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Menu File

New Virtual Project (VIP)

Abre o dilogo de um novo projeto VIP), permitindo que voc d entrada com o nome do
projeto, e para especificar as vrias opes, incluindo; trajetos do arquivo e ajustes do
New Virtual Project

Name: Entre com o nome do projeto aqui.

Create project subdirectory: Quando voc remover/desabilitar este checkmark, ser
eliminada a criao automtica de um subdiretrio (nomeado aps o VIP) nos projetos
padro o trajeto ser suprimido.
File Path: Especifica a localizao do Projeto. Por padro, todas as trilhas subseqentes
sero gravadas mesma posio. O gerenciador de pastas do Samplitude armazena
automaticamente o VIP, e todas os arquivos relacionadas de HDP e de WAV, em uma
nica nova pasta que compartilha o nome dos arquivos do projeto de VIP. Assim tudo
mantido junto, facilitando a edio e a administrao em um ambiente multi-user.
Track Number: Especifica o nmero de pistas. Possteriormente pode-se adicionar
qualquer pista adicional desde que seja uma quantia permitida dentro Samplitude.
Sample Rate: Especifica o Sample rate adequado da gravao. Sempre tenha certeza
que este ajuste bate com as caractersticas de sua placa de som.

Default Project Length: Isto ajusta o comprimento inicial do VIP. Voc pode criar um
espao de trabalho vazio, de acordo com sua edio necessitar. O VIP ser prolongado
sempre que voc criar, ou introduzir, objetos audio adicionais.
Nota: possvel a gravao ou playback um material de udio que exceda o limite de 2
Gigabytes por arquivo wave (como definido por convenes padro de Microsoft).
Isto conseguido automaticamente dividindo as tomadas longas da gravao em diversos
Arquivos wave, cada um deles ligeiramente menor que 2 GB. Arquivos mltiplos de uma
tarefa de gravao so indicados como se fosse um nico waveform contnuo na janela
do VIP ou do WAV.
Independente do bit rate (16 ou 24 Bit), a tecnologia permite a gravao de at 2 bilhes
amostras estereofnicas, igualando aproximadamente 10 horas do udio por tarefa de
gravao quando trabalhando em 44.1 ou 48 Kilohertz, e aproximadamente 5 horas ao
trabalhar em 96 Kilohertz.
Project Template: Voc pode usar esta opo criar os Templates (moldes) do projeto,
que salva todos os ajustes Projeto-relacionados (tipo da grade, nmero da trilha, etc), sem
incluir os objetos e o HDP's. Voc pode carregar um Template (molde) quando voc cria
um novo projeto multi-track. Ao abrir um novo VIP, aparecer uma lista de todos os
Templates (moldes), permitindo a seleo e escolha pelo usurio.
Advanced: Indica as caractersticas avanadas do dilogo, como mostrado na metade
direita da tela exibida acima.
Grid: Indica a grade. As unidades de medida determinam o tipo da grade.
Snap to Objects: Ativa a grade do objeto. Os objetos "sero agarrados" junto
(sample/amostra-exato) quando esta opo for ativa.
Auto Crossfade Mode: Gira em torno do Auto Crossfade Mode
Lock Recorded Objects: Os objetos gravados so imediatamente travados ao serem
adicionados na pista VIP. Isto previne movimentao acidental, sendo muito til em
projetos multitrack.
VIP AutoSave Mode: Seleciona o AutoSave Mode. O intervalo de salvamento pode ser
definido no dilogo da informao do projeto (Tecla: I)
Units of Measurement: Seleciona 8 tipos diferentes de exibio. O tipo de exposio
selecionado usado para a exposio do tempo, a exposio da grade no VIP, e outras
opes da exposio do tempo.
Device Settings: Dispositivos de Init Play/Record para o Multi Card Mode: o modo Multi
Card Mode ser ligado, e as trilhas do VIP novo sero atribudas sequencialmente s
entradas e s sadas.
Init Panorama and Play/Record Devices for Mono Wave Projects: As pistas sero
endereadas alternadamente para os canais direito e esquerdo (left and right channels).
usado para trabalhar com projetos Mono, e projetos L&R Wave.

Assign tracks to 5.1 Surround playback devices (Samplitude Pro only):

Samplitude ir abrir um novo, projeto 6 Track, para o 5.1 Surround Sound Mode
Tecla de Atalho: e
Open Project
Teclas de Atalhos:
l para projetos RAM
Shift + l para projetos HD Wave
o para projetos virtuais
w para arquivos WAV

