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Check for accessibility of the user menu button

Explanation: The options have tabindex set correctly
and the user is able to use the button Tab to
navigate between this options

Comments: Also there is no cancel or close button to

close the poppup this is not a popup, this is a
dropdown and a dropdown doesn't have cancel or
close button.

2.Login Page - Register Now - Enter the valid fields

a) Explanation: Aria-required and aria-invalid are
used for the mandatory fields
b) Explanation: When register button is clicked by
leaving few fields blank, the focus of the screen
reader doesn't move to the error message. The
error message doesn't have a box, is just red text so
you are not able to see the focus, but the tabindex is
set correctly :
c) Explanation : Both the password fields have the
same label, the second field could be labelled as
"confirm password". The second label is set
correctly :

3.The videos are not arranged under headings, most

viewed, most commented, featured etc should be
level 2 headings and the videos under these as level 3
headings with links to access.
a) Explanation: This categories have headings. I
cannot put a link to category title because there we
have a slider in order to show all the videos from the
specific category.

4.Video Player Adjust volume

a) Explanation: The user is able to adjust the volume
of the player because the tabindex is set correctly.

Comments: When clicking on the volume button, it

mutes and unmutes the video this is the correct
behavior for every player ( check youtube or any other
player ). The volume appears on hover and you can
adjust it.

5. The aria-label of these buttons contains the word

"tab" which needs to be removed. Currently jaws
reads these buttons as programme information tab
button ETC.
a) Explanation: The word TAB is removed from html.

6. The comments edit area doesn't have a label.

a) Explanation: The comments edit area does have a

7. Check if the list of programmes are displayed

correctly. This table seems to be a layout table, hence
the role = "presentation" should be used.
a) Explanation: The role presentation is used.

8.Check for the page for uploading the videos

Comments : I need informations about the file types
that are accepted.

9.There are no landmarks on the page. Use

role="banner", "main" contentinfo" and "navigation"
appropriately. Landmarks are broken. For Eg: banner
Region is started in Search land mark region which
needs to be started before Masthead region.
Explanation: The landmarks are used appropriately.
The homepage uses all this roles. Please check this
link http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#banner
where it explains each role.

10. The next and previous buttons under the

"featured" "most recent" "most viewed" "all categories"
on the home page are unlabelled.
Explanation: The next and previous button are

11. Under each of the above headers, there are few

pages and each page displays 4 videos. For screen
reader users it is quite confusing since Jaws reads "1
of 2, 1 of 38 etc". It should read "page 1 of 2, page 1
of 38 etc".
Explanation: It is very visible the word Page.

12. The Combo box displaying the options "name" and

"creation date" under the all categories is unlabelled.
Explanation: The select option is labelled. The values
are dynamically loaded from dojo.

13. The filter edit area under the all categories is

Explanation: The filter edit area is labelled.

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