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TONY BLAIR J SOCIATES: Estrictamente privado y confidencial Doctora ‘ ‘TATYANA OROZCO DE LA CRUZ Directora General Departamento Nacional de Planeaciin 7 Calle 26 No. 13-19 Piso 32 Bogota 0. Colombia Doctors SILVIA MARGARITA CARRIZOSA CAMACHO Directora General Encargada ‘Agencia Presidencial de Cooperacidn internacionatde Colombia Carrera 11 No. 93-53, Piso 7 . : : _ Bogotd, D.C. Colombia Octubre 22 de 2013, . ° c Carta Acuerdo de Cooperacién ("Carta Acuerdo"}: Apoyo @ la Implementacién del Sistema General de Regalias de Colombia. 7 Estimaidas doctoras Tatyana Orozco dea Cruz y doctora Silvia Margarita Carizos: 5 un placer para nosotros que deseen avanzar con ei proyecto denominado “Apoyo @ la implementacién de Sistema General de Regalia de Colombia" (en adelante, el "Proyecto"), la presente carta y sus anexos (en adelante, la “Carta Acverda”) establecen Jos términos conform a los cuales The Office of Tony Blair. (nombre comercial de Windrush Vehtures.No. 3 LP) en adelante, “Sociedad Comancitara") acuerda brindar determinads asisiencia técnica (en adelante, la “Asistencia Técnica") al * Depertamento-Nacional de Planeacin (en adelante, “ia Parte del Acuerdo”) en relacién con el Proyecto la presente Carta Acuerdo se redaeta en idloma espafiol, En caso de que sea traducida a otro idioma, Brevaleceré la versin, en espaol. En caso de dlscrepancias entre alguna de las dlsposiciones de la presente Carta Acuerdo y iasaisposicionés de cualquiera de sus traducciones, prevalecera el texto en espanol a Asistencia Técnica la Asistencia Técnica que se brindard a la Parte del Acuerdo se describe en el Anexo 3, La Sociedad Comanditaria prestard la Asistencia Técnica aa Parte del Acuerdo durante un periodo de 12 meses, contedes 3 partir dela “Fecha de Entrada en Vigencia” defiida en los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1), menos que el « compromise se dé por finalizado con anteriordad, segun lo permitido por la preserte Carts Acuerdo. en ot ‘Anex0 4 se consigna un Resumen de la Asistencia Técnica. En caso de discrepancias entre las actividades del Proyecto establecidas en el Anexo 3y las del Anexo 4, prevalecersn las establecidas en el Anexo 3 a prestacién de la Asistencia Técnica por parte de fa Sociedad Comanditaia esté condicionada a que ta Sociedad Comanditaria reciba de la Parte del Acuerdo los "Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte del Acverdon detallados en el Anexo 2 el misma modo, la prestacin de la Asistencia Técnica esté condlcionada a aie la Sociedad Comancitaria tech el financiamiento de terceros antes de a fecha de entrada en vigencia, PO Box 60549 | Landon | W 7]U Honorarios y gastos La Parte del Acuerdo no pagar honorarios ni monto alguno a la Sociedad Comanditaria por concepto dé la restacién de la Asistencia Técnica, salvo lo indicado en el Anexo 2 “Servicios de “Apoyo de la Parte del ‘Acuerdo”. Cualquler gasto a cargo de la Parte del Acuerdo debe ser solicitado previamente. por la Sociedad Comanditaria y autorizado por escrito por la Parte del Acuerdo. La Parte del Acuerdo suministraré los “Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte del Acuerdo” sin cargo alguno para la Sociedad Comanditaria, y tiene la intencién de proporcionar los-recursos humanos, fisicos, tecnologicos y logisticos que se definen en el Anexo 2 con base en la asignacién de los recursos con que cuenta la Parte del Acuerdo. - Términos y eoindiciones (Anexo 1) ia eldusula 3.4 de Jos Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se elimina en su totalidad y se sustituye por el siguiente texto: “La Parte del Acuerdo no pagaré honorarios ni gastos por la prestacién de la Asistencia Téenica” : La eléusula 3.2 de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se elimina en su totalidad y se sustituye por él siguiente texto: “La Parte del Acuerdo se compromete a proporcionar a la Sociedad Comanditaria los "Servicios de apoyo de la Parte de! Acuerdo” como se define’en y de acuerdo con los términos de la Carta Acuerdo y el ‘Anexo 2.” * la dléusula 5.1 de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se elimina en su totalidad y se sustituye por el siguiente texto: “Ningura disposicién de estos Términos y Condiciones evitaré que la‘Sociedad Comanditaria, la Persona, un Consultor o un Tercero esté comprometido, teriga un interés econdmico de cualquier naturaleza en otro negocio, empresa, profesion ui ocupacién durante la Contratacién, siempre que esa actividad no provoque el incumplimiento de alguna de las obligaciones de la Sociedad Comanditaria, en virtud de estos * Términos y Condiciones. La Sociedad Comancitaria debera obtener autorizacién previa y escrta dela Parte del Acuerdo antes de iniciar cualquler negocio durante el término del Proyecto que pueda generar un potencial Conflicto de interés directo con la Asistencia Técnica.” Sé agrega e! numeral 5.3 a los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) cuyo texto es el siguiente: “La Sociedad Comanditaria no utlizaré los “Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte Acuerdo” indicados en el Anexo 2 para actividades distintas ala Asistencia Técnica relacionada con el Proyecto.” La cldusula 6.4 de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se elimina en su totalidad y se sustituye por et siguiente texto: “Las garantiss contenidas en la ‘léusula 6,2 no se aplicardn a la Parte del Acuerda ni a la Sociedad Comanditaria, en los eventos en que sea imprescindible consultar informacin confidencial para responder 0 argumentar informes o interrogantes de prensa, sin que en ninglin caso:se pueda divulgar tal informacion” = La cldusula 7.5 de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se elimina en su totalidad y se sustituye por el siguiente texto: “En Ja medida en que cualquier Derecho dé Propiedad Intelectual surja como resultado del trabajo conjunto 0 Ia colaboracién entre la Sociedad Comanditaria, la Persona y/o Consultor o un Tercero y la Parte del Acuerdo, la Parte del Acuerdo cede a la Sociedad Comanditaria como Director del Proyecto, todos los. Derechos de Propiedad intelectual que surjan como resultado de tal trabajo conjunto (los OPI conjuntos), siempre que los Derechos de Propiedad intelectual no se confieran de forma automética-a la: Sociedad Comanditaria en aplicacién de los articulos 19 y 83 de la Ley 23 de 1982. La Sociedad Comanditaria le otorga, a través del presente documento, a la Parte del Acuerdo una licencia mufdial, perpetua, no exclusiva, libre de regallas, no transferible para el uso de los DPI conjuntos.” la cléusula 83 de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se elimina en’su totalidad y se sustituye por el siguiente texto: “La Parte del Acuerdo exime de responsabilidad y mantendré indemne a la Sociedad Comanditara, la Persona y cada Consultor y Tercerd en relacién con las pérdidas, ia responsabilidad, los costos, los dafios © los gastos en los que incurra la Sociedad Comanditaria la Persona, un Consultor.o Tercero con ocasién de la prestacién de la Asistencia Técnica. ‘2s obligaciones establecidas en esta eléusula estén condicionadas a que la'Parte del Acuerdo y la Sociedad Comanditaria hayan adoptado todas las medidas razonables y necesarias para mitigar 0 evitar estas pérdidas, responsabilidades, costos, dafios y gastos", La dléusula 10.b de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1) se modifica por el siguiente texto: “borren de manera itrecuperable toda informacién no relacioriada con el Proyecto y que se refiera al negocio de la Sociedad Comanciitaria, de la Persona 0 de cualquiera de los Consultores, almacenada en un disco dptico o magnético © memoria y todos los materiales derivados de tales fuentes que no esté en su poder o bajo su control." 4a cléusula 13.1 de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 1)'se modifica por el siguiente texto: "Cualquier notfcacién proporcionada de conformidad eqn estos Términos y Condiciones deber realizarse por esto y estar suscrita en nombre y representacién de la Parte que la cursa y debera entregarse personalmente, enviarse a través de entrega prepage reglstrada 0 correo certificado’a la Parte correspondiente en la oficina, para la recepcién de correspondencia existente. Cualquiera de estas notificaciones se considerard recibida {a clausula 17 de los Términos y.Cohdiciones (Anexo 1) se elitnina en si totalidad y se sustituye por el siguiente ‘texto: “Los presentes Términos y Condiciones se regirdn e interpretardn de acuerdo con las leyes de Colombi Cualquier disputa, controversia o reclamo que surja deo en conexién con esta Carta Acuerdo,-o cualquier Pregunta. con respecto a su existencia, incumplimiento, rescisién o validez, sé referiran y finalmente se Fesolverén ante el Instituto de Arbitraje de la Cémara de Comercio de Bogoté (estas reglas se consideran Incorporadas a toda referencia de Id clausula 17). El asiento o lugar legal del arbitraje seré Bogoté, Colombia” Ua cldusula 28, 1 en el tem “Fecha de Entrada en Vigencia” de los Términos y Condiciones (Anexo 2) se elimina en su totaldad y se sustituye por el siguiente texto: “Fecha de Entrada envVigencia: seré la fecha en que comience el Proyecto.” La Agencia Presidencial de Cooperacién Internacional de Colombia, APC Colombia suscribe la presente Carta de Acuerdo en su condicién de Coordifiador de la Cooperacién Internacional de Colombia en el marco de las competencias que-le confiere el Deéreto 4152 de 2011. APC Colombia no asumiré ninguna obligacion ni obtendré derecho alguno en virtud de esta Carta Acuerdo. Cabe aclarar que APC Colombia no es Parte del ‘Acuerdo a os fines de los términos y las condiciones anexadas. te agradeceremos que confirme su aceptacién de los términos establecidos en esta carta y de los términos y condiciones adjuntas, as!