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Nonformal Education Graduate Doesnt Have Clear Direction is

A False Perception
What is non-formal education? According to the National Education System Law
no. 20 of 2003, "Non-formal education is educational pathways outside the formal
education which can be implemented in a structured and tiered". Many people dont
know about nonformal education. Half of nonformal education students set nonformal
education study program as last choice. They are confused about their future as nonformal
education graduate that they must undertaken. Will they succeed? They assume that
nonformal education doesnt have clear direction. However, that is false perception because
nonformal education graduates have wide and clear work distribution.
Students of nonformal education is confused with their fate in the future. Nonformal
education is one of the education study program, but it doesnt give birth prospective
teachers. Not like education of primary school teachers study program which gave birth the
prospective elementary school teachers. Whereas doesnt clear nonformal education
students what will be in the future after their graduate. Nonformal education graduates
didnt competent be an educator, but they are directed to be a manager and developer of
non-formal educational institutions programs (Fauzi Kromosudiro). Today, many
established non-formal educational institutions so its clear that the chance of nonformal
education graduates to take part in the community became more widespread.
Nonformal education graduates became managers and developer of non-formal
educational institutions programs. Being a manager and developer of the program would
have a great chance to be able to take part in public life. An educator can only work as an
educator in accordance with the courses taken. If he's a math teacher, he simply competent
to be a math teacher only. In contrast to nonformal education graduate, they can work on a
variety of non-formal educational institutions or they may prefer to set up their own

Compared to other study program, nonformal education has a large enough leadfield. Nonformal education has 7 arable fields, there are equality, literacy, youth, continuing
education, early childhood education, empowerment of women, life skills. Each of these
fields can be the focus of arable nonformal education students. They shouldnt wait until
their graduate, they can be able to start it while still in college. Not just one area, they can
develop some of these fields in a container, society learning activity centers. This is where
nonformal education students acting as a social entrepreneur. Nonformal education
graduates not only could become civil servants, but they have other job opportunities as
expressed by the secretary of the directorate general of PAUDN, Gutama, "Do not just
think after graduate then became a civil servant, many other job opportunities
Actually, if many nonformal education graduate didn't get the opportunity to work it
isnt because he didnt graduate from a favourite study program such as nonformal
education. It was more referring to the individuals themselves. How the effort they do and
the experience and the ability which they develop during their college. Because actually
many jobs available for nonformal education graduates.


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