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Unlocking the Secrets of Sacred Geometry:

Sacred Geometry: Understanding the

Meaning and Benefits of Mystical Symbols
Posted by admin on April 29, 2013 in 2013, Ascension, Ascension 2013, Higher Consciousness, Light
Technologies, Lightworker, mastery consciousness, Metaphysics, Multidimensional Self, Quantum
Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, spiritual evolution, Spiritual Healing, Spirituality 1

HJ: The philosophy and science behind sacred geometry is absolutely fascinating and few have
explained it as simply and beautifully as David Weitzman does in this illuminating piece. Sacred
Geometry permeates literally everything in existence, and so, anyone who seeks a greater
understanding of themselves and the world around them is highly encouraged to study the sacred
science, for it will certainly reveal to them various aspects of themselves, which is a priceless gift
- Truth
The Esoteric Meaning and Benefits of Sacred Geometry
By David Weitzman | Ka Gold Jewelry

As plainly as it can be stated, geometry is a branch of mathematics. It is generally described as the

study of shapes and patterns and their sizes and positions. For the majority of us, geometry is
something we learn while in school only to be forgotten soon after. What then is Sacred Geometry?
When did sacred enter into the picture? Sacred means something holy or connected to God, and
just when is any lowly geometric shape ever sacred? To the uninitiated, the very idea may be totally
absurd. Sacred Geometry after all is a kind of philosophy not very many people can easily wrap their
minds around especially when contemplating about it for the first time.
Ancient teachings of Sacred Geometry believe that the sacredness of absolutely everything in the
universe can be described and explained in terms of geometrical patterns that are handed unto us
directly from God. The harmony and interconnectivity of all things and the events that happen
around them have a hidden geometry that unfortunately are lost on most people.
Consider the many mysteries behind the seemingly magical structure of crystals; the planets and
their orbits around the sun; the many measurements and proportions in the design of the human
body; the growth of mighty gigantic oaks from tiny acorns; the shape and number of petals of a
flower etc. Anything that describes and explains these mysteries is nothing if not sacred.
How far back in the history of man does Sacred Geometry go? What use do we have for it in our
time? Are there any real benefits to learning and understanding it other than being able to choose a
nice-looking symbol for a logo or a piece of jewelry?
Brief History of Sacred Geometry
Many ancient civilizations demonstrated (a somewhat uncanny) fundamental awareness that
humankinds existence is intimately connected to the world we live in. They recognized the
repeating shapes and patterns in almost anything; like geometric fingerprints that point to the

universal forces that shaped the universe and all thats in it. They may not have called it Sacred
Geometry but they understood it for what it was.
Across the ages the Minoans, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Chinese and the Phoenicians all
have used some form of Sacred Geometry way before the ancient Greeks came and introduced it to
the world. They all saw the recurring patterns throughout life and understood them to be the laws of
These laws of nature are represented in numbers, symbols and formulas that the ancients put to
good use in many of their magnificent monuments whose space-age precision never fail to baffle
modern builders. Some of the most famous and globally recognizable examples of these amazing
feats of construction are the pyramids of Egypt and the Americas.
Ancient societies believed that by observing nature and understanding the patterns found all around
them, they also gain understanding of spirituality, their life and ultimately, death. These patterns
eventually found their way from their architecture to their art and spiritual practices. They further
developed into the various math and sciences that we know today.
Sacred Geometry in Modern Times
As the times gave way to more modernistic beliefs, societies gradually began to move away from
their deep connection to their environment, slowly losing the gift of awareness, intuition and
reverence. We are born into an era that chooses rational explanations for life. As a result, some
aspects of Sacred Geometry are now lost to the majority of our generation. We exist with no real
sense of our place in our world, not realizing that Sacred Geometry is very much intertwined into
the very fabric of our daily lives.
The human body is designed according to a precise and uniform ratio, Phi (1.618), also known as
The Golden Ratio. The ratio of the measurement from the top of the head to the navel and the
measurement from the navel to the floor approximates this golden ratio. Each section of our fingers
is longer than the preceding section by roughly the ratio of 1: 1.618. The ratio of the length of an eye
and the length of our mouth also approximates Phi, etc.
Recurring measurements and patterns are also found all over nature and they have a message for
us. If we see flowers with 5 petals, we can be sure they produce edible fruits. If we see 3-fold or 6fold plants, we know not to eat them as they will most likely be inedible or toxic and will require
further processing in order to be used for medicinal purposes.
The laws of Sacred Geometry are also followed in modern-day stealth technologies which harness
the mechanics needed to deflect electro-magnetic waves in just the right way in order to avoid
detection. Countless contemporary products are designed with the fundamental principles of Sacred
Geometry, like the seemingly ordinary wine glass, whose shape actually harnesses positive flow of

Sacred Geometry and Healing

As controversial as it has always been since being

introduced by the plant geneticist Dr. Derald Langham in the 1940s, the Genesa Crystal (though not
at all a crystal) is widely believed to promote overall well-being, positivity and wellness. The 5
Platonic Solids are incorporated into its design. All organic life is believed to be created from these
building blocks. Dr. Langham found that these shapes symbolize the growth patterns that allow life
energy to flow. The Genesa crystal eliminates unbalanced energies in the environment, allowing the
people there to live more joyful lives, promoting productivity, happiness and healing.
There are many other practices that have stemmed from the basic principles of Sacred Geometry to
promote healing; healing of the body; healing of relationships and interactions with other people;
healing of spaces in order that all negative energies are eliminated and positive energies are invited
in and enhanced.
This ancient wisdom has been lost for thousands of years. It is resurfacing from under the heavy
cover of denial we call modern living. We are slowly becoming aware again of that thread of
connection to our world that the centuries have allowed to thin to near obscurity. Perhaps with this
promising trend of things to come, humankind will once again flourish as the true steward of this
earth, promoting balance and effecting the healing of the world that we have brought down to its
knees by our unlearned actions. Let us embrace Sacred Geometry and the lessons we will inevitably
learn from it about our planet, our spirituality, our life.
See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/04/29/sacred-geometry-meaning-secrets/#sthash.xax4gWGt.dpuf

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