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Michelini VOLUMES 5 -6

Mons. Ottavio

Mons. Ottavio Michelini, was born to Aiming it, in

province of Modena. After to have served in the diocese of
Carpi was withdrawn and of it dedicated to make the chaplain in
’ an association of disabili to Modena. In years ’ 70
it entered to make part of the Sacerdotal Movement Mariano
when l ’ work of Don still Hunchback era to the beginnings. To
to leave from 1975, and for all last the four years of life,
it received messages (that it wrote under dettatura) and
visions of Jesus and the Madonna. The messages came then

Mons. Ottavio published in a series of six entitled small volumes


“Confidenze di Jesus to a clergyman”.

In the Jesus messages with heated words denunciation the gravity of

spiritual and moral situation in which it pours the world today, the confusion and
the inner rebellion all ’ of the Church, brings to light the deficiencies of
pastorale puts into effect them, explains that many of these problems are the directed one
consequence of the deep crisis of faith that pervade today the Church.
Moreover the Gentleman announced to Mons. Michelini a future “purification” to
which it will follow “a new spring of peace and justice, for l ’ humanity and for
the Church ", “’ a radiosa dawn, never known before d ’ now”.

Mons. Ottavio Michelini died 15 October 1979

“In the regarding cases private detections it is better to believe that not to believe.
In fact, if you creeds, and é own true one, are happy for having believed, since
our Saint has asked Madre it. If, on the contrary, you will have believed and will be tried
false, you will receive all thanks as if it had been true, because you have believed being
true " (Pope Urbano VIII)

VOLUMES 5° -6°


Why the publication of this V Book?

For a mysterious design of the Divine Providence that every thing cures and turns to
own fine.
Jesus wants that all know and know this that it attends this Church
scristianizzata the measure and he overwhelms the vase trabocca; the abyss and neighbor!

The humanity is set offing quickly towards the autodistruction and Jesus wants that
nobody can say in the crucial hour which many obstinately refuse to believe
“I did not know”.

Who will not know, will be because intentionally she has intentional to ignore.

The messages of the men are accepted but obstinately those of God refuse,
without not to deign to ascertain of the authenticity, but this is ancient history how much
ancient the world, you and perhaps be Prophet who has not known envy, jealousy,
hatred hostility… would be strange today that it acknowledged God, to true Jesus true
God and
Man the right to live in the middle of the men, to speak like and when he wants with
those who gives always He has prechosen, if thus it were not would not be true how
much is
saying in the present book.

d. OR. M.

1 December 1977


Supremacy on all the authorities of the earth

You write son mine,

I am always, Jesus, that I mean to resume the suspended speech little ago; of the evils
of my church and the responsibles of the evils of the same one, I have already said to you
much in i
precedence books, but I did not exhaust the argument, other things are from clearing,
later on
I will clear.

From how much I have said in the two precedence messages to you, a hard truth emerges
it puts into effect them rulers of polulates, the full supremacy of My Church on all the
of the earth, and this, for Its not human but Divine origin, for Its mission
that it extends the assets and the things terrene, for fine Its that they are the same ones for
which I,
Jesus, Unigenito Son of the Father, in the fullness of the times, is made Meat me and
I died on the Cross for the of the sort human salvation.
All this, for the church men, must be always reason not of superbia but
of humility; they would have to be to acquaintance that was ab aeterno prechosen, not for
they details merits, but .per pure Divine Goodness.

Grinding contrast

I then, with the real mystery of My, the personal and physical eucaristica presence in
church, mystery for which astonished the Angels in sky, to good reason, placing me to
center of all the creation, I can say to all “learned from Me that they are mild and
humble of Heart “.

It observes son, which grinding contrast between Me, Messia baby in the crib of
Betlemme, still observes and meditates the not smaller contrast between Me, Jesus,
on the Cross and the pomposa alterigia, made up under the appearances of vellutata
that of it alters even the personality and it allows they to manifest which in reality not
they are, have created in other words a mask that of it hides to the others true they
appearance; well, son mine, Satana were to place on their face the mask and Satana
he will be to tear it to it from the face.

Oh, son mine, not preoccuparti of the truth that you write, via that turbamento, “
truth, thus little loved, always goes asserted, without to cure itself of the consequences
they derive some, a lot nobody you will be able to twist a single hat, you will have to
suffer, but I do not have
suffered I, Eternal Verbo of God, I, sum and eternal Truth, in order to assert the truth

I repeat, it once again, which tremendous contrast between Me and they! but the hour of
purification will sweep via all the putridume of teologi presuntuosi and arrogant that a lot
poison has seeded anywhere in My Church, will sweep via all the luridume with
which every thing has been contaminated, deturpando the Face of My Church, that Face
that I
I gave in its to be born; now it is wrapped in the dusk and ricolma to such point they give
to overflow of innumerevoli contradictions, son, in my church not little Shepherds,
Clergymen, consecrated spirits generally and faithfuls, are incapable to acknowledge for
what in reality they are.

Son mine, in the made Church new I will not tolerate more bureaucrats, civil employees,
governors, professionals… not! Saints I want, Fathers, only fathers, able of
to exercise their mandate with goodness not disgiunta from the firmness, but firmness
paternal, always and only paternal.
A father does not complete never ingiustizie towards own sons, even if the sons are not
always rispettosi in the cares of the parents, if all the Shepherds of spirits, clergymen, etc,
they were truly fathers, in My Church would disappear all ingiustizie one
sea of ingiustizie; son, I do not say all, but many escapes must be attributed to
who in My Church and forgotten to be father; it thinks son, vocations
suffocated, destroyed in the superbia and the pride of who it has not known or intentional
to be

Neither he loves themselves, neither he pardons themselves for delegation

A true father knows to comprise and to pardon the son who erra, the true father knows
to comprise the little sheep that has smarrita and chases it runs after, and found it if
he places on the shoulders, a true father takes care itself directly of the lost son, loves
itself some,
he pardons himself some for delegation.

Son, you very know, the love door to the union; if in my church he was observed
first and maximum comandamento of the love would be not the union, but a true one
authentic communion; same you can state as they are the things in merit. Never
son mine, could be comprised from human mind the price of the superbia that he renders
stolti the men.

In My regenerated Church not there will be more the many dead men who record
themselves in
church, today.

My intermediary come on the earth will be this, with the advent of My Reign in
spirits, and, will be the Saint Spirit, to maintain purified with the Fire of Its Love and i
Its carismi the new Church that will be eminently charismatic.

Currently many Bishops are mistrustful in the cares of the carismati ones to us, this
diffidenza donde draws origin? from the precaution perhaps? some time, but many times,
it draws origin from the jealousy, which is daughter of the superbia; fear is had that

charismatic the prestige diminishes, to which nearly all it is sacrificed, the prestige is
the maleficent shadow of Satana pursues that them anywhere.

Many today do not understand, but time will come in which will understand.

The superbia that it wraps my Church of shadows of dead women, it frustrates the scopes
of mine
Church, because it is cause of the eternal perdition of tantissime spirits if it is believed
then, that
the perdition of a single spirit and more serious than all the sventure, suffering and
of every time, the drammaticità of the situation will be able to be very understood.

Enough for the time being, son; benedico you, he prays well and voglimi.

1 December 1977


Master and Guide of all people

Son mine, you write,

they are Jesus, I resume the open speech but anything but closed on my Church; I,
I have placed in the world, in the middle of the world, because its mission is turned to all
it polulates and nations of the earth, it is constituted for Divine Wanting master and guide
all people; this is the place that competes to Them, this is the place that them will be
recognized after the purification.

Indescrivibile is its task in this intermediate time between before come of

Christ on the earth with the mystery of the come Incarnation and Its second one, at the
end of i
times, in order to judge alive and the dead men; between these two come, revealing,
Misericordia di God, the second one, the Divine Justice, the justice of Christ, true God
true Man, like clergyman, King and Universal Judge, this third intermediate one
come, invisibile with the exception of and the last one he has before come both visible

This third come is the Reign of Jesus in the spirits, Reign of peace, Reign of
justice, that it will have its full load and luminous splendor after the purification.

My Church is placed in the middle of the nations, but no nation of the world will have
straight of sovrapporsi to she, who dared to make it, would go against the designs of
Divine providence provoking of the disdain. My Church has all how much in itself
it is necessary in order to carry out its divine mission, being I, Jesus, present in mine
Vicario, the Pontefice Roman being moreover I, present really, physically and
personally in the mystery of the faith, the present Eucarestia still with the word
divine, I, am the eternal Verbo of God.

Salvifica, free and independent mission

Now son mine, is obvious that no authority on the earth can prevail on The one who
which it is the sum authority, Alpha and Omega of all and all, without of which nobody
authority can be. No authority if they do not give God!

Saying is premised this, My Church, must and will have carry out (like Sacramento of
salvation) its salvifica, free and independent mission, because it is from God,
because God is in it; troubles to those who for superbia and pride they will try of
to hinder of the way on the earth, they would hit in the just disdain and the ira of
Divine justice.

My Church on the earth, in its relationships with the nations, will cultivate the respect
mutual understanding, in fact the fine ones are common, the good of the man; my Church
the edificazione of the celestial Gerusalemme, the Nations with the edificazione of the
Gerusalemme. Both the cities are for the common good of polulate, both i
Powers, the Ecclesiale and the Civilian, if they are not corroded from the superbia,
generatrix always
of envy and jealousy, they will be like two binary parallels that march equidistant with
the same point of departure and arrival, separated, but joined from the crosspieces, like
they are from the crosspieces the railroads of the train that proceed entirety without never
to meet.

Necessarily relationships you must be between the two powers, one cannot ignore
the other; these relationships will have to be always carried out in the within of the
respective ones
competences and mutual respect, God is extremely geloso of the Gift that form
largeness and human dignity, that is of the freedom, every sopruso, every sopraffazione is
an attack to the freedom that cannot be that strictly punished.

These men, direct instruments of Satana, will be swept via like pulviscolo
to the wind

My regenerated Church will never take measures apt to hurt or to offend the other
people's freedom, or
however, in compliance with Its Divine one Not sending, thus also the Powers, and when
I say
powers, I mean to speak about the authorities of any nature, civilians, military, political,
judicial… they will not be able to esorbitare from their limits, making would break off it
the equilibrium of the peace in the world, serious crime that grida vendetta to the cospetto

Son mine, we do not speak about what it is happening in the world for work of men
degenerated, routes to every nefandezza, blinded corrupts and to the point, like their
Satana, of wanting itself to replace to God, believing of being able some to destroy the
divine Laws and
eternal, arrogating the right, that it is only of God and no other to the world, which it is
that one to decide in such a way of the life and the dead women, operating against God,
of the life.

These men, direct instruments of Satana, I add and irreducible corruttore, will be
swept via like pulviscolo to the wind in the hour that inexorably is approached, then
it will be understood that God truly exists and that he is tremendous what to incur in Its

Sacrilegamente My Laws, my Comandamenti have violato, have profanato

my Church, has rendered with their infernal stench the irrespirabile air, but a fire from
sky will fall on the earth and will cancel every sign of the human madness, will not
remain, for
city and nations, stone on stone, until will not be placata the ira tremendous of God.

Son mine, for the time being enough, prays, repairs, offers your suffering to me, voglimi

Benedico you and with benedico you the persons who you are beloveds.

1 December 1977


One, Saint, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman one, prerogatives that will not never change

You write son, we resume the speech on My Church, it is and it will remain, One, Saint
Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, not dumb in this neither will be able to never change with
of the human events; nobody never will be able to deprive it of its prerogatives.

My Church is in the world for the world, is not static, but perennially in
way, will hold the step with the world as it holds it to the shepherds with the flock, its
mission is clearly missionary, its task to carry to all people the message
evangelico; she is not absolutist and not even completely democratic, of a democracy
pure, it is Hierarchical because I have such it intentional and I to it want, its Founder; the
of it form the dorsal thorn; its government will be an intermediate form between the
and the pure democracy.

Its members will be all a person who has been baptized a christians; to the apex he will be
the Pope, than in cases of
emergency will be able to govern alone, having in itself every deliberative power and

The Pope, true and directed successor of S. Peter, will be to the apex of my Church, that
he is
perfect society and as such it holds and it possesses all means in order to pursue fine its
independently from any other human structure; little of do not put into effect them
they will fall and others will be simplified.

Other and who door the message, other who receives the message

Invisibile head of my Church I am, Jesus; visible head is the Pontefice Roman,
successor of S. Peter to which always love will have, respect and humble obedience give
part of all, Bishops, clergymen and faithfuls, without distinction some.

The Church is in the world but various from the world and it will not be able to be never
identified with
world, is prevented some from its nature of master, of mother of the world, from its
mission, other is who door the message, other is who receives the message,
degenerations of the hour many faithfuls and clergymen put into effect will find them
dissenzienti and also
Shepherds, but red-establish the truth and the equilibrium, now jolt from many evils, the
regenerated he will not know dissenzienti approximately its nature.

He will be always contrasted, the Body follows the risen ones of the Head, but the forces
and the dark ones
powers of the evil never will prevail on she; it enjoys the detail presence of
Saint spirit who already the pervade with its carismi; today the carismati ones to us they
are gone anywhere
multiplying, the Carisma always has existed in the Church, the saints was all
carismati, I speak to us here about carisma like gift the detail and extraordinary data to
determined persons for the ecclesiale community I do not speak about the common
participated to all the Christians with the sacramentale life.

Thus the Gentleman disperses the arrogant ones…

The dark Powers of Hell employ all their resources in order to seed discord,
it envies, jealousy between the carismati to us waves to diminish some and also to destroy
of the effects; i
carismati they must take of conscience to us in order not to allow the enemy to attempt to
slowly of the Divine Providence, the carismati ones to us they will supervise in order not
to fall in the insidie
of the enemy, cultivating in itself same all the virtues, but in the most particular way
humility, fundamental pillar and center them of the holiness.

The regenerated Church will be nearly totally charismatic, will be truly Saint and will be
Saint spirit to vivificarla and santificarla in order making of she a beacon of Light that
will cast
on the entire humanity.

Who is the men for porsi against God with the crowds intention to hinder some
step? Less than a fist than powder that the wind disperses; powder is the rulers
of it polulates dipped in the denser dusk of theirs superbia.

That us it wants in order to confuse them? they have closed their heart, their mouths
with arrogance, eccoli, are left over and they encircle to me in order to pull down to me,
but will disperse I them
like powder, nient'altro that powder, has dug dinnanzi to Me a grave and you
they will fall and from the same one they will be swallowed. Thus the Gentleman
disperses the arrogant ones that they have
warp conspiracies against of He, thus will pull down Its enemies and its Church will carry
salvation till the extreme borders of the earth.

Son for the time being enough, voglimi well; benedico you and with benedico you all
those who you
they are beloveds.

1 December 1977


Little of it perceive the mysterious ferment

I am, Jesus, that I mean to continue in the manifestation of my thoughts approximately

my Church puts into effect them, and my Church that is being renewed, only little spirits
shrewed of my divine activity I have made you to touch with hand the truth of my assets
presence in my Church, you have seen some of the spirits that me are prechosen and that
they will have important duties in my Mystical Body, but of my ministers, solo little
they perceive this mysterious ferment, more are chocked in their things, than not
they are my things, like would have to be, because my ministers would have day and
night to be occupied in the things Mine, than they regard to me, they would have to be
in protecting and defending my interests that is the Gloria of God and the good of the
spirits, but
next to these things very little think, politics, the sport, the films, even pornographic
approvals in television or public know them, form their nutriment, when not
they feed of things gets worse.

Sordi, always always ready to the mormorazioni, nearly always indifferent to

problem for which they have been created, for which they have been prechosen calls
and… a such one
attitude with which it is said not to the Love, not to the Light, not to the Truth, and, to
this that to these assets is opposed, is truly paradoxical, absurd and inconceivable for
which he is not more tolerable.

I want only Saint Clergymen… I will disperse the others like pula to the wind

Here then that I, Verbo of God, present in my Church, are putting into effect the hour of
purification that will have to re-establish the equilibrium and the harmony destroyed
under chasing
action malvagia of the prince of the darkness and the menzogna.

In my made Church new, I want only Saint Clergymen for santificare, only want
aware and responsible clergymen of their largeness, power and sacerdotal dignity,
I will disperse the others as pula to the wind and of they memory will not remain between
my saints
some. They will be my Saint clergymen animated from the love and the fear of God,
aware, of their being instruments in my hands of the new creation.

They will know and believe truly of being the ministers of an Omnipotent King and
Universal, they will know to estimate the price of the spirits, for which day and night of
zeleranno the salvation, will know of being beyond that ministers mine, the friends mine
that it wants to say, friends of God, friendly servants but I do not call, will know my
saints to you
clergymen of the regenerated Church not to be foreign in the House of the Father, but
familiar future concittadini of the celestial Gerusalemme and of God.

I will place them as heads in the middle of my people, will make to remember my Nome
Saint of

generation in generation, they will be to indicate to polulate and the nations the Lamb
of God, they will be to make to love it and to indicate it like Alpha and Omega of all and
all, like the risurrezione and the life, the eternal and increato Love that of Himself
he fills up the universe, will be they to narrate to all my wonders, will be they to
to proclamare to polulates the wonders of the Living God, will be they to proclamare Its
comandamenti, will be they to anywhere carry the image of the celestial man and not
of the made man of earth and, with the image of the celestial man, they will carry
of life, holiness and truth.

It is time of perdition, but also of salvation

Thus they will be and have to be the ministers of my new and dazzling Church made of
light as never it was not, son, and this, time of calamity, but also of large
Misericordia, is time of tears but also of joy, it is time of perdition but also of
salvation, and, saves will be my Church from the claws of Satana would want that it for
always destroyed, it will be the time of victories and of triumphs, it will be the time of the
triumph of
Mother Mine, than, for the second time, with Its heel will crush the head to
malvagio snake, will be risurrezione and lifetime.

You will see son mine, you will see, it, evolving itself of these events without reply in
human history, much anchor will refuse to believe, sventuratamente will believe
when it is too much late; son, is true, the Cross will not lack to you, but the Cross for you,
it is not only predilezione, but it is love.

Courage son mine, I know what tasks, but not to forget that I am God and all
I can, I can son, to take the ripugnante vermiciattolo crawling in the powder and
in the mud of the earth, to raise it till Me and to make of an Angel of Light; you will be
in the church tomorrow, and, they will come to you in order to know my thoughts. Not to
upset to you
son, and your Jesus who speaks to you, than follows to you, than he loves to you, and the
Love that in you tries
the love, not to disappoint son to me, too many spirits have disappointed to me, too many
spirits have to me

Courage son, you receive my blessing like pledge of my love; with you
benedico those who you is beloveds and for which prays, voglimi and offers yours well to

1 December 1977


Wonderful fusion of the Divine one with the Human

You write son mine, are Jesus who I speak to you, I always must dirti important things in
to my Church post puriphicationem, son, the Church is mine, it has exited from mine
Cost open, my church is a sacramento of salvation from Me instituted in order to guide

all the men towards the port of the eternal salvation.

The Church is a wonderful fusion of the divine one with the human, of which image is
in an inferior order, the fusion of the spirit with the matter (body) in the person
human, to other you can deduce it image from the fusion of the natural element, spirit
with the element supernatural, grace.

I, God and a Trino, have intentional the Church, instrument in order to put into effect and
to perpetuate on
earth the second creation; of the Church they are the Head, real invisibile but, always
present, active and supernatural fecund; of the Church they are the Master
indefectible, the sure Guide, in it is Via, Truth and Life.

My Church is perfect, human and divine, human society because the men of
they form the limbs, divine because divine it is its origin, because divine it is its
nature, because divine it is its doctrine, because divine they are the means of
santificazione to
its disposition, because divine they are the aims that it pursues; my church is perfect
because null it lacks to them for being such, because divine it is the Life that in she
circulates, because
permeated dall ’ action and from the presence of the Saint Spirit who support, the vivifica
santifica in its way on this earth of exile.

The smoke of entered hell and in she

Son mine, I prevent your obbiezione not expressed but thought, because then, Jesus,
mine, the Church is terribly thus suffering for innumerevoli evils? Because in
Church is the element man, where is the man, is imperfection there, if then the moved
from presumption and tresca pride with Satana, Satana of impossessa and of ago one
instrument badly, not to never forget it, it is the monkey of God, all which
God makes in the good, makes it he in the evil.

Why Jesus mine, the Church and thus seriously sickened?

Because the smoke of hell has entered in she darkening the minds of those who for
superbia thus they have intentional; these sventurati will not be able to never estimate the
incalculable caused to the Church. I still answer to an other your obbiezione, and perhaps
less come the action of the Saint Spirit? Not son, God mind and God is not faithful
to its promises, God has not come less, but the man has lacked to its fidelity.

Least they are disposed to follow to me on the way of the Cross

God not coarta never the freedom of the man also when the man uses of this wonderful
gift against of God, if thus it were not, dimmi that it would be some now of the world?
how many times I have not said to you that the evil, of any nature it is, does not come
never gives
God, but from Satana that are the evil all the evil, and from the man wants that it, not
never gives
God, God is not infedele to the man, but the man is infedele to God.

The aims of my Church are the aims of the mystery of my Redenzione, are up to the
to pursue these fine, but also the means in order to pursue these fine are those of
my Redenzione: Very many humilities, Poverties, Obedience and the Calvary that today
they refuse to go up, also between the Bishops, the clergymen and the consecrated ones
generally, are
least those which are disposed to follow to me in the Way of the Cross.

The dryness of my Church today finds here its root.

My Church is the single caretaker, interpreter, depositaria of my Word, anyone

it dared to deny to my Church this prerogative and sacrilegamente to get hold of,
mutilando, deturpando, transforming my Word, it would commit serious sin
against the Saint Spirit, serious sin of presumption, sin that very rarely it finds

Son benedico you, donates joy to your Jesus with your availability to the Cross.

2 Decembers 1977


The activities of the man are interested to all

You write son,

the activity of my Church is not limited to some aspect of the human life of
Christian in way on the earth, the Christian, is the object and the aim of all the activity
divine human and of the Church, like single person, member of the community
relative, social and ecclesiale, therefore all the structures in which the Christian one
he works and he lives, are pure they object of the ecclesiale activity, the wish to limit
field of action of the Church to some aspects only of the life of the Christian for
to exclude of others, would be to attempt to the sovereignty of the Church, would be to
alter some
nature, that it is equivalent to frustrate of the aims for to which has it God intentional and
mails in the world.

Who this dared to make, would come to put itself in open and grinding contrast with
they turn behind those who was tried to make it; my Church is interested to all
the activities of the man, are public are private.

It is task of my Church to supervise on the single spirits and all the structures in which
spirits live; to defend them and protect them from all the dangers that of it threaten
moral and dottrinale. The task and the responsibility of my Church are truly
large, because it will have to live in continuous alarm, because the forces of the evil,
of Hell and the earth they encircle, it of siege from every part, therefore it will have to be
always with adequate means that do not lack to them, as it cannot lack to them
the attendance of the Saint Spirit, for which will not come never less necessary the divine
if, in the faith, it will want to be watched from the envies and the thin astuteness of its


Nothing them can be indifferent of whom he is inherent to the life of the man

Great and serious task of my Church in the world, with its presence and its
mandate, with the means of which it arranges, it will have to santificare the life of the
Christians and the atmosphere
in which they live! nothing them can be indifferent of whom the life is inherent
of the man, family, school, print, culture generally and all the structures on which
the civilization resists.

It is not lawful to nobody to block the step to the fecund activity of my Church, making it
it would be opporsi to He who in Its Onnipotenza and Its Providence, to price
of Its Divine Blood, it has made of the Church, a sacramento of salvation for all
men; the men convince themselves some, once in order always, than to the root of every
oppression to my Church is always Satana its irreducible and implacable enemy,
but if to the enemy it is not believed to us or it is not worried to us to characterize it, not it
will be able
to never win…

The man is to the center, object and victim…

Who work against my Church, wants or not, is collaborating directing of Satana,

that of equal step it acts with Satana in the inestinguibile hatred that Satana feeds and
it favors in any case against Christ; all this I have said because all you must
to know, and, from this acquaintance, trarne reason in order not to be swept up from the
error and from

Two masters cannot themselves be served simultaneously that they have opposite
interests in
this world of light and darkness, life and dead women, truth and errors, or servants
God, or Satana servants, not is other alternate ways; or omnipotent God, Onnisciente,
God eternal Love infinitely, increato, or God that are Light, or rebellious first Satana,
dusk, hatred, division, superbia, omicida, generator of darkness, fomentatore of
errors, of heresies and every other evil.

The man is to the center, object and victim of this situation, the man, free and
intelligent, it is the able solo being able to choose between these two poles, or with God
in the life
without end, in the light, the truth, or, with Satana that in itself encloses all the evils.

This is the great historical truth in which the man it becomes part coming in this world;
this truth in my new Church, will constitute the nucleus centers them and fundamental
which to nobody it will be lawful, or however permission, to bear away.

In order today enough son mine, prays, repairs always well and voglimi.

3 Decembers 1977

MY CHURCH and the full failure, total, of the materialismo

Son you resume the pen and you write.

The men are fairs, proud of their civilization, but which civilization? of the civilization
of the things, of the matter, they are convinced, or, such pretend themselves, to have
recreated a second
terrestrial paradise, thinks, and as it could be otherwise, they think that one hardly
palm divides them to hand from a lot yearned for happiness, than with much febrile
anywhere they try try, it in the pleasures of the meat, here the obsessing esilarante
fanatical exaltation of the sexiness, of the pornography, the organized defect and
legalizzato, that it engages enormous financial means that not even the liveliest fantasy
it can catch up, put black, how much they cost to the hidden organizers try, it,
materialisti men of this century perverso, in the pleasures of the table, the possession
of the wealth, in the greed of the honors, the discoveries of science, the art
degenerated and disheartened for the deficiency of faith and the regurgitation of

But they are noticing, uselessly trying to hide it, here because I have said
they pretend, than in all these things a lot is not the happiness febrile and anxiously
tried… failure then of the materialismo? , boy mine, full failure, total
of the materialismo, but the human pride never will admit this, will be swept up and
incenerito, and these words go understandings in their literal sense, will be incenerito, but
this will not never admit it, will be the era of the purification to sweep some via the
and even the memory; son mine, between vent'anni of it will not speak itself more.

The battle and in existence, but the Victoria is decided

Marx sped up the laborers and she polulates of all the world to rebel against God, famous
son, I have said against God, in order to pull down He and its Church, this is the true one
objective of the marxismo masked diabolically under the mantle of the corporate
in fact it does not have the said marxismo that the Religion is the opium of polulates?

The Vergine SS.ma, Mother Mine and yours, than very knows the true matrix of
atheist communism, of it has collected the challenge, the battle is in existence, but the
Victoria is decided,
it is and will be of the Mother Mine, than, to the just hour, it will crush with Its Heel the
of the velenoso snake.

Therefore for the enemies of God and its Church, for the supporters of the materialismo a
advertised like large the Victoria of the man, beyond which more nothing v'è, if not
icy squallore of the tomba on which it is recorded the word fine, the atheist marxismo
it constitutes the most colossal perpetrated deceit from the dark Powers of Hell to
it gives of the entire humanity… and this is astonishment reason, of wonder that single
men, that he polulates and nations, than made intelligent creatures to image and

likeness of Creator God they, could have been drafts in this macabro and
frightening deceit… only the superbia that it blinds, can give an explanation, is not then
much difficult one to become account of the innumerevoli contradictions of the atheist
Divine Truth of manifest God in the same man, manifest in the Created one where is
evidently manifest Its Wisdom, Its Power, Its Presence.

Traitor less not perversi than Giuda

No man can accept the marxismo without to degrade if same, without hits them
against the evidence of its spiritualità, its original largeness of its freedom,
freedom that is not, and, never could be, from the matter.

Son, if it is not easy to understand the crowds blindness of the man has carried who it to
incredible pervertimento to rinnegare if same and to place if same to a level
inferior to that one of the animals, dimmi you son mine, if can be easy to understand like,
consecrated Christians, and, even Bishops, are anch'essi fallen in this rovinosa
materialista conception for which they spend time and energies in order to convince if
same and
the others that the atheist communism deserves of being taken in consideration and, with
it grows, and, worse still, us nutre of its deadly poison; but this is perfidy that
grida vendetta in the presence of God.

Traitor less not perversi than Giuda, they have closed the eyes to the Truth, are i
necrofori of the spirit, are and will be, between not a lot, the executioners of the Church,
presence speaks about dead women, they, for election, destined to being life bearers.

My Church has many branches buckets, has spiny shrubs, has very many yellowed leaves
incapable to receive the vivificatori beams by now, you rami and leaves that are in the
dusk, but
my Church is also Alive Body, wonderfully alive, rich of perfumed flowers,
saints, just, confessori, martyrdoms and spirits particularly fecund Victims.

My Church is waiting for its complete pruning, after which, rigurgiterà of

vital humors, every bruttura will be removed to them, will appear thus to the beautiful
world, divinely
beautiful, it will shine more than any spring sprizzando flares of sovrumana light,
she will be the Spouse from intentional Me, wished, fertilized adorned of its precious
wisdom, wisdom, humble purity, love, faith, hope will be the pearls that
they will adorn its forehead.

Now enough, son mine, rested; benedico you and with benedico you all those who you

3 Decembers 1977

Beautiful, pure, covered of candor and love, it is thus I want that it, and, thus will be

You write son mine,

I am, Jesus, I ask than you to resume in hand the pen; this that is happening
in my Church, in which moreover wonderful spirits do not lack, he is truly

In precedence messages I had occasion of dirti many times over that if you had made to
see you
what it is some behind the facade of my Church you would be died at once: one
infame connubio, a tresca nauseante of my ministers, my faithfuls and even of
Bishops with the dark forces of the evil, are only a tragic aspect of this desolating
truth, is the desolation of desolation, great desolation that demands one
energetic participation and an advance of the times.

Son, is the Spouse burned from desire to meet itself with the Spouse in of of the wedding,
they are the Spouse who burns with desire to embezzle its Spouse from the mud in which
and be
jetty in order to come to it beautiful, pure, covered of love and candor; and thus I want
that it and
thus mine will be the Spouse tomorrow, troubles to those who will attempt to its candor,
geloso of it and I will not allow that or ulteriorly insulted.

He is absurd truly paradoxical what and

My regenerated Church will not have more to submit to the sopraffazioni of the superbia
men rendered enslaved from the dark powers of the evil; son mine, the fight lead from
Prince of the darkness using of the materialistica conception of the life, has placed
the church, and, not only the Church, but the humanity all in a blind alley, without escape
it cannot if not to lead in the most tremendous tragedy of the of the sort human history,
tragedy without precedence, I reaffirm to you, and absurd truly paradoxical what and,
the humanity you walk with much lightness towards a thus immane catastrophe.

The exaltation of the matter, in all its several aspects and fields, the glorificazione of
force bruta, the divinizzazione of all this that is corruttibile, the dispregio of all the values
of the immortale spirit, than it does not perish and never it will perish, the spregio for the
conquests of
spirit, reason and end of First and the Second Creation, are logical
consequences of the precipice in which Church and polulate of the earth are in order to

In my regenerated Church, the life characterizes them, familiar and social of the men,
it will have to be sfrondata from all that makes and deceptive assets for which men and it
faticano, fights and dies, collecting the sad truth of the sin, that is
eternal eternal damnation; this, son mine, are madness, like crazy are he who this

it has carried on the earth, the of the sort human life on the earth will be reorganized, or
number, or in insatiable silks always new requirements.

Poor humanity, you will be saved, not for your merit, but which price!

Son, they will be the same men with their hands to destroy this civilization
of the matter, of the material things, ignoring that the true civilization is not of the things
materials, but of the immortale spirit; it will not be to Me that they will have to charge
sfacelo of their nauseante pagana civilization is carrying that them to the extreme ruin, to
brutal violences, to the exaltation of the crime, the legalization of the crime, you see
the abortion, introduced like social conquest… not to Me son, not to Me, but only to
they insipienza will have the tremendous hour of the purification.

The Church, rinata to novel life not trescherà more with perfido the materialismo,
and exalted with unanimous chorus by all means of communication, it prints, radius,
cinema, theatre, like pseudo an art without inspiration and with others thousand ways,
pagana civilization, defined also civilization of the consumption, all has dissacrato, all
upset, all it has profanato and violato, the nature, its invariable laws, seas, rivers,
lakes, all have polluted and poisoned, the harmony has broken this civilization of the
of the world of the spirit and smashed the equilibrium of the physical world.

Poor humanity, you will be saves, not for your merit, but which price; you will be saves
Divine goodness that has created to you, redenta, santificata.

Son prays mine, voglimi well; benedico you.

4 Decembers 1977

It will have to be radically restructured

You write son mine, are Jesus.

How many things will be burnt in my Church in the hour of the purification, have said
son mine, burnt, a burnt thing wants to say destroyed destroyed what, therefore that
he cannot more serve the men, I speak about many material structures and also not
materials; my New Church, as many times over I have said to you, will have to be
restructured for which it will have to reappear with the primiera line that I gave to them
Mother mine and my Apostles.

The Mother my SS.ma after my Risurrezione remained on the earth, It, with Me
Corredentrice, seguitò with my Apostles (Queen Apostolorum) to generate, in
semplicità, in humility, the love and the pain my Church, is obvious son mine,
that immutato and untouchable the patrimony of the Detection must remain, than

presumption and human pride would want to modify, to amputate, to transform, this
it is unforgivable crime, this is superbia equal only to that of Satana and this
superbia it is in the mind of pseudo teologi, several Bishops, innumerevoli
consecrated clergymen and mine which straight arrogates the absurdity to interpret
their will the word of God, to fold it and to enslave it to the requirement of the times, for
which this that yesterday was, today is not more for changing of the human events, is not
new this heresy, how many of it made champions above all the Protestants with

Son, this that is from God, touches itself some dumb, who dares to make it God
challenge, and, who is the man
from porsi against God and to dare to defy it?

He watches the semplicità of my life terrena…

Instruments of Satana, you are some, but will disperse I them, less than a fist than powder
they are that the wind will disperse because the memory does not remain of they, has
misused and they are arrogant misusing my Misericordia, Patience and
Divine Longanimità, and this will get worse their risen ones.

My Church will be reorganized, like reorganized will be the entire humanity, them will
given back its primitivo face, it will be destroyed that tumefatto, deturpato that they have
to them
given the men.
How many times son mine, I have not said to you that I, God, are infinitely simple and
simple I want all the things? I dislike the human pride that for personal prestige
it stretches to render and complex this complicated that for its nature is simple, this
semplicità print the man test discovers in all the things to it, it constitutes mine
divine I seal.

Son mine, considers and meditates, great mystery was and is that one of the Incarnation,
I watch with how much semplicità I have manifested the world, I still consider
semplicità of the family of Nazareth, prototype of all the families, astonishes
Angels of the sky, like the large ones of the earth, the Magi of far away the East, watch
he still observes son, the semplicità of all my life terrena, how much far one from
he intrigues, from the conspiracies, the ambitions, the greeds of the Clergymen of the
Tempio, than
little points of reply do not have with men of Church of this generation

He will be the man, xecutioner of if same!

Oh, son mine, a fire will fall from the sky, intentional and provoked from the man, the
of the man, all how much will incenerirà has been poisoned and contaminated from the
man, for which
same same, paradoxical, but true will be the man xecutioner of if. Already they are
those who will escape to the annihilator fire that will clean up Church and humanity from
the luridume

of which they are intrise; the structures gushed from the superbia will be destroyed to all
and from
human madness that has rendered abominable humanities and Church in the presence of

Son courage, you will salt Me when all she is consumed, when she polulates and Church
they will walk with joined, in peace and fraternità, the semplicità of Creator God and
Gentleman of every thing.

Son, the Holy Fathers, the Saints and Great Doctors of the Church, never would have
allowed themselves
to dissent from the authoritative judgment of those who of the Patrimony of the Detection
they are, for divine Wish, the single caretakers and interpreters legitimize, in other words
they would have contested I legitimize Mastery of the Church, single Master, Caretaker
Interpreter of the divine Word, is clear and manifest malafede not justifiable in
nobody, many less in the Shepherds, clergymen and consecrated generally, asserting that
Word of God, like eternal and immutable God, can be adapted to changing times
as changing they are the men to every stormir of wind.

How and possible to ignore that God, sum and eternal Truth, neither dumb, neither can
God neither Its Word cannot be folded to the man, but he is the man who always and
wherever it must be folded to God.

As it is possible to ignore that between all living visible and invisibili only the man in
way on the earth can change? Son, is always Satana to push the man to
to replace itself to God, for sottrarlo to God and pushing it towards the abyss of the

Now enough, son, benedico you; voglimi well, he prays and you offer your suffering to

8 Decembers 1977


You write son,

they are the Mother of Mine and of your Jesus, they are the Immaculate Conception, they
Vergine dressed and crowned Mother of so l of stars, is Maria, the Mystical Rose of
Paradise, the Rose that encloses every scent in itself, than wants to speak to you.

Son how much never appreciate has been the consacrazione to my Immaculate Heart of
today you have made homage me; I would have today intentional, than the festivity of
Mine is celebrated
Immaculate Conception to pick and to accommodate in my Heart the consacrazione of all
mankind in order to make of gift my Jesus, to the Celestial Father my and the Saint Spirit
to which mankind belongs for creation, redenzione and santificazione,
but unfortunately this that have today not been able to make, I, Maria, Mother of the
Church and
Queen of the Universe, I assure to you that it will make, when, in time not far away, all
it will be completed.

Son must hurry this day because in it he will be able himself to be said finally that
the advent of the Reign of My Jesus, in the heart of all the men, has come.
Rosario saint, powerful remedy to tantissimi the evils

It must hurry this day with the appreciate prayer to Me of the Rosario Saint, with
the inner mortificazione of the spirit and with the mortificazione of the senses, is sordi,
and, such they remain, many of the so-called the bonds to this my old invitation,
son mine I, from have pointed out it to centuries and, I have pointed out in these last 150
years mine
Church, like a powerful remedy to the many, very many evils plague that it; if me
they had listened, in particular my clergymen, all mine consecrated, the peace
it would reign on the world; in they it is the great responsibility of being Guide in the
of being Light, It knows them and I leaven, but unfortunately of all these things, very
many of they,
they do not know just nothing.

Son mine you has been said and you have seen like all you have come true yourself, than
very many
encounter with many faithful spirits have been predisposed because between you you
the unit, and, in the unit, than always encloses in itself the Charity, the means of defense
against i
rabid onslaughts of Satana and its legions against the bonds.

Satana, having to its continuation good of the sort human part, pours its forces and
those of its follows to us against my unarmed Church and know you it because unarmed,
necessity therefore that the bonds are and are joined in order to make bank the brulicanti
of the evil that they give every part encircles to you.

But you do not have fear, you are, supervising itself, but also trusting in the Saint Spirit,
Merciful heart of my Jesus and in my Immaculate Heart: in our Hearts
you will always find shelter and protection.

Son mine not to forget the Baptism, you very comprise this that I want dirti, for you,
he has an extreme importance, species in your future, you, son mine later on you will
understand this
that today you cannot understand.

Benedico you, son my delight and with benedico you all yours confratelli of the
Mariano and benedico also that which will be your family, in were turo not far away.

The Immaculate one

5 January 1978


Nearly total deficiency of Spiritual Directors

You write son mine, are Jesus, I want to resume the messages of which I have pointed out
to you in one

our talk, return on a argument already dealt: nearly total deficiency of

Spiritual directors; which the causes?

I will point out to the main ones:

1) Lack of pastorale sensibility from not little Shepherds.

2) Compenetrazione of the materialismo in all the structures of my Church, seminaries,

Religious orders, convents….

3) Deficient culture patristics, asceticism and mystic.

4) great Deficiency of inner life with consequent impossibility and logic inability
to direct spirits for the grinding contrast between The Manifest the requirements of the
thirsty of truth and spiritual ascension and the cold ices that are found in the mind of i
clergymen demands to fulfill this most delicate ministry.

Son, if he enters in a icy house buia and, donde you will reach light and heat if that house
of it is totally lacking? As a spirit can yearning of being capacity to God to find
aid from who from God is far away? How many spirits firm as are paralyzed, incapable
to walk, own because they do not have who helps them!

The eternal salvation, final goal of the life

At the head of the local churches they are the Bishops, on which the large one is
responsibility of the spiritual life of the flock they entrusted, spiritual life wants to say
fluid circulation of the Divine Life in its Church, in the spirits that of it make part,
to the Bishop therefore the duty is incumbent to become account of the most serious
necessities of
spirits to He entrusted, if the Bishop is Saint, he will not lack the Wisdom, have said
the Wisdom, the intuito one that it comes from the Spirit who is in its heart, for which
will be like
divorato from the zeal for giving and supplying to the spirits all the valid aids of which
they have
need in order to walk straight towards the final goal of the life that is
eternal salvation, then will see the Bishop with clarity all the gaps, the shadows,
necessity of the spirits of the flock that must graze and of all will make in order to supply,
it will render account of the found it hard life, latent of religious families, will see the
paralysis of
many spirits and of many communities, groups of prayer, than many times sgarrano
own for lack of a sure spiritual guide.

Before great worry, empty of every human material interest, will be that
to collect around himself the best clergymen in order to make some of the good guides
spiritual; with these clergymen it will decide this then that it will be necessary to make
for a true one
spiritual regeneration of its church, because in its null church it lacks for
to be able to walk on the way of the Holiness.

The Bishop is not only a President of an Assembly, but the spiritual Father of

its church that must cure, alimentary, preservandola from the heresy, the error, from
amorality, therefore great is its task that must acquit with precaution and
courage, but with great faith and love, prescinding from the judgments of the men and
holding account of the single Divine Will; now son mine, is my Will that the Bishops
they are Saint, than rispecchino in itself my life of man-God for this they are made me
man, and that they put, even, the dark ones to the root in order to uproot the evil
anywhere is itself
nested, without fear and fear, never they will not be denied my aid if
they will want to only operate for the Gloria di God, the advent of Its Reign, for
the performance of Its Will, is not this that I, Jesus, have taught to you to ask
every day?

Then radical disinfection of all the infected structures; if a Bishop does not feel itself
to burn from this zeal. my Apostle in the world cannot more being.

Problem centers them of the Pastorale: to tear the spirits to Satana

The materialista conception that has wrapped my Church in a buio deep never
approval before, this crisis of faith that has removed not only the Christians, but also
it polulates infedeli, from God, cannot be cured if not with the return to the faith, for
it will be cure of the Bishops to carry out a pastorale illuminated sage and, or, directed to
they clergymen, than to their faithfuls; there are centers for the formation of Catechisti
and one
center for the formation of a valid culture of S. Writings, S. Fathers and Doctors
of the Church, I do not have need of clergymen scientists, do not have need of teologi
presuntuosi, but I have need of clergymen sages and saints who have flood conscience
of their sacerdotal largeness and their sacerdotal powers.

This the Bishops must comprise, for this must operate, to this
they must orient their pastorale leaving from part all this that is marginal;
once again son, I assert that the problem centers them of the Pastorale, which Shepherds
and Clergymen must address their spiritual and material energies, because the body
it is support of the spirit and for the spirit it has been given, he is to tear the spirits to
Satana and
he follows its to us in order to give again them to Me, because to Me they belong, and, to
prevent in any case
that the rectums and the pure ones of heart do not have to being tricked and swept up
from the astuteness of

That it wants or not, this is this that I want, and, the purification in existence, will make
she this
that the insipienza of mine consecrated has not known or intentional to make.

You benedico son mine and voglimi well.

17 January 1978


You write son mine, are Jesus who speaks to you.

Not creed son mine, than you can nourish still some doubt approximately how much you
have to you
saying in all the messages precedence, you have strained yourself also indovinare the
times not
avendoti never fixed precise dates, if errors in this have been, are only errors
yours, not Mine.

You have said that the tyranny of Satana on the earth is in order to catch up its maximum
level, you have said, it because I have intentional who said you it, many I have listened to
commiserandoti, because son mine is little those which they see, very many those
that they do not see and between these very many ones there are of those which they have
like task
precipuo of their life to precede in quality of guides and masters the spirits they

entrusted, spirits redente with the My most precious Blood.

Son, I have prepared to you for the hard days and difficult that quickly they are
approached, I have to you
introduce spirits Victims and spirits prechoices, because in the hour of the test, also
physically separated, you know to be near, many neighbors to form a single spirit,
a single spirit, a single body to joined Me with the generous offer and the prayer
he lives; you do not have fear, lasciatevi not to intimorire, if I am with you, who I will be
something against of you?

