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Level 6: I can start and continue a conversation about the past, present or future.

I can
deal with the unexpected. I can read and understand a variety of texts which include words
I know in new situations. I now can pick out points of view and understand the gist of
authentic texts. I can describe past, present or future events in paragraphs. I can use
informal and formal styles.

our pages!and stick the sheet in your exercise book. Spread the glue in this box only

not have learnt, and adapt

and written language. I can
nt are good. I can read and
red pieces of writing.

a = always
b = mostly
c = sometimes

Year 9 Spanish
Term 2 first half

Mis vacaciones - pages 42 to 58

Mira 2 - Unit 3 Overview

This unit is about

Describing past holidays
Saying what you did on holidays
Giving more details of your holidays
Giving a presentation about holidays
Learning more about Spanish-speaking countries
By the end of this unit I will have learnt How to talk
about holidays and say what I did. I will be able to
give opinions about my holiday, give a presentation
about holidays and be able to talk about Spanishspeaking countries.

My name:
At the start of this my levels are:



Tutor Grp:

My overall target level for the end of this unit is:

The topics in this unit are:
Holiday destinations
Holiday activities
Opinions on holidays
Presentation about holidays
Spanish-speaking countries
Grammar: I will be able to Use the preterite ser and ir as well as those of
Express opinions about past events
Combine preterite and present tenses
Skills: I will be able to use the following PLTS:
Independent enquirers, team workers and selfmangers to make a ppt presentation about my
holiday or a Spanish speaking country. Or
Team workers, Self-managers and creative thinkers
to make an informative poster about a Spanishspeaking country.

How did I learn best?

What did I enjoy the most?

What am I proud of?

For the assessment: I will have to be able to understand

information about past holidays in listening and reading;
ask and answer questions about holidays; and write short
paragraphs about holidays

My levels at the end of this unit are:


Level 5: I can understand conversations about more than one thing, in

the past, present or future. I can give and ask for information. I can
talk about the past, the present or the future. I am easily understood.
I can read and understand all sorts of material in the past, present or
future. I can understand passages not written for schools e.g.
newspapers. I can write short passages to ask for and give
information. I can use the past, the present and the future.

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