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3, MARCH 2008

A Factor Graph Approach to the Iterative Detection

of OFDM Signals in the Presence of
Carrier Frequency Offset and Phase Noise
Filippo Zuccardi Merli and Giorgio Matteo Vitetta, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper provides a new iterative solution to the CFO can appreciably degrades the channel estimation. This
problem of the joint estimation of phase noise and residual carrier task is analyzed using different estimation strategies: in [17]
frequency offset in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing a sequential Monte Carlo estimation strategy is used, CFO
transmission over a multipath fading channel, in the presence of
known data and channel impulse response. The proposed tech- estimator maximizing likelihood functions are obtained in
nique results from the application of the sum-product algorithm [18]–[21] or some other cost functions in [22]. Finally in [23]
to a factor graph representing the joint a posteriori probability the frequency synchronization is achieved using Kalman Fil-
density function of the carrier frequency offset and the phase tering. Moreover a number of data-aided [24]–[26] and blind
noise vector affecting a given symbol. The resulting algorithm (i.e., data independent) [27]–[33] CFO estimators have been
is shown to be exploited in a coherent receiver for both data-
aided training and decision-directed tracking. Its performance devised respectively for receiver initialization and tracking and
is assessed by computer simulations and is compared with that the effects of synchronization errors on OFDM modulations
provided by other strategies. are illustrated in [34]. It is important to point out, however,
Index Terms— Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, that all the above CFO estimators do not take into account the
factor graphs, sum-product algorithm, fading channel, carrier presence of PHN in the received signal model and this explain
frequency offset, phase noise. why their estimation accuracy worsens in the presence of that
impairment. Moreover, in some applications, even if the CFO
I. I NTRODUCTION is compensated for, an acceptable performance is not attained
if PHN effects are not cancelled [3].

I T is well known that orthogonal frequency division multi-

plexing (OFDM) [1] systems are more sensitive to a resid-
ual carrier frequency offset (CFO) and to phase noise (PHN)
In [8] Robertson and Kaiser proposed a more pragmatic
approach to derive a data-aided compensation strategy for
than their single carrier (SC) counterparts [2], [3]. In this case, both CFO and PHN, combining their effects in an unique
in fact, the use of properly coded techniques, like differential phase contribution, called combined phase impairment. This
codes [4], in conjunction with low complexity estimation was the basic idea that inspired some more recent papers [35]–
algorithms [5]–[7], can guarantee satisfactory performance. [36]. All the above cited papers employ a maximum likelihood
On the other hand CFO and PHN are more challenging approach to multiplying each received signal sample by a
problems in OFDM systems because they affect the subcarrier proper complex coefficient, when detecting an OFDM symbol.
orthogonality producing both a phase offset, dubbed common However, on the one hand, the technique proposed in [8]
phase error (CPE), that rotates all the subcarriers of each suppresses the CPE term only, providing poor performance
OFDM symbol, and a noise-like interference between close in the presence of a large CFO and/or of strong PHN, since
subcarriers, known as inter-carrier interference (ICI) [8], [9]. the ICI contribution is not cancelled. On the other hand, the
For these reasons they need to be properly estimated and algorithms derived in [35] and [36] try to cope with ICI
compensated for at the receive side in order to avoid an also. Note that all these techniques do not compute explicit
appreciable performance degradation [10]. estimates of the CFO and the PHN, since they only try to
In the last years various solutions have been proposed for compensate for their effects. This explains why satisfactory
CFO/PHN estimation and compensation in OFDM systems. performance is not achieved when these algorithms operate in
For example PHN compensation strategies are analyzed in a decision-directed fashion to track quick phase changes due
[11]–[15] and their effects on the system performance in to Doppler shifts and/or to the instability of local oscillators.
[16]. However all these works do not take into account the In fact, a coherent receiver needs accurate estimates of both
effects of CFO. On the other hand many papers deal to CFO and PHN to correct the received signal samples feeding
CFO estimation in OFDM systems in presence of unknown the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) block, in order to sub-
channel, pointing out how the presence of an uncompensated stantially reduce the CPE and ICI in the DFT output samples
Manuscript received June 12, 2006; revised November 30, 2006; accepted
used for data detection.
March 26, 2007. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper
and approving it for publication was F. Daneshgaran. In this paper a novel iterative technique for the joint
F. Zuccardi Merli and G. M. Vitetta are with the Dept. of Information estimation and cancellation of both CFO and PHN is proposed.
Eng., University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 41100 Modena, Italy (e-mail:
{zuccardimerli.filippo, vitetta.giorgio}@unimo.it). It results from (a) the application of the sum-product algorithm
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2008.060358. (SPA) to the factor graph (FG) [37] of the joint probability
c 2008 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on August 4, 2009 at 07:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

density function (pdf) of the residual1 CFO and the phase The OFDM signal is transmitted over a wide sense sta-
noise vector affecting a single OFDM symbol, conditioned tionary uncorrelated scattering (WSS-US) Rayleigh fading
on the transmitted symbol and the channel state, and (b) the channel with time varying impulse response h(t, τ ) [41]. In the
adoption of a particle filtering (PF) strategy operating over following we assume that: (a) the channel impulse response
the continuous spaces of the parameters to be estimated [38]– (CIR) is

