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Preschool Department

Level: Pre-K
Teacher: Paula Malavassi

Monthly Plan
April 6th to May 1st


Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi




Que el nio y la nia aprecien

1.1. Joan Mir: Sentados en el crculo, la docente compartir una pequea


resea bibliogrfica del artista por medio del uso de un lbum ilustrado.




reconocidos pintores.

1. Joan Mir

Posteriormente, compartir con los nios y nias diferentes obras artsticas

del pintor. Al final, cada infante colorear una pequea cara representativa del

Que el nio y la nia sigan 2. Creaciones con papel

arte de Mir, que ser pegada en una medalla y podr llevarla a la casa para


compartir con su familia.

3. Rasgado libre y guiado.

Que el nio y la nia desarrollen

destrezas en su motora fina.

1.2. Anlisis de obras: La docente presentar al grupo tres obras impresas del
4. Pegar.

artista Joan Mir. Se utilizar la Rutina de Pensamiento: Ver, Pensar,

Preguntarse, con el fin de que los nios y nias digan lo que ven en cada obra,

Que el nio y la nia desarrollen 5. Colorear con crayones.

luego compartan lo que piensan de dicha obra y finalmente expresen aquellas

destrezas para pegar.

preguntas que las obras les generan. Adems, la docente los motivar a
6. Dctilo pintura

Que el nio y la nia desarrollen

destrezas para rasgar.

encontrar representaciones en las obras artsticas, presencia de colores y

figuras, y que ellos realicen sus propias interpretaciones.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

2.1. Bolas de papel: Utilizando papel reciclado y sentados en el crculo, la

docente invitar a los nios y nias a que hagan bolas de papel. La docente les
explicar que la bola debe quedar bastante ajustada, por lo que pasar
revisndolas. Posteriormente, cuando las bolas estn listas, colocar canastas
alrededor del aula y reproducir msica (CD Disney Junior). Los infantes se
desplazarn al ritmo de la msica alrededor del aula, cuando se detiene la
cancin, ellos debern encestar su bola de papel en la canasta y volver a
recogerla. El ejercicio se har en diferentes ocasiones.
2.2. Plantas de papel: Trabajando en cada hexgono, la docente entregar
una planta (rbol, flor, arbusto) distinta confeccionada con cartulina a cada
grupo. Adems, pondr a su disposicin diferentes pliegos de papel seda y
construccin. Los infantes confeccionarn bolas de papel de distintos tamaos
(grandes), y las colocarn sobre la imagen. Finalmente, la docente les dar
goma para que peguen las bolas sobre la cartulina, decorando as cada planta.
3.1: Flor: La docente pondr a disposicin de los nios y nias una flor hecha
con papel construccin que integra todas sus partes representadas con
distintas formas geomtricas (crculo, cuadrado y tringulo). Adems, pondr
a su disposicin papel seda de diferentes colores que los infantes rasgarn
segn los colores con los que posteriormente decorarn la flor.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

4.1. Flor: Cuando los nios y nias terminan la actividad 3.1, podrn pegar
(ellos solos) cada pedacito de papel rasgado sobre la flor, segn quieran
decorarlo. Una vez decorada la flor, los nios y nias repasarn, junto con la
docente, cada parte de esta planta.
4.2. Nmeros: La docente dividir el grupo en cinco sub grupos, los cuales
estarn alrededor de la cancha multiuso. Ella entregar un nmero, hecho en
cartulina, a cada subgrupo para que lo decore. Pondr a su disposicin papeles
de color, limpiapipas, escarcha, entre otros materiales, que los infantes
debern pegar sobre cada nmero. Se supervisar el uso adecuado de los
materiales y la goma, sin embargo se dar independencia a cada grupo.
5.1. Coloreando la obra: La docente presentar a los nios y nias las tres
obras artsticas de Joan Mir estudiadas previamente en una hoja de trabajo.
Los infantes escogern sobre cul obra quieren trabajar y la docente repartir
las hojas de trabajo. En conjunto, repasarn las interpretaciones realizadas en
la sesin anterior con el fin de que los nios y nias recuerden cada obra
artstica. Los infantes podrn colorear la obra elegida, utilizando crayones.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

