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During this past year, the acolytes have been very active and an integral part of our worship
services at St. Peter's Church. We extend our appreciation to our acolytes who have served this
past year: Sarah Eaton, Evan Kollmann, Trevor Kollmann, Amanda Fitzpatrick, Julia Fitzpatrick,
Suzanne Mozzi, Derik Waite, Kolya Hickey, Jared Huber, Nicholas Urban, and Skye Groballi. We
welcome to the Acolyte Guild: Christian Tallo, Tyler Tallo, and Amelia Schill.
The Rev. Kurt J. Huber, Rector

The altar guild has seven members and new people are always welcome to join the guild! Team 1 -
Lucretia Reed & Joy DuBail, Team 2 - Jane Tramposch & Linda McCoy, Team 3 -Judy
Christensen, Nancy Johnson & Marilee Prusaczyk. Altar Guild service encompasses the preparation
of the sanctuary and church for services on Sunday including baptisms, our services on holy days i.e.
Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter, Pentecost, and also for weddings and funerals as
they come up in the life of the parish.

The Flower Committee consists of a group of dedicated women who provide floral arrangements for
Sunday Services and other special days such as Easter, Christmas, St. Peter's Day, etc. The
committee is as follows: Judy Beers, Susan Cappucci, Joy DuBail, Deirdre Giannini, Jane
Tramposch, and Alice Waller. Fran Wilson is thanked for her years of service on the guild as she
ends her time. Many thanks for their faithful commitment and to our parishioners who give
money for flowers as memorials or in thanksgiving.
Jane Tramposch, Coordinator

The Adult Choir sang at every 10:15 service this year and also at the special holiday services.
Though we miss Jerry Shearer in the tenor section, we are nine to ten voices when in full
attendance: two basses, three altos, and four sopranos. At Christmas we welcomed a new member,
Lauren Bond to the soprano section. The Children's Choir performed Easter Sunday 2009 to
rave revues. However, this past Christmas they were not able to sing due to a major snowstorm and
conflicts with Pageant rehearsals. It is hoped that they will again sing this Easter. Though we are
few in number, we are a dedicated group. Also, Judy Beers and John Ehlers seasonally share their
talents with us as soloists. We would welcome any new singers and look forward to another great
year of music-making!
Barbara Rowe, Organist/Choir Director

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Our Church School program is alive with the energy of over 50 children and the dedication of a core
group of teachers (Lisa Bowen, Paula Waite, Sue Cappucci, Colette Remillard, Pat Eaton, Linda
McCoy, Bones Fernandes, Kristen Sikes, Andrea Urban, Toni Miraldi, Libby Benet, Kathleen
Hickey). Thank you to all the parents who have helped out this past year! Thank you to Barbara
Lopez, Carmen Lopez and Sandi Fernandes for their ministry to the children.

We are using several curriculums with our children. The first two classes (Beulah Land & Godly
Play) are focused on telling the biblical story so that the children will get to learn, imagine and play
with the stories so they truly become a part of them. The second oldest class (Seasons of the Spirit, 4th
- 6th grades) follows the Sunday Lectionary to allow the kids to interact and explore the meaning of
the Biblical stories. Our oldest group is the J2A group made up of 6th - 10th graders who are using
the Journey to Adulthood program for their class. "Family Sunday" is a wonderful opportunity for
the children and their families together to listen and learn (with the service and sermon more at a
children's level). Sadly, our wonderful Christmas Pageant was canceled due to two different
snowstorms. There will be a children’s bell choir and our youth group (EYC) will be active this
year! Consider helping with our children & youth in their life of faith!

Rev. Kurt Huber, Rector


The Men's Club holds a breakfast meeting the second Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM. All men
of St. Peter's are invited to the breakfasts. In the past year, the Men's Club: participated in the
Mother's Day/Father's Day exchange breakfast with the ECW, worked on the Mardi Gras Pancake
Supper, supported the Touch a Truck with a food tent, donated thermostats to the church, and
generally helped out with the upkeep of the Church and its property. We look forward to an active
year ahead in 2010!

Beginning Balance $ 508.02

Receipts $1,160.92
Disbursements $1,148.23
Ending Balance $ 520.71

Scott Johnson, President


The group meets on the fourth Monday of each month from 7 to 9 PM in the memorial room.
We have been meeting since March 2009. We share light snacks and wine while we discuss the
book we have chosen for that month. There is a list available of books that we will be reading
for the next six months. Please join us if you are interested in the book or join us for a night out.
All are welcome to get reading again. "The best of book is not the thought which it contains,
but the thought which it suggests, just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the
echoes of our hearts."