[39]. A PF approach for OFDM detection in presence of time
and frequency synchronization errors has been proposed in h(t, τ ) = hn (t) δ(τ − nTs ) (1)
[40], in which, however, PHN is not taken into account and
PF algorithm is used to maximize an intractable likelihood where L is the number of distinct paths and {hl (t), l = 0, 1,
function and not to update the pdfs of unknown parameters ..., L − 1} are mutually independent, WSS Gaussian complex
in a FG. Finally it is important to point out that, like all random processes, having zero mean and statistical powers
the above mentioned techniques, our estimator requires a {σ 2 (n) = E{|hn (t)|2 }, n = 0, 1, ..., L − 1}; (b) the channel
knowledge of the wireless channel and, for this reason, it is can be deemed static over each OFDM symbol interval (quasi
mainly suitable to fixed wireless access applications, where static channel), so that during the transmission of the l-th
the slowing time-varying nature of the propagation scenario OFDM symbol interval the CIR (1) can be approximated as
makes accurate channel estimation a simple task. Unlike them, L−1
however, our algorithm compensates for CPE and ICI in the h(t, τ ) ∼
= h(l) (τ ) = hn [l] δ(τ − nTs ) (2)
received samples using explicit estimates of the frequency and n=0
phase parameters and can closely approach ideal performance
where h(l) (τ ) and hn [l] denote the CIR and the value taken
after few iterations, even in the presence of strong PHN.
by the n-th tap gain hn (t) of (1), with n = 0, 1, ..., L − 1,
This paper is organized as follows. Signal and channel
in the l-th OFDM symbol interval, respectively; (c) Ncp ≥
models are illustrated in Section II. The derivation of our
2Np + L − 1, so that no inter-block interference is found in
estimation technique based on the SPA and on a PF algorithm
the detection of OFDM symbols.
is analyzed in Section III, where the issue of its computational
complexity is also discussed. Section IV describes the use of At the receive side if the CFO does not exceed the subcarrier
the devised estimator in an iterative coherent receiver, peri- spacing and changes negligibly over each OFDM interval, it
odically trained by pilot symbols. Some performance results can be shown that the received signal, after down-conversion
are illustrated in Section V, where the proposed solution is and low-pass filtering, can be expressed as [28], [35]
compared with those of [8] and [35]. Finally, Section VI offers r(t) = s t − lNT Ts , a(l) , H(l) , ν (l) , φ(t) + w(t) (3)
some conclusions.
for t ∈ [lNT Ts , (lNT + N )Ts ], where
The block diagram of the OFDM transmitter is illustrated s t, a(l) , H(l) , ν (l) , φ(t) = exp j2πν (l) t/N Ts + jφ(t)
in [28, Fig. 1, p. 245]. The input data stream is mapped into N
1 (l) (l)
a sequence of independent and identically distributed channel ·√ a Hk
N Ts k=0 k
symbols, each belonging to an M -ary complex constellation.
This sequence is divided into non overlapping blocks, each · exp(j2πfk t) (4)
consisting of Nu = 2Nα + 1 symbols2 , where Nu represents
. is the useful component of r(t). Here fk  k/N Ts is the
the number of useful subcarriers. Then Nvc = N − Nu null . (l) (l) (l)
k-th subcarrier frequency, H(l) = [H0 , H1 , ..., HN −1 ]T
symbols (where Nvc is the number of virtual carriers and N (l)
is the overall number of subcarriers) are added to each block and Hn (with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1) is the channel frequency
(l) (l) response at the n-th subcarrier frequency in the l-th symbol
producing a N -dimensional vector: let a(l) = [a0 , a1 , ...,
(l) T T interval. In addition w(t) is complex additive white Gaussian
aN −1 ] (where (·) represents the transpose operator) denote
noise (AWGN) with two-sided power spectral density 2N0
the vector transmitted in the l-th OFDM symbol interval. This
over the OFDM signal bandwidth, whereas φ(t) and ν (l)
vector feeds an N -th order inverse discrete Fourier transform
. (l) (l) (l) are the phase noise process (due to both transmitter and
(IDFT) producing the vector b(l) = [b0 , b1 , ..., bN −1 ]T ,
receiver local oscillators) and the residual CFO (normalized
which is extended adding a cyclic prefix of length Ncp . Finally,
to the OFDM symbol rate 1/N Ts ), respectively, affecting the
the resulting block of length NT = N + Ncp , after series to
demodulated signal in the l-th symbol interval. Note that the
parallel conversion, feeds a transmission filter, having impulse
stochastic process φ(t) is independent of the CFO and can
response p(t), at a rate 1/Ts , where Ts is the channel symbol
be described as a continuous Brownian motion process with
interval. In the following we assume that p(t) is time limited
zero mean and variance 2πβt, where β denotes the two-sided
to the interval (−Np Ts , Np Ts ) and that its Fourier transform
linewidth, i.e. the 3-dB bandwidth of the PHN power spectrum
P (f ) is the root of a raised cosine with roll-off α, so that
Nα = int[N (1 − α)/2] [28].
When detecting the l-th OFDM symbol, the signal r(t) (3)
(l) .
1 Generally speaking, the CFO consists of a multiple of the subcarrier
is sampled at the instants tn = lNT Ts + nTs , with n =
spacing plus a residual, which does not exceed half of this spacing. In −Ncp , −Ncp + 1, ..., N − 1. Discarding the first Ncp samples
the following it is always assumed that the former has been completely
compensated for, so that only the latter needs to be estimated. (i.e., the samples associated with the cyclic prefix) produces
. (l) (l) (l)
2 The parameter N is defined below.
α the N dimensional vector r(l) = [r0 , r1 , ..., rN −1 ]T , with
