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Do not try to reason with the mind when trying to justify My Existence for I Am
not of this world
Sunday, May 5th, 2013 @ 16:15
My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of separation from Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, is unknown to
many, but when the day comes, when My Light will die towards the end, it will become clear how
wretched the agony is.
Those who know Me and who love Me, know what the pain brings, when sin forms a barrier between the
sinner and God.
Those who dont know Me, and those who reject Me, will experience this separation during the
final three days of darkness, when the Presence of God will be nowhere to be found.
It will only be when the Light of God disappears, that man will finally understand that there is no life
without God. All that is left is a void, a wilderness and darkness.
I Am the Light, which man seeks out, unbeknown to him, every second of every day.
As man strives to find peace and happiness he will try to find it anywhere he thinks he can. He will use
the pursuit of worldly material gain and lust of the flesh to satisfy needs, which can never be met and he
will follow false religions, which promise great personal satisfaction. None of these things will bring him
into the Light of God.
Even those who seek answers, through intellectual means and knowledge, will never find the peace or
the answers they seek, unless they open their hearts to the True Love of God.
I come to each of those who seek Me out. I delight in souls whose eager simplicity seeks only My Love. I
shower such people with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. To come closer to Me you must trust Me completely. It
is only when you abandon your will to Mine, that My Presence can be felt. To those people who try to find
Me, but who find it difficult, I say this to them.
Do not try to reason with the mind when trying to justify My Existence, for I Am not of this world.
Do not blind yourself to the existence of eternal life. It awaits you, if you could only trust Me and let Me
come into your heart and soul. I will make Myself known to you. All you must do is call Me. You must call
out to Me soon, for when My Presence on the earth dwindles, it will be impossible for you to seek Me out
and you will wander in helpless anguish trying to find Me.
Those who think that they are strong in their faith and who believe they are close to Me, must
know how quickly they will fall when I Am nowhere to be found in the tabernacles of the future.
Once that terrible day of desolation comes, there will be cries of despair and the power of the
beast will be such that many souls will be too weak to uphold My Holy Word.
You must ask for My help and you will be given it. Call Me with a humble spirit and I will answer you. Beg
Me to protect you and I will cover you with My Precious Blood, so that nothing will stop you on the path of
Truth, which leads to eternal salvation.
Serve Me by your own interpretation, as to how I should be served, and you will need to be careful. Do as
I have told you. Live your life according to My Word and I will carry you. Dishonor Me by using My Holy
Word in a way which brings suffering to others, and you will suffer the greatest pain of separation from
Your Jesus



Mother of Salvation: Just as if a miracle has taken place, the false prophet will
seem to rise from the dead
Thursday, July 25th, 2013 @ 18:52
My child, it is important my children do not lose courage when faced with the hurt they will have to face,
as my Sons Church will be cast into the wilderness of the desert.
I am the Woman in the Book of Revelation, clothed with the sun, who gave birth to the Child. The Child is
Jesus. The Mystical Body of my Son, Jesus, is His Church on Earth. My Sons Church is being stolen and
soon His Body will no longer be present therein. This desolation will tear the hearts of those, who follow
the Teachings of my Son, in two. Those, who will have nowhere to turn, will find themselves cast out of
the buildings which have, up to now, housed the Holy Eucharist. But, while they will have been thrown
out, with little mercy shown to them, they will be filled with the Holy Spirit. This means that they will be
guided and will lead fiercely the Remnant Army, which is made up of those who are loyal to God.
Others, blind to the Truth, will follow the false prophet into disarray. Their hearts will be deceived,
and soon, when the false prophet will be seen to be at deaths door, they will sob. But then, just as
if a miracle has taken place, the false prophet will seem to rise from the dead. They will say that he
is blessed with great, supernatural powers from Heaven and they will fall flat on their faces before
him in adoration. He will be loved and adored by those who cannot see.
Soon the antichrist will appear and his rise to fame will start in Jerusalem. Once he appears in
public, everything in my Sons Church will change, quickly. The new rules will be introduced. New
relics, changes in the garments worn by priests and many new regulations will be enforced. At first,
people will say that all these changes stem from a need to be humble. And, while these abominations
enter the Christian churches, the persecution will begin. Dare to object to these Satanic rituals and you
will be deemed a heretic a troublemaker.
Many cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns and ordinary people will be excommunicated, if they do not
follow the new rules or adore the false prophet. At this stage you must seek out refuges, which will have
been created, so that you can worship my Son, Jesus Christ, in peace. Priests must continue to
administer the Sacraments and provide my children with the Most Holy Eucharist.
You must never give in to the deceit, which you will be asked to take part in. Those who do will lose their
souls to the evil one.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation



They must retain the Holy Missals, the vestments, the Holy Bible and the Holy
Crosses. These will all be replaced
Saturday, August 17th, 2013 @ 11:50
My dearly beloved daughter, many of those who are blessed with a strong faith and love for Me, Jesus
Christ, are finally beginning to recognize My Voice, as I speak to the world through these Messages.
Those who spend their lives slavishly serving the serpent know also that it is I Who speaks. And so the
battle to do My Holy Will, on the one hand, and the desire by the enemies of God to fight Me, begins.
Those who are planning to inflict suffering upon humanity, as part of a covenant with the beast,
will be careful not to be seen to denounce these Messages publicly, as by doing so, they will give
credence to them. Instead, they will spread hatred against Me in other ways, starting by destroying the
faith of those within My Church. They will turn the hearts of those who love Me against their fellow
Christians. They will embrace pagans, new age witches and worshipers of the beast, rather than
Christians, who will object to the vile pagan rituals, which will be performed in Catholic Churches
and soon other Christian churches.
These events are still to come. Please do not think that the current Holy Masses or Sacraments have
changed yet, although they will change very soon. When they do, you must turn your back and defend
Much change has been planned for the last few years by the evil of Masonry in My Church on
Earth. Now their plans, already made known within the highest ranks in the churches, are about to
be announced. They will be unveiled with the announcement that the Catholic Church is being
modernized, so that it can become relevant in todays new, open minded, liberal society. It will say,
it will be putting the past behind and it will then say that its motto will be to embrace all creeds, to show
that it is not narrow in attitude. This announcement will be celebrated all over the world and the media will
cover this great news on its front pages, when before it viewed the Catholic Church with distaste.
The seed of Satan will be spent and the new ceremonies, where the format of the Holy Masses will be
presented backwards, but all the correct phrases relating to My Passion will be substituted with nonsense
empty words empty vessels empty tabernacles. All My Crosses will be replaced with the secret
symbols of the occult.
This is the desolation spoken of to the prophet Daniel. This is the end of My Holy Eucharist and the
end of the Mass, as you know it, in many places. But My beloved loyal servants will prepare now,
the production of the Holy Hosts. They must retain the Holy Missals, the vestments, the Holy Bible
and the Holy Crosses. These will all be replaced.
You must gather soon and plan, for you will not be allowed to say Mass according to My Will.
I will guide you, My sacred servants, when the time comes. To those Christians who believe that this
abomination will only be seen in the Catholic Church, then know that it will affect all Christian churches,
until they banish all mentions of, or signs of, Me. In time, you will be severely punished for mentioning My
You will be shocked at how quickly the seemingly innocent, renewed, but contaminated, Church will
descend into a wicked cult. They will go to extraordinary lengths to punish those who will defy their
manmade, pagan, new world religion.
Christians and Jews will be the main target of hatred and they will be persecuted because of their religion.
Instead of being fearful, I Call you to be prepared to fight for My Name. Never forget how much I Am still
hated. Know when you follow Me, in these times which lie ahead, your cross will be much heavier than
those who came before you.
Your Jesus