6.1. Figuras: La docente pondr a disposicin de cada nio y nia un poco de

crema de afeitar sobre la mesa. Primero los infantes podrn decorar su crema
del color que elijan y explorar con el material. Posteriormente, la docente los
invitar a realizar diferentes lneas (por ejemplo una lnea larga de arriba
abajo, o una lnea corta de izquierda a derecha). Cuando los nios y nias
hayan dominado estos comandos, proceder a invitarlos a copiar ciertas
secuencias de lneas o unin de lneas, que ella hace con su dedo y escribe en
la pizarra. Finalmente les ensear a hacer una cruz y un cuadrado, por lo que
los infantes podrn practicar reiteradamente sobre su crema de afeitar.
6.2. Letras y nmeros: Cada nio y nia trazar sobre distintas lminas de
papel construccin los nmeros y letras estudiados en clase (1, 2, L, F).
Primero repasarn el trazo sin pintura, luego lo harn con agua sobre la mesa
y finalmente con pintura sobre el papel.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi




Que el nio y la nia

1.1. Cantando: La docente ensear a lo infantes tres diferentes canciones, que ya han


aprendido a lo largo del ao (Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, Five Little Ducks).



1. Canciones cortas y

Posteriormente, la docente dar instrucciones sobre cmo se debe cantar la cancin:

rimas musicales

fuerte, suave, rpido, lento, para mis adentros, en canon, con pausas. Segn la docente

Que el nio y la nia se

indique, los infantes debern cantar la cancin, garantizando as que se memorizaron la


misma y que interiorizaron los conceptos estudiados.

con 2. Intensidad: fuerte y

conceptos y elementos suave


1.2. Completando la rima: La docente presentar a los nios y nias la rima One, Two
3. Instrumentos y objetos

Buckle my shoe, por medio de ilustraciones. Primero ella la recitar, luego pedir a los

Que el nio y la nia resonantes

infantes que repitan despus de ella. Finalmente, los nios y nias completarn la rima


utilizando las pistas en las imgenes.



4. Presentacin Da del

2.1. Marchando y caminando: La docente sonar una claves en dos diferentes

Que el nio y la nia

intensidades: fuerte o suave. Cuando la intensidad es fuerte los infantes debern marchar

practique presentaciones

alrededor del aula con pasos fuertes, mientras si la intensidad es suave, debern caminar


con pasos casi imperceptibles y de puntillas.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

2.2. Elefante y mariquita: La docente reproducir la obra musical Danzn Cubano de

Aaron Copland. Ella invitar a los infantes a moverse como elefante o mariquita segn la
intensidad en los fragmentos de la obra musical. Si la intensidad es fuerte, representarn
un elefante, mientras si es suave a una mariquita.
3.1. Tambor: La docente solicitar a las familias enviar una lata (frijoles, frmula), un
envase de comida china o bien uno de helados (con tapa); para que durante clases los
infantes confeccionen un tambor. Los nios y nias podrn decorar su tambor libremente
pegando materiales o pintando con tmperas. Una vez que hayan finalizado el tambor, la
docente les explicar que este es un instrumento resonante pues tiene una cada que
ampla el sonido.
3.2. Megfono: Los nios y nias confeccionarn un megfono con el material brindado
por la docente (cartulina previamente cortada y goma). Adems, lo decorarn a su gusto
con una postal de guila y Plasticola color azul, blanco y rojo. Posteriormente, la docente
ensear a los nios y nias una porra de la escuela, para que puedan utilizar su
megfono durante el Festival Deportivo.
4.1. Da del agricultor: Los infantes practicarn la cancin A place on the farm de
Jack Hartmann.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

Physical Education


1.1. Carrera: Los nios y nias realizarn una carrera alrededor de la cancha multiuso.


Movimientos En ella, debern correr sobre una pista trazada por la docente, en la que se desplazarn

Que el nio y la nia sigan locomotores: correr en en lnea recta, zigzag, muy rpido o trotando. Le darn tres vueltas al circuito para

diferentes direcciones, completar la carrera.


con 1.2. Brincando: La docente invitar a brincar a los nios y nias; primero como ranas,

Que el nio y la nia obstculos. Brincar en luego como conejos y finalmente como canguros, segn la imagen presentada por la
desarrollen destrezas para diferentes direcciones, docente. Los infantes se desplazarn de un punto a otro de la cancha de ftbol segn les
escuchar con atencin.

distancias y altitudes.

indique la docente.
1.3. Rally: En la cancha de ftbol, la docente har una carrera de obstculos utilizando