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(l) . (l)
rn = r(tn ) and n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1. It is not difficult to following sections operates on a block-by-block basis, the de-
prove that this vector can be expressed in matrix form as pendence of the signal models (5)-(10) on the block index l is
dropped in the following to simplify the algorithm derivation.
r(l) = E(l) FN A(l) H(l) + w(l) (5)
. .
where A(l) = diag{a(l) } (X = diag{x} denotes the N × N
diagonal matrix having the elements of the N dimensional
vector x along its main diagonal), E(l) = diag{e(l) }, e(l) =
(l) (l) (l) (l) (l)
[e0 , e1 , ..., eN −1 ] with en = exp(j2πnν (l) + jφn ) and
A. Derivation of a CFO & PHN Estimator Based on the SPA
(l) . (l)
φn = φ(tn ), and FN is an N × N IDFT matrix with An algorithm extracting approximate maximum likelihood
[FN ]p,q = exp[j2πpq/N ] (p, q = 0, 1, ..., N − 1). Moreover, (ML) estimates ν̂ and φ̂ of the normalized CFO ν and the
. (l) (l) (l) .
w(l) = [w0 , w1 , ..., wN −1 ]T is a noise vector consisting PHN vector φ = [φ0 , φ1 , ..., φN −1 ]T , respectively, from the
of independent and identically distributed complex Gaussian signal received in a single OFDM symbol interval can process
random variables, each having zero mean and variance σw = the time domain sample vector r (5) or its frequency-domain
2N0 /Ts . It is important to note that counterpart R (8). The dependence of the elements of the
1) because of the nature of the PHN process φ(t) [10], former vector on the PHN, however, is substantially easier than
the PHN sequence {φn } in (5) can be modelled as a that of the latter one because of the transmitted and receiver
discrete-time Markov process, so that [5], [42] oscillators, that are the origin of PHN process, upconverting
and downconverting respectively the OFDM signal in its time
φ(l) (l)
n = φn−1 + Δn (6) domain form (i.e. after the IDFT at the transmitter side and
(l) before the DFT at the receiver side). At the same time,
with n = −Ncp , −Ncp + 1, ..., N − 1 and φ−Ncp −1 =
(l−1) (l)
however, it is well known that data detection in OFDM system
φN −1 . Here {Δn } is a real white Gaussian process can be achieved with a low complexity one-tap equalization
with zero mean and variance σφ2 = γ/N , where γ = technique in the frequency domain [4]. Moreover an OFDM
2πβT and T = N Ts is the OFDM symbol period. iterative receiver, like that described in the following section,
2) The channel vector H(l) in (5) can be expressed as [43], needs to keep as low as possible the number of DFT/IDFT
[44] implemented during its iterations to not overload the system.
H(l) = FN,L h(l) (7) For this reason in this section we describe the PHN estimation
. in the time domain when the data matrix is known, and then
where h(l) = [h0 [l], h1 [l], ..., hL−1 [l]]T and FN,L is a
N × L DFT matrix with [FN,L ]p,q = exp[−j2πpq/N ] in the next section we show an iterative receiver strategy for
(p = 0, 1, ..., N − 1 and q = 0, 1, ..., L − 1). joint PHN and data estimation keeping low the number of
DFT/IDFT operations. Following this way, in our derivation
The vector r(l) (5) feeds an N -th order DFT producing the
. (l) (l) (l) we take into consideration the signal model (5), that we rewrite
N dimensional vector R(l) = [R0 , R1 , ..., RN −1 ]T . It can as (see (7))
be shown that [9], [24], [35] r = EZ + w (11)
(l) (l) (l)
Rk = g 0, ν (l) , φ(l) ak Hk + .
where Z = FN A FN,L h = [z0 , z1 , ..., zN −1 ]T represents
(l) the contribution of both the transmitted data and the channel
ICI k, a(l) , ν (l) , φ(l) + nk (8)
impulse response (CIR). As was asserted in the Introduction,
. (l) (l) (l)
with k = 0, 1, ..., N −1, where φ(l) = [φ0 , φ1 , ..., φN −1 ]T , the CIR can be assumed known for fixed access application3
  and, if the data matrix is assumed known as stated above,
ICI k, a(l) , ν (l) , φ(l) then the matrix Z in (11) is also known. Under the above
assumption, following [5], an estimation algorithm can be
 −1   devised applying the SPA to the factor graph of the joint
= g n − k, ν (l) , φ(l) a(l)
n Hn
posterior probability density function f (ν̃, φ̃|r, A, h) of the
n=0, n=k
normalized CFO ν and the PHN vector φ, given the received
N −1
vector r, the transmitted symbols A and the CIR vector h.
. 1  In fact this leads, in principle, to the computation of the pdf
g(n − k, ν (l) , φ(l) ) = exp [j2πp(n − k)/N ]
N p=0 f (ν|r, A, h) (f (φn |r, A, h), with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1) of
   the CFO (of the n-th element of the PHN vector φ), through
exp j 2πν (l) p/N + φk (10) the marginalization of f (ν̃, φ̃|r, A, h) with respect to φ (with
respect to ν and to {φk , k = n}) [37]; then a ML estimate of
and the set {ni , i = 0, 1, ..., N − 1} consists of inde- ν (φn , with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1) can be evaluated through a
pendent and identically distributed complex Gaussian ran- maximum search.
dom variables, each having zero mean and variance σn2 = A factorization of the pdf f (ν̃, φ̃|r, A, h), useful for the
2N0 /Ts . In (8) the quantity ICI(k, a(l) , ν (l) , φ(l) ) expresses representation of its FG, can be derived as follows. Given the
the ICI affecting the k-th subcarrier, whereas the term received signal model (11), this joint pdf can be also rewritten
g(0, ν (l) , φ(l) ) represents the CPE due to the residual CFO and
to the PHN on the same subcarrier. 3 In practice, the CIR can be estimated before CFO and PHN compensation
Since the signal processing algorithm described in the resorting to a data-aided algorithm, like those proposed in [45]-[46].

