota have become leaders
in zero emissions vehicles. It seems as though each year, a better,
safer, cleaner, and cooler car is displayed on the market and sells like
crazy. Hybrid cars are a common sight on the roads of California.
These Hybrid cars tend to use all the energy possible. Gasoline,
electricity, friction, and solar powers are all used to run a vehicle,
without any form, or near zero, emissions. The goal of these car
companies is to create cars that aren’t dependent on fossil fuels. Cars
that run only on natural generated electricity are the way of the future.
So once again, California is certainly not close to economic
destruction any time soon. The great thing about California is the way
failures can teach the people. Sure, California industries have hard
times and fail all the time, but they always rise out of the ashes to
create something better. Without the failures, there would be nothing
to improve or enhance. And with each success, there is always more to
do in order to make it better. With each new and harder challenge, an
easier and more efficient solution becomes visible. And therefore,
California has created a balance between destruction and creation in
order to promote better living for its citizens.

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