Nothing will be able to happen without that allow I it

- Jesus mine, that I will have to make?

I have already said son to you mine, lasciarti to guide without fears, nothing will be able
to happen without
that allow I it; how many times I had to dirti that all the evil, physicist, moral, spiritual
it has a single only root, the sin completed from the men not without the interference of
Satana, radix omnium malorum

The men have said not their God, have turned themselves towards false divinity, are
created new idoli thus serving the Demon they irreversible enemy, now of
they will collect the fruits.

I do not have created the free man? I supplied the man of intelletto do not have because
he could
to discern the good from the evil? I do not have I date to the man the will, because known
he chose it well like supreme scope of its life? I, God could to coartare
freedom of the man making it similar, indeed inferior to the bruti? unfortunately very
men, especially mine consecrated, will only notice when it is too much
you are late, but only son mine, because thus they have intentional.

- Jesus mine, will be many these hard days?

Son, partially the sourness and the duration will depend also from as you will react with
your faith and with your generosity.

- Not to leave us or Gentleman single! You are only our cliff, our defense!
How many times I have not said to you that I never do not disappoint? I, am in the middle
of you, in
half to you mine is the Mother, son watched to we with the semplicità of children
innocents and all you will have from We.

Also in buio I will be next!

The world is more and more slipping towards the abyss, the dusk wraps that it is
growing and between a lot it will not be buio complete; it does not forget to you, also in
buio I you
I will be next!

Son, was thus also for Me in the Getsemani, neither saw neither felt the Father mine, only
I was in the middle of my friends; to the buio of the Getsemani it followed the
sfolgorante light of

I know this that tasks son and once again I prevent to you, the Association Hope I will be
I, Jesus to preservarla although the Giuda will betray who it; you very know the sad one
rising of the traitor Apostle, the tradimento in itself encloses much malvagità for which
difficultly it finds forgiveness.

Naturally when the storm infuriates with violence all has fear, also
Apostles on the lake of Genezaret were scared, fairies in way not to deserve
reproach that I in that occasion made they!

Now son benedico you and with benedico you all those for which he prays, not to forget
never the effectiveness of my blessing.

Voglimi well.

8 March 1978



You write son mine, are I, Jesus, that he means chiarirti how much has said C to you. in
to the Sacred Bible.

You know son mine, because many times you I have said, that I, God and a Trino are for
infinitely simple nature and that therefore all the one which I make and say reflects
this my nature, like every book, every work of art reflects the artistic temperament
and literary of the author, also my Bible, also manifesting the temperament
artistic, poetico and literary of those who as instruments were chosen in order to write it,
it leaves in a wonderful transparency to catch a glimpse the infinite semplicità of Its true
author, the Saint Spirit.

The Sacred Bible then is the intentional book from the Three Divine Persons in most
communion of Will, in order to communicate the eternal and immutable Word of God to
elect people, in order to of the sort prepare it for the greatest event of the history
human, to the come one on the earth of Me, Verbo of always generated God from the
Father, with
divine mandate of the Father to supply to the restoration of the equilibrium smashed from
with the sin it originates them, by means of the Second Creation with the mystery of the
Morte and Resurrezione mine.

S. Bible before, and the Gospel then, are directed to the people and for the people of God,
in order to illuminate it and trarlo from the dusk descent on mankind with the sin it
originates them,
Its content of Light and Wisdom is accessible to all the spirits not intossicate and
poisoned from the smoke of the dark hell that and pollutes, is the superbia vomitata
on the humanity from Satana, that it believes it badly thinks and it wants its for conquest
and on which
it tries to impose its reign of darkness in contrast to the Reign of God, Reign of
Light, of Justice, Peace and Love.

Who is not with Me is against of Me, and, who is against of Me does not have part with

Nobody has the right to interpret the Word of God, that is the Detection, if not the one
that from God to this she has been deputy, that is its Church and in the Church only to
The one who which
it has been date the key of the Reign of skies that is to Peter, the Vicario mine and to the
successory ones
of my Apostles that live in communion with Peter.

They have been arbitrary, they are and they will be arbitrary the personal interpretations
of many
teologi arrogant and presuntuosi that the Gloria of God and the good of does not have
them to the spirits
induced to elevate itself to masters of the people of God, while the Master is a solo, I
eternal of God, visibly represented on the earth from the Pontefice Roman, and,
anyone, teologi, Shepherds or Clergymen who do not want or do not accept the Mastery
of the Church, they are heretical, anate me because same they put themselves to outside
Church, the prestige does not have importance, the dignity the charges that they cover,
he is not with Me is against of Me and who is against of Me, does not have part with Me
with mine
Reign, but has part with the reign of Satana.
Son, how many you are some today up and low, even covered of porpora, outside of
my Church, incedono solemn and, I repeat to you once again, ammantati of a untuosa and
vellutata hypocritical humility, walks on the hem of the precipice also many Bishops who
also protesting their fidelity to the Church, passively, making thus accomplices of
Main Satana and prince of menzogna, have allowed the same Satana to enter
anywhere, above all in the Seminaries, Religious Ecclesiali University, Congregations,
in order to demolish, to sweep up in the error and the heresies many and many spirits that
in the plan
divine of my Providence, they had been prechoices like precious and fecund germs of
future puttinges while they have become perdition instruments; for this son, I said to you
to advice against the young people to enter in the Seminaries, in order not to start them in
it makes us of lupi

Troubles to who careful one to the Word of God counterfeiting it and mistificandola

How I could be merciful with those responsible Shepherds a lot scempio? of

many ruins? the Shepherds do not become account that give the life for its little sheeps,
while they have not moved a finger in order to prevent so much badly? son, but that
they think? when they never re-enter in itself same in order to cry and to deplore much
insane one and
stolta pastorale?

Son is not this a argument that can be exhausted in a single message, very
other I have from dirti!

In my Church renewed and regenerated the successory ones of my Apostles, they will
to be strictly intransigenti and supervising so that the precious patrimony and
inestimabile of my Detection does not have more to being thus terribly torn
from the human pride, so that the warehouse of my Detection is guarded like one
garden closed in which nobody serpe poisoned or granted of entrarvi!

My Word goes received pure and simple as pure and simple have manifested I it they
always in my Prophets; troubles to who careful one to mistificandola It counterfeiting it
better it would be for these wretches to throw itself with a pebble to the col lo in the deep
one of i

Son mine, benedico you; he repairs and he prays.

10 March 1978

Son mine, I am, Jesus, that I mean to resume the speech of my Church.

The Church will be made new like to already said in the precedence messages you, but
not without
an effective contribution of My Mystical Body that will have to regenerate if same in the
love and
in the suffering, and, this can giovare in order to understand blooming better to you than
Virgulti that tomorrow, riunificati, will be the garden of my Church, this says to you
that still last it is not the Association Hope.

I do not know son mine if you memories all which I said to you with respect to sterility of
Modern Pastorale, than does not only give fruits, own as the fico about which it speaks
Gospel, but has poisoned and polluted nearly the totality of the structures of the old one
Church, thus deformed in the lines that I gave to them in the action of its birth.

The enemy who is to the root of all the evils, materials, moral and social is always
same, Satana, than with industrialization and the modern technology, a lot
extolled like the great conquests of science. now, like not never, it is
unmasking its tragic stiff deceit to the entire humanity that only now it catches a glimpse

which great danger them is innanzi, for the pollution that sound dead women and
for the entire nature, died and destruction total for the wonderful dwelling (the earth) that
with the Father we have given you to mine… but that it is never the material pollution of
forehead to
more serious pollution of the spirits?

The obbiettivo of the enemy has always and only been this, spiritual ruin and dead
women and
material for this humanity from conquered he with the always maintained deceit and
tiranneggiata with the violence, with the wars, died revolutions and: all this today who
it does not see and own for guilty and volunteer to it blindness.

He is true Jesus mine that in your Church is much evil and a lot putridume, but is
also much good… ''

Son mine, you have seen in the message precedence like boldness and the aggression of
he to
spirits do not know limits, a lot push it hatred to provoke in same the my Church
men, clergymen and Shepherds who with inaudito pride, the inimicus hominis, not
they hesitate to seed in my Vine, that is in my Church, every kind of errors and of

Son, I want ricordarti an other thing, what you a day said to me: It is true
Jesus mine, than in your Church v'è much evil and a lot putridume, but is also a lot
well. '' what I answered to you? If you made you to see what it is behind the facade of
my Church, you of moriresti at once; now son mine, I want chiarirti better the sense
of these words, you see so much well, but all the good that creeds to see, tasks own
that or all such? I do not deny to you, and want to confirm it once again to you, than not
Saint Bishops lack in my Church, Saint clergymen, spirits truly
brave and also heroic whose material spiritual works and also, are animated they give
supernatural vitalities, therefore appreciate God, but son, said to you and I repeat to you,
that they are
little, little in connection with spreading of the evil, the corruption, the heresy that
he sweeps up in the eternal eternal damnation an enormous number of spirits.

But you understand what wants to say eternal eternal damnation?

I already tried to make you to understand it an other time, means that all the calamities of
the earth,
from the Creation of the man till the end of the times, they are a NOTHING in
comparison to
a single spirit that goes damned!

Not esagerazione, but truth!

Gridala hard this truth to the blind people and the sordi.

Grida to that the Celestial Father has sent Me on the Cross because no spirit
he had to get lost!

Understood from this the tragedy of the Calvary that continues in the Putting and My
Mystic for the salvation of the spirits?

Understood the grandiosità of the fight between Life and Dead women, Light and
Darkness, Truth and

Tried to understand and to see not only the great evils of the outer world, of
matter, but also largest, the more immensely great evils of the spirits.

Very many works and activities of the modern Pastorale are devoid of theirs
spirit, of the straight intention
Yes son, many are the works and the very many activities of the modern Pastorale but of
these are devoid of their spirit, of the straight intention, you see the activity and not
he is always given to all to know of the spirit, dinnanzi to Me, son mine, very many of
these activities appear as the corpses can appear in advancing putrefazione;
works without the faith are not God chip axes, now the superbia and the pride has
suffocated the faith in the spirits, as it could therefore it appeal to God a Pastorale
imperniata on a simply human faith, without the spirit of the supernatural? on
supernatural a human faith rations them enemy of the faith? .

Here the explanation son mine, not illuderti, only the little privileged spirits
they will be able capirti, the others not, from here the aversion that they nutrono in your

For the time being enough son mine, six tired one, but you resist for it recites of S.
Rosary in
communion of the Saints of the sky and the earth.

Benedico you and voglimi well. You also extend this blessing to those which you
they want well and you they are beloveds, not turbarti then for the harassments that the
enemy would want
recarti in very greater measure.

11 March 1978


Not to fear son, you write, I I say to you to write.

Memories son, what I made to see you to the Verna in 1975, in a moment you saw
state of depression of my Church, well, this state of depression in mine
Mystical body is gone more and more aggravating, sees son to it mine, the abandonment
in which
they are left?

The abandonment of a person from an other is always disamore; the sons who
they abandon the parents in order to go itself some for the world, do not love theirs sure
parents, or viceversa the parents who abandon the sons, and how many times happen

that snaturati fathers and mothers abandon also in most tender age own sons, and
they make why it? Not sure they love because them, but because burnt from more turpi
passions prefer the evil to the good, the sin sozzo to the paternal pure love or

How much suffering from who feels abandoned, suffering that many not
they can understand, but that torture and tears the heart.
Son then you thinks and reflects on the abandonment from the men, but you add
also from the sons of God, my siblings, my friends of my ministers,
of many my Shepherds watch and consider as are dealt in the mystery of the Love,
he watches the solitudine in which I come left, he watches and he considers the sacrilegi
with which I come
betrayed and sold, he watches and he considers from how many I come rinnegato, he
watches and he considers
from how many they are hated… the Love, hated! the love that it demands like only and
single answer
the love, has instead the aversion, the hostility and often hatred! , the abandoned Way,
Rinnegata truth for the error, the Life refused and posposta to the dead women,… I, the
Light, which
one prefers the darkness!

Convertitevi to the Gentleman, otherwise all you will perish.

Son, you only see that not abandonment draft, but v'è a lot more of the abandonment
that also much suffering generates and many tears ago to pour from who of and the
object, and,
the object today in my Church of this aversion, is my Merciful Heart and
the Immaculate Heart of the Mother mine and yours.

Why continuous to parlarti of all this? Because continuous son with much insistence
to recall the evils that plague my Mystical Body, than, obstinately, except
always the exceptions, are obstinate refusing to take to conscience of this its tragic one
situation, dipping itself more and more in the dusk that it is losing in the eternal
eternal the spirits?

I insist to speak of because you, my small dulled pen have, it to write and to scream it
hard to all: convertitevi to the Gentleman otherwise all you will perish!

I have always said to you not curarti of the judgment of the men, but always and only of
that one of God.

Sordi to the callbacks Mine and of the Mother mine; deriso and they have schernito mine
Prophets… that he will be some of they?

Son, is clear and very comprehensible from every straight spirit the tremendous collision
between the powers
of the darkness and the sons of the light; he is very comprehensible and intuitable from
all i
good that to this point would not be joints, if in my Church the army of mine
cresimati, you can say with more exactitude, 'army of my soldiers, my ministers, i
my Shepherds had not refused my instructions, data with my Word of Life
and with my Life of humility, obedience, love and suffering, if my ministers
and my Bishops had not forgotten my luminosity and explicit invitation to follow to me
completely on the Way of the Cross, today he would not hang on my Church and on
world the ira tremendous of the Divine Justice, thus hardly tried and offense.

Till when the Father mine the generation of this century will support perverso?
They are remained sordi to the callbacks of the Mother mine, deriso and they have made
object of
scherno my Prophets, than he will be some of they?

Son, now you go to rest, benedico you, voglimi well and as you always offer yours to me
suffering in repair a lot abominio.

28 May 1978


You write son mine, are Jesus,

of faith alive the just one, the faith finds its reason to be in Me, that they are the eternal
Living word of God, finds its reason to be in Me that they are the Truth and that
to the men it has given testimony of Me, Via Truth and Life.

Son, you of every thing would want to always know some because, I have admonished to
you not
to make it, because your faith is perfect and because to your it leads you faith to the total
abandonment to My Merciful Heart.

Today it is the festivity of my Body and my Blood; this mystery goes accepted and lived
on the veridicità of my Word, this mystery already announced in the Sacred Bible more
times, from revealed Me then instituted during the Last Supper, are the greater gift that
it could make the humanity, but especially to its Church for the life of the same one, It
it is to the center of the tests from the Father demanded for the income in the Reign of
Skies, It is
the object of these tests, of it forms the spirit that is transformed while still alive with the
hope and
the love: o h, if the men son mine, knew to preservare their pure heart and scevro
from the sin which power, which light would find in this mystery of love;
mystery of my Body and my Blood and how much God in its infinite munificenza
it has been able and intentional to give to the humanity, like testimony of Its Love
infinitely for
same humanity.
The Love holds me prisoner in the Eucaristico mystery.

Continuous, son mine, not inferior miracle to the miracle of the Creation
of the Universe, the Redenzione, not inferior to all the miracles completed in the time,
before and after come mine, perennial source mail in the world because the men, in
they short way on the earth, could come near to the Source of the Life, and of
this life, to nourish itself, as the Hebrew in the desert nourished themselves of the Manna
that the Father

it made to fall on the barren and sterile desert, in order not to be made preda of the dead
women, who
it eats this Bread will have the Life and not morirà in eternal, but who, intentionally not
he eats, and, who eats some dishonourably. he will perish in eternal.

- Oh, my beloved Jesus, You that from always you knew the risen ones that was serbata
to you in yours
Divine Presence in the mystery of the love from the ingratitudine and human malvagità,
you have not never worried yourself to prevent so much badly?
- Son, the Love that has carried to me on the Cross is the same Love that he holds to me
prisoner in the Eucaristico mystery; the love mine for the men is infinite and exceeds of
large long the human malvagità and ingratitudini.
Son mine, the reasons of credibility of this great mystery, does not lack, indeed not
they do not only lack, but they abound, if there are Christians who assert not credervi
it is only for intentional and guilty religious ignorance, if there are Christians who
mystery of the love, is because these Christians have given to spirit and body to Satana,
which thus it is deeply penetrated in their heart to the point some to have become
the dominating absolute.

The hour is next and unavoidable

If there are then Clergymen, and, many you are some, and, not only simple clergymen,
they sacrilegamente celebrate the Sacrifice of the Putting, these, like the antichi
Hebrew, dominated from the TWO concupiscenze and of the spirit and the meat, cannot
to understand neither they can see because wrapped from the same demonic dusk for
which of
they with reason can themselves be said: homo animal not percepit ea quae sunt spiritus
Of i
Son mine, you very know the state of tremendous depression in which mine is sealed
with lead
Church; by now it is saturates, to nothing have been worth all the callbacks, the hour it is
next and
inevitable, and, the sold enemies mine, Giuda novels to the dark powers of the evil,
they will be destroyed and dispersed like powder to the wind.

Son prays mine, repairs with your suffering, does not import that you understand, imports
you with the great humility have to believe, firmly to believe to Me, living Word and
eternal of God, present in my Church in the great mystery of the Love and the Faith,
present, and many times single, in my Tabernacoli.

You benedico son and with you all the persons who you are beloveds.

30 May 1978


Figliolino mine, is the Luigina.

You could figliolino mine, farti partecipe for a single moment of our Paradise, all
your perplexity would disappear at once; a buio imagines deep, intense, than
it wraps to you all, in the buio is not well, the buio is of Satana of is he inestinguibile it
source and the buio of the spirit is still more terrible of the buio of a dark night, then,
without warning a celestial splash of Light removes you the buio in which you are dipped
tuffarti in this light paradisiaca… but figliolino beloved is things that are difficult to make
to understand you that you proceed of imaginations, you are in way and the port for you
Ottavio is still a lot far away…

You were not and you are not single but in the storm in course; you know that all the
simple and humble never for they initiative comes less to the made promises, and, in
of our pact united always in the time and the eternity, I never do not have distolto mine
look from your way, I follow to you and I will follow you till the landing place yours in
the place that you
it attends, but tied you now it is the work that God wants and for which it has already
made Its
choice, then I with all the friends yours of the Paradise, consider you a single thing
inseparable inscindibile and, nothing fears and uncertainties therefore, because you know
that to
He not piacciono and not piacciono because they are a manifestation of distrust and of
abandonment lack, while It attends more from you and the Associates engaged a total
and perfect confidence, a total and perfect abandonment in He.

You know that It does not have haste, this but it does not want to say that in He you it is
disinterestedness or
unconcern, these things are imperfections and in He instead, all it is infinitely

The evil explodes with the violence of the hurricane, but it will pass

Figliolino mine not to measure same you and your mission on the earth with the same
with which measures the others, you would not find yourself with the result, every man
and every work has
a various print, God is not never repeated, and this is worth for you and for those who
in the Association Hope they have tasks and responsibility of first slowly.

Figliolino mine know you it, you would have to know, that the evil explodes with
of the hurricane and that in its to infuriate it sweeps up men and things, but also the
hurricane that
It more and many times over has not only preannounced you but made to see at the
bottom of the Goblet
with wealth of important details for you a lot, will pass as all pass
human vicissitudes, and to trarne the conclusions will not be the dark powers of the evil,
it will be, He only the supreme Gentleman of the sky and the earth to which all they must
to submit, friends and enemies, which all must serve for Its Gloria and the advent
of Its Reign on the earth.

Figliolino mine credilo, never has not been a lot near you the advent of the Reign of God
like in this moment, courage, confidence, abandonment; like many been children
taken root to He that it watches to you, than it protect to you, than benedice you, than it
loves to you like
you on the earth never will be able to understand, but he does not import to understand
imports to believe it,

firmly to believe it, lasciatevi not to intimorire from smoke big waves that the enemy you
he throws in the eyes.

Victim in order to form with He, a single victim.

- Mammina beloved, these new facts that they verify in me, this increase of
suffering, like explaining them?
- Creed does not need of ulterior explanations, makes part of your Cross; the evil
it acts cruelly and it will act cruelly more, but you have not always said that the suffering
is a gift of
God? figliolino mine the faith begins here to being fecund operating and, if you will
you will accept and donate this your suffering to he and thus you will be the clergyman
according to Its
Merciful heart, that is the clergyman whom it knows and it wants to be with He, the
Victim for
excellence, victim in order to form with He a single victim and thus to acquit yours
corredentore mission.
Figliolino mine I repeat you courage, we of the Paradise you we are near, there are near,
our intercessione is continuous because the grace and the blessings of God and a Trino,
of the Saint Vergine Regina of the Angels, Queen of the Victories comes down over of
over of the Association Hope, over of its Council and over those who for
you pray and that you follow.

Figliolino my always joining in the time and the eternity.


30 May 1978



You write brother don Ottavio, are Mother Daisy.

Reading to your messages the simple and humble spirits they will not have to make no
in order to accept how much in the message it is said, but many others will have to
faticare for
to believe, tantissimi others will not at all believe for cause of their presumption, but you
brother mine not preoccuparti, not to only forget never that the way land is
test, this thought will serve to you and all the good ones like indispensable key for
to discover always new sources of light and grace.

Don Ottavio is worth for you and your siblings, for D., d. P., F., M., and for all the others
good alive will and of genuine faith and, for the Sigg. C. that with you they have been
and they are
swept up from the storm in course, all you have confidence, great confidence in He who
this your way precedes you and you guide, has confidence also in we, siblings and
friends yours that already we have caught up the House of the common Father.
Dillo to all, stancarti never not to repeat it and to insist that the Dogma of
Communion of the Saints is wonderful and wonderful what for its nature and the effects
from impensati you that it produces; brother mine, the test which you are subordinates
appears you
large and nearly indefensible, in reality he is large, but if could see you it in i
wonderful effects destined to produce in many spirits, you would not only complain
but would ask you it also greater.

You have fear of a single thing, the sin!

You brother don Ottavio feel impulses of rebellion in the inside of your heart for this
that you judge triumph of the iniquità, but remembers that a lot you has been said in merit
to the incessant fight between the powers of the darkness and the powers of the Light,
and, many times
you have been reassured that first they will not prevail on the second ones, therefore for
to conserve your mind in peace serenity, also in infuriating of the fight, you must believe
in the absolute invulnerability of He and all those that in He and with He is a thing

Policemen to every gone serene and trusting, ahead sensitive and Its point out, solerti in
to prevent, if there is possible, every Its desire; it appeals to He this diligent one
attention to every signal of Its Divine Will.

This will not be neither useless neither vain ricordarvi that innumerevoli other times has
suggested, Humility; you have fear of a single thing, the sin generally, and in
detail of the sin cause of all the evils, the sin of superbia, presumption;
we are all useless servants; of this truth it must be impregnated your spirit,
your heart, your spirit, without humility, deep humility, all this that like
prechosen instruments been constructing, would be useless and vain.

Don Ottavio, as in the message precedence I repeat to you that for that tie that it has to us
joined while still alive, I pray the God Omnipotent of benedirti and con te blessing the
Hope, d. P., D., F., M., and all the Board of directors that with good
will guides the Association, I cannot then forget G. and M.C with their boys. (p

Mother Daisy.

31 May 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Giovanni Forest.

The visit yours and of d. P to the sanctuary in Turin to the Celestial Mother Aid of the
he has been what appreciate the Highest God, beloved, immensely beloved to the Vergine
our common Mother; the SS. Puttinges celebrated in the nail head of the Reliquie in
of S. Ottavio Martyrdoms, Giovenco etc have obtained thanks to you for intercessione of


heroic and faithful witnesses of the faith; it was not therefore a useless travel yours
pilgrimage, but was rich of gifts and thanks that a day you will know in Paradise.

Brother don Ottavio and brother d. P. both you have dinnanzi to you a way

marked from the eternal ones You decree of God, you will have to form spirits, you will
have to direct spirits,
you will have to teach to the spirits that It will put on your way, than single God is the
Alpha and
the Omega of all and all, than to He all we must because from He all we have, and of
consequence to He, anywhere and always, must the first place.

Siblings beloveds to operate thus want to say to operate for spiritual regeneration of one
cristianità atheist, incredula and fills up, wants to say to carry love. that is union, where
hatred that is division, wants to say to carry light where is darkness, to carry faith where
incredulità wants to say to make new the society.

Task of the members of the Association Hope is to renew itself in order to renew,
to santificarsi for santificare, to become rich for being able to donate who does not have;
the most expensive siblings
you will have to come down in field with a group of optimal vignaioli in order to clear
to fertilize a vine saturates of zizzania and infested of enemies who must be

No renewal and regeneration are possible without Immaculate Maria and

Jesus Eucarestia

Beside you others will come down in field in order to make new the Church of God, will
together to they a great army Benedict from God Father, Jesus Redentore and from
Saint spirit, spirit of the same Church; siblings in the sacerdozio, entered to make part of
a large one slowly of God, I, don Forest for the love and devozione that nourished for me,
intentional esservi of aid, and here the encounter with d. C. d. To, with d. U.P., two
worthy ones
sons mine, worthy members of our Congregation, which confirm to you don
Ottavio and indicate you the TWO great columns salvation of the Church, the two large
roads to indicate all a person who has been baptized a christians of good will: immacolata
and Jesus

No renewal and spiritual regeneration without Immaculate Maria without Jesus

Eucarestia, is recomposed the destroyed equilibrium, only with They, without of They
will be
multiplied the ruins, without of They not v'è that perdition; the Immaculate Vergine is
the Door for which the Verbo of God enters and becomes part in the humanity.

The Cross is and will remain the liberation of the humanity from the tyranny malvagia of
Satana, but
the Cross is a single thing with the Eucarestia, because it is the Putting that donates the
Redentore with the mystery of the Cross; the vision of the Two Columns goes thus

Siblings in sacerdozio don the Ottavio and d. P. you could obbiettare to me that yours
mission is common to all consecrated, is true, common mission to all i

consecrated it is that makes victim in union with He, for the reason for which It is
entered in the world and it is died on the Cross, common mission to all the consecrated
ones, but
acquitted least, and, this is the sovvertimento, this that would have to be of all or
of more, and become truth for least, but prescinding from this, only two days
it makes you has been said that God never does not repeat itself, if the fine ones is
common to all, the ways for
to arrive there are various, and, the way of the Association Hope, also operating in
communion with other institutions and works for regeneration (pag. 83) of the Church
new, and various from the others, and you, don Ottavio, must open this way to second
of the marked tracing ab aeterno from the Divine Providence.

You benedico, there will be to the flank in your necessities and difficulty; God and the
Mother Its
SS. but Aid of the Christians is with you.

Saint Giovanni Forest.

1 june 1978

The ROAD Of the LOVE

Brother mine, Teresa of the Child Jesus is S.

Finally brother mine has arrived the moment from attended me; you speaking about the
that they carry the spirits to God, you made signal also Me, attributing to me the road
short, that of the love, this road more than discovered, I have riscoperta, it and me they
in strained truth to cover it completely and they are content, much content that of
more it I could not be.

To me it is seemed above all most wonderful less difficult but, to compete in the love
with the Love; brother my beloved you mean in this my affirmation to me not to take
in literal sense, but broadly speaking, He that it loves to you sconfinatamente if you put
all your good will and, loving is action of the will those that it succeeds is not
possible to express, me I will try to us but it is not easy, if you you make to leave from
your heart,
as sure you make, towards Its Heart a love action, He answers to you with Its
Love Infinitely that it wraps, penetrates and compenetra your heart, then the small rocket
he enters and one gets confused in the Merciful Heart of He and the love Its and yours
melt themselves,
they are and they form a solo great love, like fiammella of the little one cerino the jetty
in the large one braciere of a high furnace becomes a great solo to braciere.

The way of the man on the earth is test

The most expensive brother, you do good to insist and to propagandare the concept that
the way
of the man on the earth it is test, tries to which nobody can escape, but test of which
it needs to have the just, exact vision because nobody has to run the danger of
to have.

In what this test consists? for me it is one that is articulated in three:

- before it is test of Faith; it is the test of the faith, without the faith is impossible it appeal
to God, therefore if one does not believe not us it saves. To believe, firmly to believe the
truth and
revealed mysteries;
to believe to the Church as sacramento of salvation mails from God in the middle of
like Master, Guide and Light of all People; to believe on the authority of Revealing God;

to believe in Words of the Verbo of God that neither s'inganna neither can trick;

to believe to the eternal Law of God, that law that not dumb can some never change and
that nobody can make a dent without incur in the ira of God.

- The second test demanded from the divine Onnipotenza consists, from the man
on the earth, to recognize that God is Supreme Gentleman and Landladies of all and of all
that to He full and absolute submission must, therefore obedience to the Law.
- The third test demanded from the Divine Misericordia is that of the love; for me,
Teresa of the Child Jesus, this test encloses the first two in itself; I
personally they are strained of giving to the love the test more to me consona to the love;
to the Love Infinitely of God I do not see, I do not understand can be given other test that
is not
that of the love.
In the Baptism we have received from the Love the ability To love, therefore of,
To serve and To obey

Also accepting the full reasonableness of the two first tests, I do not see any
need, and said the usefullness, above all for the Christians receiving they in the Baptism
Santificante grace that is the inseparable Faith, Hope and Charity, virtues and
inscindibili; where it is love to God, is faith there, therefore if there is faith, it is love to
God there, not
it is a play on words but a wonderful truth; in the Baptism we have received
ability from the Love to love, therefore to serve and to obey. For me the way of the love
most wonderful, short and surest.

Brother don Ottavio, amaLo, amaLo the Love, lasciarti never not to suggestionare from
falsità, vanity, flatteries and insidie of the world, I, still child, saw with clarity,
with much clarity, I saw as every human life is like flower that sprouts in
night for falling then withered in the midday.

AmaLo the Love don Ottavio, never you will not be disappointed any in the time and the
amaLo now in the tribolazioni, you will love it to a day in the more perfect joy and
the Love moves to you towards of He as It towards of you moves; in the impact that
follows some
wonderful and wonderful effects for you, you, the spirits gush some; amaLo,
amaLo brother beloved till consumarti for He as It has been consumed for you; you will
a day as in this the wonderful reason consists true of our life.

For virtue of the Communion of the Saints we remain joined in He, eternal and infinite
Love that
from to always it loves us. God benedica you and with benedica you all those who you
love, now and

........................ Teresa of the Child Jesus.

2 june 1978


You write brother mine don Ottavio, are S. Giuseppe Cottolengo.

The humanity, darkened from the first guilt and multiplying itself nearly to the infinite of
the col pe
personal of the single ones, are born, grow, live and to scompare from the scene of this
in nearly the total dusk, hardly hardly intravvede a tenuous chiarore, between the
they wrap that it, given from fundamental the truth revealed; the spirits are little that
illuminated they see in full light the great celestial truths for which the man has been

Before single great truth, God, the Source of the life, that it communicates to all the
world the life, the life that vibrates, pulsa anywhere, in the depths of the seas, on
surface of the earth, in the density of the air, the universe world of is full, anywhere is
the life in motion. Oh, men stolti and blind people who you do not want to see the
of the life that God operates yes, for its Gloria, but also for you that of Its Gloria you
it wants participates, for you, that you are, that you live and the life you enjoy, wonderful
fruit and
prodigioso of Its love.

The creation of the universe has been a love action, the creation of every living is action
of love, the creation of the man between all living of the earth, is action of love and of
predilezione, since the single man has been made to image and likeness of its
Gentleman and Creator, and it only can project the image of God on all the others
living, it only it man, has been created with a task and a cosmic mission, king and
dominating of all living on the earth, it can be and only is, provided that the wish,
the interpreter of the yield of thanks near God of all living of the earth.

Now brother mine don Ottavio, if God is principle and cause before life of all i
living, it would be absurdity that was not he to supply, to conserve and to direct all
its creatures to the perseguimento of fine theirs, in fact thus are; in the Gospel one says
that if
God supplies to the flowers of the fields, to cover of their splendor the gigli and to
birds of the air, not provvederà He to greater reason to the necessities of you creatures
human that you are the glare of He on the earth?

The man as driven crazy he places himself to of under of the same ones bruti

Brother don Ottavio, of fact in these days for Divine Will, been giving life to
a Community, before the many communities of the Association Hope, and this
community in germ will bloom that is if in it will have impulse the faith, the hope and the
if beyond the personal physical life, in the social life of the same one, it will be always
deeply radicata the life of the grace, for means of which to God, Creator and
Gentleman, will be recognized and given the first place, that he wants to say, like he has
to you
official notice yesterday evening S. Teresa of the Child Jesus, life of grace, divine life
that you
muoverà towards of He in the perseguimento of the aim that has assigned to you with the
of the Faith, of the Hope and the Charity.

Brother don Ottavio in order more reasons I have spoken to you about the life, prodigioso
gift of God,
in fact anywhere pullula the life, that life, than second the order established from God
creator must be from all respected, venerata as he demands it the rectum use of
human reason, thus as it demands it the Faith and as it demands it the natural order of
things, but that, in reality, never like in this dark century of and Barbarian materialismo,
the life of the men and the inferior beings comes dissacrata, raped, destroyed,
the man, like driven crazy, elevates itself against God, the established natural order from
and, in crowds instinct, a wild instinct of rebellion, he kills, violando the Law
Divine, the life sopprime, with cruel laws inique and, since its to bloom,
it destroys with the innumerevoli forms than violence, placing itself he, the man, the king
created, the clergyman of the universe, to of under of the same ones bruti exceeding some
frightening the instincts get worse and all bugiardamente in the name of the Right, of
Law and of the Freedom of the human Person!

To this the deceit of Satana has carried you, to this has carried to you darkest
oscurantismo of pseudo the civilization of the sin.

The faith, powerful magnet that attracts to himself the same Author of the life

Brother don Ottavio I have spoken to you about the life, prodigioso gift of the divine
Love that,
for its same nature, it operates for the conservation of the same life directing it to
fine attainment of its, reveals the operating Love supernatural in the mystery here
of the Divine Providence, the Faith becomes powerful magnet here, much powerful one
it attracts to Himself the same Author of the life, if you will have a briciolo of faith and
you will say to one
mountain moved it will move… brother don Ottavio more than the words here
they serve the facts, and for that she concerns to me, to Turin you very know the great
that alone he would be enough diradare the darkness that the men of this wrap
materialista century, but the men of this generation perversa, do not want
to see, ricusano to see, loves the darkness, has to them preferred to the light!

To visit the Small House of the Cottolengo that it accommodates migliaia and thousands
of creatures
human reiette, sufferers, abandoned, have the clear testimony (pag. 92) of
as for God the human creatures, perfect and imperfect are beloveds the screw of all, and

like He, God, takes part in continuation in order to conserve and to grow with continuous
miracles the life of many human creatures.

God loves and preprefers the life of all the human creatures, in particular of more
sufferers and of needyst, to they with infinite Love supply; alive mystery
that one of the Divine Providence! Perhaps it has been Saint, and there is perhaps Saint
on the earth
that it has not experienced the Power and the Misericordia of the Divine Providence?

Your Community will be between those which, if you have faith, it will make you to
touch with hand how much

Bond is the Gentleman, He, not only supplies, but it prevents the needs and the
necessities of
those who in confidano He and He is abandoned.

It will be your task brother don Ottavio, wish and knowledge to trasfondere in those who
they will make part of your Association faith and love without limits to the Providence
Divine, you cannot have doubt some, many times over have nourished yourself of gifts of
the Divine one
Providence, for you does not have to be spoken about faith, but about certainty with
respect to this
wonderful truth.

How much brother mine would be still from saying on this argument that I do not think
exhausted… now I pray God because it grants the gift to you of affidarti without
reservoirs He; you
benedica and always protect to you from every evil, and with benedica you the Council
and all
the Association Hope.

Not to diffidare, you will see, you will see, and the works of God miracles of Its Divine

..................................... Saint Giuseppe Cottolengo.

3 june 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Lorenzo.

Don Ottavio, than situation turnover, I want to say, as the vision is various
that it is had here of the things in Paradise from that which is had on the earth… That
effort us
it wants on the earth for being able itself to make a vision of the human vicissitudes next
truth! the judgment ours on the influenced earth and from many elements, various and
contrasting, for which with difficulty and with hard work it arrives to the just truth,

- the hurt human nature from the guilt and of for himself same incline to the evil, the false
- personal interests often make us to svisare the truth;
- aversions and sympathies play much on our judgments… but the things go here

various, all it is looked at here in God, sum and eternal Truth, for which the truth of
to things you see it clear, cleaned up, scevra from every element stranger, for which don
Ottavio you
you can very imagine the wonder when, after a short one, but also always along
Purgatorio, in He I have seen the truth of the things mine and the Association Hope.
Com ’ is sour and hard the fight for the Truth and the good, but troubles to let to
it would be viltà yielding; It is died on the Cross for the triumph of the truth and of
justice. Who is in He, and in He she places its faith, its confidenza, is sure of
Victoria; don Ottavio you but know, all sapete the way of the Victoria: patience,
love, not the instinct of the hurt nature, but the faith must guide the acquaintance to you
to the performance of the Justice and the Truth.

Don Ottavio, the work from intentional and begun God in the way from wished He, God
and eternal Wisdom proceeds according to its divine design; that it would be some of C.
we had not received the invitation divine? Now it would have fallen in makes us of lupi

Courage, you have many friends in Paradise who watch to you, than follow to you that
for you
they pray, and, between these, there are anch'io.


3 june l 978


Brother don Ottavio,

they are S. Michele Archangel, the Prince of the celestial military services who wishes
for a long time
this encounter, even if our mutual one Hush, as very you know, does not mean
forgetfulness or disinterestedness one of the other, you me have invocato daily and I,
to your invocazioni, I have always answered with the aid.

Brother, according to the human criterion would have itself to be said that the things do
not go like you them
you would wish, because this was, us would not have to be the active dark powers of
badly and not even a Advanced divine Will, you are brother mine between first and
second, for this he finds to you in perennial inner conflict, for this was said that
life of the man on the earth is a battle, but I add, is not only a battle,
but a great battle, a grandissima battles, the more important battle that
or date to the man to lead on the earth, the decisive battle for all the eternity; but
brother mine, the trouble is own here, like other times you has been communicated,
it battles can be lead and won without, to not only believe the enemy, but
to know of the astuteness, the insidie, the strategy, the intentions that it has in the
of the adversary…

Diffuse and propagandata Incredulità in the Church of God

Beloved don Ottavio, sum sventura for the Church, the spirits today and the incredulità
he has himself on its Enemy, incredulità from he cultivated and diffused in all the
humanity, but this
that he is more serious, and that this incredulità is diffused and propagandata in the
Church of God
from those who in the Church they would have to be careful lookouts policemen and to
every movement
and he lays a trap stiff from the enemy to the spirits.

This that is tremendously painful is own the fact that those who God has prechosen
for being condottieri guides and of the great army of the soldiers of Christ, not only not
they believe, but they judge to you matto if you dare to speak about the enemy and the
duty, three times
saint, to fight it by all means that the Divine Goodness has put to yours

Brother don Ottavio, you in merit have already a experience of which you can very
He who with its birth, its life and its dead women, has taught as it must
to fight the enemy has taught, it with the words and the example, already these things you
they have been repeated, but I want that you convince yourself, of it you had need, how
much outside
of the truth before the Church has been capacity, this is and remains the single true reason
which Christ Redentore is died on the Cross, to ristrappare the spirits to the self-confident
that he seems to ignore this divine truth, in order to only remember its nauseante
sopruso gushed from the deceit and the menzogna.

They do not believe if not in human key

Brother don Ottavio you scervelli for chiederti like never, clergymen, shepherds and
consecrated generally always except the debite exceptions, and of exceptions it must
they have carried the Church outside of its natural axis having provoked a imbalance and
it gives immense, as you never ask yourself? also brother you has been here repeatedly
answered, the superbia, the superbia more or less veiled, it has carried this dusk that
the Church wraps all.

You, as you have been dealt from Shepherds of a great Diocese? It has made it what
to exit in escandescenze in your cares? the dusk that wraps its mind; if it were
illuminated state, would certainly not have been behaved like has been behaved, but the
just it is that which this morning you has been indicated from Lorenzo, do not believe,
mine, they do not believe if not in human key.

Brother, this common attitude to many Shepherds will be cause for you and
the Association Hope of other suffering, but Lorenzo has with justice said you that
it would be viltà yielding, ahead therefore! the fight is in existence and it is gone more
and more
intensifying, but the outcome and already marked and know you it, ahead therefore
without fear.

You benedico brother with benedico you the President, the Council and all the members
of the Association of good will.

God and with you, with you are we all of the triumphant Church, of that to fear then?

Saint Michele Archangel.

4 june 1978


Brother don Ottavio,

they are the Archangel which God has entrusted your guard

All those who has spoken to you have recommended you precaution, much precaution,
confidence and abandonment total in He, brother, all this that for divine Goodness you
has been
official notice, I confirm.

In the tangle of this fight, of which you see only some aspects and you will discover them
to others in
continuation, is necessary to proceed cautiously with much precaution and, since
enemy, sly and malignant is always in ambush in order to be useful for other people's
yours and
inexperience, you, you, fight over recent years, he you fight from millenia, how many
troubles and defeats you have recorded for the precaution lack; to only speak little and
persons of tried faith, than are not many, he, the malignant one, always draw profit from i
your errors, have been said that when you must necessarily speak, us it is always
in place of guard who supervises praying.

Every good strategist does not trust itself the enemy, for this when she collects around
himself i
its councilmen before its precaution is to put lookouts to the just place, here
because, and from the Apostle, and many others, have been said and repeated you are
joined then to this virtue grandissima humility that tilts to you to diffidare of same you
and to place your flood total confidence in the Gentleman, which in its infinite one
misericordia it has given to you, you from and it will give to you very more of the
necessary one because you walk
with full confidence and abandonment to He that it loves to you, and, how much loves to
you! You do not have reason
to doubt, and He that it has to you prechosen, and He that you must faithfully follow, and
He that
work, enough that you do not put it the stick between the wheels, as you say.

For God, nothing is large, nothing is powerful, nothing is important

Brother don Ottavio, you must convincerti of a thing, like He a day, giving life
to the Church with the mystery of its Incarnation Passion Resurrezione Dead women, it
entrusted to i
its prechosen, that is to the Apostles the great mission to transform the men in sons
of God, giving to the Apostles all this that this mission needed gone,
christened, preached the Gospel, recovered makes ill to it, huntings the demons… like
the Apostles could have acquitted this great sublime mission if not
they had been very enriched battleships and of gifts and indispensable means? He,
Salvatore and divine Master have not lesinato, now also for you draft of a large one

mission, draft to rebuild the Church in ruin, the Apostles had all
world of innanzi to they but for this did not scare itself.

Brother I know that tasks in this moment, the sconfinata disproportion between the aim of
mission that is asked to you and the inadequate instruments which you are and which you
you think, I know that this is true for that it regards to you, is not exact for that regards
God, outside of the time and the space, things ended and limited, He, the Omnipotent and
the Eternal one, in itself has the time and the space, for He the millenia is less than an
hour, for He
nothing is large, nothing is powerful, nothing is important, He chooses who wants, when
it wants and as it wants, a single thing asks, or not to Its Divine Will, He
it respects the work of its hands, the man, and of it respects and it attends the decisions; if
answer is the wished one, then enters in existence Its action of grace, through which
it puts into effect its design of love.

Scope of the Redenzione, liberation of the spirits from the slavery and tyranny of

Brother don Ottavio, donated to He yours yes continuous, generous like the Mother
its always made, Yours is itself Your Fiat, this solo He wants, this solo
It asks, for the rest thinks all He; abandonment total to its divine Will,
in this it is the true peace of the heart.

Brother don Ottavio will be necessary to hold always present some things a lot
important, you know that the ideas precede always the action, therefore you are necessary
simple and clear on which basing your action, I think therefore just together that with

d. P you fix on the paper the ideas that you have been communicated and those others
that you
they will be given, on which developing your plan in order to act and to put yours in
action plan; in the first place your program, - to love, to obey, to serve - God to
first place; to before try the Reign of God and all the rest will be given to you; you must
the concept that the life of the man on the earth is fight, than the scope of the Redenzione
it is
liberation of the spirits from the slavery and tyranny of Satana… etc… etc…
To reorder these ideas, to live them and to make them to live with the words and the
example will be
to reconstruct or to rebuild the Church in ruin. Courage don Ottavio, confidence
abandonment and ahead!