Open Project > Virtual Project

Abre um projeto multi-track no Samplitude, que emprega projetos Wave. O dilogo
procura arquivos com a extenso *.VIP.
Ao carregar um projeto virtual, toda a onda associada ao projeto (projetos RAM e HD) so
abertos, se no forem abertos antes de carregar o VIP.
As janelas dos projetos individuais da onda remanescem minimizadas para impedir
desordem da tela. So vistos inicialmente somente como cones, e sero cobertos se
o VIP for maximizado.
Open Project > Wave (*.wav)
WAV Files (Windows Standard Audio Format). Quando abre um arquivo WAV,
O Samplitude cria automaticamente um projeto HD Wave associado. O arquivo do projeto
HD Wave contm informaes adicionais sobre os arquivos d eudio, tal como o
marcador posies. Uma vez que o arquivo WAV for aberto no Samplitude, pode ser
carregado como um HDP, a partir desse ponto.
Nota: O dilogo Open Wav permite que voc importe todos os arquivos de udio
suportada nos projetos HDP ou VIP Project. Os arquivos podem tambm ser arrastados &
soltos na posio preferida no VIP, usando o Windows Explorer.
O dilogo Open Wav suporta a seleo de mltiplos arquivos para o carregamento.
Fique ciente de que a edio direta de arquivos de udio direto de um Cd-ROM no
Existem algumas opes para este caso:
1. Abrir o arquivo em um projeto, e salvar no disco rgido para editar.
2. Usar o dilogo Import Sample
3. No exemplo do udio do CD (CD's musicais), use o menu Load Audio CD Tracks.
Nota: Se um VIP for uma janela ativa, todos os projetos WAV carregados sero girados
imediatamente em Objects no VIP. Alguma escala (Range) selecionada (Range
beginning) determina a posio e trilha onde o objeto criado. Uma exceo o CD VIP

(one-track VIP). Neste tipo de projeto, os objetos so colocados independentemente do

Range selecionado. Os objetos so colocados em ordem (um aps o outro), com uma
abertura (gap) pr-determinada entre eles. A abertura pode ser definida atravs do ajuste
do tempo da pausa doCD, e representa o espao entre trilhas individuais em um CD.
O dilogo Open Project > Wave (*.wav) inclui uma caixa de que mostra as propriedades
do arquivo selecionado. Um pequeno utilitrio Play utility tambpem est incluso,
permitindo que voc oua o arquivo antes de abrir ouimport-lo.
Nota: A funo audition deste player usa a placa de udio especificada no Painel de
Controle do Windows. Devido s limitaes de Windows, a audio de arquivos de 32bit
no possvel. Veja abaixo onde se localiza este player ao usar a tecla W.

Na prxima tela pode ser a configurao do boto Options.

Positioning within a project

Use file dialog selection sequence when loading: Quando selecionado,
Samplitude "observa" a seqncia em que os arquivos foram selecionadas e arranja-os
conforme carregou.
Sort alphabetically when loading: Os arquivos selecionados so arranjados no
VIP em ordem alfabtica.
Load Files onto the sync positions (timestamp in the Wave): Arquivos contendo
Broadcast Wave Extension com posio Sync (Timestamp in the Wave) (por exemplo:
gravado no Samplitude) so ajustados no VIP nesta posio. Carregar todos os arquivos
consecutivamente na pista selecionada.
Load all files from top to bottom: Sorteia os arquivos (que partem da trilha marcada)
uma no topo da outras trilhas. Se requerido, as trilhas adicionais podem ser adicionadas.
Positioning within a project
Use file dialog selection sequence when loading: Quando selecionado, o
Samplitude "observa" a seqncia em que os arquivos foram selecionados e arranja-os
Menu File
Group loaded objects automatically: Esta opo sempre pode ser anulada.
De-activate preview: Desativa a pr-escuta do arquivo.
Open Project > MIDI (*.mid)
Permite que voc importe arquivos de MIDI nicos ou mltiplos em um VIP. Consulte o
captulo MIDI para mais detalhes.
Open Project > RAM Wave (RAP)
Os projetos da onda da RAM contm dados udio em formato proprietrio do Samplitude.
Estes arquivos so carregados na memria de RAM de seu computador, incluindo seus
arquivos grficos associados, informao da posio do marcador, etc..
Open Project > HD Wave (HDP)
Os projetos da onda de HD contm os dados udio que so carregados diretamente
do disco rgido, mais a informao grfica, informao da posio do marcador,
etc.. O formato udio usado para estes arquivos o formato WAV.
Open Project > Object (*.Obj)
Um objeto que seja salvo neste formato contm instrues do playback
(linko a um projeto Wave, a uma trilha, a uma posio do tempo, a uns parmetros, etc..)
para os dados udio.
Os objetos so usados em projetos virtuais (VIP).

Nota: Voc pode tambm usar o Windows Explorer para arrastar e soltar (drag & drop)
Objetos salvos diretamente no Projeto VIP ( VIP Projects).
Open Project > Edit List (*.EDL)
Esta funo permite que voc abra uma Cut List (no formato de texto) do vdeo D-Vision
Video Systems. Um projeto virtual que se assemelhe Cut List criado. A Cut List o
arquivo de texto que contm a informao sobre os arquivos WAV usados, e as
informaes do Object borders, Volume, Panorama Automation, Mute, Lock e Fade.
Isto faz os Samplitude VIP's eficazmente compatveis com edio video da D-Vision Video
Systems, e permitem que voc edite o udio-para-vdeo, no Samplitude.
Open Project > Table Of Contents (*.TOC)
Os arquivos previamente salvos do ndice do CD (* TOC, * TCX) podem ser abertos e
Open Project > Session (*.SAM)
Uma sesso previamente salva do Samplitude pode ser carregada com este comando.
Todos os projetos, e suas janelas relacionadas, so arranjados na tela como foram salvos
na sesso.
Open Audio CD Track(s)
Veja no Menu CD!
Waveform Generator
Veja no Menu Tools
Load Session
Veja a sesso Open Project
Save Projects
O Projeto salvo com o nome exibido na janela do Project . Se voc ainda no tiver dado
um nome ao Projeto, o Samplitude ir pergunta se voc quer faz-lo.
Teclas de Atalho: s, Ctrl + s
Save Project as
Voc pode redefinir o trajeto, e o nome, de um projeto novo com esta funo. Os projetos
RAM e os projetos virtuais sero salvos com nomes novos (o arquivo fonte
lembrar como era). Os projetos HD Wave so renomeados no disco rgido. O Samplitude
no gerar uma cpia dele, conservando desse modo o espao em seu disco rgido.
Teclas de Atalho: Shift + s