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fn 1 fn fn 1 joint pdf in (12) leads to the factorization

 −1 N
0 n
fn f ν̃, φ̃|r, Z = f (ν̃) δ δn−1 fn (19)
n=1 n=0
where fn = fn (rn |zn , ν, φn ) with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1.
fn fn
n n
The corresponding FG is illustrated in Fig. 1. Such a graph
is not cycle-free (its girth is equal to 6), so that accurate
n 1 n n 1
pdf marginalization requires a sort of iterative SPA [47].
n 1
n n In the solution we propose here each iteration consists of
n 1 n
downward/upward message passing steps and is carried out
according to the scheduling strategy described in the follow-
n 1 pnnn 1 n 1
ing. The downward message passing starts with the parallel
n 2 n 1 n

evaluation of the messages4 (see Fig. 1)

Fig. 1. Factor graph for CFO and PHN estimation. Both CIR and data are    
assumed known. μfn →ν (ν̃) = fn rn |zn , ν̃, φ̃n μφn →fn φ̃n dφ̃n

as f (ν, φ|r, Z) and factored as .
μfn →φn (φ̃n ) = fn (rn |zn , ν̃, φ̃n ) μν→fn (ν̃) dν̃ (21)
f ν̃, φ̃|r, Z = f ν̃, φ̃ f r|Z, ν̃, φ̃
going from the factor node fn (13) to the variable nodes ν and
−1   φn (with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1), respectively. Here, Γφn and Γν
= f (ν̃) f φ̃ fn rn |zn , ν̃, φ̃n (12) denote the spaces of the PHN sample φn and of the normalized
CFO ν, respectively, whereas μφn →fn (φn ) and μν→fn (ν) are
since (a) the PHN is independent of the CFO, (b) the vector r, the messages from the variable nodes φn and ν, respectively,
given Z, ν and φ, consists of statistically independent random to the factor node fn . The last messages are evaluated in the
variables and (c) rn depends on φn and ν (with n = 0, 1, ..., final part of each iteration and are set to 1 (neutral element
N − 1), but not on the other components of φ. It is easy to of the product operation in the SPA) at the beginning of the
show that first iteration. The final step in the downward message passing

  1 |rn − ẽ n zn |
2 consists of evaluating recursively the forward message5
fn rn |zn , ν̃, φ̃n =  exp − (13)
2 2σw2
2πσw μδn−1
n →φn =
. n
μfn−1 →φn−1 μδn−1 →φn−1 δn−1 dφ̃n−1
. Γφn−1
where ẽn = exp(j2πnν̃ + j φ̃n ), and that (22)
 −1 from the factor node δn−1 to the variable node φn , and the
f (φ̃) = f (φ̃0 ) f (φ̃n |φ̃n−1 ) (14) backward message6

since the elements of φ are consecutive samples of a discrete- μδnn+1 →φn = μfn+1 →φn+1 μδn+2 →φn+1 δnn+1 dφ̃n+1
time Markov process [5], [11]. Note that (23)
f (φ̃n |φ̃n−1 ) = fΔ (φ̃n − φ̃n−1 ) (15) from the factor node δnn+1 to the variable node φn , with n = 0,
1, ..., N − 1. The final step in each iteration is represented by
where fΔ (x) the evaluation of the upward message

|x| μφn →fn = μδn−1n →φn · μδnn+1
→φn (24)
fΔ (x) = exp − 2 (16)
2πσφ 2σ φ from the variable node φn to the factor node fn and by that
. of the upward message
is the pdf of the phase increment Δn = (φn − φn−1 ), so that
N −1
(14) can be rewritten as . 
μν→fn = μfk →ν (25)
−1   k=0
f (φ̃) = f φ̃0 fΔ φ̃n − φ̃n−1 (17) k=n
n=1 from the variable node ν to the factor node fn , with n = 0,
or also as 1, ..., N − 1. After Nit iterations an estimate fˆ(ν̃) of the pdf
f (φ̃) = δ 0 n
δn−1 (18) 4 An explicit indication of the iteration index is omitted in the following
n=1 formulas to simplify the notation.
  5 Uniform pdfs are taken as initial conditions for both forward and backward
n . .
if we define δn−1 = fΔ φ̃n − φ̃n−1 and δ 0 = f (φ̃0 ) to messages, so that μδ0 →φ0 = μδN →φ = 1/2π.
N −1 N −1
simplify the notation. Substituting now (18) into (12) and 6 Forwardand backward messages are computed in parallel, exactly like in
adopting the simplified notation fn to denote the conditional the BCJR algorithm [48].

