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* Extra " Extra ' Extra .

Exira ' Exira

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-rtt#fi*6Y GAM
The follewing article is being
written for the sole PurPose of
entightening. all thcse wha d*
not have the knowledge about
a man who was cailed Jimr*Y
Jam by the SuPreme of All
B*ings {Allah} and the reason
wi^ry h* was called thai by his
main man {may the peace and
blessings oi Allah farever and
hereafier be upon hirn.)

Now getting down to th* sci*nce c,f his iruth and facts, ft*y
*car raadarc iharc ert enrna
rryiro ciid not know hir*. and
there are oihers who did n*i
understand (the meaning to
nis iogici. To you i say ihat
lt tel E wa.s


l(Jt ti

t(-,t +Li^
u IIi,

*^i I la,r r

than that the naked eye can

cieiect- This perso*,

who I am aboui to manifest
his trulh ab*ut his name, is
none other than ijusiice C,


A lleltD
nilar |

I am using Aiiah behind hls

narne because it is oul'farnily
name, nevgr the less "Justi**
C", or the "oid manl as w
called him, never liked anycne
to catrl him "Allah" because he
did not iike it. He used to say

f rst


rrug c

l ava


because ?llah" was his man.

He weni on io say thai his
ilame was "Justice". Lat*r on
in years, thatfollowed him. He

UEUctlllE LtUDtlUe



he said that there were too

many broihers wiih the name
"Justice" so he said he added

"# l*

his raane so that th*

and not some other brsther

wifi: the i'ran'Ie "Jusiice'. No$r,

{Th* Srd *da*}

one of those summer months.

He said that'Attah" was selling

man" without really doing any

ncwcnnnar' hack
then, he saici that their was
anoiher muslii-n broiher who

whai you have been ioid about

had stopped him and was trying to seil hirn a paper. "The
old man" said that at ihe time

there are people who write or

have written aboui



rgsearch on the rnan. You

write not what you know, but

ivly dear reader,

what you have been told about
the old man lYas not right anci
exast, because the truth of ihe
.matter is that iand I specify)
that iJustice C", the honorable
ijames Howell" was never ii'i
the masque. Brothers and s!sters, I am noi making any of
rL:^ .,^
tafls uH.

''ll'Li^ ^^-a
I lllo u4rlrE

he had no money. This is

when "Allah" ffime over and
spoke to him (Jusiice). He
said that ?liah" had shorts on
and a shiri. He askeri hirn
wfiai did he have and "..iustice"
told hlm that he had a stick of
hashish" He saici thai ?iiah"
iook the stick of hash and gave
him n nw-snAner

n{ hia
^..r Lrl

No',v, being he lvas a mei'chant

own mouth, the year that he

dieci ifrorn a seizurei nnoni*s

seaman {let me also say that

he was the Chief of the Chefs).
his ship headed for Mecca (the

few of us that he srras never in

ihe mosque, he ioid us that he
'dras a merchant seaman. The
brothers who were present at
iire iime of him telling us iiris
'riere Shaarngaudd (fi:tst bom),
Kaheen {pony tail}, Baleak
{iirst bom}, Siheem ifirst bom},
,Alim Supreme and his brother'
Living Truth. Dubar, l-Gcd,

holy city)" He said that he



ll=vlil|(iLr }a
I tv tllctt.r
tv 4

Tamari from Mass), iusi

Allah, Wi!!ie, myself {A.llal't
there were other
brothers present who right
now I cannat reca!!,



He (the ald man) begai, io teil

us how he met "A!lah" {the
$upreme cj aii beingsi. rt*
said he met "Allah" on 117ih
and Lenox Asenue"

spent time in the east anrj that

he felt like he was 1S years
old- Besides from him reading
"Honorable Eiiiah
Muharnmad's Newspapef and
by him being in the holy ci$,
he began to iook for tiris perscn called "Allah" be*ause the
messenger taught thai the
God and the
nnaker and owner of the earth.
r0ld man Justice" totd us that
he spent 3 days sornewhere In
a viltage (! can't recall the
narne, but I beiieve firsi bcm
Siheem Allart remembers the
name). He told the king of the
viiiage that he was readY to
meet "Allah". The klng told
hlm that he was in the lvrong




and sisters, as

revealed to us, according to

the bible and it's ProPhecY in
the bpok of St. Matthew,
Chapter 24: Verse 27:

"For as the lightening

cometh out of the east,
and.shineth even unto
the west: so shall also
the coming of the son
of man be-"

This is in reference to what the

king told old man "Justice C",
so lhe old man came back to
New York City (Mecca) as the
Father named
Only this
time, he seen "Allah" on 1241h
.Street and Lenox Avenue. At
this time, He (Allah), was nour
"the Supreme of Allah Beings."
The old man told us that he
began to have a conversation
with "Allah". Let us remember
that at this time, "Allah" was no
longer in the mosque. He (the
Father) was saying now that
he was "Allah" (the true and
living God).


