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Model for Developing Environmental Friendly Kids Behavior

(Green Childrens Behavior) as a part Way to Manage Waduk

Sermos Sedimentation Risk based on Natural Environment

Dr. John Suprihanto, MIM

Agusta Ika Prihanti Nugraheni, SE., MBA

In general it cannot be denied that sedimentation of lakes or waduk-waduk in Indonesia are challenges that tend to
be extremes and are strongly related with the character of the surounding communities. The big challenges for every
community beside the internal, local or national situation are the impact of globalization and rapid advances in technology,
especially communications and information. Changes and influences from various internal and external forces are increasing
variety of problems, both related to deviant social behavior, violence, injustice, intolerance and anarchist in every aspect of life
with the highest problem (in this context) is an extreme lakes sedimentation. The overall quality of the environment to live
comfortably in Indonesia is likely to be low and very alarming and is closely related to poverty. It is noticeable with a poor quality
of life of the population, lack of adequacy and quality of food, limited and poor of quality health care, low quality of child
nutrition, and low quality of education and other social services as well as the increasingly poor quality of air and water in their
daily lives.
Natural disasters such as floods, droughts, tropical storms, sea level rise, increased erosion, and uncertainty season
is the impact of sedimentation of lake that require immediate action in a framework known as the long-term sustainable
development. Therefore, Indonesia promptly needs to take action in managing the sedimentation risk of lakes.
In the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution mandated, among others, the state of Indonesia shall protect all the people
of Indonesia and all the independence and the land that has been struggled for, and to improve public welfare, to educate the
life of the people and to participate toward the establishment of a world order based on freedom, perpetual peace and social
justice. In the context of 'protect all the people of Indonesia and the entire country of Indonesia', Article 33 paragraph (3) states
that The land, the waters and the natural resources within shall be under the powers of the State and shall be used to the
greatest benefit of the people and paragraph (4) states that The organization of the national economy shall be conducted on
the basis of economic democracy upholding the principles of togetherness, efficiency with justice, continuity, environmental
perspective, self-sufficiency, and keeping a balance in the progress and unity of the national economy.
One effort to alleviate the environmental problems, especially climate change, the government has manifested in the
form of 2013 Development Goals and Policy Development. Environment Alleviation Policy, especially climate change in the
Direction of Development Policy 2013 includes handling problems of malnutrition and food shortages; expanding opportunities
for the education of the poor; expanding health opportunities and accessibility for the poor; expanding business opportunities.
This policy, particularly the opportunities in education can benefit and support the effort to change behavior, especially
environmentally friendly behavior that can be implement through education.
To protect all the people of Indonesia and the entire country of Indonesia, we need individuals with good moral, who
has a positive character or personality that as a group will become the foundation of a conducive social order. To overcome
various problems in Indonesia, particularly climate change, it needs an excellence and positive community, which has the
capital to counteract or neutralize the climate change risks. Character education, especially in schools and as early a s possible
is essential to answer these problems. Teachers have a great and noble responsibilities and duties. Teachers as agents of
change should be creative, innovative, adaptive, skilled and responsive to changes in its environment that can be turbulent and
latent. Similarly, teachers also as agents of development has a role to build the nation's character that started as early as
possible through the children (elementary level and if possible since playgroup and or kindergarten). The teachers play a very
strategic role, especially in shaping the national character and develop the ability of students.
This momentum of character education cannot be missed because children personality and behavior in their golden
age should be formed by sharpening their personality, and fostering compassion. Therefore, they can be more sensitive and
responsive with changes in their environment. They will have an understanding about righteousness, loving goodness, and
doing the good things. It is consistent with UU No 20 Tahun 2003 about National Education System, article 3: educations is not
only creating intelligent Indonesian people, but also shaping their personality and have good character. The experts generally
agree that a person with a successful career dominantly is supported by soft skills (80%), however his or her hard skills dont
have to be dominant (20%).
The imbalance is a contribution from the family or household. From a lot of experience in the field , the role of the
family and also school as a foundation in shaping the character has not been able to pass down to the children a character or
behavior of environmentally friendly. Therefore, due to changes in era, several challenges occurs which lessening the role of
the teacher as an agent of change as well as an agent of development.
The Implementation of character education in primary schools is done through several groups of activities, namely in
learning activities, development of school culture and learning centers, extracurricular activities, and daily activities at home and
in the society. All those group activities are blend, managed, and implemented as early as possible, step by step, continuous
and consistent to build children's character. Of course, the success of climate change risk management cannot be achieved
without good cooperation and shared responsibility between government, business, Universities and a harmonious and unified
society (stakeholders). For that, it needs to be researched and developed management practices to alleviate climate change
risk through free education based extracurricular creative economy and based on partnership with the natural environment.
Based on the strategic management and social marketing, this study to map, describe, analyze, compare, and merge
in order to create a social product or alternative patterns of green behavior, especially for children through a 12-year
compulsory education. Through 8 sub - survey and Focus Group Discussion either through depth interview accommodated in
grounded action research and Participation Action Research (PAR) it is expected to design management patterns or model in
sustainable development of childrens green behavior (elementary, junior high, vocational) through an integrated partnership
strategy (stakeholders). In support of stakeholders, the implementation of this program in addition to a partner who has been
mentioned earlier; would very much involve Research and Public Service University Institute (LPPM PTN/S), especially
students who are doing community development program with elementary, junior high, and vocational education-themed.
Keyword: Extra-curricular, creative economics, household, agent of change, agent of development, strategic management,
social marketing, grounded research, participation action research.

