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Discrete Radon

Exact Inversion

Discrete Fourier

Brady have defined a discrete Radon Transform (DRT) that

sums an images pixel values along a set of aptly chosen
discrete lines, complete in slope and intercept.
Used to invert elements in a finite field.
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) converts a finite list
of equally spaced samples of a function into the list
of coefficients of a finite combination of complex sinusoids,
ordered by their frequencies, that has those same sample
values. It can be said to convert the sampled function from its
original domain (often time or position along a line) to
the frequency domain. Consider a complex series x (n) with n
samples of the form x 0 ,x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ,...,x k,...xn1 where x is
a complex number xk = xreal + iximag Further, assume that
that the series outside the range 0, N-1 is extended Nperiodic, that is, xk = xk+N for all k. The FT of this series will be
denoted X(k), it will also have N samples. The forward
transform will be defined as

Periodic VectorSequences

Classical Radon
Transform (RT)

Each row vector is rotated one element to the right relative to

the preceding row vector. Circulant matrices are diagonalized
by a discrete Fourier Transform hence linear equations that
contain them may be quickly solved using a Fast Fourier
Inverse transform is the same as forward transform with the
real and imaginary parts swapped for both input and output,
up to a normalization.
Reduce the wave equation in R to the one-dimensional wave
equation (with a parameter).
Mathematical device used when performing a sum, integral or
average to give some elements more weight or influence on
the result than other elements in the same set. The result of
this application of a weight function is weighted sum or
weighted average. General definition

f : A R , unweighted sum of f on A is defined as

f ( a)

a A

But given weight function


+ ,

w : A R the weight sum defined

f ( a ) w(a)

a A



The property of a line which indicates that motion (forward or

backward) can take place in only one direction. Formally,
saying a line has one dimension means that you can find
a nonzero vector on the line. In addition, for any set of two
vectors on the line one must be a multiple of the other.
Analog signal is defined at every time instant and it can take
any amplitude value within its range.

al Digital Signal



Slant Stack

A multidimensional signal is the function of many

independent variables (dimensions). eg Pixel in the image has
two independent variables: horizontal movement and vertical
movement. A digital signal can take amplitude values out of
fixed set and it is discrete in time.
An exactly defined specification of the operations to be
carried out on data, by means of which it is possible, using a
discrete-operation digital computer, to convert a certain
amount of data (input data) into a certain amount of other
data (output data) by performing a finite number of
operations. A computational algorithm is realized in the form
of a computational process, i.e. as a finite sequence of states
of a real computer, discretely distributed in time, the real
computer unlike an abstract computer having a
restricted rate of performance of the operations, a restricted
number of digit places to form a number and a restricted
storage capacity
Digital signal processing (DSP) is the mathematical
manipulation of an information signal to modify or improve it
in some way. It is characterized by the representation of
discrete time, discrete frequency, or other discrete
domain signals by a sequence of numbers or symbols and the
processing of these signals.
Slant stack is a transformation of the offset axis. It is like
steering a beam of seismic waves.
The TAU-P transform is another special case of RADON
transform where the data are decomposed as a series of
straight lines which map to points in the tau-p domain.
Hyperbolic events (e.g. those in shot gathers) map to elliptical
curves in Tau-P. This process also used to be referred to as
slant-stacking since to produce the tau-p domain the input


Beam Forming

Ground Roll

data may be stacked along a series of straight lines. The tau-p

process is becoming common prior to predictive
deconvolution for multiple suppression since this performs
more accurately in the tau-p domain. The tau-p transform
may also be used to optimally isolate and filter guided waves,
refractions and types of interference. Filtering in the tau-p
domain is usually more expensive than in the F-K domain, but
can produce better quality results.
Velocity filtering is a track-before-detect algorithm that can be
utilized to perform field-based passive ranging.
Beam forming or spatial filtering is a signal
processing technique used in sensor arrays for directional
signal transmission or reception. This is achieved by
combining elements in a phased array in such a way that
signals at particular angles experience constructive
interference while others experience destructive interference.
Beam forming can be used at both the transmitting and
receiving ends in order to achieve spatial selectivity
Ground roll is the main type of coherent noise in land seismic
surveys and is characterized by low frequencies and high

Plane Wave
P-S Separation
Resampling Of
Beam Steering

Iterative And
Of Radons

Beam steering (also spelled beamsteering or beam-steering)

is about changing the direction of the main lobe of a radiation
The Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART) is a class
of iterative algorithms used in computed tomography. These
reconstruct an image from a series of angular projections
(a sinogram). Gordon, Bender and Herman first showed its
use in image reconstruction; whereas the method is known
asKaczmarz method in numerical linear algebra.

