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English Activity


Humberto Hernndez Llera

Boxing, also sometimes called English boxing or Irish boxing, and colloquially known
as box, is a combat sport in which two opponents fight using only their gloved fists,
knocking his opponent from the waist up, especially within a quadrilateral designed for
this purpose, in brief fight sequences called rounds or rounds and according to precise
rules, which regulates weight categories and duration of the meeting, among others.
More generally, boxing or pugilism mode refers to a wide genre of combat sports in
which two opponents face in fighting using fists, exclusively or not, differing by their
rules different sports as the aforementioned English boxing or boxing itself, the French
boxing or savate, Chinese Shaolin boxing or boxing, kick boxing or Japanese boxing,
Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, the ancient Greeks pugilatos as pygmachia and pankration,
The first codification of the rules governing boxing matches dating back to 1743, while
still current rules were established in 1889 by the Marquess of Queensberry, who
among other things introduced the use of gloves.
It has traditionally been considered an exclusively male sport, legal and culturally
affected by gender bias. The recognition of women's rights and progress in the fight
against discrimination, have allowed in recent decades a boom in women's boxing was
There is evidence that boxing prevailed in North Africa during 4000 BC to. Around 688
BC was accepted as an Olympic sport (the ancient Greeks called Pygmachia),
participants in these games were trained with sandbags (called Korykos), the boxers
kept free fingers, wearing leather straps (called himantes) in hands, wrists and
forearms times, to protect them from injury.
Boxing is considered a sport in which two wrestlers face slapping, according to precise
rules, with special gloves coated and bare torso by professionals fists. The first
codification of the rules governing boxing matches dating back to 1743, while still
current rules were established in 1889 by the Marquess of Queensberry, who among
other things introduced the use of gloves.
The boxing matches began performing unlimited rounds, then 20 rounds and then to
15, currently the world championships and continental performed for 12 rounds, the
championships with national title game for 10 rounds and fighting untitled game or
some minor title are made 4,6,8 or 10 rounds as agreed, the fighting in the amateur
field is carried out at 4 rounds of 2 minutes (round professional bouts are three
The Queensberry Rules
The "boxing", unlike other forms of fighting with fists, dates from 1867, when the
"comrades of John" wrote the new rules, the rules were published under the patronage
of the Marquess of Queensberry, whose name has always been associated them.
Gloves-old were twelve rules in all, and specified That fights should be "to fight fair
stand-up boxing" in a "ring" (ring) 24 feet (eight meters) side. The "rounds" (armed
robbery) must have a duration of three minutes, with one minute Between each. Ten
seconds are gra nted for up to boxer WHO has-been dropped for an assault. They

should wear gloves new "right size" and specifically prohibits "fight or embrace".
The purpose of the gloves is to protect the knuckles. Normal boxing gloves have the
appearance of a pair of puffy gloves are often red and tied around the wrists by the
inner forearm. The first fighter to win a world title under these rules was the Gentleman
Jim Corbett, who defeated John L. Sullivan in 1892 at Club Atltico "El Pelicano" New
Orleans (USA).
There was not the "amateur" sport until 1867, when the championships for lightweight,
medium and heavy amateurs under the Rules of the Marquis of Queensberry at Lillie
Bridge in London were held.
With the gradual acceptance of the rules of the Marquis of Queensberry, there have
been two distinct branches of boxing, professional and amateur, each of which has
produced its own local, national and international regulatory bodies, with their own
variations of the rules.
Professional boxing is divided into the following categories: straw, flyweight, fly, super
flyweight, bantamweight, featherweight, featherweight, super featherweight and junior
lightweight, lightweight, super lightweight and junior welterweight, welterweight,
superwelters or juniors medium weight, medium weight, light heavyweight, cruises and
In amateur boxing weight division is: flyweight, fly, bantam, feather, lightweight,
welterweight and junior welterweight, welterweight, medium, light heavyweight,
heavyweight and super heavyweight.

Name of the game/task

Materials/equipment: Rope, boxing Space: School gym
gloves, magnesium.