‘como de otros Anexos, al firmar,y devolvernos la copia de esta carta que se encuentra adjunta, . : Atentamente. “IASON SEARANCKE En nombre y representacion de Windrush Ventures No. 3 LP (por cuenta del socio genefal, Windrush Ventures No. 2 LLP y por cuenta de su miembro Windrush Ventures Limited) Fecha: Octubre 22 de 2013, Por la presente confirmamos nuestra aceptacién de los términos contenidos en esta carta, asi como de los. Términos y Condiciones adjuntas. En nombre y representacién del Departamento Nacional de Planeacién Nombre: TATYANA OROZCO DE LA CRUZ : Fecha: Octubre 22 de 2013 PDO : Er nombre y epresentaign dela Agencia Presdencal de Cooperacisn Internacional de Colombia < Nombre: SILVIA MARGARITA CARRIZOSA CAMACHO Fecha: Octubre 22 de 2013, ANEXO 1: TERMINOS Y-CONDICIONES . Ryans ¥CONDILOWS GENEL 484 A PRESTACIO DE ASISTENCIA TECNICA (ESTOS TERMINOSY CONDICIONS") Ls tos giao enn lo sifiades qoescansgsan on nila 8. 5 22 23 @ ® i» » as ® ° 6 ® ® @ © 6 @ ® ‘Covoiconssbecanrasracion : : 1 Pane et esd oe i aoyromio cont Soin Comedia yt pone a psn de Pa del Acar a Penn, ‘Connors ys Tce hepa brn Ai Tei, tn» eos Tenis Contes, ean os aa cases 1a Conlon omen en fecha be tne vic cnr ans asin ep lo puree po os Tonos Cocco, Saw ques sid arse Conti, Sorin Conan rua, und i eins, ast os Consors ys eros rind Asisenia Tens Sa Pesan, Corr 6 un Teco mo pti ind a Asistencia Tei hid weet fs mayer, Sila Coma otha Pe et sero at pol ue Peso, Cormac Tren aes opt inka eas esse ne Ista qu vl ari po fe a ev, l Cnr o Tera eas opt rari asenea Teor ‘Aten bay io epecieaene serio pra ae el auc cence Peco ta Soin Comandtria wo ei antondd para) deboa oca qe fa Reson, or Cente Terre 00 Gdn) inch gavon a ssi oer cena eae al Assy : |a Scien Comite cr coe (y eb oc ut a usa, los Conse el Teco nod etd) et en pra shige ata Pavel Att, ‘Anos gr hay do epicentre ps cro ps Second Comair on aici pr exit: |a Pare el Acted no i atria panne os ane 9 por cts a Soca Comandante enon, ds Consaes © Seer eran y UP dt Acero no dnt eter qe ex fli paola Sociedad Commi» Peon, ld os Coss own ‘Soret Comudica puesiiiar ss Conse Tar conse cero pei agus dla Aste Ten. Hononanas {Samo correc for rina In Assecia Tec, a Pre el Acero par Scidal Conandtare por BACS (igh en nls de “stan elie car stoatas el hoor ens (obi) poe mops esl eta eae oak ao Ne sin tienes Valor Agezao(lcmespondera atop pee ‘Enel ao dee aC Acc ye Términos y Conic exam por 00 iGo 80 ol incmplimin mata deScidad Constr pre vent dea mye opr ilo Hala cua pu Sita Conanars Pastel hcusoe Ja Seiad Condi, cto deo 30 da err us fst press fo Sead Comma sams ge te een a Reseda) ° Gisron ‘Amen ans pci lo conraioon Cara Acre Pae del Acseo emboli nme (o procure reboots alas go hays noo Soci Comndor tPnec, i smo aa Camry Tse deus a Conaacn Es pe asin ‘alo enunciated prs eda Foun eos poms oct de pesos en epee aCe ‘ses Glin os Consors os Tater) ‘Ornasacnaner ‘ining de eos Témios y Canciones citar Sond Cound, Persona, un Cos o we Tere et comprometio, ‘ns oes sa iat voices lg ep en algo nq, eupes, pote vce daaas casey eo psc tla oo roves el cmp gn dn clgains es ual Copan cael deen Temsanss Oetioae {Es Pnt el Acar eines ot a Pom, otalean, deepen ln sn Sons de scant eH Cane loess po ee oe ‘Unido, Ronse Uni Bucy es Nacows Undas en acl Cartes) Las partearsowaren) sci ur neue eos eee are clined la Soedad Coan coformeh eos Termes y Conan ove en Ca Aun the esters ke Sa inf I clacioe de a ers cn repre el Catt Ravn eles oscil Cuaten pos omg ~ Seta campmor de ode scan ea Sead Comandante de ae Termacs Conca sels oS ata Aco Genie fra : Invonancio" Conmmencia xomiep4D De Pree be Acue0 Cia pat (a Pare Reser) ecance que enh as fran Canfield aor pare Ga Pat Dilen)y, pot ott, bi ‘crt ss resticnes coc en es clon & Sa» pn ila 63, Pa Repo pou the 2 Gade oe Seqromnarery Acree ‘age sing nomacén Coen de a Pate Digi tala en at mo: () ea Asi Reet Par Resp y ‘geen aun reste ex 7) coves algae ce subidnchnd & a Hes Rp cnlrc sos Hence Canker, {scp mad mooi as mune’ apes dln nomen Coen eh tas no mos oan ee eae ed Leo : inn of momen, privat frac Condi yo eras Informacion Caen or de pode, eta ona in cone cl (a fara pd neon el cna det Asso Reeve 9 2 ie afr Conia par oes ec ofa ag ea moor on a presaion open Asses Tse y cn ln Secanpi ses obiaconcy, nwt Ss Cas Aco ects Temes y Cones {Cate contr rr I ture de Infrmcio Conceal ea Pare Diao, la Pate Rep rt ge st Regent ere ‘ene c onion o nine eos ls documenta ea x noes dea perc eon calle ost as espn are Dralion, : ue a form Conese mins cay eur in lean ue extn mi ie) args pater a {nfrcin Condes Gna Svalgntn, potest pssanions no arzdn © hp asl one cee pas nn eg emesis) : ‘acenan i nfomacn Cone apa dl eo as dceenos y den infrmacin gut la ite Divan a Regesctnes © ‘anor pete case \ ; noes cs da norman Condes ceo cmd shen et para consey, i, xsto poxare ein ‘Sees ls met, ‘ees conoid eactmene conden” oa infrmes, is nrg, ts revise, cece eis y coments concioado or Pat Dialga oss Represeateso Mesos cond, rind, Jas fra, poutalons pa ts ‘cca, yaa en doo en pare el nfarcionConSdenco ba Pre Divan) ‘astenga un giro dea vjencon deena acumen, cisco uo med gos conan ele oven ered derma Cnn eb Pate Diadora a como es nombres de is pesos gu bin ei ase asus dacanents nce wowed La Pa Recta ec pst spon da Pare Divan o esas eset pas spec, lo ane porbleevnds st aia. {spun comenins con nun? mo sep singin cle de formar Cane! ‘mal momen dela divi, av enon eat el domino as. 0 ‘igre al domi pubio sin que mde dea ate Receptors 0 eee 0 evens necesria pn qu a Pare Restoran ona ius ene, some qu, de x vlc, ee eg a ‘pera zonabl a la Pare Divulgdoa para ra Ssraocoes see faay el Candee eu dvaon yeas be eee eas) a Fare Receptor rele cis adieacones I sigan rope issn exis ota Pare Dilger Atom gs ee ola a mnie de infrmaio qs hs Asc oa Pare Repos zmalowene cn qe shea empliione ee oases {Ex pec xa cla 62m perio au dlp ufc de Sx Comin ean Coc red qo sea ncesaia ps esponder orga nfemes 0 roan ee. 65 Lae Ase nob iin Pn en Con ieee incl coins pip cera de USoeta Crom Is Sxdn Cooma el dai pe on sabe nas te eas pag ene tie ib ee» Peas os Cols mano ness xp, bn tes Unease ‘eh a sn lone hmm infocus meso Fates Acme te ee oe Sa Comer snc coments pry por ero no Comssae Fld ee eed oe a de font ode inne Fens pccenCamas cena duce rh Sens asa 6 aa Ado oes ge Sl» ona pic eso i Sosa Conan, Pen on Geni ip dari oer ais gh snd Commins esta ae Conuteemncele hs ee 7h TESS ens Connor Tess sin cen cer i Den Pop feat cps So cn rp ess mace cae tron oto pa Secng aoa Ra Se {Terao ome eds Coan DP be Cote 72. Siti Sc Condar Pre ee Std a, co sala pee eer papi Sosa mmr k Peso no rs Connors Tec as en ots meer aomeela ls ee eae ee Sind Gomi 73. Re prom Sica Commit re ala Pare dl Aaron ons opener ad excise ps ta Di Cn gin treo de wap ten oo Foos eg ab enpaeeaa ae ee pero ops a al rn Ren Tam ve see i Pe 8 Reo ad se Mermsonape oa ane " : 74 ii nd el prance Ca Asters yen mis 73 75 agi ign cone nes ‘Tey Conon sone opie cae esse or Scoot inary Scel Cece Senas ae Pepe icteric de Pu hcoss 15) Exec ure de Popa nl ain co os ew oct owt Sti ene eed Gensou Coot Tse ne et Aas, fred pac nee rss SeeiaComi Dect epi estacey wor nun come onde anions OP Conner Det rope! aces nD Coma ss eiomononnnaee vn Sed Cosanter aa Ca ee emir) Canines sul Acar ose tie Sec OF Cones sane Reson yos se eens fara pte SrindConendora oer ae 6 fants eona eS ee see ee pov De Comm 4s, Resrorsmsn 51 aSosein Cami Posie Con Tee ta omnes oman dcr» plan, cg, Seo eps ern pore spc ao sod ts Asceas Tieace Dee tae Sombie * : 12 Sein Camas Pein Conner expla Pa et sr inn pr Scie Assn ten op hse su Casa 83 “LaF lcm ee Spb rer Soi Comma Pena y tC Te nin 1 pds bi rat, sano ptr pds inns, pte pose ne ek tate sun Secs Comrn ean Ciro eere cons cence ee ne {execs co hid to mite @ seen pp Sel Fons Coen scee eases ek Sesame ae econ prow dns a sea ut Asem is ms sepa ‘eens ines eater cs 2 rmaunacion “ 5. Independent dels dposiciones comes ca clas 12, Sosiedd Conndicra puede resin Conran con eft nnedis ‘meats nouescie pret y ina cigacen de ar agua remanent idomnacin mds pejush deensioseoseas (@) la Pae del Actes conte wa ince omempliien impart, pve owen de gas des dpenicont dea Cat Aces od eon Termin y nas Candin (spot eveno de rm may, que inpliqu qu In Parsons, Constr Tso no pacan bind Assen Ten por ua lp tal 50 das tubes on prod 26 vanes ersccain 92 La Scisad Conant pode rescind Is Conratcio nce moreno medic nticasn px escrocon das eatin y sin nee Lcblacon epg tomanercions indenzncones dos ¥ pops, ‘ 93, derechos de a Sociedad Commit en vr des elaslan 919? a cnieen sn pepo de ovo eecos gue pda ee por Ley pa’ mipsin ene iso de gel Peso guna un cago plo cu Ie mp continua con la staso dee Assen Tron eS apt ‘aren wo pete cantina on pepo = . 