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Tambahan buat America

+ every time they meet people, they try to be welcoming, even though they dont
know each other, with say hello, how are you?
+ mostly, at age 16, American people already have job
+ American always on time because they value time so much
+ They care much about environment
- prefer something handy, for example, they prefer fastfood. Not surprisingly, the
number one killer there is obesity
- at the age of 18, you can do whatever you want without asking your parents
- teacher cant be friend on facebook with their students, its illegal
- highly individualism. They prefer do something by themselves.
- because of their liberty, the religion become underappreciated. at some place,
religious studies at school is rarely exist

+ High living standards. Rarely have poor town or slums.
+ because they pay high taxes, permanent residences at Denmark get free schools,
healthcare, parking, etc.
+ gender equality and responsibility between man and woman
+ someone can get married at least 18. Theres no forced or arranged marriage
+ open minded, homosexual is legal, but they cant adopted children
+ highly road safety, especially for baby and children.
+ a person should not display superiority materially or otherwise. Wealth and high
social position are downplayed in public in regard to dress, jewelry, and housing.
+ All residents receive social support when they are unemployed, either through
union insurance or locally run programs.
+ Public and private programs to aid disabled individuals are found in every major
town and city. Food and shelter are always provided, and sometimes disabled
persons are placed with a type of foster family.

+ Polygyny and polyandry are not allowed, and it is forbidden to marry close family
and kin members.
- if you are 16, you can buy alcohol legally, and can go into bar at 18
- Extended families living together are rare.
- Danes show few emotions publicly, as the open expression of feelings is
considered a sign of weakness.
- informality in social interaction makes it difficult to enter new social circles
+ Mexican respect hierarchy, structure and seniority in business and family
+ they respect time and not lazy but theyre not in hurry, they enjoy their time
+ family gathering is important
+ Dress codes are very strict in Mexico, especially at work and school.
+ Monogamy is the only marriage form allowed.
- Mexico has a very unequal distribution of wealth
- theres no rules about age if you want to marriage
+ It is difficult for the Chinese to say 'no' directly. Anything other than a direct 'yes'
could mean 'no'
+ Gift giving is an everyday part of Chinese business culture.
+ for chinese, family is important. They respect seniority.
+ Extended family is extremely important, and the wealthy and well educated often
hire genealogists to research their family trees. Family members, even distant
relations, are valued above outsiders. The passing on of the family name is of great
importance. If the oldest son in a family has no son of his own, he often is expected
to adopt the son of his next youngest brother. If no sons are born in the clan, a
sister's son may be adopted to carry on the name.
+ government provide compensation for injury and disability, old age, and
survivors' pensions
+ People touch often, and same-sex hand holding is common.

+ chinese people are very welcoming. Visiting is an important part of social life.
Guests often drop in unannounced and are invited to join the family for a meal. It is
customary to bring a small gift when visiting.
- the death penalty is legal at china
- because the population in china is so high, one family can just have one child.
They can have more, if the first child is girl.
- gender equality is not so occur in china. Men is more than women
- women had no rights and were treated as possessions, first of their father's and
later of their husband's.
- Saving face is of primary importance; appearing to be in the right or attempting to
please someone is more important than honesty.
- In crowded places, pushing and jumping queues is very normal.

+ Malaysian society is remarkable due to its openness to diversity.
+ a ban on political rallies successfully limits the appearance of crowds in Malaysia
+ when Malaysian have guests, they really care about them and always try to give
their best
+ they care and consider about family. Young people are instructed at an early age
to socialize primarily with kin.
+ Malaysian babies are lavished with considerable care. Most are born in hospitals,
though midwives still provide their services in more remote areas. Careful
prohibitions are rigidly followed for both the infant and the mother, according to the
various cultural customs. New mothers wear special clothes, eat foods to
supplement their strength, and refrain from performing tasks that might bring bad
luck to their babies. Grandmothers often live with their new grandchildren for the
first few months of their new life.
+ Malaysian kid respect hierarchy, stays close to kin, follows past examples, and is
demure among strangers. These lessons teach Malaysian children how to fit into a
diverse society.
+ Greetings are always expressed with the right hand, which is the dominant hand
in Malaysian life. Since the left hand is used to cleanse the body, it is considered
inappropriate for use in receiving gifts, giving money, pointing directions, or passing

- in theory, Malaysia guaranteed there is freedom for religion, but in practical, nonMuslims are not infrequently gets some barriers particularly when they want to
carry out their religious activities.
- Muslim Malaysians who marry non-Muslims risk government sanction unless their
partner converts to Islam.
- Land ownership is a controversial issue in Malaysia. Many seriously problem
happen in Malaysia just because the land ownership
- Malaysian workforce is increasingly divided by class and citizenship, a little bit
- in Malaysia, consumption provides the primary symbols of stratification.
- The crucial kin distinctions in Malaysian culture are between ethnic groups, which
tend to limit intermarriage.

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