Save complete VIP in

Esta funo no menu Projeto' permite o salvamento de um VIP, junto com tudo que o
projeto Wave requisite (* RAP. * HDP), em um diretrio especificado. Isto faz ele copiar
facilmente todos os arquivos usados num VIP para um backup no disco rgido etc..
Copy only samples used in VIP: Somente as parcelas dos projetos dos Wave Projects
realmente so usado pelo Objeto no VIP so copiados. Isto equivale a usar o comando
"Remove unused samples " (do Menu Tools) no VIP salvo, aps copiar.
O uso desta funo pode conservar muito do espao de armazenamento, mas h um
O downside aquele aps ter executado esta funo, os objetos s podero ser
mais curtos, como todos os dados de udio fora das bordas do objeto sero removidos.
Para evitar este efeito colateral, voc pode definir da " security Range/escala segurana"
nas amostras/samples. Este nmero das amostras sair no Wave Project antes e
depois da borda do objeto mantendo algumas amostras na reserva, se voc desejar
mudar o fade in/out, por exemplo.
Save Project as EDL
O projeto virtual ativo salvo em uma cut list no formato texto EDL que contenha a
informao sobre as arquivos WAV usados, as bordas de objetos, e informao do
volume e da automatizao do panorama.
Isto faz os VIPS do Samplitude compatveis com o sistema editor D-Vision.
Save Project as Template
Voc pode usar esta opo criar os moldes (templates) do projeto, que salva todo o
projeto e ajustes relacionados (tipo da grade, nmero da trilha, etc.), sem salvar os
objetos e HDP usados no projeto. Voc pode carregar um molde template quando voc
criar um novo Projeto Multi-track. Esta uma caracterstica muito conveniente e til que
agiliza seu trabalho consideravelmente e fica mais fcil de manter a consistncia de entre
projetos mltiplos.
As Templates tm a extenso *.VIT.
Burn Project Backup on CD
Esta opo permite que voc cre backups facilmente em CD dos dados de projetos
inteiros. Para esta finalidade, a aplicao externa do MAGIXCDR CD-burning iniciada.
Save Object
Esta funo permite que voc salve tudo num nico objeto. Isto til quando
voc deseja transferir o material entre projetos do VIP, ou gostaria de preservar

determinadas partes de um VIP (salvando ento num single Objects). Um outro uso para
isto a criao de uma biblioteca de efeitos sonoros.
Nota: Nota: Voc pode usar o explorador Windows Explorer para arrastar soltar mltiplos
Objects num VIP para facilitar o acesso fcil.
A extenso padro para arquivos de objeto * obj. Para salvar um objeto, selecionar um
Object no VIP, e clique em File > Save Object..
Nota: It is importanv to ensure that only one Object is selected for saving. If more than
one Object is selected, the first selected Object in the lowest numbered track (i.e. track
1) will be saved. It always pays to double check, as you may not notice this until its
too late...
Nota: importante assegurar-se de que somente um objeto esteja selecionado para o
salvamento. Se mais de um objeto for selecionado, o primeiro objeto selecionado na trilha
de numerao mais baixa (exemplo: pista 1) ser salvo. Procure sempre dobrar a
verificao, porque voc no pode observar este at que seja demasiado tarde
Save Session
Esta funo permite que voc salve uma sesso completa de Samplitude. O dilogo inclui
informao sobre todos os projetos abertos desde a ltima vez que Samplitude foi
fechado, e sua janela respectiva posiciona etc.. Isto extremamente til para escolher na
telas splash de abertura do samp, sem ter que os projetos individuais primeiro.
As sesses se caracterizam por arquivos com a extenso *.sam.
Nota: Se uma sesso for armazenada como "startup.sam", ser automaticamente
carregada cada vez voc iniciar o Samplitude. Nem preciso dizer, que esta uma
grande maneira trabalhar, porque Samplitude sempre ser aberto com sua configurao
preferida, e voc pode comear a trabalhar imediatamente.
Tecla de Atalho: Ctrl + Alt + s
Veja no Menu Playback
Rename Project
Esta funo permite que voc renomeie um arquivo de projeto, e salve-o como um
arquivo diferente. Para projetos RAM Wave Projects, somente os nomes internos so
mudados (sem ser salvo). No caso de projetos HD Wave, todas os arquivos
correspondentes sero imediatamente renomeados.
Os projetos da onda da RAM precisam ser salvos aps renomear o projeto.
Delete Wave Project(s)
Os projetos HD Wave so deletados do disco rgido.
Use este comando com cuidado, porque todos os arquivos correspondentes so perdidas!
No h opo de desfazer o uso desta funo, e nem recycle Lixeira. Deleta direto.
Nota: Nota: Se voc quiser deletar um projeto do *.wav em um gerenciador de arquivos
tal como o Windows Explorer, voc tambm deve deletar o arquivo relacionado dentro do
Samplitude (exemplo: *.hdp, *.ho, etc..)

