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The Real Cause Of Ovar i an Cys ts

Ovarian cyst is a colle ct ion of flu ids, which is surround ed by a slen der wall wit hi n t he ovary.
Ovarian cy st s raise conce rn amo ng many women , especi ally in childbea ring age. Whi le a
majori ty of th e ovaria n cys ts ar e simply functional in natu re, some ovarian cysts can turn ou t
to be cancerous. As the first step of corr ectly diagnosing and treating ovarian cysts is to
locate th e cause of the disease, it is essen tial to understand the possible causes of ovarian
cysts . However, there is no single cause of ovaria n cysts. Ovaria n cyst can be triggered by a
var iety of primary factors and secondary factors. It is imperative to understand these dif ferent
fac tors in order to seek a ppropriate t reatm ent.

factors o

f ovari an cysts:










Gen etic predisposition:

Genetic pre dispos ition is oft en consi dered to be t he pri mar y
cause of ovarian cyst as research has shown that the genetic pattern of women who
suffer from this chronic condition is dif ferent as compared to women who never get
ovar ian cysts or PCOS. However , this should not be a death war rant as many times the
ge netic char act eristi cs can be m odifi ed with the he lp of envi ronm ent al factor s and proper
lifestyle related changes.
Po or dietary choices: Different types of food including the one s rich in carbohydrates,
junk food to xic food and acid ic food can bring about hormonal imbalance and can
weaken your immun e sys tem making you more vul nerable to ovarian cyst. Simil arl y die t
rich in sugar and low on fresh vegetables can make the tas k of flu shing out toxins
dif ficul t thereby aggra va ting ovarian cyst problem.
Weak immu ne sy stem: A weak im mune system invites trouble, as it is not able to put
up a natural fight against ovarian cyst t ri ggers. Many factors including dietary factors
and sleep dep ri vation can lead to weakened imm
une system.
In sulin resistance:
High level of insulin can sti mulate ovarian androgen production,
whi ch leads to t he producti on of ma le hor mone s. This reduces t he seru m sex- hormone
binding globulin or SHGB. The SHBG can in tur n aggravat e the ovarian cyst condit ion to
quite an extent.
Failed ovulation
Sometimes, the ovaries fail to release egg on a monthly
basi s. This fails t o pr oduce progesterone and bri ngs about hormonal imbalance. This can
th en lead to the formation
of ovari an cysts.



There are many primary factors, which lead to ovarian cysts. These factors should not be
isolated however, as sometimes the com bin atio n of these factors can tog ether lead to the
causes of ovarian cysts.


Besides the above primary factors, toxins in liver and even environmental
toxins can
aggravate ovarian cysts. Hence, ovarian cyst condition is not a simple one to understand or
treat. Conventional wisdom blinded by hackneyed forms of tr eatment cannot treat and cure
ovar ian cysts. To treat thi s complex disease, a mult idimensional view adopted by the holi stic
approach is need ed. Holistic approach is also effective as it deals with a variety of factors and
manages to fi nd out the root cause of the disease. Then, syst ematicall y wit h a comprehensive
meth od, the practitioner can help you bring about many lif estyl e changes, which can aid in
treatmen t. Henc e, when it comes to curing ovarian cyst, a holistic ap proach is required to
under stand t he causes of ovarian cysts and to tr eat this condition in a scientific and holistic

Di s ad vant ag e s and Si de Eff e cts of

Appr oa ch To Tr e at i ng Ov ar i an Cyst s


Conve ntio nal

Medi cal

Ovarian cyst has become a common gynecological problem. However, this conditi on is very traumatic
for women who have to undergo con ventional me dical treatment for gettin g relief from this chronic
disease. The convention al medicine approach to ovarian cysts is the most common approach, which is
used when treating this disease. However, the limi ted treatment options and the resulting stress can
also be to o much for a woman to handle. Therefore, more and more women are turning towards
alternate forms of treatments f
or curing ovarian cysts.

Understanding conventional medicinal approach:

medici ne approach
to ovarian cysts is very simple and straightforward.
three sta ges involved in conve ntional treatment of ovarian cysts.