10. Onticacronesrostenonss a armatizacoy Enlai de fizacin, IP del Aono deer epee Aso y Represents (@)coteguen sh Sci Su amedi todos os cum, bes, mtr, tpt coresponiccis ape orc (en et aio 9 luge oe as) vineaads con el negocio os astos de Senedd Comandana, Pesan o eae debs actos ones ae, ome culo pid de Seiad Conant, Peon ealgss ds Conse qr ese see (bomen ée mano deine colic infirm Yelena con a Said Comandar, la Fens o xl os Consuhes ies ale smncem ew dso o mera agticn uta tool marl Gre de es eee arse eaten st fase oar ee (©) iameditancite se absengan de arene imaen dels Psona ode eal dels Consahes, © ens es Seeds Candin usd oa co po cia, Asim, se contr que coli dec. lia cl aie y a mage te le Panoed ode cae Consors star evn en aoa eles, (@ . quepoprcionn un elaracn made done ne epctgqus an cma todas a obligcnas calcined 1 1 Puma avon 411 La Seve Comandtris mo ici en ningin incumpimin remo ge Cate Acad o de ets Témino y Coane, como tampaco ‘ert esponbl deus incunplinicnt o sera ot cl cupineno de calgucrs dele opciones eablesdas ca Crs Neos 9 ee Temina Condiciones ae deri de actos, eve, misono acictes gue oan fs das soa be conelrscualeScln cs sped sibs ey curt, hcl nae fran tata ov pce aes (a) calmed, sin, mcpacica odscapcknd da Pesca o uals din Casares (©) esas iris, ce scales se neyen, de farms no tae, nent, imadone, tems, amen elo o cng a dss ‘tal condones de cits exrenadannte wre, explant dato exe naape, cols de exrutane Se saloon tla Seo ‘ompuoraso whi, (©) mem conico amd, impose de sncions,onbuo, opines de lanes diploma o ascites aage tere: gra chil, enrosn o eves ie, pandems, delaracin desde enetgoc;cvtainas mile, que otclage o eatenday ols oe [repre dealer ven oan 0 (@)‘upliieno volun obi con cau legac Jo cua incaye cater cambio I eps 0 inerstacié de caver ert abr cl ialeye de manta mere ncn: his scsi oosaeor meunpnous pr pare der vende ‘tbo inerapeino fila de un servo public local eae, de manera atv eck psy as comics 1. Errno la ein del Sociedad Condit (a Person, cds ino de os Cotes y cada Tx) son a Pre el Acer ak ad conta Inder y ino de os contsidos en es Términs y Condos 0 en a Cat Acute deer sesh ena aces Ga Renae, zal Constr o eiuitr Tersr) cm fs de uo enpleao, water, apseteo'sso de a Pat dl Atv, Pots pe, a Sociedad {Comantrsano s ber resenar de x nay deberapocuat gus Peron, Cotas ls Tees tap Tohaga 13. Ronnencrones 7 139 Calg oticin poporsinsa osniad eon ets Térinsy Canons debris pr ero y ea urge rome y "repent delete ola cy dard eaegane ponent, cvane stv de eee pepannegetad oseres eeaceoe ey espns en fia prs erpoon de cuexponne existe oedianetn fan eg a tanera boUfcndo na ener ee ‘Calg de ess notaries se cnn ec (a) sifueenreaispolmet en lpn eae, . (8) el ao de canes repulse xe cerificad env a oo pl eto del minno ontine, 48 hans desde 6 a feehe de hess (©) exceao de eos possess orl ao del coro crn evi no pi cnn ie, 7d despues da re & Cada pare as eae cones y sr on a par sce . (@) eo Temios yConiiones ln Cats Acero goesaje odo lo seed y sendin ie la Sid Cordray Pal Acted pease por scr lq caro prev elcna conn Conan (Que cer cassette sate (®) Adam pare ets Termini yConicres ten tna base wn Seis fcconchinh (©) elisico recs dipole ae incumplminn de eos Termites y Codicaer ol Cs Adve sera ua de pepe el curd stableido por ets Termios y Conitones, yningua pare ers sien cama & acn ona ot Tepe fe matey Seles econ Sn cg, engno de ou crenios de estos Teun y Cones harder xh esponila o Geiss 18 Mommexcones ‘ings odin irda tos Tenney Conicons et vida a menos qu 6 amie por estoy se enn iad por cada ta dln pare enna des {Ley de Contos 1999 (Deeios os ee) 30 alu eis Tens y Condes nia a Cat Acer yningta cs poscas ge 0 se a Soicnd Comandiaa y la Par dl Arar In Peso especinnent eteminads em eos Tein: Contieane) eee ee eco previo poses lpi. Eton Térmiosy Codes ocala deel, i canola Cara oud dan canbe, atlas, (iodine, supenene, cases o ving eta evr por ro ee at parts seca (on cade ce) a el nanos 171 son TeminsyCondones eerie inarpretred sora con as esd gery Cale. 172. Toda apt, consoversaoreclao gat su ami ea peaete Carta escola con ofl sds co epi ou exci ineumplimiets, resi o valle, sored y se dain de mane dafiive mete uinaeeonforc sas Nota Soe as set, Incas de ls Cima Cotes Suin (lcs oss corpori portent eee ess) 173. lamer ge bese uno : 174 Elaseat ose loll ane ser Gn, Suiza fi 175 Ls pocdinentos able se deol oda ng, 18. termrneracon 1.1 Seapicarin lassie defscons rat deiner par etoe Términos jConicones (a mens ou ote rogues ob mado Asenres: spit tno de la Pte dl Acted capo de Seccind Comandtas et seman compen os cass eke aes x ‘uae a inne (ees gut cnteso exo cantar) las son miembom teeny cepts sears anaciad oie age, consul, estar, cela, ppt, soca asonta oon cis Os cai eth de entrada en vigecl ei sigiego trade en Ca Ase 1 Inforaiaclncoaienil ks bch y oe comes de ets Termes y Condcioosy de ln Cra Acuedo yang infrmacié vind ‘seg ls tote ys ana de Pare el Aces Secodad Comtsdan,yPesona caluer Coatrs'Tecee Ge se ocean sonal cereal oprofesiona,y cua do pesado person pied vncafo aes Sen fouses ee ee "aos de ior pate o amos de los Assos Represented arya 0 dss ch de Cae Reman Cah frm (lo al ity, de manera wo nati a via ser ot, ial 9 eee agin ogi), ses de na case aioe ee ‘enformida con lo aia co a Pat del Acura acc Conandar ls Pesaea 9 ctlquns Cont 9 Tasers ele aco ‘Aaworeso Represents, Esta nftemacion pode ia, de manera méamete taunt, dts cbs y el Saber ace” rischecls sea ‘ec dea ae del Arvero, i Sociedad Condi, Persona ooigus Cooma Teer, oelgue ge ou snc core Coast: coaprende a cal persona, firma eal orpnisacion invliada son Sota Comandante cece nearnear ‘lie ipe de eo que elton cont ava de craic +. arte del Aeverdo a Attid eed ea Cara Aveo {Cntratucin: I eur def Soi Conant por pate de a Pane del Aco pa Ja prestcin 6 le Asistnia Teco ue se taconkarn sees a Carta Acted yas Taninsy Cnc DY de cotrtain: eae loners gi ltl la can? : [vento defer tape: aus ves deseo en nial 11 fais (0) (2) eos Teminosy Comicon Pemana lowe Toy Rn Derechey Je Propiedad fteletua: pues, dec sore inet, deresho, de ary derecos vinuados, arcs conc, somes smerny oo, crc slte el exrc e roduc, dereaos Ge fndo ecco oconans por copsatsa Saiea een nee, ico, deecs sre stare into, ders sore ies de dno. derechos ss informarion cles fade abe hee ee seco como) tli to derecho de arpa elec, Ses gu tte de echo reptdos On eaten) Wea age {ods la solicits ( dees» sisi) de ess derechos pr su vnotasin 9 roo yl lon Geach snares 8 toe © bes oe Proecieque putea ex aor pen uence par et Dt conjnt: eos el encopo ue eatps nines art Acoerde: a cr en Sxedd Coad in Pare de Acero respect de ln Conetaci, que s deb inarory tae eon “Termiosy Conon. + Sicedad Camaaditarin: a Sociedad Comanari, Wins Vets No, 3, LP, tind co lngueray Gales jolie de iret [PO1266,yquedesenpeta wales come nombre tere de The Olle af Ty Bia . Dect precontacua esau comproit, pomesy, po, dcr reprseacin tio erendmiouo (sap esto no) aig pean (je ate de wa ats de os Termes y Conon dea Ca de ead om) quae pot oon eas Connon tue nose encoun egensnente enabled eon Termin Conon Representa pets a Pre del Aco ) nla Socedd Commedia, son lt Geo, sos, miembros, fsclonion, pled, ‘epee, gots y comms de odo ells, ¥ pesos design pa ajar o ese sericn pen elk, Asnecin Tene: lor servicios ut a Sind Conunctriarear Pae dl Avert ev ole conor Zoo se dese eve mayor deal wa Cats Acard. Feta defiance gue ada a Cts Acted, de fn ance qu eur “Tercera: sjsifies csi fesona, fa ends vein oe poptone sons adminis, eof, de sitar 0 sine ge en ahve a pesto ela Aste Tec. 182 Losenabeaios ge gaa en tos Términos y Ceaiciones seinen decane pr oon yao dbern fer su tepcain 153 a efrencia aus armen parla comtine ua rere aa como enon ea vgea al rent de coat hoa aye ‘ual envio, progr oma romain. Asm, nlye cnt lel sora por el erp ee ts enone a wee ‘e-cnfrmiad a ermal Coed cote I prety plstw enslave pul ore 186 ‘Sista alma dctopncis ene esos Telos Condos y Cr Aut, ela hina pvaecen ‘ANEXO 2: SERVICIOS DE APOYO DE LA AUTORIDAD Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte del Acuerdo Este documento establece los Servicios de Apoyo (en adelante, los “Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte del Acuerdo”) que el Departamento de Planeacién Nacional de Colombia (en adelante, "la Parte del Acuerdo") deberd prestar a The Office of Tony Blair (nombre comercial de Windrush Ventures No 3 LP) (en adelante la Sociedad Comanditaria) en relacién con el Proyecto: "Apoyo a la Implementacién del Nuevo Régimen de Regalias de.Colombia" (en adelante, el "Proyecto"). La Parte del Acuerdo deber prestar Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte del Acuerdo a la Sociedad Comanditaria durante 12 meses (52 semanas). Se acuerda que los Servicios de Apoyo de la Parte del Acuerdo se proporcionardn en'contraprestacién por el trabajo de la Sociedad. Comanditaria en ‘el Proyecto; y:la‘Parte del Acuerdo no abonard honorarios ni costos por dichos servicios. Servicios de Apoyo que se prestaran . Se prestardn los siguientes Servicios de Apoyo-de la Parte del Acuerdo: 1) Recursos Humanos co * Un miembro con grado de ‘asesor del personal de la unidad de Desarrollo territorial e Inversiones Piiblicas de la Parte del Acuerdo trabajar de manera asistencial a medio tiempo como gerente del proyecto conjunto y se desempefiard en el proyecto a través de reuniones pactadas por adelantado para analizar el progreso del Proyecto y brindar soluciones a puntos intrincados; * Un integrante del personal de la unidad de-Desarrollo territorial e Inversiones piiblicas de la Parte del Acuerdo a tiempo completo que brindaré asistencia al equipo del proyecto. El ‘equipo del proyecto tendré acceso a todos los miembros dela Parte del Acuerdo a través de reuniones programadas de antemano, ya que el proyecto seré una parte integral del programa y la agenda |, dela Parte del Acuerdo; y : ° + Servicios'de traduccién e interpretacién y otros servicios de apoyo en conexion s funcionarios de gobiemo y otros representantes segtin se requiera. Los jos ‘de traduccion ¢ interpretacién. se coordinaran por adelantado (mediante una notificacién con un mes de anticipacién) y tinicamente para ocasiones especiales (es decir, reuniones de alto nivel). 