Delete Virtual Project

Este comando deleta um VIP, e todos os Wave Projects usados nele.
File selection: Voc pode selecionar o arquivo do projeto (.vip) para deletar.
Project list: Voc pode escolher de uma lista dos oito (8) projetos mais recentes.
File list: A lista mostra os arquivos.wav usados no projeto do vip selecionado. Voc pode
especificar um arquivo de udio na base de arquivos de udio se voc deseja ou no
manter este arquivo (se vai ser usado em outros projetos), ou quer delet-lo.
Import audio
O Samplitude permite a importao de: Wave, AIFF, MPEG, MP3, MS audio(wma),
udio de arquivos avi ou de Sample Dump em um projeto do Samplitude. Voc
precisa especificar que tipo o projeto est indo montar, um RAM Wave Project, ou um
projeto HD Wave. As arquivos do MPEG precisam conformar-se ao formato Layer 2.
Algum bit rate pode ser importado.
Difference between Open > WAV and Import Audio > WAV:
O comando Open Project >WAV abre um arquivo de WAV existente, e editam
O arquivo como um projeto HD Wave. Samplitude cria automaticamente um arquivo HDP
(e o arquivo grfico correspondente) na pasta fonte.
Quando importamos um arquivo WAV, o arquivo completamente copiado. Um disco
rgido adicional pode ser necessrio, e as tomadas do processo levam muito mais tempo,
porque o arquivo de udio tem que ser copiado para outra posio do disco rgido. Import
Audio >WAV precisa ser usado quando pretender usar o arquivo de udio WAV como um
projeto RAM Wave.

Convert Audio

Este submenu contem vrias opes para converso de formatos mono/stereo HD Wave.
Estas converses podem ser executadas no modo de edio destrutiva (Destructive
Editing Mode), ou selecionando um objeto do VIP antes de executar o comando. Em
ambos os casos, novos arquivos so criados, e nomeados, automaticamente pelo
Executar o comando dentro do VIP resulta nas mudanas do objeto no
qual reflete a converso. Ou seja o objeto se referir agora aos arquivo(s) convertido(s).
Executar o comando atravs de Wave Editing (Destructive Editing) no se altera
o VIP existente se os arquivos resultantes forem necessrios no VIP, devem ser
inseridos manualmente.

Convert Audio > Save In Format

Esta funo s opera quando se est trabalhando diretamente num HD Wave Project, e
permite a voc converter Projects entre os vrios formatos Samplitude Wave Project.
Isto usado quando um RAM Wave tem que ser convertido num HD
Wave, ou num projeto L&R Wave (dois arquivos Mono linkados). Outra opo a
conerso de/para projetos Stereo/Mono Wave.
Dica: To enable the functionality of the few Plug-ins which require files to be Mono
(i.e. Antares Autotune, Mic Modeller), you will need to use this function to convert
Stereo files to Mono. Refer to the Plug-in chapter for an example of this process.
Para permitir a funcionalidade de plug-ins que requerem arquivos mono (como o Antares
Autotune, Antares Mic Modeler por exemplo), voc precisar usar esta funo para
converter arquivos Stereo para Mono. Consulte o captulo de Plug-in para um exemplo
deste processo.
Actual format: Esta opo mostra o formato atual do udio. As opes estando
greyed out, como os ajustes so para finalidades da informao somente.
New Format: Esta seo permite que voc escolha a especificao do novo formato.
Selecione o formato desejado, e pressione OK para converter o arquivo de udio.
Uma novo udio ser criado, deixando o udio original intato.
Nota: It is not possible to use the same name and overwrite the existing file, as the file
is actually open (Samplitude will not overwrite an open file, in this situation).What
will happen, is that you will be asked to specify a name and location for the new file.
Once the new file has been created, you can select the file as a Range, and drag it into
the current VIP Project.
When working in non-destructive Wave editing mode, the command works as a simplified
Track bouncing function. Refer to the Tools > Track bouncing chapter for


No possvel usar o mesmo nome e sobrescrever o arquivo existente, como o arquivo

realmente aberto (Samplitude no pode sobrescrever um arquivo aberto, nesta situao).
O que acontecer, que voc ter que especificar um novo nome e uma posio para o
novo arquivo.
Uma vez que o novo arquivo foi criado, voc pode selecionar o arquivo como uma escala
(Range), e arrast-lo no projeto do VIP atual.
Ao trabalhar na modalidade non-destructive Wave, o comando trabalha como uma funo
Track bouncing simplificada. Consultar o captulo the Tools > Track bouncing para
Convert Audio > Change Bit Resolution

Ao usar esta funo, Samplitude permite que voc selecione o Bit Resolution
(wordlength) de um projeto Wave. A funo trabalha somente destrutivamente, e s
ser aplicado a arquivos, um de cada vez
A maioria de usurios convertero principalmente entre 16 bit e Float (32 bit). Se voc
necessitar converter ao formatos 24 bit (para o uso em uma outra aplicao), vrias
opes estaro disponveis no item de menu File > Export Audio.
32-bit Float Format
If you convert a 16-bit Wave Project into the Float format, the signal will remain
a 16-bit audio signal. The quality does not initially improve the wordlength is
32 bits, but the last 16 bits are stored as zeroes (until subsequent processing
There is an advantage to this, however, as Samplitude will not have to convert
the file to 32 bit Float on the fly when playing back at 32 bit Float internal
resolution. This gain is minimal, and is offset by the extra overhead associated
with processing the larger file size, and the extra hard disk overhead/space requirements.
16 to 32 bit conversion is beneficial when destructively editing audio material.
32 bit Float minimizes calculation inaccuracies resulting from repeated dithering
or truncation of edited audio material.
Other benefits are distortion-free audio, and sustained dynamics, independent of level. T
Quantization noise is


not increased, even if working at extremely low levels.