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can be evaluated multiplying all the messages reaching the the quantities in the right hand sides (RHSs) of (20), (25),
variable node associated with the CFO, i.e. as (see Fig. 1) (26) ((21), (22), (23), (24), (27)) are evaluated on the basis
(0) (0)
N −1 of the available particles {ν̃l } ({φ̃n,l }) of the CFO (PHN)
ˆ space and the Mν (Mφ ) messages {fˆ(ν̃l )} ({fˆ(φ̃n,l )}), i.e
(0) (0)
f (ν̃) = μfn →ν (26)
n=0 the weights of all the available particles, are transmitted in
parallel to the neighboring nodes; (c) after accomplishing Npf
Similarly, an estimate fˆ(φ̃n ) of f (φ̃n ) can be evaluated as
  consecutive iterations (with Npf < Nit ) over the FG of Fig. 1,
. (0) (0)
fˆ φ̃n = μδn−1
n →φn · μδn n+1
→φn · μfn →φn (27) each of the particles {ν̃l } ({φ̃n,l }) characterized by a weight
fˆ(ν̃l ) (26) (fˆ(φ̃n,l ) (27)) below a given threshold εν (εφ ) is
(0) (0)
with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1. Finally, the estimates ν̂ ( φ̂n ) (0) (0)
removed from its space, so that Sν (Sφn ) surviving particles
of ν (φn ) can be computed looking for the value of ν̃ (0) (0) (0) (0)
(φ̃n ) maximizing fˆ(ν̃) (26) (fˆ(φ̃n ) (27) with n = 0, 1, ..., remain; (d) Fν = Mν − Sν (Fφn = Mφn − Sφn ) new
N − 1). Unluckily, simple expressions for the evaluation of CFO (PHN) particles are generated through space resampling
(1) (1)
the messages in the SPA-based technique illustrated above [49], so that a new particle set {ν̃l } ({φ̃n,l }) drawn from the
cannot be found, because of the unavailability of closed form CFO (PHN) space with the same overall number of particles
expressions for the integrals in (20)–(23). This problem can is generated and the procedure can restart from step (b) to be
be also related to the fact that the parameters ν and {φn , repeated Nit /Npf times.
n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1} are continuous, so that their pdfs It is important to point out that:
are continuous functions. Despite all this, an approximate and 1) in the implementation of this procedure the cardinality
computationally efficient solution can be derived from these of the particle spaces is kept fixed in all the iterations,
results, as illustrated in the next Paragraph. It is important to in order to ensure a constant computational load;
note that equations similar to (21)–(23) have been devised in 2) this strategy updates the particle spaces (Nit /Npf ) times
[5] and in [42] for PHN estimation in SC modulation, where, when processing a single OFDM symbol;
however, CFO contribution was not taken into account and 3) the final estimate ν̂ (φ̂n ) of the CFO ν (PHN sample
the intractable sum-product rules have been approximated by φn , with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1) is represented by the
canonical distributions in [5], quantization technique in [5] particle maximizing (26) ((27)) over the corresponding
and in [42], gradient method and particle methods in [42]. final particle space Γ̃ν (Γ̃φn ).
In the following the resulting data-aided estimator is dubbed
B. A Simplified Algorithm Based on Space Discretization and
Joint carrier Frequency offset and Phase noise Estimator
Particle Filtering
Based on the SPA (JFPE-BSPA, briefly). As illustrated in
To simplify the SPA-based estimator illustrated in the Section IV, this algorithm, if employed in a decision-directed
previous Paragraph we resorted to a combination of two fashion, can be exploited to devise a new iterative strategy,
distinct techniques, namely space discretization and particle- jointly estimating data, CFO and PHN. However, before
filtering [49], [50]. The first technique consists of replacing the analysing this application, it is important to assess the compu-
continuous space Γφn of (20) (Γν of (21), with n = 0, 1, ..., tational complexity of the JFPE-BSPA and to compare it with
N −1) with a set Γ̃φn (Γ̃ν ) containing Mφ (Mν ) distinct values that of other existing strategies.
belonging to the same space. It can be exploited to compute
the quantities (20)–(23) via numerical integration [42], [51]
C. Computational Complexity
and for an approximate
  search of the maxima of the pdfs
ˆ ˆ
f (ν̃) (26) and f φ̃n (27). A grid-based discretization [51] In this Paragraph, the computational complexity of the
JFPE-BSPA is compared with the CFO & PHN compensa-
may require, however, an appreciable computational effort to
tion algorithms illustrated in [35] and in [8], and dubbed
approach closely the performance of a continuous SPA-based
Nikitopoulos-Polydoros Frequency offset and Phase noise
algorithm, as evidenced by previous work on phase estimation
Compensator (NP-FPC) and Robertson-Kaiser Frequency off-
[5]. To circumvent this problem, particle filtering has been
set and Phase noise Compensator (RK-FPC), respectively. It
exploited. For an overview of PF over factor graph see [52]–
is worth noting that: (a) on the one hand, the NP-FPC and
[53]. This method consists of approximating a continuous pdf
the RK-FPC directly compensate for the joint effects of both
with some random samples (called particles) of its domain
CFO and PHN and that, on the other hand, the JFPE-BSPA
space, each characterized by a numerical weight, depending on
first estimates CFO & PHN and uses such estimates for phase
the pdf itself; if the value taken on by a given weight is below
correction in the received signal samples; (b) the NP-FPC and
a certain threshold, the corresponding particle can be removed
RK-FPC are open-loop algorithms, whereas the JFPE-BSPA
from the sample space and replaced by a new one generated
is an iterative algorithm requiring multiple (Nit ) iterations for
resampling the pdf near the remaining particles. The adopted
convergence. The last need arises from the fact that the JFPE-
PF algorithm operates as follows: (a) at the beginning the
. . BSPA requires an estimate of the CFO (PHN) to assess the
space Γν = [−0.5, 0.5] (Γφn = [−π, π]) of the CFO (PHN)
PHN (CFO), and, since the FG of Fig. 1 is not cycle-free, an
is uniformly sampled taking Mν (Mφ ) equally spaced particles
(0) (0) iterative parameter updating procedure, like that described in
{ν̃l ∈ Γ̃ν } ({φ̃n,l ∈ Γ̃φn }, with n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1)7 ; (b) Section III, must be accomplished.
7 We remember that the proposed algorithm is thought to correct only the The expressions of the overall number of real multiplies
fractional part of the CFO. (rms) and real additions (ras) required by the above mentioned
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Algorithm Overall number of complex multiplies and complex additions

2Mν Mφ Mφ2
N Nit · (2Mν Mφ + Npf + 6Mφ + Npf ) + N · (2Mφ + Mν ) mult.
N Nit · (2Mν Mφ + Nνpf φ + 2Mφ + Npfφ ) add.
N Nit · (4Mν Mφ + 6Mφ + Mφ2 ) + N · (2Mφ + Mν ) mult.
N Nit · (7Mν Mφ + 2Mφ + Mφ2 ) add.
3N 2 + 20N mult.
N 2 + 12N add.
18N mult.
9N add.