God and a benedica Trino you lead and you to the eternal life.

The Archangel Gabriel.

5 june 1978


You write brother mine, are the Raffaele Archangel that I want to complete with a

mine this that you has been communicated in these days.

As they are never gone alternating in you confidence feelings, of hope to others of
fears and uncertainties? after all this that has been said this to you it would not have to
if he happens you must try of the cause where it is, I, Raffaele was sent from Tobia and
with the task to free it from the beings immondi they tormented that it, and here that
it must try the cause of the evil, that is brother fatichi beloved you to convincerti that you
liberarti from thoughts, doubts and fears with the means that you have on hand because
they are not
other that interferences of the common enemy.

Brother don Ottavio, I had, and still I have, ambitissimo the honor of being be
prechosen like instrument, like minister, in order to acquit the tasks that me have been
assigned, but also you, also d. P have been prechosen in order to acquit a large one
mission in the Church and the Association Hope, and, this mission tending to
to regenerate the Church same, and contrasted, sourly contrasted, with an action
inner and external; that inner one consists in churning fears, uncertainties, turbamenti
of every kind and nature, that external with exciting against of you many, than you
they attack from every part, like mastiff dogs.

The faith alive, you guides in the fight between the Good and the Evil

Brother don Ottavio, if you do not want, if you do not want to be overwhelmed, you must
in the way that is concurred to you, also always remaining in obedience, being this
virtue same it an arm of defense, He, the Omnipotent has given the possibility to you of
to know with precision the siege with which you have been encircled and with which it
you are
still, but all the means have supplied you also, like very sapete, for difendervi:
circospezione, precaution, prayer, sacramenti and sacramentali, you do not render
a incredulità of this century and tantissimi yours confratelli, neither the insensibilità of
many Shepherds, the Faith alive you guides in yours to operate for the good yours and of

Twofold therefore it is your forehead of defense, inside and outside; the sacramento of
Cresima has made soldiers you, that has made you of the combatants, the sacramento
of the Order it has made you of the commanders of the Officials of these soldiers,
therefore not
lasciatevi to trick, since today, the atheism thus which extended as never it was not, has
in the Church this conscience with the darkening of the minds, carrying anywhere
indifference, inertia and consequently ruin and perdition for many spirits, you are famous
that these are not fanatical esagerazioni, this is the sad truth that door
world towards the abyss, in which it will throw down for its cocciuta will in refusing
the Light.

For the malvagia and thin malizia of the enemy, of this problem not it must
to speak

Not you impressions the insistence brother don Ottavio, with which all we that we are in


eternal beatitude we invite to you to reflect on the problem of the fight between good and
since this is true the great problem of the humanity, because in this the humanity is
be and it is tricked, because this is the problem that has caused the Dead women in Cross
Son of God, the eternal Verbo of made God Meat. because this is the problem that
Satana has intentional to remove of means to the men being intensified its deceit, its
menzogna, because this is the problem, you make attention the thin one and malvagia
of the enemy, this is the problem of which it does not have to speak, of which not it must
to speak.

Don Ottavio, d. P you are ministers of God and like such you must acquit the mission

God assegnatavi to bring back on the carpet this vital problem, centers them problem,
without curarvi of the isteriche convulsions of who it betrays this mission with the excuse
that in their Dioceses they cannot accept the Spiritualità of C., of yours,
it leaves you to say them, also in the respect of their Episcopal dignity thus badly worse
understanding and
still used.

Ahead, you see how much there are near, because this is the problem, the great solo
problem that interests sky and earth, Light and Darkness, God and Satana, salvation and
perdition, this is the problem that interests Paradise, Hell and the entire humanity,
then you see and you mean like not v'è esagerazione in our insistence, we fight
flank to flank for the Gloria of God and the good of the spirits, lasciamo the dead men to
the dead men and
ahead in the hard way.

Benedica you, you benedica Iddio and a Trino, benedica the Association that like such
it embryonically begins its way, benedica the Gentleman your steps, yours
purposes well, now and always

The Raffaele Archangel.

5 june 1978


You write brother mine, are don Arming Benatti.

It has been said that in the Association Hope loving itself it is law, because who does not
love is
in the dead women, but it is law for all the Christians loving itself, is the eternal law of
the Love, that is
of God that is the Love, and the law of the Man-God which has said I have given you one
New Comandamento, amatevi an other as I have loved to you, is the law that
it brings together the men, than them he renders sons of the Only Father who is Love, is
the law that
it joins the men, for which would have to be eliminated from the earth the hatred that
the dark hatred that, the hatred that kill, the hatred that generates many evils, than ago to
pour and
to scatter much blood, the hatred that door to the hatred, that it exasperates the minds
renders and them
poor devils…

Brother don Ottavio, God, of the love, of it has made a law because:

1 - as I have said to you, being He it Love, could not make otherwise, cannot
not to be what it is;

2 - it cannot be in contradiction with if same, and, the love, as S has said to you well.
Teresa of the Child Jesus, demands the love, could not be otherwise;

3 - having the enemy for excellence of God he is of the humanity, for hatred, hurt
mortally the humanity polluting it with the germs of hatred, the jealousy, the envy,
and, having place in the same humanity the cause before the division that has carried and
door the men ones against the others, consequently has collected the second fruit
of the malvagità of Malignant the fratricidio of Caino and, down till we, wars
interminable, revolutions… whose victims who can count to them, and the violences of
nature as they could be explained otherwise? it would have to ask it the Teologi
presuntuosi, same they cause of many divisions would have to ask it to many
shepherds of spirits as they explain the evil in the human nature, like this evil
he could at least partially eliminate… here, because God of the love has made one
law because the love is union, and the union is serenity, joy, peace source;
the Unigenito Son of God is died because we are a single thing with He and

4 - God, also always respecting, as yesterday you it has been said, the work of its Hands,
of the love of it has made a law nearly in order to force delicately the humanity towards
fine of the Creation and the Redenzione, that it is the supreme happiness of the man, but
the man will not be able to never catch up to outside of the love, without the love!

Brother mine don Ottavio, this is the tragedy of the humanity, has the happiness to
capacity of
hand, but the thief deicida ago of all in order preventing to the men the attainment of
this happiness, don Ottavio, this solo is the great problem, this conflict that
perpetual in the time being involved the generations that succeed ones to the others, and
true the tragic history of the humanity.

There is to heart always and only the Gloria di God, the truth and the salvation of the

Incredible and the improbable one is not to want to make of this problem the center
fundamental of all the ecclesiale activity, in fact of thousand excuses makes use the
presumption, fears, human, quiet respect to live, subdoli interests of career… in
those who like guides, as condottieri of the great army of the cresimati ones, that is
of those who they would have to be true the combatant ones for the triumph of the life on
the dead women
spiritual, of the light against the darkness, the truth against the error, in order to obtain its
malvagio scope, to reason the Archangel Gabriel this same morning in the message
that it has given to you, has encouraged to you to being perseveranti in the good in this
in which they are interests of which, greater v they cannot be, interests in which are

in game the values and the reasons of the Creation and the Redenzione of the man, true
epicenters these of the of the sort human history.

Not curatevi of the stupid judgments of those who for base personal reasons ricusano
to see, there is to heart always and only the Gloria di God, the Truth and the salvation of

The Association in which, don Ottavio, the Providence of God has placed to you like
it must be so permeated and compenetrata of this light, this divine life
that it is the love, for which will become before virgulto, tree then, which all will watch
and of which
it will be said, like of the first Christian communities: it watches as they are loved.
Don Ottavio, always joined in the love He, to its SS.ma Mother, always joined and
you live more than ever in the Communion of the Saints, all the triumphant Church and
with you, and
how it could be otherwise?

Ahead with the blessing of God and a Trino of the Saint Vergine and with the aid that

we for you ask.

................................. Don Arming Benatti.

5 june 1978



Son mine, is Jesus, writes.

Once again I, Eternal Verbo of generated God ab aeterno from the Father, fact Meat
in the purest Breast of the Mother mine and yours, I address you that from always I have
prechosen like my instrument for a great design of love and salvation.

I, true God and true Man, present in the middle of you in the mystery of the Faith, alive
real, with my enclosing presence in itself the two natures, divine and the human,
present therefore also physically, present like Redentore, Salvatore and Capo of
my Church I repeat, you of my Church, object of immense hatred from the one who
that my Church never has accepted, never has intentional, than always it has hated and it
present like Head of my Church because he has exited from my Blood, from my Heart
ripped, present in my Church, center of many ambitions, many dark ones
maneuvers intentional and fomented in order to satiate the concupiscenze and of the spirit
and the meat,
fomito of many sins, many profanazioni, many sacrilegi that it is wanted to be covered
under the vellutato mantle of knowing to make to us, that is of the hypocrisy, the egoismi

Many times over I and the Mother mine are taken part with strong callbacks for those
they seemed have smarrito the great spiritual Truths of the Creation and of
Redenzione, I said son to you in a message, than many of mine consecrated, swept up
from the heresy of the action, they come like suffocated from this corrosive dynamism,
letting thus, nearly without to become of reason, to transport more and more far away
rigeneratrici sources of the Divine Life.

They cannot admit that I can address to who creed… without theirs

I have invited these spirits rendered blind not without they responsibility and guilt, to
dinnanzi to the Crocifisso I have invited, them to go up with me my Calvary the road
the great traced road in order to train the spirits with the instructions of mine
Passion, Morte and Resurrezione, I have invited all the consecrated ones to follow to me
on the way of
renunciation, of humility, obedience and the poverty I have invited, to give them a look
to Me suspended on the Cross and to reflect and to meditate, this would have been
enough for
to determine in they the repentance purifier, in order to find again the Faith nearly
extinguished, in order ravvivare the fire of the extinct charity or… and they have nearly
not made it!

Some have not deigned not even of the minimal attention my messages, because

in their presuntuosa incredulità, they cannot admit that I, true true God and
Man, that I am in my Church cannot turn me to who creed, where, like, and
when I want; I would have, always second their presumption to ask they
allowed in order to speak to the spirits that me are beloveds!

It is true that I have I date they dignityren and powers not which had to the man, but this
dignity and
these powers I have communicated them they for the good of all the ecclesiale
community, not for
to satisfy their silks of being able, wealth, personal ambition; if powers and
dignity I have given they, I have given because they put them to service of all My
Church, you to them
I repeat, of all the members of My Church.

You watch alterigia with which they deal their sudditi son mine, you know well, and you
know now it
also for personal experience, than how much I am saying to you is not fruit of yours
fantasy or of your madness, if in they there were humility, not would be the reaction
it rapes in course and growing continuous that you confirmation, if us it never were some
need, the sad truth that the Church is living.

Causing you suffering, they are the evident confirmation of the truth who I have to you

Son, I had preperceived to you that you would have been thought crazy, my warning not
it could errare, but what prevents they to state this? the superbia! son
mine, I have not never promised other to you on the earth that suffering, they do not
know that

causing you suffering they are the evident confirmation of the truth who I have
manifested to you,
but lasciatevi not to make an impression, united to Me of nothing you must fear.

Son, in all my life terrena I have not never used of my power in order to humiliate,
to mortificare, to hurt my enemies, if some splash of power I have manifested I have, it
only made confirmation of the truth that I have preached and taught, I have not tried on
earth Gloria or prestige, but umiliazioni, not places of privilege or well-being, but
but poverty, not authority, but obedience until death.

Son, I have asked intensity for inner life, I have asked humility, poverty, paternity,
firmness, what I have obtained some? it prays and ago to pray, repairs, offers to yours
all, so that the scale not trabocchi beyond from the part of the evil.

You benedico son and with Me you benedicono the Mother My SS.ma and San Giuseppe.

8 june 1978


The most expensive son,

they are Maria, the Mother of mine and your Jesus, seems that after He to me just and

he has to parlarti anch'Io.

In mine precedence message of two years ago * I had to dirti important things
communion mine with Jesus, I said that draft to you of a thus perfect communion, of
all various of that communion that you have with the divine Son my, communion of
nature, He has donated to Me Its Divine nature, I then donated to He my nature
human so that we live both One of the Other in an only way, perfect and
irrepetibile, the thoughts, the joys, the pains, desires, the will of One, is also
those of the Other, the most perfect communion therefore so that the suffering Mine are
also the suffering Its.
Those who today surpassing every limit of right precaution does not accept i
numerous participations of the divine Son my in Its Church in order to avoid to they of
to become the yearned for one preda of Satana and its innumerevoli legions, in order to
avoid to
many mine consecrated the frightening road of the perversion that door to hell, those
that for reasons of comfortable on the pretext of the precaution, wonderful virtue and a lot
registered letter but many times and thus often badly used, does not believe to mine as
numerous participations on the earth, have perhaps made all because these participations
mine and
of the divine Son my they carried to the spirits the hoped fruits? o h not, indeed they have
made of
all in order to suffocate the effects benefits that of would be derived; the precaution from
invocata it was a simple excuse waves to mask the hidden true reason under
mantle of the precaution, is famous to that the incredulità has been universalizzata, that is

diffused between all it polulates not Christian Christians and, admitting therefore made
events that extend the laws of the human nature, would want to say to hit against
a world that does not want itself to be hit, against which scapito is not wanted to be
cozzare also to
of the faith and therefore of the supernatural, thus the theory of knowing has been
invented to make to us,
erected theory to life custom, for they the art of lying is always of the present time.

Who dives itself in the darkness from if same she deprives herself of the Light

Forts, the enemies of God, the weakness of Its Church, encouraged the church of
Satana, from the acquiescenza of who would have to be disposed to give the life for the
of the Truth, it becomes more and more audacious and aggressive, and always passes to
the offensive
more velenosa on the two foreheads of the principles and the moral, fomented heresies
diffuse with width of means, pornography diffused with as much width of means,
it prints, cinema, fashion, corruption that erompe every part like torrent in flood
sweeping up innocence of the little ones, the adolescence, the youth, the family, the
the religious institutions, divorce, abortion, here the Victoria of the church of made
, hard aggressive from the starvation, the fear from the human respect, the professionismo
it is replaced to the apostolate of the Church of God, from here son, the many evils that
they have
hit the Church of my Divine Son.

Son, to will reproach to who to always say you the same things, will answer that the evils
always the same ones, who dives itself in the darkness from if same, she deprives herself
of the Light, and darkness
they are, ambitions, silks of being able, smania to emerge always at all costs against who
the darkness does not love and it does not want…, son is simply absurd the behavior
of those who in my Church they occupy responsibility places and do not have to
to comprise like God, Creator and Gentleman of all the things, than all the things support,
that to all the things supply, can be indifferent, stranger to if same and the things
of Its Church that a lot loves, being He it Love.

The Church is sacramento of love, gushed from He Love, and what it must be said of
It must itself be said also of same Me, here the reason for which I have intentional to
to your memory at the beginning of this massage, Mine precedence.

The dusk that today wraps the Church, is the superbia, the sin of Satana

Son, how many things has not carried to your acquaintance the Divine Goodness in these
last days; not to fear, you has not been repeatedly said that this is the hour of
darkness, than the dusk it wraps the Church? Once again you memory that the dusk is
superbia, the sin of Satana, impersonificato in the church of Satana that is
Imperante masonry in the world and my same Church.

Son is not a secret that many consecrated are remained victims of this piovra
monstrous that spreads its tentacles anywhere, with the diabolic worry that
nobody of its victims has to escape and with perfida the will of ghermirne others;
Son this is the truth; the uncontrolled reaction that this truth provokes in not

little mine consecrated is the confirmation that they of it make part; tests, tests ask,
but tests and explicit confirmations how many you have been dates! … not preoccuparti
they less veiled threats more or, not preoccuparti of nothing, I, Mother of God and Madre
yours, I confirm to you that you are under My mantle for which nobody will be able over
of you

Ahead son, prays, repairs, a single thing has to heart, the Gloria di God and the salvation
of the spirits.

Benedico benedico you, you, now and always.

8 june 1978



Don Ottavio, is Nina Mother,

how much joy donates me the knowledge your good relationships with the House of the
Divine one
Providence of Carpi, how much good to it and you has come some, the several
vicissitudes yours and
also of the House they have not been able to recidere these relationships… all this is good
beautiful, for which it must ringraziare God and to He to give of praise.

Don Ottavio, the experience your staff has demonstrated to you like also the works of
that they are born on the earth, are not and they could not never be perfect, they have
from the Perfection but they are developed in the imperfections of those who, also
straining itself of
to give the best of if same, they have been prechosen like instruments of God in order to
put into effect Its
designs of love always and only with the forces and energies natural, even though
with wealth of divine aids, and these wealth of divine aids, never do not lack in
works that are of God, but the entity and the intensity of these aids, also always
of God, they depend in good part from the sensitive, ready, generous correspondence,
perseverante, sometimes, heroic, of those who It has prechosen for these works.

Don Ottavio, because I turn to you these words? because you with the founding
of the Association Hope, with the members of the executive board, with D. and
others, you are the instruments from always elect for the Work that in germ is being
opened to
life for the good of many spirits, for this, don Ottavio, He has intentional legarti to the
of the Providence, for this It has intentional that of it saw being born you had and it to
to follow in every year of its infancy, since the Work of the Providence is still
child, its development in fact you will see, it after the crucial hour of the purification.

Don Ottavio, you know how much painful one well you have been for me above all and
for those who
me they were near in those hard and difficult moments, the delivery of the Work of the
Divine one
Providence, you know and you know partially, but you do not know all than cost to me of
inner and outer suffering, of how many umiliazioni is woven it, of how many

tears it pasted… you is sees as admirable they are the ways of God, also for you
and already near the hour of the delivery, does not scandalize you this word, because also
the works
of God, than from God they are, they could not be (that is to exist) if they were not
also of the joined creatures to God, in order to give life to its divine designs.

This my message makes to read it and rileggere to D., the other founding associates and i
members of the Council.

Who is not in the Light is in the shadows of dead women

How many times you have been repeated that the tenebrous forces of hell will not prevail,
s'intende, provided that your correspondence is like has said to you ready, sensitive,
generous, perseverante and if it is necessary heroic, know to see in all and for all
hand of God; you have been hunted like a malfattore, than it says this to you? that you are
Joined it, asks than to participate you to Its Passion salting with He the Calvary,
that you are on the just road and that therefore null you have to fear, also the Celestial
she has already said to you with its message.

Don Ottavio, is not necessary that I reassure you with how much trepida joy, confidence
hope I follow you, d. P and the others that found in the beautiful one half of is mixed, for
triumph of the love on the human egoismo, for the triumph of the justice, the truth, for
triumph of God on the dark forces of the arrogant and thus today thus sure darkness of if,
thus self-confident, in order to have found not only the consent but the collaboration of
those people
that they would have, in the plans of God, to be the Flagmen of God in the fight in
existence, but this
not you impressions, It, are, it was and it will be the strongest and victorious one with to
the Mother its
SS.ma and Madre our most tender one.

Don Ottavio, who is not in the light is in the shadows of dead women; only this morning
you is
explained state because they carry died and in the time and the eternity and are, (pag.
as you know, superbia, presumption, silks of being able, will to emerge over all and
over all, and, those which are in the shadows of dead women, they cannot see and, only
great miracle could save them…

Benedica God you, God and the Mother Its benedicano SS.ma all; we are with you, you
see that
the Communion of the Saints is sublime truth. We will suffer ourselves. ................ Nina

9 june 1978


Brother don Ottavio, is Father Benedict.

From last our talk, how many events have happened and regarding yours
way on the earth and the Church; it is not a lot here that has exited from the time, but
in the eternity all it is present, therefore a vision of the human vicissitudes is had various

that which is had on the earth, not that the things of the human life are various in itself,
they are and they remain same, the single one that gives we is looked in a more complete
way, more
perfect of yours, other is to see the fire from lungi other and to find itself between flames
the same ones some to be invested, that we do not see your things with separation and
indifference, the love that it joins to us is greater and more perfect and always and
anywhere us
he joins, would not be love if thus he were not, but here, we follow your things with
a joyful, always and only joyful love, for you instead is much various one.

Brother don Ottavio, I also know that you will live over a long time span on the earth,
you of six to acquaintance but
not of six much satisfying, even if efforts, as with justice you make you, of volerti
to adapt to the Will of God that you have not interpreted well; It has received yours
desire, a your prayer drawing from it a twofold good for you and the Church,
for you, because not to only they give way you to espiare your sins, and here I allow
myself of farti
to observe that it convene to pay the debits contracted with the Divine Justice here on the
in the time rather than in the eternity, and also for the Church because in the years that
you will have to live, have to suffer so much, but much good will be fecund suffering and
of many merits, however It that he loves to you, other has not made that to esaudire yours
desire, ringrazia it therefore, will not ringrazierai It never enough for the great gift
that it has made you; to this gift in fact the salvation of many spirits is tied, who never
it would not be content to occupy the place to assigned you in the divine plan of

What is a quarter of century of forehead to the eternity?

Brother don Ottavio for that fraterna friendship that has legacy to us on the earth me is
granted of dirti that your perplexity is not justifiable to whose place you must put
all the riconoscenza and gratefulness that you is possible, that it is a quarter of century of
forehead to the eternity if the millenia dinnanzi to He that it is the eternal one, are like or
less than one
breath? you have perhaps forgotten the affirmation about your sister and that is if in
it could formulate a desire for me would be that one to return on the earth for
to centuplicare in the time and the intensity my suffering?

Brother don Ottavio all the Saints of the Paradise if a desire could have would be
that one of your sister I. for this I say to you, ahead for the assigned road and from always
traced till the final goal, He, the Infinite Love, it guides you and with you D.d.P i
Founders, the Board of directors till the attainment of the goal; not
you put to He the sticks between the wheels, that he wants to say, the fairies so that you it
is one
full and perfect correspondence, if thus he is, of nothing you will have to fear.

The crowds illusion of Satana will have its epilogue soon

Around you rugge the thunderstorm, but the life on the earth is not to ollow itself of
thunderstorms, of bond and bad one time, are not the life on the earth to ollow itself of
luminous and full of sun and other cloudy and full ones of rain?

The crowds illusion of Satana will have its epilogue, the Saint Vergine soon, Mother of
and Mother ours will crush it the head and a new dawn will be raised, and, you brother
Ottavio, you will assist to rising of this dawn that will make the Church of He beautiful
and luminous,
the purest and Most precious escape its Blood, new show to the sky and to

Don Ottavio united always like from made agreement, you do not see to us but also you
we are near,
only tenuous and for you a invisibile veil, removes to us from your eyes.

Benedica you, you benedica God and a Trino and with He the Immaculate Vergine now

..................................... Father Benedict.

9 june 1978



We are the Spirits of the Purgatorio, you write brother.

We are spirits Laxatives to dirti that we waited for this encounter, than
undoubtedly it will carry well you and to we, the love that joins the sons of God, is they
in the time or outside of the time as we are, it is always useful and fecund well.

The Dogma of the Communion of the Saints, for who in it believes to you and for who it
is strained of
to live it, door always yields Saint for both the parts, certainly brother don Ottavio, for
we no effort, no hard work or in order to believe or in order to live sublime and the
wonderful one
truth of the Dogma in object, for you instead pellegrinanti on the earth is demanded
the exercise of the divine life of the grace, demands the exercise of the faculties of
your spirit, in the first place of your intelligence that must try to know
the existence of the Dogma, to know of the origin, that is from where and as it is born, of
to know the effects that it produces in knows it to who and in who the alive ones, are
demanded moreover
the exercise of your will, to want to accept it and to want it to live is action of the will,
the exercise of the memory is still demanded that always must hold it present
to intelligence and the will because they can remember it and to want it.

Brother don Ottavio, is not all, the Dogma of the Communion of the Saints, like of the
it must be said of many other supernatural truths, demands yes the natural exercise
of the spirit, but above all the exercise of the divine Life of the Grace inserted in the spirit
therefore: exercise of the Faith, because the Dogma is rendered operating must firmly
to believe, fortemente to believe it without sails or limitations sottintese, demand
the exercise of the Charity, the love, not fictitious, not illusory true love, real love
accompanied from the works and you, you, sapete of which works import the nature of
Dogma, demands moreover the exercise of the Hope that like transparent light it makes

to catch a glimpse and to wish the benefits effects that seen, intentional the Dogma, loved
door in
you and in we.

How many treasures still to discover and to value

Brother don Ottavio we have spoken about wonderful, indeed wonderful truth, if
we had other words we would use more effective for farvi understanding them how many
treasures are
still to discover itself and to value from very many Christians, that they ignore, than
they do not see, and therefore they do not operate to they gives in the event and, also to
ours it gives; don
Ottavio not enough the gift of the life but the physical, intellectual, spiritual life also
it must live it, to that gioverebbe a life not lived? how much good not made, how much
neglected well for the superficialità of faith, hope of love, wonderful gifts
but many times nearly sciupati in a incomprensibili tiepidezza and negligence.

You would have very to know that your possibilities well in our cares
they constitute a reservoir upgrades them almost inexhaustible, any thing facades
he would be enough, from the natural plan, to transport it and to elevate it to the plan
supernatural of
grace aggiungendovi the intention for the Saint spirits of the Purgatorio, if then they are
already supernatural things of order like celebrated or listened to Put S. enough only
to add the aforesaid intention; escapes for a walk, an expense, or
any other facades or you think, makes it you for love of the Gentleman and in suffragio of
our spirits.

He is to you men to give the way

You know brother that for our part the answer would be, you are immediate, for we not
we can make nothing, for you we can make a lot, but you are that you live in
faith and in the test that you must, so to speak, to give the way in order to render
operating this
Dogma of the Communion of the Saints.

Don Ottavio is true that the material but above all spiritual necessities and needs are
many for you, but because not to hold account that also we Spirits Laxatives could
aiutarvi a lot in resolving all your personal and social problems… if you knew
what wants to say Purgatorio! if they knew the Christians to it that thus soon they are
about we, than thus easy they forget their promises, than thus badly theirs live
faith, than more than next to we thinks next to the putredine and ash of our bodies!
Brother ours don Ottavio, how much could and it would have to be made for Charity and
Justice in our cares… we intensify a lot our communion and
abundant will be the benefits effects and the blessings of God.

In wait.

The spirits of the Purgatorio.

12 june 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Michele Rua.

They have been the first successor of S. Giovanni Forest I have known, it well in earth,
gioviale character, knew to hide the great suffering that accompanied its
life terrena, in this the aid a lot its iron Faith, never did not waver helped, it very
still grandissima the devozione to Ausiliatrice Maria, faith and love to the Madonna
they were the railroads that guided it in all its tormented life and that they made it
to exceed every kind of difficulty.

Giovanni Forest was a great pioneer of the Church, was a brave flagman who

inalberò, to the dawn of its sacerdotal life, the vessillo of the new Church and that
it consumed its life of Clergyman in order to regenerate the Church, and to regenerate
wants to say to make it

Giovanni Forest for the adamantine purity of its life, for the ardor of its faith,
in always operating he, for the fire of its love above all for the young people left to
if same, you deprive of that spiritual nutriment without of which the life is not possible of
grace, had a clear vision and specifies of the evils that in those times plagued
Church, for this put all on hand its life of the great cause, that is,
spiritual renewal of the Mystical Body.

It was this its complete and generous dedication that the yields a lot appreciate to God
that on
it poured rivers of thanks, but it was own this that he triggered to it against the ira and one
rabid reaction of the adverse forces of hell, than used of their church,
the Masonry of which full era then like also today Italy, but Don Forest very
it knew from where the difficulties came, very it knew its enemies, which with
precaution but also with courage, opposed always a tenacious resistance very
aware and very aware, than they would not have never prevailed against the Light,
Truth and the Justice.
Brother don Ottavio, task that you will be made curious to know because of this mine
preamble, the reason does not lack and ecco la: you have come yourself to find in the
center of
a great storm, you brother mine and from years that you live in a stormy climate, than
you in cuor yours move in means to churned waters, you hoped that the beautiful time
was for
to begin, quand'ecco without warning rejected behind from the marosi and eccoti
still to fight with these hidden powers of the evil with your astonishment, for this
task that the figure of don Forest you can be of much usefullness.

Not scoraggiatevi, the fight will be gained

Don Forest was the personified precaution, supervised carefully in order not to put
foot in makes it, opened and classified because it knew deeply the men and it knew
therefore like dealing with they relieved in this from a great gift,
discernment of the minds, for which has always been able to act to sure blow,
others not less beautiful and precious completed these gifts then, like a deep one
mercy, a great wisdom, a fortress of not common mind, humility, mitezza,
mansuetudine, insomma was complete.

Don Ottavio, know you it that the enemy pulls down alone with humility and the
patience, of
Master Divino has been able itself to say coepit to facere ET to docere and this must be
to say of those who It has prechosen for its designs of love, not scoraggiatevi
therefore, the fight is engaged and the fight will be gained, He has gained the world, the
dead women and
hell, thus will be of you if to He is joined in a perfect communion with humility,
the patience and with all those other gifts that It never does not deny.

And be said with charity and justice to you; this that it imports and that it must be
suffocated in
you every resentment, every shadow of resentment and in this are lacked,
resentment never does not come from God, but you cannot gain that instinctive refusal
single prayed and you offer sincerely your suffering for its conversion,
justice and humilities can very well be together.

Courage and ahead, we are with you. You benedica God now and always.

Michele Rua.

14 june 1978

Son mine, you write, are your Mother terrena.

They are passed to little years from my transit land and I would not have intentional
many times parlarti,
and also you nourished a similar desire, but the most numerous vicissitudes of your life
always provoking withheld me a our talk, you very knows like this mine
attended attitude of respect and of is not changed in my passage from the time
to the eternity.

Son mine don Ottavio, no Mother would want to know that its son suffers, has
saying no mother who lives on the earth, but the things looks at itself here in one
very various perspective from that terrena, I see clearly the effects of yours here

suffering, I see here before and the post of your suffering, here I of can
to estimate the effects in virtue of the merits infinites of Its Incarnation, Passion and Died
he is this son mine, this acquaintance, cancels every pain, indeed, on the contrary, you
he instills an uncontrollable joy; you see son, on the earth, the acquaintance of yours
suffering, were for me reason of as much suffering, are one reason here
uncontrollable joy.

All this you confirmation how much has said I to you. in its message, therefore son mine,
I say anch'io as others have said many to you, courage, is true that you will have to
remain on
earth for many years still, is true that the proseguimento of your exile land and
seeded always greater and crescents suffering, but that it is all this of forehead
to the eternity that is up to you, that this of forehead to the place is son my all that is gives
to you
always be prepared and classified? less son mine that fugacissimo a moment.

The Mother who has a son athlete and that she knows with certainty that its son will
arrive to
winning goal, cannot not pretaste in advance payment its Victoria, son, you also
you are an athlete and I know with certainty that you will also catch up the palm of the
Victoria knowing
that your distance will be never sour and hard but crowned how much from the Victoria.

Superfluous son dirti this that you it is famous, all the Paradise watches to you, because
this that
God loves and wants, we also love and want.
Mother there are all in Paradise?

Son there are ourselves all, not to fear. This me enough and donates joy.

You benedico son and, for you, and the great family, I say large because a day
it will be thus, I always pray with to the Comprensori blessed souls because He you
benedica hour and. …
Your Mother.

14 june 1978



You write brother mine, are don Orione.

You see brother don Ottavio, more still than we made human creatures to image and
likeness of God, the Angels, in very greater measure, reflects the same image
of God, pure spirits, scevri from the matter, in fact their spirits are not imprisoned
as it they are our spirits for which the their life he is not conditioned from the space, they
they move with a rapidity of the thought and therefore, or in the good or in the evil, can
a lot than what you can, more empty of the matter, they can act on
matter in a way that impresses always your spirit.

I think this premise useful brother don Ottavio, because knowing some always
better the nature is easier to understand them; their visibility, because spiritual simple
they can close esserti in great number but you do not notice any to you if they thus
they want, facilitates a lot their activity in your cares and, when draft of
Black angels are clear to imagine the nature of their incessant activity; now brother
don Ottavio, the dusk in this matter is nearly total in the Church of God.

These dark powers of the evil have influenced to such point the minds and the hearts of
Shepherds, Clergymen and of the men generally, to be thought in the same Church
perhaps superstizione and ignorance manifestation the solo to speak of, does not say that
they are taboo from Evo Mean? And the apex of the Church, I want to say Shepherds and
they are not on the same line of the paganizzato people?

Most vital and essential issue

You brother mine don Ottavio have had who in matter you have instructd well you, but
complete cognitions are lungi the being, it will become complete, for which yours
mission to bring back on the carpet this most vital and essential issue of
catholic doctrine, will be adempiuta with great advantage of the Gloria of God and of
salvation of the spirits, but brother mine, you know, that not there is well real authentic if
to suffering price.

I still consider the expansion of my institutions living, which price of pains and
suffering have cost, see brother, you walking for the city vien given to you of
to see enormous palaces that they emerge from the ground and they are nearly raised
towards the sky
they wanted to defy, watches them to you it admires, them or it less appreciates them
more or according to theirs
style and of their lines, never but you tasks to that part that must carry some all
the enormous weight some to be crushed, thus is also of those spirits prechoices like
foundations of the Works of God, must, of these works to carry of the enormous weight,
data from the great responsibility, the incessant and pressing hostilities of the Enemy who
Works of God hate, it does not want and it fights by all means of which it is in possession
of intelligence, power and malvagità, here because yesterday you it has been spoken
strategy that Hell uses against the bases of God in Its Church.

Brother don Ottavio not is therefore to be astonished of the onslaughts that the
Hope has quickly and is enduring still from who hates the good disperatamente and
it pursues the evil at all costs, rather task that will not be badly ricordarvi
as you must face the fight, as you must use means of defense.

There are always the lookouts whom they exorcise

Don Ottavio first your defect that a lot puts to you in condition of inferiority of
forehead to the enemy is the conviction lack; many believe to this that they see but
dinnanzi to the invisibili truths they become uncertain and doubtful as if these truths not

they were, yesterday you and be said that this is superficialità of faith, brother I cannot
to confirm it.

Used then precaution, precaution, you are prudent as the doves but also scaltri
you must be, not to never make names, they smooth to you in continuation, and, when
you are
in the necessity to speak, there are always the lookouts whom they exorcise, then prayer,
but above all humility, humility, Satana do not support humility, a humility action
it upsets to such point that nearly always motivating force the preda unwillingly.

Brother don Ottavio you does not seem strange who these things that have been said to
as soon as a day it makes I I repeat to you, you know the proverbio Latin repetita juvant,
this, is worth above all for the important things a lot that the daily vicissitudes and
difficulties of the life stretch to make to forget, in particular because the Adversary makes
all for distrarti from the thought and the action that return to its damage, for rendervi
impotent and inoffensive, here the reason for which from above we try of aiutarvi in
all the ways.

Don Ottavio is true that we are in the peace and the beatitude, than of nothing
we lack and that null we can wish in more than this that we have, but yours
fight has been and is our fight, for this is to flank ready always to one
your signal to aiutarvi.

I pray God of benedirvi and accompagnarvi in every your step and the common Mother

you benedica and it protect from every evil.

Don Orione.

14 june 1978


Don beloved. Ottavio, is don Enrico.

Many things you have known in these days, things all interesting and useful or in order
better to say
necessary for every Christian, but above all for every clergyman which, the wish or
not, it is vase of election with the same apostolic mandate gone, instructd all
battezzandole people in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Saint Spirit and this are
the specific mandate given to the Apostles and successory they and for delegation to all i

In order to analyze to the importance and the largeness of this mandate, enough to
consider it in
its origin, that it is divine origin, in its nature, which is not other that
fruit of the love of God and a Trino, of the Father whom infinitely it loves, of the Son
re di me, of santifica the Saint Spirit who; if then this mandate wants

to consider in its purposes, they are so important to exceed all those

of any other nature because they are supernatural purposes, porro east unum
necessarium. now, brother don Ottavio, than this mandate it has weight like
it must unfortunately have in the heart of those people which it has been entrusted must
say not,
not, blank always the debite exceptions, all the messages precedence directly or
indirectly they confirm to you, bitter unfortunately real ascertainment but

The facts confirm to you with clarity; the dusk of hell not only wraps
Church and the world, but is penetrated deeply in the mind and the heart of those who
they would have to be lucerne ignited for spandere light and instead they are pleased that
the appearances are blank, for they this are survival necessity, if also
appearances were in the condition for disappearing like are disappeared the substance that
they covered, would be the end, for which much zeal it comes only used because the
it does not have to falling.

The appearances must be blank

Only thus brother don Ottavio you can explain to you and the others because of the
grinding ones
contradictions of the present Pastorale, single thus you can yourself be explained the used
against of you and many other more or less that they are in your same conditions…,
and anarchy is not minimally views, but for their true zeal many bonds and saints
clergymen are persecuted against every natural and ecclesiale right, and this,
brother, ago part of the modern Pastorale; that heresies of every kind are asserted
aiming to destroy and to demolish the Detection, the Moral, the Sacred Tradition not
it imports, but if someone tries to check waters putride and sudice that anywhere
they insinuate rodendo and corrupting every thing, then someone is rebelled against this
accusing it of fanatismo, madness, nevrastenia, accusing it to upset the quiet ones,
that quiet that tries alone so that their prerogatives and theirs are not touched

Not, brother don Ottavio, not to forget it, the world is of Satana and, who from the world

and intentional to come off, who the world refuses to fight, who with the world forms an
accepting of the custom and the ideas thus in opened contrast with Who the world and its
perfido Prince has come on the earth in order to face and to fight, cannot
absolutely to admit or to accept who formation against of he; the appearances brother
mine, they must be blank, and what is not made because they it are, but till

Hard and difficult mission

Brother don Ottavio the mission yours in particular, the mission of those who
they collaborate with you and the mission of the Association Hope is hard and difficult,
you live
in a time all detail as you it has been said, for permissive Will of God

you not only live in the time of the most brazen and impudent dominion of Satana on the
but on the Church, and by now, you of it know very well the reasons and the causes.

Don Ottavio, It Love and the infinite Misericordia, never do not ask advanced tests
to the forces, it is always wide of abundant aids because all the tests are exceeded,
ahead therefore!

Don Ottavio was enough little days for fraternizzare knew in those little
but fortunate days, entirety we prayed, entirety we have celebrated the Sacrificio Saint
about the Putting, entirety we spoke and we promised ourselves not to leave to perish in
the oblivion
our friendship, for this from I follow you to the sky for you, for you all I pray implorando
you, on the abundant Association Hope Divine blessings.

Like hour joined in the faith, in the hope and the love, thus a day it we will be in
eternal beatitude.

Don Ottavio. it recalls to me soon. ............ Don Enrico.

15 june 1978


Brother don Ottavio, you write, are Alessandrina.

The way of the holiness is a marked way and it can feed it to anyone and cover,
anyone to its beginning can be stopped and choose of an other, is sure but, than He,
the God Omnipotent wants all blank ones and that the moment of Grace in order to put to
us on the way
just it does not deny it to nobody, but for that respect of the freedom and human dignity
it has, does not obligate nobody to a choice rather than to an other, if thus it were not
we could doubt of Its Infinite Justice, that it is absurd because would be like
to deny of the existence.

That brother mine, is mystery for we, He only, the Creator, knows the depth and all i
meandri of the heart and the human, unfathomable mind for we, and it is sure that for
human creature is a moment in which comes left to fall the invitation to the salvation,
as there is a moment in which God she leaves to fall the invitation to a determined
but what is that it determines or not to the invitation of God? this is one
great mystery for we, but is sure that nobody will be able to never charge to God own
sentence to the perdition.

This then that more incomprensibile succeeds is the fact that the man not curiums, in
the Christian, to analyze in depth with greater seriousness the problem of the life, not is
man who not intuisca that it is various from all the other animals and that this diversity
he is substantial and not accidental, for which he would have to feel the need to deepen


acquaintance of if same, and from this acquaintance of if same, to the acquaintance

of the Author of the life, the step is short, but it seems that the man does not succeed to
this small step, because?

The Church is today in the hands of its Adversary

The answer to this because it is of importance happens them; the man comes in the light
this world with its hurt spiritual nature mortally, therefore weak person,
influenzabile, the man comes to find thus more incline to the error, to the evil that to the
good, and,
growing and developing themselves, it grows and this inclination is developed with he
also that
manifest with actions, gestures and expressions that contraddicono with its being of
free and intelligent creature, created to image and likeness of God, and is with
this inclination to the evil operated from Satana in the man, than continuous Satana its
action of pervertimento.

Don Ottavio, the Church, Sacramento of intentional salvation from God own in order to
the man to reorganize own spiritual wounds and for ridargli the wonderful gift
lost with the origin sin, he is today in the hands of its terrible Adversary who
tiranneggia to its piacimento, he has besieged before it from every part, then has created
in it
the fissures for which entering, later on, entered inside, of it has demolished all the bases
all the fortresses.
I know passes you to what for the mind in this moment, because and be prevented
this invasion, and of the single ones and the social structures of the Church? because you
it is
famous, Omnipotent God, Alpha and Omega of all and all, arrest themselves dinnanzi to
the work
of Its Hands, it is arrested dinnanzi to the man drawn from the limo of the earth and it
respects some
dignity of son of God, and, the freedom. Because it has not been prevented the siege and
the invasion of the Church? also this you know brother, because in the divine economy of
salvation, God folds to the good also badly operated from its enemies.

The integral and pure New Church…

In the new Church it will have to train the sons of God to the fight against the powers

dark of the evil, they will have to be the Bishops and the Clergymen to organize a large
slowly of defense and for the single ones and all the Mystical Body, the freed new
Church and
purified from every demonic infestazione from the blood of the Martyrdoms and the
inexpressibile ones
suffering of the single ones and the entire Mystical Body, will have to be maintained
integral and
pure from ulterior attacks of the enemy, which, humiliated and won, for the great defeat
endured for work of Maria Queen of the Victories, the aggressive overbearingness will
not have more
they not desistendo from its attacks also puts into effect.

Brother don Ottavio, now you know with clarity that ago part of your task to insist on
incontrovertible truth that the center of the Pastorale of the Church all is and always will

true reason of the Incarnation, Passion and Died of Jesus Redentore, that is to ristrappare
the spirits to Satana.

This today form reason of scandal from many Bishops and clergymen, form
reason of scherno and incredulità, but post purificationem, all will be radically

Don Ottavio, the way that door to the holiness is the way of the Cross, it is and
the great secret of the happiness will remain, that happiness that the world ignores and
that therefore
chip ax indeed does not despise, but, it loves it the Cross and ahead, anch'Io
Alessandrina, I say to you
you are not, you are not single, is important to perseverare.

God and a Trino to which it goes every honor and Gloria benedica you, you benedica
hour and always.


15 june 1978


You write brother, are Domenico Savio.

Al chorus of the Angels and Saints who have spoken to you, to the chorus of the Saints
who will speak to you
I join anch'io my voice, Saint little one of the Paradise; in Paradise not there are that
Saints, you cannot be that Saint, because three times Saint and He who the Paradise
he has intentional from the eternity because the Paradise was the Native land, the House
of the formations
Angelic that for Its Gloria was struck and they are struck, and because the Paradise was
also Native land and House of the sons of the men who on the example and with the aid
of the formations
Angelic faithfuls to their Creator and Gentleman anch'essi struck themselves in a hard
fight for
the Gloria of The one who which always every honor and Gloria must in the eternal

Brother don Ottavio, I see this that it has grazed your mind in this moment, you
I answer, anch'io I could not that parlarti of the problem more regarding important
life of the men on the earth, you have thought, at least you dimmi something of new…
how many new things for you I could dirti, but I cannot that to trace the way of those
that they have preceded to me in their talks with you, only yesterday you has been
remembered the monito one
of the Gospel it is that it imports the man to earn the esteem, the Gloria, the wealth of
all the world if then at the end its loses the spirit?

Brother don Ottavio, the aim of the creation of the man which is if not to know,
to serve, to love God on the earth in order then to go it to enjoy in Paradise? It can be said
that this highest aim intentional and is persecuted from the great majority of
men, of the young people, can themselves be said today that the humanity has conscience
of the reason of
its being, of its pellegrinare on the earth?
The measure is full

You do not see also brother mine the loss of you polulate, the nations, the single ones,
of the youth generally, frightening loss for which ignoring the just road they give
to cover they have smarriti and forgiveness in tenebrous mazes of darkest
spiritual degradation moral and material, the men in order not to have intentional and
to try the Light, they are sealed with lead in the produced orribili darkness from the
unbridled ones
concupiscenze and of the spirit and the matter, you do not see brother don Ottavio like
baser and criminal things are received from this humanity materialized to the point
to have completely smarrito the sense of the good and the evil, the justice and of
more frightening ingiustizie, the sense of the truth and the error, plaude to the abortion, to
crime, plaude to the corruption to the violence, the glorificazione of the force bruta,
plaude to all this that is against the divine law and of nature, to this point the acerrimo
enemy of the humanity and God is pushing the same humanity towards the dark abyss in
which he will be in grandissima destroyed part.

