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Knights of Columbus Pancake Feed

St. Michael Catholic Church

5:30 pm
10:00 am

4:00 pm
8:00 am

2:00-2:30 pm 3:15-3:45 pm
Weekdays before Mass
Anytime by appointment
Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 am - Noon
Closed Mondays
(620) 724-8717
STAFF Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre
Secretary: Faith Paoni
Bookkeeper: Janel Scales
Bulletin Editor: Nancy Bauer
Finance Council
Parish Council
Tony Stonerock, Chair Dale Coomes, Chair
April 21

!Rosary Altar Society

Knights of Columbus
4th Monday of Month 1st Tuesday of Month
6:30pm in hall
7:00pm in hall

!Helping Hands

Daughters of Isabella
Carrie Smith
Marilyn Bradshaw
Kapauns Men: Fridays at 6:00am in the hall

Apr. 11 Saturday

106 N. Western Ave.

Girard, KS 66743
(620) 724-8717
Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre

From the Pastor


Harry Kenna
Greg Evans
For the People
Steve VanLeeuwen
No Mass
No Mass
Wednesday 6:30pm
Patricia Haderlein
Thursday 8:00am
No Intention
8:30am-3:00pm Adoration
Judy Raymond
8:00am-6:00pm Adoration
Saturday 4:00pm
Harry Kenna
Cathrine Madl
8:00am Roy, Pauline & David Harman
For the People

Altar Ministers for Apr. 18 & 19


Next Saturday (4/18/15)

Next Sunday (4/19/15)

!Altar Servers:

5:30 pm

Mary Kate Smith

Davis Davenport

Bailey Leritz, Evan


Janel Scales

Linda Garrett


10:00 am

Sisney, Josh Duling


Donna Martin

Doug Lopeman

Gift Bearers

John & Mary Gilpin

Rick & Barb Duling


*Please watch for your name(s) here until Joan Davied can resume assigning
Altar Ministers and send out a schedule. Thank you.

Altar Society Officers Needed

Anyone interested in an office in St. Michael Altar Society please call

724-4941 or 238-0850. The offices of President and Vice President
are definitely open. Please prayerfully consider offering your time
and talent to this vital and necessary ministry within our parish!

Save the Date!

Our parish celebration of Fr. Rogers 29th year anniversary of his

ordination to the Priesthood, and our fundraiser to benefit the Meal
in His Name and the Ministerial Alliance food pantry will be held
on Saturday, April 25. We will have food, music, karaoke, games, a
raffle, and much more. Call the parish office if you would like to
help. Check the bulletin board for more information.

National Catholic Youth Conference 2015

Students who will be in high school next year are invited to attend
the National Catholic Youth Conference, Nov. 19-22 in Indianapolis,
IN. A $95 deposit is due by April 15. Please contact Michelle
Puckett more information and registration forms.

Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish

Please pray for parishioners Ron Brenneman, Gerald Davied, and

Rosemary OToole who are ill.

Parish Prayer Chain

If you would like to receive our parish Prayer Chain emails, or if you
would like to request a prayer intention, please contact Teresa
Davenport at 362-3042.

July 2014 to date







Over / (Under)


Building Fund Contributions


Building Fund Loan Balance


Rice Bowls

We prayed, fasted and gave almsand now we celebrate! Our

Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where
Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lordand in the lives
weve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the
Democratic Republic of Congo and all over the world! Dont forget
to turn in your CRS Rice Bowls. Please have your students turn
bowls in at PSR this week or they can be put in the collection at any
mass. We would ask that you put your name on the bowl before
turning it in. We will collect bowls for another week or so and then
write a single check to the diocese who in turn will give the money to
Catholic Relief Services for distribution in various parts of the world.

Last Week

Childrens Offering

Parish Council Meeting

A Parish Council meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 21.

