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Certified that this report titled 5 PEN PC
TECHNOLOGY is a bonafide record of the
seminar work done by K.S.MIDHUN KRISHNA
under our supervision and guidance, towards
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the Degree of B.Sc. Computer Science of the
University of Kerala.

Reg.No:320-10 956 011

External Examiner
Head of the Institution
Internal Examination

The seminar report on 5 PEN
PC TECHNOLOGY is outcome of guidance,moral
support and devotion bestowed on me throughout
my work.For this I acknowledge and express my
profound sence of gratitude and thanks to
everybody who have been a source of inspiration
during the seminar preparation.
First and foremost I offer our
sincere phrases of thanks with innate humility to
Mrs.Rajani,lecturer of University Institute of
Technology,Pirappancode and guide of my seminar
for providing help whenever needed.
If I can say in words I must at the
outset tender our intimacy for receipt of
affectionate care to University Institute of
Technology for providing such a stimulating
atmosphere and wonderful work environment.


Five pen pc shortly called as P-ISM (Pen-style Personal Networking
Gadget Package), is nothing but the new discovery, which is under developing
stage by NEC Corporation. P-ISM is a gadget package including five
cellular p h o n e f u n c t i o n , v i r t u a l k e y b o a r d , a v e r y s m a l l
p r o j e c t o r , a n d a c a m e r a . P - I S M s a r e connected with one another
through short-range wireless technology. The whole set is also
connected to the Internet through the cellular phone function.
T h i s p e r s o n a l g a d g e t i n a minimalist pen style enables the ultimate
ubiquitous computing.

diagram of 5 pen pc technology







.. 9
(2)Communication pen



(3)virtual keyboard



(4)digital camera



(5)Led projector





Merits of 5 Pen PCs

.. 20
Demerits of 5 Pen PCs
.. 22
.. 23
.. 24

Computer affects our life in a much bigger way then most of us
might have thought. It has become a compulsory requirement in
most professions to be able to use computer software. The first
computer invented was the ENIAC in 1943 which was the same
size of a large room, consuming as much power as several
hundred modern PCs. Modern computers which are based on
integrated circuits are small enough to fit into mobile devices.
One of the most compacted computers out right now are table
computers with the most popular being the IPad, but even that is
9.1inch and weighing about 700grams. But imagine having a
computer will fit on your pencil case.
P-ISM (Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package), which is
nothing but the new discovery, which is under developing, stage
by NEC Corporation. P-ISM is a gadget package including five
functions: a pen-style cellular phone with a handwriting data input
function, virtual keyboard, a very small projector, camera
scanner, and personal ID key with cashless pass function. P-ISMs
are connected with one another through short-range wireless
technology. The whole set is also connected to the Internet

through the cellular phone function. This personal gadget in a

minimalist pen style enables the ultimate ubiquitous computing. It
is shown below
A tablet personal computer (tablet PC) is a portable personal
computer equipped with a touch screen as a primary input device
and designed to be operated and owned by an individual. The
term was made popular as a concept presented by Microsoft in
2001, but tablet PCs now refer to any tablet-sized personal
computer, even if it's not using Windows but another PC operating
system. Tablets may use virtual keyboards and handwriting
recognition for text input through the touch screen.
All tablet personal computers have a wireless adapter for Internet
and local network connection. Software applications for tablet PCs
include office suites, web browsers, games and a variety of
applications. However, since portable computer hardware
components are low powered, demanding PC applications may
not provide an ideal experience to the user.

