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Survey Questionnaire

Respondents Name: ____________________________________________________________
Location (Barangay) of Farm:_____________________________________________________
Location, Date, and Time of Interview: _____________________________________________
1. Where do you get the seeds that you use for planting rice?
___ from the local/municipal government? Specify (which agency, if ever.)___________
Do you pay for the seeds? If so, how much? ______________________________
How do the seeds get to you? (agency gets to you or you get there?) ___________
What and how much are the other costs to obtain the seeds? _________________
___from accredited seed dealers? Name and location of dealer: ____________________
How does the seed get to you? (dealer gets to you or you get there?) ___________
How much do the seeds cost? _________________________________________
What and how much are the other costs to obtain the seeds? _________________
___from yourself (old stock from previous harvest)?
What and how much are the costs involved? ______________________________
___ from other sources? What and where is this source? __________________________
How do the seeds get to you? _________________________________________
How much do the seeds cost? _________________________________________
What and how much are the other costs to obtain the seeds? _________________
2. What is the type of seed that you use?
___ breeder? Details: ______________________________________________________
___ foundation? Details: ___________________________________________________
___ registered? Details: ____________________________________________________
___ certified? Details: _____________________________________________________
3. Those seeds sprout into which variety of rice?
___ inbred. Specify and describe the kind. _____________________________________
___ hybrid. Specify and describe the kind. _____________________________________
4. Where do you get your water supply? _____________________________________________
How much does it cost? ____________________________________________________
5. What problems, if any, do you encounter in procuring the input supply, such as seeds and
water? _____________________________________________________________________
_ ___________________________________________________________________

6. Are your palay variety resistant to pests, such as insects and weeds? ____________________
(If yes to all pests, go to no. 7)
If no, how do you control pests?
___ through insecticides? Specify nature of insecticide(s). _________________________
From whom or where did you get the insecticide? ____________________________
How much does it cost until harvest? ______________________________________
What and how much are the other costs to obtain it? __________________________
___ through herbicides? Specify nature of herbicide(s). ___________________________
From whom or where did you get the herbicide? _____________________________
How much does it cost until harvest? ______________________________________
What and how much are the other costs to obtain it? __________________________
___ other methods? Specify nature of the method. _______________________________
From whom or where did you get the materials for the method? _________________
How much does it cost until harvest? ______________________________________
What and how much are the other costs to obtain it? _____________________________
7. What other pest management practices do you practice?
How much do they cost you? ________________________________________________
8. What other problems do you encounter in pest management?
9. What fertilizers do you use? Describe further the fertilizer and its effects.
10. Where do you get the fertilizers? ______________________________________________
11. How much do they cost? _____________________________________________________
12. What other nutrient management practices do you do?
How much do they cost you? ________________________________________________
13. What other problems do you encounter in nutrient management?

14. How many farmers are there in your farm who plant palay? What else do they do aside from
15. What do these farmers get in return of such services? If possible, please specify the amount
of payment for farmer per rendered service.
16. Who pays these farmers and how much do they get for planting?
17. What other benefits do these farmers receive?
18. Where do these farmers live? How young and old are they? Please describe them more.
19. What are the problems and/or sentiments, if any, do these farmers have?

20. How do you harvest the palay?
___ manual harvesting. Do you hire other workers for such manual harvest? __________
If so, how much does this cost you? _________________________________________ _
___mechanical harvesting. How much does this cost you, if any? __________________
21. How do you thresh the palay?
___ manual harvesting. Do you hire other workers for such manual harvest? __________
If so, how much does this cost you? _______________________________________
___ mechanical harvesting. How much does this cost you, if any? __________________
22. Who cleans and dries the harvested palay?
___ farmers themselves. How?
___ mechanical. How much does it cost? __________________
___ manual. How much does it cost? _____________________
___ others.* Specify who: __________________________________________________
Who sets the price of the harvested palay? _________________________________
How much is it? ______________________________________________________
How is the price set? What is the basis? ____________________________________
23. Who stores the cleaned and dried palay?
___ farmers themselves. Where? ____________________________________________
How much does it cost? _______________________________
___ others. Specify who:
Who sets the price of the palay? _________________________________________
How much is it? ______________________________________________________
How is the price set? What is the basis? ___________________________________
24. Who mills the palay?
___ farmers themselves. How? Which method? _________________________________
How much does it cost (including the sacks as containers)? ____________________
___ others. Specify who:
Who sets the price of the palay? __________________________________________
How much is it? ______________________________________________________
How is the price set? What is the basis? ____________________________________

25. Upon milling, who buys the milled palay/rice for wholesaling? ________________________
Where is the wholesaler located and how did it get to the farmers? __________________
What is the price of the milled rice? _________________________________________
Who sets the price of the milled rice?_________________________________________
What is the basis of the price? ______________________________________________
26. What are the problems encountered during transactions?_____________________________