2) Apoyo respecto del contenido del proyecto * Apoyo en la realizacién de eventos, seminarios, foros y demids actividades complementarias que contribuyan al desarrollo del Proyecto, de acuerdo con un Plan de Trabajo definido por las Partes. * Sumitiistro de informes, registrosy entrevistas, estadisticas y otra informacion relacionada con el Proyecto que, probablemente, sean de utilidad para el equipo de la Sociedad Comanditaria a fin de prestar la Asistencia Técnica; y *¢ Apoyo para conseguir y arreglar'reuniones entre los micinbros la Sociedad Comanditaria y los funcionarios colombianos respecto de temas pertinentes al Proyecto. . 3) Apoyo logistico + Espacio de oficina € infraestructura técnica relacioniada: sé brindaré un espacio de’ oficina en el propio edificio dela Parte del Acuerdo. Para garantizar “que el Proyecto se ponga en marcha de manera eficiente, es necesario que él espacio de oficina se encuentre disponible y la infraestructura técnica correspondiente esté a disposicién para que la Sociedad Comanditaria lo inspeccione cinco dias habiles previamente a la fecha de entrada en vigencia, a los efectos de verificar el cumplimiento de los siguientes requisitos: ~ © Espacio de oficina seguro (es decir, cuyo’ingreso se pueda bloquear) con : luz natural, ventilacién y “muebles (incluidos escritorios y sillas) adecuados y suficientes para albergar a un equipo conjunto completo " (Capacidad minima de cuatro personas, es decir las cuatro del personal " de la Sociedad Comanditaria), mas el acceso a las salas de reuniones en el edificio de oficinas de la Parte del Acuerdo; © Gabinetes seguros que se puedan cerrar con Ilave para que los miembros del equipo almacenen sus archivos y dispositivos de TI dentro del espacio de oficina designado; © Todos los miembros. del equipo (la Sociedad Comanditaria y los asistentes del gobiemo) deberén tener acceso a una impresora de alto rendimiento', dos escéneres de carga superior’, trituradora de papel para los documentos confidenciales, fax y acceso a Internet’; y_ o Todos los asistentes del gobierno continuardn teniendo acceso a las cuentas de correo electrénico usuales del gobierno, al equipo y asistencia de TI y telecomunicaciones de éste que necesiten para realizar su trabajo durante el trascurso del Proyecto, : * Acceso a las oficinas de gobierno: ‘©. Pases para que todos los miembros del equipo del proyecto accedan a los. edificios donde se realizarén las reuniones regularmente. “Impresora de alto rendimiento; impresora'liser a color (preferiblemente HP Laser Jet) y con capiacidad para imprimir 30 paginas por minuto y funcionalidad USB. * Escdneres: deberin ser esedneres de alto rendimiehto y-de alta resolucién con una bandeja de alimentacién ara hojas miitiples, de tamafto A4, preferiblemente con capacidad USB y con capacidad de escanear un minimo de cinco paginas por minuto, El software del escéner debe estar disponible para'la Sociedad ‘Comanditaria cinco dias habiles antesde la fecha de entrada en vigencia. ® Conexién a Intemet: la velocidad de Intemet mas répida disponible (conexién tipo SDSL @ ADSL), preferentemente de al menos 10 Mbps. Capacidad para enrutador, el cual deberd estar apto para red inalambrice asi como también para aceptar la red Ethernet cableada, Especificaciones téenicas del enrutador: la direccién del ehrutador deber poder configurarse en El enrutador también deberé configurarse para brindar DHCP en el rango 192.168. 1.64/26. El rango deberd ser accesible tanto desde las redes con cable como desde las inalémbricas. El'enrutador debe tener una direccién de IP fija y visible que deberd enviarse a la Sociedad Comanditaria con un minimo de cinco dias de anticipacién a la Fecha de Entrada en Vigencia. : + Arreglos relacionados con viajes, vidticos y gastos para Ios asistentes del gobierno. La Parte del Acuerdo deberd hacer los arreglos necesarios’y realizar Pagos (entre los cuales se incluyen 16s viajes, el alojamiento y los viiticos) en concepto de Jos viajes que los asistentes del gobierno hayan realizado fuera de Bogota y que hayan sido slecesarios para completar las tareas del Proyecto. 4) Apoyo para las visitas del Honorable Tony Blait * Apoyo para las visitas del Honorable Tony. Blair (“el Sr. Blair”). El St. Blait » realizaré hasta dos visitas a Colombia durante el trariscurso del Proyecto, La Parte del Acuerdo realizaré los arreglos y brindard transporte seguro por tierra para el Sr. Blair y su personal cuando éste visite Colombia para’ apoyar el Proyecto. El Si. Blair deberé controlar el manifiesto de pasajeros para cada visita y estard autorizado a ser acompafiado por su esposa y otras personas a su discreci6n. . En el caso que cualquiera de las dos visitas tenga lugar fuera del término de los 12 meses de este acuerdo, el apoyo para las visitas del Sr. Blair continuara a cargo de la Parte del Acuerdo sin costo alguno. ANEXO 3: LA ASISTENCIA TECNICA. Supporting the Implementation of Colombia’s new Royalties Regime Project proposal to the Government of Colombia January 2013 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .. INTRODUCTION : OUR PROPOSAL 1. Stock take and review of implemehtation process... 19 2. Developing systems and processes for the coordination and implementation of regional projects 20 3. Developing systems and processes for monitoring, control and evaluation from 2 the centre 4. Building a.communications strategy for theterritorial framework... Supplementary support for the DNP .. SYNTHESIS OF KEY DELIVERABLES... POTENTIAL SUPPORT BY TONY BLAIR, HIS TEAM AND PARTNERS. RESUMEN EJECUTIVO ¢ Liberar el enorme potencial del sector minero colombiano y asegurarse de que contribuye al desarrollo general del pafs es uno de los pilarés de crecimiento més importantes de la agenda de! presidente Santos, Sin embargo, el principal desafio para el gobierno serd traducir esta estrategia en realidad - especificamente, en cambios tangibles y resultados en las regiones, donde la'capacidad y la gobernanza siguen siendo débiles. Se propone apoyar al gobierno en la construccién de mecanismos adecuados para coordinacién de la" ejecucién en nivel regional/ local, de seguimiento y evaluacién de proyectos y comunicationes estratégcas orietados alas técnicas de gestién pblica. En conereto se propone trabajar en las siguientes éreas: J 1, La realizacién de un balance y la revisién de la implementacién del régimen de regalias hasta el momento; , 2. Desarrollo de mecanismos para fortalecer las capacidades regionales/ locales y la coordinacién entre los distintos OCADs; 3. Desarrollo de sistemas y procesos para seguimiento, control y evaluacién de la cadena de desarrollo en la direccién de regalias del DNP; 4. Construccién de una estrategia de comunicaciones para el marco territorial. Vision general de areas de apoyo enfocadas 4 Eafoque primarto ~ daeate proyecto Implomentacién Seperal~ sas y procesos pa tae. shecnempeenacin 0 T proyectos regionales ne Dppicosarers | Sucinnenige ae Ejecucion proyectosregionales | operacional(ej APP)” local ° ‘regional! local _¢ Seleccion procesos {| + Compras - + Formadion on-the-job cern cee sae ‘cg Meet ani scien Ogee ES genio niece Senta Sore be noes — See tcc Shee ieee : reser ee core Seer. mee | eee Gaga d canna sada LIE ES ' ‘ ©) Stacectce TESS ces teciome Sena cy | meemnepentces ee Esrargate | “oe we, Eee peri anm r ci Seumncn | “Seton | met ecpeeciny sg ong inemacional | Glcp ehcen cnet reac enaeain ae “pacarertat Como ex primer ministro de Reino Unido, Sr. Blair sabe de primera mano cémo es complejo «gestioniar la relacién entre el centro nacional y los niveles regionales y locales en materia de politica y toma de decisiones. A través de la propia experiencia de Blair.como un lider politico con una ‘agenda de crecimiento, a través de nuestra red y el acceso a la experiencia, conocimientos técnicos y una red de inversores internacioneles, creemos que podemos ser muy tttiles en este esfuerzo. Nuestra red incluye los principales expertos en entrega, planificacién de infraestructura, comunicaciones estratégicas, asi como algunos de los expertos lideres en crécimiento econdmico en INTRODUCTION — Colombia’s National Development Plan targets mining and extractives as one of the key drivers of future economic growth and social development. The sector remains one of Colombia's fastest growing activities; it has contributed significantly to recént GDP growth and foreign investment, and has benefited the national government, regions and society in general. The government has embarked on an impressive journey to further