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Computer Hardware

ESD - (Electrostatic discharge -

Discharge of built up static electricity

Chips inside your computer case can easily be damaged by less than 200 volts.
Touch the metal part of your computer to make it go away.

The MotherBoard - Everything connected to your computer system is plugged directly

or indirectly into the motherboard. The motherboard contains the CPU, the BIOS ROM
chip (Basic Input/Output System), and the CMOS Setup information, keyboard and
mouse. It defines your computer type, upgradeability, and expansion capability.
CPU -(Gigaherts speed) "Brain of your computer" - Runs all the commands the
computer does. Sits on the motherboard, under the heatsink. A Zif Socket connects the
CPU to the motherboard.
Quad Quord Processor - Four processors on the processor.

Heatsink - Used to cool the CPU

The Power Supply - *Can kill you if you open it* It's where the power cord is connected
too. From 250 - 750 Watts. Average user needs 380 Watts.

Hardrive- Were all your data is stored, OS, documents, pictures and programs.
Interfase type hardriveIDE Hardrive - 190 megabytes / second
SATA hardrive(much faster) - 3 TYPES - based on how fast they transmit data
PATA - first type 1.5 gigabites / second
SATASATA - 3 gigabites/ second
SATA - 6 gigabites/ second
Normal hardrives - Disk inside the hardrive dat spin really fast. Arm writes or

reads the


Solid State Harddrives- No moving material inside( way faster, but has its
Memory Slots - Sticks of memory
Connectors- There are 2 , sets one for usb buttons and the other connectors that are
connected to your reset,power, etc buttons. Dont disconnect them unless they are labeled.
Connected to the motherboard.
Fan - In the back of the computer. Allows air to come in and cool the computer. Fan
connectors connect to fans. If taking apart remember to put them back because they can
mess up your computer if you dont.
Optical Drives- Where the dvds and cd's are place into. a large square box
Underneath optical drives - Where the multimedia cards go. Slide into that area.
Cases- Most computers have an mini ATX case. Important when you are buying a power
RAM - Random acess memory. The only memory a CPU has ascess too. The ram is
temporary memory to allow the CPU to work with it. Different types of RAMS, only buy
the one your suppost to have or it wont work. Speed is how fast RAM can keep up with
the CPU
Hardrive --> Ram --> CPU
Types of Rams - SD Ram, DDR and DDR2 Ram and DDR3 Ram.
BIOS - basic input output system - lowest level OS on a computer. Tells all the hardware
how to work together.
Video Card - Different types of cards, need a certain one in order for it to work to your
computer. There are different interfaces AGP, PCI(worst), and PCI(fastest) express video
cards. Each have AGP, PCI or PCE-E slots. Each have different type of RAM on them.

GPU - Graphics processing unit. Can be found intergrated into the motherboard,
or on a graphics card. Creates all graphics on your computer.
Dedicated Graphics card - AGP,PCI, PCI-E are cards that have their own
and don't need to share with the computers. Its dedicated because it has a
RAM dedicated to its own use.
Intergrated Graphics solution card - Use part of the systems RAM. Most


intergrated to the motherboard.

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