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VOL 4, NO 5


Dr. Ali Raza Tahir
Assistant Professor Department of Philosophy
University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
Islam is a revealed religion. Welfare and betterment of humankind is its main goal. Its emphasis
is on both idea and deed and faith and action. Faith is like root, actions are like off-shoots, and
results of faith and action are like fruit for an individual and society. Jihad (struggle) is a doctrine
belongs to practical portion of religion. Unluckily it has been misinterpreted by exploiters and
some powers having vested interests. Consequently a war state has been created between the
followers of Islam and other religions. It is a misfortune phenomenon for the humankind. In this
article I have tried to introduce a real concept of Jihad in the perspective of the teachings of
Keywords: Fundamentals of Islam, Religious practices, Welfare, Humankind, Jihad

There are two kinds of religions: revealed and non-revealed. Islam is a revealed religion. Quran
is its constitution and code revealed by Almighty Allah for the guidance of humankind.
According to Quran Almighty Allah has sent one lac and twenty five thousand prophets for the
guidance of humankind. The first prophet of this chain was Hazrat Adam (A.S). Hazrat
Muhammad (SAWW) is the last prophet of Almighty Allah to human beings. He (S.A.W.W) is
declared by Allah as the seal of prophecy. In Islam, faith in all the prophets and in their revealed
books is necessary for a being to be a Muslim. Negation of a single prophet or a revealed book is
the negation of all prophets and revealed books. Veneration of all prophets and their revealed
books is a compulsory condition of faith in Islam, although Allah has made some of those to
excel the others. (Quran, 2:253)
Say; We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was
revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail, and Is,haq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what
was given to Musa and Isa and to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make
any distinction between any of them, and to whom do we submit. (Quran, 3:83)
Islam is the only religion selected by Almighty Allah for humankind. All prophets were sent by
Allah to preach the same religion in their age. They performed their duties accurately, perfectly
and satisfactorily.
Surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam, and those to whom the Book had
been given did not show opposition but after knowledge had come to
them.(Quran, 3: 18)
Allah is the Lord, Creator, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Almighty and All power, Prophets are His
representatives on earth, Revealed Books are His constitution for humankind in the age of every
Prophet, and Islam is the religion sent by Him in different ages according to the approach, mental
level, grooming, and understandings of the people. (Younas, 10:47) The main purpose of all the
prophets was the guidance and betterment of human beings. All human beings belong to Him.
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All people are a single nation; so Allah raised prophets as bearers of good news
and as warners, and He revealed with them the book with truth, that it might judge
between people in that in which they differed; and non but the very people who
were given it differed about it after clear arguments had come to them.
(Quran, 2: 213)
The main subject of all revealed books was the betterment of humankind. Their all commands
revolve around the welfare of human beings. The main focus of all the teachings of prophets is
on the creation of a virtuous being. All prophets struggled to uphold justice and condemn
injustice, oppression and tyranny. They educated and trained their followers to stand for justice,
love and peace. They used the methods and techniques for their grooming which were suitable
and adequate to their mental level. In this way they promoted the human values, played their role
in the development of society, and upgraded the rational and intellectual level of their followers.
Although different prophets came with different versions of the religion but ultimately that was
Islam sent by Almighty Allah according to the level and understanding of the people of every
age. Mufti Muhammad Abduh a renowned Muslim thinker of modern age put his emphasis on
this aspect also. Mr. Osman Amin in his article described Abduhs philosophy in these words:
His view shows the progressive stages by which humanity has arrived at last at
the perfect religion, which is Islam. The earlier religions imposed stringent and
rigorous rules and, appealing to the senses pointed to the impressive miracles
wrought by the prophets. When human society had passed the primitive stage,
there came the religion which appealed to the heart and spoke the language of
sentiments and inner mysteriesFinally, appealing to the intellectually mature,
came the religion of Islam. (Sharif (ed), 1983:1497)
Therefore, Islam is the only religion chosen by Almighty Allah for the betterment of humankind.
All prophets brought this religion according to the understanding of the beings and needs of the
time. The ultimate goal of all the struggle of all the prophets was
Servitude to Almighty Allah
Betterment of the humankind
Creation of a virtuous being
Establishment of a system on the basis of justice
Restoration of peace
Negation of the subjugation and enslavement of all kinds of the human beings by their
fellow beings
Opposition of oppression and tyranny
Spiritual emancipation of an individual and society
A constant and continuous warfare against cruelties, brutalities, and victimization
Confrontation with exploiters
Promotion of the values
Holy Prophet (SAWW) brought the religion of Islam in its final and perfect form as the chief of
all the prophets with the seal of prophecy because at their time humanity had reached at a
rational understanding level. Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal a well known Muslim thinker of the
modern age describes to this fact in these words.
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VOL 4, NO 5