catalyse development of the sector, while drawing additional attention to creating real outcomes and increased governance capacity in certain regions. ‘Asa former Prime Minister of Britain, Mr. Blair understands the nuances and challenges of balancing national development agendas with regional demands and local dynamics. In recent years, Mr. Blair and his Government Advisory Practice has supported numerous governments, around the world to successfully translate policy decisions into tangible development and improved delivery on the ground. This document lays out our proposal for supporting the Government of Colombia to realise its vision of regional development through its new Royalties region. CURRENT SITUATION ae InJuly 2014, the Colombian Congress, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, passed a Pair of constitutional amendments to articles 360 and 361 of the National Constitution. The reform carried the name of “Reforma al Régimen de Regalias: Equidad, Ahorro, Competitividad y Buen Gobierno”. and brought into existence the Sistema General de Regalias (hereafter, SGR), anew framework for redistributing royalties from extractive industries. The framework was further detailed and operationalised by the presidential decree 4923, issued on December 26" of 2011. Unlike the old system, where 80% of total royalty revenue remained in the producing regions, departments and municipalities, the new SGR aims at introducing a more equitable royalties distribution system. (The diagram overleaf depicts how government funds will be distributed under the new framework). If implemented well, the new system could greatly galvanize inclusive growth across the whole country. Strategically, the SGR is designed to promote regional development. Under the law the national government cannot benefit from any SGR proceeds or use the SGR to finance common government expenditures. The SGR can, however, be used to finance development projects at the regional level which have the potential to cause a significant development impact across entire regions (and not exclusively within departments and municipalities). This newSGR System has many innovative and positive elements: * It clearly reflects the country’s commitment’ to regional development and equitable distribution of wealth. ¢ - Itrightly puts an emphasis on benefiting the poorest areas of the country first. Participacion Fondo de Fondo de Fondo do. Fondo de Ahorro Entidedes an Compensac Desarrollo Aborro y Pensional Tervitorales Tecnologia e — Ragional Regional - Extabilizacion Territorial receptoras® Innovacion® : ore tga, 10% : 2om 10% . 30% politicians from disparate political affiliations to work together for the benefit, of their entire region, rather than just their own constituencies. © It acknowledges that special benéfits must be accrued to those areas in or “through which resources:are extracted, refined or shipped. ¢. It sets up a stabilization fund for "hard times.” * It aims at bridging the vast gap between ‘available resources and actual liabilities of the FONPET. © It sets aside monies for other important purposes, such a as Science and Technology and the mapping of mineral and fossil resources. " Cuadro 1: Sistema General de Regalias “sistema General | {as entidades receptoras(Eroductoras 0 con puerios mattimos o fuviales para'el ranspore de recursos nates 10 renoyables|paricipan en todos los compnentes del Sislema General de Regalos después de descontor FCT, FAE, FONPET después de descontor FCT), FAE, FONPET Fuenle: Ministerio de Hocieiday Crédis Piblico ‘Since the SGR was operationalised, considerable work has been undertaken to prepare the new system and detailed regulation. The success of the new royalties system, however, will rest on how “ well itis governed and organised. The stakes are high: mistakes in design of implementation of the system can lead to huge losses. With annual revenues of USD 3 billion and beyond, a loss of only 10% in effectiveness and efficiency of the system ~ for example through bad governance, corruption or badly designed processes and monitoring - would lead to a joss of USD 300 million per year. Indeed, international-comparison reveals cases where differences between well-functioning systems and poorly functioning systems can be as high as 50%. > Considering the work already undertaken, there appears to be four broad areas in which collaboration with Colombian government may accelerate proper SGR implementation: ‘© A comprehensive review of the implementation of the new regime thus far, identifying potential risks and implementation gaps, and recommending corrective actions * Consolidation of the understanding on what constitutes a good regional project, and how departments and municipalities may “come together to create such a project. More specifically, there should be-solid mechanisms for coordinating work of OCADs of different levels, ensuring convergence towards common regional development strategies; © Development of world-class tools and processes for monitoring delivery of key projects, ( tracking evolution of overall results, as well as evaluating and drawing recommendations/ lessons learned of already executed projects; ‘* Development of a solid communications strategy for Nation’s territorial framework ~ including SGR, Plan contracts, the Program for Regional Institutional Strengthening and Cities’ System ~ to properly convey its objectives of regional competitiveness, innovation and social fairness. ‘ oS In addition to these issues, we also believe there are several other related questions affecting DNP as a whole. DNP may need, for instance, support on detailed regulation, governance/ transparency, and internal capacitation. More broadly, insights could be provided onvoverall ONP’s structure and. ‘organization, so the department can fulfl its role as the management leader of investment projects within the country. It is crucial that the Government address these issues head-on through a specialized support. OUR PROPOSAL We propose supporting the government in building the right mechanisms for coordination of regional/ local execution, project monitoring & evaluation, and communications strategy. Spetifically, we propose to work across the following areas: 1. Conducting a stock take /review of implementation of the Royalties regime; 2. Developing mechanisms for strengthening regional/ local capabilities and coordination ‘among different OCADs; Developing systems and processes for monitoring, control and evaluation of ‘the entire delivery chain within DNP’s Royalties Directory; 4. Building a communications strategy for the territorial framework. Overview of focus areas of our support hing see ee Sa a ‘lndusty sructre is : ia ! fevlonaiocal | - «Ft otecton = Regonai oc eee | ieee, Saas eee ees i Tee eietanee Chcamasaras imagen entrng ot “Seeger atts (SRR (Peete Gelivory from “Tracking evoiion of | | «Recornendatons ince ‘oveaiesdts 7 anclossenslenreg Ragas Renae F é 2 frie ordime nere NE Se oe eee ree es De ee mccneicmcen en ‘Message of ames ana soil coniiouion to poorer tenons _raatlnanglconontvees rmoatoang sabicatenaaia te Seu 963 whowe § p 1. Stock take and review of implementation process Implementation of the new Royalty system is a highly complex task for several reasons: © First, there is a multitude of direct and indirect stakeholders who all have keen, but potentially diverging, interests in and expectations of how the new system functions (be it terms of collections or disbursement for development). The relevant stakeholders include the different ministries and government bodies at national and regional levels, politicians representing constituency interests, the minirig companies, the international community, civil society organisations, and the wider electorate. Careful political. handling of these stakeholder Will become even more important, as the new regime will create’ new winners and losers; ‘* Second, the end-to-end delivery chain of the Royalties regime is technically highly complex, and implementation will be faced with all the challenges typically associated with wholesale reform. Due to the complexity of implementation and difficulties balancing potentially competing stakeholder expectations, achieving alignment and transparency in the, planning, communication and execution processes will be fundamental to success of the new royalties system. This includes ensuring there i effective coordination and systems to: identify open issues, bottle-necks and risks; “leverage the different experience and skills of the various stakeholders; reduce overlap of responsibilities; and mitigate potential areas of conflict at an early stage of the iniplementation phase. : : r We propose to conduct a stock-take and review of the progress of implementation of the Royalties regime, and to develop’a holistic, comprehensive report of recommendations for the process, which provides a shared vision of the implementation process for all the relevant stakeholders. This wil comprise: ty © Astock-take and critical review of all existing initiatives and their progress; * Identification of potential risks and gap analysis ‘©. Feasibility analysis of different options for addressing risks and gaps; + Proposal of actions and recommendations for future implementation. ‘Our overall approach