If you are converting from a 32-bit Float to a 16-bit audio file, dithering can be
applied, in order to counteract the truncation artefacts associated with conversion
to a lower resolution.
Nota: Dithering is automatically applied if Samplitudes Dither setting is turned on.
(Options > Program Preferences > Dithering Options). If Dither is turned off, the file
will be soft truncated, by rounding off the sample value to 16 bits.
It is possible to use a 16 bit plug-in to quantize/dither the file prior to 32 > 16 bit
conversion. In such cases, the last 16 bits are rendered irrelevant by use of the
plug-in. As such, its better to turn Samplitudes Dither off, when using thirdparty
quantization/dither tools.
8-bit Wave Projects
Lower resolution audio files are often used for multimedia applications. A reduction
of the resolution to 8-bit is useful, as storage requirements are also
A drawback of lower bit resolutions is the decline of the signal to noise ratio
(SNR) due to the reduced dynamic Range.
Nota: Bit Resolution determines dynamic Range, Sample Rate determines frequency
response! Many people seem unaware of, or confused about, this basic rule as Sample
Rate and Bit Resolution are often (mistakenly) used interchangeably. Now you know!
Quantization noise increases as the resolution decreases. This noise is not
steady, as it is modulated by the signal, making it both audibly annoying, and
nearly impossible to counteract. By the way, the Bit Resolution of a HD Wave
Project file is always displayed in the Title Bar of the Project window. Bit Resolutions
between 1 and 8 bits use 3 Byte (8 Bits) per sample value. Resolutions
between 9 and 16 bits use 2 Bytes (16 Bits).
If you need to perform multiple processing steps on an 8-bit Wave Project,
convert the audio file into a 16-bit project"before you start. Any calculation inaccuracies
will occur in the 16-bit realm, and are therefore less noticeable. Beyond
this factor, some functions in the Effects menu only work with 16-bit
samples. Once youve finished processing the audio, convert it back to an 8-bit
audio file.
Likewise, if you start with a 16 bit file which you know will end up as an 8 bit
file, perform all calculations in 16 bit, before reducing the wordlength to 8 bit.
Convert Audio > Stereo Wave > 2 Mono
A Stereo Wave Project is copied and converted into a discrete Left and Right
Mono Wave Project (i.e. The same sample is placed in each Mono Project).
Convert Audio > LR Wave > 2 Mono
Two mono projects are linked to one L&R Wave project. This is a convenient
way of editing associated (joined) mono samples with the same operations.
Make sure that the windows of the two projects to be linked are open. Select
one of the Objects as the current Object (click on the lower half with the left
mouse button), and make use of the Link Projects menu option. Next, click on
the project you want to join, and Samplitude will link the two projects.


Samplitude will automatically match the sample length of the two projects, but
not the bit resolution.
Convert Audio > 2 Mono > Stereo/LR Wave
On occasion, it may be necessary to split a 2 channel stereo project (two joined
mono projects (L&R Wave project) into two independent mono projects. This
menu option terminates the static connection between the projects. If you would
like to re-join the projects, simply select Link Projects from the Special menu
(see below).
Convert Audio > OLD RR 24 Float to IEEE Float
This menu allows you to load 24 bit Projects created in Red Roaster V3.x. They
are converted into 32 bit Float Projects.
Convert Audio > LR Wave > 1 Mono
A current L&R Wave Project is converted into Mono mode. If it was previously
a Stereo Project, both channels will be mixed. The existing samples are initially
added, with 100% of their image intact, and are then divided by two. This prevents
over-modulation (distortion), and is equivalent to reducing the volume
by 6 dB.
Convert Audio > 1 Mono > LR Wave
The original mono Wave project is duplicated, and converted into a single L&R
Wave project, featuring the same sample in both channels.
Export Audio

The Export Audio function allows you to export HD Wave or RAM Wave Project
files as: Wave, MP3, MPEG, MS Audio, Real Audio, AIFF, Quicktime, Midi or
Dump files.
Three options are also available for exporting 32 bit float files as 16 bit, 20 bit or
24 bit files. You can save files in Mono or Stereo format.