.Then, the Prophet of Islam seems to stand between the ancient and the
modern world. In so far as the source of his revelation is concerned he belongs to
the ancient world; in so far as the spirit of his revelation is concerned he belongs
to the modern world. In him life discovers other sources of knowledge suitable to
its new direction..In Islam prophecy reaches its perfection in discovering the
need of its own abolition. (Iqbal, 1989: 100-101)

Definition and Meanings of the Word Islam

We proceed our discussion by literal meanings of the word Islam. In Arabic language every
word has an origin which is known as fountain head. The origin or fountain head of Islam is
consisted of three Arabic alphabets S-L-M. It means peace and a complete surrender and
submission to Almighty Allah. According to Encyclopedia of Islam:
Islam, as a technical term to denote the system of beliefs and rituals based on the
Kuran, is derived from the recurrent use of the verb aslama (submit, sc.
oneself). (Gibb, 1961:176)
While according to the site The Way to Truth
Islam is derived from the Arabic root s-l-m, which means salvation, peace, and
submission. In its religious context, it is the expression of Gods Grace flowing in
the universes arteries, the Divine system to which all creatures-except humanityhave submitted willingly. (http://www.thewaytotruth.org/jihad/meaning.html)

The Basic Spirit of the Teachings of Islam

Faith in Islam is consisted of two parts i.e.
i. Faith in roots or fundamentals
ii. Practical life according to religious practices (branches or off-shoots of
fundamentals or roots) which are the necessity of faith in fundamentals
All fundamentals of Islam have a comprehensive and universal connotation without any
distinction of color, creed, tribe, and nation. Similarly, all religious practices are as beneficial for
the whole humanity as are for Muslims.
Confession of faith in Islam is known as Kalima e Tayyiba. First part of this confession is faith
in Oneness of Allah (Tauhid). Faith in Oneness of Allah develops a sense of universality in a
being i.e. a sense which emancipates a being from all material relations and associations.
As an emotional system of unification it (Islam) recognizes the worth of the
individual as such, and rejects blood-relationship as a basis of human unity. Blood
relationship is earth-rootedness. The search for a purely psychological foundation
of human unity becomes possible only with the perception that all human life is
spiritual in its origin. (Iqbal, 1989:116)
According to Islam the origin of everything is God which is an absolute spirit. Faith in God
develops a comprehensive vision and universal approach free from any material and worldly
associations. According to the Quran the spring head of all the humanity is same i.e. spiritualAlmighty Allah. (Quran, 31:28). Almighty Allah is kind and mercy to His all creature. The
guidance and betterment of all humankind is His main object. He established a system of religion
i.e. revealed books, prophets, knowledge, angels, reward and punishment, and life in this world
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VOL 4, NO 5