A. Background
Sedimentation of lakes (which tend to be extreme) is caused by human
activities with a variety of reasons that are likely to result in an imbalance. In general
it cannot be denied that sedimentation of lakes or waduk-waduk in Indonesia is
challenges that tend to be extremes and are strongly related with the character of the
surounding communities. The big challenges for every community beside the
internal, local or national situation are the impact of globalization and rapid advances
in technology, especially communications and information. Changes and influences
from various internal and external forces are increasing variety of problems, both
related to deviant social behavior, violence, injustice, intolerance and anarchist in
every aspect of life with the highest problem (in this context) is an extreme lakes
sedimentation. The overall quality of the environment to live comfortably in Indonesia
is likely to be low and very alarming and is closely related to poverty. It is noticeable
with a poor quality of life of the population, lack of adequacy and quality of food,
limited and poor of quality health care, low quality of child nutrition, and low quality of
education and other social services as well as the increasingly poor quality of air and
water in their daily lives.
We all also know that there are many activities carried out by experts and
observers from central, regional and local governments, companies (both private
and state), Universities, Research Institutes, NGOs and communities to overcome
this sedimentation issue, for example, through a variety of activities related to
planting various types of trees. Likewise, in accordance with their duties and
functions, the Ministry of Forestry and the Local Forestry Department also manages
Indonesian forests.
In the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution mandated, among others, the state
of Indonesia shall protect all the people of Indonesia and all the independence and
the land that has been struggled for, and to improve public welfare, to educate the
life of the people and to participate toward the establishment of a world order based
on freedom, perpetual peace and social justice. In the context of 'protect all the
people of Indonesia and the entire country of Indonesia', Article 33 paragraph (3) and
(4) of the 1945 Constitution states that (The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
(3). the land, the waters and the natural resources within shall be under the
powers of the State and shall be used to the greatest benefit of the people.
(4). The organization of the national economy shall be conducted on the basis of
economic democracy upholding the principles of togetherness, efficiency with
justice, continuity, environmental perspective, self-sufficiency, and keeping a
balance in the progress and unity of the national economy
To alleviate the environmental problems, especially sedimentation of lake, the
government has manifested in the form of 2013 Development Goals and Policy
Development. Environment Alleviation Policy, especially climate change in the
Direction of Development Policy 2013 includes handling problems of malnutrition and