Que el nio y la nia

las vallas, conos y hula hulas. Los infantes debern seguir el circuito, primero


caminando y luego corriendo. En el rally debern realizar saltos de diferentes maneras,



2. Movimientos no

desplazarse en diferentes direcciones y velocidades, segn la dificultad.

locomotores: equilibrio

2.1. Aviones y estatuas: La docente realizar un estiramiento con los infantes, en el

Que el nio y la nia esttico.

que estimular su equilibrio esttico. Primero, los pondr a imitar un avin, por lo que

desarrollen destrezas en su

debern mantenerse sobre un pie. Posteriormente, realizar diferentes posiciones de

motora gruesa.

estatuas que impliquen un equilibrio importante (sobre un pie, de puntillas).

Finalmente, los nios y nias, en parejas, realizarn una pose (en equilibrio) que sus
compaeros debern imitar como un espejo.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

2.2. Juego: En el gimnasio, los infantes van a disfrutar del juego 1,2,3 Quesito Stop.
La docente pondr las reglas del juego y har un ejemplo. Los nios y nias debern
mantenerse como una estatua en equilibrio cuando la docente dice STOP. Se motivar
a los infantes a usar su creatividad y explorar los mltiples movimientos que el cuerpo
3. Movimientos

les permite hacer.

manipulativos: correr

3.1. Salvando los peces: La docente dividir al grupo en dos sub grupos. Cada sub

cargando objetos.

grupo tendr la tarea de salvar a los peces que se encuentran en un estanque de agua
contaminada (con colorante), y pasarlos al estanque de agua saludable. Los estanques
se encontrarn a una distancia de 5 metros. Tomando turnos, los nios y nias debern
correr por un pez y trasladarlo hacia el otro estanque, logrando cargar el objeto

4. Ejercicios de

mientras se desplaza. Una vez que los nios y nias hayan salvado a todos los peces se


les entregar un sticker de animales marinos, en recuerdo de tan valiosa hazaa.

3.2. Rally con obstculos: Los nios y nias realizarn el mismo Rally de la actividad
1.3, solo que cargando saquitos de tela en su mano o cabeza.
4.1. Yoga: La docente invitar a los nios y nias a que, por perodos de diez
segundos, contando todos a la vez, imiten las distintas poses que ella realiza con su
cuerpo, a manera de estiramiento y relajacin. Esta sesin se llevar a cabo con msica
de fondo.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi



1.1. Family puppets: During circle time, the teacher will ask children to share about
how having a family is important, what do families do and who are the family
members. Using flash cards (English Travels), she will introduce each family




to 1. Family

member, and children will be able to talk about that specific relative. Later on, they

identify family members

Mother, father, sister, will seat on their chairs and color little pictures of each family member on a handout
brother, baby, aunt, provided by the teacher. At the end, children will paste each picture on a craft stick
uncle, grandmother, and have their own puppets. They will be able to play pretend with the puppets during


grandfather, cousin.



Work and Play.

familiar with language and

vocabulary related to the 2. House


Children will associate the


parts of the house with the


actions that take place.

1.2. Family tree: The teacher will ask families to build a family tree with the closest
dining relatives (mother, father, siblings, grandparents). She will send a message home,
kitchen, setting the specifications about the activity and giving some examples. Families can
yard, use their creativity and imagination, in order to build a family tree that children can
understand and retell. The family trees are going to be requested one week earlier. At
the class, children will share their family tree, telling a little story about their family
and sharing with their classmates some important information. The teacher will guide
the conversation and make interventions that suggest the different types of families
and how regards those differences, love is always the center of the family.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

1.3. This is my family: The teacher will ask the families to send pictures about each
family member (or their closest relatives). Children will make a storybook, using the
pictures sent from home, and materials provided by the teacher (cardboard paper,
glue, markers).
1.4 Family picture: While seating on their chairs, children will make a picture about
their family. Later on, they will decorate a frame with a quote on it (I love my family)
and paste de picture on it. Children will share their drawings with the classmates and
take the picture home.
1.5. Diverse families: The teacher will ask kids if all families are the same, if all
family members live in the same house and she will encourage children to find
differences that may appear in families. Later on, she will present a big house made of
cardboard paper, that has different paper pieces on it that represent different family
members (orange-mother, green-father, yellow-grandparents, blue-brother, red-sister,
white-me, purple-pet, pink-other). While seating on their chairs, children will paste
specific paper pieces on a house made with construction paper, depending if the
family member represented with each color lives in his or her house. The teachers
will guide this activity and help children paste each paper piece on their house. At the
end, they will talk about how different they all live, but how much they all love their