Rich Media Authoring

Samplitude can directly export all common Internet streaming audio formats e.g. Windows Media Audio (WMA), RealAudio and Quicktime audio, as well as
MP3 and MPG.
FTP Download: Samplitude offers an integrated FTP download function. This
allows you to directly download single sounds and complete tracks from any
FTP server, worldwide, into your arrangement!
Samplitude 7 interfaces with the MAGIX Web Publishing Area. This allows
worldwide publishing of your music, over the Internet, with a few mouse clicks.
MAGIX playR table export: Samplitude can export multi track arrangements
as an interactive table, for use with the MAGIX playR remixing tool. This
affords a comfortable and easy creation method for loops that you wish to use
in playR songs. Samplitude is the perfect choice for content creation and editing
for MAGIX Web playR and MAGIX Record playR projects.
MAGIX video format support (*.mxv): Samplitude 7 supports (among others)
this new MAGIX video format. It is optimized for robust recording from
analog sources, and quick editing. It is also the interface between MAGIX
video deLuxe (used for video recording, editing and dump to tape) and
Samplitude. Samplitude can display the video track in its time line, and audio
Objects created in MAGIX video deluxe can be edited directly in Samplitude,
and saved back to MAGIX video deluxe.
Samplitude automatically creates play lists when exporting arrangements into
multiple files, when reading multiple CD tracks etc. These play lists can be
used directly in MAGIX playR and MAGIX mp3 maker gold.
Samplitude contains a CD-ROM burning module which is optimized to burn
backups of Samplitude projects - even across multiple CD-ROMs! A restoration
utility is automatically written to the first CD-ROM, when multiple discs
are used.
Files from external hard disk recorders can be directly loaded in 16 bit, 24 bit
and 32 bit WAV formats. No conversion is necessary, making the task of editing
files from external recording sessions a breeze in Samplitude.
A Note about Export Audio: The audio data files of HD Wave projects can be directly
loaded, or imported, as WAV files by other audio applications. The Export Sample
command is only necessary if you wish to copy the audio file. Keep in mind that the
hard disk requirement increases, and that the copy process takes additional time.
Please note that direct editing of WAV files stored on CD-ROMs is not possible.
Please use Import Audio to copy these files to hard disk.
Export Audio > Wave
The main reason for Exporting *.WAV Projects is to compress the file into a
particular *.WAV format. Samplitude uses various Windows *.WAV compression
codecs for this purpose. The dialog can also be used to quickly copy *.WAV
files to alternate locations.
Format Settings button
This button launches the various Windows *.WAV compression codecs that
are available in Samplitude. Select your desired setting, and click OK.


Export Audio > Wave > Options

The two radio buttons in this section allow you to export the entire file, or a
portion of the file, selected as a Range.
To automatically play the exported file on completion of the process, check (tick)
the Auto Play box.
Export Audio > MP3
This dialog enables you to export files in the MP3 format, with various format
Export Audio > MP3 with external Encoder
You can invoke an external command line encoder, and can set several parameters
for the encoder in the dialog.
Export Audio > MPEG

This dialog allows you to export files in the MPEG2 format (*.mpg)
The initial dialog is identical to the Export Audio > Wave dialog. Clicking on the
Format Settings button launches the Choose Bitrate dialog, shown below.
Samplitude offers MPEG2 Bit rates ranging from 64 kbit/sec to 384 kbit/sec.
Export Audio > Windows Media (*.wma)
This dialog allows you to export files in the Windows Media format (*.wma)
The initial dialog is identical to the Export Audio > Wave dialog.
Clicking on the Format Settings button launches the Windows Media Export Settings
dialog, shown above.
Various MS Audio Bit rate settings are available, ranging from 6 Voice Audio to
128 CD Quality Audio.
The dialog also allows you to enter Title, Author, Description and Copyright
Redirector files (*.wvx) can be generated by following the directions in the
Redirector Files section.
Export Audio > Real Audio (*.ra)


This dialog allows you to export files in the Real Audio format (*.ra)
The initial dialog is identical to the Export Audio > Wave dialog.
Clicking on the Format Settings button launches the Real Media Export Settings
dialog, shown above.
Various Real Audio encoding algorithms are available via use of the appropriate
settings in the Content Settings and Target Audiences menus.
Author, Title and Copyright information can also be entered.
Export Audio > AIFF File with Quicktime
This dialog allows you to export audio as 16 bit Macintosh AIFF format (*.aif),
through use of QuickTimes conversion algorithms.
The browser window, that opens after selecting the function from the menu,
allows you to name the file and select a target directory for it. Quicktime will
initially create temporary files in this directory as part of the conversion process.
The dropdown menu allows you to select various formats for the conversion
Further variables are available by clicking on the Options button.
The Compressor dropdown menu allows you to determine the bit reduction /
compression algorithm to use this is, to some extent, dependent on the input
file format.
The Rate dropdown tab allows you to select the desired sample rate.


AIFF options
Export Audio > 16 / 24 / 32 Bit Float Aiff
This menu allows you to export audio material as AIFF files, at the selected bit
16 bit material can only be exported to 16 bit AIFF. To export 16 bit audio to
higher resolution formats, you must first convert the file to 32 bit Float format
with the File > Convert Audio > Change Bit Resolution function.