food shortages; expanding opportunities for the education of the poor; expanding
health opportunities and accessibility for the poor; expanding business opportunities.
B. Why is it not showing results as we expected?
This action research builds a model or a pattern to develop children
environmental friendly behavior in order to manage the risks of sedimentation of
Sermo Lake through or based on a partnership with the natural environment. The
framework theory underlying this research is multidisciplinary, which are strategic
management, social marketing, and education as well as a variety of fields related to
forestry and plantations. In the other hand, this model has been based on a
partnership between the children from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high
school and vocational high school with the natural environment in a form of 12-year
compulsory education.
The creative economy extra-curricular education is a process of learning from
an early age (kindergarten) to instill the values of eco-friendly, by giving story
(lectures, singing, etc) and examples of activities to develop seeds, planting,
nurturing, harvesting, post-harvest processing and commercialize gradually (kaizen)
and continuously around the school (eg, garden or an experiment ground) .
Furthermore, for the actual activity all students are given seeds (free of charge: 1020 seeds) and they will be assisted to plant and cultivate a number of fruits trees
properly that match with the land, especially greenbelt of the Sermo Lakes.
As stated earlier that gradually and in accordance with their level of education
(elementary, junior, high school or vocational), students will be accompanied by an
extracurricular teacher or facilitator in addition to planting, they will also be guided
and assisted to develop seeds, nurture, and harvesting (including post-harvest,
processing and commercializing) corresponding with the potential and excellence of
local vegetation in each region (both at the village level, district / city).
Indeed, the main purpose of this program is to develop environmentally
friendly behavior that is instilled at an early age. The outcome will not be easily seen
or felt. It also takes a long time (12 years of compulsory education) and is not easy to
measure both short-term and long-term. However, we will see the short term (one
year) and medium (5 years) output simultaneously in a very significant number that
is vegetations that are planted in the area or region respectively.
C. The Importance of Character Building through Education
Teachers have a great and noble responsibilities and duties. Teachers as
agents of change should be creative, innovative, adaptive, skilled and responsive to
changes in its environment that can be turbulent and latent. Likewise, teachers also
as agents of development has a role to build the nation's character that started as
early as possible through the children (elementary level and if possible since
playgroup and or kindergarten). The teachers play a very strategic role, especially in
shaping the national character and develop the ability of students.
This momentum of character education cannot be missed because children
personality and behavior in their golden age should be formed by sharpening their

personality, and fostering compassion. Therefore, they can be more sensitive and
responsive with changes in their environment. It is consistent with UU No 20 Tahun
2003 about National Education System, article 3: educations is not only creating
intelligent Indonesian people, but also shaping their personality and have good
character. The experts generally agree that a person with a successful career
dominantly is supported by soft skills (80%), however his or her hard skills dont have
to be dominant (20%).
D. The Role of Family and School in Character Building
Family is the first community in which a person from an early age learns the
concept of good and bad, appropriate and inappropriate, right and wrong. Family or
household is also referred to as the smallest organization in the world that consists
of a father, mother and children. The role of the father and mother are shaping the
children character through guidance and exemplary role (social). The inherited
character can be positive but also negative. A lot of experiences in the field show that
the children tend to be inherited with negative behavior. That could be because the
parents do not know or do not have time or do not want to know even tend to
indifferent to character building in a family environment.
Similarly, schools have a major role in students character building, especially
through the role of teachers. The school climate and the involvement of the principal
and the teachers are the determinants for the attainment of character education
interventions in schools. Similar to the parents at home, the teachers play a very
strategic role, especially in shaping the national character and develop the ability of
students. However, due to changes in the era that set off a number of new
challenges, the role of the teacher is not only teaching in class, but even more
important as both agents of change and as an agent of development.
To successfully implement the character building program both at homes and
schools economically, efficiently, effectively, ecological and fairly, then it is necessary
to implement the management functions, such as planning, directing, monitoring,
evaluating and follow up.
E. Literature Review
1. Development and Environment
Chronologically, the problem of poverty in development, among others, has
been seriously discussed by the UNCED (United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development) or the Earth Summit 1992 in Rio de Janeiro

