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PSA Practice Paper 01

Class-09 English Language Conventions

This section of the question paper contains 24 questions in English Language. A student is
required to attempt all the 24 questions.
(Questions 1-8): Read the following passage carefully and select the most suitable option
from each list according to the corresponding number in the passage.
1. It has long been proven that meditation can reduce
2. stress but scientific research now shows
3. that it also provides other valuable benefits.
4. Practising meditation can lower blood
5. pressure which subsequently reduces the risk of
6. heart attacks. Meditation can also improve the
7. performance of your immune system, helping you to
8. stay healthy. It also has advantages for
9. students since it can improve the ability to
10. consentrait and deal with lifes problems
1. In line 4, the word practising could best be replaced with
(a) Rehearsing
(b) Applying
(c) Trying to do
(d) Regularly doing
2. In line 1, the word proven could best be replaced with
(a) Shown
(b) Sure
(c) Claimed
(d) Revealed
3. In line 3, the word valuable could best be replaced with
(a) Important
(b) Adequate
(c) Generous
(d) Expensive
4. In line 7, the word performance could best be replaced with
(a) Presentation
(b) Routine
(c) Operation
(d) Achievement

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5. In line 5, the word subsequently could best be replaced with

(a) Successively
(b) Also
(c) Them
(d) Similarly
6. In line 10, the word problems could best be replaced with
(a) Obstacles
(b) Events
(c) Efforts
(d) Occurrences
7. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word consentrait?
(a) Concentrate
(b) Concentrait
(c) Consentrate
(d) Consentraite
8. Which of the following is the opposite in meaning to the words helping you to as they are
used in line 7 above?
(a) Preventing you from
(b) Aiding you in
(c) Helping you in
(d) Reducing you from
Complete following passages by selecting the most suitable option from each of the list to fit
the corresponding gap.
The requirements for a healthy diet ____9____ by eating a variety of foods derived from plants
and animals. A diet that is balanced is essential for ____10____ like obesity and heart disease.
In order to educate people, some medical institutions publish nutrition guides to inform people
on what they ____11____ eating to keep good health. In some countries, it is mandatory
____12____ manufacturers to provide facts of the nutritional value of ingredients used in the
production of food items.
9. Which option fits gap 9?
(a) Can be met
(b) Will met
(c) Might meet
(d) would meet

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10. Which option fits gap 10?

(a) Lowering health risks
(b) Raising health risks
(c) Eliminating health risks
(d) Uprooting health risks
11. Which option fits gap 11?
(a) Should be
(b) Would be
(c) Might be
(d) Could be
12. Which option fits gap 12?
(a) For
(b) As
(c) Of
(d) To
Complete following passages by selecting the most suitable option from each of the list to fit
the corresponding gap.
Armstrong took over the control from the computer and changes the course of the spaceship.
But the landing site he chose ____13____ in boulders and he had almost no fuel left. His next
step ____14____ his last. If it ____15____ wrong, he would die on the moon, billions of
kilometers from the home. He diverted the path of the spaceship once more an saw a clear
space ____16____, and the man had landed on another world.
13. Which option fits gap 13?
(a) Was covered
(b) Was cover
(c) Covered
(d) Has covered
14. Which option fits gap 14?
(a) Had to be
(b) Was the
(c) Would be
(d) Is going to be
15. Which option fits gap 15?
(a) Was
(b) Is
(c) Will be
(d) would
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16. Which option fits gap 16?

(a) At last
(b) At all
(c) Just now
(d) At least
Read the following passage carefully and select the most suitable option from each list
according to the corresponding number in the passage.
1. Vegetable juices are power-packed with nutrients. The green leafy vegetables are rich in
minerals, especially iron. The iron helps in the formation of haemoglobin.
2. Which is an important component of Red Blood cells, present in our blood.
3. Raised level of hemoglobin improves the blood circulation, and gives our body and mind a
boost of energy.
4. A healthy body and healthy mind go hand in hand.
17. What is the meaning of power-packed in line 1?
(a) Enriched
(b) Strong
(c) Sturdy
(d) wholesome
18. Which of the following could best replace component in line 2?
(a) Element
(b) Ingredient
(c) Compound
(d) feature
19. Which of the following is the opposite of raised in line 3?
(a) Lowered
(b) Declined
(c) Updated
(d) Decresed
20. What is the meaning go hand in hand in line 4?
(a) Match each other
(b) Relate very closely
(c) Hold hands
(d) Accompany

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Complete following passages by selecting the most suitable option from each of the list to fit
the corresponding gap.
He had come a long way. Shakespeare was now one of the ____21____ play writers in London.
His network now included ____22____ of the most influential people in the city. ____23____,
the theatre company, Pembrokes Men staged few of the earliest productions of his plays. This
group was very popular and performed ____24____ at the royal court of England.
21. Which option fits gap 21?
(a) Respected
(b) Amateur
(c) Unprofessional
(d) unimportant
22. Which option fits gap 22?
(a) A few
(b) Few
(c) Some
(d) little
23. Which option fits gap 23?
(a) At this point in line
(b) On this time
(c) At the present time
(d) On this point
24. Which option fits gap 24?
(a) Frequently
(b) Frequent
(c) Present
(d) Often


option-(a) i.e. first option is correct for all the questions above

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