The conceptual prototype of the "pen" computer was built in 2003. The
prototype device, d u b b e d t h e " P - I S M " , w a s a " P e n - s t y l e P e r s o n a l
N e t w o r k i n g G a d g e t " cr e a t e d i n 2 0 0 3 b y J a p a n e s e t e c h n o l o gy
c o m p a n y NE C . Th e P - I S M w a s f e a t u r e d a t t h e 2 0 0 3 I T U Tel e c o m
World held in Geneva, Switzerland .T h e d e s i g n e r o f t h e 5 P e n
T e c h n o l o g y , Toru Ichihash, s a i d t h a t I n d e v e l o p i n g t h i s concept
he asked himself What is the future of IT when it is small? The pen was a
logical choice. He also wanted a product that you could touch and feel.
Further, the intent is to allow for an office anywhere.H o w e v e r, a l t h o u g h
a c o n c e p t u a l p r ot o t y p e o f t h e " p e n " c o mp u t e r w a s b u i l t i n 2 0 0 3 ,
s u c h devices are not yet available to consumers .An article about the device
published on the Wave Report website in 2004
A Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package .It seems that
information terminals are infinitely getting smaller. However, we will
continue to manipulate them with our hands for now. We have visualized
the connection between the latest technology and the human, in a form of

a pen. P-ISM is a gadget package including f i v e f u n c t i o n s : a p e n - s t y l e

cellular phone with a handwriting data input function, virtual
keyboard, a very small projector, camera scanner, and personal ID key
with cashless pass function. P-ISMs are connected with one another
through short-range wireless technology .T h e w h o l e s e t i s a l s o
connected to the Internet through the cellular phone function.
T h i s personal gadget in a minimalistic pen style enables the ultimate ubiquitous
computing .However, the prototype displayed at ITU Telecom World was
apparently the only sample that was built and reportedly cost $30,000. Thus,
while the prototype may have proved that such technology is feasible, it
is currently unclear when - or even if - personal computers of this type
will become available to the public. Several years on from the initial
launch of the P-ISM conceptual prototype, there seems to be little information
available about future plans.

Pen PC,which is nothing but the new discovery, which is under developing,
stage by NEC Corporation. P-ISM is a gadget package including five
functions: a pen-style cellular phone with a handwriting data input function,
virtual keyboard, a very small projector, camera scanner, and personal ID
key with cashless pass function. P-ISMs are connected with one another
through short-range wireless technology. The whole set is also connected
to the Internet through the cellular phone function. This personal gadget in
a minimalist pen style enables the ultimate ubiquitous computing. A 5 Pen
PC system contains the following components:


The functionality of the CPU is done by one of the pen. It is

also known as computing engine. It consists of dual core
processor embedded in it and it works with WINDOWS
operation system. The central processing unit (CPU) is the
portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a
computer program, and is the primary element carrying out the
computer's functions. The central processing unit carries out each
instruction of the program in sequence, to perform the basic
arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system.
This term has been in use in the computer industry at least since
the early 1960s.
The form, design and implementation of CPUs have
changed dramatically since the earliest examples, but
their fundamental
Early CPUs were custom
as a part of a larger, sometimes one-of-a-kind, a n d computer.
However, this costly method of designing custom CPUs for a
the development of mass-produced processors that are
made for one or many purposes. This standardization
trend generally began in the era of discrete transistor
mainframes and mini computers and has rapidly accelerated
with the popularization of the integrated circuit (IC). The IC
andmanufactured to tolerances on the order of nanometres.B o t h

t h e m i n i a t u r i z a t i o n a n d standardization of CPUs have

increased the presence of these digital devices in modern
far beyond the limited application of dedicated computing machin
The performance or speed of a processor depends
on the clock rate and the instructions per clock (IPC), which
together are the factors, for the instructions per second(IPS) that
the CPU can perform .Many reported IPS values have represented
"peak" execution rates on artificial instruction sequences with few
branches, whereas realistic workloads consist of a mix of
instructions and applications, some of which take longer to
execute than others. The performance of the memory
hierarchy also greatly aff ects processor performance, an issue
barely considered in MIPS calculations. Because of
these problems, various standardized tests such as SPECint have
been developed to attempt to measure there all effective
performance in commonly used applications.
Pro c e s s i n g p er f o rm a n c e o f co m p u t e r s i s i n c re a s e d
multi- core
is plugging two or more individual processors (called
cores in this sense) into one integrated circuit. Ideally, a dual
core processor would be nearly twice as powerful as a single
c o re p ro c e s s o r. I n p r a c t i c e , h o w e v e r , t h e p er f o rm a n c e
g a i n i s f a r l e s s , o n l y a b o u t fi ft y percent, due to imperfect
software algorithms and implementation.

