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This is a message to fascists in Ukraine and every decadent capitalist

civilization you think may give you place: You are pathethic, and
doomed. Dared you have to goose-step out of your rightful tombs; but
we will send you again, this time much deeper, into oblivion. Of course
you have shown to fear even our symbols, immobile in stone: the
symbols of the working class and the toiling masses; tried you have to
tear down the Lenin statues, to outlaw the hammer and the sickle, to
erase and despoil the memory of every working class uprising. But you
failed. Where you expected apathy, there has been resistance. Where
you expected support, there was rejection. Where you expected
conquer, death was awaiting on every corner...
Because the hearts of the People so not welcome your poison. And you
have committed the worst error of all: Underestimating your opponent.
Underestimating the might and memory of the heritage of the Soviet
motherland. You have murdered innocents with fire and bullets. You have
rained ruin over women and children; you have sold entire countries to
the reckless ambitions of the western backmasters. Your scythe tries to
cut us off to the future and past, delivering us to a timeless darkness of
slavery and betrayal to faceless corporate masters. But the fire on the
heart of the antifascist resistance is stronger than any cowardly
incendiary device you use on communists and unionists; stronger than
your hate, and even more powerful than the tainted financing you
receive from the world's most corrupt spheres of decadence and
The forces you muster are all bark and no bite; the nazist "national
guard" is toothless and useless. Your stolen armament and helicopters
are downed by pensioners with civilian weapons. The elections you
muster are fixed and weak. The people have shown their endless
determination to fight fascism to the death again, if necessary, and this
time for good. Soon the time will come when you follow your eternal
Fuhrer, and choose the way of suicide; unable to accept defeat or to face
your heinous crimes against humanity. But this is not only Russia you
fight; we must truly thank you, for if the Soviet spirit has risen from its
ashes we truly will be in debt with your insolence. Now we are sure that
the flags will turn again red with blood, golden with glory. Blood that our
patriots will sacrifice if need be, and blood of all oligarchs and traitors
that have so cheaply been bought as mercenaries for the enforcement of
liberalism and plunder. You call yourself nationalists, but you are just the

idiotic puppets of the globalist brood, of the IMF and their NATO partners.
Yet truly your days are counted... no matter how much the capitalist
media promotes your aims as a slow burning fuse, and the bourgeoisies
sham democracy gives you meaningless votes and the baton of the
powerless police forces, you will find adamant partisans to rise up in all
corners of the world to fight you.
Just watch and know. Gone are the years of tolerance and restraint;
everywhere, people are realising you only will understand the language
of the rifle, and thus it will be used in its full extent. It is already
happening; the young and the elderly have realised the venom in your
lies, and shaken up from the terrible sleep. Your promises are deception
as is your every word, and this is now transparent. Entire cities are
taking up arms and their lives back. But that is not all; a new Red Army,
amassing right now from the shambling ruins, will sweep your filth from
the land like rabble is cleared off a street, like disease is fought within
the mind and body. The independent regiments will march from Donbass
to Kiev, and their numbers will only increase in the sacred path; redbannered armoured divisions will trample over the Maidan, and the
multitudes will cheer "Rossiya! Rossiya!". Every year the marches will
grow larger as a celebration of liberation from the snake of USA's fascist
proxy aggression.
You think Ukraine is only the beginning: In this you are right. Wherever
your ugly head is rearing, the organized steps of our conscious comrades
will be waiting to send you back to the abyss, to the desecrated grave
from which your putrid dust-ridden ideology comes. Putin is not the one
behind this; his role is merely of a temporary figurehead, a fleeting
symbol... The true goal is entirely beyond his. On a quiet day, you can
already see the old anthems of a better world resounding on the streets,
to the entranced crowds of the faithful believers in the eternal ideal of
Socialism, of true freedom and equality for all. Lenin may be dreaming
still in the heart of Moscow, but we are building the dream, we are
making it reality. From Slavyansk Hymn of the Union, and the
Internationale with it, is a searing chant that unites borders and
generations; and in all confines of Eurasia we are forging a counterEmpire, of a hundred tongues and a thousand nations. And across the
mountains and the seas, hammers rise again to salute it, to salute us,
ready to go on their own struggles... and to throw back the undead
marshals of the swastika to the darkest chapters of the history book. You

are but a shadow, and we are the cleansing light. Red stars will crown
not only the Kremlin, but will look over every capital's square, every
people's gathering.
So now if you can -if you find respite- celebrate your meager illusions,
the yellow papers sold to you by your incompetent and ignorant
leaders... because you won't be able for long. Goodbye. Soon to be for

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