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(1) There were more settlers living in the British colonies than in New France.

(2) The British colonies were easier to defend because they were concentrated
along the Atlantic coast.
(3) The English settlers were willing to fight hard to save their land, homes, and
Jeffery Amherst,TEdward Braddock, James Wolfe, Earl of Loudoun
James Abercrombie, Edward Boscawen, George Washington, John Forbes

(1) France controlled more land in North America than Britain did.
(2) New France had a single colonial government that could act quickly, but the British had
consult 13 different governments.
(3) France sent ships and professional soldiers to America instead of depending on its
(4) The French could rely on the help from their Native American allies.

Cloron's expedition, Attack on Pickawillany, French fort construction

Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, Marquis de Vaudreuil, Baron Dieskau, Franois-Marie

de Lignery, Chevalier de Lvis, Joseph de Jumonville, Marquis Duquesne, Daniel
Lienard de Beaujeu

The Battle at Fort Necessity: George Washington

surrendered and was sent back to Virginia. This started the
French & Indian War.
The Battle of the Wilderness: General Braddock died, 900
were killed or wounded.

The French and British had a long rivalry that stretched back centuries.
Tensions between Britain and France grew over the Bay of Fundy. Britain
was also concerned for its colonies safety from the French Canadian

Battle at Oswego: The French captured the British fort at

Massacre at Fort William Henry: Fort William Henry captured
by French

The war sparked when both countries settled in the New World.

Battle at Fort Louisburg: British capture fort in Montral.

The Capture of Quebec: British forces charged into Quebec
and took the city.

The basic strategy of the British was to drive out the pro French tribes and
French settlers around the Great Lakes area to isolate Quebec and secure the
borders of the 13 Colonies. They used their naval fleet to cut off New France
from Europe to prevent French trade and stop reinforcements.

40 million
Approximately 5,000

The French tried to rely on their large army in Europe to win the war. They
planned to send reinforcements to the colonies as needed but failed to
get their troops past the strong British Navy.

35 million

Approximately 5,000

Treaty of Paris

The 13 colonies began to move

west, the first step towards
Manifest Destiny. The Native
Americans lost their land and
began assimilating and losing
their culture.

10 February 1763

France lost Canada to Great Britain

and all claims to territory east of the
Mississippi. Spain, in order to recover
Cuba which Britain had
taken, gave up
Florida. New Orleans and Louisiana
went to Spain.

The Colonists were fighting for their country, on their soil. They had a larger
incentive to win. They didnt have to send reinforcements all the way across
the Atlantic. They were fighting on familiar ground and had many veterans
of the French & Indian War. They were obviously at a disadvantage in terms
of size and firepower. Luckily they had a lot of opportunities to offset or
even steal British supplies.

Great Britain had the largest Naval fleet and army in the World.
They had a constant flow of supplies and reinforcements. Their
disadvantages included the distance between the country and
the battleground, and their soldiers had to fight on unfamiliar

Taxes and acts passed by the British government. Lack of

representation in Parliament.

British debts after the French & Indian War. Constant

oppression towards the colonists by Britain.

Stamp Act, Lexington & Concord.

The Continental Army used some strange tactics in their desperate

attempt to win. They used the Indian's technique of guerrilla
warfare, and launched several key surprise attacks.

Paul Revere, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, John Adams.

George Washington, Horatio Gates, Nathanael Greene

King George III

Charles Cornwallis, William Howe, John Burgoyne, Thomas


Lexington and Concord, April 1775

Bunker Hill, June 1775
Quebec, December 1775
Charleston, June 1776
Trenton, December 1776
Saratoga, October 1777
Rhode Island, August 1778
Kings Mountain, October 1780
Cowpens, January 1781
Yorktown, October 1781

$151 Million

Approximately 50,000

The British tried to divide the colonies and get them to

argue. The also tried to get the Native Americans angry at
the colonists. They wanted a quick and decisive defeat but
failed and eventually lost the war.

96 Million
Approximately 30,000 including Hessians

Treaty of Paris
September 3, 1783

Americans were finally American,

Native Americans continued to loose
land, states gained their own
governments. America became an
established nations.

Great Britain recognized American independence.