Another questionnaire is designed for this post-production stage if done by another actor.
Respondents Name and/or Company: ______________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Name/Location of Farm in Transaction with: _________________________________________
Location, Date, and Time of Interview: _____________________________________________
1. From where did you buy the palay (farmer, viajero, etc.)?_____________________________
2. How much did you pay for the palay which you bought from the farmer, viajero, assembler, or
3. What and how much are the other costs for acquiring the palay?________________________
4. Where do you store the rice? ___________________________________________________
How much is the cost of storing? ____________________________________________
5. Where do you mill the rice? ____________________________________________________
How much is the cost of milling? ____________________________________________
What happens to rice after milling? Is it sold to wholesalers? At what price? What are
other costs? _____________________________________________________________
6. Where do you wholesale the rice? Is it sold to retailers? ______________________________
Who are the retailers and where are they located? ________________________________
What and how much are the costs? ____________________________________________
7. Where will you retail the rice? How much is its cost? Who are the consumers and where are
they located?

8. What are the problems encountered during the milling / storing / wholesaling / retailing?

Interview Questionnaire
Name of Interviewee, Office/Organization, Position:
1) _____________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________
Date, Time, and Location of Interview: ______________________________________________
A. Input Supplies
1. What are the available seed types and varieties in Abuyog? How much should they cost?
2. Does the government provide subsidy for seeds? What are the government programs that
would cater to the farmers seed supplies?
3. Who are the accredited suppliers of seeds for farmers in Abuyog?
4. Where do these seeds come from, place of origin?
5. Where is the source of water for irrigation? How much do farmers pay for water supply?
6. How does the LGU monitor the transactions for input supplies? Where can the farmers go for
assistance or complaints?
7. What are the complaints or problems that farmers encounter with input supplies?
B. Pest Management
1. What are the pests that are common in the farmlands of Abuyog?
2. What pesticides/herbicides should be used? At what price should they be sold? Where could
the farmers get them?
3. What does the government do in terms of pest management?
4. How does the LGU monitor the transactions for pesticides/herbicides? Where can the farmers
go for assistance or complaints?
5. What are the complaints or problems that farmers encounter with pest management?
C. Nutrient Management
1. What fertilizers are suitable to the farmlands of Abuyog? At what price should they be sold?
Where could the farmers get them?
2. What does the government do in terms of nutrient management? Any programs? 3. How does
the LGU monitor the transactions for fertilizers? Where can the farmers go for assistance or
4. What are the complaints or problems that farmers encounter with nutrient management?

D. Harvesting
1. What kinds of harvesting and threshing equipment are present and necessary in Abuyog
2. Are these owned by farmers or by somebody else?
3. If these equipment are for rent, who or what company/cooperative owns them? How much
should they charge the farmer who rents?
4. Where are these owners (individual, company, or cooperative) located for transactions?
5. What are other expenses that the farmers entail in harvesting and threshing?
6. What are the problems that farmers encounter in harvesting and threshing?
7. Who buys harvested and threshed palay from farmers? How much should the buyer pay?
8. Bought from the farmers, what will happen to the palay?
9. Who are the other actors in this stage?
E. Drying and Cleaning
1. What are the drying and cleaning methods practiced in Abuyog? What are the available
equipment? Where are these located?
2. Who usually does the drying and cleaning? the farmers themselves? the traders, viajeros?
3. How much do both mechanical and manual drying and cleaning cost?
4. What are the problems encountered in drying and cleaning?
5. Who buys dried and cleaned palay from the farmers? How much should the buyer pay?
6. Bought from the farmers, what will now happen to the dried and cleaned palay?
7. Who are the other actors in this stage?
F. Milling and Storage
1. What kinds of milling equipment are present and necessary in Abuyog farms?
2. Are these owned by farmers or by somebody else?
3. If these equipment are for rent, who or what company/cooperative owns them? How much
should they charge the farmer who rents?
4. Where are these owners (individual, company, or cooperative) located for transactions?
5. What are other expenses that the farmers entail in milling and storing the rice?
6. Where are the storage warehouses located in Abuyog? Are they enough?
7. What are the problems that farmers encounter in milling and storing?
8. Who buys milled/stored palay from farmers? How much should the buyer pay?
9. Bought from the farmers, what will happen to the palay?
G. Wholesaling and Retailing

Who does the wholesaling and retailing of palay in Abuyog? Where are these located?
What is the right wholesale price of rice in Abuyog? How is this determined?
What is the right retail price of rice in Abuyog? How is this determined?
Upon wholesale and retail, where are the rice distributed?
Who supplies rice if it is deficient in the province?
6. What are the problems encountered in wholesaling and retailing?

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