algorithms, when processing a single OFDM symbol, are listed transmitting equally spaced pilot symbols [54], so that a data-
in Table I. We note that the complexity of the RK-FPC and aided training of the system can be regularly accomplished at
NP-FPC grows linearly and quadratically, respectively, with the receiver side. In the following it is assumed that each pilot
the number of subcarriers N and that the multiplicative coeffi- OFDM symbol is followed by (D − 1) information symbols,
cient of the parameter N for the JFPE-BSPA increases with the so that the pilot symbol rate is equal to 1/D.
number of iterations Nit and with the cardinality Mφ and Mν In RK-FPC [8] and in NP-FPC [35] pilot data are exploited
of the discretized spaces of the PHN and CFO, respectively. to compute proper complex coefficients; then, these are em-
Moreover in the same table we illustrate a computational ployed to compensate for the CFO & PHN in the received
complexity of the system derived in Paragraph III.A using signal samples, without explicitly estimating these synchro-
not the Particle Filtering to operate on the continuous values nization parameters. Unluckily, as illustrated in Section V,
of the parameters, but using the basic quantization technique a substantial performance degradation is found when such
illustrated in [5] where the continuous values are replaced by compensation algorithms operate in a decision-directed (DD)
some of the samples taken from their continuous space Γν fashion to update their coefficients during the transmission of
(CFO) and Γφn (PHN). This algorithm, called WPF-JFPE- information symbols. In fact, abrupt variations in the CFO
BSPA (without PF JFPE-BSPA), does not update its samples and/or in the PHN, due to Doppler and/or oscillator instabili-
like in Particle Filtering approach and it is briefly analyzed ties, cannot be easily tracked and compensated for in this way.
in this paragraph to assess the computational saving coming This problem can be solved using the JFPE-BSPA for both
from the use of the PF algorithm over traditional quantization system initialization in pilot symbol intervals and tracking
technique. Note that the JFPE-BSPA updates the CFO and during the transmission of information symbols. However, be-
PHN samples spaces (Γ̃ν and Γ̃φn ) every Npf iterations, with fore illustrating how the JFPE-BSPA can be exploited for data
Npf < Nit , whereas in the WPF-JFPE-BSPA these spaces detection, it is important to clarify some important aspects. In
remain static, so that the computational complexity of the fact as it was illustrated in [5], a factor graph approach for
WPF-JFPE-BSPA can be obtained from that of the JFPE- PHN estimation in SC modulations can be exploited to update
BSPA setting Npf = 1. If N = 256, Nit = 4, Npf = 2, the a posteriori probability of the transmitted data if they are
Mφ = 11, and Mν = 11 are selected, these formulas yield properly inserted inside the graph representation, resulting in
the following results: ∼ 4.35 · 105 rms and ∼ 4.33 · 105 ras a soft maximum a posteriori (MAP) detector. This strategy
for the JFPE-BSPA, ∼ 2.01 · 105 rms and ∼ 6.86 · 104 ras for can be properly extended to OFDM modulation adding at
the NP-FPC and, finally, ∼ 4.61 · 103 rms and ∼ 2.31 · 103 ras the bottom of the time domain factor graph representation
for the RK-FPC. Moreover, as evidenced by the simulation of Fig. 1 the nodes corresponding to the transmitted data.
results shown in Section V, the WPF-JFPE-BSPA requires But this is not the only required operation, like would be for
large values for the cardinalities Mφ and Mν of the sample SC modulation, because, as was asserted at the beginning of
spaces and that, in particular, it can approach closely NP-FPC Section III, the transmitted symbols in an OFDM system are
performance with Mφ = 25, Mν = 25. In this case, despite generated in the frequency domain and an IDFT operation is
the fact that the computational complexity of the WPF-JFPE- needed for the message coming from these data nodes to the
BSPA (∼ 3.37 · 106 rms and ∼ 5.17 · 106 ras) is about 10 function nodes δnn+1 , with n = 0, ..., N − 2. This is needed
times larger than that of the JFPE-BSPA, the latter algorithm because, as it was illustrated in Fig. 1 and in Section III, the
substantially outperforms the former one. This evidences the PHN estimation strategy is implemented in the time domain.
importance of combining the SPA with a PF strategy in the Moreover when such PHN estimation is accomplished, to
investigated estimation problem. update the message coming from the function nodes to the
data nodes, a DFT operation would be needed to pass again
IV. I TERATIVE E STIMATION OF DATA , CFO AND PHN in the frequency domain. This procedure, that would overload
the OFDM detection strategy, is not needed for SC modulation
In OFDM mobile transmissions robust tracking of both CFO because the symbols generated at the transmitter side, received
and PHN is usually needed. This target is usually achieved at the receiver side and transmitted over the wireless channel
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r (l ) r (l ) , rˆ (l ) R (l ) Discard
nel coding scheme8 . In the l-th symbol interval the de-
DFT Virtual Deinterleaver
Carriers tection/synchronization procedure evolves according to the
(A) (B)
tˆ1(l 1)
tˆ (2l ) following steps. At the beginning the switch connects point A
to the multiplier and a (coarse) phase & frequency correction
is accomplished in the time domain received vector r(l) (5)
Coarse Fine Equalization
Correction Correction Decoding
using the frequency estimate ν̂ (l−1) and the last element
φ̂N −1 of the noise vector φ̂(l−1) . This produces the vector
. (l−1) (l−1) (l−1)
ˆ(l )
N 1 ˆ (l )
a(l ) aˆ ( l )
r̃ = r(l) ⊗ t̂(l−1) , where t̂(l−1) = [t̂0
, t̂1 , ..., t̂N −1 ],
(l−1) (l−1)
ˆ (l ) JFPE-BSPA Interleaver
Data t̂n = exp(−j(2πnν̂ (l−1) + φ̂N −1 )) with n = 0, 1, ...,
N − 1, and ⊗ denotes the Hadamard product. This vector
represents the input of a DFT generating the vector R̃(l) ;
Fig. 2. Block diagram of an OFDM iterative receiver based on the DD this, after deinterleaving and equalization in the frequency
JFPE-BSPA technique. The system configuration in the l-th OFDM interval domain, feeds a channel decoder producing the data estimate
is shown.
ã(l) . Then, the vector r(l) and an interleaved version of ã(l)
feed the JFPE-BSPA, that, after Nit iterations, generates the
estimates ν̂ (l) and {φ̂n , n = 0, 1, ..., N −1}. These estimates
are always in the time domain. For this reason, to keep the
are employed, after connecting point B to the multiplier, for
computational complexity of the proposed OFDM detector . (l)
a second (fine) correction r̂(l) = r(l) ⊗ t̂(l) , where t̂(l) = [t̂0 ,
closer to that of the competing strategies of [8] and [35] we (l) (l) (l) (l)
suggested not to modify the factor graph of Fig. 1 inserting t̂1 , ..., t̂N −1 ] and t̂n = exp(−j(2πnν̂ (l) /Ts + φ̂n )), with
the variables referring to the transmitted data, and the data a n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1. Then, the vector r̂(l) is processed exactly
posteriori probabilities are not updated with the soft message in the same way as r̃(l) to generate the final data estimate â(l) .
passing algorithm described above. On the other hand we Finally, we note that
propose to use the same graph of Fig. 1 in a decision directed 1) ν̂ (l) and the selected sample φ̂N −1 are preserved for the
(DD) fashion, where the known data exploited in Section III coarse correction procedure at the beginning of the next
are replaced by their hard decision to overcome the need of symbol interval;
extra DFT/IDFT operations as asserted above. Following this 2) the complexity of the DD JFPE-BSPA is given by that of
way (and only in this way) we saw that the computational its data-aided counterpart (see Table I) plus 6N log2 N
complexity of the JFPE-BSPA can be kept close to that of the rms and 6N log2 N ras due to the extra DFT; similar
estimator [8] and [35]. Moreover, simulation results show that comments apply to the DD NP-FPC and to the DD RK-
the adopted DD solution is able to achieve performance very FPC.
close to the ideal case and only a transcurable improvement
must be expected adopting the soft solution. V. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
For this reason we describe below how the JFPE-BSPA, In our work, the performance of the data-aided JFPE-
after being exploited for system training, can be used in a BSPA, NP-FPC and RK-FPC and that of the iterative receiver
DD manner for data detection. In particular, if pilot data structures based on a DD use of three techniques have been as-
are transmitted in the (l − 1)-th OFDM symbol interval, sessed by computer simulation. The receiver has been always
the estimates ν̂ (l−1) of ν (l−1) and φ̂(l−1) of φ(l−1) can be endowed with an ideal knowledge of the CIR and the proposed
computed via the JFPE-BSPA and can be used to initialize simulations results are grouped in three subsections: (1) JFPE-
decision-directed CFO & PHN tracking. In fact, in the next BSPA fed by the true transmitted data (known data or genie
interval they can be used to correct the frequency error, aided) as illustrated in Section III; (2) JFPE-BSPA employed
producing the residual ν̃ (l) = ν (l) − ν̂ (l−1) , and for reducing in the DD fashion, like illustrated in Section IV, with uncoded
the effect of the PHN. The last task can be accomplished data; (3) DD JFPE-BSPA employed in the coded structure of
compensating for the phase error in l-th OFDM symbol on Fig. 2.
the basis of the estimate of the last PHN sample evaluated In all the following results it is always assumed that: (a)
in the previous one, so that the residual phase error becomes the phase noise is modeled as a Wiener process with zero
(l) (l) (l−1)
φ̃n = φn − φ̂N −1 , with n = 0, 1, ..., N −1. Then a decision mean and variance σφ2 = γ/N ; (b) the DFT order is N = 256
ã(l) can be taken on the data vector a(l) and can be used to and the roll-off factor is α = 0.13, so that Nα = 112 and the
generate the new estimates ν̂ (l) and φ̂(l) to be employed in the number of useful subcarriers is Nu = 225; (c) the length of the
successive symbol interval. This procedure can be repeated cyclic prefix is Ncp = 30; (d) the SNR is defined as Eb /N0 ,
in all the following information symbol intervals until a new where Eb is the average received energy per information bit;
pilot symbol is received and processed for retraining. A further (e) the overall number of iterations of the SPA is Nit = 4;
refinement in this procedure is introduced if, in the l-symbol (f) the PF algorithm adopts the thresholds εν = 10−10 and
interval, the data vector a(l) is estimated again after CFO and εφ = 10−10 , and Npf = 2, so that the PF algorithm updates
PHN compensation, producing the final estimate â(l) . the sample spaces after each couple of consecutive iterations;
These ideas have been exploited in the design of the 8 A similar architecture can be also employed in the absence of channel
iterative receiver structure shown in Fig. 2 and that can coding. In addition, the JFPE-BSPA can be easily replaced by the NP-FPC
be adopted in an OFDM system using an interleaved chan- or by the RK-FPC, both employed in a DD fashion.

