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El nio no estaba apartado de los adultos, como en la sociedad actual.

Deban observar y copiar el comportamiento de los mayores y para
ello aprender habilidades y acumular conocimientos.
Los padres transmitan ciertos principios de educacin, como por
ejemplo, elementos de la cosmovisin, comportamiento frente a los
A la edad adecuada reciban educacin en un principio en el seno de
la familia. Para las nias no estaba prohibida la educacin, pero iban a
la escuela si las tareas propias de su gnero se lo permita. Los nios
reciban entrenamiento en la profesin de su padre. La educacin
formal del nio estaba en manos del padre, y la de la nia en la de la
Los principios educacionales para los afortunados que concurran a
las escuelas se hallaban en antiguos tratados llamados
Lo importante era inculcarles como tener xito en la vida. Para ello,
maat [que se traduce como "orden"] era central pues hablar,
conducirse y actuar conforme a la misma era sumamente ventajoso.
Los egipcios vean a la educacin como algo muy respetable, y de
hecho cualquiera que pudiese costearse los estudios poda ingresar a
la escuela, pues no haba impedimento de condicin social. Los reyes
o altos funcionarios solan visitar con frecuencia las escuelas para
inspeccionar y buscar entre los alumnos a los ms talentosos,


The child was not isolated from the adults, since(as,like) in the current
society. They had to observe and copy the behavior of the major ones
and for it to learn skills and to accumulate knowledge.

The parents were transmitting certain beginning of education,

since(as,like) for example, elements of the cosmovisin, behavior
opposite to the gods, moral conducts and traditions.
To the suitable age they were receiving education in a
beginning(principle) in the bosom of the family. For the girls the
education was not prohibited, but they were going to the school if the
own(proper) tasks of his(her,your) kind(genre) one was allowing it
The children were receiving training in the profession of his(her,your)
father. The formal education of the child was in hands of the father,
and that of the girl in that of the mother

The educational beginning(principles) for the lucky ones who were

meeting(competing) to the schools was situated in former
agreements called "instructions".
The important thing was to inculcate them like be successful in the
life. For it, maat [that is translated as "order"] was central
so(then,since) to speak, to drive and to be operated in conformity
with the same age extremely profitably.

The Egyptians saw to the education as something very respectable,

and of fact anyone that could finance the studies could enter to the
school, since there was no impediment of social condition. The kings
or high civil servants were in the habit of visiting often the schools to
inspect and to look between(among) the pupils for the most talented

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