The forward problem as an algebraic model A x = b

reconstruction amounts to solving A x = b iteratively.
The approximate inversion is shown to provide much of the
same information, but in a substantially reduced amount of




A CAT scan is a diagnostic test that enables the spinal canal

to be imaged and assessed for specific conditions. The scan
works by shooting an x-ray beam at 160 points throughout
the body and crystals opposite the beam pick up and record
the absorption rates of the varying thicknesses of tissue and
Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves
that move through and around the earth. Seismic waves are
the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock
within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that
travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.
A seismogram is a graph output by a seismograph. It is a
record of the ground motion at a measuring station as a
function of time. Seismograms typically record motions in
three cartesian axes (x, y, and z), with the z axis
perpendicular to the Earth's surface and the x- and y- axes
parallel to the surface. The energy measured in a seismogram
may result from an earthquake or from some other source,
such as an explosion. Seismograms can record lots of things,
and record many little waves, called microseisms.. These tiny
microseisms can be caused by heavy traffic near the
seismograph, waves hitting a beach, the wind, and any
number of other ordinary things that cause some shaking of
the seismograph

al Signal Array


Fast Inversion

A synthetic seismogram is the result of forward modelling

the seismic response of an input earth model, which is
defined in terms of 1D, 2D or 3D variations in physical
properties. In hydrocarbon exploration this is used to provide
a 'tie' between changes in rock properties in a borehole and
seismic reflection data at the same location. It can also be
used either to test possible interpretation models for 2D and
3D seismic data or to model the response of the predicted
geology as an aid to planning a seismic reflection survey. In
the processing of wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR)
data, synthetic seismograms are used to further constrain the
results of seismic tomography. In earth quake seismology,
synthetic seismograms are used either to match the predicted
effects of a particular earthquake source fault model with
observed seismometer records or to help constrain the Earth's
velocity structure.[2] Synthetic seismograms are generated
using specialized geophysical software.

Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT)

A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm to compute

the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse. Fourier
analysis converts time (or space) to frequency
(or wavenumber) and vice versa; an FFT rapidly computes
such transformations by factorizing the DFT matrix into a
product of sparse (mostly zero) factors.

Spatial Variable
Frequency Band

A signal is said to be a band limited signal if all of it's

frequency components are zero above a certain finite
frequency. i.e it's power spectral density should be zero above
the finite frequency.

Periodic BandLimited

Synthetic VSP
Seismic Profile)

Real VectorSequence
Wave Functions

Fundamental result on the summability of the Fourier series of

a function. Geometrically, it is the Pythagorean
theorem for inner-product spaces.
In some reservoir applications, seismic data are acquired with
down hole sources and receivers. If the receiver is stationed
at various depth levels in a well and the source remains on
the surface, the measurement is called vertical seismic
profiling (VSP). This technique produces a high-resolution, 2D
image that begins at the receiver well and extends a short
distance (a few tens of meters or a few hundred meters,
depending on the source offset distance) toward the source
station. This image, a 2D profile restricted to the vertical
plane passing through the source and receiver coordinates, is
useful in tying seismic responses to subsurface geologic and
engineering control.

A set of functions derived by time limiting and low passing,

and a second time limit operation.


The Hough transform is a feature extraction technique used

in image analysis, computer vision, and digital image
processing. The purpose of the technique is to find imperfect
instances of objects within a certain class of shapes by a
voting procedure. This voting procedure is carried out in
a parameter space, from which object candidates are
obtained as local maxima in a so-called accumulator space
that is explicitly constructed by the algorithm for computing
the Hough transform.

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