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Fig. 3. BER performance of coherent receivers employing the JFPE-BSPA, Fig. 4. BER performance of iterative coherent receivers employing the DD
the WPF-JFPE-BSPA, the RK-FPC and the NP-FPC. The error performance JFPE-BSPA, the DD RK-FPC and the DD NP-FPC techniques. The error
of a coherent detector endowed with an ideal knowledge of both CFO and performance of a coherent detector endowed with an ideal knowledge of
PHN and that of a coherent detector exploiting only the pilot-based Moose’s both CFO and PHN is also shown for comparison. A 4-QAM modulation is
synchronizer (MFEC) are also shown for comparison. A QPSK modulation employed.
is employed and the CFO & PHN estimation/compensation section is always
fed by the transmitted data.
overall number of transmitted OFDM symbols is not smaller
than 12000. We note that the performance of the both MFEC
(g) the channel model (1) is characterized by L = 16 taps and
and RK-FPC exhibits a large error floor; this is due to the
by the exponential power delay profile [28]
fact that the first technique estimates and corrects the CFO
1 − exp(−1/5) only, neglecting the PHN contribution, whereas the second
σ 2 (l) = exp(−l/5) (28)
1 − exp(−L/5) one compensates for the CPE contribution only, not taking
with l = 0, 1, ..., 15. into account the presence of ICI. The NP-FPC performs better
than the RK-FPC, since it compensates for both the CPE and
ICI effects, but does not substantially lower the error floor.
A. JFPE-BSPA fed by true data (known data)
The results referring to the SPA-based techniques show that
To assess the accuracy of above the JFPE-BSPA, NP-FPC the JFPE-BSPA performance improves with an increase of Mφ
and RK-FPC, their impact on the performance of a coherent and Mν and that it is close to the lower bound in case #2.b9 .
receiver in which the PHN & CFO estimation/compensation Moreover, they evidence that the WPF-JFPE-BSPA requires a
section is fed by the transmitted data has been analysed. Some substantially larger complexity to achieve similar performance
results are shown in Fig. 3, that compares the bit error rate as the JFPE-BSPA. For this reason the WPF-JFPE-BSPA is not
(BER) performance offered in this case by the JFPE-BSPA, taken into consideration again in the following.
the WPF-JFPE-BSPA, the NP-FPC and the RK-FPC with that
of a coherent receiver operating in the absence of CFO and
PHN (lower bound, LB) and with that of a coherent receiver B. DD JFPE-BSPA in an uncoded system
exploiting the Moose Frequency Estimation and Correction Fig. 4 illustrates the BER performance of various DD
technique (MFEC) [24], a simple pilot aided synchronizer receivers based on the iterative architecture described in the
where the correlation between two identical pilot OFDM previous Section in the case of an uncoded transmission
symbols is used to accomplished CFO estimation without employing a 4-QAM modulation format with Gray-mapping
taking account the PHN process in the received signal. In this [55]. The performance of a coherent receiver operating in the
case the following additional assumptions have been made: (1) absence of CFO and PHN (LB) is also shown for comparison.
the channel symbols {ak } belong to a QPSK constellation; In these results it is always assumed that: (1) the OFDM
(2) the channel is quasi static; (3) the CFO (the first PHN transmission is organized in frames, each consisting of 20
sample) ν (l) ∈ U(−0.2, 0.2) ( φ0 ∈ U(−π/2, π/2)) for any information symbols, preceded by one pilot symbol for data-
l, i.e. it is uniformly distributed over the interval [−0.2, 0.2] aided CFO and PHN estimation & correction (the pilot symbol
([−π/2, π/2]) and changes abruptly between consecutive sym- rate is Rp = 1/20); (2) the Wiener phase noise has variance
bols; (4) the PHN samples {φn , n = 1, 2, ..., N − 1} are γ = 0.01 and at the beginning of each pilot symbol the first
generated according to the Markov model (6); (5) the Wiener PHN sample is set to zero10 ; (3) the CIR is static over each
process has variance γ = 0.1; (6) in the space discretization frame and independent CIR realizations over distinct frames
of the JFPE-BSPA we have Mν = Mφ = 11 (case #1.a) or
9 Simulation results have also evidenced that a further increase in M and
Mν = Mφ = 17 (case #2.a); (7) in the space discretization ν
Mφ produces a negligible performance gain.
of the WPF-JFPE-BSPA we have Mν = Mφ = 25 (case 10 Note that any constant component in the PHN process can be absorbed
#1.b) or Mν = Mφ = 41 (case #2.b); (8) for any SNR the in the CIR taps.

