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Definition of Consumer Behavior

Marketing Concept Link to Consumer Behavior
A Simple Model of Consumer Decision Making
Multiattribute Attitude Models

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior mencakup semua keputusan2 yang diambil konsumen

ketika mereka menghabis waktu dan membelanjakan uangnya. Pada
prinsipnya, studi perilaku konsumen mencoba mempelajari apa, mengapa, di
mana, kapan, dan bagaimana konsumen melakukan pembelian. Mempelajari
konsumen tidak saja terbatas pada konsumen perorangan, tetapi juga
termasuk rumah tangga, keluarga, dan kelompok-kelompok yang turut
mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen.
The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating,
and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
Provides answers to: What, when, where, and how do consumers purchase?
But, how does consumer behavior link to marketing?

Sebelum membahas hubungan perilaku konsume dengan pemasaran, mari

kita lihat ke belakang sejarah perkembangan konsep/orientasi dalam
Development of Concepts/ Orientation in Marketing

Mari kita ulas secara singkat perbedaan antara production orientation dg

sales orientation
Production vs. Sales Orientation
Production Orientation
From the 1850s to the late 1920s
Companies focus on production capabilities
Consumer demand exceeded supply
Efficient production lines to mass produce products for the consumer
Sales Orientation
From the 1930s to the mid 1950s
Supply exceeded customer demand
Focus on selling the product which they had overproduced

Orientasi-orientasi tadi pada akhirnya ber-evolusi menjadi marketing

orientation, dan di sinilah keterkaitan penting antara perilaku konsumen
dengan pemasaran,
Marketing Concept Link to Consumer Behavior
1950s to current - Focus on the customer!
Market became fragmented

Shift focus from what can be manufactured to what consumers prefer

Determine the needs and wants of specific target markets
Deliver satisfaction better than competition
Consumer research becomes critical point!

Dengan menggunakan marketing orientation/concept sebagai basis transaksi

perdagangan antara pemilik produk dan konsumen, maka penelitian
terhadap konsumen menjadi fondasi penting bagi keputusan-keputusan
pemasaran selanjutnya. Hasil penelitian terhadap konsumen ini yang
kemudian dipakai untuk melakukan segmentasi (definisi= blabla..),
targeting, dan positioning.

The Marketing Concept

Embracing the Marketing Concept
Consumer Research
Market Targeting
The process and tools used to study consumer behavior
The Marketing Concept
Embracing the Marketing Concept
Consumer Research
Market Targeting
Process of dividing the market into subsets of consumers with common needs or
Discussion Questions
What products that you regularly purchase are highly segmented?
What are the different segments?
Why is segmentation useful to the marketer for these products?
The Marketing Concept
Embracing the Marketing Concept
Consumer Research
Market Targeting
The selection of one or more of the segments identified to pursue
The Marketing Concept
Embracing the Marketing Concept
Consumer Research
Market Targeting
Developing a distinct image for the product in the mind of the consumer
Successful positioning includes:
Communicating the benefits of the product
Communicating a unique selling proposition

Perilaku konsumen sebagai bidan ilmu muncul di akhir tahun 1960-an. Jadi
karena perilaku konsumen itu pada prinsipnya mempelajari perilaku manusia

dalam konteks pengambilan keputusan konsumsi, maka ilmu perilaku

konsumen banyak meminjam keilmuan dari bidang lain: psikologi, sosiologi,
psikologi sosial, antropologi, dan bahkan ekonomi. Perilaku konsumen adalah
bidang ilmu interdisipliner.
Consumer Behavior Is Interdisciplinary

Baiklah, kini mari kita lihat bagaimana seorang konsumen mengambil

keputusan konsumsi. Berikut adalah model sederhana dari proses
pengambilan keputusan konsumen.
A Simple Model of Consumer Decision Making

Dari begitu banyak aspek psikologi yang mempengaruhi konsumen dalam

pengambilan keputusan, kita akan pilih satu aspek psikologi konsumen yang
akan kita bahas hari ini: sikap. Tapi mari sebelumnya kita jawab pertanyaan
Apakah sikap konsumen terhadap produk akan selalu sama dengan sikapnya
terhadap iklan produk tsb.?
A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with
respect to a given object.
What Are Attitudes?
The attitude object
Attitudes are a learned predisposition
Attitudes have consistency
Attitudes occur within a situation

Ada banyak model yang dikembangkan peneliti sikap untuk memahami

konsep sikap itu sendiri. Di antaranya adalah:
Structural Models of Attitudes
Tricomponent Attitude Model
Multiattribute Attitude Model
The Trying-to-Consume Model
Attitude-Toward-the-Ad Model

Dari sekian banyak model tersebut, kita akan fokuskan topik kali ini kepada
multriattribute model:
Multi-attribute Attitude Models

Model-model multi atribut cenderung melihat bahwa sikap konsumen

terhadap suatu obyek dibentuk oleh keyakinan (beliefs) konsumen terhadap
atribut obyek tersebut
Attitude models that examine the composition of consumer attitudes in terms of selected
product attributes or beliefs.
Multiattribute model

Multiattribute Attitude Models

Versi paling awal dari model ini melihat kepada sikap konsumen terhadap
obyek (produk).
The attitude-toward-object model
The attitude-toward-behavior model
Theory-of-reasoned-action model
Attitude is function of the presence of certain beliefs or attributes.
Useful to measure attitudes toward product and service categories or specific brands.
Multiattribute Attitude Models
The attitude-toward-object model
The attitude-toward-behavior model
Theory-of-reasoned-action model
Is the attitude toward behaving or acting with respect to an object, rather than the
attitude toward the object itself
Corresponds closely to actual behavior
Consumer Characteristics, Attitude,
and Online Shopping
Multiattribute Attitude Models
The attitude-toward-object model
The attitude-toward-behavior model
Theory-of-reasoned-action model
Includes cognitive, affective, and conative components
Includes subjective norms in addition to attitude
A Simplified Version of the Theory of Reasoned Action
Theory of Reasoned Action in Practice
Consumers demography: Female, 24 yrs old, office administrator in a fashion
magazine, making Rp 8.000.000,-/month,
Intended behavior: to purchase a newly launched, Victoria Beckhams upscale
handbag line that costs at least $2,000 (Rp. 20.000.000,-)
Attitude toward the behavior:
Believes that the purchase will enhance personal prestigious image; cost a
fortune for her salary level; increase social acceptance by her environment
Evaluation of outcome: prestige and social acceptance are evaluated as more
important than economic condition
Attitude toward purchasing Victoria Beckhams handbag is positive
Theory of Reasoned Action in Practice
Subjective Norm:
Believes that her referents (socialite, fashionista) would encourage her to own
at least one luxury brand handbag
Motivation to comply: working in a fashion magazine industry motivates her to
comply with socialites, fashionistas, fashion observers luxury lifestyle in
order to stay in the game
Subjective norm supports the purchasing of Victoria Beckhams handbag
Her positive attitude toward purchasing VBs handbag and compliance to subjective
norm are very well likely to influence her intention to buy in a positive direction

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