The measure is full, the vase trabocca, the humanity with its pervertimento is being about
to being the giustiziera of if same; brother don Ottavio, the madness of the materialismo
of the rationalism that thus fortemente is penetrated in my Church, it is in order to collect
its yield bitters of temporal and eternal perdition.

The Church will have to endure its tremendous passion

The man does not have need of God, thus he has been said, and in this climate total or
nearly of
materialismo and of rationalism has been prepared and it is being prepared, in the more
crowds contest
between the large ones of the earth, the huge warehouse than deadly crews apt to destroy
earth, not once single, but many and many times, brother don Ottavio, here the bitters
fruits that the humanity without God and against God is amassing for this generation
foolish and sorda to all the callbacks of the Sky, this my affirmation does not give
to agree in totalitarian sense, but nearly.

And the Church mails in the world as Master and Guide of polulate? o h! the Church,
Church of Jesus, exited from the Wound of Cost Its anch'essa has been polluted from
poison of Satana and its cursed formations, will not perish, in the Church is present
Divin Redentore, cannot perish, but it will have to endure, like its invisibile Head, its
tremendous passion.

Church and entire humanity will exit from their ruins for giving beginning to a new one
way of peace and justice in which it will be truly in all the hearts the Reign of God,
that inner Reign that the bonds for a long time ask and invocano.
Brother don Ottavio, anch'io I say courage to you! the moment will come in which of
courage, of
faith, of love will be much need, but not to fear, It, at the just moment will give to you
this of which you will have need. God, I add Gentleman of every thing to which every
honor must and

Gloria in the eternal centuries, benedica benedica you, you, or and always remains with

Domenico Savio.

15 june 1978


They are Mons. Pranzini, you write.

Memories don Ottavio the day in which in the Dome of Aiming it, 12 March 1932, you
I ordered Clergyman, in the night I snowed, 12 cm. of snow, your Bishop I said to you
that snowed was not fortuitous but that it constituted a sign, a sign of festivity, one
sign that the divine Providence wanted to give in order to confirm a my intuition in i
your cares, in order to confirm that your ordinazione was a great thing in the life
of the Church, I openly said that to you snowed era of good auspice, but you not
it seems you had understood to me, and thus it was, in fact you did not believe to my
words, to you that
snowed it did not say nothing, to me said so much, to me said that yours sacerdozio it was
marked like not common, I of it had confirmation in sky, you of it I have confirmation

Already you know the terms of your sacerdotal mission, to place on the carpet the
he centers them of the Pastorale of all the Universal Church, and a problem of substance,
and one
center problem, without of which they do not have reason to be the other problems
ecclesiali; as don Ottavio can never be explained that the Church, true, a saint,
catholic, apostolic could have been darkened to such point to forget its
reason to be in the world although in these last times has had like Heads
visible Saint men, as such they have been the Pontefici who are themselves succeduti on
the throne of
Peter in the last ones cent'anni?

Church, mystery in which the human and the divine s'incontrano

Don Ottavio you know that the Church is a mystery in which the human and the divine
s'intrecciano and is melted, the human part also being mirabilmente joined to the part
divine, it remains always human for which is subject to the evils deriving from a nature
debilitated and hurt from the first guilt, the history is repeated, but more still that to repeat
history of the human nature from the moment of its mortal wound them is always that
the implacable persecution of its enemy dead woman them, if is not defended and it is not
and Travolta inexorably, poor human nature.

Moreover you very know that the Church is a body, a true, social but real body, to whose
supreme apex is the Divine Redentore Jesus, the Verbo of made God Meat, near
It is its Vicario on the earth, now, the divine and human Head governs and moves
the entire body for means of the limbs, of more of less than as it happens in the body
human, from the head the orders leave all thus that move the other limbs, in
Church from Its Head and its apex comes the impulses that put in motion

the several limbs, but while the several limbs of the human body, eyes, mouth,
orecchie, legs, arms… are not neither free neither intelligent and therefore they let
liberations to maneuver from the apex, in the social body that is the Church, the limbs are
free and intelligent and they are part of that wounded and polluted body and therefore
influenzabili from theirs acerrimo enemy, the tenebrous powers of the evil,
in ambush, which of it forces the freedom and always has the better one when the subject,
fact object of their action malvagia, has left in itself to develop the germs of the evil
iniettati at the moment of the fall it originates them.

No positive result without the suffering

Don Ottavio, in other words, polluted the brains of those who are to the apex of
Church the by force greater pollution increases to all the Church… you has been said,
and not to forget it, that the spiritual dusk that encircles the Church is given from
superbia, now you understand to me, who arrives to the government of the local churches
through raggiri and
backstage gushed from the ambition, is an intruder who not work moved from humility
from the love, but work in the Church moved from the ambition and the egoismo like
a mercenario, here because today many are not fathers but bureaucrats and civil
that null they have to envy to the bureaucrats and civil employees of a society without
God and
therefore without love.
Don Ottavio is terrible but and thus, you then comprise because with much insistence you
it comes suggested under consideration to repropose of the Church the fundamental
problem of
same its reason to be to the center of the world and of polulates and the fight that is
truce between Light and Darkness, God and Satana, Good and Evil. It does not astonish
to you therefore
to ollow of messages impregnated all of the same callbacks on the greatest problem
of the Pastorale.

You are working for the New Church, must be for you joy reason even if
this job is closely legacy to the Cross, no positive result from yours
mission without the suffering of which already you know and more you will know later
on. Omnipotent God
And a Trino, the eternal Verbo of personally present God in its Church in
union with the SS.ma Mother you benedicono, you benedicono, now and always.

Mons. Giovanni Pranzini.

16 june 1978


You write son, are Devout Father.

My joined voice could not lack to those the blessed souls of the Paradise that they have to
spoken, already in earth the most expensive son my, I saw with clarity, for divine
evolving itself in the future of the life of the Church, I saw its sufferings and I saw the
rise its

towards the Calvary already in existence, of it I saw the dusk in which era wrapped and
which more and more
s'immergeva, of it I saw the Giuda and the consequences of their tradimenti, of it I saw
the Martyrdoms,
of it I saw the executed ones, I saw the blood to bathe the earth abundantly, but I saw also
Turgid buds of vital humors, I saw the dawn of its spring, I saw some
most painful passion and its sfolgorante resurrezione, and between all these things, I saw
also you son mine don Ottavio, I looked at also you with your Cross to follow the Lamb
on the way of the Calvary, I saw to you also with your burden of tribolazioni on the
shoulders while
you announced to the Church the problem centers them of the Pastorale, put from part
from one
good number of Shepherds and from grandissimo a number of clergymen who, in the
name of not
I know which reform or which I conciliate, they are ripromessi of all changing, of all
to restructure Bible, Gospel, Tradition putting from part True Christ true God and
Man, for which more and more openly by now of Christ they accept only its Humanity
and practically they refuse and they deny its Divinity; to expect to restructure God, of
to restructure the Doctrine and the Moral wants to say to have caught up the highest level
presumption, of the superbia which the man could arrive

Son mine, is not that the Church also for the past has not known men
of the stamp of many presuntuosi teologi of this century, but these men
they appeared to overturns of the Church in successive times, never thus a great number
appeared in a same century and never they have put in argument all the Detection and
all the Law for which, as yesterday you it has been said, today the sense of the Good has
gotten lost and of
Badly, of the lawful one and the illicit one

The enemy will not prevail

Son mine how much time has put you Satana to prepare its immense and complex one
slowly of materialization of the Church and the world? Millenia, but in these last ones
two centuries, in the name of the progress and using of the same material progress, have
accelerated the times with the means that the progress of the things has put on hand
of the humanity and therefore also of the Church it has accelerated its deadly one slowly
demolition of that Church that always has hated before still that the Salvatore
it placed like Sacramento of salvation in the middle of the humanity

The feracious enemy in its attempt and its purpose is successful to demolish the work of
God only partially, because it will not be allowed to it to go beyond the decreed limit,
that is
it will not prevail, but the damage brought to the spirits is sure incalculable, advanced to
every ability to mean from human mind

He is useless son to advance an answer to because of all this, the answer you has been
repeated date and many times over, son mine don Ottavio you have been prechosen like
of the divine Providence in order to repropose the true problem of the Pastorale, because
he must be to the base of every ecclesiale activity, because no renewal or
regeneration would be possible without to found it on the solid and intramontabili
of the Faith and the Moral
The wind of the purification already blows

Son mine don Ottavio the millenia dinnanzi to He is less than an escaping moment and
it puts into effect them situation of the Church is like that of a cloudy and foggy day
autumnal, tinning air, null visibility, many incidents and much malaise, then are raised
the wind that spaces via the cold and the uggiosa and dense fog and the sun to shine here
new for rifondere confidence to the minds it tires and disillusi. the wind of the
it already blows and already swell the more and more dark cloud sky, then the
thunderstorm, the storm
that it will upset every thing, that will destroy stupid and to the crowds hopes of the
after, the sun of the new era, of peace and justice, the sun that will illuminate the earth of
a new light never seen and known; the heat of the sun will render the earth fecund like
it never was not.

Son mine, the divine goodness you has serbato this privilege to see all and to see
the outcome of the Victoria after the sour fight from foretold you and lived you, then you
will salt also
to the House of the Father in order to sing with we in eternal the praises of God, for
Power, the Gloria, the Honor for eternal centuries and thus or!

Son mine He watches to you with love, amaLo amaLo son, seguiLo end on the Top.

Benedica you, the onslaughts of yours and Its enemies protect you today and always

Devout father.

17 june 1978


Don Ottavio is don Sisto.

It was said to you that the dead women not recide the life but for perfects the elect ones it
and this is
true, in fact as he who forestiero arrives in a great city before disowned and
it is distracted from the great innovationes that it notices there, then the problems of its
riaffiorano life
and riaffacciano to its memory, thus, for he who it is arrived in Paradise is not that
beginnings the former life no vo, but resumes to remember the things of its life terrena,
naturally in a completely various light and it sees the things in a profile
clearest, for which the also interest for the things terrene it is modified from the new

When the life terrena was in course, I knew of the many evils that plagued

Church, but my acquaintance was limited and narrow and never I could have supposed
truth, from the Paradise for permissive divine Will, very various is the vision of
human vicissitudes and also various are the vision of the Church, would be enough that
for one
moment only all the men in way on the earth could have a vision of

world in order to operate a radical change of loving and saddest truths that you
been living, but this is not possible, the life on the earth is test, would not be more
test if it were not thus.

In the dusk of the night

Don Ottavio seems to me useless to continue the speech on the origin of the evils
capacities on
earth from the rebellion to God, the dark forces of hell and from the disobedience of i
our progenitors, evils agravated from social ways of life economic that they offend or
justice or the freedom of the individuals and of polulates, can seem absurd that the man
supplied of thus wonderful faculties have carried that it to the discovery of many secrets
of the nature and to the conquest of a progress that very guided could truly
to carry or to increase the well-being of the man on the earth, has not known to be
acquired it,
not for the inability of the man, but for perversa the will of he who she is the Prince
of this world and that its thinks the humanity preda, preda made its with the lie and
menzogna, in fact never it has allowed that they could be established for their polulates
governments of good will, governments in which Justice and Liberty they could together
instead or he is conculcata or he is conculcata the other, for which the life of he polulates
is always
be convulsa, mental patient, upsotten from civil wars, revolutions and from others
malanni always
coming from before and the only cause, the superbia of Satana and its formations.

Don Ottavio for who uses the intelletto with the will of ascertains them the truth, the truth
it emerges clear from the marasma of the men on the earth, in the middle of polulates is
the Church
that she has for divine mandate to carry the truth to all polulates, well also in
Church Master of peace, truth and justice from has always entered the disorder,
fight, the ingiustizia, like never? I will not answer you, but It will answer you,
Divine Master, with the parabola of the Grain winnower who had its field infested from
zizzania that the hinimicus hominis it had seeded in the dusk of the night, you reflect on
these last words in the dusk of the manifest night he not never, all ago in
secret of the night, the buio.

To fight true the great enemy of the man

Don Ottavio would be enough a bit of good wish in order to understand that the roots of
the evils that
travaglino humanity and Church, and that the same characteristics introduce all,
personal, pride, envy, jealousies, are always the same ones, the dark Satana and forces
of hell, possible that the men are not able from the acquaintance of such truth
to eliminate from their hearts, he polulates, the Church these evils? it is not possible
fintantoché individuals, nations and polulate, characterized the author of all the evils, not
they will conceive the will to fight it with adequate and effective means, patience for
it polulates not Christian, but for it polulates Christians and for the Church that had the
mandate of
to point out to the entire humanity the origin of all the evils, to she that they had been
given means
effective in order to fight it and to point out it to the others like true the great enemy of
the man and
of the Christian generally, it is absurd you do not make it, but the Church today has let

to magnetize for which more than any other of it endures the damage, most serious in its

To you don Ottavio, you convince yourself some, has been entrusted the task to bring
back to the attention
municipality true the great problem, here because of the extraordinary participation that
it comes from above, because you we are near, you continues here in your intimate one to
as it never can be that the Omnipotent has chosen you for a thus great mission…
not to ask it to you, already you has been repeated, He operates and it does not have need
of nobody, He
it has chosen you not because you can to it in some way to giovare, but only because thus
she has
intentional and thus it wants, or made always and at any moment Its Divine Will.

You benedica God and a Trino, to He always every honor and Gloria in the eternal
centuries, with
benedica you the Association, d. P and all the leaders and associates. ........................ Don

19 june 1978

They are your Alice sister, you write don Ottavio.

In these last days rather intense it has been your communion with the Church
triumphant, little Blessed souls have not spoken to you and they have erudite to you on
the great mission
of the Church in the world, and the Church, on the great mission of the Bishops and
in order to guide the spirits through the fights of the life terrena to God.

Brother memories the vicissitudes of a great General who lived nearly two centuries ago?
draft of Napoleone, the images seated you to its table from job encircled from i
its better It generates them and with the best experts than military things to study
large slowly of its shipment in Russia; in those assemblies it was considered of how
men of the various crews, how many horses, how many carriaggi, how many crews, guns,
guns, swords, of how many supplies were necessary to supply in order to carry out
great enterprise; details were studied in the minimums the several stages to be carried out
day for day, I am attempted to preview all the reactions of the adversary of which
the movements, the ability to resistance, the retreats estimated in the minimums details,
innumerevoli other elements… all were attempted to preview, all made themselves in
order to prevent
and to avoid moved wrong; us months in order to carry to term wanted the drawing up of
the plan
of invasion

This makes the men brother mine, for their human Enterprises in fact all era be
considered, the nature of the land, the water course that had to be crossed,
vettovaglie, previewed the several places where the impact with the enemy would have
happened of
which it had been attempted to know all for means of spies, of given a degree to us…

Humanity and Church people of God in march

Brother this makes the men in war case, the humanity and the Church is
people of God in march through the desert of the life terrena, I have said through
desert and that other is the earth if a orrido desert not compared to the Celestial Native

And it is not the humanity in its march terrena continuously laid a trap from forces and
enemy generatrices of all the evils that the travagliano? It is not always in ambush
enemy, always ready to assault?

You clergymen with your Shepherds as you lead the defense of your soldiers? Yours
he generates them (the Bishops) that all make in order to gain the more important d the

All the today's crisis of the Church of God has its causes, the roots of its here
multiple and by now incurable evils!

Who seeds wind collects storm

The humanity and the Church will not be able to never charge God to have them private
of all
ordinary and extraordinary aids, as it did not leave them to lack to the Hebrew people in
way towards the Promised Earth, in order to carry them to the Victoria, and what truly
incomprensibile the human and Christian blindness, the blindness is such that the
humanity, than
present and intuisce that she is walking towards the abyss, does not find the will of
perhaps to react waves to save itself…, does not deserve the splash of necessary Light
Light has been coldly methodically refused, who seeds wind collects
storm, and, wind has been seeded, how much wind and now the sweeping hurricane is in

Brother mine don Ottavio not is time to lose, knows your mission, accelerates
the preparation of the Fifth book, before passes it to the press how much without curarti
eventual negative reactions, ahead, try to be faithful to He that it loves not to give to you
weight to the judgments of the world that to nothing serve and that to nothing they are
worth, you it is to heart
Gloria of God and the good of the spirits, these is the things that truly are worth and for
which is worth the pain to immolate itself.

You know that we wait for to you and that in the wait for you intercediamo because the
blessing of
Omnipotent God and of the Mother Its and ours, of Saint Giuseppe comes down over of

over those which you they are beloveds. ...................................... Alice.

19 june 1978


You write son mine, are I, Jesus.

They have been given to messages, varied messages to you, having like object the entire
humanity and
my Church mails in the middle of the humanity like jealousy, envy, hatred object
for its mission of Master and Guide of all it polulates, Satana to the head of its
perfide and malvagie legions, lost the challenge launch against God, has sworne in the
intimate one
of its spirit hatred and war to God and the work of Its Hands.

Happened the creation of the universe, continuation from that of the man, here before
great battle delivered and gained from Satana with all the powers of the evil
against the Progenitors; this battle, before a war without quarter still in
course that will not finish if not at the end of the life of the last man, that is at the end of i
times, this war lead with wealth and power of intelligence were completely
sproporzionata, between the Angelic nature and the Human nature elapses a disparity of
forces and of intelligence for which the human nature always she would have been
subordinate to one
such and thus Barbarian tyranny without the minimal hope of availed again some, now,
even if
all the humanity had become guilty because potentially all was in Adam and
Eva, the single men in the time and the eternity would have had atrociously to suffer
for a guilt of which personally they were not responsible, this ripugnò to the infinite one
Divine justice for which It decreed the mystery of Incarnazione and Redenzione

No effect without a cause

That today in the humanity and same the My Church the faith in the large ones has come
historical that of it form the reason of their existence, believed and lived truths for
millenia from elect Popolo and the same Church, than without these truths it would not
reason some to be, is truly against every rectum use of intelligence,
against the history not never refutation of the passed centuries, against the evidence of
these truths
in existence; it is famous that you it cannot be effect without own cause, now the evil
(effect) joined to the human nature waves draws its origin (cause) while God has made
Good All the Things? where the origin of the Same Church, from Who and because had

And the history of the Hebrew people with its Prophets and all its vicissitudini, and Mine
Doctrine, and the number unnumbered of the Saints and the Martyrdoms if they do not
come framed
in the immane war in existence like truth in the history, and as the true one could resist
human history without the dorsal thorn of which it is made up and for which it stands,
puts into effect and it them
situation of the world and the Church as it could be explained to outside of the Good
and of the Evil that is hit and they meet in a continuous duel without rests?

The men say behind the Evil who are, and who seeds the evil, and she renders it who
aggressive to carry violences of every type, revolutions, wars, discords, ruins in
all the world?

And viceversa, Who is behind the Good, and who spirit the good, and who door the good
to highest
summits of the perfection, and who perpetual this tremendous crash that invests all

men, all polulate and that hard beyond the life of the generations, that it has thus long life
powerful to perpetuate the conflict on all the earth and for a duration that give the
of the humanity it does not know pauses and it does not know sunsets?

They are perhaps the men, the teologi, the philosophers or the men of science to develop
to coordinate to fine very you specify the tremendous fight in existence?

Because the men make efforts inauditi in order sovvertire the great historical truths of
human life on the earth? He would not be more honest, the more simple, more consono to
the rectum use
of intelligence and the human will to watch in face to the truth without spremere
brain waves to find way sovvertire the history and to make of of it a large one
menzogna? It is not this a confirmation and a consequence of the first guilt, root
because of all the imputable evils to the humanity?

It is immensely sad to feel to me abandoned, betrayed, rinnegato. .da the friends

Continuous debating itself and without pauses of the great problems on the origin,
presence and end
of the man on the earth, it does not constitute a test of the presence of living
Menzogna in the world that hates the Truth terribly, and the Truth is God, while
Menzogna has been incarnated from Satana that of is the Prince adds?

That historians say some, scientists, teologi of little faith but of much presumption?

Checché says some does not have importance, important is the truth that it emerges from
the centuries and
that the men in the theirs incomposto to debate itself cannot neither destroy neither
to change.
Son in these days a lot you has been manifested in the messages that you they have been
donated, I cannot that ripeterti that Jesus is immensely sad for Me to state
pietoso be in which today My Church is found, you understand son, My Church, price
of My Blood!

Also for Me, above all for Me true God and true Man, to feel to me abandoned,
betrayed, rinnegato from those who always I loved and I called friends is much sad one!

Son I cannot ago that ripeterti the invitation many other times made, voglimi well,

to pray and to repair, are I that I ask to you and of you know because.

Benedico you.

21 june 1978


Son mine, you write. … That they have made some of the precious fruit of my Love?

Son I love it the Father with infinite love, if thus he were not I would not be God, but
equal love I love the humanity, My Church, for it the Father mine I have sent Me on
earth, for it I accepted to immolate to me on the Cross, I instituted the Church because
it I could operate the second creation, for Me was created all the things, for
Me the spirits were rendering all, for the sin geme the created one under the weight of
first guilt and of all the col pe that they followed some and of will follow till the total
liberation because son mine, the mystery of the continuous Redenzione, that is in
existence and
it will be till the end of the times after that it follows I rearrange definitive of the terrible
imbalance provoked from the rebellion to God.

Blind people are the men when they refuse to believe, ché not are tragedy to the world
comparable to the first guilt and that all the tragedies of the humanity are not other that
natural daughters thus monstrous mother, never will be able itself to be estimated the
situation of the sort
human in its painful and alternatives vicissitudes without to go back the millenia of fine
to the source from which the humanity he draws origin and life.

We are in the conditions precedence the Deluge

What it appears strange is the fact that this action to distort at all costs
truth in order to replace it with stupid theories, which that of the evoluzionismo, has
a dumb acceptance, a tacit accondiscendenza in atmospheres of My Church that
on the contrary they would have had to rebel against such infame attempt and
of the truth in defense of the same one, instead, as it is defended to us? with as many
foolish ones
reasonings, refuse to us lend faith to the authority of God, while it is granted
confidence to arrogant men and ambitiouses, thus, for work of Satana and with the
consent of
men of the Church, a coltre is spread of fog on the Detection! source of
Light and of Truth.

Polluted the source, also the zampillo that from the source it gushes it is not purer
and here that the continuous pollution, indeed, increases, and the distortions of the truth
they count more; the confusion of the ideas today in theological field is such for which
nothing it has
to envy to the confusion of the languages in Babylon, confusion with its origin,
with its history, with its authors, therefore, with its responsibles and, between these, they
men of Church.

Son you very know that polluted the ideas of the men, sooner or later of will be polluted
also the actions, thus have been and thus it is, the Marxismo that has materialized the
of the life, he has destroyed the concept of the moral in the Christian people, for which of
Christian today you is remained the name but not sure the life custom.

It is not before the time in the history of the humanity that verification this sad
for which, for Permissive Will of God, as the humanity was destroyed in nearly the
from the Deluge, except Noè with the sons and the sons of its sons, thus today, since the
they are like those precedence the Deluge, the humanity will be destroyed, made
exception of
those which the Gentleman has decreed to save, being the humanity in its large one

majority repeatedly remained sorda to all the invitations to she repentance revolts and
of conversion.

I confirm the hour of the purification

The men have mistaken and mistake in the judgment that they are themselves arbitrarily
formats of the Misericordia and divine Giustizia, have mistaken in judging mine
longanimità, mistakes when they doubt contrarily to the evidence of the facts of
My existence, to perversi is when they deny My existence and the existence of the work
of My Hands.

They do not know all that not v'è Law without Legislator, do not know the scientists,
atheists to it
and not atheists, that they would have to be arrived through the study of the discovered
in the last few decades, wonderful, regolatrici laws perfect of all dynamics
of the entire universe, to understand that these laws presuppose necessarily
intelligence, and does not know all that the Intelligence that has created to them cannot be
not the purest Intelligence of God?

Tortuosi Sofismi in order to hide the limpid truth are not lacked and they do not lack,
but all the product of the madness, human and satanica, will be swept via like fist of
powder and nothing will remain of what the superbia it has polluted.

I confirm you son once again mine the hour of the purification, after which you
they will be new skies, new earth and new Church; obvious the participation will appear
to all
decisive of the Mother my Queen of the Victories and the Gloria and the true Power of
God and true Man, a new Era will have run in the history of the humanity.

Son voglimi well, benedico benedico you, you, prayed and repaired.



To you all beloveds readers who by now to tens and tens of migliaia, in Italy and abroad,
with humility of Faith you have received the precedence messages and of whose Origin
you do not have
doubted, neither doubted, I say, classified good acceptance also to those contents in
this Sixth Book.

The times are shortened.

They are these messages object of reflection and meditation for everyone of you since
by now we are joints to the day before the eve of the liberation of the Humanity from the
feracious one
tyranny and slavery of the dark Powers of Hell and their allies on the earth that
all by now very we know.

You have Faith, the collision will be tremendous, but the Victoria already is marked!

The Victoria is and will be of whom it has been proclamata Queen Mundi Universes and
Queen of all the Victories.

To believe - To hope - To love - Tacere - To accept - To suffer - To offer - To pray -

To adore here our force in THE ONE WHO and THE ONE WHO that were, are and will
be always
strongest in the time and the eternity.

d. OR. M.


Free Gentleman my spirit from the Malignant one.

Free Gentleman my spirit from every thought of vanity and superbia.
Free Gentleman my spirit from every egoismo.
Free Gentleman my spirit from all and from those who they can hinder
my communion with You.
Free Gentleman my spirit from every judgment in contrast with the Charity.
Free Gentleman my spirit from the attachment to the persons,
to the assets and the things of the Earth.
Free Gentleman my spirit from every turbamento, every doubt and
from every anguish that oppresses.
Free Gentleman my spirit from all the spiritual evils.
Gentleman I offer thus as they are with what I have,
you me render what you want that I am.
Gentleman more than Judge siimi always Salvatore.
Gentleman You are my Peace.
Gentleman You are my Light.
Gentleman You are my Way.
Gentleman You are my Life.
Gentleman You are my All.
Gentleman You are my solo great infinitely Benefactor.
Gentleman donates the transparency to me of the spirit because my communion with
Infinite transparency, face of me a single thing with You as You it are with the Father.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

28 August 1978


Son mine, is Maria Mother of Jesus, that is Mother of God because the Son my Jesus is
truly God like the Father that gives always generates it and like the Saint Spirit,
the Love, than of Three of ago a solo; I am son, Maria Mother yours and Mother yours.

Son mine can itself be thought that a mother anytime of its existence,
terrena or eternal, he can forget and therefore to stop to love its sons?

To forget itself about the loved persons would want to say to suspend, even if
temporary, to love them, to suspend to pour on the sons the love that and flame and
inestinguibile fire, I speak about the divine Love, that love that in the eternity blessed
it cannot more extinct being and, much larger and this love, much more and proteso
like unstoppable cascade on the irreplaceable object for which and born, it burns and it

Son mine I, creature and Mother of my Creator have like object of my love He,
And a Trino that it loves to me from the eternity and, after He, you because for you and
salvation and made Meat in Me and with Me and offered on the Cross, and with under
look of the Father, perpetual the Redenzione in the sublime Mystery of the Faith and
of the Love the Eucarestia.

It is thinkable therefore that I Maria can forget me about you sons mine, that can
to forget me about you in a thus crucial moment of your way like many
they would want to be convinced and to convince others against the rectum use of the
reason and
of human intelligence?

The mother is before to perceive the danger

Son mine when in a family terrena the things go badly for a disaster
economic, for a moral or spiritual deviamento, ruins or illness that, like
ruggente thunderstorm, is pulled down on it, before to perceive the danger and always
the mother, and will be always the mother to support the umiliazioni, the uneasiness and
the weight
greater of the catastrophe, the mother who, inascoltata, and not even succeeding to avoid
the tremendous misfortune.

The stubbornness of those people, Clergymen and Shepherds is absurd son mine cocciuta
who not
they have not only listened to the voice of the Celestial Mother, but they have made of all
they continue to make of all in order preventing that the catastrophe is avoided and that
the Voice of
common Mother is listened to;

he is incredible the superbia with which the Acts of God are placed under human
judgment and of
Mother Its;

it is incredible that the man, or lay or Consecrated it, arrogates the right to place
limits and terms not only to the acts of God, but even to the Wish of God;

it is incredible that the man, mystery to if same, expects sondare the unfathomable
of God like that one of the suffering of the Merciful Heart of the divine Son my and
that one of my Immaculate Heart dinnanzi to the evils of a humanity and a cristianità
practically atheist.

It has been said that the measure to you and she overwhelms and the vase trabocca for
this son mine
return, I say return on this unfortunately not new argument, must construct
new foundations of the human and Christian life on authentic Evangeliche bases; many
they agree on this, but least they are decided to cut with a life custom
they pay staff, relative and social… it is the case to remember here the Words of the Son
my Divine: not all those which say Gentleman Gentleman, enter in the Reign of i
Skies, but only those which make the Will… .

It is fecund not when it is become lean, but when the life is transmitted

You of the Community Hope have been prechosen like ring of conjunction between one
world that is inexorably tramontando and the new world that more and more
in a marked manner he is delineating himself and that to you and granted to see, you see
how many spirits
as soon as bloomed to the life that already in itself carries the print of a Church and one
Humanity truly regenerated in the Saint Spirit… o h as the Church will be beautiful

How many times son mine you have been said that the woman geme when give birth a
and also you, prechosen for the Community Hope will have to gemere; how many times
you are
said state that the chicco of grain if does not marcisce, it cannot be bud of
new life, and for being life buds, is law marcire in the suffering and in
pain; o h if this capissero the Clergymen who refuse their state of Victim,
how many spirits less would go to Hell… if this law capissero the Parents
empty and superficial that lives and nutrono of fools mondanità, how much light and
Divine grace in more in the families!

This you will have to say son mine to prechosen of the Community the Hope; you will
have to convince them
of these truths in order to help them to live them and to transform themselves in true and
perfect Christians
generous you live and fecund, and fecund not when it is become lean, but when
it transmits the life.

Every member of the Community Hope will have to be transformed that is in a cristoforo
they will have to be as many bearers of Christ to the spirits that of are private for
ignavia and sterility of those who for betrayed vocation, they extinguish the life rather
to carry it and to donate it. For the time being enough son mine, benedico you and with
benedico you all in
Name of God and a Trino.

31 August 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Devout XII.

Perhaps it astonishes you that a Pontefice addresses you? on the earth it separated a large
one to us
distance, but for who has exited from the earth does not exist more the distances, is
literally that morally.

The deep change that the dead women operates in we and so large and that could
to make nearly to think to a new creation, but not is a new creation, the spirit
it remains intact instead with its spiritual nature that will not be able to change more,
radically the life of the spirit that exits from the laws of the matter, the time and of
space for being immersed in that eternity of which in earth it succeeded to perceive very
little, and also those little, vaguely.

With the dead women, in the moment in which the human spirit it is detached from that
matter with which
thus it was intensely joined to form with same a single thing to the point give
to permeate it, compenetrarla and vivificarla in every its part, conditioning itself mutually
way that every material or spiritual operation, demanded the competition of both,
body returns to the earth from which era, while the spirit, in the same moment in which it
freed from the body, it is found dinnanzi to Infinite Bellezza and Divine Maestà.

The Divine Judgment is not descrivibile in human terms and not there is null to add
to what already there is famous, certainly is not similar for all, the aspect with which God
manifest depends from the spiritual conditions of who endures the Judgment, for the
that they are not joined to He from the Grace the Judgment is a thus tremendous thing for
they would prefer to be crushed, destroyed, rather than to rifare a thus terrible one

Nothing interests more than this that it interested while still alive, not the affections more
beloveds neither other thing
some, only God, God, the all outside He nothing, indeed, worse of the nothing, to of
outside of He only an eternal suffering… the eternity the moment that never does not
escape, without
passed and without future… the Divine Judgment that hung on the spirit for all the

terror, hatred, desperation are this that penetrates the spirit, are a tremendous fire, that it
burns and
it does not consume…;

but all this is so advanced to every human vision that is impossible for
those who is still in way on the earth of understanding a suffering and a pain of which
they do not have idea!

Absurd words that null say less and explain

Brother don Ottavio, I see that you have not still comprised because of this
message, to you seems that between what I am dicendoti and this that others have said to
before me, us it is not nexus, but not and thus, the nexus is and like!

The superficialità, in order not to say malafede, of this generation atheist and perversa is
truly much large one that more could not be; when not and in a position to
to explain the simpler and clearer things, the more absurd words are invented that null
they say and less they explain; which explanation knows to give psichiatri the atheists of
the joy
for the good completed and of the rimorso for badly made? donde this joy is born or
this thus atrocious pain, perhaps from some part of the body?

The offense made us to average letter or for I telephone, directly or indirectly for
half of other person and that it is cause of much suffering, it has hit perhaps some
member detail of our body or has not hit instead our spirit?

There are things that satisfy the senses that is the body, but you of they are others that
also not
touching the body, it gives to joy or pain to the spirit, that is to that spiritual element that
we call spirit and that he informs and vivifica the body.

That the scientists think some atheists? Nothing! they cannot say nothing and then they
more absurd words for ingarbugliare the things and to render dark this that by nature is

Who is from the darkness is darkness, but who is from the Light is light.

You do not want to judge the acts of God

The Vergine SS.ma to Lourdes, Fatima, the Rooms and in many other places has
admonished the men it has invited and them to make penance and to be converted, pain
that it wants to say that the men wanting it, they have natural resources on hand and
supernatural sufficient in order to be converted, and if they are not converted they must
they eternal perdition only to if same.

All the normal men can arrive to determined conclusions fruit of

simplest considerations, who does not arrive only must charge to its will,
a will perversa, because to the truth it puts in front the error, to the good, the evil that it
sees and
it chooses liberations.

God does not want never the evil, cannot want it, would not be God it wanted if it, but
it allows, because Its Divine strategy from the evil draws some well, thickest to
advantage of the salvation of the spirits.

The evils, are they spiritual physicists or, are always the fruit of the sin, propter sinned

veniunt adversa, and if God punishes the evil, it is clearly that is fruit of a free choice,
because in contrary case we would have to think that God is not right, but this
ripugna to the evidence and the reason.

The hour of the purification that is to the doors, will be now of Justice, because it will
burn all
the evil that the humanity has completed it has because it intentional! when the terrible
it will scoccherà, here don Ottavio the reason of the message, you do not want to judge
the acts of God, fortemente you will be tried to make it, you will be attempted of tacciare
God of
exaggerated rigor, even than ingiustizia, it does not make it you I repeat to you would be
for you guilt

The blessing of God and accompanies you to a Trino till the end, you support in
difficulty and protect to you from every evil .............................. Devout XII

7 september 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Devout X.

You know that the life on the earth must be seen, considered and estimated for what
he is, that is a test; in merit already it has been said much to you and not to case S.
Teresina of
Child Jesus has cleared you the essence of this test, that he is: fidelity to the Faith;
fidelity to the Law; fidelity to the Love.

Devout XII have spoken to you about the conclusion of this test, cioé of the Judgment of
God to
which nobody can escape, but the dusk that today wraps a great number thus of
spirits are worse of the buio than a deep night, in fact all this that the man encircles
on the earth it is a continuous callback and of the life and the dead women, because null
of that it is
created state can go lost, but the man is to the center of all the creatures, and since
he is to the center, it is the more most perfect important and than all, in fact only in the
man you
they are things that are not found in nobody of the other creatures encircle who it.

1° - In the man there is a strong aspiration to immortality; the dead women the ripugna,
loathing would want to die… that it does not find in the inferior beings he, and

Because it has not been created thus, because in principle it had the fullness of the life;
died it is not that consequence of its rebellion to God, is a transitory fact that
the spirit of the man in Grace intuisce and believes, intuition that it is transformed in
Faith; Faith
that it dispel every fear in order not to say many times terror of who, darkened from the
materialistica of the life, does not see beyond the tomba, than the frightening abyss of the
2° - the man aspires to the happiness, and this desire of happiness is alive and cooking in

it tries, a lot anywhere that the experience of all the generations have preceded that it

and sufficient in order not to convince it congratulates that it for which has been created,
it can not it
to find on the earth; invano tries it to the men on the earth, because the man has been
created for a happiness that cannot give no thing terrena, because it is happiness of
Sky, is Eternal happiness that of which it feels the anelito one.

3° - the man tries the peace, feels the need of peace; need that cannot satisfy in
earth because the peace of which it has need cannot come to he that from above, because
no thing to inferior he can dargli a gift much advanced one.

The man is a wrong creature?

From said how much which conclusion would have to be drawn, than the man she is a
mistaken and that with the exception of the inferior beings encircle that it has aspirations,
desires and needs that cannot satisfy and catch up?

Own because against the use of the straight reason would be a wrong deduction that not
it can admit errors in the nature, the nature can be raped and le sa in its
harmony but from the outside, the malizia and the fatuity of the man, never cannot
to autolesionarsi or to autoferirsi.

But there is more, if by nature we mean the Universe World and how much in it is
content, we will notice quickly that the aspirations of immortality, happiness, peace and
light that we find in the man, does not have nothing to that to make with the external
world in which
the man alive, for which they cannot be produced from this… and then donde they have

It is undeniable that there are in the existence of the man of these advanced requirements
reason and Faith clearly leave to intravvedere their natural extra origin cioé
supernatural; in fact from an inferior thing puo not to come of one of advanced nature or

But because these considerations? for farti, farvi understanding how much the man of this
generation perversa and incredula or in charge of this dusk that all
it wraps.
It has not extinguished those lume impunemente in itself natural of the reason that the
Author of
nature has ignited in he and if to this tremendous responsibility the other joins also
to reject the Light of the Faith, that is the light that gushes from the Detection, for
force is found and come dipped in a buio immense from which difficultly of it can
to exit.

They will be swept via…

Therefore brother don Ottavio, those who while still alive has always refused and the
lume of
Reason and the lume of the Faith approximately the great spiritual truths in which they
live and of which
they are part, they will be swept via like extirpated leaves from their hasty branches and
in the buio
of that Hell of the existence of which they had many times confirmation from the rimorso
they col pe and from the torment that plagued their spirit, of whose origin not could
it had some to be doubted.

Brother don that is why Devout Ottavio XII has said to you, has said to you not to judge
for how much it will happen in the purification, God is Sum and Infinite Justice, nobody
the acts must doubt neither must be allowed sindacarne, all will have to remember
that for the sin the dead women have entered in the world and that for the sin happens the
collision between
Life and Dead women, between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness.

Nolite to judicare, neither today neither never.

You benedico brother in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Saint Spirit and with
benedico the Association Hope and its members; you are solid and coherent to yours
program: to serve, to obey, to love and you will exceed every difficulty.

8 september 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Devout XI that I wish parlarti.

The Saint Spirit who to me was Guide, Aid and Comfort while still alive, above all
years of my Pontificato, he illuminates your mind because how much I am for dirti you is
aid now and always till the end of your days.

Brother you has been said not to judge, and is right because it is not up to you to
inherent judgments the personal life of the single ones and therefore also of the
Communities, the Garnishment
Evangelico pear tree must be wise interpreted, it does not have to be never judged, or
also to only presume dl to judge, God and Its acts; they do not have to be judged in
kind the siblings and theirs to act, but sometimes can be indispensable to formulate one
judgment, as an example for who trains the Sacramento of the Confession, and in sure
cases not to make it could be guilt; it is necessary pear tree to distinguish clearly that
other is to formulate a judgment other is to take to action of facts and things that happen
around we and that we cannot ignore.

The judgment becomes guilt when we expect to penetrate the secret of

consciences and with our meter, we expect to establish the responsibility judging
intentions of who complete that action; this is sin, for this You and be said
not judged.

The dusk in growing frightening

Who is that today she does not see the gravity of the crisis of Faith that travaglia the
Church and
the anarchy tears to pieces that it, but would be absurd to only attribute to this generation
responsibility than is being taken place today, because this crisis has its roots in i
last centuries even if this generation have the great guilt to have it agravated and
enormously developed a lot that to reason could nearly be said that
responsibility is its….

In many ways the Sacred studies are favorite in the Church enormous empty with
in order to favor profane, the empty ones of prayer, of inner life and, consequently, empty
formation, of errors, of heresies, for which saves the Pastorale of little Saint Bishops,
the dusk and increased in growing frightening, of which, all the Church is some more and
wrapped and permeated.

But now the times are gone shortening; you it has been repeated many times that the
haste, that it is
a defect, is not of God because God more than every other knows to wait for, but they do
not know
to wait for the Enemies of God burnt from the smania to collect the fruits of that they
seeded between the men, for this they have become self-confident and overbearing.

Satana never has not been felt as well as sure on its throne of iniquità like today and
freme and
it burns from desire to externally manifest also like Gentleman and Prince of
this earth; here its great dream inculcato in its church, that is in
Masonry that operates and lives for he.

It will not be the hour of because

Brother, when the always alive conflict between the church of Satana and God explodes
its greater intensity, then you, already prechosen from God like elect forces of the Church
regenerated, not perdetevi in absurd considerations, absurdities fears, they were not any
to you
passively to watch, fermatevi not to judge for chiedervi because of this

or of that other, but participated to the fight praying and offrendovi to God and to the
needy sure and trusting that large the Victoria of this secular conflict is
serbata to more hard and the Mother Its Vergine SS.ma, because more hard he is Jesus!
The hour of the purification will not be therefore the hour of because, but it will be the
hour of the Faith,
of the Hope, of the Charity, it will be the hour of the Misericordia and the Divine
this you must firmly believe!

Brother don Ottavio because anch'io I say these things to you?

Because to We Supreme Shepherds are entrusted the task of prepararvi and to prepare
spirits; you do not have to arrive to that time impreparati, but like aware sons of God
you will have all to acquit your tasks and your duties in the prayer,
in the offer and the adoration of the unfathomable designs of God.

God and a Trino assist to you, every benedica evil and you in the Name protect you from

Father, of the Son and the Saint Spirit.

10 september 1978


You write, are Paul YOU that I wish parlarti.

Brother don Ottavio has been spoken a lot to you and from many about the faith crisis
and about
purification for which it would have to be said that the argument by now is exhausted, but
is not
thus, the argument is such that it offers possibility of considerations without measure.

The purification is not a fact of daily report, is a such and only fact in
of the sort human history because it is decisive carrying out, not for a nation but for
all the humanity of which of it will change the face.

As for the creation Omnipotent God with an action of its divine one took part
Will, thus for the purification, from not intentional God but from allowed He, will be
the direct participation of Jesus, God and a Trino, and of the Mother Its SS.ma for
to seriously restore the harmony and the order of created thus the compromises from
perversità and of the sort human blindness.

This purification in course that will have its not far away and tremendous epilogue, will
the dark powers of the evil engaged the Celestial Powers in order to vanquish all, and
at the end there will be the participation of the Son of God and the Mother Its SS.ma that
it will determine the outcome of the Victoria final: the church of Satana will be destroyed
Vessillo of the Victoria, the Cross, will wave gloriously on the New Church whose
regeneration is in action

No thing upsets your faith

The weight of the evil that weighs on the humanity is such to immobilize it, it is some
crushed, nevertheless, this humanity object and center of these immane fight, seem not
to become of account.

The reason for which We Supreme Shepherds return with frequency on this
argument is simply that to prepare your minds and your hearts for i
hard and difficult moments it saturates of a inesprimibile suffering, fears and fears
because no thing for how much serious one, upsets your faith and your inner peace;
brother, your inner peace, because if the Faith will be solid, will be preservata the peace
inner of your minds.

I have spoken about the participations of the eternal Verbo of made God Meat and of the
Mother Its
SS.ma, yes they will take part with various functions; Jesus will not take part in mixes,
its participation in order to vanquish the dark forces of the evil and to ristrappare to they
the humanity

lost, already it has been completed with the Incarnation.

Satana with its Legions has been from He won in order always; now it is the humanity
Church in particular, cioé the Mystical Body, than following the risen ones of the Head
to fight its battle against the social body of Satana, the Masonry.

