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Welcome to St. Columbas Year 2

Welcome back Year 2! We hope you
had a lovely Christmas holiday. In
the next half term, we have lots of
fun and exciting new topics to learn.
Throughout the term we will be
making our own Castles, creating
power point presentations and
performing our own poems,
Thank you for your co-operation and
support. I hope to see you all soon!

Congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim

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minimeniam, quis erat nostr uexe
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corper et iusto odio dig nissim qui blandit
praesent lupta. Tummer delenit
augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Con
erattis sectetuer adip iscing elit, sed erat diam
nonummy nibh magna erat.

Year 2
St Columbas Catholic
Primary School

Miss Dickinson


Useful websites for fun activities include:


Miss Dickinson
Mrs White
Mrs Burkhill

Year 2

Spring Term 1



This half term we will be creating our own poems about the different Senses.
We will be reading lots of different texts to improve our comprehension skills.
We cant wait to read texts about Castles and write our own fantasy stories.

This half term we will be developing our Dance skills and

have lessons from a sports coach. In these lessons we will be
developing our coordination and teamwork skills.
P.E is on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that your

This half term we will be learning lots
handling data, fractions and number! We will
be using real life objects to find different
fractions, creating human bar charts and
learning to count in 3s.
In our Maths lessons we will also have the
chance to apply our new skills through
problem solving and interactive activities.

The children will be learning about
Everyday Materials. We will be looking at
different types of materials, what they are
used for and why. We will have the chance
to test some different materials to see if
they are waterproof.

Religious Education>>>
Our R.E topic this half term is The Good
News The children will begin to understand
Jesus can change sadness into joy
We should always thank Jesus
Jesus used his power to help others
Jesus brought the Good News.


Our topic for Computing this half term is
We are Researchers. The children will be
using the I Pads and laptops to research
Castles. They will create their own
presentations using Microsoft Power point.

The unit this half term is Feel the Pulse.

Our History topic for this half term is,

Castles. We will learn lots about different
types of castles with Buddy the Bee. We will
find out why castles were built and who built
them. We will also be creating our own class

In this unit we will be exploring pulse and

rhythm. We will be using different
percussion instruments to create our own

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