attended by 179 countries. They try to resolve the massive socio-economic impact of
human activities on the environment and vice versa. If someone is poor and has a
weak economy, the environment suffers; if the environment is damaged and
resources are used excessively then the society will suffer and the economy will fail.
The result: Agenda 21, a comprehensive and extensive program of action that
demands new ways in carrying out development in the 21st century so that the
development in the whole world will be sustainable.
Subsequently, on 2-11 September 2002 World Summit on Sustainable
Development has been held in Johannesburg by more than 189 heads of
government and NGOs, world agencies (Rio +10). Mainly it is to be a review
implementation of the Earth Summit in 1992, namely the implementation of
commitments and constraints of sustainable development. The concept of
sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
(WCED,1987) or in other words, the ability of a development project to generate
sufficient net surplus as input for subsequent development (Cernea, 1986). In order
to achieve the mentioned above requires an indicator. Indicator is a tool to describe
in a simple way or a dependent of the conditions associated with larger systems or
complex. Indicator is not merely a tool to evaluate the condition of the economic
aspects. Examples of indicators: GDP, income (PAD), and the average per capita
income. Examples of social indicators: the level of public education, the level of
unemployment. From the description above, consistently incorporate criteria and
indicators of the level of education is needed to provide a solution to the problem of
environmental conservation.
On the other hand we know that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
are an ambitious agenda which are to improve the lives. The world leaders agreed at
the Millennium Summit in September 2000 in New York which was attended by 189
UN member states are largely represented by heads of government, including
Indonesian President. World leaders agreed to sign the Millennium Declaration that
was adopted from the previous commitment. Millennium Development Goals is one
of Indonesia's commitment to improve the welfare of the community. There are 8
(eight) millennium goals expected to be achieved in 2015. Millennium development
goals to be achieved, namely: 1). alleviation of poverty and hunger, 2). achieve
universal primary education; 3). promote gender equality and empower women, 4).

reducing child mortality, 5). improve maternal health; 6). control of HIV and AIDS ,
malaria and other infectious diseases; 7). ensure environmental sustainability, and
8). develop a global partnership for development.
2. Strategic Management
The final goal of the strategic management learning is a strategic thinking
model or pattern. In the context of strategic planning, strategy is a response or
initiative from an individual or organization to the opportunities or threats that come
from the external environment by using their strengths/weaknesses to achieve its
goals. The assumptions are that the data can be collected with fairly complete, and
based on a SWOT analysis (at least 4 quadrants) of the situation and the conditions
of education in Indonesia is likely to generate in the quadrant that have a high
probability (climate change alleviation) and weaknesses (resources very limited). In
that position, the relatively suitable grand strategy is partnership strategy (strategic
Moreover, it is said that the strategic expert is a person who is able to take
advantage of opportunities to use the power and also able to transform weaknesses
into strengths and threats into opportunities. In a family consist of a father, mother
and children, then the children are the most vulnerable. It is expected that by
reaching or influencing the children through free educational programs plus then it
would become a great influence for themself and their environment.
Social Marketing Department

Strategic Planning Department

Social Marketing programs: Requested Goals and Resources Strategic Planning for Portfolio Analysis

Social Marketing Mix Planning

Goal and Resource commitments for each departments

Implementation of social marketing mix plans

Evaluation of social marketing results

Figure 1. The Relationship Between Strategic Planning and Social Marketing

Kotler, P., Roberto, & EL.,1989, Social Marketing, Strategic for Changing Public Behavior,
The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc. New York, p.38.

Figure 1. shows the relationship between Strategic Planning and Social

Marketing through 7 phases, namely: 1. Implementation of the social marketing mix
plans, 2. Evaluation of a social marketing results, 3. Social Marketing programs:
Requested Goals and Resources, 4. Strategic Planning for Portfolio Analysis, 5.
Goal and Resource commitments for each departments, 6. Social Marketing Mix
Planning. Those six stages in the process will be carried out in the implementation of
the climate change risk management model through extra-curricular educationbased on creative economy.
3. Social Marketing
According to Kotler and Roberto (1989), Social Marketing is a strategy for
changing behavior. Social marketing is a course that teaches about the delivery
process values (values delivery) and or social product to the target market such that
there is a change in behavior. The old behavior changed to new behavior). Social
products can be divided into ideas, practice and tangible objects. It includes
education that has been translated into curriculum and extra-curricular (see figure

Figure 2. Social Marketing Product

Kotler, P., Roberto, & EL.,1989, Social Marketing, Strategic for Changing Public Behavior,
The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc. New York, p. 25.