will focus on the view of the decision maker; we will combine our technical conguitng expertise with considerations for pote! expediency, policy feasibility, deliverable policies and strategic communications. © 2. Developing systems and processes for the coordination and implementation of regional projects The new Royalties regime entails the establishment of new OCADs (Organos Colegiados de Administracién y Decisién) involving 6 regions, 32 departments and more than 1,000 municipalities across the country. As those entities have responsibility for selecting projects to be financed and for their delivery, ensuring alignment and adequate management capabilites at this level is essential. During our conversations with the government, it became abundantly clear that regional-level capacity for coordination and implementation was one of the areas of greatest concern for the \ government, and importance for success of the new Royalties Regime. We propase to support the Government rapidly develop the frameworks, systems and processes for coordinating the design and implementation of regional projects across spheres of government. For each aspect of the framework, we will work with the Government to develop options based on specific issues and priorities of Colombia, taking info account international experience and best practice. We will specifically support development of the following three aspects: + Aneffective regional project coordination process; ‘+. Systems and capacity to ensure effective execution of the project cycle} ‘* Pilots on key regions and departments, of Regional project coordination process There is considerable risk that during the implementation phase of the Royalties Regime, regions, and municipalities experienice dissimilar and uneven development of their systems and processes. ‘This risk is significantly enhanced due to the complexity of the regiorial development framework. ‘Such divergence would result in sub-optimal management. It would also create difficulties with regards to coordination and integration of the different regions, and overall monitoring of the regime's implementation. ; Despite this risk, local experimentation allows for innovation, bringing opportunities to accelerate knowledge acquisition horizontally across regions. Therefore, developing ideas around the strengthening of regions and their coordination, including, ” preparation of recommendations for adjustments and realignment, should be an important requirément for implementation of the regional development system in Colombia. To achieve this, our collaboration will include support for buildin ‘Mechanisms for knowledge transfer from central to regional/ local level, such as guidelines and orientations for project selection, management, monitoring, and delivery; ‘+ Mechanisms for ensuring alignment between’ regional development strategies and project portfolios, for example: (© Assessment of the quality of regio‘ial/ local development plans; (© Evaluation of coherence between socioeconomic development plans of related regions, departments and municipalities; UW © Assessment and rankings of the connection/ ‘alignment between’ regional development strategies and project portfolio in each OCAD. ‘+ Tools that support exchange of experience and knowledge between OCADs, such as: ~ © Mechanisms for diffusion of best practices and common mistakes across OCADs; ©. Tools that allow governments to access projects structured in other parts of the q country, thereby reducing the need for “reinventing the wheel” on projects of a similar nature. Systems and capacity to ensure effective execution of the project cycle Itis important td ensure that capacity building at regional/ local levels is both accelerated and resilient to change of administrations. Our efforts for ensuring effective project implementation at regional/ local level may includ ‘+ Identifying and supporting the development of key project management processes, tools and systems - such as robust and transparent procurement and tendering processes; '* Identifying and strengthening project management capacity of the’ regions —in¢luding : resources, staff, skills and expertise; 7 © Supporting incentives for structuring projects in forms that reduce/ optimize public investment (e.g. concessions arid PPPs); ‘¢__ Planning for contingencies and risks identification/ mitigation ~ e.g. economic and political management when projects do not fulfil criteria and fund remains unspent; ‘© Ensuring communication, dissemination and clear understanding of successful project ~ criteria and administrative requirements; © Designing an effective system of participation and oversight by all key stakeholders, including private sector and civil sociéty. ESAP (Escuela Superior de Adminstracién Pablica) plays an important role in many of these project management and capacity building areas. It is therefore essential to analyse in detall ESCAP’s role, organisation and interactions on the knowledge transfer and capability strengthening process. : “pi lots on key regions and departments Beyond this work, we could also provide custorhised support to selected regions and departments during a second phase of the project, in order to accelerate diffusion of best practices. The scope and duration of a potential local support could be discussed during the implementation of the activities previously mentioned. - : : 3, Developing systems and processes for monitoring, control and evaluation from the centre International experience indicates that public projects are prane'to poor delivery and unsatisfactory outcomes. Inadequate planning ahd poor project management, as well as abuse and corruption are often the causé. A high degree of transparency and oversight can limit these risks and help build pressure forall involved actors td deliver satisfactory and outcomes. Monitoring and tracking critical projects . Developing ad implementing conditions that promote socicetonomic development requires a good understanding of the determinants of related trade-offs or synergies. Policy-makers must also employ appropriate information and data in order to conduct sophisticated policy analysis and undertake comprehensive progress monitoring. We propose working closely with the DNP, Ministry of Finance and the High Commissioner for Good Governance to design and establish systems for effective monitoring, tracking and de-bottlenecking inorder to support and measure progress against key targets. This work wll Include: * Identification ofthe scope of priority projects/pilots to be overseen centrally; + Definition of targets and measurement. indicators which monitor teends and structural changes, while highlighting areas which require additional analysis or policy action, are especially useful ‘tools for measuring progress of socioeconomic development outcomes. Such indicators also help draw public attention to the development agenda'and key government policies or initiatives. ‘© Assessment of tools, systems and processes. We will vestigate each part of the delivery chain in order to assess whether it is equipped with the necessary tools, processes and systems for ‘monitoring delivery of critical projects. We will particularly focus on: © Delivery tools: These include trackers, trajectories, ‘process maps, etc., which. are the core toolkit for monitoring, tracking and driving reform; © Systems and processes: Quarterly and monthly ‘stock-takes, weekly updates, interdepartmental coordination meetings, earfy warning systems etc., which are critical for monitoring delivery and implementation (the slide overleaf shows the type of information and the format in which it might be measured); ©. Coordination: Clear lines of responsibility, reporting, and accountability’ between the Various organisations and bodies in the delivery chain to ensure coordination across the entire public sector on key reform issues. It will be especially important to analyse potential restructuring opportunities of Royalties Directory at DNP, and the interfaces within the central administration, those Between the central administration and ministries, and those with the OCADs. © Review of public accountability mechanisms ~ including information dissemination strategies and. participatory oversight; : . Development of an explicit anti-corruption strategy in coordination with the President's High’ ‘Commissioner for Good Governance. ‘We can deploy tried and tested best practice tools and techniques for ensuring delivery success Suit aacesnni- ein chabiaaiia Aico ‘sen Which was used by Mr. Blair to ‘This is an example of a Understand reforms, current progress, and any bottlenecks in the system ‘ccirememartnamanseenweacst” How fobulld and use a trajectory chart (12) @ 1 Eithineioenacremerctinenanng cypamcctengte which was used by Mr. Blair to measure and ‘communicate progress, determine wnether plans are effective and hold ministers and ‘ministries to account for their performance $ L Fait Evaluation system and processes ‘The definition of a solid framework for the anelysis/ evaluation criteria is essential for ensuring that we are discussing the right questions and identifying the right issues. International experience highlights six typical dimensions for evaluation of socioeconomic development projects: '* Scope & Strategic Relévance ‘© Monitoring & Evaluation Process: © Quality of Execution © Accountability ‘* Development Impact © Sustainability & Scalability ‘Amore detailed description of these factors and their interrelat > wy Dimensions for evaluation at project level Carty of objectives, relevance to regional strategy and adequate scope ‘Adequacy ofthe process and information . 