Mother of Salvation: My children everywhere you must listen to me, your
beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow
Monday, August 19th, 2013 @ 18:28
My children everywhere you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow. I call
especially on those of you who have a great devotion to me, the Mother of God, as I comfort you at this
time of great apostasy. You must accept this Intervention from Heaven with good grace and be thankful
that because of the great Love of my beloved Father, that you have been given this great Gift.
When you believe that the grave wave of paganism, which will soon engulf my Sons Church, all over the
world, is beyond your endurance, then you must ask for my intercession. Whatever happens, when you
remain faithful to my Son, although every attempt will be made to distract you, all will be well. Never feel
that it is hopeless, for the great Glory of my Son and the Will of God will soon be revealed.
No matter how many in the Church are led into grave error, the Word of God will spread like wildfire. The
two witnesses to the Word of God the true Christian Church and the House of Israel will stand
the test of time. Fire will pour from their mouths in the form of the Holy Spirit.
In time, after the abomination of desolation has been revealed, those loyal to the Truth will rise and theirs
will be the Kingdom of Christ. Lies will always be found out, though in the beginning, those of you who
have been filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit will suffer so much when you witness the terrible
desecration in my Sons Churches. The Truth will be seen and all of those who were misled in the
beginning will, eventually, understand the evil, which will have been laid down before you.
You must only trust in my Son during this torturous journey, where you will be treated like a criminal for
insisting on staying true to the Word of God. Please remember my Sons Own journey to Calvary. Accept
this cross, with love and dignity, as you are greatly pleasing to my Son when you carry His
burden. Through your sacrifice and suffering, He will redeem the most unworthy of souls and then
He will be able to unite all of Gods children.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation



My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number
of years of desolation
Saturday, September 28th, 2013 @ 15:23
My dearly beloved daughter, always remind those who believe in Me, but who have no idea that
My Second Coming draws close, that they must always be alert to the signs which were
prophesied in My Fathers Book, for the time which precedes the Great Day.
The great apostasy is the first sign. This is when belief in the Truth the Word of God
disappears and when sin is glorified in every part of the world. The sign for when My Second
Coming draws very close is when the great apostasy grips My Church on Earth from within. When you
see those who say that they have been appointed by Me to lead My Church on Earth engage in the
secular world in order to gain favor, you will know that the changes have begun. When you see the Great
Sacrifice My Crucifixion being debated and new meanings attached to My Eucharist, you will know
that My Church will be cast into the desert.
By My Church, I refer to those who do not deviate from the Truth and who continue, as before, to
accept the Word of God. My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a
number of years of desolation. It will be trampled upon by the heathen and will suffer, but by My Grace,
it will remain intact and those brave souls who refuse to desert Me will be given extraordinary Gifts by Me.
As the abominable, so called miracles, healings and gestures of false humility and love for humanity are
witnessed in the shell of My Church, the true miraculous interventions by Me will be seen. I will, through
My Crusade Prayer Groups, make known to those who scoff and mock them, the Presence of the Holy
Spirit. Many miracles will be bestowed upon My Prayer Groups and those who recite the Prayers as a gift
to help My beloved disciples cope with religious persecution.
The persecution I speak of is mainly a spiritual one. My true disciples, and I mean all Christians, of every
denomination, everywhere, will watch in great sorrow when they have to bear witness to the great deceit,
which will descend over the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will embrace the secular world and
will declare mortal sin to be no more. Sin will not be acknowledged and in order to deceive the
innocents, they will be told that it is not difficult to enter My Kingdom. Confessions will stop in the
present format. People will be told to ask for redemption in their own way, and as such, many will not
then bother to ask for My Forgiveness. They wont do this because they will no longer accept that sin is
caused deliberately and, because of this, that God will forgive all. This is the error which was foretold and
which will lead millions into the fires of Hell and they will be led there by the false prophet and the
Soon, all pagan feasts and festivals will be integrated within the Catholic Churches everywhere.
Pagans and those who hate God will be invited onto the altars in front of the tabernacles. This
feast will be declared to be the new form of Communion all Gods children joining together in order to
respect each others beliefs and human rights. You, My followers, will be asked to show respect for those
who want to destroy My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. You will be accused of being anti- Christian if
you do not embrace paganism. This is how you will all be fooled. This is how I, Jesus Christ, will be
desecrated. They will do the same in schools, in order to banish Christianity. They will do the same in
political circles, when everything to do with Me will be wiped out. No other religion will be targeted with
such hatred. Christianity, because it is the Truth, will be destroyed.
What you do not realize is, that by becoming willing participants in this wicked desecration, that your
souls will be darkened and in time you will forsake your own salvation.
Betray Me and I will forgive you. Deny Me and I will forgive you. But, when you desecrate Me and swear
allegiance to the beast, you become completely separated from Me and you will find it impossible to
accept My Mercy.
Your Jesus