Figure 3. shows the compatibility and connecting social product to its target
market. Two aspects of the social product is designed, first, aspects to provide a
suitable solution or solving the problem and second, the mean or the meaning of

aspects relating to the fulfillment of the needs and wants of the target market group
(elementary school students, junior high school and vocational). In the context of this
study, a social product that will be discussed and developed including both regular
education curriculum and extra curricular creative economy productive.

Figure 3. Matching the Product and Market

Kotler, P., Roberto, & EL.,1989, Social Marketing, Strategic for Changing Public Behavior,
The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc. New York, p.29.

Figure 4. Intangible Social Product

Kotler, P., Roberto, & EL.,1989, Social Marketing, Strategic for Changing Public Behavior,
The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc. New York, p.31

Figure 4. shows how to design a social product that is less tangible or

intangible such a way that would be appropriate and suited to the needs and wants
of the target market group or adopter that students either elementary, junior high and
vocational schools. The process used the delivery principles and methods developed
in marketing management. In this case, the old behavior of the children (ie not able
to behave environmentally friendly) is expected to be shifted to have the new
behavior (environmentally friendly). Education in both elementary, junior high, and
vocational very much based on communication process that consists of a reciprocal
sender - receiver - media.
In the process of mutual communication between teachers and students
(children), the environmentally friendly or green behavior of the children will be
directed and developed from an early age and based on sufficient and adequate
education that is primary school, junior high school and high school vocational
education along with extracurricular creative economy (productive) and are tiered
according to the situational level. In other words, that in order to change children
behavior towards environmentally friendly behavior it can started by forcing the


children and thus forced behaviors are to be repeated and will become a habit, and
finally will be adapted to the culture.
F. Creative Economics
The children behavior of the creative economy (productive) will be developed
from an early age and based on sufficient and adequate education is primary school,








accompanied with the creative economy (productive) and are tiered according to the
situational level based on Presidential Directive 6/2009. In Presidential Directive
6/2009 mentioned 14 coverage of the field of economics, namely the creative
advertising; architecture; art and antiques market; craft; design; fashion; film, video
and photography; videogames; musical; performing arts; publishing and printing;
service computers and software; radio and TV; research and development.
G. Methods and Approaches
Methods and approaches that will be used in this study will be combined
between grounded research and participation action research. According to Bowen
(2006), grounded research is a method that is not glued to the application of a theory
, but rather an effort to find a variety of social issues and the reality on the ground for
further formulated or abstracted in such a way to new ' theory '. In other words, the
grounded research is inductive (from specific to general). The second method is a '
review of acts based on participation or participation action research (PAR) with
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to prepare a comprehensive program. The
combination of these two methods is quite appropriate to use for this research seeks
to identify, analyze carefully and deeply social reality, especially with regard to the
various patterns of climate change risk behavior, then formulated new concepts and
patterns (model) in an effort to alleviate climate change risk through free education








organization is based on a partnership between communities, universities,

businesses and government.
H. Establishing and Composing a Pattern or Model
For establishing and composing a Pattern or Model for Developing
Environmental Friendly Kids Behavior (Green Childrens Behavior) as a part Way to

Manage Waduk Sermos Sedimentation Risk based on Natural Environment

1. To identify and motivate all students at each level to participate in planting
vegetation in the Sermo Lakes greenbelt
2. To identify and count the number of trees or vegetation that needed in order to
be able to sustain an economic life of the students.
3. To identify, survey, and measure the Sermo Lakes greenbelt and the land
own by each family
4. To identify and develop creative economy extracurricular activities, such as
seeding, planting, maintaining, harvesting, post-harvesting process and
commercialization, at each level of education
5. To identify and choose the facilitator and mentor for each level of education
6. To identify and develop the type of institutional form and also determine the
institutional that will be involved in this program.


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The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia


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