Northern border of U.S. set along Great Lakes.
Mississippi River set as boundary between U.S.
and Spanish territory. Florida was returned to
Spain. Great Britain agreed to withdraw troops
from U.S. territory. Congress recommended that
the rights and property of Loyalists be returned

Outnumbered the British with amount of ships

Used personal weapons, outnumbered, limited battlefield
experience, limited money bad army, not prepared.

A lot of weapons, supply chains, outnumbered the

Americans, had a good army.
Many ships were at war with France, so they were
outnumbered ship-wise. Unfamiliar soil.

Impressment of U.S. sailors, interference in trade. British

didnt evacuate all forts in North America
The Northwest frontier wars between Americans and Native

The restrictions on trade were getting

progressively worse until the US finally decided it
was enough.

Attempted to invade Canada three times, went on a

naval offensive.

James Madison, James Monroe.

Winfield Scott, James Wilkinson, William H. Harrison

Henry Bathurst, King George III, IV

Sir George Prevost, Sir Gordon Drummond, Sir Edward
Siege of Detroit - 15/16 August 1812
The Battle of Queenston Heights - 13 October 1812
The Battle of Raisin River - 18 January 1813
The Battle of York - 27 April 1813
The Battle of Lake Erie - 10 September 1813
The Battle of Thames - 5 October 1813
The Battle of Chryslers Farm - 11 November 1813
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend - 27 March 1814
The Battle of Chippewa - 5 July 1814
The Battle of Lundys Lane - 25 July 1814
Burning of Washington - 24 August 1814
The Battle of Pkattsburgh - 11 September 1814
The Battle of Baltimore - 13/14 September 1814
The Battle of New Orleans - 8 January 1815

$200 Million


Wouldnt make a move until they knew what the Americans

were doing. They planned for 3-part invasion
Text of US:
Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain, & the mouth of the
Mississippi River

120 Million
Treaty of Ghent

The United States gained respect at home and in Europe.

English influence in the Northwest Territory was ended.
Americans began to show a new sense of patriotism and pride
in their country. Strong feeling of nationalism.

24 December 1814

No side gained or lost territory, the Orders in

Council and impressment of sailors wasnt
addressed. No mention of free trade or sailors

The US had more manpower and better weapons. They had

major naval superiority. Soldiers were well disciplined.
Some of the battles were on unfamiliar soil.

Small, unprepared army.

The US offered Mexico a price for some

of their land, and Mexico was offended by
the low offer, and aggressions started.

Apparently U.S. soldiers were killed.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

US annexes Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico

Better transportation, factories.

Ulysses S. Grant

William Sherman, Joseph Hooker

Skilled in fighting, better commanders, they were fighting a

defensive war.

Jefferson Davis

Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, George Pickett.


Protective Tariff, free homesteads.

Wanted freedom for A.A.

South secedes from North

Capture Richmond, expel confederates from border

states. Control Mississippi river, blockade southern

Capture D.C.
Control Border States
Get support of Great Britain

The US is reunified.

Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Antietam
Stonewalls Death
Battle of Little Round Top

Had a powerful Navy

Lacked a good fleet and their ships had bad designs.

Yellow journalism, imperialism, militarism

George Dewey

General Weyler

America destroys the Caribbean Spanish fleet.

World Power

USS Maine explosion

Take out Spanish ships in the Caribbean.

Defense, keep their land.

Treaty of Paris
10 December 1898
Started a trading ban with Cuba that stills exists today.
Spain lost control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam

Russia pulled out early

America had illy trained men.
England had best Navy

Pershing (Black Jack)

Alvin C. York

Woodrow Wilson


Second Battle of Marre, American Doughboys came in at

France, started the German withdrawl.

Death of Austria-Hungary dude. Arch-Duke Ferdinand.

Treaty of Versailles
US established as a major world power.

Germany made to pay for war debts, League of Nations formed.

Stronger military force.



Atomic Bomb

U Boats
Adolf Hitler

Very intelligent leader.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki

German and Japanese aggressions

Liberation of Concentration Camps

Pearl Harbor.
Attack on Pearl Harbor

U.S. established as most powerful nation in the world.

Variety of Treaties


Germany and Japan made to pay for war

debts. Treaty shaped modern Europe.

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