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Unicuique suum
Forty-sixth year, number 11 (2287)

Non praevalebunt
Vatican City

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Cardinal electors take the oath, the door is closed and the Conclave begins for the election of the Roman Pontiff

Extra Omnes

The Conclave for the election of the Successor of

Benedict XVI has begun. As of Tuesday evening, 12
March, the electors are voting in the Sistine Chapel.
That afternoon, at 4:30 p.m., having gathered in
the Pauline Chapel of the Apostolic Palace, they
processed to the Sistine Chapel, accompanied by
the chanting of the Litany of the Saints. After
singing Veni Creator and after each of the Cardinal
electors had taken their oath, Mons. Guido Marini,
Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, pronounced
the extra omnes. All non-electors left and the doors
of the Sistine Chapel were closed. Cardinal Prosper
Grech, OSA, gave a meditation before they proceeded to the first ballot.

The names and faces of

the 115 electors in the
Sistine Chapel


The last General Congregation

The eve of the


From the legacy of our Pope emeritus

Architecture of beauty



What the Cardinals electors see

The lesson of La Sistina




At 7:41 p.m. black smoke could be seen rising

from the chimney above the Sistine Chapel. The 115
Cardinal electors, gathered in the Sistine Chapel,
failed to reach a majority of two-thirds required for
the election of the Successor of Benedict XVI.
Voting began again the next morning, Wednesday, 13 March. After celebrating Mass in the Pauline
Chapel, the 115 Cardinal electors gathered again before the Last Judgement of the Sistine Chapel took
up their ballots again. At about 11:40 a.m. black
smoke, once again billowing from the chimney, announced that the mornings two ballots had not
achieved an election.

We, the Cardinal electors present in this

election of the Supreme Pontiff, promise,
pledge and swear, as individuals and as a
group, to observe faithfully and
scrupulously the prescriptions contained
in the Apostolic Constitution of the
Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, Universi
Dominici Gregis, published on 22 February
1996. We likewise promise, pledge and
swear that whichever of us by divine
disposition is elected Roman Pontiff will
commit himself faithfully to carrying out
the munus Petrinum of Pastor of the
Universal Church and will not fail to
affirm and defend strenuously the
spiritual and temporal rights and the
liberty of the Holy See. In a particular
way, we promise and swear to observe
with the greatest fidelity and with all
persons, clerical or lay, secrecy regarding
everything that in any way relates to the
election of the Roman Pontiff and
regarding what occurs in the place of the
election, directly or indirectly related to
the results of the voting; we promise and
swear not to break this secret in any way,
either during or after the election of the
new Pontiff, unless explicit authorization
is granted by the same Pontiff; and never
to lend support or favour to any
interference, opposition or any other form
of intervention, whereby secular
authorities of whatever order and degree
or any group of people or individuals
might wish to intervene in the election of
the Roman Pontiff.
And I, N. Cardinal N., do so promise,
pledge and swear. [Placing his hand on
the Gospels] So help me God and these
Holy Gospels which I touch with my

The Votive Mass pro eligendo Romano Pontifice in St Peters Basilica

Called to serve unity

On Tuesday morning, the College of Cardinals met in
the Basilica of St Peters to take part in the solemn Eucharistic celebration with the Votive Mass pro eligendo
Romano Pontifice. The Dean of the College, Cardinal
Angelo Sodano presided. Each one of us, he said, must work to build up the unity of the Church. Because
in order to realize it, each one of us is therefore called
to cooperate with the Successor of Peter, the visible
foundation of such ecclesial unity. Using the words of
St Paul to the Ephesians as a guide for his reflection,
he expounded on the mission that Christ has entrusted to Peter and to his Successors.
It is a mission, he explained, that can only be understood as a service to the People of God. It is first of all
a service of love. This mission urges the Pastors of the
Church to be architects of mercy, of charity, of evangelization. In his homily the Cardinal described the pastoral approach of the disciples who, despite their diversity, worked together to build up the one Body of
Christ. It is for the very unity of his Mystical Body
that Christ then has sent his Holy Spirit.
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