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Definition and Overview

Chiropractic is a method of treatment often used for disorders of the musculoskeletal system
and the nervous system, as well as the pain and defects associated with these disorders. The
underlying principle of this health care practice is that manipulation and specific adjustment of
the skeleton and its supporting structures can significantly treat the aforementioned conditions
and promote overall health. The main subject for chiropractic care is the spine, although joints,
surrounding muscles and nerves may also be involved for the treatment of headaches, joint
aches, and neuro-musculoskeletal complaints in the neck, back, arms and legs.
Benefits of Chiropractic treatment
Chiropractic care can benefit patients of all ages, from a wide range of health conditions. It
offers effective solutions to pain symptoms including the following:
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Arthritis-related pain
- Whiplash
- Headache
- Strains and sprains due to repetitive stress or normal daily activities
- Work-related and sports-related injuries
- Restricted movement of the shoulders, back, neck and limbs
These painful and often debilitating conditions often involve or significantly impact the nervous
system, which can cause pain and dysfunction even to areas far from the injury region.
Chiropractic care can help treat the underlying cause of pain so overall body structure and
health may be restored.
Chiropractic treatment also offer benefits to the elderly, as care and treatment can help them
maintain mobility and a good range of motion. For certain conditions, long term relief can be
achieved when chiropractic care is combined with other therapies including physical therapy,
orthotic devices, exercise and lifestyle modifications.
When to see a Chiropractor
Experiencing pain is normal at certain points in everyones life. However, if you have been
experiencing pain for a long time (chronic pain) or if you experience pain that is so severe and
debilitating that it interrupts you from work, school, or performing normal daily activities, then
you may need to promptly see a chiropractor. In many cases such as for spine problems, the
sooner you see a chiropractor, the better the success rates will be.
Seeking services of a chiropractor usually doesn't need a physician recommendation. You may

freely see a chiropractor anytime, although close coordination with your family doctor may
provide the benefit of a more comprehensive health care for your condition. Take note though
that chiropractic treatment is not meant to replace other validated and medically-recommended
therapies, so physician coordination is still required especially for serious conditions.
Doctors of chiropractic, also known as chiropractic physicians or chiropractics employ drug and
medication-free, hands-on approach to health care. They are skilled in a broad range of
therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, and they also give appropriate recommendations for
nutrition, diet and lifestyle.
Chiropractic care: diagnosis
Your first visit to a chiropractor will involve initial consultation and diagnosos. You may be asked
questions or may be given a questionnaire regarding your health history. Your chiropractor will
also ask to pinpoint areas where you experience discomfort, and perform a routine physical
examination focusing on these areas. The chiropractor may also take x-rays of the spine and of
the pain areas to check the bone anatomy and the condition of the soft tissues underneath.
Several tests, such as reflex tests, range of motion tests, palpation, muscle strength tests, as
well as neurological and orthopedic tests may also be performed.
During diagnosis, it is important to discuss with your chiropractor should you have the following
issues or conditions:
- Arthritis or suspected arthritis symptoms
- Recent fractures or trauma on the bone
- Disorders of the circulation
- Are pregnant
- Any medications you are currently taking
- Previous treatment including previous operations or surgeries
What to expect in Chiropractic treatment
After a thorough assessment, the chiropractor will develop a treatment plan best suited for your
condition. After comprehensively considering your overall health, the condition of your spine, the
extent of injury, and your long-term goals, the treatment plan will be discussed to you before the
actual treatment is initiated.
As mentioned earlier, chiropractic treatment involves a medication-free approach. Central to
chiropractic care is physical manipulation or therapeutic adjustments that employs the right
amount of force, direction, leverage, velocity and amplitude directed at specific bones, muscles,
and joints. Most treatments will be centered on adjustments to the spine, but depending on your
condition, therapies to the ankle, wrist, knee, shoulder and elbows may also be performed to
restore proper alignment and improve function. Expect your chiropractor to use slow and
sustained hand pressure alternating with swift movements, with various degrees of hand

pressure to perform the necessary adjustments. It is common to experience or hear clunking or

clicking sounds as joints are manipulated, although this process is usually painless.
This medical practice is based on the idea that proper structure is necessary for proper and
pain-free function of body parts. As such, there may be a series of physical adjustments,
performed in increments to gradually improve the pain areas. Chiropractic treatment may last a
few days or continue to a few months, depending on the suggested treatment plan.
Chiropractic therapy are often accompanied with tools and devices for better results and
improved comfort including specialized adjusting tables, mechanical instruments, application of
heat or cold compress, orthotic support for shoes, electrical stimulation, rehabilitative exercise,
and nutritional supplementation.
Is it safe?
Chiropractic is widely-recognized to be one of the safest non-invasive, drug-free therapies for
treatment of musculo-skeletal problems. Although the safety record of this procedure remains
excellent, there are a few minor risks associated with chiropractic care. After treatment, patients
may feel minor discomfort and soreness due to the manipulations performed, but such pain
usually goes away within a day or two.
To ensure best results with little or no side effects, it is best to be choose a chiropractor who is
licensed and experienced in the field. It is also important to be very specific about your
symptoms for your practitioner to be able to recommend the safest an most effective treatment.
American Chiropractic Association (2014). What is Chiropractic Available:
Peterson, D. H. & Bergmann, T.F. Chiropractic technique: Principles and procedures (2nd ed.).
St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Kuusisto, L., Ph.D., The University of Minnesota Driven to Discover. What Happens at the
Chiropractor? Available: http://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healingpractices/chiropractic/what-happens-chiropractor

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