10 assess project performance Ree Cr Ce Monitoring eee eee + Adequacy of timing! resources and management guidance’ oversight + Quality of design, analysis, recommendations and Implementation + Relation between costs, outputs and outcomes. Liang tat treresute wil. Ae tire ond picntl EC teen! rel ere etna) Peay Impact Py ‘= Inemal decision-making and consultation arrangements * Level of ownership of aients and beneficiaries, consuitation with relevant stakeholders and dissemination Likely impact on public Policies and‘ private sector ‘development Key activities here will include: Revising this framework with DNP personnel, so it reflects well the dimensions to be explored within the evaluation; ‘©. Designing standard monitoring and evaluation process, including basic documentation, timings, responsibilities, and interfaces; Developing questionnaires for the interviews/ discussions, linked to each dimension; © Identifying key stakeholders to be approached (eg. government officials, direct beneficiaries, private sector) per project category and means of interaction (live interviews, conference callé, group discussions, etc.); i ‘= Designing rnethodology for consolidation of findings and project grading; '* Defining processes for aggregating project evaluations along critical parameters. Among the potential analytical lenses to be adopted, region, municipality and program area will be of ‘most relevance. ne practical way of graphically presenting the grading, so that comparisons are easy to make, is by using spider charts. One illustrative example of a chart comparing different program areas can be found below. These will be properly qualified to capture, for example unique contextual reumstances, ciferenées of judgment, and other factors that require a more nuanced reading of the graphical representations. Aggregate grading per program area - Illustration - - ‘Scope & Strategic Relevance 6) ‘Sustainabity& Scalbity Montoring & Evaluation Process Development impact Qualiy of Execution T Se Fonenveen | Progam Aa 8 ! tePragam Aa ‘Accountailty err sea ‘The final aim would be to obtain overall evaluations of program areas and regions, in order to assess specific strengths/ weaknesses, as well as identify potential opportunities and threats. * © 4 Building a communications strategy for the territorial framework International experience shows that effective use of government communications is an integral and invaluable part of successful.reform programmes. Based on the narrative for change, we will offer technical recommendations on how the goverriment can overcome key communications challenges. Tony Blair’s government was renowned for successfully using strategic communications to introduce and drive Third Way policies, and we will work closely with expert practitioners to support the Government of Colombia. Furthermore, where appropriate, we may be able to directly support national and international dissemination of the Government's messages through relevant media (speeches, press articles, book contributions, etc.). : ; We will provide expertise and support for the Government's communication strategy and functions. ‘This support might include: ‘ Conducting stakeholder analysis and providing support in interest group management and political messaging. We might also support internal exercises to ensure that all the different parts of Government are involved and fully aligned behind the reform agenda, Based on the territorial vision, we will support the identification of key messages, to ensure they are powerful and compelling. (We'will conduct critical research such as opinion polls and focus groups to ensure our messages are evidence based and appear relevant to the public. \ We will support the’ identification of platforms. The key to any effective strategic communications is using multiple platforms, including traditional media as well as modern social media, We will conduct media reviews nationally and internationally to understand. ‘the platforms and how best they can be used. We will support the development of a media grid ~ a strategic approach to deciding when and where certain messages should be delivered. Finally, we will provide an assessment and recommendations on the communications infrastructure and logistical capacity of the government for future reform. Political and commercial branding builds on superior positioning Successful branding Key issues * Ideally, build on ~ tangible and » ‘Superior intangible benefits positioning * Don't rely on : ¢ “intangible benefits : f 1 too much be 3 2 a + Rigidly align benefit . is design with Clear-cut segmentation segmentation 3 of population Our proposed methodology will include - * Conducting a communications diagnostic: © Internal and international media scanning © Media relations analysis © Analysis of previous media and messaging campaigns © Establishing the communications strategy framework: ) © Identifying communication objectives, audience messages, channels, timing, © Conducting audience identification and segmentation analysis, : ‘© Mapping out channél-messenger grid for each of the messages to identify wo will carry what message'and tiow o- Message development - developing and testing messages against effective ce . communications criteria (values, credible, simple, agreed, etc.) Identifying infrastructure required for executing the communication strategy: ‘© / Suggesting communications grid methodology that is based on analysis of audience o and landmark events Setting up research and test channels, e.g. regular polling, focus groups, social media Supplementary support for the DNP It is important to notice that during all fronts above, training and capacity building will be integral parts of the approach. This includes on-the job training and coaching to all technicians and officials that work with us. But it also considers support to identification of training needs, materials and delivery formats, among other tasks. During the course of our work onthe four main workstreams, we will develop unique insights about DNP’s operations as whole. These insights could be tsed to develop additional recommendations.on other topics of interest to the DNP. Among topics previously mentioned, areas in which we could + provide insights include: . Detailed regulation of Royalties Regime; ' DNP structuring and orga investment projects within the country; Governance, Internal capacitation and training to the Subdir jon, so it could fulfil its role as the management leader of izen participation and transparency; _ ectory of Territorial Planning; ‘The new Public-Partnership framework and corresponding laws and institutions. For these and other supplementary topics, our support may include: ‘* Personal advice from Mr. Blair on areas of strategic importance for the country leadershit '* Additional observations around the management of DNP and key areas; wr * Insights and perspectives: from outside stakeholders, including international companies, domestic private sector and other non-governmental actors. On these and other areas, DNP should see the Office of Tony Blair as full partner of the Government's efforts. This means that we would be flexible to adjusting the project's scope, team, duration and other requirements according to government's needs, wherever possible. 2y 1A SYNTHESIS OF KEY DELIVERABLES This section provides an initial lst of the main projéct deliverables. We have included an initial approximation of the time (in months) as well as resources (as a share of total team efforts) required to achieve each deliverable. . It is important to note that the table above'is based on our preliminary planning, and will therefore require adjusting according to the project and DNP demands — to be undertaken during the course, of our collabor rem ee Timeline (ronths)”— teaim effort (2) eee aon ec oe Poe rer Cao en en tue ead Ce cy Support to the development of processes and systems for Pec Le aos Pilots of recommendations on regional coordination and Pee et ee ee oe reo oe Ege) Ree a De eu oe a ceed erreur tittie |yod Dee ee ai oe identification of required infrastructure Scena ons ee POTENTIAL SUPPORT BY TONY BLAIR, in TEAM AND PARTNERS Personal suppart by Tony Blair . ; ‘Asa very complex process with several diverging stakeholders, this project will quire intense political thinking. Mr. Blair, with his extensive on-the-job experience and politician instincts; will Personally lead this project, He will direct and oversee the team, provide feedback and guidance and discuss recommendations with the country leadership. Typically his contribution will go beyond the » narrow focus of the specific project, and our growing understanding of the situation on the ground will allow Mr. Blair to serve as an advisor to the government in several other areas, be it in domestic matters or questions of international politics. Mr. Blair is usually briefed on progress and issues on a weekly basis. He will share