and life hereafter. Human being is the masterpiece of His all creation. Therefore we find no
discrimination in His guidance. He is absolute good and His blessings are for all the beings. Now
it is up to the beings they may follow or not.
He never addressed to the Muslims only in the Quran. All human beings are his addressees.
In Quran He addressed more than hundred times to the human beings by the title Al;Insan (the
man). Similarly He addressed more than twenty five times to humankind with the label Ya bani
Adam (O the sons of Adam). He patronizes and bestows His blessings on all His beings without
any discrimination. The first Sura (chapter) of Quran is under the name Al-Fatiha (The
Opening). It was revealed on Holy Prophet (SAWW) two times. It is also known as the heat of
the Quran. For a Muslim it is necessary to recite it in every prayer. It shows the gravity of this
Sura (chapter). It is consisted of seven verses. Each verse of it describes the real spirit of
Islamic faith i.e. universality of Gods blessings.
All praise is for Allah, the preserver of the worlds. (Quran, 1:1)
It means Gods blessings are universal and without any discrimination. He is the preserver,
provident and sustainer of every creature. So a real Muslim must adopts the attributes of God as
His true follower. He must be kind and well wisher, well doer, and server to whole humanity.
The second pillar of faith in Islam is the prophecy of the Holy Prophet (SAWW).
Almighty Allah in Quran declared him as the role model for whole humankind. (Quran, 33:21)
He announced him as a mercy to the worlds without any discrimination. (Quran, 21:107) Holy
Prophet (SAWW) always prayed and struggled for the betterment of whole humankind even for
his the worst enemies. (Quran, 9:80) His duty was only the deliverance of message but not
conversion. (Quran, 3:20) His life was a masterpiece of sublime morality. (Quran, 68:4) His
follower should essentially a beneficial, kind, and mercy for other beings.
Quran is a revelation of Almighty Allah to Holy Prophet (SAWW) and the sacred book of
Islam. The main subject of its is human being. (Quran, 76:1-31) It is a book of guidance and
blessings. (Quran, 6:156-158) It has mercy and healing for human beings. (Quran, 17:82) It is
reminder for the nations. (Quran, 29:27) It presents a dynamic vision of life and universe.
(Osman, 2006: 3)
Bait-u-Allah-Khana-e Kaaba (House of pilgrimage) in Makka (Saudi Arabia) is the most
sacred place for the Muslims of the whole world. But Almighty Allah declared it the place of
blessings and guidance for the whole humanity.
Most surely the first house appointed for men is the one at Bekka, (Makka)
blessed and guidance for the nations. (Quran, 3:8-95)
As for as the matter of off-shoots or religious practices is concerned, all have a direct
relation with the betterment and welfare of human race. Every religious practice has two
Servitude to God
Wellbeing of the humankind
After the confession of Islam, the first obligation of every Muslim is the offering of prayer five
times in a day. Allah in Quran narrated it more than hundred times to describe its importance for
the followers of Islam. But what is the hidden benefit of it for human beings? Allah explains as:
Recite that which has been revealed to you of the book and keep up prayer;
surely prayer keeps (one) away from indecency and evil, and certainly the
remembrance of Allah is the greatest, and Allah knows what you do. (Quran,
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It means a person will offer his prayer as a religious duty but in result he will become well
mannered, well behaved, and modest and in this way he will be beneficial for all.
The second religious practice is keeping fast. Every Muslim is bound to keep fast for one
month in a year in the month of Ramazan (according to Islamic calendar this month is specific
for fast.) Fast is in the obedience of God but prevents a person from evils and makes him pious.
(Quran, 2:183) Consequently that person will be helpful for human beings.
The third religious duty is Zakat (help of poor). Every Muslim of which annual income
increases from a specific limit is bound to pay Zakat i.e. a specific part of income to needy
persons. What is the secret of Zakat? Quran describes;
Help of poor
End of the centralization of wealth
Circulation of wealth in society
Purification of income
Connection with God
Fourth article is Hajj (pilgrimage). It is compulsory once in a life. But everybody is not duty
bond to perform it. It is conditional. But the hidden message in it is the preparedness of a person
to migrate from this world on the call of God. The second thing is the equality of every being
either he is an ordinary being or a ruler in the presence of almighty Allah. (Quran, 22:26-27)
The fifth religious duty of a Muslim is the payment of Ushr (tenth part of agricultural
income with some conditions for a follower of Fiqh-e Hanafia) and Khums (fifth part of annual
saving for a follower of Fiqh-e Jafria) for needy and poor.
Now our discussion has reached at Jihad. Jihad is the sixth article among religious
practices or off-shoots. See, a religion of which all roots-fundamental principles and all branches
or off-shoots are for the betterment and wellbeing of humankind, how its sixth article would be
in the opposition of humanity?
Islam is a complete code of life. It is a continuity and completion of all previous revealed
religions. Prophet of Islam (SAWW) has verified all previous prophets. According to Quran:
Nay; he has come with the truth and verified the apostles. (Quran, 37:37)
Islam provides guidance to its followers in all affairs, matters, corners, aspects, departments and
fields. It presented the philosophy of co-existence with the followers of all other religions. It is
not against any other religion. The basic spirit of its teachings is survival for all. Islam declared
to dissension a grave sin greater than slaughter.
And persecution is graver than slaughter. (Quran, 2:217)
. There is no compulsion in Islam in the selection and adoption of a religion. (Quran, 2:256)
Even Islam advised to its followers that they should never abuse to gods of the followers of other
And do not abuse those whom they call upon besides Allah (Quran, 6:109).
The origin of the Arabic word Jihad is three Arabic letters J-H-D. Jihad means to strive, to
exert, to work hard, struggle, effort etc. Every rational being struggles in number of fields in his
whole life. According to Quran every positive effort beneficial to humankind is a Jihad.
(Cheragh, N.D: 310) So every kind of struggle is a Jihad. In Islam acquiring of knowledge is a
higher kind of Jihad. Effort to eliminate illiteracy from society is also among the most valuable
kinds of Jihad. Struggle in the fields of philosophy and literature, science and technology,
economics and information technology, management and banking, engineering and medicine,
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VOL 4, NO 5