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Sue Cappucci


We have been knitting prayer shawls for six years!! We have given the warm and comfort of God's
love to over 300 recipients. As in years past we always welcome new knitters to join us in the
beautiful ministry. If you want to learn how to knit we will give you lessons. Our meetings are on
Wednesday mornings 9:30 to 11:30. It is an informal time where we chat and share our lives. This
year we made scarves and sold them at the Christmas Fair also. May God's Peace be with you as
you share your talents with others.

God's Peace and Blessing, Sue Cappucci


This past year, the Eucharistic Visitors have with the Rector, visited homebound and
hospitalized parishioners in order to bring them communion. This ministry is licensed by the
diocese, and the following four individuals are so licensed for 2010: Kathleen Hickey, Ann
Robinson, Ron Stelmak, and Chuck Hickey.

The Eucharistic Ministers perform the familiar role of assisting clergy in the distribution of the
Sacraments during the Holy Eucharist, reading the lessons and leading the intercessions. They
assist the Rector at weddings, funerals and special services. This ministry is licensed by the
diocese, and the following nine individuals are so licensed for 2010: Kathleen Hickey, Ann
Robinson, Sue Cappucci, Sandi Fernandez, Ron Stelmak, Dick Orr, Chuck Hickey, Sandy
Schill, and Nancy Johnson.


Thank you for again contributing to a very successful year for the Outreach Program at St.
Peter's Church. In January, we participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring, funds from which
were donated to a Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry in Bridgeport. Thank you to the ECW for
again matching the funds! The Lenten Offering benefited Bridgeport Rescue Mission. During
the spring, we collected Easter baskets, summer toys and supplies that were donated to and
distributed by the DCF to needy children in the area. In the fall, we supported the children
administered by the DCF, yet again, by donating backpacks and school supplies. For
Thanksgiving, parishioners sponsored dinners in the form of Stop & Shop gift cards that were
distributed to needy local families. At Christmas, we purchased presents for disadvantaged
children again through the DCF. Finally, throughout the year we collected non-perishable food
that was distributed to parish families in need as well as the Monroe Food Pantry.

Thank you for your continued support of St. Peter's Outreach Program and suggestions for
programs are encouraged. Your donations of time, talent and treasure are greatly appreciated
make a difference in the lives of others!

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Sandy Schill, Outreach Coordinator


The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of St. Peter's is made up of all the women in our parish. If
you worship here, you are a member. There are no dues! Our purpose is to be an active part of the
parish, supporting the work of our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, witness and outreach for the
benefit of all. In the past year, we have contributed to Bishop’s Fund for Children, Covenant to Care,
United Thank Offering and various charities. We purchased backpacks and gift certificates for
needy children. We served lunch to local seniors and have contributed books to our Children's
Library here at St. Peter's Church. Other projects included cleaning and fixing of our kitchen's

How do we do all this? We had several major fundraisers in 2009. Victorian Tea in March, Parish
Tag Sale in June and our Holiday Fair in December.

Beginning Balance $7,491.02

Receipts $5,062.43
Disbursements $5,683.85
Ending Balance $6,869.60


Park Benches Improved

In July 2009, the Green committee hired Cedar Creek Woodworking to replace all of the slats on
the four park benches that reside on the Green. The benches had fallen into a state of disrepair,
and their practical and safe use was limited at best. Cedar Creek did a fine job of replacing the
slats with pressure treated lumber. I (Joshua Friend) purchased a weather-proofing finish for the
new slats, which I plan to apply in the Spring of 2010.

Christmas Tree Lighting

On Sunday, December 6, 2009, a Christmas tree lighting ceremony was held on the green. After
the lighting ceremony, a reception was held at MCC. Our thanks to Dave Spence, MCC
member, for again providing the sound system for the event.

Treasurer’s Report
Covering December 11, 2008, to December 14, 2009

Balance on December 11, 2008 $1,817.31


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Monroe Congregational Church $0
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church $0

Total Receipts $0

Subtotal (with receipts) $1,817.31


Connecticut Light and Power Co.

(CL&P utility bills) $595.51

Cedar Creek Woodworking

(to replace all of the slats on
the four park benches on the
Green w/ pressure treated lumber)

Joshua Friend
(reimbursement for cost of
weather proofing finish for the
new park bench slats)

Total Disbursements $1,002.26

Balance on December 14, 2009 $815.05

Submitted by Joshua Friend, Treasurer


It’s that time of year again; time to plan how St. Peter’s will fulfill its mission during 2010. As a
reminder, St. Peter’s mission is to welcome with God’s love all people on their journey of faith.