It's Divine Mercy Sunday! On April 30, 2000 Blessed Pope John Paul II instituted this feast at the
canonization of St. Maria Faustina. Divine Mercy Sunday can be seen as the convergence of all the
mysteries and graces of Holy Week and Easter Week. The purpose of the feast is to lead the faithful
through their faith, hope and love to share more deeply in the whole mystery of Christ as it unfolds
throughout the year. The feast focuses the light of the Risen Christ into a radiant beam of merciful
love and grace for the whole world. In his revelations to St. Faustina, Jesus expressed His desire to
celebrate this special feast. He says that the Feast of Mercy emerged from his very depths of
tenderness, and mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of his Mercy. Jesus says that
the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened and let no soul fear to draw near to him.
Even though our sins are as scarlet, they would be forgiven because of the Mercy that emerges from
the very depths of his tenderness. This Feast is a summation of the event of his mercy active in our
lives now.
I encourage you to say the chaplet of the Divine Mercy the afternoon of this Sunday at 3PM and
every Friday at 3PM. If you don't have a copy or guide of the chaplet, there are many of them
online. I am sure that this would be another opportunity of grace and to grow in our love for God
and one another. "Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son,
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful
Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world...Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on
us and on the whole world... Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible,
look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become
despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself." (from the
chaplet of the Divine Mercy)
As Lent has ended, I am reminding all of you that it's time to return your rice bowl. Our money
counters count them and we write the check to the diocese who in turn will forward all the money to
CRS to send to the different parts of the world to help the hungry and the needy! Thank you again
for all your generosity and especially to our kids. "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just
one." (Mother Teresa) "I was hungry and you gave me food." (Matthew 25:25)
You must have read Bishop Kemme's letter in the Catholic Advance about Pope Francis Build
Project of the diocese. As he said they plan to start building by September or October in northeast
Wichita, but soon it may come here in Southeast Kansas. I hope you will include this project in
your prayers and consider helping.
I forgot to include in the list last weekend those who have been supporting our RCIA: Ryan
Ashmore and Savanna O'Toole, and the Saint Michael Altar Society, especially Barb Mikrut and
Jeannie Herrod who served and did the clean up during the RCIA dinner at the Easter Vigil.
We are sad to hear that Jim Davied passed away Thursday morning. He was very active in Church
both in Girard and in Arma, especially as a member of the Knights of Columbus. As of this writing
I don't know yet about funeral plans. Please include Jim and his family in your prayers! May he rest
in Peace! Amen.

God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Mass Schedule and Intentions for Apr. 11 - 19


The Girard/Arma Knights of Columbus are having a pancake and

homemade sausage breakfast at St. Josephs Hall in Arma this
Sunday, April 12 from 7:30am to 11:00am. Free will donations will
be accepted.

Daughters of Isabella Meeting

The Daughters of Isabella will hold their Anniversary meeting at

7:30pm on Tuesday, April 14 at the St. Francis Parish Hall in St.

St. Peregrine Items Available

St. Peregrine cards, medals and tokens are available free of charge for
persons with a cancer diagnosis or cancer survivors. St. Peregrine is
the patron saint of persons suffering from cancer. If you would like
one for yourself or a loved one, call Teresa Davenport at 362-3042.

Totus Tuus 2015 Dates

For those of you who are beginning to make summer plans, save the
dates of June 14 through 19 for Totus Tuus! Thank you to Paula
Sevart, Totus Tuus coordinator, for reserving our week.

Did You Know?

The image of St. Michael, called an icon, above our altar is rich in
meaning and history. A Catholic icon is a representation of the image
of such holy figures as the saints, Mary, Jesus and other religious
figures, in the form of a painting. An interesting aspect of Catholic
icons is that almost everything on the icon has some sort of symbolic
meaning. The meanings, origins and ancient traditions surrounding
Christian symbols date back to early times when the majority of
ordinary people were not able to read or write and printing was
unknown. Certain iconic figures always have halos, such as Mary or
Jesus, while angels are always depicted with wings in Catholic icons.
In our image or icon of St. Michael, the
Archangel is holding a staff and an orb
with the letter X. The staff represents his
messenger and seer roles and his sage,
insightful governance. The orb represents
earthly authority and the X stands for
Xhristos, that is, Christ. His face is fair
and noble looking, and his entire pose is a
peaceful and ethereal one. Above him are
the letter IC XC, a widely used four
letter abbreviation of the Greek for Jesus

St. Michael Parish Mission Statement

The faith-filled parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong
traditions are faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We
commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We
strive to involve all members to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all.

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