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How does our age respond to Stonehenge?

A highlight of my tour is what President Barack Obama felt about Stonehenge in his ever first visit to
Wales, and theres no doubt about it, Stonehenge is as stunning as the pyramids in Egypt, whatever the
main reason that has moved on its builders to built such a glorious temple could have been
y no hay duda de ello puesto que al ser una mega estructura mas antigua que la gran piramide de Egipto
lo convierte en un paraje de clase mundial digno de vistiar, y es que sus constructores cuidaron muy bien
las medidas para asombrar generosamente a los visitantes. 200 Generaciones mas tarde Stonehenge
continua reuniendo a gente pero esta vez de todo el mundo, e independientemente de creencias
religiosas ha servido de punto de encuentro para la celebracion de conciertos hasta la llegada del solticios
de veranos por parte de los neodruidas y public en general, si, tal parece que que mientras pasens los
milenion las personas se intriga que nos reto e induce a la investigacion constante.
El no conocer para que fue construido nos hace tenerle una admiracion mucho mas fuerte hoy en da y
nos inspira automaticamente a descubrir que hay detras de tan basta construccion y pasaran los siglos y
los siglos y este sentimiento no variara puesto que el simple hecho de tratar de decodificar el pasado nos
lleva por un sinnmero de caminos, una tarea dificil para los arqueologos puesto que no se cuenta de
Fuentes escritas, algo contradictorio para una sociedad muy bien estrcturada que pudo hacerle possible
este proyecto. De lo que si estamos seguros es que se encontraban en su mejor momento, vivieron una
Grecia Clasica en el sentido de esplendor.
Siendo posiblemente la megaestrcutra monolitica que mas tiemmpo tardo en construirse (about 1000) su
cronologia nos ayuda a imaginarnos la evolucion de cuya sociedad tuvo, de un arcaismo a un
perfeccionamento. Y ese proceso continua hasta nuestros dias, pero esta vez en lo inmaterial, lo
interpretamos de diferente manera y podemos darle diferentes uso, desde lugar de entrenamiento por
parte de las tropas de King George V and Lord Kitchener visit Stonehenge, 1915, fuente de inspiraciones
de poemas y canciones, pasando por conciertos y picnics al aire libre, hasta filmacin de pelculas y
series de televisin como Doctor Who.
Stonehenge es como el parrque el que todos quieren visitar, la pelcula que todos quieren mirar, la
cancin que todos quieren escuchar, la novela que todos quieren leer, un regalo invaluable por parte de
los antepasados, Baker people y todas las personas involucradas en su construccin, claramente ha
estado en el centro del universo
El no saber para que fue construdio nos invita a especular y darle nuestro propio sginifacado y es essa
trascendencia la que no ha dejado que el monumento muera con el paso del tiempo,

Although, Even if, However, Rather than

How does our age respond to Stonehenge?

A highlight of my tour is what President Barack Obama manifest about Stonehenge in his first visit to
Wales, and theres no doubt about it. Why? Because Stonehenge is as stunning as the pyramids in Egypt,
even further is more ancient than the great pyramid of Giza, and this makes of Stonehenge a world-class
place to visit and besides because its builders took "good care of measures" to amaze visitors generously.
Nowadays surrounded of many questions but everyday less than before, 200 generations after this
monument continuous gathering people but this time from around the world, regardless of their beliefs, it
has become a place with more life than ever. From concerts to celebrating upcoming solstices by neo
druids and public in general it seems that this place will be delighting us for hundred of years.

What delights us is also what keeps our whole attention in it. For many archaeologists it has been totally a
challenge the undiscovered especially the Why it was built, an impossible mission maybe for
contemporary researchers but nothing at all for next generations of archaeologists, the simply task of
inquire about the past can take us to countless conclusions, and it turns more difficult to decode the past
when you do not have a text reference to decode, but there is a thing we are all sure about, is that behind
that vast monument there must be an complex society, from the natives who started the first stage of the
project to the beaker culture, with both came a era of magnificence, a total Greek Classicism

Stonehenge is the result of a process of over a thousand of years of continuously hard working, it seems
that people were in their best moment to feel encouraged to work on this colossal structure, that brought
us a design from its archaic version till its improvement in all the ways possible. This process is endless
because we are still improving it, but with the immaterial, depending on our point of view, giving it our
significance, our use, for example lets remember the King Georges V troops training on Salisbury Plain in
1915 or the poems and songs inspired in its landscape, passing through concert and picnics outdoor, even
filming movies and TV series like Doctor Who.

Stonehenge has become the park everyone wants to visit, the movie everyone wants to watch, the song
everyone wants to listen to, the book everyone wants to read, the archaeological settlement that everyone
wants to study, this is an invaluable gift from the British ancestors to the world heritage, right now is at the
centre of the universe. Could be this their purpose for building such a great monument of that

The Why has lead us to speculate and give it to Stonehenge our own meaning and significance, and has
not left the monument die with the passage of time, fortunately theres more questions than answers so I
hope this journey among the time never reach its end (in the good sense).

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