his experience with the teams, and guide the problem solving activities through his weekly interaction and workshops in London. He will be available for exchanges with the Colombian government during. meetings in London, by phone and email as well during visits to Colombia (the specific number of Visits will depend on scope and contract). Leadership support by our London office r. Stephan Kriesel, the head of the Government Advisory Practice, will support Mr. Blair in leading the project. They will be able to guide the team of experts, guarantee the consistency of our support, and provide experience and benchmarks from other countries around the world. They will supervise and support the project by phone and mail, and will also come to Colombia on a regular basis. ‘Senior Experts and partnership organizations The project will draw on a team of specialist senior experts and partners from our global network. ‘Through our name and prestige we will be able to work with leading experts in many different areas. * Regional planning and economic development: We will be able to bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the project, gained from the UK's experience as a global leader in design, of strategies and institutions for regional development; Mr Blair's personal experience as Prime Minister and as an advisor to other world leaders, our Office’s connections with the ‘world’s most recognised regional development agencies, and our network of experts’ many of whom specialise in socioeconomic development and regional development. ‘© Infrastructure planning. We'could work with leading experts in infrastructure development and project planning. While the specific names would have to be confirmed after the times of the project are fixed, examples of typical experts we could bring are leaders from the London Development Agency that oversees.the exemplary development of the East End, an ‘area which until now had been neglected, with little business and poor neighbourhoods. *- Improved delivery was one of the great achievements of the Blair administration, Experiences, tools and methods based on his archetype are applied around the globe today. 7 Our Office works closely with several of the “foufiders” of deliverology, including’ former top management of the UK's Prime Minister Delivery. Jonathan Powell, who as the former Chief of Staff and also oversaw the work of the Delivery Unit, continues to work with us.. He is currently also supporting some conflict resolution initiatives and anti-terrorism activities jn Colombia, and therefore would bring valuable insights into the challenges of regional development and delivery in many remote parts of the country. Strategic communications. Mr. Blair’s administration brought modern techniques to strategic government communication, managing to get support from his party and the public for sometimes difficult reforms of public sector reform. Support by a full time team in Colombia : In contrast with local consultancies, the Office of Tony Blair will bring practical experience and benchriiarks from around the world. We will have a full time tearn of a senior project manager and ‘two consultants working alongside your government team members. All our team members will have an appreciation for the region, as well as expertise in regional planning and development, deliverblogy or mining induced growth strategies. Typically,.our consultants have previous experience in government or in positions at the world’s leading global consultancies (McKinsey, BCG, Booz Allen etc.) In delivery for clients we combine the experience and Iéadership of Tony Blair with in-country expert teams : 1 How we are able to support governments 1 : : Boeesiecneag, sie = 1+ Tony Bars insight and experience as Qrsohtand | i+. agobel statesman and histon-years, | leadership ofa fj * ge UK Prime Miniter : aspecisofthe |} R . project Ba . 1+ Access to world class network of : 1+ Intemational senior experts in all lds, 1” incuaing former poiians, enior 4 oe | 1 poli advisers, business leader, and rise on | 1 acing global insttusons 1 tepmet | | emnee areas hy j 1“ + Innovative and best practi technical : 1 approaches to governance along with | theineisive politcal approsch to make dmc, “1 hase happen n+ Management ot | 4 4 the project on | + Emphasis on developing the capacity "| daytoday evel |!“ oftocal talent fo provide a legacy for . and reponsibity |! | te County's ure, forspeotewore | 1 TT ite streams ig ¢ PROJECT DURATION AND COSTS ~ We propose.an initial 12-month project and aim to start as quickly as possible, given the time «constraints on implementation of the royalties law and selection process for the regional projects. . _ The costs of the proposed project will be discussed with the Government of Colombia in a separate document after we agreed on the scope. Colombia has designed a new royalties’ system, which has the potential to transform the country and ‘substantially increase the welfare and human development of its people. Now all depends on. > excellence of its implementation. Tony Blair and our Office would be excited and honoured to support |the Government of Colombia in this important task. ANEXO 4: RESUMEN DE LA ASISTENCIA TECNICA. [Componentes ‘Actividades, Informe inicial que incluye la metodologia, el programa, ls actividades, la definicién de variables y Iss lentes de datos ¢ informacion. Sons Andlisis de datos basado en la informaci6n euantittiva y culitaiva del Sistema Realizar un inventaio y revisar la implementacion el Sistema Nacional de Regal vigente hast el presente Nacional de Regalis. Reuniones peridieas con las partes inteesada relevantes dentro y fuera det [Departamento Nacional de Planeacién (DNP) para analizar las conctusiones principales. ‘ Informe sabre las conclusionesy recomendaciones principales sobre la base del andlisis e datos. Componente 2: Desarrollar ‘mecanismos para fortalecer as capacidades regionales/ocales ¥ la coordinacién entre los Organos Colegiados de Administracion y Dgcision (cap) Informe iniejal que incluya la metodologia, el programa, las actividades, la definicion de variables y las fuentes de datos e informacién, Presentacion de las conclusiones principales sobre el foralecmiento de Tas capacidades regionales/locales y la coordinacin alas partes interesadas dentoy fuera el DNP. Disenio de los mecanismos propuestos para fortlecer la capacidad y la coordinacién entre los dstntos niveles (es decir, gobiemos nacional, regional y municipal) para la {ormulacién de proyectos de impacto regional en los OCAD. ‘Realizarpracbas plato de los mecanismos propuesios& os electos de relinarlos oon eT personal del DNP, para posteriommente apoyar alos grupos de trabajo regionales en su fective despliegue a nivel regional, departameatal y municipal. | Componente 3 Revisar los sistemas para rmonitereo, control y cevaluacién de la cadena completa de entra dentro del Directorio de Regalias de DNP Informe inicial que incluya la metodologi,el programs, las etividades, la definicion de variables y las fuentes de datos e informaci6n. a ‘Reuniones periéicas con las partes intereSadasrelevantes dentro y fuera del DNP para ‘bar las conelusiones principales y ls ajustes propuestos@ os sistemas existenes. Tnforme con los hallazgos yrecomendaciones principales basado en el andisis de aos. , ‘Componente 4: Disetiar y consiruir una éstrategia de comunicaciones para el marco de trabajo eritorial ‘Anilisis de la situacion actual de comunicaciones en el Sistema General de Regalias. Tdentificacin de los aspects clave de la esrategia de Comunicaciones que mejorarin Ja comunicacién, ‘isso de una exalgin de comanicacTn, afin de Inlara Gefen de pares {nteresadas, los principales medios requeridos para la difusién y los mecanismes de ‘comunicacin (por ejemplo, programas y heramnientas para la coordinacién entre los niveles municipal y regional del gobierno respecto de las comunicaciones), Implementaci6n de la estratezia de'comunicici6n. . Inplementacin, seuimieto con ans el progres el. Recomendaciones pars hacer ajustes y presentaciGn del informe final 3 oe we . . 3Y Tony BLAIR ASSOCIATES Strictly private and confidential ‘TATYANA OROZCO DE LA CRUZ Managing Director Departamento Nacional De Planeacion Calle 26 No. 13-19 Piso 32 7 Bogota Dc. Colombia SILVIA MARGARITA CARRIZOSA CAMACHO. : Director General . : i Presidential Agency for International Cooperation Carrera 11 No. 93-53 Piso 7 Bogota Colombia . 22 October 2013, B 5 Dear Dr Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz and Dr Silvia Margarita Carrizosa: \ hereby confirm that Jason Searancke, a Director of Windrush Ventures Limited, may execute the “Letter Agreement of Cooperation: Supporting the Implementation of Colombia's Royalties General System” on behalf of the English Limited partnership,’ Windrush Ventures No. 3 LP, @ Limited Partnership duly organised and existing under the laws of England, registered at the Companies Registration Office for England and Wales under No. LPO12665 and having its Registered Office at 50, Broadway, London SW1H OBL, England. : pp Cornea. Catherine Rimmer, for and an behalf of Windrush Ventures No.3 LP (acting by its general partner, Windrush Ventures No.2 LLP, acting by its member Windrush Ventures Limited)

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