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1.chess game using oops concept

2.print Foo if number is divided by 5 and bar if number is divided by 7 and foobar if number is
divided by 5&7.
3. Find a number using Binary search algorithm
5.difference between memory managed and non-memory managed languages.
6. Things a programmer should be careful in a memory managed language
7.how do u approach a bug
8.difference between unit testing and integration testing
9.different types of testing.
10. Unit test cases for string reversal
11. Gave a code and was asked to find where null pointer exception was occurring.
12. joins in database.
13. Gave a code was asked what it does- it was for string reversal.
14. Difference between array and linked list.
15.Complexity of binary search when array is not sorted.
16. Binary search tree for Cerner

Unit Testing
Database Normalization
Binary Trees
Relational Databases
Time Complexity of Linked Lists
** Write a program which prints number from 1-75 but if the number is divisible by 5 it will
print "Foo", if its divisible by 7 it prints "Bar" and if its divisible by both 7 and 5 then it print
** Unit test a function which uses the following parameters :
reversestring(originalString, stringToBeReversed, stringReverseTo,max)
(Come up with as many test cases as possible)
** Design a chess game using OOP concepts.
** What are pointers, how are they used, what is a wild pointer.
** What is buffer overflow.
** what is First chance exception,

** Design an unbalanced BST using the word "CERNER" , duplicates allowed.

** What is difference between Inheritance and Encapsulation.
**Difference between unit testing and integration testing.
** What is Normalization and Denormalization in database.
** What is RDBMS
** Difference between arrays and linked list . which should be used where.
** Describe how will you find number 9 in a sorted array of number from 1-20, using Binary
** what is the complexity of Binary search,
** Gave me a piece of code and asked how where this code will throw an exception ( basically it
was to throw a null point exception at a place, easy to find out)
** Describe how will you design an employee database in a company. (High level design)
--> explain your past project
--> behavioral question on past project. explain a time when you had a conflict with another team
member, conflict on deadlines and similar.
--> chess game oop concept
--> binary search algorithm
--> fizzbuzz for 3 and 5
--> recursive vs iterative algorithm
--> exception handling.
--> what will you do if you get a call from support regarding a production issue
memory management between different programming languages.

arrays vs linklist
what is RDMBS
Code:unit test
Code:find the null pointer exception
concept of 1 to many relationships in databases with an example
binary search to find number 9 in an array from 1 to 19
complexity of binary search and its complexity in case of an unsorted array
design a game of checkers using OOD
Code for finding an output of an recursive program
what are memory managed languages, name them
what are the responsibilities of a programmer in a memory managed language
Name and explain the various design pattens
There is a class Car and a class Paint what is the relationship between them and explain
What is database normalization and forms of it
Various software testing levels and explain
Deadlock, explain
Write a program that prints foo, bar and foobar for numbers divisible by 5,7 and both 5 and 7
what are memory managed languages, name them
what are the responsibilities of a programmer in a memory managed language
Car,paint relationship.
database normalization
Make a binary tree where the nodes are the letters in "Cerner".
linked list vs arrays
design chess through oops
If a user reports a bug in the application, what steps would you take?
How would you go about designing a program for binary search?
How would you go about coding a game of Chess or Checkers?
What's the difference in encapsulation and inheritance?
What is database normalization?
Make a binary tree where the nodes are the letters in "Cerner".
String reversal program was given and I was told to explain the output.
Question about unit testing. How to create unit test cases.
How will you manage the memory while programming.
Complexity of linked list and tree insertion
Explain the differences between searching through a linked list vs. a binary tree
Linked List implementation

Describe a situation where you have difficulties with your team members.
Describe a scenario where you tried to troubleshoot and you succeeded.
Describe a scenario where you tried to troubleshoot and you failed.
Were the Managers unhappy about your work anytime?
What was the challenging work in your career?

Some of the technical questions were like:

1. OOP approach for Chess Game
2. Binary search of one element in binary list.
3. Algorithm complexity of search in binary tree
4. Algorithm complexity of search in array
5. Code sample to debug for unit test
6. Code sample to debug with specific inputs ( tree-traversal code)
7. Pros and Cons of using Arrays Vs. Linked List
8. Complexity of search algorithm in linked list
Some of the Behavioral questions were like :
1. What is the best part you like in current job
2. what is the worst part in your current job
3. Situation where you dealt with a difficult team member
4. Project work you have done where you had no idea what to do
Tell me about yourself
Why do u want to work at Cerner
> Why you want to leave you current job
> Best thing about your job
> Least thing you liked abt your job
Describe a situation where you have difficulties with your team members
Describe a scenario where you tried to troubleshoot and you succeeded
Describe a scenario where you tried to troubleshoot and you failed
What are your 3 biggest achievements so far
were the Managers unhappy about your work anytime?
What is the biggest mistake you made in a past job.
What was the challenging work in your career
If a user reports that an application is slow, what steps would you take?
What are scopes in programming languages and their uses?
Explain a chess board in term of OOPS. What methods, functions, etc
How would you go about designing a program that determines whether or not a number is

How would you go about coding a game of checkers?
What's the difference in encapsulation and inheritance?
What is database normalization?
Make a binary tree where the nodes are the letters in "Cerner".
String reversal program was given and I was told to explain the output.
Question about unit testing. How to create unit test cases.
What is a deadlock?
If there was anything you wanted to change about a programming language, what would it be?
How will you manage the memory while programming.
Complexity of linked list and tree insertion
Explain the differences between searching through a linked list vs. a binary tree
explain a time when you used polymorphism
Linked List implementation
Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself
Why do u want to work at Cerner Answer Question
Describe a situation where you have difficulties with your team members
Describe a scenario where you tried to troubleshoot and you succeeded
Describe a scenario where you tried to troubleshoot and you failed
What are your 3 biggest achievements so far
were the Managers unhappy about your work anytime?
What is the biggest mistake you made in a past job.
What was the challenging work in your career

Describe tree and heap data structures

- What is MVC
- When/why to use recursion
- name/describe java design patterns
- describe generics
- inner join VS outer join

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
public class TrafficLight extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
JButton b1, b2, b3;
Signal green = new Signal(Color.green);
Signal yellow = new Signal(Color.yellow);
Signal red = new Signal(Color.red);
public TrafficLight(){
super("Traffic Light");
getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
b1 = new JButton("Red");
b2 = new JButton("Yellow");
b3 = new JButton("Green");
JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1));
JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());

public static void main(String[] args){
TrafficLight tl = new TrafficLight();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
if (e.getSource() == b1){
} else if (e.getSource() == b2){
} else if (e.getSource() == b3){
class Signal extends JPanel{
Color on;
int radius = 40;
int border = 10;
boolean change;
Signal(Color color){
on = color;
change = true;

public void turnOn(boolean a){

change = a;
public Dimension getPreferredSize(){
int size = (radius+border)*2;
return new Dimension( size, size );
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
g.setColor( Color.black );
if (change){
g.setColor( on );
} else {
g.setColor( on.darker().darker().darker() );
g.fillOval( border,border,2*radius,2*radius );

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