Justice, the old man brought

back to his mind, the incident
about the exchange of the
paper for a siick cf hash. As
"Allah" listened to him, it came
back (the incident) to his mind.
He told the old man what had
happened to him and why they

ithe muslims) expelled him

from the mosque. "Allah" went
on further
{Justice C) that his realization
of the truth of who the blackman is, would enable. him to
teach the children about who
they are and their aim in this
world. He also began to tell
him about how he was going to



save the worlci {through the

children) becaus* ail the
churches and even the muslims do not teach the babies.
All they teach is the old and
how to clean themselveS up,
but they do not teach the children because throLlgh the children, the world shall be saved
from all the confusion and
crime that keeps us being a
slave from a mental death and
power (14th degree in the 140). Remembet the wealth of
any Nation is the children. As
the old man listened to "Allah"
he began to see how this man
(who he hadn't seen in over
one yeari was going to get rid
of all the sins in Harlem
(Mecca) simply by teaching
the children that there is somebody who loves them and that
he is willing to fight for them
{through education) even if it
meant laying dswn his life for
them. {Who is us, the five-per-

centers). At this time he

(Justice C) was asked by
"Allah", "did he understand
what he was saying" and the
old man replied, 'Yes", and
'Allah" told hinr, and I quote
"Now you are down with me.
My name is "Allah" and your

name now is


Together, we shall begin

teaching the young brothers
and create us a Nation."

To the best of my knowledge

(which is right and exact), w,
the Gods who I mentioned ear-

lier in this article, and any

other brothers who knew
"Jimmy Jam", the old man,
know about this man and prob-

ably know more things

because there were brothers,
eyen sisters (sisters who were

earths of the first born Gods

fi'om Medina) who took care of
the old man, and I knew
because I know "Jimmy Jam",
and there are still some of you
around just like him.

Believe me when I teil you

that man" was and slill is "one
of a kind". He is truly loved
and missed, by those who
knew and know "Jimmy Jam",
the old man. Not taking anything away from his man, "the
supreme of all beings", our

Father, "Allah", because he

had magnetic power. My dear
reader, you have to check out
your r'nathematics, only to see
like I see that "Allah" was truly
and without doubt, the piece
with the magnetic in it.

Gods and earths, check out

the prophecy of Matthew. The
old man (Justice C, after being
yCIu are in the wrong
place looking for "Allah", left on

told that

the next thing smoking. You

see, he was the lightning that
shined out of the east. (He
came with wisdom) out of the
east. Only to come about and
find out that it also (lightning)
shined on the west "and this is
where he came to meet the
son of man". The sarne man
that he was learning about in
the east, was right here in the
west all the time.
Now, remember his (Justice C)
lightning {which was now his
wisdom) came to shine it on in
the west. Now he met the
piece with the nnagnetic in it
(here in the west) which was
also "wisdom". Now we look in
aur 22nd degree in our 1-40

and we wiil see why his L,

{Juslice Ci wisdom and

together they gave us a
"Culture that became I-God".
Not taking anything from the
old pioneers of our Nation. I
arn just speaking about mY
experiences about Allah -NJustice.


explain my topic
"Jimrny Jam the Old Man" to
those of you who did not know
him or of him. The reason why
he was called "Jimmy Jam"
was because his honorable
name was James, and people
who are named ijames" are
sometimes called "Jimmy".
The tam" part comes from the
saying , when you don noi
have the knowledge about
something and somebody gets
you caught up in some kind of
jive mess, you are forced to
say things that you don't want
to say, but because this is your
man, you have nc other choice
in the matter but to bail him
out. And you all can't tell me
thal some where along down
the line you haven't done it for

against a man who


"Justice" for all.

May the peace and blessings

of Allah, forever be upon him
and in the hereafter.
So until our minds meet again,
l'll say may the peace and
blessings of the Supreme of All
Beings (Allah) be upon us fo?^,,^- ^^)
arru l-^-^^Ir^trEtealler.

Let us not also forget that on

the Wisdom Equality day of
the jews-lie, Children's Day
ratly will and shall take place.
As we, (the Gods from or of
Medinai still will state or say
that there shall be no pictures,
papers or any other items sold
on this day. lt you cannot bring
anything lree tor the.Children,
just stay home, but send your
Children, simply because it is
their day.
Peace and Happiness
Your Brother
Allah Sha-Sha
(The Savior)

your seed. That is what is

called "a jam", Being 'lustice
C" kept ?llah" in this kind cf
predicament, he called him
"Jimmy Jam" and we ithe
Gods) called him the Old Man.

Now for those of you who do

not know him (Justice C), and
write things about hinn that you

know not of, to you I say,

before you went to print anything about him, you should

just con-front the first borns or

the elders of our Nation.
Please do not write that which
you know not of because you
are making a mockery and that
also called blasphemy



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