The Mother is not God, is human creature, but it is the Eva Second gear and before
after God, it is before the creatures who capeggia and capeggerà the Church of fine Jesus
to the Victoria, while the participation of Jesus will be stiff to turning in good the evil of
men and to turning in favor of the made Church completely new, the destructions
not valued from human mind!

Nearly a second creation

Here brother don Ottavio because nolite to judicare but only adored the Designs
wonderful of God that gives the iniquità of the dark forces of the evil and from the
perversità of one
humanity blinded Travolta and from the superbia, infernal human and, will draw nearly
second creation, donating to the Sky and the Earth a made Church New, astonishment for
the Angels and the men.

Preparatevi to by now live the apocalyptic times in existence and whose conclusions are
next, with this conviction, this solid faith and this love.

Courage brother, and thus that you will have to prepare the minds of the Community
which you preside,
ahead without losses, you know that if from we we cannot null, in He and for He
we can all

Benedico you and with benedico you yours confratello d.P all the Association and those
you they are particularly beloveds in the name of the Father, the Son and the Saint Spirit.

14 september 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Pope Giovanni XXIII.

The message that Teresa of the Child Jesus has given to you S. deserves, thus like all
others, to introduce it to all those spirits which and possible to make it to reach, in fact
life on the earth is truly test; personal test for which every human creature it will have
to render account of own acts, but the man is not alone on the earth, is naturally
sociable because such it has been created from God, therefore he will have to render
account and of the family
and of the societies of which it is member.

Before, between all the societies of which ago part and of which it will have to render
account, are the Church, or
catholic it or not, then of the several Civil societies which Municipality, Province,
Nation, at last of those of private character, because every society involves rights and

You see don Ottavio, are rarest the spirits supplied of this spiritual sensibility for
which the conviction that has been made us lacking towards someone these societies, for
example Parish, Municipality or State, is not sin…

The Enemy also has seeded… truly diabolic convictions here.

But because this premise to how much I want to say to you?

He is simple: We Supreme Shepherds have opened a speech with meant you to

prepararvi to the hour of the purification and the regenerated Church, it is true that they
are already
marked from the Divine Misericordia the spirits destined to exceed the scoglio of
purification, but troubles to they if they will not be ready!

Faith and purity of adamantine customs

Integral the Christian life in the new Church must be free from the serious evils of
which it is slices the humanity today.

Troubles to the men who will be picked impreparati!

If their Faith had to waver and if the tenor of their life were worm-eaten and I infect
of the serious evils of the present Christian life, if Faith and purity of customs were not
adamantine, terror, desperation and quite collective madness would be the mietitura
of their eternal life terrena and!

Don Ottavio, the most expensive brother, you must seriously prepararvi with the prayer
invocante the gifts of the Fortress and the Perseveranza, for being coherent to how much
already it has been suggested from S. Teresa of the Child Jesus and cioé fidelity to the
Faith, to
Law and to the Love; to the Love that does not fear, does not judge and it does not doubt,
the Love will be what it wins.

Uniquique suum, to everyone own, God which is of God and to the next that one
that it is of the next one.

Brother don Ottavio, if from above of a tower you saw a man to run on the road,
to run madly towards a precipice from which he cannot himself be more gone back and,
if that man
was a your brother, what would make?

You would not want to come down flying in order to catch up it and to save it from the
infallible one? Yes

Well is not this that it happens under your eyes?

How many men run madly towards the eternal ruin of their spirit, towards those
precipice from which not laughed them more!

It has not been said since the principle to you when you began your Communion with the
Saints: this
it hard comes that you communicated gridalo to all, because all know, because nobody
it can say of being be taken of surprise?

The Love in action is more perfect love

- If you put to me to scream who would listen to me if also now for many we are
crazy, and then it is not task mine to make this that you say to me.
- Yes, brother attention also under orders of the Apostle, but not to forget that own
the Apostle has perceived to you that the action of the Enemy is tripled in number and
but the efforts yours and yours are not increased in proportion.
The spirits in danger grow to strive hard; the self-confident overbearingness grows of
Enemy… you have instead not brought up to date yourselves adequately! You must fight
with one
Enemy whom he knows well to hide and to camouflage itself and better still to
destreggiarsi, you are
supervising, you are prudent and not scoraggiatevi, IT is strongest!

- That we must make in order to dawn to us?

- Learned to difendervi better, the fortress, and therefore the Victoria in the fight, will be
in you
in the measure that you will use for liberarvi from slags of many small things; purer it is
your greater spirit and will be your power.
Also the powder that is put down some on the precious stone dims the splendor and how
times you do not go repeating that in front of God nothing is large and nothing is small…
also with the small and tiny things great and great conquests can be made things in
pastorale field!

Preoccupatevi not to see the fruits; very rarely it will be granted to you also only of
to catch a glimpse them, for a Design of the Wisdom and Divine Providence!

Thus anch'io I have intentional to answer to your invitation I ringrazio and you to have
made it because
the love in action is more perfect love, as the love always donating is donated and to
you, to you, it is rejoicing reason.

I join to the numerous formation of your friends of the Celestial Native land in asking
to the God Omnipotent for means from the Queen ours and yours, aid, grace and
against the insidie of the Enemy.

You benedico in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Saint Spirit. Amen. Amen.

2 October 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are Pope John Paul I.

Of the Papi that has spoken to you I am the last one, but this does not have much
even if short, short it has been my Pontificato, hardly sufficient in order to render me
account of the immane task that is that one of a Pope; as soon as sufficient in order to
render me
reason as the dusk wraps all the Church, from the apex to the base!

I knew and partially I knew the conspiracies that the Malignant one was ordendo for a
long time for
to impossessarsi of the Church of Christ, but that its malignità and its to dare graves
reached a lot, I ignored own it.
Omnipotent God with my election to successor of Peter, because has It more intentional
that the men, have intentional to give to the Church and to the world a last testimony of
Its infinite Misericordia but the men who are to the apex of the Church, have
saying to Jesus and the Mother Its and, because you serve of Satana, is not risoluti to
Church, mystery of salvation and Misericordia, in the hands of the Prince of the

Once again Satana has defied God ordendo a conspiracy that for malizia, insidie
and I blackmail and without precedence, orbando the Church of its Legittimo Shepherds
ripiombarla in the chaos precedence.

Brother don Ottavio, this crime, or better this chain than crimes, because this is
the first one of a long series does not make other that to throw down the times, for which
now you will be able
to better understand the series of the messages of the Supreme Shepherds of the Church.

To remain you stop and solid in the Faith

- But because or Saint Father these confidenze own to me trash mountain and
of detritus?
He asks because own to you me, but because he is obstinate to you to doubt? you it has
not been said
that you have a great mission in the Church, creeds perhaps that the Iddio Omnipotent has
need of the large ones and the powerful ones of the earth in order to put into effect Its
designs of Love? not you
it has been said that It has to you chosen in order to confuse the superbia untuosa and
vellutata of i
large and of the powerful ones of the Church? it did not choose the David little one in
order to pull down
arrogant stubborn of the Golia giant? it did not choose the Twelve like columns of Its
Church, and that proportion is in this choice? there was perhaps a nexus between the
Twelve and
mission that they had to complete?

Same it has said to you enough with because, It is God and can all; rather he tries than to
treasure than comes manifested to you; the dusk between a lot will not have wrapped all
Church that will be in total nanny of the dark powers of the evil, for this you will have
to remain you stop and solid in the Faith because many on your example do not have to
to get lost and to deprive of hope.

It to you has not said that also in the dusk he will be near you and not to doubt in order
to deserve the reproach directed to Its Apostles that doubted on the lake of Genezaret?

Then… the great triumph of the Queen of all the Victories

The test which now you are subordinate with the members of the newborn Community is
still light of
forehead to the great test that attends to you!

Don Ottavio the most expensive brother tries, tried to remember how much you and be
also from my predecessori; guardatevi making the habit to these great gifts and
favors to you free of charge given, therefore limitless confidence and complete
abandonment to
Its divine Will.

In the eternity all it is present, the past and the future they are not for the eternity, but
they are for
you in way on the earth, for which the time of wait it seems never… but the wait
he will be short, then the crash without precedence marked from the great triumph of the
Queen of
all the Victories that now innanzi you will honor in your Community.

- Saint Father, which will be the image of the Queen of all the Victories, that Badly?
- He will be indicated to You soon.
- Saint Father and this that ours is succeeding from sta mattina in house, that he wants
to mean?
- That you are to the center of a tremendous fight brother don Ottavio, but that She, the
of all the Victories, are with you!
Therefore, besides He, it has been miraculously confirmed that in the middle of you there
also She. This must instill in all confidence, love, abandonment, serenity and peace.

Brother entirety we raise to God and a Trino joined to the Angelic Choruses the praise

Saint, Saint, Saint and the Gentleman the God of the armies,

to He every honor and Gloria in the centuries of the centuries Amen.

You benedico benedico brother, you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Saint
Amen. Amen. Amen.

5 October 1978

You write, are Benedict XV who with this last complete message the series of i
messages of the Supreme Shepherds of the Church.

Brother don Ottavio we render homage to Creator God and Gentleman, Father
Merciful for all its creatures whom she loves from always, than to all supply and
that all direct to own fine.

Between all the creatures but that docilely they obey to their Creator and Gentleman ve
n'è one, the Man whom in its superbia he dares to rebel itself in itself increasing and in
the entire one
universe disorder and imbalance.

From this brother don Ottavio you can farti an idea of the gravity of the sin, of the entity
impressive of this disorder and the universalità of the evils of this humanity
rebel, incredula and atheist who, laid a trap from hell has put themselves against God and
inexplicably own against every principle of logic, good sense and faith,
he hates!

The dark powers of the evil have carried the humanity to a thus absurd excess for which
today you see the evil pushed to the extreme limits of the imagination, accepted, listened
and loved!

In such situation also always in the respect of the personal freedom and social Jesus and
Mother Its SS.ma has tried to make to rinsavire the humanity and in particular the Church
far capacity from that source from which it has had origin and life and from which it was
fed, but Their participations have been rendered vain from the pride and the presumption
with which the dark powers of the evil they have succeeded to contaminate the spirits, the
religious civilians and; the spirits and the institutions are little today that of are remained

That is why the exasperated madness of exalted Satana is today a lot from the obtained
happened one
for the incorrispondenze of those who, supported from humility, poverty and obedience
they had to carry in the world the Word of Life and Salvation, but that they have not

True I1 drama

The superbia hurt today it does not want to accept and much less to admit this
tremendous one
truths and responsibilities, in fact for costoro the prestige, the sfarzo, the comfortable one
had the windward in their life, so that from enemies of those dark forces that
they would have had to fight without rests preceding the great army of the Soldiers of
Christ has made itself collaborating of the enemy for excellence of the Church and of

This, brother don Ottavio, are the true drama that precedes the immane tragedy
that the human world has known.

Nobody that in itself does not have a briciolo of humility wants to be felt to say to have
betrayed, but
if someone obeying to God places, them in front of concrete and real facts, in unison, not
being able to deny the evidence they call, it crazy or maniaco…

The consequences of this situation, not new in the Church even if never thus
universalizzata like today, you they have been very cleared from whom have already
spoken to you,
now brother beloved, can God that is infinite Misericordia to allow that the created spirits
from He and Redente with Its Most precious Blood, they have to fall more and more
numerous in Hell?

Not! it can not it; it cannot infinite Love allow that this goes in perdition
that from always infinitely It loves… then will be to provoke the hour of the perdition?

Not! this ripugna to Its infinitely perfect and good Divine Nature… then?

As already repeatedly you it has been said, God will allow that or Satana to provoke
its defeat. for which it will be Satana to trigger this terrible storm in which for
the direct participation of the Mother our SS.ma will have worse.

All do not see… least accept

The most expensive brother the Supreme Shepherds who have spoken to you before me
had all one
only attempt and a fine solo, prepararti and prepararvi because nobody of you comes less
in the hard hour of the test; you are cautious, prudent, not esponendovi more voluntarily
to the attacks of your enemies.

Cautious, prudent, classified in speaking, because brother beloved all do not see this that
you see; all do not think this that you thoughts; the not all, indeed least, accept this
that you live.

Brother don Ottavio, you are you stop in the Faith, perseveranti in the Charity, trusting in
truth who you has been dates from the Love of He in your comparisons, joined in a solo
unattackable granitico block, joined to He and joined between you.

In this it is your fortress and in this your Community is assured; now i

enemy they follow to you, I smooth to you, hate to you, ordiscono also conspiracies
against of you, but
all this will be invano if you will listen and act in compliance with the suggestions that
they have been given.

Courage and ahead in the Saint Name of Jesus and the Mother Its SS.ma.

I pray because the blessing of He, God and a Trino, of the Mother Its and ours

he comes down on everyone of you, the Community and always remains in the centuries
of the centuries.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

5 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus.

I wish to use of you because for this I have to you prechosen for being my instrument and
to serve some to me in order to confuse superbia and the hypocrisy of many large and
powerful ones of Mine
Church, son mine you have already rendered me partially the service to demanded you,
partially, because
very other you have still to make!

As I had to dirti in precedence messages approximately the situation of My Church, thus

I mean to widen the speech on how much I have already said to you and I will say to you
in a near future.

I have spoken to you about the dusk in My Church and today de visu you can state all
tragic truth of this that I foretold to you; you I will be preciser son, between months and
not between years
the dusk will be total for which the My Church it will be single in nanny of the Enemy.

(The Gentleman protrae the times if she finds spirits victims, for espiare and saving, you
see Mother
Teresa, G.P.: II and altre/i, therefore the times grow tall… not a lot ** Famous of
- Jesus mine and then your the eternal and immutable words will not prevail?
Not always who is in the hands of its enemies comes destroyed from the same ones,
only captive, and My Church will be captive in enemy hands!

- Jesus mine, for along time?

- You already it has been answered, will depend also from the resipiscenza of the men,
the test will be hard and many will be swept up and they will get lost, then the human
madness and
diabolic fused entirety will trigger a cataclysm without no precedence, such that
the world has not never known something that only can also rassomigliargli.
- Gentleman my Benedict, the men is on the hem of a frightful abyss and not if
of it he gives thought!
-, Because they are in a guilty blindness.
- Jesus beloved says that the books are written cargos of pessimism and from a poor man
mentally ill!

- True the sick ones of mind are those who lives in the sin like the animals immondi
they live worse in the marsh or something! Who speaks thus wants to say that it is
in the two concupiscenze and of the spirit and the meat, but you son mine not
to worry some to you; how many things you have been revealed, ringrazia of it the divine
If you will not listen to me…

For those who they do not want to believe to My words that you have written, you
words of the Malachia Prophet of this 31ª Sunday of the year: I am a King
large, the Gentleman of the armies says, and my Name is terrible between the nations.
Now to
you these monito Clergymen, if you will not listen to me and you do not take yourselves
to heart of
to give Gloria to My Name; the God Gentleman of the armies says, will send on you
maledizione and I will change in maledizioni your blessings; you are removed
from the straight one via and you have been of I inciampo to many with your instructions,
God gentleman of the armies, therefore anch'io you I have rendered base despicable and
in front of
all the people, because you have not observed my dispositions and you have used
care the Law. We do not have all a single Father? because therefore to act with
perfidy against the other?

Reading to the present message and in particular this that said Malachia they will say that
these words are not applicable to our times; they will feel to lie, but
they will support their point of view with diabolic presumption.

It has been thus for the precedence books and thus it is now because the presuntuosi are
in the dusk
therefore they do not see, cannot see.

They will not believe that I omnipotent God will change their blessings in maledizioni
that these maledizioni will be terrible, as My Name is terrible, because
they will hit those Consecrated Shepherds, Clergymen and that they have not been
maintained faithful and
coherent to my Law, my Faith, my Love.

You are like wandering corpses!

Shepherds and Clergymen, Religious and Religious for yours superbia there are removed
from the straight one via and you have been of I inciampo for many spirits that have gone
lost for
guilt yours for the good that you have not made and for the evil that you have completed;
hardness of your hearts you has rendered insensitive hard and to the impulses of the
presumption you has ottenebrato the mind and fiaccato the will, you are like corpses
wandering, for this I am rendering more and more despicable to the sight of polulates
betrayed and disappointed because have abandoned you them in nanny of those dark
powers from which
you had to defend them.

Not appellatevi to the Divine Misericordia, because the time of the Misericordia is not
received state; now it is time of Justice.

It is comfortable to remember itself of the Misericordia di God in the time of the magnet!

In truth, in truth I say the hour to you is near; pentitevi and fairies penance, because
all you will perish.

Son now enough; as to always I say you prays, he repairs well and voglimi; benedico you
and with
benedico you the newborn Community that I have intentional, than I want like a flower
perfumed of the regenerated Church.

6 November 1978


You write son mine, are Jesus.

Yesterday I have said to you that it was my intention to widen the speech on my Church
and facts and
things that of it touch the life, today I say that one to you of these facts that interest
mainly my Church is the raw truth of its more upset enemy ones.

It is clearly revealed, rich of tantissimi signs, confirmed obvious a truth, give

many and painful testimonies and cause before all the human suffering, believed and
terribly lived from all the Saints of all the times and from all elect, because the Saint ones
it cannot be. Elect it is not become if not sifted and tribolati in the crucible of
dark powers of Hell, well this truth today is not only put in
argument, but quite is denied from Shepherds, Bishops and Clergymen who with
zeal of it expands the incredulità.

Son mine, I eternal Verbo of God, solemn mean to reaffirm the existence of
tenebrous reign of Satana and manifestarti even if shortly some thing of
nature of this torbid truth.

I mean moreover riconfermarti once again that the scope of the mystery of Mine
Incarnation is only that one of ristrappare the spirits to eternal Hell, created for who
it does not have intentional and it does not want to submit to God and a Trino Alpha and
Omega of all and of

I have spoken of eternal Hell son, and thus it is, even if the human presumption in its
sconfinata fatuity it has absurd and the expected ridicule to rifare or to correct the eternal
You decree of God, the provocazioni of the sons of the darkness in fact have been and are
such and
many that the Onnipotenza of the Father would already strictly have punished this ingrate
humanity if My SS.ma were lacked the intercessione the Mother and the prayers and
penances of the just ones.

Here once again confirmed this that I have said in precedence published messages
in V the book and cioé that all the pastorale action of my Vicario on the earth, of the

and of the Clergymen it draws origin from this immutable purpose: to ristrappare the
spirits to
dark powers of Hell for ricondurle to the House of the Celestial Father.

Masonry, the church of the Demons

Son mine how many times I have said to you and remembered that Lucifero and its
General Staff
they fuse their activity and their way to be scimiottando God….

I true Jesus God and true Man, have founded my hierarchical Church… and hierarchical
he is
the church of Satana on the earth, the Masonry;

I Jesus had scattered to spiritual fortresses in all my Church… The Masonry,

the church of the Demons, has scattered in the world its Logge with heads and gregari to
only scope of contrapporsi and to fight my Church, and being the such demons
because exactly rebellious to God, all their activity is inspired and imperniata on
rebellion and therefore on the contrary than is completed in My Church.

The intentional, supported and guided Masonry from the dark powers of the evil, is
catching up the maximum level of its work of demolition of my Church
operating at home and abroad; inside it has many gregari to the apex and the base,
outside like always masked from the hypocrisy but hitting and iniettando with its
velenoso sting all those people with which it comes to contact; today then, presentendo
next the great crash tiny prepared from much time with subdola art,
it does not hesitate to manifest this that it has always held gelosamente hidden, hidden.

Tacciano of madness those who is remained and remains you stop in the Faith and in
fidelity to God and the Church, than, even if nearly entire captive of these
infernal and terrestrial tenebrous forces. it will resist and it will not be destroyed indeed,
from the suffering
of the hour they puts into effect will exit beautifulr and more luminous as she never was

How many do not believe to My presence

Son mine you have asked many times like never you have come yourself to find engulfed
dark powers of Hell in many fights that you have cost suffering difficultly
comprehensible from more and also the many to love tears… as never also now you must
to support this persecution, because you can call thus it, persecution also
this hiding to more but very famous to you, well creed who give this such moment
question mark does not have more reason than to sussistere, of the rest how many times I
have to you already

Son you I have serbato a task and a great mission for which necessary era
painful allowed experience from My Divine Will.

Now son mine have confidence and not to fear of nothing; preparatevi to acquit i well
your duties of sons you predelight, the aids and the divine attendance will not never lack

Amatevi as I love to you; how many do not believe to My personal presence in the
middle of
you; how much large and sad one is the dusk in which they are debated!

You benedico son and with benedico you the Community.

Voglimi well, prays; prayed and repaired.

6 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus.

Faithful to the promise that I have made you I wish to continue the open speech yesterday
comunicarti other inherent things My Church.

The perfidy and the malizia of the dark powers of the evil are such that very difficultly if
it can some know all the extension, thus very difficultly can be comprised like
malizia and perfidy has been insinuated, like an immense toxic cloud, in remotest
meandri of my Church penetrating anywhere, poisoning all and all darkening.

Can you today count the heresies that tear the Church?

The dark powers dell ’ Hell moreover, enslaving to if the sons of their intentional church
in order to scatter all the possible evils with which hitting, to tear and to torment spirits
bodies, have also a great evil, ’ a tremendous arm on hand in order to hit not
only the spirit but also the bodies of the members of My Church: the curse!

This even provokes astonishment and scandal in who…

Of the curse how many of are victims today! a number unnumbered! … nevertheless this
word curse that is cause of indescrivibile suffering, provokes perplexity, doubts
and incredulità also in those who of they are victims;

it provokes derisioni and scherno in those who they do not believe;

it even provokes astonishment and scandal in those who would have some to know
origin, cause and would have to suggest to ways and sagacities in order to defend itself
to indicate means in order to fight it.

But who is these that pretend astonishment and wonder when they feel to speak about

He is incredible to dirsi how far the perfidy of the Demons and their allies arrives and
collaborators on the earth, own because these are Clergymen, Bishops and even
Cardinals who brazenly with subdoli excuses, malizia and a satanica perfidy

and with a nauseante and false zeal, they forbid to the entrusted Clergymen to their cures
to use of good and effective means already indicated in the past from the Church,
accepted from
Cristianità and used from all the Saints who of it have appreciated the usefullness and the
advancing like cover of their hypocrisy the application of Concilio, understanding to
to remove of means the taboo that could diminish the prestige of the Church!

And thus succeeded in to forbid to the Clergymen to bless maleficiate persons, to limit
the use of the Saint water imposing indeed to only bless the same one in the Puttinges
domenicali, and all naturally under the appearance of zelare the prestige of the Liturgy.

Curse: presence of hidden dark forces

This is an aspect demolishing negative and but the aspects are many negatives and
demolishers of the sviata modern Pastorale com'è from fundamental its fine that it is
that one of ristrappare the spirits from the claws of the dark forces of the evil.

What I am dicendoti son are little ones gashes of the tragic evils of My Church,
the curses are a tremendous truth whose vision but, for diabolic art, is removed
also to the sight of the same ones that is hit some.

In fact in the will of it completes them to who and of who them it operates speaking of is
thought guilt,
oscurantismo and ignorance index, while the oscurantismo makes just part of
diabolic nature of the demons who for means of their church on diffuse it to the earth,
they propagano carrying it in the spirits using own of the curses.

That it wants to say curse, and cos'è: it is the presence of hidden dark forces in persons,
places or things with which generally situations of spiritual suffering are created and
I have said generally, because not always where they are presences of hidden dark forces
suffering, in fact in those who they are craftsmen of the curses, is that is the instruments
these hidden dark forces, not are spiritual or material suffering, because it comes
to they saved from the same forces which they are legacies.

The spiritismo that is evocation of hidden forces is not never from God but always
from Hell and é half in order to expand on the earth the reign of the Prince of the
darkness and
thus the enslaved ones to the church of Satana are as many zelatori apostles of hidden
presences in spirits, places and things, craftsmen therefore of much incredible suffering.

To deny facts and consequences of perfida the activity of the dark powers of Hell and
like denying God which, in order to free the humanity from much evil, has sent on the
Me eternal Verbo of made God Meat to die on the Cross. Son for the time being enough,
benedico, voglimi well.

6 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus.

I mean to continue the speech of the precedence message in which I have intentional
some aspects of one of the many means with which the dark powers of Hell
they catch the inexpert, imprudent spirits, always yearnings of innovation, weak people
defenseless because private of the spiritual attendance or for they negligence or for
lacked it must of those who for vocation they had been deputies to cure itself of theirs
religious life, spirits flattered from forbidden mirages and nearly always tricked….

I do not mean but to include all the spirits in the aforesaid categories, are in fact
also good, Saint spirits, spirits in serious way towards the perfection that for
Permissive will of God, is maleficiate as the suffering that it procures
curse for they becomes half of espiazione, purification, santificazione, of
enrichments and of redenzione because the suffering, from any part comes, if and
accepted with dumb faith and generous offered in santificazione.

- Which spirits can be maleficiate?

- Theoretically all, who directly or indirectly for work of the forces of the evil
and who for Permissive Will of God, the curse but door always in itself I seal
of Hell also when and provoked from the gregari of the church of Satana
- The curses are all of the same nature?
- For many aspects yes as they carry all in the maleficiato spiritual suffering and
- The curses are all equal ones?
- They do not differ a lot from each other;
the curse produced from Consecrating covers always a greater gravity is for
intensity of malizia, or for the being necessary time in order to free the hit person;

who then becomes guilty of curse evoking the Malignant Spirits, can determine some
the nature, the gravity, the degree, the number of the presences of the Spirits who
they are three, but also more;

for any curse pear tree the effects will always depend from the free Will
Permissive of God.

Directed the Pastorale action more

- Which means must be used in order to free the spirits that are hit some?
- Son mine I have said to you in other occasion that the Exorcist does not have to attend
consolations, but only and always suffering and that very rarely it sees the result of its
the pastorale, pastorale action most direct and than which I eternal Verbo of God have
given many
times example hunting the Demons and recovering make ill to it, but because this
Pastorale ministry sortisca its effects must be exercised from Saint Clergymen.
Day will come in which truly Saint Bishops they will be remembered of the validity of
Comandamento: Gone, preached to the Gospel to all People, battezzandole,
recovering it makes ill to it and hunting the Demons.

The exorcist then beyond to being Saint must be man of deep prayer, must
to use all means consented like the Sacramenti to which more nobody today believes
while their effectiveness depends from the Faith and from the Grace of it uses them to

it will give moreover the blessings that if private do not need of no licence
of the Ordinary, if instead the exorcism it is public and fact in name and union with
Church, needs the permission of the Ordinary of the place in which this it is completed.

I have said you then in other occasions that the strategy of God is that of turning to the
all badly operated from the dark forces of Hell and their gregari that
they perpetuate in the centuries, while the strategy of the dark powers of hell is that of
to try to turn to the evil all the good completed on the earth from the men of good

Monstrous and guilty deceit

The hour of the liberation of a hit spirit from curse always is determined from
Divine will and can be anticipated for the collaboration, the faith and desire of
liberation of the hit one, or can be extended from the collaboration lack, of
faith and of desire of being freed or also for the maleficent action still in existence gives
part of who has procured the curse.

The curse then can be maintained or extended for a mysterious Design of

Meant love to save spirits been involved with maleficiato in a plan the detail of

Son mine the times shorten and much neighbor the hour in which the things they will be
able and
they will have to call with their true name, because it will have to be blanketed the plan
diabolic meant to mask these painful and malvagie truth with which and
intentional in particular to attack the Church without to provoke of the just reaction,

using of the men of the same one it is intentional convalidare the diabolic plan and
to defend it from every counterattack that could some disturb the evolution.

Colossal and monstrous a deceit of which many spirits are victims that they pay with
they suffering without to receive the minimal aid and comfort from those people, than in
the design

of God, they would have had to be some natural protecting and the defending ones. Son
now enough,
like always benedico you; voglimi well, he prays and he repairs.

7 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus.

Hard and thus sour the test that you are living is the confirmation than I have said to you,
now I prevent your question and I answer: I have not asked you this hard experience
only for you, indeed more than for you I have asked for the others, a day you will
understand and have
to state as My Words are true these.
All the human world has been monstrous tricked and is my Will that
Truth has makes road between all the men and you son mine, like others, six state
prechosen for being a docile instrument for the performance of My plan of
renewal and of regeneration of the Church.

Currently you are object much hatred but donde its origin? know you it; yours
invisibili and visible enemies intuiscono that the months are counted, than the hour in
which Church,
It polulates and Nations will discover the colossal deceit of which they are remained
victims for
centuries are near here… from much hatred!

You son mine, like elect Prophet, will have to announce to the spirits with the words and
written this paradoxical, the absurd and monstrous conspiracy to damage of the Church
and i
It polulates in itself since having suffocated the lume of the Reason, the good sense and
lume about the Faith, I do not only speak about the catholic faith but about the faith of all
Religions, let that men of Science, Politics, the Art, of
Literature, men of the church, I speak about those who they have joined to the church of
Lucifero on the earth and of those teologi thus numerous that go to contest in order to
destroy i
great values of the Detection, let repeat that all costoro make contest for
to demolish and to destroy with capziosi excuses all how much had been given in guard
to i
It polulates and to the Nations like precious patrimony of Truth, beauty and Gloria of the
entire one
Mankind, only patrimony of true civilization.

Realistic and veritiera synthesis of the immane tragedy

Son mine soon will have to be put in circulation V the Book in order to render edotti

men of he attends what them in the near future.

The title it of this book: The measure is full, the vase trabocca, the giustiziera humanity
if same it in itself encloses a realistic and veritiera synthesis of the immane tragedy
coldly prepared with the Satanica work of centuries and the collaboration of those
men who, generally from all, are thought the large ones of the humanity.

Now this fact to the lume of the reason, the faith and logic, considered in itself and
for oneself, it is a monstrous absurdity, but if it comes framed in the historical risen
from implacable hatred of the dark powers of the darkness against the powers of the
and always in existence, a tremendous logic can be caught a glimpse some, even if
always remains
a mysterious fact that is own the equipped men more than natural gifts to let
to blind from the demonic dusk and to transform itself badly in monster generating and of
spiritual, material, intellectual, moral and civil ruins.

Not son mine not esagerazione as some say, not exaggerated pessimism like
others accuse to you, but I confirm to you that not there are adequate terms in order to
ruins produced from these men pervertiti from the superbia, risen ruins of every species
all from Hatred.

Not, not esagerazione of this gigantic cumulus of evils of which you cannot
to have of that the most partial one and limited vision, but when with falling of the times
its maximum level will grow and will have caught up, then, except the elect ones, all
others of will be victims.

Oh human insipienza…

Oh human insipienza mysterious how much six and incomprensibile one….

to abdicate to the Light for the Darkness;

to abdicate to the Truth for the Error;

to abdicate to the Life for the Dead women;

to abdicate to the Love for Hatred!

Like explaining this monstrous phenomenon if not to admit the nefarious one to it
interference of the Forces and the dark Powers of the evil which today irride?

The fact then that these forces and dark powers of the evil are advanced to the nature
human, is not sufficient to justify their presence in the middle of the men and theirs
malvagia devastatrice action of spirits and bodies, son mine, little time still and
all will understand this that obstinately always they have refused of wanting to

Not to fear, you had been preperceived of all, therefore not to fear for the hatred
in your cares; this explains you the validity of your mission for which Hell it hates to you
but if Hell hates you six but compensated from My Love that I confirm to you.
I still reconfirm said how much with My blessing that I extend to all
Community now in the crucible of its hard test.

Voglimi well, prays and repairs.

11 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus who wishes to resume the interrupted speech some days
it makes.

Who is those who must exorcise.

For divine mandate, for it must of justice and of charity they are the Bishops which can
to exercise this power directly or indirectly; the power to exorcise is
to be able to free the spirits of which the demon or more demons they have been
impossessati, and
to free the spirits from the dark powers of the evil, is the directed apostolate more,
I repeat once again, the reason of the Mystery of My Incarnation is own and
only this, that is I redeem of the spirits from the demons and their feracious tyranny with
price of the My most precious Blood.

All a person who has been baptized a christians in way on the earth do not have to love
themselves and to want themselves well more than

I have not given to My Church very precise rules and practical indications of like
to love own siblings indicating also the way to realize the love with completing
the Works of Corporal and Spiritual Misericordia?

Now who worse and piè needy one of maleficiato that it always suffers in the spirit
and in the body and therefore needy who piè of understanding and aid?

Who is in a position to helping, freeing and to raise maleficiato more of the Bishops who
they have the fullness of the Sacerdotal Carisma?

Suffering, indispensable arm

If the Bishop is truly Saint not it the sensibility will lack neither to comprise neither
the Grace to act effectively on he who suffers from curse, but if it is not Saint neither
it sees neither understands, for which same it would have need of helped it to who with
the exorcism.

Son mine in order to face the Enemy to open ace demands faith, courage, force and
other gifts that do not have root in the superbia, but only in humility; you could try
anywhere but Bravo and fort to exorcist you will find it alone between the humble ones,
never between the arrogant ones;
Bravo exorcist you will not never find it between the hungry person of prestige, wealth
and of
comfort, but only between the poor ones, because who loves the prestige and the
comforts that she offers
world is not never from God and it could not never be in a position to completing an
genuine, all proteso to the Gloria di God and the good of the spirits.

The true exorcist who truly can operate with succeeding and that like state said in one
precedence message nearly never knows the fruits of its to operate, is he who is
decided to accept, and gladly chip ax, the suffering like gift of God and like
indispensable and essential arm to its fight, arm that intimorisce and scares
the Adversary, and this for the exorcist is already part of the happened one which it

Son mine in great part the capziosi excuses for which very many Bishops not
they exorcise more, find in this their explanation; I have said that it is time to speak
without sails and without sottintesi, orbene that happened it could have on the Enemy one
it is already preda of same and its prisoner?

In My regenerated Church I do not want incrustations of no kind, all must

to return clean world and as it was to the origin.

The Official who in war does not precede its soldiers is not a good Official and she
to inhale the Victoria;

the Victoria is not of the vile ones, but of the brave ones.

Exorcising is fior the flower of the Pastorale

More and I have said many times over you that if believes to My Gospel is not possible to
give to mine
Words a various sense from what I have I date to they, and my Words with respect to
Mandate entrusted to the Apostles is clear, simple and precise: Gone, preached
My Gospel… recovered makes ill it and huntings the Demons, and these my Words like
all the others are eternal and immutable; it is believed to you or it is not believed to you?

If it is believed to you because are not put practically?

If he does not believe himself to you, because the scope was accepted to become
Shepherds of spirits betraying
first of the pastorale?

Us excuse with the excuse that this must can be completed indirectly through
some delegated Clergyman ad hoc… the human hypocrisy truly does not have limits…
has to you
already said son mine that it is not loved for delegation, thus the good, when there are all
possibility to make it directly, must be completed personally and not through
thirds party and in this way only if conditioned from situation details, which now better
well that exorcising that it constitutes fior the flower of the pastorale?

There is from adding moreover to how much said that the Bishop has the sacrosanto must
to precede the others with the example and that having the Bishop the fullness of the
it also has the fullness of the Sacerdotal Power for which the Bishop who exercises this
ministry, gives off a force and a power all detail that is own of
Episcopal character.

The Bishops who exercise this they precipuo to be able to drive away the Demons
indirectly delegating or more Clergymen for their Dioceses, they often demonstrate
scarsezza of faith, lack of pastorale sensibility and absolute lack of that
realistic vision of a truly sad situation since today the maleficiati ones are
very many and very many they are those which go implorando an aid that they do not
NEVER from the Bishops, and nearly never from the Clergymen whom they do not
believe to the point to make of
tragic irony with who has very other need that of the fatuity of priests without faith and
without love.

Son enough even if is for the time being not exhausted the speech. Benedico you and
with benedico you
those who you is beloveds, voglimi well, it prays and it repairs.

12 November 1978


Eccomi son mine, is Jesus, yesterday resumes the speech on the exorcism.

Who can exorcise? Beyond the Bishops naturally the Clergymen who of it have faculty
delegated from the Bishop; in the sacerdotal consacrazione the faculty is inborn also of
to exorcise, but is spoken here about the official exorcism that the Bishops have classified
oneself, because the private exorcism is of all the clergymen and also of the laici.

As I had to dirti in antecedent messages exorcising always must be person

of deep inner life, than alive intensely the Life of Grace, totally
aware and aware of what ago therefore that it knows to bottom the nature of
tragic fight to support itself against the mysterious but real powers of the evil, that it
knows of
astuteness and of the insidie that these are always ready to stretch against all but in
special way against those who they face to them without fears and fears but also
with the necessary precaution.

First and more powerful half of attack

The Clergymen who after the Bishops are those who participate more intimately to
Regale Sacerdozio di Christ, must exorcise for a precipuo must of theirs
state, therefore for a duty of justice and also of charity.

If the Clergyman in fact is convinced, like of fact he must, of being that is corredentore
with Christ and if it is convinced that to redimere it wants to say to free the made spirits

prisoners of the dark powers of the evil, do not look at themselves as she can ignore the
first one and
more powerful half of attack against its adversaries, than strong of the superiority of
they nature above all do not save surprise attacks to damage of the spirits when
they are invited from persons perverse to impossessarsene in order torturing them and
tormenting them in
every way.

Or saying and asserted once again that he is paradoxical absurd what and that one
Clergyman ignores or asserts not to believe to the Demons and their hatred for all the
without exception some, but above all for the better humanity, since this is equivalent
to assert to ignore because of the Sacerdozio and its mandate in the middle of

These Clergymen can very well be compared to Officials of an Army that

they do not believe of having to fight against the enemy who them axle asserting that not
he exists that it is only an utopy of the times that were, while their soldiers fall
most numerous under their eyes.

This son mine is the real situation of very many priests of this crazy generation
and incredula that he assists impassible to the demolitrice and disgregatrice action of the
demonic without to strike eyelash, being pretended indeed astonishment for who them
complicity accusation
with the adverse forces of the evil!

To recall laici bonds to replace itself to the priests

For this son mine a night of I said you to 1974 of procurarti much Crocifissi that then
you will give to good laici animated from a charity and faith spirit that not encounter
more in i
my Clergymen, so that these laici benedicano since the clergymen not only not
benedicono more but irridono those who animated from true spirit makes sacerdotal it

Less coming the Clergymen to the fine head physicians of their vocation, I eternal Verbo
God, t'invitai to recall timorati laici bonds of God to replace itself to the Clergymen
materialized in order to bless without fear and fears, assicurandoti the effectiveness of
they blessings.

Son continues mine because the need is large, in fact My rigurgita Church of forces
enemies, full and are inside encircled some of siege outside, but you know from which
he will hang risen favorable of these immane conflict.

Not to nourish doubts son mine, I confirm to you that the forces of Hell will be get loosed
more and more in your cares but not to fear, I have already said you that you will be
compensated some
with the abundance of My Love and that nobody will be able alcunchè against of you.

You offer your suffering to me that I will transform in Light and thanks for many
immersed spirits
in the buio of the incredulità.

You benedico son and with benedico you the Community that me is beloved because it is
and will be one
beacon of light in the darkness.

Voglimi prays and repairs well.

13 November 1978


You write son mine, are Jesus that I mean to continue the speech approximately the
curses that
thus of frequent they are completed in My Church.
Yesterday I have said who to you is held for it must of own state exorcise those who
they are hit from curse and I pointed out to you also to the good laici that can and must
to exorcise, certainly they will not be little those who will manifest astonishment while
their astonishment neither their scandal will pretend scandal for these affirmations but
they can change the nature of the facts.

Every Cresimato comes inserted in the great Army of the Church and, like every
with the Baptism it comes naturally inserted and organized in the Mystical Body of Christ
acquiring the Grace that ago the son of God with all the attributes connected to this
great and free gift made from God to every a person who has been baptized a christian,
thus every Cresimato, in its
role of Soldier acquires with the symbol own of the soldier, symbol and character
eternal invisibile but, the right and the duty to participate to all the activities of the Army
of which ago part and which the main one it is to fight the Enemy municipality.

The Sacramento of the Cresima, thus like the Order, makes participates us mainly of
Regale Sacerdozio di Christ Victim for excellence, indeed the single great Victim
truly appreciate and chip ax to the Father, and for which the spirits come redente; now
to redimere wants to say to free the spirits tiranneggiate from the Malignant one.

Beyond this precipuo effect the Cresima donates also to the Cresimato the SEVEN
GIFTS for which one becomes part more stablily in the Mystical Body, fortifying all
Social body of Christ, as of the rest every child arrived to the just age comes
inserted in the school because with the study it can better be organized and become part
Civil society in which it lives.

Army in route… unavoidable defeat

In the Church today these things are not understood more that they are for if same a lot
simple and on the other hand it is most serious that from many Clergymen they are today
not known
neither the nature neither the purpose of a Sacramento, a lot important and that it marks
in the life
of the children a stage much large one.

Not believing more to the dark powers of badly as they can explain children one

Sacramento constituted from Me eternal Verbo of God because every man who comes in
this world places side by side to me in order to fight the dark forces of Hell?
Because I said to you in that night to deliver the Crocifisso to good laici and not to all
the laici?

The reason is evident, because all the Christians are not good, all does not live the life of
grace and is timorati of God for this very many is devoid of the qualities
essential for the effectiveness of the blessings.

You it has been said that those who is victims of the Demons they cannot have no
to be able on the same ones, well son mine, if the rigurgita world badly is own because
in the world and my same Church the tenebrous powers of Hell do not find more
resistance some, made naturally little exceptions; the Hell today dominates because
great army of my soldiers is in disorganized route and.

Oh how many deserters in My Church, and not only simple soldiers, but Official and high
Officials… and when in an army the hemorrhage of the desertions has beginning is
defeat is unavoidable!

My Church but will not perish, because I God and a Trino will not allow it, but it
it is already captive of the dark forces of the evil… and you know what she has happened,
you happen
and he will happen, tremendous things to which the good and simple spirits they cannot
believe that to
hard work.

Captive church but lives

Son mine I know this that tasks, cioé: if the Church is captive they are useless
directed efforts to free the enslaved spirits of the Enemy!

Not, it is not thus; I have said to you captive yes, but still it lives and if it is alive, as it is,
it can still operate, certainly with difficulty and without being able to count on the
happened one of its
efforts, but this does not import because the activity is sign of life, like the smoke
generally is
sign of the fire even if is not looked at.

When people find themselves in a state of captivity, he stretches to the freedom, moves
the freedom, but is made guardingo and prudent… thus you must act also, since, you
I repeat, the militants of the church of Satana watch to you, I smooth to you, they hate to
you and they are
anything but inert indeed congiurano against of you, therefore acted yes, but prudently,
cautious above all in speaking.

The reign of Satana also being close to a great defeat, has caught up
maximum level of its power on the earth, and this not can neither must
to ignore.

Son benedico you and with Me you benedicono the Mother My SS.ma and San Giuseppe
they follow give the several ones close is made of your fight.

I then extend this blessing on those who they pray, they hope and they suffer for
Gloria of My Name and for the salvation of the spirits. Voglimi well, prays and repairs.

13 November 1978


Son mine you resume in hand the pen and you write.

I have spoken to you about frightful truth, of frightful and gigantic operated deceit gives
Satana to damage of the men, but is more exact to say to damage of the entire humanity
and whose
consequences are inesprimibili in human terms because the man is too much small for
to be able to comprise them, but is large much in order to endure them.

The ignorance is like a cloud that generates dusk and the dusk is like the buio that it
the vision of the things.

The reign of Satana on the earth is reign of dusk cioé of buio complete that removes
vision than Satana from millenia, but above all in these last two centuries, is
ordendo for the destruction of the Church and the entire humanity, of all how much it is
operating to damage of the Reign of God in its crowds, yes truly crowds illusion of
to destroy it with Me eternal Verbo of made God Meat.

The reign of the darkness is not eternal is sempiterno; it has been born and risen in anti
te to the Reign of
God on initiative of Lucifero followed from Belzebù, Satana and very many legions of

The absurd thought of these rebellious creatures, their absurd will, since in it
they are frozen, is that of wanting to compete with God, thinking itself not only equal, but
quite advanced to He, for this they continue to defy it, they cannot more not
to want to defy it, neither they will be able never more to conceive or to believe to the
Mystery of the Incarnation
of the eternal Verbo of God.

That the Eternal Son of God can assume the human nature, an inferior nature cioé
to theirs, he is so absurd what that they will not never accept!

