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Chapter 4


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Units of Chapter 4
Motion in Two Dimensions
Projectile Motion: Basic Equations

Zero Launch Angle

General Launch Angle

Projectile Motion: Key Characteristics

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4-1 Motion in Two Dimensions

motion along a
straight line with
constant velocity

= cos
= sin
= 0
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Vector equations
is equivalent to
= =

Two vectors are equal when their components

are equal
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4-1 Motion in Two Dimensions

Vector notation:

= + + ;

= +

Component notation: = , , = ,

Rule: motion in the x- and y-directions is solved

separately !
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4-2 Projectile Motion: Basic Equations

ignore air resistance
Acceleration due to
gravity g = 9.81 m/s2,
ignore Earths rotation
If y-axis points upward, acceleration in x-direction is
zero and acceleration in y-direction is -9.81 m/s2

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= = .

4-2 Projectile Motion: Basic Equations

The acceleration is independent of the direction
of the velocity:

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4-2 Projectile Motion: Basic Equations

These, are the basic equations of projectile motion:

X direction:

Y direction:

= +
= =

= + 12 2
= ( )

X Motion with
constant velocity

Y Motion with
constant acceleration

A problem is set by initial conditions: , , ,

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4-3 Zero Launch Angle

Launch angle: direction of initial velocity with
respect to horizontal, =

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4-3 Zero Launch Angle

In this case, the initial velocity in the y-direction
is zero. Here are the equations of motion, with
= , = , = , = :
X direction:

= =

Motion with constant

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Y direction:

= 12 2
= ( )
Drop from height

Question 4.2
You drop a package from
a plane flying at constant
speed in a straight line.

Dropping a Package
a) quickly lag behind the plane
while falling
b) remain vertically under the
plane while falling

Without air resistance, the

c) move ahead of the plane while


package will:

d) not fall at all

Question 4.2
You drop a package from
a plane flying at constant
speed in a straight line.

Dropping a Package
a) quickly lag behind the plane
while falling
b) remain vertically under the
plane while falling

Without air resistance, the

c) move ahead of the plane while


package will:

d) not fall at all

Both the plane and the package have

the same horizontal velocity at the
moment of release. They will maintain
this velocity in the x-direction, so they
stay aligned.
Follow-up: what would happen if air resistance is present?

Question 4.3a
From the same height (and
at the same time), one ball
is dropped and another ball
is fired horizontally. Which
one will hit the ground

Dropping the Ball I

a) the dropped ball
b) the fired ball
c) they both hit at the same time
d) it depends on how hard the ball
was fired
e) it depends on the initial height

Question 4.3a
From the same height (and
at the same time), one ball
is dropped and another ball
is fired horizontally. Which
one will hit the ground

Dropping the Ball I

a) the dropped ball
b) the fired ball
c) they both hit at the same time
d) it depends on how hard the ball
was fired
e) it depends on the initial height

Both of the balls are falling vertically under the influence of

gravity. They both fall from the same height. Therefore, they will

hit the ground at the same time. The fact that one is moving
horizontally is irrelevantremember that the x and y motions are
completely independent !!
Follow-up: is that also true if there is air resistance?

4-3 Zero Launch Angle

This is the trajectory of a projectile
launched horizontally: = ( )

Landing = at

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4-3 Zero Launch Angle

Eliminating t and solving for y as a function
of x:

This has the form y = a + bx2, which is the

equation of a parabola.
The landing point can be found by setting
y = 0 and solving for x:

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4-4 General Launch Angle

Initial conditions:
= , = , = cos , = sin

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4-4 General Launch Angle

In general, v0x = v0 cos and v0y = v0 sin
This gives the equations of motion:

X direction:
= ( cos )
= cos

Y direction:
= ( sin ) 12 2
= sin
= ( sin )

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4-5 Projectile Motion: Key Characteristics

Hang time (time spent in the air):

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4-5 Projectile Motion: Key Characteristics

Height (max):

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( sin )

Question 4.4a

Punts I

Which of the
three punts

has the
longest hang

d) all have the same hang time

Question 4.4a

Punts I

Which of the
three punts

has the
longest hang

d) all have the same hang time

The time in the air is determined by the vertical motion!

Because all of the punts reach the same height, they all

stay in the air for the same time.

Follow-up: Which one had the greater initial velocity?

4-5 Projectile Motion: Key Characteristics

Range: the horizontal distance a projectile
If the initial and final elevation are the same:

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Question 4.5

Cannon on the Moon

For a cannon on Earth, the cannonball would follow path 2.

Instead, if the same cannon were on the Moon, where g =

1.6 m/s2, which path would the cannonball take in the same

Question 4.5

Cannon on the Moon

For a cannon on Earth, the cannonball would follow path 2.

Instead, if the same cannon were on the Moon, where g =

1.6 m/s2, which path would the cannonball take in the same

The ball will spend more

time in flight because
gMoon < gEarth. With more

time, it can travel farther

in the horizontal
Follow-up: which path would it take in outer space?

Summary of Chapter 4
Components of motion in the x- and ydirections can be treated independently
In projectile motion, the acceleration is g
If the launch angle is zero, the initial velocity
has only an x-component
The path followed by a projectile is a
The range is the horizontal distance the
projectile travels
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