space science and industry is a remarkable jihad. According to Allama Muhammad Iqbal a
celebrated Muslim thinker of the modern age;
The truth is that all search for knowledge is essentially a form of prayer. The
scientific observer of nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer.
(Iqbal, 1989:73)
Quran narrates it in the most beautiful way in these words.
Say; Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only the men of
understanding are mindful. (Quran, 39:9)
But the most important thing among all is the education, training, and grooming of an individual
as a human being. A person skilled in science and technology but uneducated, untrained, and
unaware from human values is more dangerous and harmful for humanity than any other
disaster. Therefore Islam has put its emphasis on the training and education of the human beings
along with acquiring knowledge. Human history is full of with terrible wars imposed by rulers
and exploiters on weaker nations due to the unending ambitions of conquest. In modern age two
world wars are the worst examples of this madness. Now humanity is under the danger of third
world war. To prevent human beings from all these negative approaches a hard, continuous and
constant training is required. Islam named it jihad. In Islam Jihad is of two kinds:
Greater Jihad
Lesser Jihad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jihad)

Greater Jihad-Al Jihad al Akbar (Jihad bin-nafs or struggle against

mean desires)
In Islam a fight against mean desires is known as a greater Jihad. (Mutahri ,1406:6) It is also
recognized as Jihad bin-nafs. Struggle against inner self or ambitions, desires and lust (inner
enemy) is more difficult than the war against external enemy. Hence that is known as greater

Lesser Jihad-Al Jihad al Asghar (Jihad bis-saif or an armed fight)

A war against external enemy with arms in a battle field is identified as lesser Jihad. According
to Islam it is easier than the war against inner self. All roots (fundamentals) and off-shoots
(religious practices) of Islam are to educate and train a person to live in a society humanly.
Unluckily Islams concept of Jihad has been misinterpreted by the men of vested interests and
exploiters by both the Muslims and non-Muslims. They maliciously dulled the wider perspective
of the concept of Jihad i.e.
Training and education of a being to behave and act humanly with other fellow beings
Right of the defense of dignity, self prestige, liberty, independence, and solidarity
They unjustly replaced it with terrorism. Terrorism is an inhuman and immoral mind-set that
may be in the followers of any religion. But that would be the act of an individual. Blaming of
the whole religion and community on the irrational and inhuman attitude of an individual would
be unfair.
Defense of ideology and existence is the basic and internationally accepted right of an
individual and a nation. The basic philosophy of Jihad is the defense and protection of the
Islamic faith and Muslims from the repression and any external aggression. It is to protect the
deprived, weak, and oppressed beings. It is an article of faith which provides the guarantee to a
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Muslim to live with respect, dignity, and peace along with all other nations of the world. (Ali,
2005:123) It provides a solid ground to the concept of mutual respect and co-existence. It does
not mean aggression or terrorism but it blocked the way of all approaches and activities of such
Terms and conditions of Jihad, Laws of war, treatment with prisoners, and dealing with
absolute humbleness in conquered areas are the open and clear evidences of our above said
thesis. Now we quote some verses of the Quran in favor of our stand point.
Islam does not compel anybody to adopt a religion. Everybody has the right to live with respect
and dignity according to his own faith. It is a basic right of every being.
To live with mutual respect and maintain the principle of co-existence Quran has offered these
i. Always live with peace and respect with those who give you respect and maintain


Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you
on account of your religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that
you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of
justice (Quran, 60:8)
Give protection and shelter to idolators if they seek
And if one of the idolators seek protection from you, grant him protection till he
hears the word of Allah, then make him attain his place of safety; this is because
they are a people who do not know. (Quran, 9:6)


Never fight with them who desire for compromise


And if they incline to peace, then incline to it and trust in Allah; Surely He is
Hearing, the Knowing. (Quran, 8:61)
Try to repel evil with good

Those shall be granted their reward twice, because they are steadfast and they
repel evil with good and spent out of what we have given them. (Quran, 28:54,
Quran explains that the men who stand firm on their agreements never fight with them, and who
regard peace always maintain peace with them. (Quran, 4:90)
v. In your turn retaliate with the same and never exceed from the limit because
patience has a great reward
And if you take your turn, then retaliate with the like of that with which you
were afflicted; but if you are patient, it will be best for those who are patient.
(Quran, 16:126, 2:194, 42:39-44)
Compulsory Jihad (fight)
Quran promotes to peace, love, co-operation, compromise, patience and reconciliation till the last
moment but when a nation crosses all limits and barriers than Islam orders to his followers to

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VOL 4, NO 5

fight with oppressors and transgressors to help the oppressed, protect the weak, and maintain
Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are
oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them. Those who have been
expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: our Lord is
Allah. (Quran, 22:39-40, 8:59, 9:41, 2:193-194, 9:12-13)
Regulations of Jihad (war)
In the situation of an imposed war Islam orders to his followers to obey the ethics of war.
It is the religious duty of a Muslim to follow these rules and regulations.
Dont attack on women, slaves, children, old men, disables, patients, armless,
wounded, prisoners, soldiers who surrender in battle field, innocents, hospitals,
academic institutions, civilian areas, religious places .(Noori, N.D. :151)
Dont ruin the houses, fields, gardens, crops, resources of water and food
Dont kill the animals (Tabri, N.D: 434)

Islam is a religion of peace, love, harmony, and tranquility for all human race. In Islam there is
no compulsion in the adoption of religion. All fundamental principles (roots) and religious
practices (off-shoots) of Islam educate and train a being to serve humankind. Islam declares that
freedom of thought and action is the basic right of every rational being. Therefore it condemns
the compulsion of every kind. It promotes the approach of mutual respect and principle of coexistence in the followers of all religions. Jihad is not for aggression or oppression. It is an article
of faith to defend the rights and to live with peace and dignity with other nations. Islam
condemns and negates the terrorism of all kinds. Jihad is not terrorism. It is absolutely different
from terrorism. Conditions, regulations and ethics of Jihad differentiate it from all kinds of

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VOL 4, NO 5

Ali,Hazrat A.S(2005).Nahj AL-Balaghah, English Translation by Dr. Sayed Ali Raza Tehran,
Published by Saqib Publications Lahore, Pakistan.
Cheragh Ali, Maullana, (N.D). Jihad, Lahore, Pakistan, Dost associates, publishars, book sellers
Gibb, H.A.R. (1961). Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden, London
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad, (1989).The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Lahore,
Iqbal Academy Pakistan
Mutahri, Murtaza, (1406). Hijrat aor Jihad, Tehran, Iran, Sazman-e Tablighat-e Islami
Noori, Hussain, (N.D). Mustadrak al wsail,Vol-2, Iran, Darul kutb al Islamia
Osman, Dr. Fathi,(2006). About Jihad and Hudud, Lahore, The Iqbal International Institute for
Research, Education and Dialogue.
Quran, (English translation by M.H. Shakir. Ansarriyan Publications, Iran.)
Sharif M. M. (Ed) (1983). A History of Muslim Philosophy, Vol-2, Karachi, Pakistan, Royal
Book Company Sadar.
Tabri, (N.D). Tareekh al Russal wal mlook, vol-3, Berot, maktaba khiyat

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