From here sconfinato hatred and the uprising that the great battle determined and
tremendous split that gave life to the dusk of Hell and from here still hatred
implacable and inexhaustible, generating hatred of envy and jealousy against the nature

On the credit side Hell is suffered in reason of gifts had in earth

This monster without love, incapable also to only imagine it the love, will not be able
to never love a human creature they will encircle, it of blandizie they will lay a trap, it
lies and menzogne in order to only torment it mainly, because these monstrous ones
creatures, seppur equipped of natural gifts like intelligence, the will and others, not
they will be able to never use them for the good, but only for the evil.

Icy cold and in the destruction plans try a sadistic necessity to sink
more and more in the iniquità; they think the evil inexorably they want, it they put into
effect and it.

Currently in the dusk they are intensifying conspiracies on conspiracies that put into
effect for
half of their allies and their church, the Masonry, in order to trigger on earth one
battle that does not have precedence if not in the conflict taken place in Sky with
split of the invisibile world to human eyes, but not for this less true one and
real, and that port to the separation of the Angels of the Light from those of the Darkness
to the creation of eternal Hell, place and adequate punishment for who, pure and
simple malvagità abdicated to the Light for the Darkness, the Reign of the Happiness and
Beatitude for the reign of most terrible hatred and implacable desperation, madness
truly unattainable and unsurpassable.

The reign of the darkness is governed from a triade and is hierarchical; it is hatred reign
of iniquità and one stands just on the obbrobriose passions; it is reign of horrors that not
it has reply in no place of the Universe and he is not descrivibile in human terms.

Sudditi of this reign the angels are all who with Lucifero, Belzebù and Satana
they operated the great rebellion.

It is a reign but in continuous expansion, because the men go to ingrossarlo all

that they say to the Plan of the salvation in order not to say yes to the diabolic plan of the
dark of Hell.
The human creatures who die in mortal sin them remain in the sin in eternal
but, Angels and men have carried and carry to Hell also their natural gifts for
which how much more enunciated they have been these gifts, the much largest one is
their pain because
God, infinite Justice, gives to everyone in reason of that it has deserved for which
to Hell it is suffered in reason of gifts had in Earth.

Convertitevi… convertitevi before that or too much late

Who in earth had the risen ones of being particularly predelight from God with precious
of Grace and Love and with a Vocation Saint envied from the Angels of
Sky and had the fortune to be prechosen for the sublime mission of Minister di God
with dignity and powers that the no richest Angel did not have also, if one strives hard,
will be

wrapped in a divoratore fire that no human language will be never able of

to express.

Poor mine Consecrated, incancreniti in the sin and the two concupiscenze, if you knew
this that attends to you and this that is suspended on your head, you would not scorn most
and long penances!

Convertitevi… convertitevi before that or too much late… he is Jesus who turns you this

Inginocchiatevi in front of Me Crocifisso and asked to mercy and forgiveness!

Now enough son mine benedico you; I extend this my blessing to those who you
they are beloveds, to those who they see and therefore they pray for the salvation of mine
Consecrated. Voglimi well, prays and repairs.

13 November 1978



You write son mine are always I Jesus who, after to a deserved I say you pause of
rimetterti to the job for the second time, my small dulled pen.

The Man, small but wonderful synthesis of the three reigns of the universe, true
which did not exit from the infinite Power Creatrice di God is today, it exited some
beautiful and perfect with
glare of a spirit, breath of free the Divine Power and therefore and in charge of i
its actions and able to dominate the matter and to space in the horizons infinites
of the divine eternity and to advance themselves and to exit from the borders of the
human nature for
to catch up and to touch with its spirit the infinite beauties and joys of the Divine
and all this, while it was waiting for being able to enter in the House of the Common

But the day, saddest between every day, was grazed from the dusk of the Hell made of
hatred and of rebellion and, for its guilt, was dipped in the rebellion and the hatred from
which never
it would have exited some if the Love of Creator God had not assured it the salvation for
work of a Child Mother of the eternal Verbo, Redentore of the humanity.

To the promise it made followed the come one of the Redentore

The beautiful, perfect and happy man stopped to be such when touched from the
intentional guilt,
beginning to the suffering was hunted from its luminous dwelling giving will accompany
that it
the entire time of its duration on the Earth till the consumazione of the times.

As it was said but God had mercy of he and it did not abandon it, thus to the promise

of the Redenzione, it made followed the come one of the Redentore, preceded from one
preparation millenarian written for Divine Will with the infallible attendance of
Saint spirit, Light and sure Guide for those who they had intentional, loved and
preferred the Way of the salvation to that dark one of the perdition.

Now if you consider the situation you put into effect them of the humanity from a neutral
I want to say if considers puts into effect it them empty humanity from prejudgments, you
you see son mine one
situation a lot contrasting from that which it would have to be logically according to
resisted use of the lume of the reason and the Faith.

The divine aids of the Redenzione of an abundance and such wealth to exceed every
imagination in fact, would have to record logically for the windward of the Good
on the Evil, of the peace on the war, the Truth on the error and therefore in favor of one
positive judgment, but if it watches which obbiettivamente is the truth that you see?
Because the most powerful men, Christians and My Ministers although means
supernatural of which they can decide they have arrived to the chaos puts into effect
them? because son

Aware and intentional revolt to God

They are not enough to justify the situation puts into effect them of the Church and of it
polulates the wound
inferta to the humanity at the beginning therefore the tendency to the passions and the
evil, neither
participations of the dark forces of Hell, beyond this are the human responsibility of i
single and of it polulates; responsibility that at all does not have to devaluate but that it is
necessary to see completely in order to understand this that it is in order to happen.

God is right and it would not never allow a punishment not deserved, for this the hour
of the purification, announced since the antichi times, are the crushing test of
human responsibility, and of the single ones and the nations and the Church, is the test of
aware and intentional revolt to God.

This humanity in its multiple aspects observes son mine:

It observes the mass media that generally are average of pervertimento;

television, prints, radius all is by now putrido and with the excuse to inform the opinion
deform it publishes it they corrupt and it spreading the contagion of the evil, encouraging
the violence, the corruption and operating the disintegration of the social woven one;

who can understand the extension of the evil made to the under-age ones with the
pornographic press
introduced in the families often from the same parents or some apostle of
badly for the simple taste of the evil;

a fact watches the become prostituzione today accustoms them like the adulterio, the
abortion or
like many other sins against rivendica nature of which the openly legittimità

using own of the mass media and the cinema that other by now is not if
not a school of violence, thefts and holdups let alone of many other evils;

it observes the other aspects of the social body like the exciting fashion the sexiness and
of many sins whose gravity nobody will be able to never comprise truly until in
bottom, fashion that has entered anywhere, accepted from the families and the same
Church for
which it has been allowed to even carry in Church miniskirts and blujeans, mo de truly
diabolic dinnanzi to which the ginocchia have been folded reaching more iniqui

it observes the world of Politics, that it has nearly always as raises silks of the power and
which the loyalty makes capolino little times and that it does not scorn, also to arrive to
the scope,
not even the crime and where the hypocrisy and the falsità reign sovereign;

it observes the world of the art in its several manifestations, this rispecchia always
source from which a body in full putrefazione gushes… and cannot that to emanate one
nauseante lezzo; a man will not be able to never express this that he does not have or this
that not
it feels, for this the bizzarrie and the stranger things are the so-called artistic product
of a society compenetrata from the materialismo, and that it can express the materialismo
today if not an always deteriore materialismo?

Great guilt of the Church not to be itself opposite that weakly

Son mine you could pass in resigns all the aspects of the modern life but the picture
that he would offer himself would not change to you at all, I but Jesus, wants to still
attract one
he turns your attention on My Church and its responsibility in the vicissitudes of
modern life.

Its great guilt is that not to be itself opposite if not weakly to the large one
avalanche of the materialismo that other does not want to say if not Aganism;

the Church child did not yield to the materialismo pays and it gave the Martyrdoms to us,
the Church
puts into effect has yielded they in all and she is giving traitor deserters and, heresies over
heresies, evils
over evils… but for all this nobody can advance reasonable justifications.

In the Church like in the Nations of the earth those who more they had because
mainly equipped of gifts, always held account of the debite exceptions, they are those
that worse they answered and therefore they are most responsible of the disintegration
spiritual, moral, civil, artistic and literary.

How many arrogant and presuntuosi men think craftsmen of a civilization pure
material without alcunchè of spiritual, but that it imports to the man in way on
earth of the supersonic ones, of the smalls boat spaces them, of the color television if then
king of the created one ends to Hell?

This is a truth that the man today, in stolta the blindness that the pervade can irridere,
but it is truth that remains in all its tragicità; these large so-called men not
they had to make to only progress the material things, but they had to progress in
Ways of the Spirit!

That turnover total son mine; these truly diabolic men rather than
to develop the moral, spiritual and artistic values with a great fury they have some
fact average of pervertimento, corruption, died and violences of every nature…
not men therefore but only monster pervasi from the spirit of the evil always but
disguised as appearance well.

Here son mine, these men, than generally the world honors like of the benefactors,
they are the greatest enemies of the humanity, are sons of Hell, from Hell generated,
protect and organized in the church created from inestinguibile hatred of Satana, this is
more colossal cheat, the most colossal stiff deceit to the humanity and my Church.

To this light the hour of the purification will be able better to be understood a day.

Now enough, benedico you and as to always I say you it donates your love to me; it prays
and it repairs.

15 November 1978


Son mine you write, are Jesus that I mean to continue the speech on facts, things and
of the present hour riferentesi to the humanity but in particular to My Church.

In these last messages I have spoken to you about as and with which crews the invisibile
of the Demons it is successful to enslave to if Church and polulates, and now I prevent
the obbiezione
for that being thus the things they are asked, then who is strongest?

You know already who you are strongest, but they do not know it that in little here
therefore because of
these messages, because light is made where is darkness and the veil fallen is removed on
eyes of the irriflessivi and abulici men who have used very little the lume of
reason and still less the lume of the Faith, still extinguished before developing itself,
they can become account of the great and sublime truths in which they are dipped and of
which not
they have known to benefit some.

They have tried anywhere but… they have not watched within

Like persecuted that it succeeds to escape to the persecutory ones chases that it and
and tired it arrives in a great house where is sheltered, is escaped yes to its enemies, but
hunger and bite it to silks and it then anywhere tries without to find nothing neither gives
to eat neither from drink for which its situation it has been made difficult because if it
exits it is

braccato and if he remains within it is the hunger… but it but has tried anywhere less than
in the pantry ricolma of every good food!

Thus they are the men and it polulates of this century incredulo, they have tried and
frugato anywhere in order to try a solution to their problems: they have tried and frugato
in the political ideologies, science, new philosophies, the discoveries, the travels,
in the pleasures, in the revolutions and even in the wars, but they have not found null!

They have not watched within the only room of their shelter on the earth, that of
supernatural, true pantry ricolma of every able good to satiate the hunger and silks
they bite that them inner.

How many discoveries, how many found again and inventions but unfortunately do not
have uncovered
supernatural from which they only could reach all this that was necessary for
to satisfy their great aspirations of happiness, true freedom, justice and love.

He polulates and single men have tried the light and are instead sinked in darkness
more and more dark, today then it polulates and Church is wrapped the most driven in
darkness of
jealousy, of the fear; they have tried the love and they have found hatred; they have tried
peace and has found wars and revolutions; they have tried the justice and they must
the sopruso of the darkest puffed up ingiustizie… they believed of having in hand
magical key of the happiness and instead notices of being in the dissatisfaction and in

This is this that it has succeeded for the generations of 20° the century that they have
expected of
to put in disparte Omnipotent God Omnipresent Onnisciente and, to not only put it
in disparte, but of being able themselves impunemente to replace He putting itself indeed
against God deridendolo and organizing itself with alloys of without God.
In the been involved purification the Entire Humanity

It just must be blind in order not to ravvisare in this huge movement

materialista Marxist position taking like that which there was to the dawn of i
times between the dark powers of the darkness and the Powers of the Light!

For this son mine I had to dirti other times that the hour of the purification will be such
it does not have reply in the history of the humanity in fact, in the conflict always in
existence between
black angels of the faithful rebellion and those of the God Light, will be been involved
the entire one
humanity, not only the humanity living on the earth, but all the humanity, gone saves in
Lost gone paradise or in Hell.

Son mine we are to the apex of the greatest crisis and own while the appearances you
they make to see ultra not plus of the civilization and of the progress, the truth is very

In other occasions son mine I had to dirti that if made to see this you that it is behind
facade of My Church of moriresti at once, today I add that if made you
to see this that it is behind the sipario of the world parimenti you could not survive
not even a moment.

I repeat to you that the gigantic and monstrous deceit perpetrated from Satana to damage
living humanity does not have precedence and solo badly the immense cloud it covers
that it
account of this tragic truth prevents to become.

Oh, also laughs the men, proclamino also theirs stolto skepticism does not make
what to arouse in who sees and understands much bitter pity!

Son mine you see and understand the effects of superbia radix the omnium malorum and
also how much truth in the words of the Saint Spirit therefore prays in order to deepen in
you humility radix omnium bonorum.

You benedico son and with benedico you all those who walk dinnanzi to God in
spirit humility; in truth, in truth I say, these will see God to you.

15 November 1978

Son mine you write.

You see as they are to veritiere my promises, I I am Truth and truth is the things that you
I am saying, yes, that I am saying to you because you diffuse to them, own you my small
dulled pen.

Not to ask to me because, I mean to prevent this your incurable one because: because
thus I want, Jesus; many do not believe because they also do not know to me being
deceived of
to know to me, others think that it would have been more logical that were turned they to
being more equipped than you… so that I, eternal Verbo of God, would have mistaken

They thus say even without to notice than to have judged God! poor and incurable
human nature how much six refractory one to the Light…

However son mine I still repeat not curarti about what they think the others; i
judgments of the men vanish as a lot soon vanishes the cloud that is dispersed in
sky, but is wisdom, great wisdom to try to understand this that God of You thinks, of

The Sinagoga is not never dead woman, only has been camouflaged

Now we resume our speech; in the message precedence I have made to see you like

the single men, polulate and the nations of these last generations have been taken
in the colossal and gigantic deceit of universal proportion that has diverted the entire one
humanity on the road of a ruin without precedence.

But it not only polulates and the nations of the earth, but also My Church mail in

half to he polulates for being Guide and Master is remained contaminated from the badly
common one also
conserving in itself such vitality that can allow them not soccombere because
I, Jesus am in she… but the attempt in existence to sweep up it and to destroy it with
a wrapping and clutching action is truly terrible!

As or been able to happen this then it is clearly for who has eyes to see and ears for

to hear, in fact the Enemy has headed at the equipped persons more: ministers, shepherds,
and through these he has succeeded in to make a dent the inner structures: Doctrine, Faith
and Law…

With a subdola and insistent work it is successful nearly to cancel the supernatural
reducing the Church to a simple human institution… it has been behaved with
Church in short as the Sinagoga has been behaved with Me.

The Sinagoga is not never dead woman, only has been camouflaged!

Giuda has sold to me to the Sinagoga for 30 silver coins, today the Giuda novels
they have sold My Church to the Sinagoga in order to only satisfy their inestinguibile
power silks!

I Jesus was victim of a murder, but after three days they are risuscitato and the wanting
Sinagoga or
nolente has had some to take action being revenged with My Mystical Body that also
risusciterà beautifulr and dazzling as it never was not.

The ambition tramuta in tradimento

Son is a dark point mine that I must clear and cioé that the more eminent men
of the several ones he polulates, as more equipped, have been able to fall in a thus
colossal one
deceit because grazed and touched from the superbia of Satana, he can be more or less
comprehensible even if not justifiable, but that the most equipped men between of Mine
Church has arrived to this point with all the one which they have received, it is of one
such gravity that is not absolutely possible to understand, as draft of more
serious guilt that is possible to commit on the earth.

Vos estis lux mundi… and the light prefers to extinguish itself in order to become

Gone and preached My Gospel that are Life… and you you have preferred to preach
your words of menzogna and dead women.

The human ambition wants to be risen over God in order to turn upside down of the plan
and tramuta in
rebellion and in order to satisfy if same becomes tradimento for which it is not hesitated,
to the aim of
to placare own silks of being able, to ordire conspiracies on conspiracies in order to try of
to destroy My Mystical Body. For the time being enough son mine, prays and offers
yours to me
suffering, benedico you and with benedico you all those who you are beloveds.

l5 November 1978

We resume son mine, are Jesus, you write.

In these last messages that like have tito it Things and facts of My Church, I had to

parlarti of chaos, and it is truly the case to speak about chaos in the doctrine, the moral
in the liturgy.

It has been expected to change all, but to change all in sense to anticonciliate because this
you are the substance of the facts now you know well what you mean the word
substance is under the accidents and therefore it does not look at itself, look at the
accidents alone,
thus equally very hidden he must remain the intention to act in contrast with
I conciliate, very evident instead must figure the will to reform all in conformity
of Concilio, for which all the work of warmly intentional spiritual regeneration and
registered letter from Concilio, has become dissolvitrice action of the great patrimony
of the Detection and the entire Redenzione.

Here therefore under the subdoli excuses because of asserting itself of a number
grandissimo of moral theological errors dogmati to us and with which and made a dent
substantially the Bible, to the point that would be enough to only accept some of
many asserted heresies in order to make to fall all the credibility of the same and hit Bible
mortally the Bible, logically would not resist more not even the Gospel with all
its content.

Dottrinale chaos therefore and not clarifications or discoveries of new facades of the
Biblical or Theological, but here to not it would want a simple message but one us
great treaty in order to better clear the number and the substance of all the errors and all
the heresies exited from torbid the lips of many teologi modern!

Truth and Justice will prevail on menzogna and hypocrisy

Pushed dottrinale chaos to the paroxysm in the name of the word and thought freedom,
as if the freedom were a thing of which us it can be served without discrimination
some is for the good that for the evil, for the Truth like for the error.

In My new Church this abuse of the freedom will have to stop; it was not to coartare
freedom forbidding the spread of the stiff heresies to far away carry the spirits from the
plan and
from the mystery of the salvation, not, it was alone to contain in the just use the gift of
the freedom,
thus like and badly not forbidding and punishing strictly those who in the name of the
they wanted to diffuse bacteria bearers of dead women, perhaps and the heresies do not
carry died to
spirits whose life is the much most precious one of the life of the bodies?

When the men finally decide themselves to open their heart and their mind to
and to the Truth well and they will take conscience of the humiliating condition in which
they live?

They speak about freedom and are legacies heart, spirit and body to the most feracious
that of Satana.

In My new Church they will have to be restored the disciplinary measures for who
gift of God misuses the freedom, in order to throw the man in humiliating and
subjection to the powers of the Evil.

Many reading this message on the example of the Clergymen of the Tempio
stracceranno dresses and grideranno scandalized to the blasphemy, but it does not import,
that truly she counts is that the Truth and the Justice prevails on the menzogna and
on the hypocrisy.

For many my Ministers not are more sin!

Son mine, chaos, o h yes chaos in the Law of my Church for which today for many mine
Ministers not are more sin; to give the life or to remove it is the same thing!

Many my assiduous comunistizzanti Ministers and attention readers of periodicals and

they think it substantially thus to Marxists, and also to some he thinks it thus Bishop.

For costoro the legalization of the million massacre is lawful even innocents… but
perhaps this grida vendetta in the presence of God and will change idea when same they
they will lose the life, but it will be too much late in order to understand how much is
worth the life of a creature

Son mine, other that chaos! Bishops have even made good ace more infame between
all the human Laws in which and confused the sexual love with the commant love they
are given
God like supreme containing Law all the Ancient and New Law disheartening this
great Comandamento with the nauseanti concessions in moral field
planning lawful and the illicit one, the good and the evil against the inequivocabile clarity
limpidezza of my Comandamenti and Precetti.

If this is not chaos, what never will have to be called chaos?

Son I see that you are tired, we will resume tomorrow, now benedico you and with
benedico you

all those who YOU collaborate to the drawing up of this volume, and with Me benedice
Mother mine that It also reservoir of parlarti.

16 November 1978


You resume the pen and you write son mine, are Jesus.

Chaos in the doctrine I have said, and which chaos!

I have made also some denied Biblical signals you of truth or badly interpreted a lot that
by now the principle protestant of the free and personal interpretation of the truth
revealed nearly is commonly applied thus that how many are by now many masters
they are the Christians or the not Christian ones!

All this is absurd, but what never is not absurd in the state puts into effect them of the

An other detestabile tacitly accepted principle is that the Detection goes understanding
interpreted according to evolving itself of the times, they are cioé polulates that according
degree of their civilization can adapt the Detection to the running requirements in the
several ones
moments of their history.

Enough this in order to understand which enormous confusion can be given life and be
fed in
Church, not the eternal and immutable Truth but the subjective truth, left cioé to
free will of the man hurt from the Guilt, influenced from its passions and
above all circuit from the dark powers of Hell cioé of the Menzogna.

All it is upset… and the root is always that!

The consequences of the degeneration of the truth do not have need of being
illustrated neither of some explanation, all it is upset, all is chaos!

Practical examples us can some be carried to iosa:

Adam and Eva are not historical Personages really lived and protagonists of
terrible disobedience to God, not, thought mythical personages from the man are alone
and not
created from God… the consequences they are of a gravity and a such capacity that
human mind can understand; with this sponge blow in fact it is cancelled all; they are
denied the Verginità and the Immaculate Conception of the Mother My SS.ma;

it comes discussed and denied My same Divinity, but if My Divinity is denied, it falls
Mystery of the Sacramento Church of salvation; the mystery of the Grace falls cioé
of the Divine Life participated to the men by means of the Sacramenti that tutt'a more
they come accepted like symbol, thus as symbol comes indicated the Sacrifice of


The dottrinale landslide is in existence and is more and more falling towards the low
being involved
in its fall all the Patrimony of the Detection, sacred delivered Warehouse gives
Same God to the Church for the humanity, wonderful gift for which the men not
they will be never sufficiently grates!

Every man poses to master denying the Only, single, true authenticity of and the large
Master that is I Jesus; but donde many ruins? The root is always that:


Superbia that gives some has been tamed and soggiogata, others have caress instead it
fed… from here the faith crisis that it wants to say dusk and that it does not remain a fact
inner and personal but ripercuote outside being involved other persons.

If more in fact to the validity of the Sacramenti is not believed not us it will more go to

and who it will ask explanations will be answered that enough to confess itself directly to
God and
all it is to place… and quite succeeded in to think than sufficient the confession more
communitarian, and to advise of diradare the confessions because not there is at all need
to often confess itself, enough an action of true repentance… tant'è that is not I shave the
of Cresimandi and Comunicandi that in the day of the First Communion have been
admitted to the Sacramenti without to have before made to precede the Confession!

How many persons whom they give years do not confess themselves and think about
being able to approach
calmly to the Comunione Saint… how many Clergymen leave to pass years and
years without to confess itself…

o h son mine these are hidden but real plagues and for these and others tantissime
malefatte it is defended to us in public and private citing Concilio that speaks about
renewal… and would thus be meant the ecclesiale renewal about which it speaks
I conciliate?

Wrapping maneuver in order to try to destroy the Church

To regenerate wants to say to rifare and for many the renewal of the Church the work
methodical daily and rations them demolition of all;

the author of this plan of demolition is old how much is old the man remaining
thus once again demonstrated the wrapping maneuver in existence in order to try of
to destroy My Church and to this colossal maneuver Cardinals participate,
Bishops, Clergymen and Consecrated of ambo the seies with much seen zeal that from
the outside
it seems true, but it he is not!

You memory son that when I speak about Cardinals, Bishops, Clergymen etc, I do not
to generalize, remains always the reservoir made;

for the truth good Clergymen do not lack, bonds Bishops and Cardinals, even if
always in a meager number!

Now son mine enough, rested and more late we will resume. Benedico you, voglimi well,
he prays and he repairs because or loosened the avalanche of sins from which the entire
one is submergeeed
humanities and are hurt the Heart the My Merciful and Immaculate Heart of the Mother
Mine and yours.

16 November 1978


You resume the pen and you write son mine, are Jesus.

Chaos in the Law I have said, and which chaos because it is the unavoidable consequence
of the chaos

dottrinale as the Law stands on the Faith and the Faith on the Detection, for which
in crisis Detection and Faith and crisis also the Law.

Also we could here think superfluous the explanations as all it is rendered obvious
from 1° the Comandamento: I am the God Gentleman yours I will not have other God
apart from
me, but that it happens dinnanzi to this before and fundamental law?

This is given like foundation of all the Law because the foundation of all
It reads is God that thus one introduces the man; I am only your God, single Me
you will honor because not there are others of: I am only, the before single one and
absolute Truth gives
which all the other visible and invisibili ones come, human and cosmic and single in front
this Truth the man must be folded, to this Truth only must submit.

Sottrarvisi is tremendous punibile rebellion with pains that extend the time and
space, eternal pains therefore, made in itself frightful as it is the product of
rebellion of the dark powers of Hell and becomes risen orribile for the man who
ricusa to recognize God like its Creator and Gentleman of every thing.

Of all God menché of God has made itself

From this sublime truth the Timor saint gushes some like natural consequence of
God that today but the man has not only conculcato and treaded on but has arrived
quite to organize itself without God.

They are little those who nutrono respect of the Gentleman also between the Christians…
to think next to the deluge of blasphemies with art often intentional, disclosed, taught and
you pay and rewarded!

In other occasion I said to you that of all God menché of God, the money has made itself,
sudice passions, of science… of all and if this son is not chaos mine, what

it will be able to call chaos?

We take an other example: Remembered of santificare the festivities; you see in that way
santifica the festivity today! in order to avoid worse it has been escogitata the Messa
prefestive… Sunday: Dies Dominions,… is the day of the Gentleman, is the day in which
the Resurrezione remembers, but for these last generations they are not worth the values
Spirit, of the Faith, the fidelity to God Alpha and Omega of all and all, is the matter
that it must be replaced to God, costs those that costs but the matter must prevail on

For this Sunday the full stages, spiagge and the polulated mountains are looked at
like the cities, it must amuse themselves not to rest itself, amuse themselves at all costs!

God has given to the put man Sunday because it was rested from the hards work and from
daily worries did not have to forget its dignity about Son of God,
its destiny the happy eternity, and because, in the rest and the prayer santificando if
same, it honored God.

Creed is not other to add to us approximately the consequences of this process of

rnaterializzazione of the plan of the Gentleman, would be necessary books here and not a
short one

Who is in the intentional dusk and guilty she cannot see

I have spoken about gigantic maneuvers of winding of My Church and how much to you
saying regards only an aspect slowly detail of the large one of inner demolition and
valid outside that come justified with futili excuses and ridicules for who only have
suffocated the Faith in own mind, but absolutely nonexistent for who it has
just and huge vision that gives the Faith, vision that extends matter and time for
to arrive till the infinite Light of God.

Not to forget son that who is in the guilty intentional dusk, does not see, cannot
to see!

We want to give also a look to the Family, other bench mark of the Church?

Also here chaos; in crisis the man could not lack the crisis the family in full load
dissolvimento process.

The Family today is conceived and intentional against God; the recognized divorce and
the abortion and
accepted from all he polulates Christians of it is a solemn confirmation… but I have
spoken about
full process of dissolvimento, and because has happened?
It observes the truly diabolic plan for means of which it has been arrived to
despiritualizzazione of the family puts into effect them;

spiritual relaxation for which from several generazion it came neglected the prayer
above all the communitarian prayer; no life resists if it is not fed and
also the life of the Grace if it is not fed extinguishes, thus has happened in nearly
totality of the Christian families, for which extinguished the life of the Grace the sin has

the wedding that often, indeed too much often, is conceived solo like means of

pleasure; sins and crimes against maternity…

This would have been enough because the forces of the Evil had entered to complete
nefarious work, then… prints, cinema, television is making the rest…

But now enough even if the speech on the family as soon as is pointed out.

You benedico son, not to fear God is present anywhere and is more hard than all
powers of the Evil. Voglimi and repairs well.

16 November 1978


Son mine you write.

I have said to you that this is time of great evils and that the hidden forces of Hell
they have caught up or they are in order to touch the maximum to be able they allowed in
virtue of
unfathomable Divine Designs, but time of large truth is also because I want that all
they know, I want that all those of good will are helped to resume the just one
via of the salvation.

All must know from that it leave to orient the being remained way of their life
so that they can find in the ideal condition to make their choice today as
many spirits are tormented from the doubt or from many doubts, they live like in one
haze that cannot be defined light and not even darkness, for which a splash of light
for someone of they it can be truly determining much more than not always
they are responsible of this uncertain situation.

It is time therefore to raise the bende because the virulenti plagues are discovered of
My Mystical Body for the very bad taste not to denigrate, but in order to cure the wounds
because the sight thus nauseante show makes to rinsavire many spirits in immediate
danger to slip in the abyss from which difficultly laughed them!

I1 Clergyman, or chooses God with a strong inner life, or…

In the precedence message I have made a signal you fugace of some of these plagues
virulenti of which My Mystical Body is affection, plagues that of it have incancrenito
vital like the family, but today I mean to put down my eye on the immorality

spreading anywhere, also between mine Consecrated the Clergymen, always made the
debite ones
exceptions for the little bonds and saints clergymen.

I will not be to ridire who is the Clergyman, neither I will speak about its dignity or its
this already has been said in other messages, will say of the great difficulties in which
it debates, difficulties that render difficult to maintain itself it in the just equilibrium of
the Faith

and of the Grace as the negative forces are many that act on he;

coming inner temptations from the dark powers of Hell that they do not save
nobody but especially the Clergyman who is not person to being himself, but for the
of the vocation and for the Divine mission of which and invested, he has become person
he publishes that he polarizes around himself many and many spirits;

it is object of attention, negative naturally, from without God that

they watch with hostility;

it is made sign of the incomprehension of the so-called bonds that do not comprise it
own for their inner formalism that prevents they to understand like
Clergyman is the man who also being of the world does not have to live in the world that
he is of God but of Satana.

For all this the Clergyman today lives in the great danger to make a choice mistaken,

or God with a strong inner life, or to dip itself in the human truths!
What is made in order to eliminate so much badly?
If the Clergyman chooses the human truths, flat slowly he will lose the taste of God, then
it will pass to the misfortune, therefore to nausea in order to arrive at last to the
tradimento of God; it is
an alternative without outlet.

More it is dipped in the human truths more will fall low, till the loss of the Faith
and therefore of the life of Grace; to this point the reduction tramuta in fall that
it will sweep up definitively in the evil and therefore in the eternal perdition.

But which are these dangerous human truths much?

The modern social mass media like the television, the cinema, newspapers and
reviews permeated from dangerous and velenose ideologies, practically a little all
it prints penetrated com'è from the miasmi of the corruption;

the assiduous cohabitation with persons of other sex; the Clergyman is a man who door in
himself, like the others, all the germs of the passions and with the empty one created in
itself with the crisis of
Faith, unavoidably remains burnt from the fire of the same passions that in he are
particularly violent: here amat periculum in illud peribit.

Reached this point it loses every containment and every pudore and, for all the evil
accumulated and held hidden in itself, tramuta like in leprous able contaminating
of its evil a more and more great number of spirits.

How many are the Clergymen slides on this china… a number grandissimo, become
as many center them of dead women spiritual, it centers them of scandals and
corruption… but that
it makes son mine in order to eliminate so much badly?

Nearly null nothing or from the Shepherds… o h does not ignore the lezzo that it is given
off in the middle of
they flock, but pretend themselves not to know, not to see better and not to feel… thus
that to have been involved troubles or being in responsibilities that weigh and that not
they want
to assume!

… and these that I give to you, son mine, are solo gashes, are not the total vision, would
too much for you! Now enough, voglimi well; tomorrow we will resume.

17 November 1978


Son mine you resume the pen and you write.

In My Law it is written not to steal; in reality all the commerce that is carried out
today in the world it is woven of swindle and also those who estimates honest bonds and
no are made scrupolo to practice it habitually a lot are said, make it all… but
fact that badly or spreaded in such measure to become general is reason of greater
deplorazione and never of justification!

The continued swindle is sin against the Justice; it is sin that for its nature
he demands like repair, the badly removed restitution of and who does not complete it,
exposes itself to
most serious danger to compromise its eternal salvation.

The evil of any nature it is, upsets and disconcerts the social body between whose
limbs are completed, for this My Church has been intentional and mails in the world own
in order to recompose the just equilibrium in the spirits, in order to illuminate them, to
cure them, to only recover them and
thus operating work for the municipality corporate property.

Materialismo the heresy that encloses them all in itself

In My Law it is said also not to commit impure actions but on this field
chaos is complete; more barriers do not exist, the evil spreads as a river in route and has
contaminated the entire human society, of the spirits are remained blank only in which
the Faith it is
truly alive and operating.

Which is the cause of all the evils of which it is slices the present humanity?

The Materialismo; the materialistica conception of the life here the heresy that it encloses
himself all the heresies;

this is the heresy of which the powers of Hell have used in order circuire the humanity

unquestionable happening.

The responsibility of the Christianity is great own in order not to have known to react to
this grandissimo danger for the spirits and to this colossal maneuver with all
forces on hand;

the crews with the due have not appealled themselves prontezza and it has not been
answered with
the necessary energy, for which it has been arrived to the state puts into effect them of the

the division of the several Christian Churches, that is why I had to say in a precedence
message that the crisis puts into effect has them its roots in the last centuries;

the industrialization process that has smashed the familiar compages and has
removed the men from God with the throbbing Marxist propaganda, than slowly
slowly he has succeeded to extinguish the Faith in the hearts;

here this great crisis that has had its beginning in the past and today has caught up
its maximum level, soon totally will be cancelled from the face of the earth for which
between VENT'ANNI the memory will be extinguished some even.

All the Law of God instead that today it is jolt like from a great earthquake,
it will remain eternal and immutable as eternal and immutable it is God!

The mission of the Clergyman is religious mission

The chaos in the Law is such that the men, as have said in precedence messages,
they even have lost the sense of the good and the evil;

snaturati parents have lost every moral sensibility and they do not have more nothing in
itself than

the blasphemy has become a fact accustoms them;

the turpiloquio by now like the blasphemy;

how much never you attend the litigi that not very rarely they arrive to the rawest

books and pornographic reviews left in meal the sons also of tender age;

the more and more rough and trivial language;

the acts of infidelity often conjugate accepted them and consumed with the mutual
consent… in one
great number of families truly has been cancelled the concept well and badly…

All this and other anchor is the product of the materialismo that has permeated also
structures of the Church in other always velenose forms but and died them, for which the
impregnated of materialiste ideologies it is as if they had changed nature, in fact with
maximum facility acquits all and all.

They do not make impression these observations, because for very many Clergymen they
important only the social problems that have the prominence on all the others, and are
where the Clergyman snatura the way to conceive the sacerdozio, the way to be

The Clergyman is alter Christus and Christ, I add Clergyman, has come on the earth for
to save the spirits from the tyranny of Hell.

For this the mission of the Clergyman is not political or trade-union mission, but
religious all stiff one to the well spiritual solo the spirits!

Many Clergymen have disertato; many have had many are immovable in theirs
sacerdotal life because the truths peel some in which they are dipped has made to lose
to their look the true reason of theirs sacerdozio and their vocation, all because
to a data moment they are lacked it influence the Grace, that fruit of Faith is alive and
operating and of sincere Mercy, cioé of inner life; become parched this source all
shunting lines and degenerations of the sacerdotal life become comprehensible.

Here some consequences in the ecclesiale world of the chaos of the Law that appears like
become parched and incapable to catch up its purposes. Enough for this morning; voglimi
well; benedico it prays to you and it repairs.

17 November 1978


Son mine is time to resume in hand the pen and to write, we still speak about
chaos, but of chaos in the Liturgy.

The Christians must try the unit in every thing and all this that them being door
solid and Saint joined from each other for being a single thing as I it am
with the Father mine, it is good; here therefore the Church that for Will joins Divine them
in one
great family, the family of the sons of God and, in the Church in order better to rinsaldare
to cure this union here the Dioceses and the Parishes and in the Dioceses and in
Parishes the unit is tried and intentional and maintained by means of the Liturgy that it is
the breath
through which the Mystical Body feeds own life; it is the means through

which the Mystical Body comes fed with the Words of Truth and the Sacramenti
generators of Grace, cioé of Divine Life.

The Mystical Body in itself and for himself is wonderful because does not lack nothing in
order to conserve itself,
to grow and to develop donating Gloria, wealth of energies and spiritual power, to who
this wants…

The Church is perfect but he is not free from the insidie of the powers of the evil that not
they leave nothing of intentato in order to carry disorder, shunting lines, abuses, envies,
and other evils all actions to create chaos for which in My Sanctuary Liturgy from means
unit, under l ’ influence of the superbia that it is always radix omnium malorum becomes
half of division.

Presumption and rebellion

Here scisma that it takes a way from liturgiche reasons even if under broods some
others; in the distribution of the Comunione Saint the presumption and the rebellion are
quickly in action: an assembly of Bishops forbids to give the Wafer in the hands and also
other authoritative organs as the Vicariato of Rome… but to Rome and elsewhere is
continued to
to disobbedire thus smashing the united liturgica;

the Liturgica Commission gives dispositions approximately the celebration of the Sacred
Rituals… all are not adhered to you indeed… but if then it is wanted to be seen as it
comes smashed
the liturgica unit that ago part of the most complete ecclesiale unit, enough to observe
they come trained the Sacramenti!

A clear disposition of the C.E.I establishes that the Clergyman in the exercise of its
ministry must wear the dress to talare. this is a liturgica infraction accustoms them
because no Clergyman today before confessing, communicating or to christen wears
the dress to talare;

the justification is that all are behaved thus… as if one said siccome all
they offend and disubbidiscono to the parents it I can make anch'io… this is not own one
good reasoning from who would have to be master of Wisdom!

It is even gone in Confessional in sleeves of shirt or in T-shirt without sleeves!

As you see they are limited me to the common infractions with which the Liturgy it
comes sezionata
like a corpse without life.
What to say then of the Put Saints celebrated to time of record! … clergymen who
habitually others employed EIGHT minuteren for the celebration of the Putting…

The more important action of the Cult, the more solemn action of the completed Liturgy
of any other human action!

Certainly this way to act sure does not concur to catch up that unit
spiritual auspicious and intentional from God… neither one says that these are exceptions
of which not
account must be held, because in all the Church these exceptions are many that not
they can at all neglect!

Liturgy, an effective and powerful language

Chaos therefore also in the Liturgy…

Oh if all my Clergymen had conscience of their sacerdotal largeness…

of their dignity of which you of it is not other that it can uguagliare on the earth how
spirits in more would carry to My Merciful Heart!

The Liturgy with its symbols and its figures and an effective and powerful language
that it comes down to the heart of who assists to you if it to who completes completes it
with spirit of Faith and
of conviction.

How many times my Angels, present always numerous to the solemn liturgiche functions,
rabbrividiscono when they are forced to state the icy inner conditions of i
clergymen who act not for Faith and not for Love, but at a base end and

Also here a single little one gash on an aspect of My Church that also under
weight of many evils resists and will resist also to the formidable and conclusive collision
that its
enemies are preparing with the insipiente and perfida collaboration of many my sons

Once again I repeat to you that it is not far away the day in which, like candid Dove and
pure the Church will return to being for its Jesus the Spouse of which speaks the Cantico
about i
Enough son mine benedico you and with benedico you all those who you are near and
the Gloria di God and the salvation of the spirits collaborate with you for.

You remain always my small pen dulled to the service of the Truth.

18 November 1978


Son mine is Jesus, listens to me and writes.

Of recent before going up to the House of the Father the my Celestial my Vicario on the
Pope John Paul said and little days ago also Giovanni Paul II has repeated:
we save the great disciplines of the Church!

That they have intentional to say with this appeal launch to all the Church, an appeal
distressed, a true outcry of alarm?

It is attempted to save a house in danger to be destroyed or partially already destroyed,

it tries to save a house in preda to flames… and in such case aid is attempted and s'invoca
in order to save the salvabile…

My Church is in flames son mine; and the flames are destroying some
beautifulr structures with I built up which it!

The Spiritual Fortresses with I encircled which it and that in It I scattered anywhere are
all in
flames, all in crisis!

Between a lot the material flames will not come also to complete the destructions for
which this My Church will have to be rifared entire new.

In other occasions I had to dirti like Convents, Community, Congregations and Orders
Religious they are as many focolai of fire and crisis where the flames, after to have to
along brooded under the ash, they have begun to explode and dilating itself and
meeting itself they have formed a great fire in which My Church is envelopped
what now, in full crisis all burns!

Crisis of Faith and inner life, therefore anarchy

Dioceses, Parishes, Seminaries and all the other structures accuse more or less a large one
malaise that gushes from an only and single cause: crisis of Faith equivalent to crisis
of true inner life and here consequently the outer crisis that is found in all
my Mystical Body and whose manifestations already you know for which I do not think
opportune to repeat them, now in My Church there is anarchy, anarchy of which not
it wants to feel to speak above all from those who of they are the root cause and on which
it burdens the greater responsibility.

Anarchy in the Foggia to dress for the Clergy; who makes a Law has also the duty of
to make to respect it otherwise because to make it? Because then a Law has been made
and it is not itself
null fact in order to make to respect it? Is not this a lacked sense responsibility?

S. Paul has spoken clearly about the modestia with which the women in particular, but
not only the women, must assist to the Sacred Functions in Church… now dressed more
immodesto of bluejeans which is?

Anarchy in the Liturgy and the administration of the Sacramenti… enough to remember
this that I have said in a precedence message…: in tantissimi cases they manage i
Sacramenti as own material things would be managed, forgetting
sacralità of the Sacramento that is fruit of My Redenzione. I cannot more beyond
to tolerate these sacrileghe profanazioni and I do not come down to details of which even
less sensitive faithfuls to the things of God deeply are scandalized!

Anarchy in the ecclesiali relationships; how many times disubbidisce… how many
subscribers to newspapers and Marxist reviews… how many Clergymen read newspapers
thin ammaniscono atheism and immoralities… how many Clergymen attend know them
cinematographic forbidden to the laici…

They know it to the Bishops but because nearly they are not never taken part? If then they
do not know it
it wants to say that they are not worried very of the situation and the dangers of which
they are
threatened the Clergymen of their flock!

Now it has beginning the time of the Justice, God is not betrayed impunemente

Son mine to you I see worried… o h not to be it, I am Jesus to ask you it, I do not have to
reassured many times dicendoti that nobody will be able nothing against of you more
than that one
that I will allow and if I allow that you have to suffer, will be only for My greater one
Gloria and the good of the spirits!
Son mine when a field is infested from many erbacce bad or cleans up itself with
a energetic action of diserbamento or is destined to sterility… this is today
condition of My Church!

The action of radical reorganization that will make new and the much beautiful My
Church is already
begun… you want to say to me that much sogghignano increduli… I have said
because these increduli are the faithfuls of the church of Satana who like their head are
frozen in incredulità, but when the moment comes better in which they will have, or
they would want, to ricredersi, of it will not have more the time!

Once again memory to this traitor Mine and of My Mystical Body that are
state patient, longanime and Merciful because it was time of Misericordia… now
but son mine has beginning the time of the Justice; God does not betray itself

Son benedico you and with Me you benedicono the Mother Mine and Saint Giuseppe;
and not to fear well never!

21 November 1978


You write son mine, are Jesus who after the short but indispensable pause I say to you
you resume the pen and we recommence our job.

The experience that you have had to yesterday make own in the day of your onomastico
has been
hard and bitter, o h yes never bitter how much! … but you know that I you do not want
never the evil, neither
I could want because I would not be more God, but against all the reactions of the forces
dark of Hell the evil wants, it or not, I always fold it to the good and this you
I have already made to touch with hand innumerevoli times.

Yesterday son mine you have seen the concrete answer to the question mails a week
makes to me and
cioé, as also the Spiritual Directors can, and not very rarely, to be maleficiati!

You have touched yesterday it with hand and of it you have paid expenses to most
expensive price.

You will be able to form spirits with the spirit of the regenerated Church
Now that you must make son mine? To obey!

You mean but the sense of this obedience well: you will not take care yourself of material
things or
administrative, but you will be able to advise the entire Community if the responsibles
make some you
demand, and the single ones if they are introduced to you for Spiritual Direction.

Behaving itself thus you will be in perfect obedience and you of it will not have no
turbamento because he is what you have always made and thus you will be able to
continue yours
mission to form spirits with the spirit of My regenerated Church.