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

1.6. Family Bingo: While seating on their chairs, children will play the Family Bingo
Game provided by the teacher. The teacher will name a family member, children will
check if they have it on their board and put a little piece of paper over it. The first kid
that completes the board will yell BINGO! Children will be able to switch cards at the
end of each game.
2.1. Houses around the world: The teacher will introduce the theme by showing
kids pictures of different houses around the world. They will be able to talk about
culture, weather, security, families and any topic children bring to the conversation.
They will also be able to express whether they would like to live in each house or not.
2.2. My house: The teacher will ask families to send a milk box (or any tetra brick
box) from home. Children will make their own house by decorating each box using
cardboard paper, craft sticks, markers and glitter. The teacher will introduce the
external parts of the house (windows, door, roof). They will be able to take their
house home.
2.3. Parts of the house: The teacher will introduce the parts of a house using
flashcards. Children will talk about each part of the house, what activities are held in
each one, and how are those rooms in their house. Later on, kids will go sit on their
chair and color a picture of a house, on a handout provided by the teacher.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

2.4. Decorating rooms: The teacher will provide different pieces of furniture
(previously cut) related to the parts of the house studied. Children will color each
piece of furniture. Later on, she will provide a house made with cardboard paper, and
children will paste each piece of furniture according to the room they belong. At the
end, kids will share their work.
2.5. Match: The teacher will make a quick review about the parts of a house and the
different actions that take place on each one. Later on, while seating on their chair,
children will match an action with the correct part of the house in which it takes
place. At the end, kids will be able to color the pictures.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi



1.1. ABC Song: The teacher will point the letters of the alphabet one by one and name
them, the kids will repeat after her. Then, she will sing the ABC song slowly while
pointing each letter. Later on, children will sing and point to the letters one by one. At
the end, the kids will be able to sing and point with the Alphabet Song on Sing

Identify by name the upper

1. ABC

case letters of the alphabet.

2.1. Didi the Dog: The teacher will introduce Didi the Dog to the kids. She will tell a
2. Letter D

Identify pictures that begin

with each letter.

Along CD.
little story about it using the words on the vocabulary (dinosaur, donut, duck, dance,
doctor). Later on, she will show letter T by naming it and making the sound. Children

3. Letter G

will repeat the words on the vocabulary, emphasizing on the beginning sound.
2.2. D handout: While seating on his or her chair, the teacher will give each student a

Associate letter with sound.

4. Letter E
5. Differentiate
and recognize

handout. Children will color pictures from the vocabulary that start with letter D.
2.3. Dinosaur: While seating on their chair, children will color (with crayons) a paper
plate provided by the teacher. Later on, they will paste the dinosaurs neck, face and feet
(provided by the teacher), in order to make the dinosaur craft.
3.1. Gus the Gorilla: The teacher will introduce Gus the Gorilla to the kids. She will
tell a little story about it using the words on the vocabulary (garden, grape, grass, goose,
guitar, glitter). Later on, she will show letter G by naming it and making the sound.
Children will repeat the words on the vocabulary, emphasizing on the beginning sound.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

3.2. G handout: While seating on his or her chair, the teacher will give each student a
handout. Children will color pictures from the vocabulary that start with letter G.
3.3. Guitar: While seating on their chair, children will color (with markers) a guitar
made with cardboard paper and provided by the teacher. Later on, they will paste three
pipe cleaners on the guitar and enjoy playing with the musical instrument.
4.1. Elmer the Elephant: The teacher will introduce Elmer the Elephant to the kids.
She will tell a little story about it using the words on the vocabulary (egg, elephant,
earth, Elmo). Later on, she will show letter E by naming it and making the sound.
Children will repeat the words on the vocabulary, emphasizing on the beginning sound.
4.2. E handout: While seating on his or her chair, the teacher will give each student a
handout. Children will color pictures from the vocabulary that start with letter E.
4.3. Elephant mask: While seating on their chair, children will decorate a paper plate
by pasting elephant ears and trunk on it. Later on, they will be able to play pretend
during Work and Play, using the mask.
5.1. Run to the letter: On the pavement, the teacher will trace letters E, G and D.
Children will be sitting down on the floor. When the teacher says a word, previously
studied in the vocabulary, children will stand up and run to the letter that represents the
initial sound of the word.
5.2. Classify pictures: Using pictures of the vocabulary previously studied in class
(letters: s, m, c, t, p, g, d, e), children will match the word represented in the picture with
the correct letter, by putting the picture inside the letters basket.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi



1.1.Crayon song: Children will sing the Crayon Song before each activity
and the teacher will check the crayon grips.