There are


1. Understanding
the symptoms:
There are cer tain textbook symptoms of ovarian cysts
condition, which include irregular menstruati on, pelvic pain, infertility,
and more . The
patients are asked to kee p a tab on these sympto ms so that the conditi on can be
diagnosed as soon as possible. However, sometimes, ovarian cysts do not give rise to any
Hence, they can be discovered accidentally
during routine gynecological



2. Diagnosing
ovarian cysts: There are dif ferent ways of diagnosing ovarian cysts. Besid
the symptoms of the condition, the practitioner will also make use of
Endova ginal ultrasound, CT scanning, blood test, Laproscopy and ma ny other forms of
tests to conform his suspicions. Like t he treatme nt, the diagnosis stage of th e treatment
can be equally traumatic.

The treatment for ovarian cyst s will depend upon the type of the cyst
and its nature. If the cyst is benign, little or no treatment is required. However, in
th e case of serio us condition,
medicine will recomm ended the
fo llowing forms of treatme


3. Treat ment:




a. Birth control
pills: Birth control pills stop ovulation. They therefore repress ovarian
cysts. They can also reduce the size of the follicles and help in reducing the size of the
existing cysts.
b. Surgery:
If the cysts are cancerous or if there are any other complica tions, then surgery
is re commended. Surgery will again depend upon the type of cyst and the resul ting
complications. Sometimes, only the cyst is removed. Howe ve r, it is not very uncom mon to
remove the ovaries to get rid of the cyst.
Besides the above, pain relieve

rs a re also given to provide relief from the pain caused by the cysts.

Disadvan tage and side effects of treatment:

There are ma ny di sadvantages and side effects of
conventional medici ne approach to ova rian cysts. Bir th control pills can cause pro longed infertility,
even when the treatment is discarded. Also, the conventional treatment does not fully cure ovarian
cysts and the surgery may also incr ease the chances of ovarian cysts in the long run. Hence,
conventional medication is not consider ed to be an appropriate form of treatment for ovarian cysts. As
the disease is very complex, a multidimen sional approach is required to deal with the disease. This is
provided only by the holistic approach. Unlike conventional medicine, ho listic approach targets the
root causes of the disease and not the symptoms. Hence, holistic approach can cure ovarian cysts
completely and can provide long - term relief, a task at whi ch conventional
wisdom shows its
limi tations. Therefore, when it comes to curing ovarian cysts, holistic approach is the best form of
tr eatment.

Ovar i an Cyst s: Sym pt om s a n d Di a gnosi s

Ovarian cyst is a common gynecological problem that can affect any woman at any stage of life. This
chro nic disease is difficult to diagnose at times, as the symptoms are not always appare nt. Howe ver,
it is essenti al to unde rstand ovarian cysts diagnosi s and symptoms procedur e, as the earlier you
diagnose the condition, better is your changes of recovery. To accurately diagnose ovarian cysts, you
need to be well versed with the symptoms of this con

Diagnosis of o

varian c ysts:

Ovarian cysts are usually diagnosed by the gynecologist on the basis of the patients symptoms and
some scientif ic tests. Sometimes, ovarian cysts come to light onl y duri ng routi ne medical or pelvic
examination as ovar ian cysts may continue to exist without any symptoms. A wom an suffering from
possible ovarian cyst condition is asked to pay attentio n to the following symptoms, which are
generally associa ted with the condition.



Tests of diagno






a. Irre gular menstruation:

Irregular menstrua tion signals the fact that all is not wel l with
your gynecological
health. Women suffering from ovarian cysts may suffer from
amenorr hea, heavy bleeding, light bleeding etc. hence, any menstrual irre gularity or
abnormal ity should be checked out imme diately .
b. Pelvic
Ovarian cyst can cause severe pelvic pain before during and after
menstruation. Many women suffering from ovarian cyst also experience pain during sexual
c. Bladder
Cysts may put pressure on the bladder. This can lead to
difficulty in em ptying the bladder. Women also experience frequent urge to urinate.
However, sometimes, emptying the bladder can
also prove to be a diffi
cult ordeal.
d. Infertility:
Many women approach a gynecol ogist, when they fail to conceive. Ovarian
cysts may cause infertility. Sometimes, miscarriages are also possible because of some
complications associated with
ovarian cy sts.
e. Phy sical problems:
Ova rian cysts ma y cause nausea, brea thlessness, pain, vo miting and
general discomfort. Sometime s, pregnancy like symptoms is also common . Any prolonged
pain or discomfort should be checked out immediately.
These sym ptoms can also help in self - diagnosis. Howe ver, it is essential to understand that not all
symptoms are experienced by wome n suffering from ovarian cysts. Also, some symptoms experienced
by women may not be necessari ly associated with ovarian cysts and hence, they may be ignored.
Therefore, it is best that you diagnose the condition only with the
help of an expert.


There are many tests, which can be conducted by the gy necologist to conform the diagnosis. A few of
these include blood tests, pelvic examination, ultrasound, pregnancy test and more. These tests aid in
adequate ovarian cysts diagnosis and symptoms. Once th e condition is diagnosed, treatment is
essential. As ovarian cyst conditi on is diffi cult to understand because of the intricacies involved,
conventi onal medicine treatment ra rely wor ks to cure the disease completely. This
complicated diseas e can be treated only with the he lp of multidimensional
holistic approach. Holistic
approach is a compre hensive form of treatment
that does not concern itself w
ith just the ovarian cysts
diagnosis and symptoms, but with ovarian cyst cure. This is the reaso n why treatment based on the
holistic approach is the best form of treatment
avail able to both treat and cure ovarian cyst.

Ri sks a n d Com plications

of Ovar i an Cyst s

Women suffering from ovarian cysts are more concerne d about the risks and com plications of ovari an
cysts, rather than for the disease itself. These concerns ar e not ill founded as ovarian cysts can cause
many upheavals in the life of a woma n because of the resulti ng complications. In order to avoid these
complications and to seek appropriate treatment, an unde rstanding of the risks and complications
associa ted with ovarian cysts is essential.

Understanding ovarian cyst


Ova rian cysts are fl uid fi lled sacks, wh ich are formed within the ovary. Cysts, which are bigger than
two centim eters, are forma lly diagnosed as ovarian cysts. Many ovarian cysts are function al in nature.
That is, th ey are beginning and rarely ever cause comp lications. However in some cases, the cysts
may develop certain complications. Risks and complications of ovarian cysts depe nd on the type of
cyst and the stage of tre atment. Some types of risks compli cations, which are associated with ovari an
cysts, inclu de the following.






1. Ruptured
cyst: This is one the most serious form of complication. Ruptured
ovarian cyst can lead to internal bleeding and in some cases it can be very danger ous.
Ruptured ovarian cyst can cause hemorrhage,
which requires immedia te medical
2. Ovarian
Sometime s, there is also twisting of the ovary, which can lead to
infertility. Ovari an torsion may disturb blood supply to the ovary as we ll. This leads to
another complication called as ovarian ne crosis, which lead s inflammation
and septic
3. Peritonitis:
Pertitonitis is the inflammation of the mucus membrane. As this me mbrane
lines the abdomen cavity, it can cause excruciating pain and in some cases the resul ting
complications can be life threatening.
4. Infert ility: Inferti lity caused by ovarian cysts can be temporary or permanen t depending
upon the exten t of the damage. Hence, women suf fering from ovarian cysts and those
desirous of sta rting a family should take ovarian
cysts really seri ously.
5. Cancer: In rar e but significant instances, ovari an cysts may even tu rn cancerous. The
patient will then re quire the usual cancer treatment along with surgery, where general ly
both the ovaries are removed.



