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kaladhar links

meendum thulasi - endamoori
search for raa ki rangarajan in tamil - get the scribd ids
ra ki rangarahjan - naalu moolai - anna nagar times
hello periamma...
few points regarding the books...
earlier, i was thinking of one specific book that i read ages ago and i vaguely
remember reading another book of the same author (probably) which fall under the
supernatural/mystic/occult genre...
i cannot recollect the name of the book or the author of the book...
interestingly, i recently read an article from one of the bloggers and found som
e information about it...
the book's name is 'oliyatra oosai' and the author is 'kaladhar'.
i read that book from the library, but apparently it came as a serial in Saavi..
you can also add 'kaladhar' to your to-be-scanned list of authors...
after reading this post, i also realised that there was another supernatural sto
ry that was running in kumudam called 'thirakka koodaadha kadhavu' written by an
author caled 'krishnakumar'. interestingly 'krishnakumar' is yet another alias
for 'raa.ki.rangarajan' and he has written under many names... below is a hindu
article on 'raa.ki.rangarajan' and some of his pen names...
also, i think that i may have said this to you already, but there is this malaya
lam author who writes supernatural stories and goes by the name 'kottayam vishwa
nath'... i dont think there is one specific translator (like suseela kanagadurga
for endamoori veerendranath) for this author, but there are chances for his tam
il translations to be in the libraries...

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