1. Crayon grip

crayon grip.

2.1. Aim and color: Children will open their books on page 8. The teacher
will ask if they have ever seen ants, ladybugs, bees, and what color are

2. Basic strokes

Practice basic strokes.

they. Later on, they will find the top of the page and the bottom of the
page. Children will find the insects in the corner and color them as

3. Coloring

Develop coloring skills.

teacher asks (ants with black, ladybugs with red and bees with yellow).
Finally they will color all the ants, ladybugs and bees as correspond.




4. Trace letters: L, F.

trace of letters.

2.2. Aim and trace: Children will open their books on page 9. The teacher
5. Trace numbers: 2







will ask them to see what the ants are doing (walking up the wall),
what the ladybugs are doing (walking down the wall) and what the

6. Trace shapes: cross, square

bees are doing (flying around). Later on, children will practice the
strokes: up, down, around, by tracing over the lines. Finally they will
color all the ants, ladybugs and bees as correspond.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

3.1. Green: Children will open their book on page 11. The teacher will ask
them to color the crayon using green. Then, she will ask children to point
the tree, the string bean and the pear. She will also ask them to point the
shapes under the pictures. Finally, children will color the pictures using a
green crayon.
4.1. Introduce L: Children will sing the song Where do you start your
letters? The teacher will introduce letter L using the letter cards. Later on,
she will make letter L using the wood pieces, and emphasizing on the
directions to trace the word. Children will make letter L using the wood
pieces, and they will also trace it on the air using their pointer finger.
4.2. Centers: The teacher will provide materials for four different centers.
While seating on their chairs, the teacher will pass the centers from one
table to another, so that children can practice and develop the skills in order
to trace letter L. The first center consists on using the wood pieces on the
mat to build the letter. In the second center, children will roll big dough
snakes and build the letters using the Roll-A-Dough Letters. The third
center consist of using the Stamp and See Screen, in which kids will stamp
the magnetic pieces (big line and little line) on the board and then trace the
letter L. On the fourth center, children will use the Wet-Dry-Try Slates to
trace letter L.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

4.3. Letter L: Children will open their book on page 23. The teacher will
ask them to point the lizard, and find other words that start with this letter.
Then, children will point all the Ls on the page and trace them with their
finger following the directions (Make a Big Line go straight down, stop,
now make a Little Line across, from left to right). Finally, children will
write letter L, by putting the crayon on the happy face and tracing the letter.
4.4. Introduce F: Children will sing the song Where do you start your
letters? The teacher will introduce letter F using the letter cards. Later on,
she will make letter F using the wood pieces, and emphasizing on the
directions to trace the word. Children will make letter F using the wood
pieces, and they will also trace it on the air using their pointer finger.
4.5. Centers: The teacher will provide materials for four different centers.
While seating on their chairs, the teacher will pass the centers from one
table to another, so that children can practice and develop the skills in order
to trace letter L. The first center consists on using the wood pieces on the
mat to build the letter. In the second center, children will roll big dough
snakes and build the letters using the Roll-A-Dough Letters. The third
center consist of using the Stamp and See Screen, in which kids will stamp
the magnetic pieces (big line and little line) on the board and then trace the
letter L. On the fourth center, children will use the Wet-Dry-Try Slates to
trace letter L.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

4.6. Letter F: Children will open their book on page 25. The teacher will
ask them to point the fish and the frog, and find other words that start with
this letter. Then, children will point all the Fs on the page and trace them
with their finger following the directions (Make a Big Line go straight
down, stop, jump to the top, now make a Little Line across, from left to
right, go to the middle, and trace another Little line across). Finally,
children will write letter F, by putting the crayon on the happy face and
tracing the letter.
5.1. Bird Legs: Children will open the book on page 78 and count the legs
on themselves, birds, rooster, ducks, crane, chick and flamingo. They will
notice that they all have two legs. Later on, children will observe the
differences on the birds (neck, bodies, bills, beaks and head). Then, teacher
will make bird legs on the board by making Big Lines down. Finally,
children will make the bird legs and color the pictures. At the end, children
will sing the song Bird Legs using the Sing Along CD.
5.2. Number 2: The teacher will introduce number 2 by using the wood
pieces on the mat and tracing the number on the board. While seating on
their chair, children will work with the materials provided by the teacher.
First they will make number two using the wood pieces, and then using
Play Doh, they will also trace it on the slates. Finally, children will write
number 2 on page 79, by following teachers instructions.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

