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The Materialist (the Fool/the World)\par
New marriage, career, business or adventure.\par
Unknown and unforeseen dangers await you.\par
You didn't know it all, and now the price to pay is high.\par
You begin the Fool's Journey again.\par
Slave to the desires.\par
Suffering consequences for sin.\par
Materialist/non-spiritual approach.\par
Choose between cooperation and coercion.\par
Find pleasure in all that you do.\par
Find harmonious channels for animal urges.\par
All things physical pass away.\par
Before the soul can pass to the higher realms every debt to nature must be repai
d to the utmost farthing.\par
Imprudence threatens to encompass your ruin.\par
You will be called upon to pay for your folly unless you immediately change your
NUMBER: 22\par
Great material accomplishments, often through spiritual or magical abilities.\pa
The most powerful of all numbers.\par
22 turns dreams into reality.\par
The Master Builder.\par
Eternal progression.\par
Ceaseless cooperation.\par
May display characteristics of a 4.\par
Warns of illusion and delusion.\par
A good person who lives in a fool's paradise.\par

A dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger. By then it's too
Mistakes in judgment.\par
Placing faith in those who are not trustworthy.\par
Exercise caution and watchfulness.\par
Curb spiritual laziness.\par
Develop more spiritual aggressiveness.\par
Personality traits and behaviors associated with 22 include:\par
achiever, ambition, broad vision, discipline, distribution, intense, limitless,
materialistic, methodical, pressure, practicality, resourceful, self-confidence,
strong, and success.\par
Blind man's bags on left shoulder = material possessions, his ability to offer p
hysical things to the needy.\par
Staff = prudence serves the the senses, he ignores danger by fulfilling them.\pa
Fallen obelisk = final overthrow of all corporeal work and power.\par
Crocodile = ultimate fate of all who do not see spiritual ways.\par
Crocodile = persecution of those who work to spread the facts of spirituality.\p
Eclipsed Sun = spirituality has been obscured by material interests. Dark forces
from the inner plane obstruct the spiritual illumination that guides.\par
Blind man = atheist/materialist, absorbed in material aims, unmindful of spiritu
al things. A slave to desires. Suffering inevitably follows sin.\par
Blind man = truly spiritual person, enthusiastic in his effort to assist, comple
tely blind to the consequences to himself.\par
Blind man = law of universal compensation = for all effort spent in a constructi
ve channel there inevitably follows increased ability and real advancement.\par
The animal is Zeus, who watches over the Fool as s/he prepares to plunge into th
e unknown.\par
The Hero = Dionysos, the Twice-Born, the child of Zeus and Semele (a mortal woma
n, the princess of Thebes).\par
Hera, Zeus's wife, became furious and sabotaged Zeus by revealing an important s
ecret to Sebele, a way to get Zeus to reveal himself to her in all his Divine Gl
ory. Sebele did this and was instantly consumed by fire. Zeus did, however, mana
ge to rescue Sebele's unborn child, Dionysos. Hermes sewed the fetus up in Zeus'
s thigh, and this was how Dionysos was born.\par

Dionysos was a strange, horned child that Hera hated, and she sent her earth-god
s (the Titans) to tear him limb from limb. But Zeus rescues yet again. He locate
s the child's heart, still beating, and he transformed it into a potion of pomeg
ranate seeds. This magical drink was fed to Persephone (by Hades, not Zeus) and
Persephone became pregnant and thus was Dionysos twice-born, once in the normal
world and once in the underworld. Reborn in the underworld, you might say. \par
Dionysos-Iacchos: Twice-Born god of light and ecstasy. Ordained by Zeus his fath
er to live among mortals and share in their suffering. Stricken with madness by
Hera and forced to wander all over the world chased by wild satyrs, lunatic wome
n and animals. Gives humanity the gift of wine. He brings drunken ecstasy and sp
iritual redemption to those who relinquish their attachment to worldly power and
wealth. Eventually Zeus summoned him to sit at his (Zeus') right hand in Olympu
Dionysos the Fool is an inner impulse to leap into the unknown. \par
The cautious, conservative, adult part of us watches in horror as this wild, you
thful, trusting spirit prepares to stroll off the edge of a precipice. \par
Dionysos the Fool's lunacy seems mad only to that part of ourselves that is boun
d to the world of form, facts and logical order. But in a deeper sense, it is no
t madness but rather an impulse toward change that comes upon us out of the blue
, and which has no rational basis, no preplanned program of action. \par
The animal symbology portrays this intuitive, irrational dimension -- a sixth se
nse that only the animal parts of us can sense or perceive. Only our "animal ear
s" are capable of "hearing" the Fool's music.\par
Dionysos the Fool is the son of Zeus and it is Zeus's spirit to which the Fool i
s attuned -- although Dionysos is foced to live on earth with mortals.\par
The challenge, when this impulse strikes us, is to know whether it has come from
Zeus or a darker, more underworld place. \par
An irrational impulse toward change.\par
An irrational urge to open one's horizons into the unknown.\par
The Fool -- the Querent -- stands at the threshold of a journey. \par
These irrational impulses can sometimes be destructive, sometimes creative. Ofte
n they're both at once. Wild Dionysos the Fool can sometimes leap off the cliff'
s edge into painful and damaging situations which may also yield wonderfully cre
ative beginnings.\par
Ignoring the Fool's call can result in a drab, meaningless, banal life. At the e
nd of life the Querent will wonder what she has missed.\par
There is no guarantee if the Querent will compete the Fool's journey safely, if
at all. Yet to fail to begin is to deny Dionysos, which is to deny all inside of
us that is youthful and creative and attuned to that which is greater than ours

The advent of a new chapter of life.\par

A risk is required. \par
One must be willing to jump into the unknown. \par
You cannot know whether the Querent will achieve perception of the Divine or wil
l merely end up looking like an idiot.\par
Universal welfare urges of the soul.\par
Best quality = cooperation.\par
Worst quality = coercion.\par
Failure, folly, mistake.\par
Indiscretion can be your downfall.\par
Materiality overemphasized.\par
Wisdom prevents obsession. \par
Slave to desire.\par
Group cooperation.\par
Coerced by others.\par
Doubt destroys faith.\par
Suffering follows sin.\par
Hope through prayer.\par
Blinded by selfish interests.\par
Rewards from community activity.\par
Realization of humanitarian efforts.\par

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