I had not said to you have confidence and you will see, you will see little between how
much is Good the Gentleman?

Moreover the experience made yesterday is an ulterior confirmation that is quickly

approaching the time in which the My Church it will be left in full nanny of the powers
dark of the Evil that is the dusk; dusk that wraps it and encircles it all for which
men will not equally see all but in measure and proportion of their Faith!

You see son mine with that clarity sees the Spirits Victims, but because this?

Because no other helps me to carry the Cross like They and since they unisono to
Me on the calvary, I gratify them for this they love, holding them like on the Tabor!

It will be your salvation when all he will collapse around you

You have in mind of knowing because she has allowed the curse of your Director
Spiritual… because this slowly makes part of My unfathomable one of love and

You would want to still know like never or be tied the shipment and distribution of
V° Book to the reconciliation plan… all must be chargeed to the curse;
they know My Will in merit but they have not been able of adeguarvisi!

- Jesus mine you can all… nobody you can resisterti without that allow You it.
- Son mine, I will think to all!
You see that or safeguarded the Faith, the Love and the Hope, she tries that the program
of the Community he is believed and lived entire without reservoirs and not to fear of

Your force is the union cemented from the Love and from the Faith… and if she will be
thus I repeat you
that you will be one of the beautifulr and perfumed flowers of My Church and will be
truly one
beacon of intense light in the darkness that is left over more and more driven in and more
and more black.

The 30 p.v unitevi also in order to celebrate My great Ambassador credited near
of you like Guide, Defense and sure powerful Protection and I Jesus, will be present in
half to you with all the My Love and all My Misericordia.

You do not fear of nothing; been constructing your large small it arches and in it you

all to preview and to supply because it will be your salvation when all it will collapse
around you.

Son benedico you, you benedico hour and always is with you and if you will be with Me
nothing you must fear; voglimi well as I want to all you well!

22 November 1978


You write son mine, are Jesus.

Till now the messages that I have transmitted to you were in order to complain created
evils and abuses
in My Church with a very precise and clear scope but, that one to try of porvi

unfortunately they have taken them to little seriously;

the others have let to irretire from the doubt, the incredulità and the abulia that they have
prevented to give hand to the plow, all obstacles provoked from those enemies in which
their work is obstinate not to believe thus contributing to increase of the evils facilitating

I have said is obstinate not to believe and this to us against the evidence… every moment
against facts and events of which some human explanation cannot be given and for i
which reason and logic must accept an explanation that extends the reason, but
also this is not worth…

It is behaved to us like children who deny the Mother to have secretly taken
some ghiottoneria they are swallowing while it to full mouth…

Here the behavior of many men today of forehead to facts that they do not admit
no human explanation!

It is the hour in which the things they must be called with their name

You see son mine how many doubts and perplexity for those words that are like
sottotito it on the cover of the books: confidenze of Jesus to a its Clergyman…

It is believed and one says that this cannot be and that it is not possible above all when
these words are believed turned to a determined Clergyman with name and last name and
from all known with the cargo of its miseries…; these persons do not notice
that thinking and thus reasoning they put themselves on an at least equal pedestal to that
one of
God of which they mean to judge: the intentions; but who can judge the intentions of
God if he is forbidden to judge also the intentions of the siblings?

the Power and the Powers; but who can judge the Powers of God if they are infinites and
she can them to who
to measure?

Inaudita presumption of which us not even account does not become because it is
believed and is said
thus only for lack of Faith; one does not believe in fact that we are and live dipped
in God that are infinite and are before and absolute Truth from which every other is…

Because then I God and Uomo, cioé eternal Verbo of God, could not or had
to turn me to you son mine and like you to many others?

Therefore the superbia human it is reached much to expect to condition the way of
to think and to act of Creator God and Gentleman of all the things!

It has been said and thought: if Jesus had something to say he had to say it to me that I
fullness of the Sacerdozio… and in this the human fatuity surpasses every limit!

I have said son to you mine that it is reached the hour in which the things they must be
called with theirs
name and that I am the Love but I have said you also that I am the Truth;

it is not that I am more Love and less Truth or more Truth and less Love, not, I I am
Love and Truth and are not that the Charity has a precedence right on the Truth not, I
I want son my Charity and Truth in egual measure!

For the deficiency of humility the Church is dying!

In your encounter of B. you have seen and stated like it has been exaggerated on one of

virtue to damage of the other, while you it cannot any be one without the other.

Now but what I have said approximately the two great and inseparable virtues of the
Charity and
Truth, is worth also for all the others, in fact like a human body, or also social, if
he is devoid of a vital organ does not have a good and regular life, thus also of
spirits, so that if a spirit is devoid of a Teologale virtue in it the life (life of
Grace, Divine life) is extinguished and if the life lacks an other great virtue langue.

There is then even if an other fundamental virtue is not numbered between the Teologali
without of which the life of the Grace does not resist and it will not be able to never
resist, and it is

The deficiency of humility has carried My Church to be dying and it will not only perish
I will not allow it.

Son my hour enough, we will resume before how much, but now I still want dirti a thing:
not preoccuparti of that it is said of you and of the Community because if truly me
you want to love, I to only I must be enough you since in Me you will find all, in Me you
will have all this
that truly it is worth cioé Faith, Hope, Charity, Wisdom, Humility and Every other true

Benedico you and with you benedico all the Community that I follow, I watch and I

Voglimi well, ago prays and to pray and to repair.

22 November 1978


It is time to resume son mine, you write are Jesus.

We have spoken about the little evils of which my Mystical Body is affection, now is not
to speak about the assets of which My Church is rich, an immense wealth.
It free of charge makes part of this spiritual wealth the Carisma extraordinary gift
data and that also free of charge it goes used propter comunitatem and who fortunately
Divine grace of it has use of never cannot be in contrast with the Hierarchy since
also the Sacred Order is a Carisma, carisma ordinary but that it has but the same one
origin, nature and the same purposes of the extraordinary one.

Judge of the legittimità of the Carisma that comes given with the Order to a Bishop or to
Clergyman, is the Church;

Judge of the extraordinary Carisma of a spirit is the Bishop.

Before formulating a judgment on charismatic Bishops they must use

precaution, to pray and to make to pray since from the outcome of their judgment can
well or the evil for tantissime spirits;

the judgment then that the Bishop must give does not have to be sent back to the Calende
for fear, less noble fear or other reasons thus stopping and hindering or
quite having the plan of God.

How much good gone lost because prevented from the human pride

Son mine you will want to know here because of a similar conduct…, many times and for
jealousy as dov'è presumption is always envies and jealousy and since the Carisma
authentic cioé coming from the Saint Spirit it always raises to the eyes of the people
he who is invested some, thus eclipse that one of the Bishop is afraid that it lowers or;

it has been thus many times… but if made up of this way to see and to judge there was
humility would be avoided evils of much gravity.

The given extraordinary Carisma from the Saint Spirit has like scope integration of i
Carismi ordinary therefore does not have to be never nourished no fear or fear but always
only joy and riconoscenza to God that this donates well for the municipality of the spirits,
this unfortunately cannot understand it and see those who has the mind
ottenebrato from the dusk.

Us it would not have to never be contrast between the Hierarchy and Charismatic the
genuine ones and
authentic because, as if on a thread in which there is already a determined power
electrical worker if
of it he introduces an ulterior one from there does not come some damage as the two
powers are melted
in a single one, or, as if in a bicchier of water one joins some still a little not of
some disadvantage as the water comes is melted with the water, thus would have
to be also in the Church, while instead how much gone good lost because prevented
from the generating human pride of all the evils, prevented from the envy and the
jealousy that
they divide and they blind many in My Church and they would destroy that it of they had
the possibility!

Fire and water will be like compressori seams

Or saying once again the hour of the purification have already begun its action of
erosion and the apex will be had when the landslide entire detached gives beginning to
its unstoppable reduction in which it will sweep up all and all, destroying and destroying
all the product of the human pride.

All this will be come true with a violence never seen on the earth, fire and water
they will be like compressori seams, then twenty, earthquakes, alluvioni, hunger, silks…
compiranno the purificatrice work in a prostituita humanity like a given over woman
to the sin…

The men have said not repentance and to the conversion;

they have said not to the Love, the Truth, the Misericordia and Pazienza di God;

they have said not to the numerous participations of the common Celestial Mother
precludendosi every way of salvation;

thus they will experience the Divine Justice.

For this in My new Church I want Saint and Humble Bishops who will have with
they humility to resume the way from the point of departure from which I eternal Verbo
of God
I have begun with the Mystery of the Incarnation my road of true and not fictitious
Humility, of
poverty and obedience because only in this way it will be possible to recompose
the smashed equilibrium and the destroyed order.

I have spoken to you about anarchy in the Church and in Popoli and you know that
anarchy wants to say
moral disorder and spiritual refusal of the order and exaltation of the disorder, while
instead with Saint Bishops I will have Saint Clergymen and with Saint Clergymen I will
have saint
all My Church!

Son now enough, we will resume before how much; benedico you and with benedico you
the flower that
you know and that he is much beloved to My Heart and the Heart of our common Mother

23 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus, this that I am saying to you will have to serve for the New

The carisma it is not a new thing for the Church, has been born with the same one and
one is always
manifested in every time, now the carisma ordinary it is donated through some
Sacramenti, while that extraordinary one is donated directly from the Saint Spirit for
the aims already sayings in the precedence message.

The two carismi, extraordinary ordinary and, are integrated and they are melted like the
two light
lamps ignited and placed beside the other and whose single lights compenetrano and
they fuse in a same identical light because they are of the same nature, emanate the same
beams and the same heat.

Here this is what it is previewed in the design of God, but if is not or it were not thus,
it wants to say that they are entrances in action pride and presumption in order to
complete their work
demolitrice and to contrast the plan of God.

How many spiritual empty tremendous times have happened and happen this creating and
dispersing to treasures of thanks for cause a little of vanity and presumption!

One completes this right with absolute obbiettività and sollecitudine

The Hierarchy which the right competes to judge the validity of the carisma extraordinary
its clear right with and manifest rettitudine, absolute must complete this
obbiettività and with zealous sollecitudine undressing if same from every prejudgment of
part because the show does not have to be more repeated in My regenerated Church
indecoroso, unjust and not very rarely bad of carismati to us turlupinati, slandering,
accused of falsità, persecuted or made to ricoverare in Neurological Clinics or
however private of their freedom and prevented to communicate with others…

These are terrible ingiustizie that gridano vendetta in the presence of God!

I have intentional from you also this experience, I have intentional that you could touch
with hand
the effects of that superbia defined from the Saint Spirit radix omnium malorum;

memories when you asked the Shepherds of a Diocese for being able to visit a large one
charismatic, a great Saint in the whose humble small house happened for many and many
things and facts above every human law which were the answer to your demand? I
neither I approve of, neither I deny; the responsibility of an answer did not want cioé to
be taken
clear and it specifies.

Conclusion? The doubt has spread for years in many persons and has been cause of
uncertainty and suffering for many spirits…

Which the reason? Only for scrollarsi from the shoulders a responsibility that weighed
and to avoid troubles to chain, and still in order not to put to risk own quiet one
to live, as it was possible to Shepherds of spirits to have a quiet one to live!

And next to the carisma received from God it has been believed us or not? Oh too much
often rather than to God
I only think next to own!

How many are Charismatic today the places in the condition for not being able to use of
the Carisma
received and for fine base!

Also you know some; but till when?

Which enormous responsibility!

The new Church will be in best charismatic part

The Charismatic one always receives the carisma not for himself but for the community,
and troubles to i
carismati us that they yield to the strong temptation to use of the carisma not for the
Gloria of
God and the good of the spirits but for personal advantages and scopes!

Carisma imprime the no sign detail in the spirit of does not receive it to who like ago
Baptism, the Cresima and the Order, donates it to God and God it can always withdraw:
de di t ET Deus abstulit… therefore who ago good use cannot any be some private like is
happened many times.

Several times I have said son to you mine that the New Church will be in best part
charismatic because the Saint Spirit will be over of she with Its santificatore Breath and
he will render beautiful to the eyes of God and of he polulates, not allowing that carismati
to us
extraordinary municipalities and are destroyed preventing to the much good legacy to i

The fomentatori of pride will be relegated all in their Hell and superbia;

there will be Saint Bishops for which the Church it will be santificata in root!

You benedico son and with benedico you all the persons to you beloveds and as always I
repairing prayer.

23 November 1978



You resume the pen and you write son mine are Jesus, the Redentore, the Salvatore that is
come in order to collect and in order not to disperse, in order to re-unite and to put in
except the flock
mortally hurt from the Enemy, and I have made this donating the life for my sheep and i
my Agnelli;

from the Cross on the Calvary a torrent of Divine Blood comes down in which the
sinner and rebel you can themselves be dipped in bathe purifier.

This I have made and this continuous one to make till the consumazione of the centuries!

The men without faith of this sventurato century do not know to see the large one
prodigio of love that perpetual and is consumed for they and their eternal salvation;

not east sine effusionem sanguinis remissio…

here son mine, would be enough that the men saw and believed in this large one
prodigio of love in order to transform themselves, to be converted and to change the route
of their way
on the earth, because the evil in the humanity and My same Church exists yes, but mine
Divine love has supplied to you so that nobody can say to be itself lost for
lack of necessary means to the salvation.

I will be in the middle of you till the consumazione of the centuries, this I am a gift thus
large and such that no can it to other, I do not say only uguagliare but also
far to shade, in fact with Me eternal Verbo of made God Meat and present in
half to you, you have all; with Me in fact what can lack to you?

With Me you have the life, the way, the truth, the light, the force and the power in order
to pull down
Enemy, the water that disse ta, the bread that is satiated, the wisdom, the justice, the

With Me you have truly all!

But the majority seems to ignore it

But unfortunately if the men tire, stremati, making thirsty and confuseing do not know
near they it is a delicious place that in itself has all the comforts of which they feel
necessities, can come less also having the salvation to hand capacity… and are
own which is happening on the earth!

I Jesus Man God, Salvatore and Redentore, perennial source of Light, Life, Faith,
of Love they are in the middle of the men with My made thirsty cosmic Heart of spirits,
majority seems to ignore it, tant'è that if some perceive My Presence is alone
for rinnegarla and trying to destroy it between the impassibilità of Those who I have
calling them friendly and sons mine, elevating them to the rank of my Ministers and
near it polulates and nations!

Because son mine in the humanity and My same Church although my divine one
Presence the men continue to walk towards perdition ways rather than towards
via of salvation?

I know what tasks in this moment, cioé you dispiace that returns to
to complain to me with the callback of things that I have repeated you many times and
that you have repeatedly
written, but because I have prechosen for a experience much bitter to you which and the
collision in existence
from the creation of the man today between the powers of the Light and those of the

Own because you my Prophet, after to have lived and suffered for this bitter
experience you could come to acquaintance and see with clarity the origins, the nature
evolving itself of this crash in order to say it, in order to speak of to the others and to
render them aware of
chosen they and responsibility approximately the great aim of the life!

Theirs pains in Hell will be centuplicate

Like sometimes not speaking to son mine about a truly sad situation in which the man
it debates disperatamente and to which its salvation or eternal eternal damnation is tied?

It would be as if I wanted parlarti of the man tacendo all on its origin and nature
spiritual let alone on the union of the spirit and the body, that I could say then?

In other words you know that it is your specific mission to bring to light the causes and i
responsibles of the evils for which the My Church he suffers and langue and for which
many spirits
they go lost… and this you must make completely!

All must know that to My Church it has been given all the necessary one for
the performance of its mission in the world;

I have said all because to It I have given and I give Same Me and with Me it cannot lack
it does not lack to them null;

shadows and lights must be notes to all because everyone can answer to the evil that
it lays a trap with the average abundant of defense that it has on hand.

Troubles to those who abandoning their places of responsibility they pass to the Enemy;

worse still for who maintaining externally to their positions key they betray
I hand on and serving the Enemy in its rabid work of perdition;

better never they had not been born;

because theirs pains in Hell, you write it without fear this word Hell, will be
centuplicate in the comparisons of the damned others!
As you see son, not only darkness, but also vivida light for who loves the Light!

You benedico son and with Me you benedicono the Mother Mine and Saint Giuseppe
and, with to
you, benediciamo the Community and the persons who you are beloveds.

23 November 1978



Son mine is Jesus who invites to you to resume the pen for the third time in this
day, you write and not to fear.

In the messages precedence we have spoken about the church of intentional Satana and
fed with always new proseliti and how many it has made some in these last decades, one
number grandissimo, many of which of high rank it is in the laicato one that in the

they are all very organized with structures and adequate means of fight of which the arm
main and more powerful it is the curse is like single fact that like arm of
group, and naturally all in opposition to My Church;

proseliti that they are perseveranti and malignantly zealous in pursuing the evil always
but camouflaged from the appearance well.

This is a truth of which it must have of conscience and acquaintance in order to know
to defend contrasting it with the means that the Church puts on hand of its
members, overabundant means and of a wealth that only It has and can have, but

that, to its serious damage, it still has nearly a total ignorance inborn in the majority
of its members approximately the fight in course between the dark and tenebrous powers
of the evil and
men who of are object and victims.

The richest means Church of the defense, but poor of acquaintance of


Two truth therefore in continuous contrast, but one of these is always alert and
very trained in incessant stiff movement circuire, to lay a trap and to hit without it rests
the other part, than also being richest of means of defense is poor of Faith and
of acquaintance of the Enemy of which it has been cured very little to know of the power,
nature and the strategy;
logical consequence of these facts is that the Enemies of the Church are resolutions to
penetrarvi eliminating defense, destroying fortresses, insinuating itself anywhere and
getting hold of strategic positions occupying even not little places of
Commando in highest you concern to us.

Now this made yielding ignorance, indifference, of lack of appetite and spiritual anemia
fruit of the most colossal deceit of the Enemy, since is the materialismo that it has
darkened and it is darkening all and that it prepares that hour whose signs premonitors
they perceive already to the horizon.

Son mine must that at least all those who carry the name of Christians are
prepared, since from the Creation of the invisibile World cioé from the combat between
Remained spirits faithful to God and those rebelled, never a collision has not been looked
at thus tremendous
as it will be looked in the hour of the purification with repeating itself of these immane
and gigantic
conflict without precedence in the history of the humanity and in which all will be
forces to the service of Satana collections in its church!

Of all this many comprised men laugh beffardi and increduli many of those who
they had been calls to train the soldiers of My Church against the dark powers
of Hell and now anch'essi fortemente contaminated, even if would be better to use
term more answering to the true one, cioé plagiati, own more of the others, does not seem
in fact not even steps for their mind this that in by now near times will happen in this
world thus atrociously tricked from the Menzogna with the subdola art of He who is
the Father and the Generator of all the evil and all the evils from which the humanity he
suffers and he will suffer
as of it he has never suffered for the past…

I am the Love, but they are also the Justice

With this message I have intentional to give to the men of this time the vision
realistic and veritiera of the two worlds in collision between they: the World of the Light
and that one
of the Darkness; the World of the joyful Life and the Truth and that one of the dead
women of
Grace supernatural;

two being involved worlds a great number thus of creatures who no human mind
he is able to comprise…
the humanity does not know this that it hangs on its head and this is terrible… the men
to know, they must know…

here because of these messages!

Lucky people those who will lend you faith!

The city corrupts of the Pentapoli will not believe to the Prophets but own for the
of their heart the cities were destroyed from a fire come down from the Sky… believed
to mock God impunemente, but Justice hit the Divine them thus hardly gives
to even disperse to the wind the powder of their boneses!

I love my creatures all, I have loved them a lot that for they and their salvation not
I have hesitated to die on the Cross because I am the Love son, but are also

This must know all those who persist in the blind stubbornness of refusal and
resistance to the Love that fin'ora has knocked uselessly to their heart!

Son mine prays, not to deny you to me your love and your prayer that will not remain
without answer.

For the third time son benedico you and with you all those who you love.

24 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus.

In the precedence messages I had to dirti as every medal has a its double one
positive and negative facade, thus is also in My Church also much rich one of assets
spiritual, now this morning I want in particular parlarti of one of these, of
prayer; it is:

poderosa arm with which we can obtain from God every thing;

formidable arm with which the also more weak people they can be transformed in forts to
the point gives
to become invulnerabili to all the blows delivered from the enemies;

arm that if it is used saggiamente always succeeds to make to prevail the combatant on
it is the arm appealled constantly from the Saints and of which I eternal Verbo of God
have some
wide spoken in the Gospel.

The prayer is therefore the arm from entrusted Me to My Church like guarantee of
emergency and of cover, is an infallible arm if it is used with humility, faith, hope and
love cioé if it comes used in the condition of perfect spiritual health as who
it uses this arm must be in Grace of God, since the Grace us alloy to God with one
pact of essential friendship to all the effects is for the single victories that for
Victoria final.

Between the many shadows and the driven in dusk that My Church wraps the prayer she
is like
saetta that she penetrates and she cleaves this dusk like an luminous beam, like an arrow
unstoppable; it is powerful arm that stops always the tracotanza of the Enemy it puts and
it in

… prayed… otherwise you will perish all

Son mine today the situation of the Church is much precaria, is like that of one
great Empire to the eve of its fall but the thing still stranger is that
the humanity perceives the gravity of the moment without to find the force to shake itself
and of
to resume itself appealling the able infallible arm already in existence to arrest the
unravelled one and of
to save it from the extreme ruin.

Once again son you memory that the Church would have had to receive
loving and authoritative invitations of the Mother Mine to the Rooms, Lourdes, Fatima
and in
many other places, invitations with which the common Mother ours with semplicità and
it put on the warning Church and World for sottrarli to the tremendous ruin of
purification: fairies penance; prayed, has said pointing out to the Crown of S. Rosary,
otherwise you will perish all.

To how many it has said it times, but as the World has answered and as Mine has

The little, least in comparison to the overwhelming majority of the men, have
received the invitation of the Sky;

pride and superbia has not allowed to the Christians and the men of this century
sventurato fallen between the insidie of viscide the infernal powers, to believe to the

The full words of Love have not been taken in the just consideration and of
Misericordia of the Celestial Mother; them the answer attended with anxiety has not been
cioé the answer of the ravvedimento, the prayer and the repentance indeed is
continued to make of all in order removing God from the heart of the man, for

the Church sinking it more and more in the materialismo in order to make to forget them
great Divine mission.

Oh the men as they are easy to forget how many times have been saved from
Singularly and social taken Divine Misericordia!

The Church, and with it the Christian Civilization has not been saved to Lepanto from the

of the Average Moon?

Such salvation but has come to the Church and the single spirits always and only for

The believers will save themselves as Noè was saved

The cristianità is full of wonderful Sanctuaries and magnificent scattered a little Churches
anywhere in order to remember the power of the Rosario Saint and the prayer generally,
materialismo of these last times using of all means has made of all in order making
to forget to the man its dignity about Son about God, and, always disguised in many
various ways, have tried to kill the faith in the man thus rendering it completely
sordo to the callbacks of the love of God.

The men of this XX° century have been dipped in all the material truths in order to make
they to forget the single great Truth, foundation and base of all the others, cioé God.

A lot é reached the stubborn malvagità of Satana!

Son mine the Church will not perish and he will not perish just for the power of the
prayer of i
little bonds and for the humble prayers of those who they have not let to trick from
velenose insidie of Hell.
These already are marked and they will be saved as Noè with the sons of its sons was
in Arca a lot derisa from the insipienza and blindness of those who they will not believe.

The Celestial Father My will not never remove from Himself those who raised It theirs
fervent prayer with faith alive and humble and sincere heart.

Enough son mine, we will resume soon, for the time being benedico you and with
benedico you all
those who collaborates to the spread of My messages.

24 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus; this morning I have spoken to you about the prayer, arm
formidable and always effective when one completes in the due ways, but sterile and

useless when the necessary conditions in the mind lack complete it to who.

Now if Shepherds, Clergymen, Religious and consecrated spirits sight forgiveness their
state of
combatant, sight forgiveness also the crews from which a combatant not it must
to never separate, I, am not the God of the Armies? but what means mine
consecrated with these words?

The God words of the Armies more are not appreciate today and they have been
cancelled from

Bible… but the truth is not changed for this, I is, remains and will be, is kept
very present this, the God of the Armies, above all does not forget it you to you
constructors of My made Church new because this will be a bench mark of
spiritual regeneration of the post puriphicationem.

Who is My Soldiers? All the Cresimati that will form folte the formations of
New church.

All the governors of this world have their soldiers, only the God Omnipotent
Rex omnium cordium must not have its?

I am truly KING and therefore I have and I will have my armies in the eternal centuries!

Disheartened church disheartened and discredited because like combatant!

Son mine because to the eyes of the World My Church has been thus disheartened,
mocked and harried in many ways? Own and only because it has been disheartened like

The military services of an army abandoned and left himself same end with dispersing
themselves and
to cancel itself, and if still then it makes of all in order convincing prodi soldiers that the
enemy not
he exists, that he exists alone in the deceived fantasy of little crazy ones, is clearly that
the moral of those
soldiers pian slowly s'incrina and is destroyed…

Here, this, son mine, are what they have made Shepherds and Clergymen;

under the throbbing diabolic action they have laid a trap my soldiers tricking them for
to convince them that it does not have today to be spoken about soldiers of enemies or
fights, because it is
all and only sickened fruit of exaltation of poor of galoppante sclerosis;

that the God words of the armies must disappear as things is taboo of others

thus while the Enemy completes its work of spiritual destruction moral and not of
I shave also physical without to meet no resistance, because not there is more, blank
always the debite exceptions, who opposes itself to the onslaughts more and more rapes
dark powers of the evil.

Where to find the explanation of this great tragedy?

The Enemy of the Church knows very well with what to make lever on the mind of those
they cover responsibility places, above all of those who in the Army of my Soldiers
they have the place of Generates them or of Officials with the serious task to hold alive in
the mind
of the soldiers their state of combatants and to train them and to instruct them for condurli

single large the Victoria whom the eternity is worth for all and that truly she is worth the
pain of
to fight in the way of your life.

Not Misericordia therefore but Justice!

That she imports the man to conquer esteem, Gloria, wealth, pleasures, honors if then in
bottom to its life finds the eternal eternal damnation in eternal Hell?

No lie, deceit or tradimento will be able badly to cancel this tremendous truth and
this frightful sentence that does not admit some appeal also with passing of i

here an other deceit of the Demon, to make to believe that after some millenia the Justice
Divine it will be changed in an action of Misericordia…

o h human fatuity that you make of the men that they are Sons of God and my soldiers, of
poor lunatic and always ready creatures to bite I love to it thrown from he who is
acerrimo more enemy of the man, that it hates and it tricks, in order to only make of a its
for all the eternity.

Pemettimi once again son mine to deplore the attitude of those who
prechosen for being faithful Corredentori and Collaboratori in the task and largest
Mission that the Iddio Omnipotent could assign to a poor human creature,
others are transformed instead in traitor of had He who them predelights between many!

A lot could son mine of the sublimest dignity from above be fallen thus low
to become enslaved servants and in the church of Satana always in opened opposition
to My Church and damage and ruin of the spirits redeemed with the Precious Blood
of My Humanity?

Not Misericordia therefore but Justice for these bugiardi that they never do not have
truly known what it wants to say to love!

Benedico you and with benedico you all those who humbly accept My Word and
they put practically: made happy those which they will believe also without to have seen.

It prays, it repairs always well and voglimi as I of want you.

24 November 1978


Son you write.

In the precedence message I have spoken about the Cresima a large Sacramento to you
important as it they are all the Sacramenti, that it numbers the Christians in My Armies
increasing of dignity and power and making some of the real soldiers.

Soldier is he who must fight in order to defend if same and the patrio ground, that she
wants then
to say, family, language, culture and all the values of the civilization in which she lives
and it is dipped;

thus parimenti must be said of the Christian made adult in the spirit for means of
Cresima, Sacramento from Me instituted, become soldier own because or in degree
to fight against all the adverse forces hurled against of he from the General Staff
of Hell, cioé from Lucifero, Satana and Belzebù, so that, fighting with crews
adapted, it can reject to all the attacks directed against of he and the Church,
Sacramento of salvation mails in the world in order to receive in its breast the wounded
from the sin of Origin and not only of origin, and because it can guide this large one
army towards the Promised Earth, the true Native land, cioé the House of the common
Father that
its Son has not hesitated for your salvation to send on the earth Me predelight, to
to die in Cross.

The Cresimati does not have to only fight therefore for a personal defense but also
for the great Family of God, the Church; they in fact are equipped of a wonderful one
uniform of which they must always be proud fairs and, an indestructible uniform and
that once worn it will remain in eternal and such will remain also to Hell, but like
reason of a more tremendous punishment because in it the damned one will acknowledge
soldier but a soldier who with the tradimento has dimmed the splendor of that dignity
and power of which it has enjoyed in earth and glue which could have been acquired a
of eternal happiness.

It is necessary to give a Divine vision and supernatural of the Sacramento

The Cresima is the Sacramento that consecrates the Christian which combatant soldier
against the adverse forces of the evil and with the Character who imprime indelebilmente
in the spirit it distinguishes the soldier of Christ from who it is not;

it is a precious gift that enriches the human nature of the power Christian and force
placing the Cresimato in the condition, as already it has been said, for defending if same
Church of which ago part. Church that are depositaria and Caretaker of the inestimabili
of the Divine Redenzione;

with gifts then that the Sacramento door the Cresimato acquires also straight and duties of
which it must have a clear vision and a perfect conscience, since not can
to complete duties that are not known or of which conscience is not had.

From how much said obvious cliff the great responsibility of the Shepherds and the
Clergymen and
of those who they have the delicate task to prepare the mind of the cresimandi for
to make it with a divine vision and supernatural of the nature of the Sacramento that is
a regarding human fact the body but is a regarding Divine fact the Spirit, to
only scope to receive from God the force necessary in order to gain the war that the
cresimato one
it will have to always support for all the course of its life terrena;

the Cresimandi must know the conditions well because the gift of God
free of charge given, it can produce its yields.

The Clergymen who do not cure themselves to prepare the spirit of the cresimandi well
without to ascertain
if they are or less in the Grace than God, they sin seriously in front of God demonstrating
with this of being lacking in that sensibility that would have to be connaturale to
sacerdotal paternity.

That to think about those Clergymen that they send the adolescents to the Cresima Saint
to have fact to precede the Confession as if he were petty what? …

To this point the sense of the Pastorale is a lot diluted till to extinguish itself completely!

The true Cresima bench mark of all the Mystical Body

The Cresimandi must know that all and the Three Persons of the SS.ma Trinità
they take part on the Christian: the Father with the creation; the Son with the Redenzione;
Saint spirit with the santificazione by means of the reduction in the mind of the single
own in the Cresima!

I have said that in My new Church the Sacramento of the Cresima will have to be
reintegrato in its nature, it will have essergli I ridato cioé all this that today it has been
removed emptying it of its content supernatural;

it will have essergli ridata all more speeds up attention from Shepherds and Clergymen,
because this Sacramento forms and is a true bench mark for all the Mystical Body;

it will have riporlo in its true and just light, since comprehensible Sacramento only
if it comes always in existence framed in the gigantic and real conflict between the
powers of
Light and those of the Darkness.

The eyes stretch of for himself to the light, because for this they have been created,
it stretches the Truth because for it us it has been date, but like the eye that is closed for
not to see does not destroy to the light and the intelligence that refuses to watch in face

truth and the truth does not destroy to them, thus this guilty blindness of the Christian not
it admits justifications, for this I have said to you that not there will be Misericordia for
those who has suffocated in itself lume of the reason and the lume of the Faith.

The Sacramento of the Cresima will have therefore in the new Church the place that
it competes and that it has in the divine plan of spiritual regeneration of the Mystical

You benedico son, voglimi well; with Me you benedicono the Vergine SS.ma and San

Giuseppe. It prays and it repairs.

29 November 1978


Son you write are Jesus.

I said that I would have given to the vision of some gashes to you of My Church first
negatives then
positive, now one of most positive and most wonderful, more the beloveds to My Divine
Heart and
that he abundantly repays Me of all the pains that the ungrateful men bring Mine
Heart, is the spirits Victims.

The world knows little or nothing of they for this is not cured any, it ignores to them and
it is not felt
at all to they interested, but there is an other world that unfortunately
it knows, it follows them and the persecuted one not giving to they neither truce neither
rest, torments to them,
it lays a trap, it tries to them and with pitiless sadismo ago to suffer.

Son mine you this the creeds because you have all the reasons in order to believe it and
not to have some
doubt in merit but unfortunately many reading this message will sketch one
doubt smile; others squassando the head will say that you are own a little touch… and
they will be most benign, the stracceranno others are dressed and they will be astonished
lascino to publish similar stupidities, because son mine that is published heresies of
every kind nothing to say, but that the confidenze are published that I Jesus make
to those spirits that ab aeterno me are prechosen do not have to be, because they are
what the good sense must prohibit!

Premised this we raise for a moment the veil that hides to the world the spirits
that I love more than all the others.

They accept, wish, carry and love the Cross!

Who is these wonders of God?

The many more men are dipped in the material truths, much less they see and
they understand the wonders of God to the point that escape they them things, we say
less materials of the matter like the scent of a flower and the color or the colors of which

it dyes the Earth in the several seasons, for which if they always do not know to
appreciate the part
less material of the things, as will be able to understand the finenesses of a full spirit of
much flood to be a single thing with God?

As it succeeds difficult to make to understand to a child things of for himself difficult to

make to recepire
to an adult, thus equally it succeeds difficult to make to understand the wonders that God
in the spirits of its saints!

The spirits victims are those spirits that answering faithfully, for how much are
concurred with human creatures, to the call of God, they want to become similar to He
dividend with He all but with detail care the Cross that they accept,
they carry, they love, they wish like the First Great Infinite Victim of the Calvary.

The spirits victims are the immaculate wafers and also placed on the Altar for being
offering with Jesus and the Mother Its to the Father for the remission of the sins;

they are the jewels of the Paradise;

they are the pearls precious and hidden notes only to God and a Trino;
they are the object of the admiration of the Angels and the Saints; they are after He, the
of all the victims and after the Mother its Celestial Corredentrice, the corredentrici that
they above all tear the spirits to the Purgatorio but to the iron tyranny of Satana.

Son mine all do not see what you see, are in that see this that it is
held hidden to the others… for which that they can understand of spirits victims those
who not
they see not even all of the material truths in which they are dipped?

Indeed the ways of God are mysterious

- But Bishops and Clergymen?

- Who does not see and I do not live other that for own, as he will be able to notice of the
that it they are around?
Here a practical example.

Two simple and humble spirits that they believe with the semplicità of the child, for this I
I have loved and I love to them, in a crucial moment of their life approach a Spirit
Victim who is with Me in Cross from decades and this receives light, comfort and
encouragement to pursue their vocation;

same the two spirits are calls from theirs Shepherds, than it not only demonstrates not
to know the spirit of their vocation but of being also to buio the more suit
approximately their spirits and therefore it tries dissuader them but it does not make it
openly, but for
interposed person.

Here the buio for which in My Church it does not succeed to see and to make own it must
of Shepherds and Father. Who would have for vocation, obligation of own state and
for that paternity given for the spiritual good of own sons, while the humblest one
and hidden spirit victim he sees with much emergency and humility but with as much
certainty advises the two spirits to continue because they are in the just one and to be able
to complete in they the Will of God.

Indeed son who the ways of God are mysterious for which if it has not understood the
not to amaze to you if its collaborators have understood less!

This is an other confirmation that My Church is by now in the hands of the Enemy who
it only destroys because I do not allow it and I will not never allow it! … but this not
they understand and they will not understand it if not when it will be too much late.
Son mine, waits for you other tests, indeed they wait for to you; I repeat you this not for
spaventarti but only for prepararti facing them with serene mind; you know that not
they will prevail and this would have to be enough to you.

I Jesus with the Mother My Celestial one am with you, with you I remain; you want to us
as We want much good to you; you benediciamo.

Tomorrow day of my great Ambassador credited near of you we will be in

half to you; the Enemy would want not it but if We to it want that it against of can

29 November 1978


You write son mine are Jesus.

In precedence messages I had to parlarti of the several ways in which they are really
in My Church:

They are in my Vicario, the Pontefice Roman;

They are with My divine Word, are the eternal Verbo of God;

where they are two, three or more persons re-united in my Name, they are really present
because being the Love, I have need to expand it on all the visible world and

they are then present physically, really and personally in the Mystery of the Faith and
of the Love, cioé in the Eucarestia.

From the infinite Power of My Sacratissimo Heart it penetrates, spirit and it moves all
the visible and invisibili things, orienting them towards the aim for which they were and
they are created, and
for this, My Eucaristico Heart is truly cosmic because it irradiates and it is
propeller of Light, Life and Love because in He, from He and for He the equilibrium
smashed from the angelic and human rebellion it comes restored with the creation
of Hell in which they will throw down all the enemies of God and in which the Justice
it finds again its equilibrium with the punishment of the guilty while the Mystery of
Salvation is truly in the Heart of the Son of God, intentional from the Father and
vivificato from
Saint spirit for whose Love took to form and body in the purest Breast of
Vergine Maria ET concepit de Spiritu Sancto, ET Verbum Beloved east factum.

The Heart of Me eternal Verbo of God generated from always from the Father, began to
in unison with the Immaculate Heart of the Mother Mine and yours and began to being
cosmic heart that with Its infinite Love penetrated of If all and all, world
animated and inanimato and that with Its infinite Power all it illuminates, all vivifica and
all it heats.

Omnia for Ipsum facta sunt

Son mine is with this poderosa vision of the centralità of My Sacratissimo Heart,
center propeller of all and all, of the love, the light, the natural life and
supernatural that goes understandings the words omnia for Ipsum facta sunt in fact to He
and in He all it converges with a flow and incessant reflux; from He and for He ours
life; from He the Redenzione; for He restored the harmony smashed for the sin; for
He reintegrata the Justice offense; for He the salvation for the men of good

Col mystery of Its Incarnation puts into effect the plan of the Divine Trinità of the Second
Creation and for He, the Eva Second gear will crush the head to the ancient snake for
before time, infliggendogli the most tremendous umiliazione because the superbia it will
humiliated as it never was not.

Col mystery of the Incarnation all the visible and invisibile universe perceived that
Second Creation was a completed fact and that it turned over the situation
determined with the angelic and human rebellion;

the Angels esultarono and a new song are raised in Sky: Saint, Saint, Saint and
Gentleman the God of the armies, osanna in the high of Skies.

Now true Jesus God and true man are in the middle of you, are in the middle of you and
not you
lascerò more orphans I will remain on the Earth till the consumazione of the centuries in
state of
present, always present victim but with My Cosmic Heart propeller of Light,
of Love and eternal Life.

The men will see the Power of the Gentleman

This positive aspect of My Church is truth that in the regenerated Church all
men will have to know, to accept and to love because he is absolutely inammissibile
and against logic of the reason and the faith that the dark poison of the human heart
the paradoxical today's situation continues to perpetuale absurd and in which hatred it
on the love, the darkness on the light and that to the eternal happiness it is preferred the
eternal one
eternal damnation.

The men will see the Power of the Gentleman and they will be some thus highly
made an impression that they in spite of will have to fold themselves thus to this
wonderful truth like
it was said: at the end the Merciful Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Maria
they will prevail.

The wonderful truth of the made Church is this new and for this My Church will be
as well as beautiful as never he has been because fremito of the Divine Spirit pervaderà
one and
therefore it will be all nearly charismatic one;

in this way compirà the advent of My Reign on the Earth invocato from a lot
time and from many spirits, will be cioé intermediate Mine come and also the conclusion
partial of the great fight and the greatest battle between the dark forces of the Evil and
Powers of the Light.

In My regenerated Church I want that My Merciful Heart propeller

of My divine onnipotenza, cioé My Cosmic Heart, or the cosmic center in
which Faith, Hope and Love of all converge the spirits in a flow and reflux that
it puts into effect in the perpetual time and in the eternity.

Son, in My regenerated Church I want that My Cosmic Heart and the Heart
Immaculate of Maria, our common Mother, is honored with a great equal festivity
to the Born them and Passover.

You I will be preciser in future.

Now son mine enough; I see to you tired, benedico you, voglimi well, it prays and it

4 Decembers 1978


Son mine, you take the pen and you write

My Church, once again I repeat exited Mine because from the wounds of Mine
Plagues but especially from My Heart ripped from a nozzle, are perfect society

Divine and Human and as such it is supply of all means in order to put into effect the aim
for which I
Eternal verbo of God I have created, it.

Who today watches My Church from the outside could doubt of this mine
affirmation, much more if it observes it solo from the outer side cioé in its humanity, or
quite it considers if it through the very many evils that the travagliano or if thinks,
like many, than the means of which it arranges are not adapted to the times and to the
progress not
thinking them more valid to the aim for which they were given to them, because it would
come to having one
vision of the Church not correspondent to the truth, would be in fact a vision
fortemente become blurred and deformed to the such point that if them he does not
become hostile, remains
at least indifferent in its cares and this it is an evil still worse.

It is true that the evils that plague today it are such and much to render it irriconoscibile
the state puts into effect does not have them and it cannot be considered its state
accustoms them.

Today My Church is in crisis, a terrible and great crisis of Faith, but when it is
last, what it will remain will be so beautiful that is not possible to describe.

The Sacramenti: effective signs of the Grace

I want today parlarti of those means thought by now not suitable from many faithfuls, I
have said
faithfuls but this are worth also for many my Ministers, speak that is about the
Sacramenti who are
donated celestial treasures to the Earth from my Misericordia and to the Church because
it could and
it can be in the middle of the World Sacramento di Salvezza.

It has been made of all in order disheartening of the power and the effectiveness in order
to discredit them to the eyes of i
Christians and have not been understood that this makes part of that flat in phase of full
prepared from the dark forces of Hell in order to demolish My Church.

The Sacramenti effective signs of the Grace, is not figures or symbols, but one
consolantissima truth and from Me true God and true Man, data to the humanity:
in order to insert it in My Church;

in order to give them the force to face the mysterious powers of the evil and to be able
themselves to defend and
protect from the same ones;

in order to standardize the relationships with Me cracked from the col pe it puts into
effect them;

in order to conserve, to develop and to increase the life;

for regulating the social life of the same Church helping it in its way
fine missionary to catch up its;

in order to multiply in the Church the sons of God and thus to be able to assist them, to
relieve and
to encourage in their transit from the Earth to the Eternity.

In all this son mine you can see logic of the Sacramenti and you can some understand
grandissima the wonderful usefullness let alone effects that they produce in the single
spirits and in all the Mystical Body;

they answer to the requirement of the nature of the man, in fact they are material signs
answering to the material part of the man who has need to see, to feel, to touch,
to taste… material signs but conferring the Grace and the Grace does not regard
matter but the spirit that is the spirit of the man that they invest and compenetrano giving
necessary force for the several moments of the life on the earth.

For this the dark forces of Hell have made and make of all in order darkening some
beauty and effectiveness!

But in that way son mine?

Using own of those who they would have to be the tutors of the Sacramenti, i
defenders of their dignity and the supporters of their effectiveness and power…

Considering the way with which they come trained it is sure that the faithfuls not of
they draw reasons of greater appreciation indeed, as more than Clergymen
permeated of faith and venerazione the Ministranti gives the impression to be laborers
they distrattamente handle their tools of job…
you see many Clergymen to come near to the Altar or the Confessional one with an
that he does not have nothing of Sacred… see you them to deal and to manoeuvre with
the fruits of Mine
Redenzione with the same unconcern of who handles the hoe, the vanga or
cazzuola… o h is not sure this the way for inculcare in the faithfuls confidence,
venerazione and esteem in the Sacramenti that are wonderful and wonderful gifts
the Love of God for its sons alive members of its Mystical Body!

The enemies feel themselves sure and… of it they pretaste the Victoria…

After the purification the Shepherds will have to make restructure work approximately
discipline of the Sacramenti rectifying where there will be from rectifying and bringing
back all to
just point.

I have already said you that My Church is attacked from the outside from the dark forces
of Hell
and inside from the forces allied they that is from the much Giuda betrays that it with the
to modernize it in its multiple structures Doctrine, Sacramenti, Liturgy…

with a gigantic and immense maneuver and the coalizzazione of all the forces to She
enemies, the much Giuda and the dark forces of Hell are preparing some
destruction… and is felt sure and of they pretaste already the Victoria….