Export Audio > 32 Bit Float as 16 / 20 / 24 Bit

This menu item allows you to export 32 bit Float audio files in reduced bit depth
*.WAV formats.
Dithering is employed, providing the best possible quality at the lower bit resolution.
Note: If Samplitudes dithering functionality is deactivated, the sample will be rounded
off during bit reduction. This is a better solution than pure truncation.
Export Audio > Export MIDI File
This menu allows you to export MIDI projects as standard MIDI files (*.mid)
Export Audio > Export as Dump
This menu item allows you to export audio material as a Dump file only the
raw sample data is stored in the file. (i.e. no file headers, etc.)
You can choose between Intel and Motorola byte order.
Note: You must convert 32 bit Float files to 16 or 8 bit before using this command.
Only 16 bit audio files can be exported as Dumps.
Export MAGIX playR file
Samplitude arrangements can be exported in the MAGIX playR-table format
(MKS-format - a special format for use in the MAGIX playR live-remix-program).
The arrangement must contain 8 audio-tracks. Once exported to the
playR-format, the arrangement can be directly opened and played back using
the playR program.
The MAGIX playR includes a CD and MP3 player, a fully-equipped DJ-control
desk and multimedia remix software. You can trigger up to 16 samples simultaneously
on your 2 turntables, with the mouse, keyboard or a joystick; A cross
fader and a mixer provide you with live mixing facilities. MAGIX music maker
can be used for the creation, and editing, of playR-songs. A smaller version of
the playR the MAGIX playR jukebox is included in this package!
Batch Processing
Batch processing automatically applies a single WAV project task to any number
of other files (the batch) in exactly the same way for large volumes,
usually overnight.
Each task (job) is entered in a job list that defines several batch jobs They can
define several batch jobs which are then implemented one after the other.
Possible jobs may include:
lineal fading (in and out)
real-time effects in the mixer master
Format conversion: Bit resolution(16/24/32), Sample rate, stereo/mono/left/
Storage in all available export formats
For example, you can normalize a whole list full of 24bit WAV files to 96%,
apply 5 ms fades at the beginning and the end of each file, compress them with
the multi-band compressor, change them all to 16bit mono, resample them on
22kHz and then saved them all as mp3s.
To the right edge of the batch processing window is the job list. New jobs are
created by activating the Add job button. When you select a job (with a mouse
click), the 4 settings tabs are displayed(source files, effects, target format, target


files). Remove job removes the selected job. Perform jobs starts the batch
So long as you dont close down Samplitude, all the jobs remain saved until
execution, even if you close the batch processing window in the meantime.

Source files
Here you can create a list of the files to be edited by selecting Add file. Multiple
selection is possible. Select Load directory to add all of the audio files
within a directory (including all sublists). All importable audio formats are
loadable in Samplitude. Save list creates a Playlist (in the common *.m3u
format) for using your selection of files later. Remove deletes all selected list
entries. Remove all deletes the complete list.


1. Normalization
You can normalize using percentages (%), decibels (dB) or manually by using
the levels. For more details, please read the Effects Menu chapter Amplitude/
2. Master Effects
To avoid repetition in the batch processing dialogue, effects settings have been
integrated with the mixer preset files.
{ bml buttons_mx_save_effect.bmp} In the Samplitude mixer, you can export
all mixer settings to the mixer preset (* mix). Simply press the Save mixer
preset button in the mixer (see illustration).
By loading these *.mix files into the batch processor (Load preset), all master
channel effects settings are included (all other mixer preset data e.g. channel
properties, groups, etc. are ignored). Edit preset opens a special FX routing
dialog from which you have access to all effects parameters.
For more details about the FX routing dialog, please read the effects chapter.
Mixer presets are stored in the /fxpresets/batch directory and can be selected
directly from the Listbox.
Besides mixer preset master effects, you can use the non-real-time effects
Resampling/Timestretching, DC removal and De-Clipping. Settings opens the
applicable effects dialog.
3. Fades at the start and end of projects
Linear fades of any given length can be added to your files.
Destination format


All settings can be saved as a preset. For more details, please read Samplitude
Effects Saving Effects (Preset mechanism).
You may select the bit resolution(16/24/32 bit), the sample rate, stereo/mono/
left/right and format with the applicable format option.
For more about the sample rate: Effects menu modify sample rate .
For more about export formats: Effects menu export audio.

Destination files


There are several ways to save edited files:

Replace file: Replaces the original file with the edited file. Should the file be
used in the VIP, the VIP must first be closed.
Save and rename file in the source directory.
Save file in the following directory.
Delete source file after editing.
Save with source directory path. The file is saved along with the path to its
source, allowing you, for example, to retain the sample CD structure.
Connect to the Internet
Opens your default dialup connection to the Internet. All you need is a normal
internet-connection for your computer using a Modem, ISDN or ADSL.
Publish to Web
Its easy to publish your songs and videos on the Web, allowing Internet users
worldwide the chance to listen to (and hopefully enjoy) them immediately.
All you need is a normal internet-connection for your computer using a Modem,
ISDN or ADSL. Needless to say, it is forbidden to upload material that is
protected by copyright laws e.g. songs from commercial CDs. This is checked
every time you upload material, so it may actually take a few hours for your
song to appear online. If youve just created an arrangement youd like the
world to hear, save it first (File > Save as option), then click on Publish to
Web, and follow the instructions of the Publishing Wizard.
FTP Download
This option allows you to directly connect to any FTP-server on the internet, in
order to download audio material into Samplitude. The MAGIX Server is the
default, which is not a bad thing, as youll always find new sound-material
there. Once again, the only requirement is a working Internet connection.
Closes Samplitude.
Menu Edit
This menu contains all functions that are analogous to cutting/splicing etc.
tasks that you would perform on a tape machine.
Virtual projects are track-sensitive i.e. only the selected tracks are manipulated.
When working in a virtual project (VIP), you must first select a Range
before making use of the cut functions. The start and end points of the selected
Range determine the start and end points of a cut. The vertical position indicates
the tracks that are affected by the edit.
We recommend the use of the Auto-crossfade function for almost all situations,
in order to achieve smooth transitions between the edit points. This will
automatically create fades at the Object edges.
Please note that these functions affect both channels, when working with stereo
and L&R Wave projects. (If only one channel is to be edited, you winl need to
convert the Wave project into two mono Wave projects. The two mono Wave
projects can be merged, following individual processing).


