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As a youth pastor and seminary student, I have first hand knowledge of the beliefs

of the Seventh-day Adventists. When talking about the beliefs of Seventh-day

Adventists many things can be said. How long have they believed in such things?
How did they come up with those beliefs? This article will only focus on listing out
their fundamental beliefs and a brief description of such.

Over the last 150 years, the beliefs of Adventists have changed. Beliefs such as the
Sabbath, the Godhead, a full understanding of salvation and judgement were not
fully developed in the early years. Through very careful and prayerful Bible study,
the Seventh-day Adventist Church now has 28 fundamental beliefs; they are broken
down into six separate sections.

The Doctrine of God

This section incorporates five of the fundamental beliefs. They are: (1) the Word of
God, (2) the Godhead, (3) God the Father, (4) God the Son, and (5) God the Holy
Spirit. Each belief is upheld with the use of Scripture. These beliefs are similar to the
majority of protestant religions.

The Doctrine of Man

This category includes the beliefs of (6) creation and (7) the nature of man.
Adventists belief in a literal six day creation 6,000 years ago. Adventists believe
man is created in Gods image. However, after the fall, the nature of man is now
sinful. Since mankind is sinful by nature, we need a Savior. Our Savior will forgive us
of our sins and redeem us.

The Doctrine of Salvation

This includes (8) the great controversy, (9) the life, death, and resurrection of Christ,
and (10) the experience of salvation. The great controversy is between God and
satan and all of humanity is involved in it. The life, death, and resurrection of Christ
is self- explanatory. The experience of salvation is about abiding in Jesus through
faith and assures us of salvation.

The Doctrine of the Church

This is the longest section and includes eight of the fundamental beliefs. These
beliefs, along with one Scripture reference (there are too many to list here) that
supports them are: (11) growing in Christ (Phil. 3:7-14), (12) the church (Eph. 3:811), (13) the remnant and its mission (Rev. 12:17), (14) unity in the body of Christ
(Rom. 12:4, 5), (15) baptism (Rom. 6:1-6), (16) the Lords supper (1 Cor. 10:16, 17),
(17) spiritual gifts and ministries (Eph. 4:11-16), and (18) the gift of prophecy (Joel
2:28, 29; Rev. 19:10).

The Doctrine of the Christian Life

This section incorporates five of the beliefs. (19) The law of God; the Ten
Commandments are upheld. (20) The Sabbath; that is, the seventh-day Sabbath
which is on Saturday not Sunday. This is one of the major differences to other
protestant denominations. (21) Stewardship; returning tithes and offerings and
taking care of what God has given to us. (22) Christian behavior; living a moderate
life that includes eating clean foods and keeping toxins out of our bodies. (23)
Marriage and family; the importance of living faithfully to your spouse and raising
children according to Gods will.

The Doctrine of Last Things

This is the last section in the fundamental beliefs but this section is one of the most
detailed. Volumes of books have been written about these last five beliefs. In order
to do them justice, they will only be listed. They are: (24) Christs ministry in the
heavenly sanctuary, (25) the second coming of Christ, (26) death and resurrection,
(27) the millennium and the end of sin, and (28) the new earth. One note on death,
Adventists believe that when you die, you go straight to the grave and not to
heaven. Death is sleep (John 11:11, 14).

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