But because all this?

Because he does not believe himself to My Divinity!

Oh! their disappointment will be never large and bitter how much when they will have to
that I Jesus am not only a simple man lived like many others on earth 2000
years ago, but are truly God that all I can and that they are on the alive Earth that
never and that I operate like and when creed…

they will see that My words are not like theirs; my Words neither
they will never pass!

I have given to My Church inestimabili treasures that are not like the treasures of the
because I have I date alive treasures of eternal life, they are warm throbbings of love and
splashes of
Celestial light that many also between mine Consecrated have not known to understand,
to see,
to appreciate and to love… but you had been informed also of this: nolite to place
margheritas before porcos but who it is dipped in the truths terrene will not be able to
never see
the celestial Truth.

Son for this today enough, benedico you and with benedico you all those who you are
voglimi always well.

5 Decembers 1978


You write son mine are Maria the Mother of Jesus but also Mother yours and yours, true
Mother whom it loves to you without measure and limits.

That ago son mine a true Mother?

It is always with the thought and the heart near its sons also when for necessity
of things it is from they physically separated; its love not only the door to think them and
wish them near but also to participate and to donate they all how much can, worry
of their health; he fears and paventa the dangers which they can go encounter; he prays
they incolumità; it cries for their suffering and it is rallegra for their joys… insomma
it tries prodigar itself in any case without never to worry itself of himself and its
in a word it would want to be always donated for being still with they a single thing!

This is what ago and demands the true love!

If unfortunately the sons in order to have hardened their heart in the evil do not perceive
the love of the Mother or laughs some or of it you do not cure minimally then to
understand, also
if it is not easy to understand, the atrocious pain of which they are cause to loves them
more to who than every

if then the perversion of the sons reached the point to put them against theirs quite

Mother, offending it, insulting it and deridendola who could have words for
to express the pain of that poor sventurata Mother?
I have generated to you in the pain and the love

Son mine is a lassù Mother in Sky but that it is also always present also on
earth and that it loves its sons with a great and thus intense love from not being able itself
to describe neither to mean, loves than them with a love that comes quickly after the love
God that is infinite, loves than them with a love that gives single himself exceeds the love
of all
Mothers who were, they are and they will be, and that Mother, like you very know, you
are I Maria
the Immaculate Vergine that with Jesus, offered for you on the Cross to the Father, I have
to you
generated to the divine life in the Pain and the Love.

I love to you as you will not be able to never understand; I love to you so much to the
point that continuous to
to sacrifice My Jesus and to offer it to the Father for your salvation in the Mystery of
Perpetual cross that is renewed and really in the Mystery of the Putting!

Sons mine you know the price of your Redenzione that satisfied Jesus in
continuation to the Celestial Father and with He also I pay because I am the

the Love that It you door is infinite like infinite is the suffering tied to this love
and I am joined to He in an only and irripetibile way in mankind because I
alive of He and Its divine nature and It lives of Me and my human nature for
which all this that is Its is Mine and all this that is Mine is Its.

The times are shortened… prayed and fairies penance

Son and sons mine, premised these things, will be easier to penetrate my pain and
my suffering without limits, because made the debite exceptions like always, how many
the sons from the heart hardened and traviato that null they know and nothing want to
know of mine
love for they?

How many are the sons who offend to me, m'insultano, I even swears me and
they hate?

But it is not all… how many are the sons who with Me insult My Jesus the Salvatore,
Light, the Love, the Life and the Truth?

Oh is not available… but it is not all anchor…

In fact not draft only of the common sons, but of sons predelights and is many,
those which My Jesus has called Its friends and that now they have made cause common
with the dark powers of Hell disertando My Church, the Mystical Body, for
to pass to the church of Lucifero and zelarne dark and iniqui the interests.

The most expensive son and sons my who a lot I love, I say to you you are perseveranti in
the Faith and
in the Fidelity; you are perseveranti in the Love because the times are shortened and the
decisive it is approached more and more; fairies prayed and penance; prayed and
repaired; you are strong
and you will not have to fear of nothing because I Maria Mother of God and Madre yours
am with

You benedica the Father, you benedica the benedica Son and you the Saint Spirit and
with they

anch'Io you benedico.

6 Decembers 1978


You write son mine are Jesus that I wish to resume the cut speech ago two days.

A great and ineguagliabile treasure of My Church is the Mother My SS. but that it is
also true Mother yours and is Queen of the Universe, Queen of all the victories, Queen
of the Sky and Queen of the Church that Mine loves with an equal love and since for
Grace It can all this that I can I love to you as I love you.

Only monster of an abominable malvagità Mine can not love the Mother who
after God she is before the Sky and of the Earth, before the world the universe and that
no creature will be able never uguagliare in eternal!

She is in this visual one that must watch the Mother Mine who is the single exited
perfect and Immaculate from the Love and the Power of God Creator Father, because it
single he did not know the common guilt with which the men are born all and never
he belonged to the dark powers of the evil;

he not even for a moment did not know the dominion of Lucifero because for all the
of its life some not even most light did not know guilt;

its mind, its heart and its body were not never minimally grazed from
badly, It was born and lived in a perfect candor, in a somigliante transparency in
all and for all to the candor and the transparency of God and Trino;

for this first anchor that was jetties the foundations of the Earth and the World
It was in front of God the object of Its infinite compiacenze.

For She it was gained the dead women and operated the second creation

The smashed Order and the equilibrium for the sin of the humanity were restored for
half of She;

for means of She it was gained the dead women entered in the world and was operated
the second one
creation for which every man of good will it can now achieve the aim of its
creation and of its life cioé the attainment of the eternal Life.

Donde is born then the hostility towards the Mother Mine?

From incurable Hatred of the dark powers of the evil because for It has been completed
Divine justice with the creation of Hell while Maria is the manifestation of
Divine Misericordia for which the human spirits they can have the eternal salvation;

from the Jealousy and Invidia they have caught up a such level here that you human
you will not be able to never comprise as the superbia of the dark powers
of Hell it has been mortified in proportion of the gravity of their guilt and they
therefore they will not be able to be never resigned to the thought that a human creature a
inferior to they by nature, the head of the rebellious Legions can replace Satana, neither
they will be able to be never resigned still to the thought that the Verbo of God has made
cioé it has assumed a human nature to join to its Divine nature.

It is a hatred torrent that is gushed from Hell and from it is fed against
Mother Mine and yours and against all this that It loves and preprefers and more than
every other thing
the Church that with Me it has generated, fed and will feed till the end of the centuries;

from here the completed blasphemies, insults and the sacrilegi against of She, the
creature who is
conpiacenza of God and hope of the humanity… do not have no appearing reason neither
neither real the men to hate our common Mother but they make if it are always
the chasing diabolic action;
Maria is and will be always the terror of Hell and no Demon not even the heads like
Lucifero, Satana and Belzebù will never dare to attack the Madonna but they will escape
in front of She and they ahead satisfy this vile fear sending the men more
he tilts to the evil, thus like bruto the servants of the child for its suspicious scope.

Maria, radiosa dawn of the regenerated Church

All this but cannot minimally insozzare the beautifulr Flower of the Sky and of
Earth that overflows of its splendor the Angels and the Saints of the Paradise and is
satiated with its
scent the Comprensori blessed souls of the Ancient one and the New Testament, because
Maria is
mail to the center of the Divine Trinità and encloses every beauty, every grace in itself,
scent and every hope of the bonds in way on the earth that watch to She Star
of the mattino trusting and Sure not to get lost in the tenebrous mazes of this life

If the Demons have instillato in the mind of the reprobates much aversion against Maria,
contrary It is to the center of the faith and the universal love of all the bonds that

confidano in She, in She believes and in She they hope being in fact the Depositaria of
all the hopes of the men in way on the earth;

Maria is light from Light, love from Love, life from Life, is dulled Bud
in means of the Divine Trinità, it is tree of the life that dulls grows and spande i
its fecund branches throughout the world and the spirits redente with the Blood of Its
with justice they call it and invocano Mother and I ornament constitutes it beautifulr and
precious of the House of the Father.

It guards to you, blank you and you guides in the more and more driven in darkness that
they wrap

Church, because It will be the radiosa dawn of My regenerated Church and the arc of
New Alliance after the purification.

In your tribolazioni son mine Maria watches and never you will not be disappointed;
benedico you and
with benedico you all those who you are beloveds now and always. Amen.

7/9 Decembers 1978


You write son mine are Jesus that I wish to resume the talk interrupted yesterday.

Between the treasures of My Church you of it is the other most precious one and not
always from the men
appreciated and searched with that heat that very deserves and is the Truth.

The absolute Truth I am God and a Trino;

the relative Truth is that which more approaches itself Me, that is that to you participated
Me supreme truth.

The menzogna it is dusk that gushes badly like every other from the superbia;

the truth is transparency that derives from the absolute Transparency that is God.

The truth is full intellectual light of love and of it is all permeated; while the menzogna
that it is always deceit is the antithesis of the truth.

Who possesses the truth possesses God Ego sum Veritas and to possess God is to possess
all, cioé the peace, the life, the hope that it supports, support and relieve, that it generates
the force to fight and to continue the way towards the final goal only scope of the life
and of the creation, while on the contrary the error that are deceit, menzogna and
it maintains the bound spirit to the dead women.

The Church only legitimate revealed interpreter of the truth

Son the truth is in My Church, the single and only human institution that possesses
this inestimabile treasure that I have to them I date;

the single legitimate Depositaria of the Detection;

she is the single legitimate revealed interpreter of the Truth;

she is the single Master of truth who in itself has the taught guarantee of the truth; for
this will be given the place to them that is up to them cioé of Guide of polulates and of
the nations.

I have said that it is My Church, sacramento of salvation, that it possesses this precious

and inestimabile gift, but is not from considering sacramenti of salvation the single ones
members of the Church, or details groups or determined schools, sometimes true
letamai where pullulano heresies of every kind;

they are not from considering church the many presuntuosi Teologi that have been made
of rigurgitanti insane doctrines of errors and real heresies;

they are not do not give to consider church many Shepherds who independently give
Vicario diffuses contrary principles to the Detection;

they are not do not give to consider good Shepherds and bonds Masters those Bishops
tacitly they approve of asserting itself and diffusing itself of many errors between their
flock, and
the number of these last ones and grandissimo!

I know that how much I am for dirti son mine will be able to seem paradoxical but she is
the truth: if one
Bishop or a Clergyman is in grace of God less sees and will see more or to
second of their spiritual transparency, but if they are not in grace of God in theirs
mind is the dusk, that tremendous dusk that is dead women spiritual and you know that i
died they cannot that to emanate stench, now who for superbia and pride have betrayed
selling itself to the church of Satana, and you know that today costoro they are many, if
not there is
state in he a sincere repentance followed from a Confessione saint, could be
Bishop or single Clergyman dinnanzi to the men but it is not in front of God, because
the Episcopal or Sacerdotal Order is suspended, cioé never does not have impresso no
Character neither will be able to never produce some effect in those sventurate spirits.

They do not accept the Truth, and I am the Truth

I did not say many times over to you that if made to see all this you that it is behind the
facade of
My Church you could not survive not even a moment?

Nevertheless this is not all!

You continue to domandarti like or possible all this, now you are not the case to speak
of possibility but to watch in face a tremendous truth that opens you a small opening

of light on a dramatic situation of My Church and that the obliging explains you
indifference of propagar itself of the error and the heresy let alone of many other evils.

As you could explain the passivity, Hush guilty and this to stretch
continuously to hinder the good under the most absurd excuses, always naturally
disguised as zeal for the truth from those who they do not love, they do not try and
they do not want the truth while not they have eyes in order to see neither words in order
the evil that completes dinnanzi they?

They do not accept the truth… and I am the Truth; they cannot accept it because they
killed in they the Faith that is transparency through which you catch a glimpse the truth
and to which
you join with the will… but as it can see who has suffocated and killed in own
heart the Faith for love of own I?

He is sure son mine that they reading these My messages will feel offenses and
they will react against of you, but not to worry any to you because they will not be able
null against of
you, they want since it or not, I am Jesus who I speak to you and that I have to you
chosen for
to unmask them since they have resistito to every my invitation in order to recover on the
just one
path of the repentance for the return to the House of the Father.

The Depositaries of the Truth are My the joined Vicario and Bishops, have said joined,
He in a deep communion of Faith and Love; to they the task of being Light and
Masters of Truth.

Now enough son mine benedico you and with benedico you all those who you are
beloveds; not
to fear; you do not fear of nothing, I Jesus I am strongest!

9 Decembers 1978


You write son mine are Jesus, we resume the message of this today: the Truth.

It is in the middle of the World a dazzling and luminous CHAIR and on that Chair
she seats an equal but various man from all the other men; he is the Christ in Earth,
My Vicario, the Pontefice Roman and is the single man on the earth that when it speaks
Church and to the World like My Vicario, has the gift of the infallibilità!

Also this is a inestimabile treasure for which nobody it must nourish the doubt in itself of
to get lost in the mazes of the errors and the heresies putting itself on the road of the
because It, the Master who replaces to me on the earth, can say with absolute emergency
to the erranti and the smarriti ones, the uncertain ones and doubtful the Way to follow
and the way that I
I indicate to you, following you will not never get lost it;

this man who is on the Chair of Peter therefore with the truth can donate also
to the men of good will peace, emergency and serenity.

Roman I1 Pontefice truth and light beacon

From many enemy insides and exteriors, with a tremendous erosion still in existence,
it has been tried to destroy the Dogma of the Infallibilità of the Pontefice Roman when
in its quality of My Vicario it speaks about Moral Faith and to all People… but theirs
torbid action will not be of no avail!

The Dogma is, remains and will remain in the life of My Church a splendid gem that
all extraordinary detail will donate a splendor and especially after
purification, and such gift are participated to all the Bishops who live in communion of
faith and love with My Vicario and He operate in unit of attempts for the common good
of My Church.

The Bishops who are not joined to My Vicario like I have said over, do not have use of
of this wonderful treasure.

Here therefore that in the world darkened from the darkness generated from the superbia
is one
Only chair like beacon of light and truth, able to point out to all the men who
they come in this world, the sure way of the eternal salvation… but the men
today dipped in the materialità in which they are, they do not know and they cannot
understand the Love
Merciful of the Father who loves them to a lot.

Who takes to cure son mine to explain to the men these manifestations
of the Love of God in their cares?

Former Fides auditu… this is the plan of the Divine Providence, but if nobody speaks
of the necessary things for the formation of the Christian consciences, as they will be able
to form the consciences?

Chair of Truth and the Truth is light, but the men today are darkness, like
they can therefore wish, try and love the Truth?

He is attempted of all, he speaks himself about all fuorché about the Truth and distracted
like the Proxy
Roman Ponzio Pilato asks: quid east veritas? but they do not attend the answer
for the vague fear to know it!
In the message of this morning I have said to you that the Truth is the antithesis of the
error like
the Darkness is the antithesis of the light, like the love is the antithesis of hatred; now
Truth and Error have opposite sources and contrasting the fight is explained that not
it changes neither will never change, in fact God, infinite transparency because infinite
truth and
dark powers of Hell because dusks and error, are in a perennial fight
that it will only at the end have its conclusion of the times.


The Truth is God participated to you by means of My Word

The Scribi, the Farisei and the Clergymen of the Tempio have always contested My truth,
they have always hated and fought by all means because they were darkness, cioé
superbia, that it wants to say implacable hatred, hatred that finds its point of vent in
Cross; son mine you know that also now she is not changed null and that the Sinagoga
he continues with the same average subdoli and the same scopes that the Jewish church to
i had
times of my life terrena!

The Truth is God participated to you by means of My Word, that is the Detection,
assured by means of the Infallibilità of the Pontefice Roman and the Bishops in

with He.

The heresy, the error and the dusk are the product of Satana widely participates that them
to i
its follow to us that they do not see other that own I….

Oh son mine, in My Church is already who has paid the truth with the life like I
I paid today with the Cross… as my Apostles paid with the Martyrdom… and like many
they are paying with the same one!

Nothing can change because they cannot change the terms of this fight:
transparency, light and love from a part, dusk, error and hatred from the other, but not
you fear because I Truth am in the middle of you, rest in the middle of you and if I am
you, who will be able something against of you?

Now enough son mine six tired one, like always benedico you and with Me you
Father and the Saint Spirit; with We you benedicono the Mother My SS.ma and San
entirety benediciamo you and all the persons beloveds for which it prays and also the

10 Decembers 1978


Son mine you have rested this morning now you resume the pen and you write, are yours

How many are in My Church those who knows truly it and that they know to
bottom woven of this the My social Body? little son mine.

We are free and intelligent limbs of this body but limbs, nourish ourselves, ce
we feed some and of we breathe the lymph but all this often happens
unconsciously for which we become same strangers to we nearly as if a son
breaking off against nature the ties that join to the father and the mother, he tried of
to become stranger to the body from which it has received life nutriment etc….

How many know an other treasure of My Church, a treasure that render it beautiful,
powerful and perfect that I God and a Trino have given to them, cioé the power?

When I say that My Church is truly perfect Society because it does not lack to them
nothing for being such and that is only to the world for the wealth of its spiritual
I assert a thing of which today little they are convinced some… and the reason of this
conviction is always the same son mine, the crisis of faith in the supernatural.

Now even if this thus devoid conviction is found more diffused own in
Hierarchy, constituting a dark shadow that to the eyes of the men removes splendor
to My Church, it however not of sminuisce minimally value and power.

Or to renew themselves in reality or to perish

When to Cesarean section of Filippo Peter he answered to my question: You are the
Son of the Living God memories the one which I replied, cioé: . . e I say You to you I
Peter and on this stone I will build up My Church and the doors of the Inferi not
they will prevail against of It. To you I will give to the keys of the Reign of Skies and all
this that
you will tie on the Earth will be legacy in Skies, and all this that you will melt on the
Earth will be
melted in Skies… now I could give to Peter and for means of Peter to the Apostles
joined with he a power greater than this?

Which other Society to the World can decide of a similar power?

Here son mine because My Church in full coherence with its Divine nature and
Human must, in its quality of Master and Guide, to direct the men towards
sconfinati horizons of the divine eternity!

TROUBLES to those Shepherds who hinder in this My Vicario on the earth, of which
they must be always, instead, aid, comfort and support!

TROUBLES to those Shepherds whom for ignoble reasons of amor own they smash
Communion with My Vicario making oneself branches sterile buckets and, with great
for all the Mystical Body of which they become cumbersome and deforming part!

TROUBLES to those who, like Lucifero, tramutano from generators of light in generators

Son mine is not alone the World that will have to rifare its conception on My Church
today totally wrong, but also many Consecrated Christians and will have to renew it
radically, because or to renew themselves in reality or to perish!

You see therefore that she always arrives herself to that which it is the single and only
reason and cause of
all how much, cioé like the Church is accepted and only known in its part
ignored human, guilty ignored, in its Divine part supernatural… crisis

of faith therefore, yes crisis tightens that it like a piovra trying to suffocate it and to make
to perish, but uselessly because I True God and true Man will not never allow it!

The life is test, but it is worth the pain facing it with humility and faith

I want to repeat it son once again mine, nobody other existing Society
in the universe world it has the power which it has My Church… we do not speak
then naturally of Hell, the reign of Lucifero and its General Staff that
they make of all for scimmiottare a power similar to that of My Church.

The dark powers of Hell enjoy a advanced power that human,

to be able extra natural but not supernatural had to their angelic nature
advanced to the human nature for which they can be acted on the human nature but
nient'affatto in that measure that is strained to make to believe!

An other deceit is this with which they succeed to grip many spirits that they do not have
never intentional neither known to mortificare own pride lend itself to the astuteness and
to the deceit of the Enemy.

The power granted to My Church has not been given not even to the same Angels of
Sky that really is astonished but compiaciuti for how much it has been given to the men
of Church as Church.

Now enough son mine you must complete an other it must like Christian and Clergyman;
to fear of nothing, I confirm you in merit how much I have already said other times to
you that cioé the life
it is hard, sour and difficult test but that it is worth the pain facing it with humility and
faith because
you will be repaid some in a thus generous way and abundant like solo I, God can

You benedico son and with Me benedice you the Father and the Saint Spirit; you
We God and a Trino and with We you benedicono the Celestial Mother and Saint
Giuseppe now and
always. Amen.

l0 December 1978


You write son mine are always I Jesus that I knock to the door of your heart and wish
to continue the message of this today; I see that you are tired but it makes it appeal to me
and brings to me
joy that you have chosen to remain with Me in order to listen to how much you are for

Therefore My Church is equipped of a power that no other human society possesses;

it is a power supernatural cioé which did not have to the human nature and data only She
it is Sacramento of salvation where the human and the Divine s'incontrano and melt

but it is not all; in this gift there is a alcunché large, thus sublime and thus
wonderful to make to remain e stati ci the Angels of the Sky!
That I, God and a Trino, since are the Love and infinite Love, you had arrived to debit
Same me in the hands of the men because they could make of Me all what they wanted
in good or evil and that it has made it but the continuous ones not once single to make
interruption till the end of the times, is extraordinary what much and advanced one to
every more
high flight of more vivida and ignited such fantasy that nobody could think and gives
to leave the Angels of the Sky truly estasiati!

To this it is reached My Love!

They are reached this although you knew and you knew the human behavior in i
My comparisons!

Only for love son given to Me in their hands

When in the Garden of the Ulivi I sudavo Blood under the weight of all the sins
of the consumed humanity and to be consumed till the end of the times, I saw that for
all it would have been useless but I saw also till that point would have arrived
the human ingratitudine dinnanzi to My infinite Love… nevertheless I did not hesitate to
donate itself to i
my enemies without not to have before demonstrated they that I gave myself in their
hands single
for love but that I was Omnipotent God.

After the kiss of Giuda they attacked to me: Who tried? I said and they: Jesus of
Nazareth Ego sum and in this my answer was the demonstration of Mine
Onnipotenza, fell all to earth tramortiti in fact and only when ingiunsi they of
to raise itself they could make!

How many miracles you complete also during My same Passion because I wanted to
make to understand
to the men of all the generations that were always and only the influence of My Love to
to move to me!

I wanted that in Me, more than the other Divine Attributes, they always saw and only the

Nevertheless dinnanzi to the eyes Mine in the Garden of the Ulivi and all the time of
most painful Passion I did not see only my crocifissori but also all the Puttinges
sacrileghe, the black Puttinges… I saw the insults and the derisioni of the present ones
and the future
enemies of My Love….
There is perhaps someone in the world universe that has made what I have made and
I make?

Not! nevertheless son mine in spite of everything I God, have given to the men to be able
over of
Me on My Body… and to the men of My Church lascerò this power till
consumazione of the times!

This is not a thus such great mystery to demand the confidence more total,
the admiration and the more intimate adoration of my Shepherds, Consecrated Clergymen
and in

Son mine, you turn your look around and, blank always the exceptions, you judge like
I come treaty!

That other I could have made and I have not made?

In My Church there is the power to transustanziare the bread and the wine in My Body

Blood Spirit and Divinity; who is the power to replace the sins can replace I
sins if not God? nevertheless with the participation of My Sacerdozio made to
Apostles and to the Clergymen I have given they also this great power who do not have i
Cherubs and the Serafini of the Paradise;

I have also participated to My Church the power to train the Sacramenti that is
price of My Died Blood and My Passion and.

In the Wedding the parents have the participated power they give to God only and single
of the life, to generate the physical life of their sons, but the power to generate the life
supernatural of the Grace in the sons of men has participated it to the God to Its Church
by means of a Sacramento, the Order.

Which other society to the world can arrange dl many ineguagliabili treasures which of
it arranges the Church?

We do not search the causes of the icy grigiore, the cloudiness and the indifference that
we find in My Church because we have more to them and many times over characterized,
but after
the purification the things will change;

they are not goes the callbacks unfortunately come from above, neither the miracles
completed for
to confirm these divine truths;
the most valid confirmations of the Saints are not been worth who are not never lacked,
they never lack neither will lack, as they are not lacked the testimonies i
Martyrdoms, the life for a chimera is not thrown, and such testimony has been

That other I could have made and I have not made in order to manifest My Love for

You same son mine can measure and My Love and the perfidy and ingratitudine

You benedico son and with benedico you all the persons who you are beloveds, voglimi
it prays and once again I ask your suffering in order to repair the much evil that is in

11 Decembers 1978


You write son mine are Jesus that I mean to continue the messages that I had promised of
darti and if very memories I had said: I will not say new things to you or not notes, but
deepening and widening of things already said in antecedence….

With the precedence messages I have intentional to put in prominence like My Church
mails in

world like Sacramento di Salvezza is a various truth from the others that
they encircle, as or only and perfect in its kind even if are imperfect i
members compose that it, and I have intentional to attract the attention of the bonds on
while they are churned around threatening the dark powers of the evil and are churned
waters to foriere of storm.

From these messages it is very clearly that the dusk is left over speaks naturally about
spiritual, and that the good ones must be united from each other because only if they will
joined it I will be in the middle of they wide of my aid and my support otherwise,
they will be easy preda of the Enemy who arrogant but also terrorizzato introduces
the hour of the decisive battle.

The job that has completed using all the resources of which it has been able to decide ago
to presume that the Victoria a Victoria will be its… whom the future of its will not decide
reign but also of all the humanity because in its crowds illusion it thinks that with
this its Victoria by now near would have por fine to the Victoria of the Vergine, of
The one who cioé that it hates more than every other creature of the visible and invisibile

The Enemy work and acts like an ilusionist

This Victoria eternal Verbo of God would have to be its great revenge on Me
fact Meat, on Me God and a Trino and on the Mother Mine, human creature, that it has
detronizzato it and from Prince of light of it has made the Prince of the darkness,
humanly speaking all this he would seem incredible, nevertheless it is remained and
it will remain in this madness for all the eternity; an incurable and inestinguibile hatred
it burns within with he like divoratore fire that the door to always act
disperatamente and not to find a moment of it pauses.

I know this that tasks in this moment, son mine, because I have not put to it
muzzle! I have said many times to you, because I never do not remove nature gifts once
data, but above all because also in the evil they want, it or not, always they are forced to
to serve me as I always turn it to the evil to the good.

Also you on my example must make equally, to affinare your spiritual crews,
to consolidate your union, to accept the reasons of suffering for yours
purification and procurarvi thus that wealth that tarlo the not ro de and no thief
it will be able to steal.

Never not deprived of hope because for how much he is large the uneasiness that the
Enemy one brings to you, not
it will be able to never exceed also of a single millimeter the border that I have traced to
and this must infondervi a great sense of emergency, serenity and confidence.

Its tactics is that to make to believe of being able very more than what it can in
truth; it acts and operates like an ilusionist of forehead to a public of children
that they exchange its sveltezza and ability as was supplied instead of a power
hidden and mysterious.

But because this return on he who is the source of all the evils from which it suffers
the humanity?

Because it is extremely useful to know all this that it is possible on the Enemy that you
it besieges, it lays a trap and it wants your ruin to you in the moment in which it is
preparing one
thus decisive attack.

Firmly to believe, to hope and to love, here the key of the salvation

It is not own of the Father loving to prepare the sons before undertaking a travel
along and difficult?

Now son mine I am not the Father good and loving who I am preparing you that you are
in way on the earth preavvisandovi of the difficulties that the travel involves and
obstacles and of the dangers that you will meet?

I have informed own before to you because I do not want that you have to perish under
the ruins
of the imminent and tremendous landslide that will bury a great part of the humanity!

The incredulità, indifference, the materialismo and the human pride have made that
many, I repeat many, do not have intentional to accept My warnings; they have them
left to fall in the empty one they have or them derisi judging them fruit of madness or
mani a
religious, becoming thus guilty dinnanzi to God to have suffocated in itself same
lume of intelligence and the faith, for this inexorably they will perish!

Bad use of intelligence, the wonderful gift from God given to the man is made too much

for research purposes of the truth, since the man is created for the truth.

I have said to you yesterday that I am the Truth… not wished truth negletta, many times
derisa and offense and thus also is even said of the faith died in the heart of many men
that they refuse to believe in God, absolute and eternal Truth, in order to believe in men;
idoli of clay which the enough launch of a sassolino in order to make to collapse them….

Oh fatuity and human blindness how much six deplorable one!

Son, firmly to believe, to hope and to love here the key of the salvation in the time and
in the eternity.

Now enough son mine benedico you; voglimi well, he prays and he repairs!

14 Decembers 1978


You write brother don Ottavio, are don Enrico.

You know that We, that we are not more like you conditioned from the time and the
space you
we are many neighbors, but if you are not first to call to us, also being all members
of the same Mystical Body, we cannot be put in communication with You;

the reason is obvious and you it has been already wide explained, but repetita juvant!

Don Ottavio you creeds to all this thus as I to you in Earth have believed and this yours
to believe us has rendered possible translate in reality practical the Dogma of the
Communion of i
Saints, while many unfortunately, also professando this faith, at all do not live it for
which he is as if they did not believe, as the Faith without the works he is died.

On the most serious Crisis of faith of which he is he slices the Church you you have
already written much from being able
to say that of it is nearly all wrapped from the Apex to the base for which not you must
if speaking about regarding things the Faith many do not understand to you, cannot
understand to you!

As a born blind person could capirti he speaks if it about colors of which he does not
have the minim

It never does not forget them the analogy that elapses between that it happens in material
and spiritual!

In the today impera Church the blindness

Crisis of Faith wants to say materialized life ateizzata; for this Satana that with
the faithful collaboration of its church has made all the possible efforts for
to catch up this goal a lot yearned for, since its crowds dream nearly are caught up

more than ever it is decided to arrive completely and rabidly therefore it multiplies i
its attacks above all against those who they are decided to contrastargli the step and in
the most particular way against those who they do not want to only conserve the
in itself same patrimony of the faith, defending it and increasing it in own hearts, but
they try also protect it in the siblings against all its onslaughts.

Brother don Ottavio you do not understand those which throw to you against solo
because you are
faithful to the Faith and equally they do not understand you that you do not understand

This that for we is the more natural and normal thing than this world like consoling
and wonderful truth of the Communion of the Saints, for they is inconceivable single
thinking it!

As you see a contrast complete.

We believe firmly to the truth of the Sacramenti like effective signs of

Grace… for they the Grace does not exist… therefore the Sacramenti does not confer a
beautiful one

We believe firmly to the real Presence of alive Christ in the Eucarestia for
they it Eucarestia are not nothing more than a symbol therefore…

You today know as crisis of Faith wants to say blindness and like this blindness empires
Church and the consequences are most disastrous, in fact the prechosen Masters for
to propagandare the Faith, the Life supernatural and the Truth, they have disertato in
mass and
they are passed to the enemy field making oneself promotori of heresies and

for this I smooth to you, they follow to you, they hate to you and they are I hand on, but
not to fear because
they will not be able to make nothing more than what they allowed for the good will be
yours and of

not to astonish to you because you are on two opposite sides, ahead therefore, between
roveti and thorns yes,
but always ahead!

It to you at the beginning of your mission has not said boy has tacciato Me of madness,
they have covered to me with dresses that it was the symbol of the madness because they
would not have
to equally make with you if you want to be truly a My Minister who follows to me

Have flood and absolute confidence in He you know that it never does not disappoint!

That other wants to say Sacerdozio if not Calvary, Cross and spirits to redimere?

Made happy those who will be persecuted because of the Justice, not to never forget it
brother, because this is adds privilege of which it must gioire.

It is true that you suffer already a lot but not to forget that you have been preperceived of
all, you
it has been said that your suffering is in growing continuous, but you has been also
innumerevoli times said that Who saves are He and that He to its predelights beyond
participation to Its Regale Sacerdozio joins also the participation to Its state
of Victim, that is of true Corredentore.

You will not ringrazierai God of averti prechosen never enough for this mission in Its

I also was a SacerdoteVittima;

you have seen fin'ora only my suffering in earth but a day will be granted to you of
to that is see the other side of the medal the made good and the spirits saved for all
the eternity but that other wants to say Sacerdozio if not Calvary, Cross and spirits give
to redimere?

It watches as they are the little truly Saint Clergymen who rise behind of He
they daily calvary incompresi and persecuted from they would have those who them
to defend but contemplates how many spirits will be able to go up the Gloria of the

It watches also the tide of the other Clergymen whom with the Faith they have lost sight
holiness of their sacerdotal mission and their incomparable mission of
victim and you see what of it has made of they the Enemy!

Brother don Ottavio not to forget that the dead women not recide the life that indeed
author of the Life continues in He.

You benedica God and a Trino.

28 Decembers 1978


You write son mine are Jesus that I mean to resume the speech.

Once again I want more parlarti of your lesionata human nature in the part
nobleman of oneself same cioé in the spirit, the spirit; the motive of the rebellion of yours
progenitors to God and state the pride and the pride are not born from the matter but from
The disobedience been born from the pride anch'essa is generated from the spirit and the
spiritual been born in the spirit very soon all is extended and contaminated the life of the
for which the spirit, than compenetra, it informs and from life to the body, being already
it contaminates of own evil the body in which the senses have center and thus the
spiritual life
and material of the man is taken between coils of the weakened evil and to such point for

enough a pushed small in order to make it to fall and to provoke the pushed small is or
the Prince
of the Darkness or someone of its always ready satellites to make to release the
motivating force of

Thus hit the human nature in Adam and Eva of it is remained hurt mortally all
the humanity, tremendous consequence that has given origin like in a chain reaction
to other innumerevoli evils… first of all the loss of supernatural gifts, because
destroyed to the friendship between God and the Humanity, the loss of the Paradise has
come some,
of immortality and all the other natural extra gifts for which the man from rich who
it became poor; from free Son of God it has become… preda and enslaved of the Demon
subject therefore to all the spiritual and material evils.

Lucifero believes to own conviction of being similar to God

You all know these evils; the dead women of the spirit and the body, the spirit in sin is
died to the Divine Life for which it will not be able more to see, to possess or to enjoy
body is subject to a innumerevole series of evils… deformations, diseases,
violences, wars, crimes, calamity of every kind….

climbs backwards the history of the man and you will see a tragic sequence of pains and
inenarrabili suffering, of intimate and outer fights… were king and prince of
Created, it was made in order to dominate… now thus often and dominated and
overwhelmed from
same created that the loss of the first harmony destroyed from the sin suffers;

its efforts in order to go back the china of its ruin come nearly always destroyed from
its same perfidy in a perennial attempt of escape without resolution possibility,
their continuous flow and reflux never do not stop in.
Which human language will be able to never describe the tragicità of the frightful
of the first sin of the humanity? All the spiritual and physical moral evils that they have
invaded the Earth they draw origin from the first sin!

In a precedence message I had to dirti that the Progenitors in the Terrestrial Paradise were
states enriched with a such abundance of natural extra natural gifts and
supernatural, own in sight of their state of Prototypes of the entire humanity and
they were therefore in the most favorable situation for being able to reject every attack of

hatred of the dark powers of Hell for the humanity was such to push Lucifero to
to only insist to oltranza with all the astuteness in the conviction that operating for
to obtain the landslide of the Progenitors would have had the possibility to form its
reign… succeeded unfortunately that in reality it has obtained and it is obtaining.

Lucifero is frozen in the conviction that the entire humanity is its of right, cioé that
all the humanity belongs to it because made its for conquest… it does not import the

it does not believe to the Redenzione, but it believes to own conviction of being similar to
God and
therefore of being able and to have as God to reign on the humanity… does not have and
it cannot have
a various idea from this!

From all its evil I will draw so much well for you and the spirits

It does not have the certainty that the Redenzione has been completed from Me eternal
Verbo of God
fact Meat, of it has a fort, fortissimo doubt but not the absolute certainty.

It hates to me with all the hatred of which he is able and since is frozen in the error does
not think about
to be a usurpatore, indeed it usurpatore it for excellence, considers a usurpatore Me
that the tear the spirits in order to give them to the Father and thus also considers
usurpatori all
those who follows to me operating with Me for the salvation of the spirits.

Son mine you ask yourself and the tasks many times but because it has with me and me to
us are cause of
much suffering…?

because a number is successful to put combat outside grandissimo of

consecrated, of those people cioé that they would have had to be my natural ones

in this way its can throw all the poison and of its it follows to us against those which
still they resist to it.

Therefore son mine since you, you and the members of the Community are risoluti not to
to its astuteness neither to its threats, it uses all its power for crearvi difficulty.

I prevent your obbiezione which I have already answered many times… I allow this it
from the evil and in particular from its evil I will draw some so much well for You and
the spirits
and still because supporting its persecution, since you are truly
persecuted and it you will be still, I will render you more suitable forts and for the
performance of
My design of Love.

For the time being son mine enough benedico you and with benedico you d. P and all the

I Jesus with the Mother Mine and Saint Giuseppe am with you, this I reassure to You.

29 Decembers 1978


You write brother don Ottavio are don Giacomino.

My way on the earth not rare times to me is seemed hard and with the impression not
to be able to continue in those moments in which the fight it was alive and devout hard
the crash between

distrust, the fatigue, the fear not to make it and the will us of wanting to continue till
final goal….

Certainly I could alone not have gained and have exceeded the many difficulties that the
adverse they procured to me, but to contrast the step to the Enemy never me it is lacked
the aid
and the support of He our fortress and defense.

This that while still alive seemed eternally along hour nell ’ eternity to me I see my
on the earth as a moment was duration, like graves a invisibile dot in the space
immense and without border;

this for dirti that it must keep in mind who the life terrena for how much is long, and
a nothing regarding the eternity.

The dusk now has the prevalence on the light

How to make to understand to the men their insipienza?

Unfortunately we do not have adequate means in order to convince the great part of the
wrapped in the darkness!

The dusk by now has the prevalence on the light for which an only advanced event to
human forces will be able por fine to this abnormal and paradoxical situation making that
the Light, the Truth and the Life, more resume the dominion on a humanity victim of
upset of the dark powers of the evil.

It does not import that things repeat you that you know already much good that says to
you as it is
come to form the situation that today lives on the earth… you you have been called
own for this, in order to say to this ateizzata generation its nauseante
pervertimento to have it capacity to an inferior level to that one of the animals;

very many men today do not know more to acknowledge like creatures made to Image
Likeness of God but simple animals from they think themselves bys-product, with
difference that the animals, that they act for instinct, are in perfect harmony with if
same, while the men, than rinnegano their nature of sons of God, act
always in contradiction with if same generating an incurable conflict between theirs
spirit and the body, cioé between their being spiritual creatures with spiritual aspirations
of happiness freedom and perfection… and their being material creatures with silks of
pleasures and instincts to perversi that many times of ago of the monster….

The time that remains on hand is little

The reorganization of the humanity sinked in serious evils much cannot more being
acts from the man but only directly from God;

it at the fixed moment will be to change a situation that to the eyes of anyone
he seems incurable;

also the Nations are sanabili but single from He that it is the Salvatore.
Don Ottavio you know as this regeneration of the Church will happen and
of the humanity;

of it has been spoken from the remoter times and they have been some resumptions the
Profezie in the times to you
more neighbors, same you have repeatedly written some;

the time that now remains on hand is little for which he will be what tests rileggere i

messages and to try to pick and to use all the admonishments and the suggestions that
they refer to the not far and huge events.

If you will place in He that your confidence has chosen all to you not you will lascerà to
lack null or
in the order of the Grace that in that one of the nature!

Benedico you and with me the blessing cannot lack the Luigina that follows to you
anywhere, than for you it prays faithful to your contracted mutuum stipulated when it was
still while still alive on the earth.

2 January 1979


Brother don Ottavio is Marisa.

If you could see from where we are what we see and we see as it, would be
a surprise much large one that your human life would be fallen apart; you know that we
are and
we see in God and, as already it has been said other times to you is looked at all in a way
various, more perfect cleaned up and scevro from elements strangers for which the
persons look at themselves
and the things in their objective truth;

we now see the Earth inhabited from a restless and turbulent humanity as it is restless
and turbulent he who does not possess adds Well sees, it to move in all
directions gaspingly trying that one for which it has been created but we see it to avoid
carefully to move towards the direction in which it would be sure to find it.

In the middle of this immense fiumana of men in way we see like small oases
punctuated and the groups of men who in order to maintain itself here on the path that
sure to the arrival port, they go counter-current and in the formicolio of thousands of
million suffering or gaudenti men, you only heal or sickened all but
happiness yearnings we see to be a white woman man figure who s'innalza for
its moral and spiritual stature as a giant and resists alone with firm hand one
Vessillo; it is the Vessillo of the Church of Christ who many and powerful enemies
would want
strappargli but that It holds with sure hand while indicates to all the Way of

Many pretend fidelity and obedience, but congiurano against of He

This invitto Condottiero that does not fear of nothing will fall, most glorious Martire,
reddening with its blood the immaculate one it dresses thus that it wears, irrorando also
Church that exited from Cost of Christ the eternal Verbo of God made Meat and died on
Cross for the liberation of the humanity from the feracious tyranny of Satana the
implacable one
enemy of the Christ and Its Church;

many of those people in fact that they would have to be to the flank of the fierce and
glorious guerriero
they have abandoned passing to the Enemy and even if externally they pretend fidelity
obedience, at the same time congiurano against of He, but all me ne and the i
raggiri of the enemies of Christ, I add and invincible King of the eternal centuries, will
fall in
empty because they will not prevail.

Brother don Ottavio even if the men in their guilty blindness do not see
because for their pride they refuse to see this that we see with clarity,
neither they believe to this which we believe, does not change absolutely null of the
eternal ones
You decree of God because the immense one formicolio of men who cover the Earth and
they churn convulsamente wrapped in the dusk, are not that a powder fist that
soon it will be dispersed from the wind and the Earth that they tread on with arrogant foot
will be
barren and desolated yield then purified from the fire for being fertilized then from the
honest one
job of the Just ones escaped for Divine Goodness to the tremendous hour of the Divine

After brother don Ottavio it will be the Reign of God in the spirits, that Reign that they
centuries the just ones ask the Gentleman invocando adveniat Regnum tuum.

They will try to you for having light and comfort

This generation incredula and perversa will be the protagonist of events a lot
large and never seen in the history of the humanity, but to these events it must
to prepare itself predisposing own mind in the Prayer and the Penance that is with
a sincere repentance of own col pe because the time that you have on hand
for this it is not a lot.

For a long time it is spoken about dusk; for a long time one says that Church and
humanities are wrapped give
a dusk by now total, in fact that they are own Shepherds and Clergymen, even though
velatamente, to confirm the evil and to condemn the good, it is a deformation
spiritual of such gravity and it is in the Mystical Body an anomaly generatrix of a buio
without precedence and such to render it abominable to the cospetto of the Sky.

Courage don Ottavio, is hard and difficult convincerti of being be Benedict and

prechosen lucky person, but since the Seminary, without to know it you have foretold, it
repeating with
frequency the Spiritus words ubi vult spirat… now has come the time that convinces to
that those words were for you;

confirmations of it you have had many for which you would not have more to allow the
doubt also only
to graze your spirit, rather if the mission is large that you has been entrusted not
less large it is the responsibility that it involves;

not to have of conscience it would be dangerous and not corrispondervi adequately

it would be guilt and it gives for you and innumerevoli spirits.

Humility; it is humility don Ottavio that you must try to pursue because you it will be

necessary but above all when persons of every rank will come to you and they will try to
for having from you light and comfort… and you will be Light and give Comfort in the
measure with which
you will know to love the Gentleman in humility.

These are the wonders of God, the squanderers of Its Love and its Misericordia.

You they are near; you have been, in my house and have prayed in front of the Crocifisso
that me was
much beloved, you of reciprocation intercedendo for you now and always. Amen.
Or Saint Vergine, Mother of Jesus and Madre ours

No more than You it has loved Jesus.

No more than You it has suffered for Jesus.
No more than You it has believed in Jesus.
No more than You it has thus faithfully followed Jesus.
No more than You Jesus has known.
No more than You he has served Jesus better.
No more than You it has been joined Jesus.
No more than You he has adored Jesus.
No more than You Jesus has glorificato.
No more than You he has obeyed to Jesus.
No more than You he has participated to the Onnipotenza di Jesus.
Or Maria, Mother ours, not to never remove Your look from we pilgrims on
Earth in way towards the Port that attends to us.
Or Maria, Mother ours, helps us, assists to us, protect to us and defends to us from the
numerous evils
spiritual and material that they surround to us.

Or Maria, true Mother of God and true Mother ours, immunizes from all the insidie to us
of Hell, it donates the perseveranza to us and it guides to us through the difficulties of our

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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