Besides these serious compl ications and risks, ovarian cysts also lead to excruciating pain and
hormonal imbalance. This can affect the mental and emotional well bei ng of the patient as well.
However, conventional medi cine very rarely pays attention to the mental and emotional complications
that may develop because of ovarian cysts. The treatment options can cause m an y side effects like
loss of fertility, weight gain, and reoccurrence of stronger cysts. Therefore, many women find it
difficult to cope with the demands of the conventi onal treatment, which
can worsen an a lready difficult

Hen ce, to ove rcome the ri sks an d comp lic ati ons of ovar ian cysts along with t he disease, you
will need a, more comprehensive
and hol istic approach. Hol isti c approach is ver y effe ct ive as it
treats the root cau se of the condition and not the symptoms. Symp toms are attractive
pr opositions to treat as relief in sympt oms give a false sense of security. However, holistic
approach shatters this conventional thinking by clearly eliminating the root cause. Therefore,
holi stic approach can not only t reat ovar ian cyst s, but can also prevent the risks and
complications of ovar ian cysts in the bargain.

Na t ur al Cure For Ov ar i an Cyst s

Ovarian cyst disease is a chronic condition that can really take a toll on the physical, mental and
emotional well be ing of a woman. Con ventional medicine cannot help a woman dea l with the disease,
as the manifold complications associated with this condition are not addressed by hackneyed forms of
tr eatment. Hence, toda y there is a growing trend to re
ve rt back to naturally
deal with this disorder in
all its aspects.

Importance of nat

ural cure

Natural cure for ovarian cysts involves the use of natural remedies for treatment. It is one of the
oldest forms of treatment. Natural remedies are still used exclusively in many parts of the world
where people nurse a grudge against conventi onal medication. There are also many rea sons why
natural treatment i s considered to be a better al
ternative for conventional m


1. Side effects of conventional

medi cation: Conventional medical treatm
en t can be hard as th e
tr eatment option s incl uding surgery give rise to many side effects. Women who have to lose
their ovaries ofte n experience change in thei r personality due to hormonal imbalance. Also, oral
contracepti ve s, which are used prominently
to treat the condition, can af fect fertility of a
woman. Pregnant women cannot use conventional
m edication, without havi ng to endure
significant risks of miscarriage and pre matu re delivery. As compared to th is, natural remed ies
have no side effects. Some forms of na tural treatment also put emphasis on strengthening the
menta l and emotional stat e of the patient thereby promoting he aling in true sen se of the term.






2. Inefficiency
of conventional
Conventional medicine provides only temporary
relief from the symptoms of ovarian cysts. The ovarian cysts reoccur after the treatment is
discarded. Even after surgery, the patien t is not immune to ovarian cysts. In fact research has
shown that the growth of ovarian cysts after surgery is a side effect of this harsh treatment
option. As compared to conventional medicati on, natural treatment provides long - term rel ief
from the condit ion since it tackles th e root cause of ovarian cy sts and is therefore more
3. Impersonal
ap pro ach: Conventional medication works according to rule of thumb without
paying much attention to individual differences. Hence, conventional medication fa ils to treat
certai n conditions, as it lays emphasis on the disease and not the patie nt. On the other hand,
natural treatment is a personalized treatment option. Each and every course of treatment var ies
from one person to another. This is the
reason why it ha s such an astounding success rate.
4. Expens ive conventional
Conventio nal trea tm ent for ovarian cysts is very
expensive. Besides expensive surgery, you will have to pay for hospitalization,
te sts,
presc ription drugs and more. Natural remedies are comparativ ely cost effective and therefore
women on a shoestring budget can als
o take advantage of them.


Hence, Natural trea tment is effective against less serious forms of cysts. It can be used to prevent
complications and to keep the existing ova rian cyst disease under control. However, these re medies
cannot completely
cure ovari an cysts. To cure ovarian cysts, a comprehensive
holistic and
multidimensional form of treatment is required.

The Holistic approach:

The holisti c approach is a mul tidimensional

approach to treatment.
Hence, a holistic approach
practitioner does not conce ntrate on superficial symptoms during treatment, but tries to locate the
actual root cause of the disea se. Also, Holistic approach is not limited to j ust one form of treatment.
The holistic approach investigates the propriety of different methods an d tr eat s th e body as a unified
whole. Moreover, the holistic approach is also mindful of individual differences and ne ver ventu res to
lay down rule s when treating any individual. Therefore, a woman can get the best form of treatment
that can promote healing at ph ysical, mental and emotiona
l l evel.

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