We understand that things have been tough. Our country has seen better times, yet we still have
much to be thankful for. Here are some of the things we accomplished this past year as a result of
your faithful support:

1. Entered into agreement with Little Ivy Nursery School to use our old Peter Pan
space - we had to upgrade to current fire codes and do some lead abatement to have the
space meet the current codes for Nursery Schools.
2. Just finished a very successful Apple Festival! $37,000+, so much support from
the parish!
3. Had a very successful Christmas Pageant and continued support for both

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children's and youth ministry here!
4. Once again, we reached out through our St. Peter's Rockers for Relay for Life
(thanks to Joy & John).
5. Women's Book Study was started last winter offering another monthly
opportunity for women of the parish to get together for fellowship, fun, conversation and
6. Our congregation donated over $2,300 worth of food, clothing, presents, etc. to
118 children through the Adopt a Social worker program through Covenant to Care and
the Department of Children & Families.

Thank you to all who give of their time talent & treasure to this parish. Here are a few ways we
will put it to use in 2010:

1. We are beginning to look for a longer term (couple of years) mission outreach
project for the parish. We will be looking into either a church, school, hospital or
orphanage oversees that we could support financially, prayerfully and in other ways.
2. We are looking into painting the Rectory and doing some work outside to
continue our efforts to keep beautiful this wonderful property we have inherited.
3. With our large TV downstairs, we will be having some more movie nights
connected with our interfaith study, as well as looking at other topics that we as
Episcopalians need to be examining and including in our bible studies.

How did we accomplish what we did in 2009? Through the resources of our parishioners – the
resources of time, talent and treasure.

How will we accomplish our goals in 2010? Through the resources of our parishioners – the
resources of time, talent and treasure.

Our stewardship numbers:

Pledges Received for 2010: 77

Pledged Amount for 2010: $119,511

33 pledges either increased their pledge or are new pledges for 2010
10 pledges decreased their pledge
34 pledges remained the same as 2009

5 pledges were lost (moved or deceased)

We are still hoping to get to around 100 pledges over the course of this year. If you haven’t
pledged yet, we still welcome your pledge!

Thank you for all your offerings to this parish. It is your support that allows us to live out our
ministry in many varied ways!

When you give of yourself you touch many lives, most of all your own, for in giving you

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Respectfully Submitted, Ted Christensen, Stewardship Chair


In 2009, St. Peter’s was full of activity and vitality. From our traditional Mardi Gras pancake
supper, our second wine tasting, our beautiful Victorian Tea, the Touch A Truck event to another
successful Apple Festival and Holiday Fair, we have been busy. Our newly instituted dinner and
movie series showcasing other religions and cultures has been very well received.

At long last, we succeeded in finding a tenant for the nursery school space. Little Ivy opened in
September and their presence has certainly added to the air of liveliness. It has also added to our
revenue; $3,400 for 2009 and $8,700 for 2010. Lead testing and remediation was necessary
before Little Ivy could take occupancy, so St. Peter’s did incur some one time expenses which
were partially offset by generous donations.

As is always the case with our beautiful, historic buildings, there were various small problems
that had to be addressed including new windows in the nursery school, replacement of the steps
outside of Rev. Kurt’s office, continued work on upgrading of our furnace circulators, replacing
the rectory’s kitchen floor. We will continue to replace windows in the Rectory as funds allow
and are considering blown-in insulation to reduce the drafts and heat loss.

Lack of sufficient revenue is still our greatest challenge. The parish needs to increase its pledge
income as well as consider new fundraising activities, although with six events already
scheduled, our calendar can not accommodate many more. Our 2008 and 2009 pledges to the
Diocese remain entirely unpaid, nor have we paid for last year’s health insurance.

2009 saw 8 new families becoming new members of our parish. Our Sunday school attendance
has remained steady and we are looking for new ways to engage our young people. Hopefully,
they will take an interest in, and help shape, our new mission project!

2010 will undoubtedly bring its share of triumphs, challenges, joyous occasions and frustrations
as does every year. Through it all, St. Peter’s not only survives but thrives as it seeks to serve
everyone on his and her faith journey.

Respectfully submitted, Ann Robinson, Senior Warden & Bones Fernandes, Junior Warden

Final Prayer (from the BCP)

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look

favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred
mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry
out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world
see and know that things which were being cast down are being

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raised up, and things which had grown old are being made
new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection
by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus
Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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