P-ISMs are connected with one another through short-range wireless
technology. The whole set is also connected to the Internet through the
cellular phone function. They are connected through Tri-wireless modes
(Blue tooth, 802.11B/G, a n d t e r a b y t e s o f d a t a , e x c e e d i n g t h e capacity
of todays hard disks. T h i s i s v e r y e ffe c t i v e b e c a u s e w e c a n a b l e t o
c o n n e c t w h e n e v e r w e n e e d w i t h o u t h a v i n g w i r e s . Th e y a r e u s e d a t
t h e f r e q u e n cy b a n d o f 2 . 4 G H z I S M ( a l t h o u g h t h ey u s e d i ffe r e n t
access mechanisms). Blue tooth mechanism is used for exchanging signal
information b e t w e e n t w o d e v i c e s . T h i s t e c h n i q u e s h a v
e b e e n d e v e l o p e d t h a t d o n o t r e q u i r e communication b
etween the two devices (such as Blue tooths Adaptive Freq
u e n c y Hopping), the most efficient and comprehensive solution for the
most serious problems can be accomplished by silicon vendors. They can
implement information exchange capabilities within the designs of the Blue
tooth. Bluetooth uses a radio technology called frequency-hopping
spread spectrum ,which chops u p t h e d a t a b e i n g s e n t a n d t r a n s m i t s
c h u n k s o f i t o n u p t o 7 9 b a n d s ( 1 M H z e a c h c e n t e r e d from 2402 to
2480 MHz) in the range 2,400-2,483.5 MHz (allowing for guard bands)

The Virtual Laser Keyboard (VKB) is the ULTIMATE new gadget
for PC users. The VKB emits laser on to the desk where it looks like the
keyboard having QWERTY arrangement of keys i.e., it uses a laser beam
to generate a full-size perfectly operating laser keyboard that s m o o t h l y
c o n n e c t s t o o f P C a n d m o s t o f t h e h a n d h e l d d e v i c e s . As w e t y p e
o n t h e l a s e r projection , it analyses what we are typing according to the coordinates of the location.

A virtual keyboard is a software component that allows a user to

enter characters. A
virtualk e y b o a r d c a n u s u a l l y b e o p e r a t e d w i t h m u l t i p l e i n p u t
d e v i c e s , w h i c h m a y i n c l u d e a touch screen ,an actual keyboard, a
computer mouse, a head mouse and aneye mouse.
On a desktop PC, one purpose of a virtual keyboard is to
p r o v i d e a n a l t e r n a t i v e i n p u t mechanism for users with disabilities who
cannot use a physical keyboard. Another major use for an on-screen keyboard
is for bi- or multi-lingual users who switch frequently between different