Number of participants:

Duration: 50 minutes

The whole class

Task description:
Will conduct a session on "educational Boxing contactless".
It consists of three rounds a minute: rope, sack and "shadow" (in which boxers fight
against air).
Through these activities work the physical abilities of students, while working the
values of boxing and training.
To begin we will make a brief introduction to the students about the history of boxing
and "educational Boxing contactless".
Through three work based activities boxing training, students will learn why these
qualities in boxing is working and transfers have in the sport. Students at each of the
stations receive a record in which the exercise and transfer explains.
After the session, and cool down, we will have a trivial on the chips have received
the students. (Sheets added to the end of the document)
The session consists of three activities:
1st Activity: Jump rope: Students undertake jumps rope for a minute, the number of
hops is valued.
Activity 2: Shadow, in which students perform various punches in the air, returning to
duty after taking the hit. This activity is advisable to do it in front of mirrors for
students correct technique.
3rd Activity: Hitting the sack, and at school we cant count on them will do an activity
in which students will stain your hands with magnesium and we will combats in which
students will have to touch the other between the waist and neck

No hitting.
Recognize the sport of boxing as noble and not as violent sport.

Having no sacks in schools, will make a modification fight in which the alumnus will
have to touch the companions between the waist and neck.

Graphic explanation:


Improves resistance
Improves footwork
-Improved Stuck
-Increased Strength to throw combinations
Breathing -Mejorara
Improves ability to remain calm and concentration

Running helps to have resistance or power in the legs, as plyometrics, but not
exclusive footage awareness of your feet, however when you rope them you only pay
attention to these to keep pace with rope jumping. Being able to control your feet will
definitely improve your Boxing !!!
The jump rope forces you to do many repetitive movements and again one with good
pace, it will make you gain muscle strength specified for the Boxing better body
coordination and balance, which influence your stuck !!!
Perfectly mimics the rhythm of fight when you jump to the rope you are in constant
motion, which is the goal to be in the ring, continually move your opponent will not
know where to find you !!!

A fighter who does shadow boxing in the ring is
doing to improve your balance, strength and
footwork. When you shadow boxing, a fighter
will move as if fighting a real opponent even if
all you're doing is fighting against an imaginary
opponent. To make the best of your time in the
ring to do shadow boxing, you have to imagine
that there is a real opponent in front of you
throwing punches. You have to move
effectively circumvent imaginary punches and throw you. You'll fight other fighters and
rival, but your movements will be determined by what you do when you do shadow


When working with a punching bag we do
is exert a force on a heavy and inert body.
This requires a force of explosion that
allows us to make this move. This is what
will make use of the punching bag a
suitable tool to work our body.
First of all we get in position and be clear
that a punching bag is a heavy body and soft, but not too over which unload blows with
different parts of our body, as there are different sports that use it to strike with hands,
and legs on its surface. This bag will absorb the impacts that we give without doing us
harm thereby. Hence its great appeal when toning your body.
Development explosive force
When we hit any part of our body on the punching bag you do is download the blow on
this unit. To this blow we do is develop our muscles explosive force, ie, at a time when
we activate all constituent fibers to slow dry the coup against the bag and return them
to their normal condition to return to collapse them the next blow. This exercise is one
that will work the fibers and get our muscles stay tense and assets to practice this
Aerobic Exercise
But not only the practice of exercise with a punching bag has these benefits, but also
represents a fairly complete aerobic exercise because it constantly during the duration
of the activity will not remain unemployed, as we will be moving at all times, making our
bodies work aerobically greatly speaking. Thus we will achieve greater calorie burn and
a high work of the lungs and circulatory system.
Psychological Effects
The psychological effects are also something to consider, is that if the sport already
serves to encourage us, doing exercise on a punching bag help to ease tensions with
each stroke and thereby eliminate stress accumulated throughout the day. Therefore it
is a good outlet for the time to get better and get our general be more relaxed.
An advantage to consider when working with the punching bag is that it can be placed
anywhere, and it is simple sport with this set. It is not necessary that we go to a gym or
we use complicated machines. But yes, it is important to have a prior physical form and
know some notions of how to hit properly to avoid injuries that can occur when you hit
the sack.

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