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Humza Alla

SBI3U Heredity Traits Assignment

1. Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

2. A trait is a particular version of a characteristic that is inherited, such as
hair colour or blood type. It is also a notable feature or quality in a person.
3. Children look like their parents because they receive physical traits from
their parents in their DNA and the dominant trait from whichever parent will
be with the child.
4. They resemble each other because they inherited the traits from the
parents who had traits they now have.
5. The traits are passed on from generation to generation and the
chromosomes carry information for the traits. It is found in the chromosomes
and on the locus.
6. It fits into the cell because the cell wraps the DNA around proteins and
winds the strands into tight coils.
7. They are passed on or inherited when each parent equally gives their
genes and they give 23 chromosomes each.
8. Different types like eye colour, hair colour, skin colour, height and a lot of
different ones.
9. What defines our traits are the characteristics and DNA our parents had
and the ones that were passed on to us from their genes.
10. The traits are determined from the set of alleles that are inherited from
the parents and they combine to form the child. The dominant traits are put
in the child and if there are more recessive traits, the offspring will have
recessive traits.
11. One cell holds 46 chromosomes.
12. We can see what they look like, how they are paired and what sex the
offspring is from looking at the sex chromosomes. XX is for females and XY is
for males.
13. They carry the information for the traits to make the offspring unique and
carry the traits of the parents.

14. They are looked at under microscopes by being stained and

15. You can count, compare and arrange the chromosomes according to their
size and type.
16. Spindle fibres attach to the centromeres during cell division and the
centromeres migrate to opposite poles of the cell.
17. Karyotype is the chromosomes of an individual that have been sorted
and arranged according to size and type.
18. Have a picture of chromosomes by staining the chromosomes and
arrange it according to number, size or shape etc.
19. The relationship is that proteins are contained within blood and the blood
types contain proteins.
20. There would not be a good response in the body because it will trigger an
immune response and there will be blood clotting.
21. Blood type is genetic because the parents give one of the two ABO genes
to the child. While the O gene is the recessive one, the A and B are the
dominant ones.
22. Sperm and egg cells are produced through a process called
gametogenesis. The production of the mature sperm cells is
spermatogenesis and the production of mature egg cells is oogenesis
23. The parents contribute the remaining sets of chromosomes.
24. Depending if there are more or less chromosomes, the person will have
an abnormal number of chromosomes and genetic abnormalities will occur
which will eventually lead to diseases.
25. It ends up like that when homologous chromosomes fail to separate
during meiosis. If this happens, one of the daughter cells will have an extra
chromosome or have one less chromosome.
26. It means the person would have excess or less genetic information and
that would lead to a disorder such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome,
Edwards syndrome and some others.
27. 1) There is Y-line DNA which tests the Y chromosome.

2) There is mitochondrial DNA which is passed from a mother to any of her

3) There is autosomal DNA which tests the DNA from the parents and the 23
4) There is the X chromosome which allows people to use the results
separately from the rest of the autosomal results.

29. It is like that because an equal number of chromosomes are taken from
the parents. This process is called heredity which passes on the traits from
the parents to the offspring using the chromosomes.
30. It is genetic because the blood type genes are passed on from our
parents to us. We inherit 2 alleles of the gene which is one from each parent.
The combination of your two alleles determines your blood type. The A and B
antigen in the surface of the red blood cell are made by 2 different enzymes.
The A enzyme codes for the A allele while the B enzyme codes for the B
allele. There is an O enzyme which only codes for a protein that isnt

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