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Did you know that just like Noah, David, Jesus, and Paul, today the Man Christ Jesus is
disqualified by today’s theology?

Today the Man Christ Jesus teaches us a “jewel of grace” entitled: The Disqualified.

This jewel of grace was written by God through the writer Andres E. Cudris, and in this jewel he
narrates about the people and the characters used by God through out history that were
considered “disqualified” by the wise or the theologians of said times, such as:

Noah: One peculiar characteristic that these lovers and bearers of truth of God in their respective
times is that they have always been disqualified by their own generation, since their warnings
about things to come did not make sense, were not logical according to the contemporary
science. Example, the great flood or building the Ark on top of a high mountain, this is why Noah
was treated as a crazy man. That is why “the days of the Son of Man are similar to the days of

The same thing happens today with the Man Christ Jesus, Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus. According to
the theologians he is crazy because he affirms that: there is no sin because God eliminated it
2000 years ago, that the devil was destroyed. He also proclaims that we are angels in earthen
vessels, and this was never heard before.

David was also disqualified for saying the truth. First by his own father; who denied him before
King Samuel. By Esau while confronting Goliath, and even by Goliath himself, who cursed him for
presenting his God. Then Jesus of Nazareth appeared, and his own generation used to say: “He
has demons”, “That man is a glutton and a winebibber, and friends with sinner” (Matthew 11:19).
They also said of him: Being a man he says he is God. He was disqualified and was killed.

The fourth to be disqualified was Paul. Everyone called him crazy: “Here comes the one that stirs
up and agitates people’s faith”, his followers like Alexander did him much harm, as did the
apostles – there is always a Judas against the truth.

The fifth disqualified one is the Man Christ Jesus. Today, the prophesy is fulfilled: “…first he must
suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will
be also in the days of the Son of Man” (Luke 17:25-26)

That is why the Man Christ Jesus, Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus affirms: The Son of Man is rejected
emphatically in a derogatory manner by his own, he did not pass the test of today’s theologians,
and his warnings mean nothing to the “wise”. That is why: GOD DRIVES MAD THE REASONING
will laugh at them (Psalm 2:4).

We declare your eyes enlightened to know that God made it easier for the current world because:
He would come as a thief in the night, He would judge and rule the gentiles with the gospel of
uncircumcision, He would appear as the Other; since the Man Christ Jesus is the only great
Shepherd of his people.

Dear Reader: When God manifest with His truth many criticize it, many persecute it and do not
understand it. That is why today the world has DISQUALIFIED the Man Christ Jesus. Blessed!

God is on Earth. Investigate: www.cegenglish.com

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