6.1. Introduce strokes: Children will sing the song Where do you start
your letters? Then they will review the different strokes by tracing them
on the air with their pointer finger. Later on, the teacher will give each
student a piece of paper and crayons. Children will trace different lines and
curves following teachers directions (Example: Trace a Big Line down
from top to bottom). Kids will practice the basic strokes and directions that
will help them later write letters, numbers or shapes.
6.2. Cross: Children will open their book on page 22. The teacher will ask
kids to look at the pictures and name them together: cross, window,
scarecrow, kite, cross. The teacher will demonstrate how to draw a cross:
little line down, little line across in the middle. Children will trace, color
and draw, as they like.
6.3. Square: Children will open their book on page 24. The teacher will
ask kids to look at the pictures and name them together: square, fish tank,
birthday cake, window, square. The teacher will demonstrate how to draw a
square: little line down, little line across the bottom, little line up, little lite
across the top. Children will trace the first square with teachers help, then
put their crayons on each arrow and trace or copy the squares. Finally, they
will be able to color and draw, as they like.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi



1.1. Garden: Children will make a garden inside the classroom. First, on groups of
three kids will decorate a flowerpot using paint and glitter. Later on, each group of
three will plant seeds following teachers guide and instructions. First, they are going to

1. Plants: trees,



different kinds of plants.

Children will identify what
plants need to grow.

Children will name the four

parts of a plant.

put the soil inside the container, then they will distribute the seeds given by the teacher

bushes, flowers,

on the soil, and then they will put water on it. Each day, a member of the group will


water the plant and take care of it.

2. Needs of the plant:

1.2. Grass: The teacher will introduce plants by taking kids on a walk around school in

water, soil,

order to watch different plants. Then they will emphasize on the grass, and talk about

sunlight, air

how grass grows. While seating on their chair children will paste a crazy face picture of

3. Parts of the plant:

themselves on a cup. Then they will plant grass on the cup, by putting soil, seeds and

root, stem, flower,

water on the cup. The cups will be watered every day, and children will see the grass


growing process, as they enjoy looking hair grow out from their crazy face picture.
1.3. Flowers: The teacher will bring different flowers to the mat. Children will be able
to smell the flowers, touch them, and observe the colors. The teacher will encourage
children to find differences on the flowers and talk about them (where do flowers grow,
where have they seen flowers, if they like flowers). Finally, the teacher will give each
kid a flower so they can take it home and put it in a special place.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

1.4. Bushes and trees: During circle time, children will observe different trees and
bushes from pictures on teachers computer. Kids will be able to see differences
between bushes, trees and grass. Later on, they will make a tree and a bush with
construction paper (previously cut by the teacher) and paste it on a handout.
1.5. Life of a plant: Children will review the life cycle of a plant with pictures that the
teacher shows. Later on, they will draw the life cycle of the plant on a handout
provided by the teacher.
2.1. Craft: The teacher will show the Needs of the Plant video on her computer in the
library. Children will learn the song by repeating it after teacher, so they can sing as
they watch the video. Later on, the teacher will give kids a plant pot made with
construction paper titled Needs of the plant. She will also provide one stem made
with construction paper and four leaves that have a drawing of different needs of the
plant: water, soil, sunlight, and air. Children will color each need of the plant, and then
paste all the pieces on a handout.
2.2. Water: Children will talk about how plants need water in order to live, and how
we need water too. To illustrate this need, the teacher will provide each table a piece of
celery, water, a cup and food coloring. By tables, children are going to put the celery
stick on the cup, fill the cup with water and put food-coloring drops on it. They will
make predictions about what will happen with the celery, and how will the plant drink
all that water. The next day, kids will be able to observe what happens and talk about it.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

