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/* Refer Appendix B in the book if you want to create standalone

EXE file of this program during compilation */

# include "stdio.h"
# include "dos.h"
# include "bios.h"
# include "graphics.h"
# include "process.h"

# define MAXX 40 /* maximum x-coordinate of icon */

# define MAXY 32 /* maximum y-coordinate of icon */
# define DRAW 0
# define SKIP 1
# define ERASE 2
# define EXP_FACTOR 4 /* expansion factor for grid */
# define BACK_GND_GRID 1 /* background color for grid */
# define BACK_GND_ICON 0 /* background color for icon */
# define FORE_GND 3 /* foreground color for grid and icon */

/* array to store image of the icon */

unsigned char icon_image [MAXX][MAXY] ;

int scan ;

main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

int gm = CGAC3, gd = CGA ;
char fname[30] ;

/* initialise graphics system in medium resolution graphics mode */

initgraph ( &gd, &gm, "c:\\tc\\bgi" ) ;

/* if icon to be loaded is mentioned at DOS prompt */

if ( argc == 2 )
load_icon ( argv[1] ) ;
/* initialise icon image array */
init_icon() ;

/* display the icon in the icon box */

display_icon() ;

/* display the icon in the grid */

display_grid() ;
while ( 1 )
/* display main menu */
gotoxy ( 2, 25 ) ;
printf ( "F1-Draw F2-Load F3-Save F4-Quit" ) ;

/* get user's choice */

getkey() ;

switch ( scan )
case 59 : /* F1 key */

edit_icon() ;
break ;

case 60 : /* F2 key */

/* collect the file name */

gotoxy ( 6, 21 ) ;
printf ( "Enter file name: " ) ;
gets ( fname ) ;

/* erase the message line */

cleartext ( 21 ) ;

load_icon ( fname ) ;
display_icon() ;
display_grid() ;
break ;

case 61 : /* F3 key */

save_icon() ;
break ;

case 62 : /* F4 key */

/* restore original video mode */

closegraph() ;
restorecrtmode() ;

exit ( 0 ) ;

/* reads icon from file into memory */

load_icon ( char *name )
FILE *fp ;

/* open file and check if successful */

if ( ( fp = fopen ( name, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
gotoxy ( 1, 21 ) ;
printf ( "Unable to open file! Press any key..." ) ;
getch() ;

cleartext ( 21 ) ;
return ;

fread ( icon_image, sizeof ( icon_image ), 1, fp ) ;

fclose ( fp ) ;

/* erases the message line */

cleartext ( int row )
int col ;

for ( col = 1 ; col <= 39 ; col++ )

gotoxy ( col, row ) ;
printf ( " " ) ;

/* initialises the icon image array */

int x, y ;

for ( x = 0 ; x < MAXX ; x++ )

for ( y = 0 ; y < MAXY ; y++ )
icon_image[x][y] = BACK_GND_ICON ;
/* displays the current icon */
int x, y ;

setcolor ( 3 ) ;
rectangle ( 0, 0, 41, 33 ) ;

for ( x = 0 ; x < MAXX ; x++ )

for ( y = 0 ; y < MAXY ; y++ )
putpixel ( x + 1, y + 1, icon_image[x][y] ) ;

/* constructs the grid as per the expansion factor */

int x, y, xgrid, ygrid ;

for ( x = 0 ; x < MAXX ; x++ )

for ( y = 0 ; y < MAXY ; y++ )
xgrid = 100 + x * EXP_FACTOR ;
ygrid = y * EXP_FACTOR ;

if ( icon_image[x][y] == 0 )
putpixel ( xgrid, ygrid, 1 ) ;
putpixel ( xgrid, ygrid, icon_image[x][y] ) ;

/* collects the scan code of the key hit */

union REGS i, o ;

/* wait until a key is hit */

while ( !kbhit() )

i.h.ah = 0 ; /* service number */

int86 ( 22, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */
scan = o.h.ah ; /* collect scan code of key hit */

/* allows drawing/editing of the icon */

int x = 0, y = 0, xgrid = 100, ygrid = 0, flag = SKIP ;

/* display menu */
gotoxy ( 1, 25 ) ;
printf ( "F1-Draw F2-Skip F3-Erase F4-Wipe F5-End" ) ;

while ( 1 )
/* draw cursor */
drawcursor ( xgrid, ygrid, FORE_GND ) ;

getkey() ; /* receive key */

/* erase cursor */
drawcursor ( xgrid, ygrid, BACK_GND_ICON ) ;

/* display the current pixel in the grid in its previous color */

if ( icon_image[x][y] == 0 )
putpixel ( xgrid, ygrid, BACK_GND_GRID ) ;
putpixel ( xgrid, ygrid, icon_image[x][y] ) ;

switch ( scan )
case 59 : /* F1 key */

flag = DRAW ;
break ;

case 60 : /* F2 key */

flag = SKIP ;
break ;

case 61 : /* F3 key */

flag = ERASE ;
break ;
case 62 : /* F4 key */

init_icon() ;
display_icon () ;
display_grid() ;
break ;

case 63 : /* F5 key */

cleartext ( 25 ) ;
return ;

case 75 : /* left arrow key */

x-- ;
break ;

case 77 : /* right arrow key */

x++ ;
break ;

case 72 : /* up arrow key */

y-- ;
break ;

case 80 : /* down arrow key */

y++ ;
break ;

case 71 : /* Home key */

x-- ;
y-- ;
break ;

case 73 : /* End key */

x++ ;
y-- ;
break ;

case 79 : /* PgUp key */

x-- ;
y++ ;
break ;

case 81 : /* PgDn key */

x++ ;
y++ ;
break ;

default : /* any other key */

printf ( "\a" ) ;

/* readjust x and y if they exceed the limits */

if ( x < 0 )
x++ ;

if ( y < 0 )

if ( x == MAXX )
x-- ;

if ( y == MAXY )
y-- ;

if ( flag == DRAW )
icon_image[x][y] = FORE_GND ;

if ( flag == ERASE )
icon_image[x][y] = BACK_GND_ICON ;

/* display the corresponding pixel in the icon box */

putpixel ( x + 1, y + 1, icon_image[x][y] ) ;

/* calculate coordinates of corresponding pixel in grid */

xgrid = 100 + x * EXP_FACTOR ;
ygrid = y * EXP_FACTOR ;

/* display the corresponding pixel in grid */

if ( icon_image[x][y] == 0 )
putpixel ( xgrid, ygrid, BACK_GND_GRID ) ;
putpixel ( xgrid, ygrid, icon_image[x][y] ) ;

/* saves current icon into file */

FILE *fp ;
char fname[30] ;

/* collect the file name */

gotoxy ( 6, 21 ) ;
printf ( "Enter the file name: " ) ;
gets ( fname ) ;

/* erase the message line */

cleartext ( 21 ) ;

/* open file, exit if unsuccessful */

if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname, "wb" ) ) == NULL )
gotoxy ( 1, 21 ) ;
printf ( "Unable to open file! Press any key..." ) ;
getch() ;

cleartext ( 21 ) ;
return ;

fwrite ( icon_image, sizeof ( icon_image ), 1, fp ) ;

fclose ( fp ) ;

/* draws or erases the graphics cursor */

drawcursor ( int xgrid, int ygrid, int color )
int xx, yy ;

for ( xx = xgrid - 2 ; xx <= xgrid + 2 ; xx++ )

putpixel ( xx, ygrid, color ) ;

for ( yy = ygrid - 2 ; yy <= ygrid + 2 ; yy++ )

putpixel ( xgrid, yy, color ) ;

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