character sets or alphabets. Although hardware keyboards are available

with dual key board layouts ( f o r e x a m p l e C y r i l l i c / L a t i n l e t t er s i n
v a r i o u s n a t i o n a l l ay o u t s ) , t h e o n- screen keyboard provides a handy
substitute while working at different stations or on laptops ,which seldom come
with dual layouts.
The standard onscreen keyboard utility on most
windowing systems allow sh o t k e y s w i t c h i n g b e t w e e n l ay o u t s f r o m
the physical keyboard (typically alt-shift but this is
u s e r configurable), simultaneously changing both the hardware and
the software keyboard layout .In addition, a symbol in the systray alerts the
user to the currently active layout .Although Linux supports this fast
manual keyboard-layout switching function, many popular Linux onscreen keyboards such as gt key board, Matchbox-keyboard or Kvkbd do
not react correctly. Kvkbd for example defines its visible layout according to the
first defined layout in K ey b o a r d Pr e f e r e n c e s r at h e r t h a n t h e
d e f a u l t l a y o u t , c a u s i n g t h e a p p l i c a t i o n t o o u t p u t incorrect characters
if the first layout on the list is not the default. Activating a hot-key layout switch
will cause the application to change its output according to another
keyboard layout, but the visible on-screen layout doesn't change, leaving
the user blind as to which keyboardl ay o u t h e i s u s i n g . M u l t i lingual, multi-alphabet users should choose a linux ons c r e e n keyboard that support this feature instead, like Florence .Vir t u a l
k e y b o ar d s a r e c o m m o n l y u s e d a s a n o n - s c r e e n i n p u t m e t h o d i n
devices with no physical keyboard, where there is no room for
o n e , s u c h a s a pocket computer , personal digital assistant (PDA),tablet
computer or t o u c h s c r e e n equipped m o b i l e p h o n e . I t i s c o m mo n
f o r t h e u s e r t o i n p u t t e x t by t a p p i n g a v i r t u a l k e y b o ar d b u i l t i n t o
t h e operating system of the device. Virtual keyboards are also used as
features of emulation software for systems that have fewer buttons than a
computer keyboard would have.
Vir t u a l k e y b o ar d s m a y b e u s e d i n s o me c a s e s t o r e d u c e t h e
r i s k o f keystroke logging . F or example: Westpacs online banking service
uses a virtual keyboard for the password entry, as does Treasury Direct(see
picture). It is more difficult for malware to monitor the display
andm o u s e t o o b t a i n t h e d a t a e n t e r e d v i a t h e v i r t u a l k e y b o a r d
, t h a n i t i s t o m o n i t o r r e a l keystrokes. However it is possible, for
example by recording screenshots at regular intervals or upon each mouse
click .The use of an on-screen keyboard on which the user "types" with
mouse clicks can increase the risk of password disclosure by shoulder surfing,

A n o b s e r v e r c a n t y p i c a l l y w a t c h t h e s c r e e n m o r e e a s i l y ( a n d l e s s
s u s p i c i o u s l y ) t h a n t h e keyboard, and see which characters the mouse moves
S o me i mp l e m e n t a t i o n s o f t h e o n- s c r e e n k e y b o a r d m a y g i v e
v i s u a l f e e d b a c k o f t h e " k ey " clicked, e.g. by changing its colour
briefly. This makes it much easier for an observer to read the data from the
A u s e r m a y n o t b e a b l e t o " p o i n t a n d c l i c k " a s f a s t a s t h ey c o u l d
t y p e o n a k ey b o a r d , t h u s making it easier for the observer.

The digital camera is in the shape of pen .It is useful in video recording,
video conferencing , simply it is called as web cam. It is also connected with
other devices through Blue tooth. It is a 360 degrees visual communication
device. This terminal will enable us to know about the s u r r o u n d i n g
a t m o s p h e r e a n d gr o u p t o g r o u p c o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h a r o u n d
d i s p l a y a n d a central super wide angle camera.

diagram of digital camera

A di g i t a l c a m e r a ( o r d i g i c a m) i s a camera that takes video or

s t i l l photographs, o r b o t h , digitally by recording images via an
electronic image sensor . Most 21st century cameras are digital .Front and
backof CanonPowerShotA95.
Digital cameras can do things film cameras cannot: dis
p l a y i n g i m a g e s o n a s c r e e n immediately after they are recorded,

