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Assignment 1: Process Modeling

Enterprise Resource Planning (CSI2602601)

2014/2015 Genap
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer,
Universitas Indonesia

Soal Tipe A
(dikerjakan oleh peserta berdasarkan urutan ganjil)

Deadline Pengumpulan

: Rabu, 11 Maret 2015 untuk kelas A, B, C || Jumat, 13 Maret 2015 untuk kelas
: di Kelas/Lab masing-masing

Memahami dan mengimplementasikan process modeling menggunakan flowchart dan event
(driven) process chain (EPC).

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Tugas

1. Assignment ini dikerjakan secara perorangan, dikerjakan oleh peserta berdasarkan urutan ganjil.
Ganjil genap? Simak User Account, di SCeLE
2. Tugas dikerjakan di kertas A4/folio, boleh memanfaatkan tools atau ditulis tangan. Tuliskan kelas,
nama dan NPM di kanan atas lembar jawab. Selain itu, Anda juga harus mengunggahnya ke SCeLE
pada submission slot yang diberikan.
3. Ketidaklengkapan identitas menyebabkan pengurangan nilai sebesar 20 poin.
4. Keterlambatan pengumpulan di hari yang sama (setelah dosen keluar ruangan) menyebabkan
pengurangan nilai sebesar 10 poin, dan wajib mengumpulkannya ke ruangan 3307 (Ged C, lantai 3,
sebelah MIC). Jika tugas dikumpulkan melebihi 1 hari setelah deadline maka nilainya 0.

Deskripsi Tugas:
Anda diminta melakukan process mapping dalam bentuk EPC pada studi kasus 1 (halaman 1) dan
swimlane pada studi kasus 2 (halaman 2).

1. [EPC] Buatlah process mapping untuk studi kasus berikut, menggunakan event (driven) process
chain (EPC)
Courier delivery service
The process begins when a customer delivers a parcel to the nearest courier warehouse. It can be either
the central or regional warehouse. The clerk will check whether the parcel contains prohibited items for
delivery such as liquids, guns, etc. Only if the parcel is approved by the clerk, the customer can fill out the
delivery form which will require his or her name, contact number and also the recipients name, recipients
address and recipients contact number. The clerk will then add the information to the database. Each
parcel will have a reference number generated by the computer to differentiate it from the others and to
prevent it from getting mixed. Based on the recipients address, the computer will also processes which
warehouse should the parcel be delivered to or whether it can be delivered right to the recipient without
having to be transferred into different warehouses. This information along with reference number will be
printed into a delivery so the parcel can be identified during the delivery process.
A handling personnel will sorts every parcels in the warehouse based on their destinations. If the parcels
recipient address is not far from the current warehouse, the courier will send the parcel directly to the
location. In other case, if the destination address is not located within the neighborhood, the clerk will call
a delivery truck to the warehouse. The truck will pick up all the parcels which needed to be distributed to
other regional warehouses that are closer to the recipients location.
Once arrived at the new warehouse, the parcel will go through another sorting. The courier will then deliver
the sorted parcel straight to the recipients address. Before receiving the parcel, the recipient needs to sign
the delivery notice as a proof of the completed delivery. Finally the courier will bring back the signed notice
to the regional warehouse so the clerk can update the parcels status in the database as delivered.

2. [SWIMLANE] Buatlah process mapping untuk studi kasus berikut, menggunakan swimlane.
Applying for Driving License
Pasadena City has a long process for its people to get driving license. First, the applicants have to
sign up for driving lesson at the nearest driving school. Pasadena Department of Motor Vehicles
(DMV) has many branches of driving schools in the city. Administration staff at driving schools will
send applicants data to finance department of Pasadena DMV, then finance department will send
applicants the bills to applicants address. Applicants can pay the bills via Bank of Pasadena. A
driving lesson consists of 10 meetings costs $200. The driving lesson is obligatory, even applicants
who can drive (without license) have to sign up for the class.
Administration staff at driving schools will schedule the classes. Driving class will only be scheduled
after the applicants have paid the bills. Then, applicants will attend classes. After completing 10
meetings, the instructors will score the applicants and notify administration staff if they are ready
to take the test. Administration staff will send recommended applicants data and score to
administration staff Pasadena DMV. Failed applicants have to retake the driving classes, but they
do not have to pay again. Administration staff at Pasadena DMV will schedule test day, then notify
applicants by phone.
Applicants who have been notified have to come directly to DMV office to take the test on test
day. They have to pass the computerized theory test first. If they do not pass the theory test,
administration staff will automatically reschedule test day, and administration staff will notify
them by phone. Applicants who have passed theory test will take driving test (using driving
simulator) on the same day. If they do not pass the driving test, administration staff will
automatically reschedule test day, and administration staff will notify them by phone. Applicants
have to pass both tests on the same day. All scores will be processed automatically by computer
and be sent to finance department.
Finance department will process the bill after receiving applicants data. Then, the bills will be sent
to administration staff. Driving license will be printed by administration staff. Applicants can pay
the bill and get their driving license at administration desk.

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