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Dates for your Diary

Monthly Cake Stall: 'Bring & Buy' cake sale will be this weekend Thank
you for your support and generosity in 'Baking and Buying' each month, and
thanks to the ladies who organise it all and clear up afterwards. All proceeds
help to boost Church funds.
Future dates :- May 16th/17th and June 27th (at Summer Fete)
Marriage Banns are posted for Jennifer Dickens and Christopher Burton.
Their marriage will take place here at St Benedict's at 12 noon on Saturday
25th April.


Tel: 01827 713177,
Website: st-benedicts-atherstone.org
Parish Priest: Mgr. Paul Watson

Some Ecumenical Events:

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - beginning 26th April - Service of Prayer
at Trinity Church at 6 pm. Revd. David Poulton to preach. There will be
Weekday Prayers at Trinity Church at 9.30 am. Prayers for Christian Unity
will be at St Benedict's on Friday 1st May at 9.30 am before 10 am Mass.
Joint Service for Pentecost - 24th May at Mancetter Rec, 3 pm. Revd Tony
Tooby to preach.

Future Plans
Prayer Group - Fr Paul would like to know if anyone would like to take part in
a regular group for prayer. This could probably take place on a weekday
evening (after evening Mass, if Tues or Thurs). Primarily, it would be to pray
for the parish and to discern God's purposes and the direction He wants to
parish to develop and grow. It could involve some teaching also about
Worship of God, Scripture, Intercession and Spiritual Warfare. As for
regularity - weekly, fortnightly or monthly, as seems appropriate.
Scripture Group - Reading of Scripture plays a vital role in developing our
personal relationship with God. We speak to God when we pray, but God
speaks to us through his Word. God's Word is essentially Jesus himself, but
Jesus communicates through the Scriptures and the power of the Spirit. If
you would like to learn more about the Scriptures and how we might use
them in our daily lives, then think about joining a group for a regular meeting.


Sat 18th April

4.00 pm

Sun 19th April

9:30 am

Mon 20th April

Tues 21st April

7:00 pm


Wed 22nd April

10.00 am


Thurs 23rd April

7:00 pm

Solemnity of St George

Fri 24th April

10.00 am


Sat 25th April

Sun 26th April

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.

12.00 noon
4.00 pm

Vigil of Sunday

Malcolm Wright
David Davidson

No Mass

Jane Power

Nuptial Mass
Vigil Mass

The Bocarro Family

For the Parishioners

The Liturgy & the Care of the Church

Readers this week:

Readers next week:

S Machin
C Rudkin

S Hall
C Forbes

Offertory Procession this week: Jo Howe & Co

Eucharistic Ministers D Leaper
Church Cleaning Altar Society -

V Heath
V Heath

Confessions - Saturday 11.30am - 12 noon

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Bridie Symmons,
Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath Ford, Ursula Cope,
Patricia Carter, Christina Chetwynd, Olive Fortune and Father Paul.
Please remember our housebound parishioners in your prayers: Marion
Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends especially those
anniversaries fall at this time, Jack Lynskey, Kate Wilkinson, Tony
Simpson, Carmel Maher, Daniel Bloor, Mary Prowse, Arthur Scaife,
Daniel Ross, Nancy Gee, John Wood, Ann Batterton, Peter Murphy,
Frederick Cole, Robert Miskela, Teresa Leary, Elizabeth Blythe, Pat
Storer. May they Rest in Peace.

Money Matters
During the month of March 301 was received by Standing Order, of
which 6 was for the Restoration Fund - thank you!
Gift Aid donors - Please see Tracey (Sat) or Jo (Sun) after Mass
1. Please throw away old envelopes. They will not be accepted any
2. If you miss a week through holidays etc... please combine your
offerings together into one envelope. There is no need to submit
multiple envelopes.
3. 14 new parishioners joined the Gift Aid in March! Thank you
4. Donating your offertory collection by standing order is the parish
preferred method and we thank the small but increasing number of
people opting to use this method.
TOTE: Nos 15 & 26 No Winneers Rollover to next week

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

As we continue to celebrate the weeks of Eastertide, our Masses invite us
to experience the Risen Jesus in our own lives. Once again this weekend,
when Jesus appears to the disciples, he declares: "Peace be with you". As
I said last week, Jesus is offering us the opportunity, through welcoming
Him into our lives, to experience for ourselves all that He has
accomplished through the mystery of His death and resurrection forgiveness, a new and intimate relationship with the Father, a sense of
becoming a new creation, an awareness of the love of Jesus for us, and
the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We might notice in the readings today (the 1st
reading and the Gospel) that the word "repentance" occurs. It seems that
repentance is needed before we can truly receive the Risen Jesus and all
that He wants to give us. What is this repentance? Is it simply a matter of
saying sorry for some sins? It seems rather to be a matter of admitting that
there is in us a natural resistance to really letting Jesus into our lives as
Lord, whether through fear or not wanting to change, but stay as we are!!

More Items
Bible Alive - Easter issue - available at the back of the Church 1.50.
Mass Intentions - At the present time there are no outstanding Mass
intentions to offered at your request. Now that we have returned to celebrating
Mass on most days, please feel free to ask for Mass to be offered for any
intentions that you have.
Unused Rosaries: Do you have unused rosaries tucked away in the cupboard
or drawer, we are collecting rosaries to send out to various missions around
the world, this appeal is being made by The Catenians who have so far sent
out 135,000 rosaries. It would be good if we could give this initiative our
support, spare rosaries can be given to Brian Ingram.
Chintowa Development Trust AGM Meeting - Monday 20th April at 7.30pm
in the Church Hall. All welcome.
Two vacancies at the Diocesan Education Service:
Senior Officer for Capital Projects and Place Planning deadline 20th
April 2015
Adviser to Primary Schools deadline 27th April 2015
For further information is available on >>>> http://www.bdes.org.uk/jobvacancies.html
Congratulations to Edith Chelsey Mary, daughter of Lilian and Richard, who
was baptised last Sunday.

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