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illustrated. Its derivation is based on a factor graph approach

and relies on the sum-product algorithm. It has been also
shown that the proposed algorithm, if exploited in a decision-
directed fashion, can be employed in an iterative receiver,
jointly estimating data, CFO and PHN. Simulation results
have evidenced that this receiver structure offers excellent
performance, substantially outperforming all the other existing
algorithms and approaching that of an ideal coherent receiver,
at the price of a reasonable complexity increase.

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channels,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1182–1188, July
[33] F. Zuccardi Merli and G. M. Vitetta, “Blind feedforward frequency esti- Filippo Zuccardi Merli was born in Correggio,
mation for OFDM signals transmitted over multipath fading channels,” Italy, in July 1980. He received the Dr. Ing. degree in
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications 2006, Instanbul, Turkey, June electronic engineering (cum laude) in 2004 from the
2006. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena,
[34] T. Keller, L. Piazzo, P. Mandarini, and L. Hanzo, “Orthogonal frequency Italy, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D.
division multiplex synchronization techniques for frequency-selective degree.
fading channels,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. In 2006-2007 he spent one year as a Visiting
999–1008, June 2001. Scholar at the Department of Electrical Engineering
[35] K. Nikitopoulos and A. Polydoros, “Phase-impairment effects and of the Columbia University, New York, NY. His
compensation algorithms for OFDM systems,” IEEE Trans. Commun., research interests lie in the areas of wireless com-
vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 698–707, Apr. 2005. munications techniques, with particular emphasis on
[36] S. Wu and Y. Bar-Ness, “A phase noise suppression algorithm for multicarrier modulation, synchronization, multiuser detection and statistical
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537, Dec. 2002.
[37] F. R. Kschischang, B. J. Frey, and H.-A. Loeliger, “Factor graphs and Giorgio M. Vitetta (S’89-M’91-SM99) was born in
the sum-product algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, no. Reggio Calabria, Italy, in April 1966. He received
2, pp. 498–519, Feb. 2001. the Dr. Ing. degree in electronic engineering (cum
[38] P. M. Djuric, J. H. Kotecha, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Ghirmai, M. F. laude) in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree in 1994, both
Bugallo, and J. Miguez, “Particle filtering,” IEEE Signal Processing from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Mag., vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 19–38, Sept. 2003. In 1992/1993, he spent a period at the University
[39] Y. Huang and P. M. Djuric, “A blind particle filtering detector of signals of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zeland, doing
transmitted over flat fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, research for digital communications on fading chan-
vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1891–1900, July 2004. nels. From 1995 to 1998, he was a Research Fellow
[40] V. Krishnamurthy, C. R. N. Athaudage, and D. Huang, “Adaptive OFDM with the Department of Information Engineering,
synchronization algorithms based on discrete stochastic approximation,” University of Pisa. From 1998 to 2001, he was an
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1561–1574, Apr. 2005 Associate Professor of Telecommunications with the University of Modena
[41] P. A. Bello, “Characterization of randomly time-variant linear channels,” and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, where he is currently a full Professor
IEEE Trans. Commun. Syst., vol. 9, pp. 360-393, Dec. 1963. of Telecommunications. His main research interests lie in the broad area
[42] J. Dauwels and H.-A. Loeliger, “Phase estimation by message passing,” of communication theory, with particular emphasis on coded modulation,
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications 2004, vol. 1, pp. 523–527, synchronization and channel equalization.
June 2004. Dr. Vitetta is serving as an Editor of both the IEEE T RANSACTIONSON
[43] M. Morelli and U. Mengali, “A comparison of pilot-aided channel ON C OMMUNICATIONS and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON W IRELESS C OM -
estimation methods for OFDM systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, MUNICATIONS .
vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 3065–3073, Dec. 2001.

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