storing thousands of images on a single small memory d e v i c e , a n d

d e l e t i n g i ma g e s t o f r e e s t o r a g e s p a c e . Th e m a j o r i t y, i n c l u d i n g
m o s t c o mp a c t cameras, can record moving video with sound a s w e l l a s
s t i l l photographs. S o me c a n crop and stitch pictures and perform other
elementary image editing . S o me h a v e a GPS receiver built in, and can
produce Geo tagged photographs .The optical system works the same as in
film cameras, typically using a lens with a variable diaphragm to focus light
onto an image pickup device. The diaphragm and shutter admit the
correct amount of light to the imager, just as with film but
than chemical. Most digicams, apart from camera phones a
n d a f e w specialized types, have a standard tripod screw .Digital cameras are
incorporated into many devices ranging from PDAs and mobile
phones (called camera phones ) t o v e h i c l e s . Th e Hubble Space Telescope
a n d o t h e r astronomical devices are essentially specialized digital cameras.


The role of monitor is taken by LED Projector which projects on the

screen. The size of the projector is of A4 size. It has the approximate
resolution capacity of 1024 X 768. Thus it is gives more clarity and good
picture. diagram of led projector A video projector is a device that receives a
video signal and projects the corresponding image on a projection screen u s i n g
a lens sy s t e m .

A l l v i d e o pr o j e c t o r s u s e a v e r y
b r i g h t l i g ht t o p r o j e c t t h e i m a g e , a n d m o s t m o d e r n o n e s c a n
c o r r e c t a n y c u r v e s , b l u r r i n e s s , a n d o t h e r inconsistencies
t h r o u g h m a n u a l s e t t i n g s . Vid e o p r o j e c t or s a r e w i d e l y u s e d f o r
c o n f e r e n c e room presentations, classroom training ,home theatre and
live events applications. Projectors are widely used in many schools and
other educational settings, connected to an interactive white board to
interactively teach pupils.
A video projector, also known as a digital projector, may be built into a
cabinet with a rear- p r o j e c t i o n s c r e e n ( rear projection television
,o r R P T V ) t o f o r m a s i n g l e u n i f i e d d i s p l a y device, now popular
for home theatre applications .Common display resolutions for a portable
SVGA(800600 pixels),XGA (1024768
720p (1280720 pixels), and1080p (19201080 pixels).T h e c o s t o f a d e v i c e
i s n o t o n l y d e t e r mi n e d b y i t s r e s o l u t i o n , b u t a l s o by i t s
b r i g h t n e s s . A projector with a higher light output (measured in lumens, symbol
lm) is required for a larger s c r e e n or a r o o m w i t h a h i g h a m o u n t o f
ambient light.

A r a t i n g o f 1 5 0 0 t o 2 5 0 0 ANSI lumens or lower is suitable for smaller

screens with controlled lighting or low ambient light. Between 2500 and
4000 lm is suitable for medium-sized screens with some ambient light
or d i m me d l i g h t . O v e r 4 0 0 0 l m i s a p p r o pr i a t e f o r v e r y l a rge
s c r e e n s i n a l a rge r o o m w i t h n o lighting control (for example,
a conference room). Projected image size is important; because the total
amount of light does not change, as size increases, brightness decreases.
Image sizes a r e t y p i c a l l y m e a s u r e d i n l i n e a r t er m s , d i a g o n a l l y,
o b s c u r i n g t h e f a c t t h a t l a r ge r i ma g e s r e q u i r e m u c h m o r e l i g h t
(proportional to the image area, not just the length of a
s i d e ) . Increasing the diagonal measure of the image by 25% reduces the
image brightness by more than one-third (35%); an increase of 41% reduces
brightness by half.


The most important part in portable type of computer is battery and

storage capacity. Usually batteries must be small in size and work for
longer time. For normal use it can be used for 2weeks. The type of
battery used here is lithium ion battery. The storage device is of the type
tubular holographic which is capable of storing. The use of lithium ion
battery in this gadget will reduce energy density, durability and cost factor .By
making Five Pen PC feasible, it will enable ubiquitous computing
therefore it is easier for people to use. Many applications can be
imagined with this new technology. As it makes use of E-fingerprinting
the gadget will be more secure, which allows only owner to activate the
Pc. So even if we loose it, no one else can access the gadget. All PCs
communicate each other with the help of Bluetooth technology and the
entire gadget is connected to internet (Wi-fi) . This technology is very
portable, feasible and efficient. Every body can use this technology in very
efficient manner. Some prototypes have been already developed in
2003 which are very feasible, but currently unclear. The enhancement in this
technology can be expected in coming years.