2.3. Poem: Children will learn the poem My garden, by repeating after the teacher.
Then, they will talk about the needs of the plants, and how was the experience of
growing a garden inside the classroom.
3.1. Tree: Children will sing and dance the song Leaves and branches, trunk and
roots from the Sing Sound and Count CD. Later on, they will sit on their chair and
make a tree craft. The teacher will provide the tree trunk made with construction paper
and pasted on a cardboard paper. Children will make the trees branches by pasting
pipe cleaners on the paper. Then, they will make the leaves by painting their
fingerprints on the paper. Finally, the roots will me made using crayons.
3.2. Flower puzzle: While seating on their chair, the teacher will give each kid some
flower parts previously made with cardboard paper and a handout. Kids will sort each
part in order to build a flower, and then paste it on the handout.
3.3. Seeds: The teacher will bring different seeds to the mat. Children will be able to
smell the seeds, touch them, and observe the colors. The teacher will encourage
children to find differences on the seeds and talk about them. Children will classify the
seeds in different cups. Finally, the teacher will give each kid a cup of seeds, so he or
she can paste it over a leaf made with construction paper.
3.4. Edible plant: On a plate, each kid will make an edible plant: broccoli as the
flower, celery as the stem, lettuce as the leaves, little carrots as the roots and corn as the
seeds. They will put them together following teachers instructions (teacher will name
each part of the plant). Kids will be able to taste and eat each part of the edible plant.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi




Que el nio y la nia

1.1. Arriba y abajo: La docente introducir el concepto de arriba y abajo por

identifiquen preposiciones.

medio del juego con los nios y nias. Cuando la docente dice arriba, los infantes
Que el nio y la nia 1.



reconozca diferencias en los abajo


deben pararse sobre sus puntillas sealando hacia arriba. Cuando la docente dice
abajo, los infantes deben agacharse y tocar el suelo, sealando hacia abajo.
1.2. Saquito: La docente repartir un saquito a cada infante. Por medio del juego,
los nios y nias debern poner el saquito arriba o debajo de ciertos objetos o de

Que el nio y la nia

su cuerpo segn la docente indica, mientras se desplazan por el espacio.

clasifique por tamaos.

Que el nio y la nia
identifiquen nmeros.

2.1. Bombones: Sentados en su silla, la docente repartir diferentes bombones,

2. Tamao: grande, pequeo

Que el nio y la nia



unos grandes y otros pequeos, a cada mesa. Los nios y nias clasificarn los
bombones segn sean grandes o pequeos, introducindolos en un vaso grande o
un vaso pequeo.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

3.1. Nmero 4: Durante el perodo de conversacin, la docente presentar el

nmero 4 utilizando las tarjetas de nmeros pegadas en la pared. Ella dir el
Que el nio y la nia

nombre del nmero y contar la cantidad de objetos en la tarjeta. Luego,

clasifiquen por color.

solicitar a los infantes que cuentan cuantas patas tienen un perro, un gato, una
mesa y cuantas llantas tiene un carro. Posteriormente, los nios y nias

Que el nio y la nia

completarn una hoja de trabajo en la que deben pegar cuatro cuadrados a la par


del nmero.


distintas figuras geomtricas.

3.2. Nmero 5: Durante el perodo de conversacin, la docente presentar el
Que el nio y la nia 3. Nmeros: 1-5

nmero 5 utilizando las tarjetas de nmeros pegadas en la pared. Ella dir el

desarrollen la destreza del

nombre del nmero y contar la cantidad de objetos en la tarjeta. Luego,


solicitar a los infantes que cuentan el nmero de dedos que tienen en cada mano.
Posteriormente, los nios y nias completarn una hoja de trabajo en la que

Que el nio y la nia




deben colorear cinco estrellas.

3.3. Nmeros 1-5: Los nios y nias decorarn los nmeros del 1 a 5 entregados
por la docente y previamente hechos con cartulina de colores. Decorarn cada
nmero con una cantidad correspondiente de objetos (un sticker, dos limpiapipas,
tres bolitas de papel, cuatro huellas y cinco semillas de girasol). Finalmente, la
docente ensartar los nmeros en una cuerda, haciendo as un mvil de nmeros.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

4.1. Contando paletas: La docente repartir cinco paletas a cada nio(a).

Mientras estn sentados en su silla, la docente solicitar que levanten una
Que el nio y la nia 4. Conteo:1 al 5

cantidad de paletas especfica, por lo que debern contar la cantidad y levantarla

distribuya objetos uno a uno.


Que el nio y la nia hagan

patrones por color.