You are the generation, which will have to bear witness to the final Crucifixion
of My Church
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 @ 13:30
My dearly beloved daughter, My beloved servants will unite in union with Me less than half of them
but their loyalty to Me will help My Army to survive and grow in order to spread the Gospels
during the global darkness which will be felt during this, the greatest apostasy of all time.
The lack of respect for Me, Jesus Christ, is becoming evident in all nations, in public places and in My
Churches. My desire now is to prepare My Army properly. Do not, My beloved followers, let these things
disturb you, for they will only distract you when I need you to be strong in your faith. Just as doors were
slammed in My Mothers face, as she tried to seek shelter, just before My Birth, so too will doors be shut
in your faces. Know that when these doors are being slammed in your faces by those misguided servants
in My Church, you must only turn to Me then. Know also that those who claim to be holy people,
knowledgeable in Holy Scripture and the Teachings of My Church, will queue up and be the first to
condemn you, because you are following the Truth. I refer to all souls in the world who love Me and
who know the Truth and not, necessarily, those who follow these My Messages for the whole world.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit will fall only upon those worthy to receive this precious Gift from God.
Those empty of the Holy Spirit will scream abuse and try to convince you to follow the heresies,
which will soon become rampant in all Christian churches. The more they show their fear for
these Messages, the more they will strike out at you. You must ignore their hateful venom and
remain silent. These days are almost upon you. Some of you will already have glimpsed the
severe opposition, which you will have to endure because of Me.
You are the generation, which will have to bear witness to the final Crucifixion of My Church, but know
this. Out of the ashes will rise My Glorious Body, the New Jerusalem and you will be chosen to reign
amongst the twelve nations. When you remain true to Me, I will raise you in glory and Heaven and Earth
will be yours, in the world to come. You must remain fixed on Me only, during the desolation of
abomination, for it will be short. And then, nothing will ever separate you from Me again.
Your Jesus



There will rise a fearful army, the likes of which will never have been seen before
Thursday, March 20th, 2014 @ 21:42
My dearly beloved daughter, the world is on the brink of many wars and these will have many
repercussions on the speed by which the Church will erupt. It will be during any final peace negotiations,
which will take place after much carnage and destruction, that many people will feel helpless, alone,
fearful and without any real leadership. It will be because of the weak links in the political world that the
world will be at its most vulnerable. Because of this, there will rise a fearful army, the likes of which
will never have been seen before. As the world will fragment, so also will many churches. Then
when all seems hopeless, a unified group, consisting of political leaders and Christian Church
leaders, will be created under a one-world organization out of which will sprout a new
abomination a new one-world religion.
All of these events will take place in stages. Your duty, My beloved followers, is to Me, as I guide you,
for there is only one road to peace and safety and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. I will guide you
through the thorns, the pain and the horror of the abomination of desolation. You will be safe when you
cling to Me.
Be strong, My beloved daughter, during these difficult trials, for it will be through your strength and
courage that I will be able to show the Way of the Truth, when the world is turned inside out, because of
the wickedness brought about by the love of power and corruption, which will bring about these wars and
then the Great War.
Move quickly and ensure that you dedicate your lives to prayers and for the protection of My
Church on Earth. My Gifts will protect each of you and I will always respond to those who seek Me
out, in this time of great turmoil ahead. When these events unfold, My Army on Earth will swell.
Those who oppose this Mission will follow Me, for by then they will no longer be able to deny the Truth
when they find that they, too, will suffer the persecution to be faced by Christians everywhere, when they
have to endure the reign of the Dragon. Their only hope will be to follow Me, their Jesus, at that stage, for
only through Me will they be able to come to My Fathers Kingdom.
Your Jesus


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