Merits of 5 Pen PCs

A 5 Pen PC have several merits.They are :

The first and most important advantage of the 5 pen pc are that
they are portable. Due to its size they can be carried anywhere .
These PCs are in the shape of pens and thats why they can be
carried in small bags or even in our pockets. A portable
computer is a computer that is designed to be moved from one
place to another and includes a display and keyboard. They can
also be called a 'Portable Workstation' or 'Portable PC'.5Pen PC are
the most easily portable pc ever made. Another major merit is
that its works on battery and so it can be used whenever we

2. Ubiquitous computing
Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of
human-computer interaction in which information processing has
been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities.
In the course of ordinary activities, someone
"using" ubiquitous computing engages many computational
devices and systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily
even be aware that they are doing so. This model is usually
considered an advancement from the desktop padgim . More
formally Ubiquitous computing is defined as "machines that fit
the human environment instead of forcing humans to enter

3. Wi-Fi technology
The another major important merit of a 5 pen pc is that its has a
Wi-Fi technology built in it through which the user can connect to
the internet very easily. Wifi, is a mechanism that allows
electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly over a computer
network. A device enabled with Wi-Fi, such as a personal
computer, video game console, smart phone, tablet, or digital
audio player, can connect to a network resource such as
the Internet via a wireless network access point. An access
point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters (65 ft) indoors
and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can comprise an
area as small as a single room with walls that block radio signals
or a large area, as much as many square miles, covered by
multiple overlapping access points. To connect to a Wi-Fi LAN, a
computer has to be equipped with a wireless network interface
controller. The combination of computer and interface controller is
called a station. All stations share a single radio frequency
communication channel. Transmissions on this channel are
received by all stations within range. The hardware does not
signal the user that the transmission was delivered and is
therefore called a best-effort delivery mechanism. A carrier wave
is used to transmit the data in packets, referred to as "Ethernet
frames". Each station is constantly tuned in on the radio
frequency communication channel to pick up available
transmissions. A Wi-Fi-enabled device can connect to the Internet
when within range of a wireless network connected to the

4. Feasible
5 Pen PC technology is a feasible model of portable PCs, i.e., it is
one of the most possible and practical to achieve easily or
conveniently. This type of PCs can be used everywhere and by
anyone. Its is very easy to use.

Demerits of 5 Pen PCs

Positioning is a major factor affecting the proper usage of the this
PC.the keyboard and the display are virtual in this case so need a
flat and clear surface to get a better experience ,so the
positioning matters the display and working with the PC. The
keyboard and the display are being worked by the use of laser.
These devices are interconnected by using Bluetooth. So the
positioning of the device plays a major role in its working.

The production cost of these type of PCs are too high. By the
decrease in the size of the PC parts the cost of these computer
are also very high. By the increase in the cost of these computers
these cannot become useful for the common people. These is
one of the main demerits of these PC.

Another major disadvantage of this type of PC is its battery life.
Its the battery used in this PC only last for maximum of 2 weeks.
Its life span is only for two weeks. These is yet another demerit of
these PCs.

By the human needs the communication devices are becoming
smaller and compactable. PC are becoming smaller and smaller.
We can see that the 5 pen pc technology is one of the advanced
Portable PC that is easy to carry even in our pockets and work
with it any where we want. This 'pen sort of instrument' produces
both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces
from where you can carry out functions you would normally do on
your desktop computer. This has also Wi-Fi technology in which
user can communicate through the internet, Its another major
advancement is the camera which can be used even for video
conferencing. This is just a new start. We can expect much more
advanced comfortable pc system in future.


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