5.1. Verde: Los nios y nias en su asiento harn pintura verde, mezclando
amarillo y azul en un vaso. Posteriormente pintarn libremente usando bombones
sobre una lmina de papel peridico.
5. Colores: verde
5.2. Ubleck verde: Los infantes, sentados en su mesa, harn ubleck verde. Los
infantes podrn jugar con el ubleck, sentirlo entre sus dedos y observar los
fenmenos que suceden. La docente preguntar si este material es slido o
lquido, ellos podrn hacer predicciones y observar lo que pasa.
6.1. Tringulo: La docente presentar el tringulo por medio de un poema, al



geomtricas: mismo tiempo que ensea a nios y nias esta figura. Posteriormente, invitar a
los nios y nias a mencionar caractersticas de los tringulos y encontrar objetos
con esta forma alrededor del aula. Adems, la docente presentar diferentes tipos
de tringulos y preguntar a los nios y nias si todos son la misma figura.
Finalmente, sentados en su silla, los infantes construirn un tringulo utilizando
palillos de dientes.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

6.2. Tangrama: La docente pondr a disposicin de cada nio y nia diferentes

piezas de tringulos, y tarjetas con imgenes hechas con dichas piezas. Los
infantes debern armar la forma de la imagen utilizando las piezas triangulares
entregadas por la docente. Se pasarn las tarjetas y las piezas en el hexgono para
completar distintas formas con el tangrama.
6.3. Casa de figuras: La docente entregar a los nios y nias piezas de
tringulos, cuadrados y crculos hechos con papel foam. Los infantes construirn
una casa utilizando las piezas de foam y las pegarn sobre una cartulina de color.
7.1. Correspondencia: La docente entregar una hoja de trabajo a los infantes,
7. Correspondencia

con los nmeros del 1 al 5 y un espacio libre a la par de ellos. Los nios y nias
debern pegar la cantidad de bombones de colores correspondiente al nmero
representado grficamente, a la par de dicho nmero.
8.1. Patrn de forma: La docente reproducir la cancin Pattern Dance del
CD Sing Soung and Count. Posteriormente, entregar a cada nio y nia tres

8. Patrones por color (AB)

tringulos y tres crculos. Los infantes harn un patrn AB con dichas figuras y lo
colocar sobre la mesa.
8.2. Patrn por tamao: La docente reproducir la cancin Pattern Dance.
Posteriormente, entregar a cada nio y nia 3 bombones grandes y 3 pequeos.
Los infantes harn un patrn AB con dicho material y lo colocar sobre la mesa.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi



1.1. I love my family: Children will listen to the story I love my family by Kathleen

Program related materials,

Beal. They will make comments about the story and then talk about each character

big books from the library,

using the family puppets previously made on L.1.

books that students bring at

Recognize characters.

the beginning of the year and

personal books.

Recall and retell a story.

1. Recognize

Share feelings.




2. Recall and retell a

3. Identify sequence of

1.2. My friend grandpa: Children will listen to the story My friend Grandpa by
Herriet Ziefert. They will make comments about the story and then talk about their
grandparents, and what do they do with them.
1.3. Wheres my mommy: Children will listen to the story Wheres my mommy by
KT Hao. They will make comments about the story and then talk about how much we
love our mother and what they have done for us.


2.1. The farmer and the beet: The teacher will show the front cover of the book and
kids will make predictions about the story. Later on the teacher will read the story and
make comments about it. On the next session, children will retell the story, guiding
only with the pictures.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

2.2. God gave us you: The teacher will show the front cover of the book and kids
will make predictions about the story. Later on the teacher will read the story and
make comments about it. Children will retell the story, guiding only with the pictures.
3.1. Jack and the beanstalk: The teacher will show the front cover of the book and
kids will make predictions about the story. Later on the teacher will read the story and
make comments about it. Later on, the teacher will ask what happened first, second
and third, kids would answer the questions and mention the sequence of events.

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

Anexo 1 (Art 1.1.)

Anexo 2 (Art 1.2.)

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

Anexo 3 (Language 2.1.)

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi

Anexo 4 (Phonics 2.3.)

Anexo 5 (Phonics 3.3.)

Anexo 6 (Phonics 4.3.)

Anexo 7 (Science 1.2.)

Monthly Plan - March

Pre-K A
Teacher Paula Malavassi


Crema de afeitar
Macetas (8)
Impresin de fotos
Vasos plsticos transparentes

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