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EDF 1001: Historical and Philosophical Foundation of Malaysian Education


Discuss the relevant educational policies that were developed prior to
1970 to foster national unity in Malaysia and evaluate their success.
1. Definition/ Concept
National Education System
Dasar adalah sesuatu ketetapan yang menjadi pegangan dan tonggak
tindakan dan urusan. Dalam apa jua institusi organisasi dan kerajaan dasar
digubal oleh golongan pemimpin, pemerintah atau pentadbir.
Golongan ini diberi kuasa dan mempunyai autoriti untuk menetapkan dasardasar yang menjadi kod, norma dan panduan amalan tindakan dan
pengendalian urusan pemerintahan dan pentadbiran.
Dasar-dasar yang digubal bertujuan melindungi hak, status, prestij dan
faedah bagi keseluruhan ahli sesebuah organisasi dan masyarakat.
Walau bagaimanapun, kadangkala sesuatu dasar itu mempunyai unsure
diskriminatif atau deprivatif yang bersengaja untuk melindungi kepentingan
keistimewaan sesuatu pihak atau golongan. Kadangkala juga sesuatu dasar
itu mempunyai unsur tekanan dan desakan untuk memastikan kepatuhan dan
kejayaan pelaksanaan dasar itu.
Dasar kerajan dalam perlbagai bidang, iaitu social, politik, ekonomi dan lainlain lagi, biasanya dinyatakan secara formal dalam dokumen-dokumen urusan
pentadbiran bidang-bidang dan perlembagaan yang telah didaulatkan. Walau
bagaimanapun, kadangkala dasar pemerintahan atau pengendalian urusan
kerajaan tidak dinyatakan tetapi dapat dilihat pada tindakan pemimpin atau
golongan pemerintah.
Bagi kebanyakan Negara di dunia ini, perumusan dan penggubalan dasar bagi
bidang pendidikan mengambil kira berbagai-bagai aspek kehidupan
masyarakat. Ini memandangkan bahawa bidang pendidikan adalah
sebahagian penting kehidupan dan budaya masyarakat.
Bidang dan system pendidikan, sama ada formal atau tidak formal,
merupakan agen atau media yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk proses
sosialisasi dan pembudayaan ahli-ahli masyarakat, khususnya generasi baru.
Ini bermakna perubahan masyarakat menyebabkan perubahan pada dasar
Walau bagaimanapun, perubahan dasar yang menuruti perkembangan
masyarakat tidak semestinya merombak seluruh sistem dan bidang
pendidikan tetapi biasanya berbentuk pengukuhan atau pemantapan kepada
dasar-dasar yang sedia wujud.
Di antara aspek-aspek masyarakat yang kuat mempengaruhi perumusan
dasar pendidikan ialah ideology Negara, iaitu sama ada ideology demokrasi,
sosialis, kapitalis, totalitarian, authoritarian, Marxist, komunis atau islam.
Ideologi ini merupakan teras penggubalan dasar pendidikan dan merupakan

factor yang kuat mempengaruhi susur galur atau[un [roses dan amalan
dalam pendidikan khususnya sistem pendidikan formal.
Lain-lain aspek masyarakat yang mempengaruhi penggubalan dasar
pendidikan ialah orientasi social, orientasi ekonomi, orientasi politik,
orientasi pembangunan, fahaman agama, kepelbagaian kaum,
teknologi dan pengaruh perkembangan antarabangsa, Misalnya,
orientasi social yang bermatlamatkan integrasi nasional seperti yang
wujud di Malaysia menjadi gagasan pemikiran perumusan dasar
pendidikan dari sejak merdeka sehingga kini.
For most countries in the world, formulation and formulation of policies for
education taking into account the various aspects of community life. The view
that education is an important part of life and culture.
Field and education system, whether formal or informal, is an agent or media
who are responsible for the process of socialization and acculturation
members of society, especially the new generation. This means that changes
in society lead to changes in education policy.
However, policy changes may not necessarily follow the development of
society overhauling the entire system and education but usually in the form of
consolidation or strengthening of policies which already exists.
Among the aspects of society that strongly influence the formulation of
educational policy is the State ideology, namely whether the ideology of
democracy, socialist, capitalist, totalitarian, authoritarian, Marxist, communist
or Muslim. This is the core ideology of education policy and a strong factor
influencing genealogical or [a [roses and practice in education, especially
formal education system.
Other aspects of society that affect education policy is oriented to social,
economic orientation, political orientation, development orientation, religious
belief, ethnic diversity, technology and the influence of international
developments, for example, social orientation, with the aim of national
integration as a concept exists in Malaysia for the formulation of education
policy since independence until now.

A policy is a basic principle by which a government is guided. Leaders,

government, or administrators are empowered to enforce policies as well as
formulate them.
The policies which were legislated are aimed to protect the rights,
status, prestige and the benefits of entire members of the organization
and the community. Most countries in the world, the formulation and
legislation of policies for education sector encompass various
aspects of community.

It is important to understand the way a policy works in order to understand

how the government works.
In any institutional organization, the policies are formulated by the leaders,
government or administrator. The force to determine the policies that became
code, norms and guidelines for action and state of affairs government and
administration are given to those people.

Prior to independence, when Malaya under British rule, the government had
identified the need to establish the one common education system that would
offer better quality of education for all races in the country. Yet, it was made
not for the nations benefit a whole but to satisfy the colonists interest.
left behind the one common education system for all. The awareness for the
need to replace the education system rose amongst the leader and locals that
has resulted the Razak Report 1956. An education system that incorporated
national characteristics and guaranteed children place in school regardless of
their ethnic or religion was established by the Education Committee Report
1956. As outlined in the Razak Report, the education policies were the
foundation in the formulating national education which emphasizing on
national unity.
After Malaya gained independence in 1957,
Prior to independence, there was awareness amongst the leaders and locals
for the need replace the education systems left behind by the colonist with
one common education system for all.
However, it was made to satisfy British interests but not to the nation as a
The Education Comm
Education Policy 1970
The formation of Education Review Committee in 1960 was to review the
particularly the implementation of National Education Policy.
the execution of recommendations that was made by 1957 Razak Report and
looked by an Education Review Committee. The findings of this committee,
commonly known as the Rahman Talib Report, confirmed the educational
policy in Razak Report and its general acceptance by the public.

2. Policy
1957 Razak Report

3. Types/ Characteristics
4. Development/ Enhancement/ Changes
5. Issues/ Challenges
6. Impacts: Positive
7. Implication: Negatives
8. Suggestion of Improvements/ Way Forward
9. Model of Improvement
10. Summary
11. Conclusion
12. References

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