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Well now I have a place to start. I hope I have answered your questions below, except
for the ones where the sarcasm was evident. All the documents I uploaded for students
were to act as aids in the learning process. Documents: IP Subnet Masking and VLSM
are exercises. They are not meant to teach you how to perform subnetting, only when
you feel you have it they will give you problems and answers.
Chapter 4 and Subnetting under content browser, is where I started the discussion of
IPs. Under IP Classes and Help, then counting in Binary. If you were to focus on the
Subnet document and IP Classes and Help document, I think that might unmuddy the
waters. This one question that you continue to reference is a standard Class C subnet
mask being applied.

What is a Class C address?

Please reference IP CLASSES AND HELP.docx under Chapter 4 and
SUBNETTING!!! this will give you the definition of class IPs and Subnets. A Class C
address will be any address that the first Octet is 192-223.
An IPv4 address has 4 octets.
1st OCTET: 192
2nd OCTET: 168
3rd OCTET: 10
4th OCTET: 22
Depending on which Class IP address you are working in, the octets used for mask
will change.
What is a mask?
A mask is what is applied to an IP address. For example when you do a ip config
/all under command prompt you are given something similar to this:
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
In order to reduce waste in IP addressing you will want to subnet. The point of
subnetting is IP Control and added in security measures.
What is an increment?
In the subnet.doc document under Chapter 4 and SUBNETTING!!! you will find
the definition of number of increment. Page 1, Step 3.
The number of increment is the number in which your network IDs will increment.

So let us look at it this way. We will only work in the last octet in this next example.
1- You want to subnet this network to allow for at least 5 networks.
2- Think of your powers of 2. What power of 2 will get you closest to 5? 2^3 right?
Correct, because 2^3==8.
3- Now remember that you have to convert that Subnet Mask into binary:
4- We are only working in the last octet dont forget.
5- Remember for networks you count left to right.
6- So you are working in the last octet with 8 bits. You will take the first 3 bits and
change them into 1s because you are borrowing them from step 2.
7- 11100000
8- Your mask now looks like: 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000
9- Now you need to get the numerical representation of your mask. Remember each
bit has a numerical representation for this. From left to right: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,
2, 1
10- Add up your 1s in the last octet. 128+64+32 = 224.
11- Note the numerical representation of your last 132 This is your number of
12- Lets write your numerical representation of your mask:
13- Your first 5 networks will go as the following:
14 Your broadcast address will be 1 less than your next network.
15- Your first useable address is 1 more than your network. Your last useable
address is 1 less than your broadcast.
What is a Night?
I am not sure what that is either. Please give me some kind of information as to
where you found that. It might be a typo on my part.
How can we possibly know how many networks we need when we barely know what
networks are yet?
At this point you are just learning the numerical parts. You do not need to know
what a network is prior to this chapter.
I could ask these questions for ever single thing in every document you sent us.
My question is how did we get from cables to this subject?
We went into this because our next stop is working in TCP/IP and networks.
Familiarity is important when we get into these subjects. I do not want students
bogged down in what an IP address or Class C mask is when going over networks.

These things are so far past where we are in even understanding what a network is!
Do you really think Subnetting should have come before Topologies? Before TCP/IP
Yes, I feel it is important to get these basics down prior to starting heavy on IP
addresses and topologies.
How are we expected to grasp this subject without you leading us there from the
I am trying to not come across as rude here, but I really feel like this subject came
out of nowhere, and we weren't even given the basics before we were expected to
answer these questions.

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