Attention: To avoid inconsistencies between the Object modes (e.g. lock all audio in
time, link Objects until silence) and the common edit commands, some VIP edit
options work differently to those of former Samplitude versions.
General Rule: The delete, cut and paste commands are dependent on the current
Object mode, in VIPs.
Explanation: There are several Object modes (link Objects one/all tracks, link until
silence), which ripple. To explain, this means that when you move one Object in
time, the following Objects are also moved, thus preserving crossfades and relative
distances between the Objects. In these rippling Object modes, the edit command
functionality is also affected. To give you an example, when you cut one Object, the
following Objects will be moved backwards in time, to fill the gap. If you perform an
insert, the following Objects are moved forward, to avoid overlaps. This is the standard
behavior of the delete, cut and paste functions, as per former versions of
In other Object modes (normal, lock all audio), these commands will not perform a
ripple. In other words, temporal (time) movements of other areas not directly involved
in the cut, remain unaffected. This facility is especially important when cutting
time-synced audio, e.g. projects with .avi links. As an example, in the normal
Object mode, the delete command works like the clear command, leaving a gap where
the audio material was deleted.
The usual commands, which work independently from the selected Object mode are
accessible in the more.... submenu. If you find this behavior uncomfortable, remap
your keyboard shortcuts to the old style.
Undo last command(s) (VIP). Samplitude offers a secure way of tracking your
changes in Virtual and HD Wave Projects. Up to 100 changes can be kept in
memory, allowing you to retrace (and undo) of these steps, if necessary.
Virtual processes and physical processes (such as Normalize, Reverb, Filter with
activated Create Copy option etc.) can be reversed (undone).
Range and Marker manipulations can also be undone using this command.
When adding effects to audio material (Effects Menu), the Undo option only
works on effects that are applied directly to the VIP Objects i.e. destructively
printed to the Object, as opposed to realtime effects. The Create Copy option
must be enabled in the effect dialog, in order to undo destructive effects processes.
Notes: The number of Undo steps (i.e. Undo depth) is defined in the Options > Program
Preferences > Undo Definitions Menu item.
Some commands, such as Tools > Remove Unused Samples or CD > Make CD, do
not allow Undo commands. Please refer to the File Management chapter for further
Shortcut: Alt + Back, Ctrl + z
Reverses (undoes) the most recent Undo command.


Shortcut: Ctrl + a
Undo History

Displays a list of recent editing steps. To return the Project to the desired state,
simply select the relevant Undo step. Note that it is easy to toggle between various
steps, to ensure that you select the correct state. Once youre sure of your
selection, click OK to complete the Undo.
Wave Projects:
The audio data (in the selected Range) is copied from the current Wave project
into the Clip. The material which follows the removed Range is merged with
the material which preceded the removed Range, to close the gap. The complete
Wave project becomes shorter.
Please keep in mind that the Clip contains the same attributes as the Wave
project that the material was copied, or removed, from.
If you cut material from a mono Wave project, the Clip becomes a mono Wave
project. If material from a stereo Wave project is cut or copied to the Clip, the
Clip becomes a stereo Wave project. Another attribute adopted by the Clip is
the bit resolution and sample rate of the source Wave project. The previous
contents of the Clip are deleted.
Virtual Projects (VIP):
Object Mode: Normal + Lock all audio
Cut works without ripple, the Range is filled with silence, and does not move
the ensuing audio material backwards.(=Command Copy & Clear)
Object Mode: Link Objects one + all tracks
The material which follows the removed Range is appended to the material that
preceded the removed Range.
The VIP project becomes shorter if the selected Range covered all tracks. This
method allows you to reduce the length of VIPs that contain dead space
(empty) which follows the last Object (=Command Paste with Ripple).
Use Edit > Paste/Insert to insert the contents of the Clip into Wave or Virtual
Shortcuts: Shift + Delete, x, Ctrl + x


The data of the current Range is deleted.
In accordance with the selected Object mode in VIPs, delete works as follows:
Object Mode: Normal + Lock all audio
Delete works without ripple, and does not move the ensuing audio material
backwards (=Command Clear).
Object Mode: Link Objects one + all track(s) and Wave projects
The sample data that follows the deleted Range is added at the position the
deleted Range started (moved backward). The project length becomes shorter
(=Command Delete with ripple).
Please note that this command will not save the deleted data to the Clip. If you
want to preserve the deleted sample data, use the Cut command. Using this
Delete command will delete the data from the current sample, and preserve
the contents of the Clip.
Shortcuts: Delete
Copies the selected Range into the Clip. (VIP, Wave Projects)
The current Range is copied into the Clip, but is not deleted from the Project.
The sample length is unchanged. Please note that any previous Clip contents
are deleted.
Shortcuts: C, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Insert


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